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A method is described for the extraction of enkephalin-like peptides from peripheral nerve using chloroform and acidic methanol to facilitate a differential extraction of peptides and lipid. Porcine splanchnic nerve contains enkephalin-like peptides in low amounts compared to porcine adrenal medulla and striatum. Gel filtration chromatography reveals the presence of enkephalin-like peptides in both processed and cryptic forms. This is the first reported isolation and partial characterization of these peptides in splanchnic nerve. The presence of these peptides in this nerve provides support for the contention that the splanchnic nerve can modulate catecholamine release from the adrenal medulla through an effect on opiate receptors located on chromaffin cells.  相似文献   
本文介绍一种提取和提纯隐球菌DNA的方法。将蜗牛酶消化后所得的原生质体,用SE液反复洗涤以除去夹膜多糖,并用55℃热处理裂解原生质体,使DNA的提取和提纯得到了满意的结果。每克湿菌可获得600μg以上的DNA,而且所得的DNA样品特别适合于用T_(?)法测定DNA G+以C mol%含量。  相似文献   
小麦胚芽蛋白的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦胚芽是面粉加工过程中的副产物,小麦胚芽蛋白具有良好的氮溶解度、起泡性、乳化性以及保水性、氨基酸比例平衡,不仅是饮料、食品以及医疗产品良好的添加剂,而且具有较强的产品开发潜力。对小麦胚芽蛋白的组成成分、理化性质、提取以及麦胚蛋白产品开发利用这四个方面进行简要的介绍,旨在为小麦胚芽蛋白的全面开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   
In the present work, the hydrodistillation (HD) and microwave‐assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD) kinetics of essential oil (EO) extracted from Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl ) Mast. wood was conducted, in order to assess the impact of extraction time and technique on chemical composition and biological activities. Gas chromatography (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry analyses showed significant differences between the extracted EOs, where each family class or component presents a specific kinetic according to extraction time, technique and especially for the major components: camphene, linalool, cedrol, carvacrol and α‐acorenol. Furthermore, our findings showed a high variability for both antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory activities, where each activity has a specific effect according to extraction time and technique. The highlighted variability reflects the high impact of extraction time and technique on chemical composition and biological activities, which led to conclude that we should select EOs to be investigated carefully depending on extraction time and technique, in order to isolate the bioactive components or to have the best quality of EO in terms of biological activities and preventive effects in food.  相似文献   
线粒体是存在于绝大多数真核细胞内的一种基本的重要的细胞器,其具有相对独立的遗传系统。线粒体基因在真核生物具有高保守性,线粒体DNA(mtDNA)已被广泛应用于发病机理、临床诊断、遗传变异、生物进化等多方面的研究。1981年,Anderson用氯化铯密度梯度分离得到线粒体DNA(mtDNA),进行了全序列分析。此后,mtDNA的研究日益得到重视。已有的mtDNA提取方法概括起来可分为密度梯度离心法、酶消化法、柱层析法、氯化铯超速离心法、碱变性法和改进高盐沉淀法等,通过对以上方法的比较,发现改进高盐沉淀法具有简便、经济、易重复等优点。  相似文献   
为了探讨超临界二氧化碳(supercritical carbon dioxide, SC-CO2)技术与提取物的分级分离在萃取芸香活性成分的应用价值,本研究采用SC-CO2和乙酸乙酯萃取芸香中植物蜡和活性成分,并调查粒径和CO2流量对提取产量的影响。在250 bar、40℃条件下提取,并使第一个分离器冷却到-10℃,可获得较好的提取效率。当粒径较小时,提取过程更快,即内部传质控制该过程。分级分离可选择性去除表皮植物蜡,约占由SC-CO2处理产生的总提取物的77.5%W/W。第二分离器中的获得的提取物中活性化合物可达86.3%W/W。随后采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, GC-MS)分析表明,乙酸乙酯提取物低于SC-CO2提取物的萃取效率,主要是由于提取物中含有大量的植物蜡。本研究为超临界二氧化碳技术在萃取芸香活性成分方面的提供技术参考。  相似文献   
红树植物秋茄叶片双向电泳技术体系的建立及优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对适用于秋茄(Kandelia candel)叶片蛋白质组学研究的双向电泳技术体系进行了优化.结果表明,采用酚抽提法提取的蛋白质浓度较低,约1.7 μg μL-1,SDS-PAGE电泳后几乎无条带;而采用改良TCA -丙酮沉淀法可显著提高提取液中蛋白质的含量,可达12.4 μgμL-1.秋茄叶片蛋白质主要分布在pH4~...  相似文献   
本研究使用单因素方法考察了无花果(Ficus carica L.)果皮中花青素的最佳提取条件,并考察了7种参数对花青素提取率的影响。参数设置如下:溶剂性质(水,甲醇,乙醇和丙酮)、提取次数(1~3次)、固液比(1/50,1/100,1/150和1/200)、提取时间(60 min,120 min,180 min和240 min)、甲醇浓度(0,20%,40%,60%,80%和100%)、酸类型(盐酸,乙酸,柠檬酸和酒石酸)和酸浓度(0,1%,2%,5%和10%)。使用pH-示差法测量无花果果皮中单体花色素的含量。研究显示,无花果果皮中花青素的最佳提取条件为:溶剂为甲醇溶剂,提取次数为2次,固液比为1/100,提取时间为180 min,甲醇浓度为80%,酸类型为柠檬酸,柠檬酸浓度为5%。该最佳提取条件下的花青素的提取率达到最高(345.62 mg/100g DS)。  相似文献   
Human aorta has been shown to possess multiple forms of N-Acetyl-6-D-hexosaminidase (β-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucoside-acetamido-deoxyglucohydro-lase, EC 3.2, 1.30). The enzyme was separable, by gel electrophoresis, into 2 enzymatically active bands representing A and B forms. By gel electro-focussing, A and B forms were further subdivided into at least 5 and 8 bands, respectively. The B form consisted of 4 bands (B1) and 4 bands (B2), which were not inactivated at 50° for 3 hr. (at pH 4.4) in the presence of serum; whereas, the 5 bands found in A form were completely inactivated. All forms of the enzyme were active towards naphthol-AS-BI-N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminide and the corresponding galactosaminide (about one-eighth of the hydrolysis rate of the former), suggesting each single enzyme acts on both substrates. The N-acetyl-hexosaminidases of bull epididymis, by comparison, were also found to be active towards both substrates and to possess 13 bands having pis more alkaline than those of the B form of the human enzyme, By heat inactivation we found that the aortic enzyme consisted of 51% of A and 49% of B (B1 + B2 .). Neuraminidase had no effect on either form of the aortic preparation. Both forms were partially purified and separated by conventional methods. They required BSA for their maximal activity; the A form being more dependent BSA than the B form, With PNP-N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminide and the corresponding galactosaminide, Km of 1.04 mH and 0.54 mM, respectively, for A form and of 1.74 and 1.48 mM, respectively, for B form were obtained. While the purified B form was stable and did not transform into other species, the purified A form gradually transformed into B form as well as into other new forms during storage at -20°.  相似文献   
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