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对虾神經索中凡显微鏡能分辨清楚的纤維都具有明显的髓鞘。据在30微米以上的紆維的測定結果,軸索与纤維直径比約为0.6—0.8。用普通光及偏光显微鏡在固定或活构料均未能在髓鞘中找到类似郎氏节及Schmidt-Lantermann氏切迹的結构。由电子显微鏡观察得知,对虾神經纤維的髓鞘是由排列整齐而致密的、明暗交替的片层构成,片层周期为80A,暗层与明层之比为3:4。此外,在致密片层中尚能见到散在的周期为750A的寬片层区,階层与明层之比为1:5,明层中还有断续的中线。此区的形状、大小及分布情况无一定規律。  相似文献   
冬眠周期长短不同的蒙古黄鼠(Citellus dauricus)...   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult Mongolian ground squirrels (Citellus dauricus) were kept at 5 degrees C in winter and divided into four experimental groups according to the bout length. The first group was not hibernating until decapitation. The bout length of the second group was between 4-10 days, the third group 11-17 days and the fourth group longer than 20 days. All pineals were sampled at the end of January. Morphometric analytical procedures were used to study the ultrastructure of the distal part of the pineal gland. The statistical results demonstrated that 1) the euthermic animals have larger cross areas of pinealocyte, longer and narrower Golgi apparatus and more number of saccules of each Golgi apparatus (P less than 0.01). But they also have smaller volume density of vaculoes, less lipid droplets and associated vesicles around Golgi apparatus (P less than 0.01). 2) the hibernating animals with variety of bout length had no significant differences in the number of mitochondria, lipid droplets, lysosomes, the size of Golgi apparatus and the cross areas of nucleus and cytoplasm (P greater than 0.05). However, the number and the cross areas of vacuoles were significantly increased with the bout length (P less than 0.01). This might suggest that the bout length was not related to the metabolic activity of pinealocytes in Citellus dauricus and vacuoles might play some important roles in maintenance of individual bout of hibernation in this species.  相似文献   
螯虾腹屈肌的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沼虾神经纤维髓鞘的超显微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沼虾神經索用锇酸固定并制成切片供电子显微鏡观察,我們看到沼虾神經纤維有三种不同的髓鞘結构:第一种是部分含有片层,片层寬度約240A;第二种是全部为片层,片层式样与第一种相同;第三种也是全部为片层,但片层式样与前二者不同,片层寬度达420A。沼虾髓鞘的这几种結构看来可代表髓鞘的不同发达程度。虾髓鞘片层的式样与脊椎动物的片层不同,这暗示这种細胞內結构具有多样性。在沼虾的一些神經纤維中还看到长的皺摺伸入軸浆。  相似文献   
对虾腹神經索的神經纤維軸浆中含一纤維状結构,宛似神經纤維內尚包含一根小纤維。本文用光学及电子显微鏡在活的或固定标本中对它的形态进行了观察。主要按其在固定标本中所表現的形态上的特点,这种結构大致可以分为两类。第一类較細,横切面呈环形,有圓形的比較稠密的虽然厚薄不甚均勻的壁,壁內的胞浆与軸浆有一定差异,其中含有絮状物和一些成形体。壁主要是由一束一束整齐的直径約200A的亚显微絲組成。这一类結构,可以看見存在于腹神經索中大多数較粗的神經纤維內,其直径約为其所在纤維的直径的1/10—1/6。第二类較粗,横切面形状不規則,虽然亦有壁和所包围的胞浆,但壁的組織比較疏松,有許多皺折向內伸,缺乏整齐的亚显微細絲束。这一类結构存在于腹神經索的运动纤維內,其中大运动神經纤維所含的結构特別粗,可达纤維直径的3/4左右。  相似文献   
