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The impact of malathion-bait sprays (directed against medfly, Ceratitis capitata [Wiedemann]) on an endemic gall midge (Rhopalomyia californica Felt) and its parasitoids was investigated during 1982–83 in the south San Francisco Bay area of northern California. In a heavily sprayed area (Woodside), a population explosion of the midge was detected following 24 applications of malathion bait. The midge population reached levels ca. 90x greater than those observed in an adjacent unsprayed area (Jasper Ridge). In a moderately sprayed area (Portola Valley), the midge population increased as much as 5x that observed in the adjacent unsprayed area (Jasper Ridge), following 12 applications of malathion bait. In laboratory tests, the malathion bait was toxic to both the midge and its parasitoids. The major parasitoids were Torymus koebelei (Huber), Zatropis capitis Burks, Platygaster californica (Ashmead) and Mesopolobus sp. Population increases of the midge following malathion-bait sprays were attributed to destruction of parasitoids and other natural enemies of the midge. If the environmental impact of malathion-bait sprays is related to the number of applications (as suggested in this study), then it would be worthwhile to determine the appropriate bait-spray strategy for a given situation, so as to minimize adverse effects on nontarget species, yet insure suppression or eradication of medfly.
Résumé L'impact des pièges tratiés au malathion (destinés à Ceratitis capitata Wiedem) sur Rhopalomyia californica Felt et ses parasitoïdes a été examiné en 1982–1983 dans le sud de la zone de la baie de San Francisco en Californie. Dans une zone fortement traitée (Woodside), une explosion de population a été décelée après 24 traitements. La population de R. californica a atteint des niveaux 90 fois supérieurs à ceux observés dans une zone contiguë non traitée (Jasper Ridge). Dans une zone modérément traitée (Portola Valley), avec 12 traitement, la population de R. californica a atteint jusqu'a 5 fois celle de Jasper Ridge. Au laboratoire, le piège à malathion a été toxique tant pour R. californica que pour ses parasitoïdes, dont les principaux étaient: Torymus koebelei (Huber), Zatropis capitis Burks, Platygaster californica(Ashmead) et Mesopolobus sp. L'accroissement de la population de C. capitata après traitement a été attribué à la destruction de parasitoïdes et d'autres ennemis naturels. Si l'effet su l'environnement du traitement est lié au nombre d'interventions (comme le suggère cette étude), alors cela vaudrait la peine de définir une stratégie de traitement appropriée à une situation donnée, de façon à minimiser les effets négatifs sur des espèces non visées, tout en assurant la suppression ou l'éradication de C. capitata.
Developmental history and behavior of Eretmocerus mundus Mercet, a parasitoid of Bemisia tabaci was studied at 25°C. The eggs may be laid under all four nymphal instars but not under the pupa. Yet the second and third instars are preferred. The egg hatches only under the fourth instar or the pupa. Developmental medians at 25°C are: Instar I-2.5, II-4, II-4, prepupa-2 and pupa 8 days. When ovipositing, the female stands at an angle of 90° to the host, with wings raised and inserts the ovipositor under the whitefly nymph. The egg is laid close to the insertion point of the whitefly's proboscis into the leaf. After oviposition, the female apparently marks the host while drumming on it with her hind legs. She distinguishes already parasitized hosts from unparasitized ones and refrains from laying under the former. Discrimination is accomplished after antennal drumming only.
Les parasitoïdes de Bemisia tabaci (aleyrodidae) en Israel: développement, ponte et sélection des hôtes ches Eretmocerus mundus (aphelinidae)
Résumé Le développment et le comportement de E. mundus, parasitoïde de B. tabaci, ont été étudiés à 25°C. Les oeufs sont pondus sous les quatre stades larvaires (les deuxième et troizième sont préférés) mais pas sous les nymphes. Les oeufs n'éclosent que sous les larves du quatrième stade ou les nymphes. Les temps de développement médiaux sont à 25°, les suivants: stade I: 2,5j; stade II: 4j; stade III: 4j et nymphe 8j. Pendant la ponte, la femelle est à 90° sur son hôte, les ailes dressées, et insère sa tarière sous la larve d'aleurode. L'oeuf est déposé près du point d'insertion de la trompe dans la feuille. Après l'émission, la femelle marque apparemment son hôte pendant qu'elle tambourine avec ses pattes postérieures. Elle distingue les hôtes parasités ou non, et limite sa ponte dans les premiers. La sélection est effectuée seulement après tambourinage antennaire.
