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采用细胞内质粒DNA同源重组方法, 将人肝细胞生长因子基因构建于E1, E3区缺失的复制缺陷型5型腺病毒载体上, 获得携带人肝细胞生长因子基因(HGF)的重组腺病毒Ad-HGF. 在293细胞中扩增后用氯化铯密度梯度离心法扩增制备Ad-HGF和Ad-GFP(携带绿色荧光蛋白报告基因的重组腺病毒), 然后, 用Ad-GFP和Ad-HGF体外分别转染原代培养的兔耳瘢痕成纤维细胞, 观察体外转染效率及表达, 并以新西兰兔耳瘢痕为体内模型, 观察局部瘢痕组织中一次性注射Ad-HGF后对已形成瘢痕的治疗作用. 结果显示: (ⅰ) Ad-GFP感染原代培养兔瘢痕成纤维细胞后, 3 d时转染效率为(36.8 ± 14.1)%, 并持续表达20 d以上. (ⅱ) 用ELISA方法检测Ad-HGF感染原代培养兔瘢痕成纤维细胞后HGF的表达, 结果感染后3 d表达量约为76 ng/4.0 ´ 105细胞. (ⅲ)用兔耳瘢痕模型观察在瘢痕内注射不同剂量(8.6 ´ 109, 8.6 ´ 108, 8.6 ´ 107, 8.6 ´ 106 pfu)的Ad-HGF, 于注射后第32天肉眼可见Ad-HGF治疗组瘢痕较治疗前明显缩小、变薄, 甚至与周围皮肤在同一水平. 这一效应呈剂量依赖性: 大、中剂量组(8.6 ´ 109, 8.6 ´ 108 pfu)治疗前后瘢痕肥大指数的减少有统计学意义(P<0.05), 尚可见不同程度再生的丛状新生毛, 低剂量组(8.6 ´ 107, 8.6 ´ 106 pfu)治疗后瘢痕肥大指数有减小但无统计学意义, 对照组多数瘢痕大小无明显变化. 光学显微镜观察组织切片显示, 治疗组真皮中纤维组织明显少于对照组, 并可见毛囊及皮脂腺的存在; 天狼猩红染色显示大剂量组创口中胶原纤维薄且稀少, 而低剂量组和对照组创口中仍有丰富的大而粗的Ⅰ型胶原. (ⅳ)治疗兔体内未检测到抗HGF抗体的存在. (ⅴ) 局部应用Ad-HGF所介导的基因只在局部表达, 不累及远隔的器官和组织, 也未见任何毒副作用. 结果提示, 以腺病毒介导人肝细胞生长因子基因治疗病理性瘢痕在整形外科中具有一定的应用前景.  相似文献   
Pathologic scar, characterized by excessive dermal fibrosis and scarring, is a common im-portant clinical sequela after wound healing. It often appears during wound healing after deep burn, surgical cutting and other injured skin. Accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins is a manifestation of increased collagen synthesis and/or reduced matrix degradation, resulting in excessive scarring with a deformed appearance and dysfunction[1]. To date, treatment modalities to scar include sur…  相似文献   
基因枪在大鼠闭塞性血管病基因治疗中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨利用基因枪技术转移肝细胞生长因子基因治疗大鼠肢体闭塞性血管病的可行性,构建了携带人肝细胞生长因子(HGF)基因的重组真核表达载体(pUDKH),在制备好大鼠下肢闭塞性血管病模型后,通过基因枪或肌肉直接注射法,向局部缺血部位肌肉中转移pUDKH,每只5ug(基因枪)和12ug(肌肉注射),应用常规组织病理切片(H.E.染色)及免疫组织化学方法观察血管形成及基因表达,转移pUDKH后第10天,用基因枪和直接注射法转移的局部肌肉组织的HGF的表达明显高于转移空白质粒(pUDK)的对照组,pUDKH组可见明显的小血管新生,而pUKD组至20天时仍未观察到或仅见到极少量的新生血管,基因枪与肌肉注射两组相比血管密度无明显差异,采用基因枪直接转移pUDKH裸露质粒子肢体缺血局部的方法是可行的,转移的基因可在局部有效表达,达到促进血管形成的预期目的。  相似文献   
A complementary DNA (cDNA) encoding human hepatocyte growth factor was introduced into a replication-defective type 5 adenovirus (lacking E1, E3 domains) vector by homologous recombination of intracellular plasmid DNA, thus a recombinant vector containing HGF (Ad-HGF) was obtained. Ad-HGF and Ad-GFP (adenovirus vector carrying green fluorescence protein gene) were expanded in 293 cells and purified by cesium chloride gradient centrifugation for large-scale preparation, then were infected to the primarily cultured scar fibroblast of rabbit ear to observe the transfer efficiency and expression level of HGF in vitro. To evaluate the effect of Ad-HGF on established scar Ad-HGF solution was injected into excessively formed scar, which bears some clinical and histologic similarities to human hypertrophic scars. The results showed that: (i) the transfer efficiency was 36.8% ±14.1% on day 3 in primarily cultured scar fibroblasts treated with Ad-GFP and lasted more than 20 d; (ii) high-level expression of HGF protein was detected by means of ELISA in supernatant of scar fibroblasts treated with Ad-HGF, the amount of expression was 76 ng/4.0 x 105 cells on day 3; (iii) on day 32 after a single intradermal injection of Ad-HGF at different doses (8.6 x 109 pfu, 8.6 x 108 pfu, 8.6 x 107 pfu, 8.6 x 106 pfu) per scar, most of the scars in the former two dose groups were dramatically flattened, some were even similar to that of the normal skin. The value of Hl (hypertrophie index) showed that there was a therapeutic effect of Ad-HGF on scars at the dose of 109 pfu and 108 pfu. Whereas no therapeutic effects were seen at lower dose (107 pfu and 106 pfu of Ad-HGF) groups. In addition, clusters of hair were observed to different extent on healed wound treated with Ad-HGF. Histopathologic examination revealed that in most healed wounds of Ad-HGF treated group, the dermal layer was thinner, the amount of fibrous tissue was much fewer, and hair follicles growth and sebaceous glands were observed. In Sirius red-stained sections the amount of type I collagen in the Ad-HGF-treated scars was diminished markedly, compared to that in Ad-GFP group, in which a huge amount of type I collagen was still observed; (iv) immune response against HGF was absent. Antibody against HGF was not detectable by ELISA in serum from rabbit treated with Ad-HGF; (v) no local or systemic side-effects and toxicity associated with the gene transfer were found. These results demonstrated the potential use of treating pathologic scar by Ad-HGF, an alterative strategy of gene therapy for scar in clinical practice.  相似文献   
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