蒙古黄鼠(Citellus dauricus)松果腺的超微结构观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The distal part of pineal gland of the Mongolian ground squirrel was ultrastructurally studied. The gland was composed of low electron-dense parenchymal cells, among which glial cells, pigment cells, blood vessels and neural elements were occasionally interspersed. The pinealocytes contained numerous mitochondria, lysosomes, microtubules, microfilaments, Golgi apparatus and free ribosomes, as well as less prominent profiles of rough- and smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticula and some cilia, centrioles, synaptic ribbons and few subsurface cisterns. Some pinealocytes were vacuolated. The content of the vacuoles released into the extracellular space by exocytosis could be observed. The gap junctions between pinealocytes were also observed. Of particular interest was that many mitochondria "fused together" and formed gap junction-like structure in about five percent pinealocytes. The pigment cell has a amorphous nucleus which contains many aggregated chromatin, its cell membrane has a few microvilli projecting into a central lumen, these features may indicated that this kind of cell differs either from the pinealocyte or astrocyte. There are axo-axonic synapses or axo-dendritic synapses between neuron processes or between neuron processes and pinealocytes.  相似文献   
用电子显微镜观察,发现螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)腹屈肌浅层(慢肌,tonic fiber)肌纤维和深层(快肌,twitch fiber)肌纤维的超微结构存在显著差异。浅层腹屈肌肌原纤维有相对长的肌节(5—10μm),肌原纤维直径较大,每根粗肌丝周围有9—12根细肌丝环绕,细肌丝与粗肌丝数量比约为6∶1;深层腹屈肌有相对短的肌节(3—4.5μm),肌原纤维直径较小,每根粗肌丝周围有6根细肌丝环绕,细肌丝与粗肌丝数量比为3∶1。以上结果提示,在决定螯虾腹屈肌收缩速度方面,可能肌原纤维直径大小比肌节长度更为重要。细、粗肌丝排列方式也可能与收缩速度有关。这与脊椎动物骨骼肌的情况是不同的。  相似文献   
电子显微镜观察表明正常大白鼠膈肌卫星细胞的平均长度在终板区明显地比非终板区大,而卫星细胞的数目无显著区别。去神经或秋水仙碱处理膈神经后3天,与肌纤维的乙酰胆碱敏感性增高的出现相伴随,肌纤维卫星细胞的平均长度比对照组增加,但卫星细胞的平均数目无明显变化;同时,卫星细胞长度增加的程度在非终板区都比终板区大。去神经同时给放线菌素 D3天后,在肌纤维卫星细胞长度变化受阻的同时乙酰胆碱敏感性增高的发展亦被抑制。  相似文献   
本文报告我们对长沙马王堆一号汉墓女尸腰大肌、心肌、肾组织、肋软骨、皮肤几种组织和胶原纤维的亚显微结构的观察结果和对腰大肌进行的微量抽提的结果。在以上各种组织中,都可以观察到有细胞轮廓,并在不同程度上保存一些亚细胞结构如细胞浆膜、细胞核和一些类似内质网系和线粒体的残存结构等,而以软骨细胞保存最为完好。在上述一些组织的细胞间还有具清晰可见的周期性带状结构的胶原纤维,带的周期约550至600(?),每一周期内还可辨出7至11条横纹。虽然在腰大肌部分区域还可以看出有横纹结构,但从微量抽提的结果来看古尸肌肉在开棺时这些区域的收缩蛋白结构大概已有相当变化。在一些组织中还观察到大量保存较好的芽孢状物,它们大概是杆菌的芽孢。  相似文献   
蒙古黄鼠松果腺主要由低电子密度的松果腺细胞和少量的胶质细胞、含色素细胞、神经突起及血管等组成。松果腺细胞内含有大量的线粒体、溶酶体、微丝、高尔基器、游离核糖体及中等量的光面和粗面内质网。纤毛、中心粒、突触带和致密芯小泡很少。松果腺细胞之间及胶质细胞之间存在电突触。最新被观察到的是大约有5%松果腺细胞内的线粒体产生“融合”现象,形成类似电突触的结构。神经突起可形成轴—轴突触,轴—树突触,并与松果腺细胞形成突触。  相似文献   
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