Abstract. 1. Spulungiu endius Walker is a solitary parasitoid of house fly puparia.
2. The sex and size of S.endius was not related to host size.
3. In the laboratory the mean sex ratio of all offspring of nine groups, each comprising twenty females, was consistently female-biased (x = 83.5%, range 79–87%). The sex ratio in the field was less female-biased and showed greater fluctuation (61–75%). This may be a consequence of females laying male eggs before mating, some females remaining unmated, possible shorter adult life expectancy in the field than in the laboratory, and, perhaps, the presence of conspecific females.
4. The sex ratio of offspring of individual females varied from 66% to 100% females, and males were deposited early in the oviposition sequence.
5. Although a large number of fly puparia died before adult flies or parasitoids emerged (64.5%; n = 5874), there was no differential mortality of either sex.
6. Our results fit no general sex ratio hypothesis and we conclude that (i) the genetic nature of sex ratios in these insects needs careful examination, and (ii) the prevalence of female-biased sex ratios in solitary parasitoids needs investigation.  相似文献   
报道由伊朗设拉子大学农学院采集饲出的与林木害虫有关的7属8种寄生蜂,它们均属膜翅目小蜂总科、跳小蜂科,扬与林木介壳虫有关的Anagyrus pseudococci,Cheilonerrus ceroplasits,Dusmetia fascipennis,Homalotylus ephippium,与草蛉有关的Isodromus atriventris,Isodrmus collimaculatu  相似文献   
Oviposition by a parasitoid wasp in an already parasitized host (= superparasitism) may result in larval competition and the loss of offspring. Consequently, in solitary species, the decision to superparasitize should be based on the probability of offspring survival. Females of Aphidius ervi Haliday and A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), two parasitoids of the pea aphid, discriminated between conspecific-and heterospecific-parasitized hosts. Both species showed partial preference for aphids previously attacked by A. smithi, a result predicted from the fact that A. ervi is superior to A. smithi in larval competition under most conditions. Females of A. smithi selectively attacked conspecific-parasitized pea aphids when given a choice between these and self-parasitized hosts. Results indicated that females of both species responded to an external pheromone-like marker to discriminate between selfconspecific-and heterospecific-parasitized aphids. In addition, A. smithi may use internal cues to recognize, and avoid oviposition in, aphids previously parasitized by A. ervi.
Résumé L'oviposition par une guêpe parasite dans un hôte qui a déjà été parasité (= superparasitisme) pourrait conduire à une compétition entre larves et à une perte de progéniture. Par conséquent, dans les espèces solitaires, la décision de superparasiter devrait être basée sur la probabilité de survie de la progéniture. Les femelles de Aphidius ervi Haliday et de A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), deux parasites du puceron du pois, ont discriminé entre les hôtes parasités par des individus de la même espèce et ceux parasités par des individus d'une espèce différente. Les deux espèces de parasite ont montré une préférence partielle pour les pucerons préalablement parasités par A. smithi, résultat qui était prévisible du fait que, dans la majorité des cas, A. ervi est supérieur à A. smithi dans la compétition entre larves. Les femelles de A. smithi ont sélectivement attaqué les pucerons parasités par un individu de la même espèce lorsqu'il leur était donné de choisir parmi ceux-ci et ceux parasités par les même individu. Les résultats indiquaient que les femelles des deux espèces répondaient à une sorte de phéromone externe pour distinguer les pucerons parasités par le même individu de ceux parasités par un individu de la même espèce et ceux parasités d'une autre espèce. En plus, A. smithi pourrait utiliser des signaux internes pour reconnaître et éviter l'oviposition dans les pucerons préalablement parasités par A. ervi.
