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越南苦苣苔科植物四新记录种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了4个苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物在越南的分布新记录,其中1种为半蒴苣苔属(Hemiboea)的红苞半蒴苣苔(H.rubribracteata),2种为报春苣苔属(Primulina Hance)的文采报春苣苔(P.wentsaii)和疏花报春苣苔(P.laxi flora),还有1种为吊石苣苔属(Lysionotus)的桂黔吊石苣苔(L.aesch ynanthoides)。文中列出了每个种的标本引证和地理分布情况。  相似文献   

The need to optimize seed banking efforts has stimulated research for rapid methods to estimate quality in seed-lots. For terrestrial orchids, viability testing using tetrazolium (TTC) staining requires chemical scarification, as seeds have an impermeable testa. Different seed-coat permeability may affect TTC staining, thus affecting the results. The aim of this study was to perform a permeability test to assess the effectiveness of the used scarification method and its usefulness to correct TTC viability results. Mature seeds of Anacamptis laxiflora were subjected to eight scarification treatments with sodium hypochlorite solutions with different concentration and duration. Viability tests were performed using the basic TTC methodology, followed by a permeability test performed by means of trypan blue dye. The different scarification methods resulted in estimated TTC viability ranging from 0% and 94% for the same seed lot of A. laxiflora seeds. Our results proved that the used scarification protocol significantly affects both seed coat permeability and subsequent TTC staining (two-way ANOVA, p?< 0.0001). We describe a new rapid protocol that can be used to test terrestrial orchid seed viability. This double-staining method, providing rapid information on seed coat permeability, can be useful to avoid under-estimation of TTC results.  相似文献   
具鳞水柏枝(Myricaria squamosa)是我国高寒地区广泛分布的优势河谷灌木, 具有维持河谷湿地系统稳定的功能。然而, 目前国内外有关具鳞水柏枝水分利用来源的定量研究很少。该文运用氢稳定同位素示踪方法, 分析了青海湖流域具鳞水柏枝茎(木质部)水和潜在水源(地下水、河水和土壤水)的氢稳定同位素比率(δD)的季节变化, 发现具鳞水柏枝在不同水文环境下的植物水分利用来源有明显差异。研究结果表明, 生长在河岸边的具鳞水柏枝在6、7月主要利用地下水与河水, 分别占其所利用水分的89%、86%和55%、65%, 8月主要利用0-20 cm土层的土壤水, 9月水源不详。生长在离河岸约100 m处的具鳞水柏枝在6月主要利用地下水与河水(91%、70%), 在7-9月以0-60 cm土层的土壤水为主要水源。这表明生长在河岸边的具鳞水柏枝对地下水和河水的依赖程度较高, 而距离河岸约100 m时对土壤水的利用量较多, 反映出生长在不同生境中的具鳞水柏枝对特定水分条件的特殊适应结果。  相似文献   
Myricaria species in China occur mostly in the major high-altitude mountain areas in and around the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The one major exception to this is M. laxiflora which is restricted to the Three Gorges mountain region. In this study, we investigate species-level phylogeographical patterns of Myricaria species in western China and the origin of M. laxiflora . The results show that most chloroplast haplotypes are species-specific, except for one haplotype which is shared by three widespread species. Higher haplotype diversity within the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau region supports the hypothesis that the Himalayas are the centre of origin for Myricaria . The phylogeny of Myricaria was geographically structured, and an estimated Bayesian chronology suggested the main divergence events occurred during the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene (~1.46–2.30 million years ago). The overall phylogeographical pattern was characterized by vicariance events and regional demographical expansion, reflecting a major influence of geological and climatic events on the evolution of Myricaria species. Our data suggest that M. laxiflora has an ancient origin, but has experienced recent population expansion through the Three Gorges Valley. The origin of M. laxiflora was estimated to be during the Early Pleistocene but its demographical expansion was more recent at about 0.015 million years ago. This highlights the unique phylogeographical history of the Three Gorges mountain region, and the deep imprint of the watercourse connections of the Yangtze River Valley on the phylogeographical structure of the species in this region.  相似文献   
疏花毛萼香茶菜中一新的对映-贝壳杉烷型二萜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从疏花毛萼香茶菜(Isodon eriocalyx var.laxiflora)叶中分离得到一新的对映-贝壳杉烷型二萜,命名为疏花丁素(1),通过波谱方法鉴定了它的结构。此外,还分离得到6个已知对映-贝壳杉烷型二萜化合物:疏花甲素(2),毛萼晶A-C(3-5)和Q(6),毛萼乙素(7),以及cirsimaritin(8)和2α-羟基乌索酸(9)。  相似文献   
