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旋纹潜蛾Leucoptera malifoliella (Costa)是苹果和梨上一种偶发性害虫。本文依据文献和我们的研究, 综述了旋纹潜蛾的分布与危害、 寄主植物、 形态、 习性、 天敌和防治技术。旋纹潜蛾在北京1年4代, 越冬代成虫在苹果花蕾露红期时开始羽化, 可持续1个多月, 盛期发生在苹果的花期。幼虫分为3个龄期, 其各龄的平均头壳宽度分别为0.23, 0.33和0.44 mm。2011年旋纹潜蛾在北京昌平王家园果园大发生。2011年春天在该果园用性诱剂引诱到大量的旋纹夜蛾成虫, 第1代的卵量很低, 且当年的种群数量一直很低, 可能的原因是越冬期的干旱影响了蛹的活力, 从而影响成虫的产卵量。在防治上, 以保护寄生蜂为主, 可人工清除越冬蛹, 大发生时在卵盛期用灭幼脲喷雾防治。本文还提供了该虫为害状、 成虫、 卵、 幼虫、 茧和部分天敌的彩色图片。  相似文献   
为了明确新烟碱类和大环内酯类杀虫剂对天敌赤眼蜂Trichogramma spp.的影响, 在室内采用药膜法测定了其对稻螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead、 亚洲玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Pang et Chen、 拟澳洲赤眼蜂Trichogramma confusum Viggiani和广赤眼蜂Trichogramma evanescens Westwood成蜂的急性毒性, 并进行了安全性评价。急性毒性测定结果表明: 在测定的新烟碱类药剂中, 噻虫嗪对拟澳洲赤眼蜂和稻螟赤眼蜂表现出最高的急性毒性, 其LC50分别为0.24 (0.21~0.27) 和0.40 (0.37~0.44) mg a.i./L; 其次为烯啶虫胺, 该药剂对上述两种赤眼蜂的LC50分别为0.83 (0.74~0.96) 和0.72 (0.65~0.80) mg a.i./L; 而吡虫啉对亚洲玉米螟赤眼蜂和拟澳洲赤眼蜂的毒性最低, 其LC50分别为502.13 (459.80~549.62)和752.62 (687.51~828.63) mg a.i./L。在测定的大环内酯类药剂中, 阿维菌素对稻螟赤眼蜂的急性毒性最高, 其LC50为0.49 (0.46~0.65) mg a.i./L, 而甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐对拟澳洲赤眼蜂表现出最低的急性毒性, 其LC50为21.76 (19.59~24.40) mg a.i./L。安全性评价结果表明, 吡虫啉、 啶虫脒、 氯噻啉和甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐对4种赤眼蜂为低风险~中等风险性, 安全性系数为0.57~23.54; 噻虫啉和依维菌素对4种赤眼蜂却为中等风险~高风险性, 安全性系数为0.16~3.45; 而烯啶虫胺、 噻虫嗪和阿维菌素对4种赤眼蜂为高风险~极高风险性, 安全性系数为0.01~0.15。本研究测定的大部分杀虫剂对赤眼蜂都有一定的急性毒性风险。因此, 在害虫综合治理中应谨慎使用新烟碱类和大环内酯类杀虫剂尤其是烯啶虫胺、 噻虫嗪和阿维菌素, 以免造成对赤眼蜂的大量杀伤。  相似文献   
The Cry9Aa entomocidal toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. galleriae (Btg) and an epiphytic Pseudomonas sp. derivative carrying the cloned cry9Aa gene from Btg are active against the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa and the laboratory model species Galleria mellonella. A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the side effects of the Cry9Aa toxin and the engineered bacterium on the post-embryonic development of Exorista larvarum, a larval parasitoid of forest lepidopterous defoliators, cultured in the factitious host G. mellonella. In a first experiment, the purified toxin and the commercial Bt preparation Foray 48B induced a mortality of G. mellonella sixth-instar larvae significantly higher than that of the distilled water control. In parallel, the development of E. larvarum in this host was assessed, but no significant difference was found for any of the parasitoid parameters examined (i.e., eggs oviposited, percentage of puparia and adults and puparial weights). In subsequent experiments, cry9Aa-Pseudomonas suspension significantly increased the mortality of sixth instar G. mellonella larvae compared to untransformed Pseudomonas sp. suspension and distilled water. As to the parasitoid parameters, the cry9Aa-Pseudomonas did not significantly affect the number of oviposited eggs, percentage of puparia and puparial weights. It can be concluded that the post-embryonic development of E. larvarum was not affected by host treatment with either Cry9Aa toxin or cry9Aa-Pseudomonas under the laboratory conditions tested. Although direct effects on parasitoid performance have not been shown, indirect effects could still occur and need to be considered in future studies concerning the effects of genetically modified Bt-derivatives.  相似文献   