A total of 1,302 parasitoids representing 8 species and 4 families were recovered from 9,818 fruit fly host fruits sampled. The most common parasitoid species wasDiachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead). Average percent parasitism ranged between 0.44 and 29.23%. Parasitoid emergence data indicate thatAnastrepha ludens (Loew),A. obliqua (Sein),A. serpentina (Wiedeman),A. striata (Schiner) andToxotrypana curvicauda (Gerstaecker) were subject to parasitism. We provide information on the population fluctuation ofAnastrepha ludens, A. obliqua, A. serpentina, A. distincta (Greene),A. striata, A. fraterculus (Wiedeman),A. chiclayae (Greene),A. montei (Costa Lima),A. leptozona (Hendel) andA. tripunctata (Wulp).Anastrepha ludens andA. obliqua were the most common species, representing 95.3% of all fruit fly species caught in McPhail traps.   相似文献   
Control measures aiming at reducing bark beetle populations and preserving their natural enemies require a sound knowledge on their overwintering and emergence behaviour. These behavioural traits were investigated in univoltine and bivoltine populations of the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus [L.], Coleoptera: Scolytinae) and its predators and parasitoids over several consecutive years. In univoltine populations, roughly 50% of the bark beetles left their brood trees in fall together with most parasitoids and some significant predatory flies and beetles. In bivoltine populations, <10% of the second bark beetle generation emerged in fall and the remainder overwintered under the bark of their brood trees. Likewise, most predatory beetles and flies spent wintertime with their prey under the bark, while most parasitic wasps emerged in fall. The spring emergence of bivoltine predatory beetles was found to occur up to 3 weeks earlier than that of I. typographus, while that of the predatory flies and the parasitoids was delayed by up to 1 month. In univoltine populations, the bark beetles emerged several weeks prior to most antagonistic taxa. In the heat year 2003, three I. typographus generations were produced at the lower location, 36% of the third generation emerged in fall, while the proportions of overwintering predators remained largely the same as in previous years. Similar to their host, more parasitoids left their brood trees in fall after warm years. The results show that sanitation felling during winter probably kills most bark beetles in bivoltine populations, but also eliminates many natural enemies. In univoltine populations, sanitation felling might be less detrimental to both I. typographus and natural enemies because a fair fraction of their populations will already have left the trees before cutting. Warmer climates may affect the interactions of bark beetles and natural enemies and thus the impact of control measures.  相似文献   
The parasitoid complex associated with Monochamus galloprovincialis (Olivier), vector of the pine wood nematode, is discussed. Four species of the family Braconidae and one Ichneumonidae were found associated with Monochamus galloprovincialis in Portugal, namely Atanycolus denigrator (Linnaeus), Atanycolus ivanowi (Kokujev), Cyanopterus flavator (Fabricius), Doryctes striatellus (Nees) (Braconidae), and Xorides depressus (Holmgren) (Ichneumonidae). Atanycolus ivanowi, Atanycolus denigrator, Doryctes striatellus and Xorides depressus are new species for Portugal fauna, and Monochamus galloprovincialis is recorded as a new host of Xorides depressus. A key for determination of the ichneumonoid parasitoids of the pine sawyer is provided for the Palaearctic fauna.  相似文献   
农业景观结构对麦蚜寄生蜂群落组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
麦蚜是中国北方小麦上最重要的害虫之一,既能直接刺吸危害也可传播多种病毒,但麦蚜通常的危害期只有2~3个月。随着现代农业与设施农业的发展,农业景观结构发生了巨大的改变,整个麦蚜寄生蜂群落也随之发生了显著的变化。经典假说认为复杂的农业景观能够维持局部的物种多样性及种间关系,也能够维持更大的天敌资源。作者在4种不同的麦田景观类型下研究了麦蚜及寄生蜂的群落结构,发现简单农业景观与复杂农业景观中寄生蜂寄生率与多样性差异不显著,但初寄生蜂在800m2左右的生境面积中寄生率与多样性最高,重寄生蜂却并没有表现出这种分布,而在更大的生境中重寄生率与多样性更高。研究结果表明:1)生境面积是影响麦蚜及寄生蜂群落的重要因子,2)简单农业景观与复杂农业景观下麦蚜及寄生蜂群落多样性差异不显著,3)一定程度的生境破碎化能够促进初寄生蜂的种群而抑制重寄生蜂的种群,但高度的生境破碎化会同时抑制2种寄生蜂的种群。  相似文献   
The native parasitoid Eretmocerus mundus Mercet and the predator Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur are widely used to control Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in Mediterranean tomato greenhouses. An optimal biological control strategy for B. tabaci should take into account intraguild interactions between these natural enemies. In this study, predator's prey preferences and prey consumption were studied when offered different parasitoid and whitefly stages. The effect of the host plant on the adults of both natural enemies was also examined. M. pygmaeus preferred to consume B. tabaci over E. mundus when immature stages and adults of B. tabaci and E. mundus were offered. They consumed a larger amount of healthy B. tabaci nymphs and adults than of parasitised nymphs or E. mundus adults. The predator M. pygmaeus interfered with the reproduction of E. mundus females on cotton but not on tomato. However, B. tabaci nymphal mortality on tomato associated with parasitoid host feeding was also lower when the adult parasitoids coexisted with the predators. The joint release of M. pygmaeus and E. mundus adults did not increase the control of the whitefly B. tabaci.  相似文献   
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