柽柳属和水柏枝属植物化学分类的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
运用植物化学分类学的实验方法,即薄层层析和紫外吸收光谱对柽柳属(Tamariax Linn)和水柏枝属(Myicaria Desv)的4种植物进行了分析测定,提出了柽柳属和水柏枝属的植物化学分类检索表,并对存有疑问的白花柽柳(T.albiflonum)进行了植物化学方面的分析鉴定。  相似文献   
三峡大坝下游残存疏花水柏枝种群结构和动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在三峡大坝下游的湖北宜都关洲设立1个40 m×40 m的固定样地,利用高度分级,比较2008与2009年两年间的疏花水柏枝(Myricaria laxiflora)种群数量动态,并运用点格局的Ripley's K函数分析了其空间格局变化及种群更新特征。结果表明,疏花水柏枝幼苗数量较少,种群更新存在一些障碍。空间分布格局与空间尺度及植株的大小密切相关。种群总体呈集群分布,各大小级多在9 m时出现最大的聚集强度,随着大小级的增加,聚集强度有减弱的趋势。幼苗与中株有较强的正关联。由于种群现有生境变化较大,应考虑迁地保护,并对原生种群加强长期动态监测;同时,开展疏花水柏枝适应机理研究,实施科学保护。  相似文献   
Myricaria laxiflora, an endangered shrub species distributed along the banks of the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges area, is completely submerged from June to October every year. It is generally assumed that summer flooding has a strong impact on the survival and growth of seedlings. We designed an outdoor randomized block experiment on the responses of seedling survival and growth to different flooding depth and flooding duration treatments during the flood season in the Three Gorges area. Seedling survival rate, aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, total biomass, root depth, length of primary branch and the number of primary and secondary branches were examined.M. laxiflora was found to acclimate to summer flooding by becoming dormant and losing biomass. Seedlings of M. laxiflora ceased growing during the summer flooding season, regardless of the flooding depth and flooding duration they were subjected to. The number of primary and secondary branches, aboveground biomass and total biomass of seedlings was reduced with prolonged flooding. The length of primary branches and aboveground biomass were more sensitive to flooding than other measured parameters and differed significantly between the onset and the end of flooding.In each flooding treatment most seedlings of M. laxiflora survived a flooding period of 2 months and recovered rapidly after the flooding was terminated in September. After 3 months of recovery, aboveground biomass, total biomass and the number of the primary branches increased significantly. Furthermore, seedling survival and growth in the flooding treatments were not significantly different from the controls both during the summer flooding stage and in the recovery stage. All of these results suggest that summer flooding does not affect seedling survival and growth in this species. On the contrary, flooding released seedlings from the stress of drought during summer and facilitated seedling establishment. M. laxiflora appears to cope adaptively with the flooding cycle by going into a state of dormancy during the flood season.  相似文献   
藏药翁布的黄酮类化学成分研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从藏药翁布(Myricaria germanica)的60%丙酮提取物中分离得到了11个黄酮类化合物,利用光谱、波谱分析法鉴定其结构分别为:35,,4’-三羟基-73,’-二甲氧基黄酮(1),3,5,4’-三羟基-7-甲氧基黄酮(2),3,5,3’,4’-四羟基-7-甲氧基黄酮(3),35,7,-三羟基-4’-甲氧基黄酮(4),柽柳素(5),山柰酚(6),槲皮素-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(7)5,,7,4’-三羟基-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖醛酸(8),5,7,3’4,’-四羟基-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖醛酸(9),槲皮苷(10)和阿福豆苷(11)。上述化合物均为首次从该植物中分离得到,其中化合物4、5、7~11为首次从水柏枝属植物中分离得到。  相似文献   
三峡库区特有种疏花水柏枝的保护遗传学研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
采用超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺等电聚焦电泳方法对三峡库区特有种疏花水柏枝 (Myricarialaxiflora)的 13个自然居群和 1个人工迁地保护居群的等位酶遗传变异进行了初步研究。检测了 5个酶系统 ,得到 13个等位酶位点 ,遗传多样性及其遗传结构分析结果表明 :疏花水柏枝具有较高水平的遗传多样性 ,平均多态位点比率P =78.7% ,每位点平均等位基因数A =1.8,平均预期杂合度He=0 .317,高于中国植物特有种的平均水平 ,且群体中杂合基因型个体偏多 ;其遗传变异主要发生于居群内 ( 84.86 % ) ,居群间又存在一定的遗传分化 (Gst=0 .15 14) ,居群间平均基因流Nm =1.40 1,居群间遗传距离为 0 .0 0 2~ 0 .176 ;UPGMA聚类分析显示疏花水柏枝在三峡湖北境内的白水河—泄滩一带分为上游和下游 2个居群组 ;武汉植物园迁地保护的混合居群基本保育了其遗传多样性总水平。在分析讨论疏花水柏枝遗传多样性与其繁育系统、生境及其起源进化的关系的基础上 ,探讨了疏花水柏枝濒危的主要原因 ,推断其应为第四纪冰期影响后的古孑遗种。最后 ,在评价迁地保护成果的基础上 ,提出了今后进一步保育的策略。  相似文献   
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