Selective pressures from host plant chemistry and natural enemies may contribute independently to driving insect herbivores towards narrow diet breadths. We used the specialist caterpillar, Junonia coenia (Nymphalidae), which sequesters defensive compounds, iridoid glycosides, from its host plants to assess the effects of plant chemistry and sequestration on the larval immune response. A series of experiments using implanted glass beads to challenge immune function showed that larvae feeding on diets with high concentrations of iridoid glycosides are more likely to have their immune response compromised than those feeding on diets low in these compounds. These results indicate that larvae feeding on plants with high concentrations of toxins might be more poorly defended against parasitoids, while at the same time being better defended against predators, suggesting that predators and parasitoids can exert different selective pressures on the evolution of herbivore diet breadth.  相似文献   
Abstract Used as an agent in biological control, Trichogramma which has been infected by endosymbiotic bacteria belonging to the genus Wolbachia and inducing the thelytokous mode of reproduction, increases rearing productivity in commercial insectaries. These insectaries can now make use of Trichogramma diapause to spread out and optimise their production. We therefore studied the effect of Wolbachia on the diapause in Trichogramma evanescens. The symbionts show no beneficial or harmful effect on the proportion of emergence in diapausing individuals or on their fecundity. Therefore, infected strains can easily be used in crop protection. On the other hand, low temperatures exert a slightly negative effect on Wolbachia, as detected from the proportion of females in the offspring of symbiotic diapausing females.  相似文献   
报道了采自辽宁大连和江苏南京的跳小蜂新种 ,即娄氏伊克跳小蜂 ,EctromalouiXu ,sp .n .和仁蚧平背跳小蜂 ,新种PlatencyrtusaclerusXu ,sp .n .。对新种进行了详细描述。娄氏伊克跳小峰E .loui,正模♀ ,本种与EctromafulvescensWestwood 1833相似 ,与后者的长翅型相比 ,有以下几点区别 :(1)本种触角索节均白色 ,后者触角索节有黑色节 ;(2 )本种前翅相当退化 ,不超过腹末 ,透明无色 ,后者前翅发达 ,超过腹末 ,暗色 ;与后者的短翅型相比 ,有以下几点区别 :(1)本种触角索节均白色 ,后者触角索节有黑色节 ;(2 )本种前翅较退化 ,前翅超过并胸腹节 ,后者前翅退化 ,不及并胸腹节。仁蚧平背跳小蜂 ,新种PlatencyrtusaclerusXu ,sp .n .寄主 :芦苇日仁蚧Nipponaclerdabiwakoensis (Kuwana)。正模♀ ,郝康陕采 ,本新种与PlatencyrtusparkeriFerriere ,195 5很相似 ,主要区别是新种 :(1)体黑色 ,具弱红色金属光泽 ,后者体黑色有蓝绿色金属光泽 ;(2 )头胸具稀疏细刻点 ,后者头胸有网状刻纹 ;(3)前翅透明 ,后者前翅暗色。本文也是伊克跳小蜂属EctromaWestwood和平背跳小蜂属PlatencyrtusFerriere在我国分布的首次记录。  相似文献   
Abstract. The offspring of parasitoids, Aphidius colemani Viereck, reared on Brussels sprouts and emerging from Myzus persicae Sulzer on a fully defined artificial diet, show no preferences in a four-way olfactometer, either for the odour of the diet, the odour of Brussels sprouts, or the odour of two other crucifers (cabbage and Chinese cabbage). A similar lack of odour preferences is shown when the host aphids are exposed for parasitization (for 48 h) on cabbage, Chinese cabbage or wheat. However, if parasitization occurs on Brussels sprouts, a weak but statistically highly significant response to Brussels sprout odour is observed. Although as many as 30–35% of the parasitoids show no response to any odour, another 35% respond positively to the odour of Brussels sprout compared with responses to the odours of cabbage, Chinese cabbage or wheat of only approximately 10%. An analagous result is obtained when the parent parasitoids are reared on cabbage. In this case, significant positive responses of their offspring to cabbage odour occur only if the 48-h parasitization has occurred also on cabbage. However, with parasitoids from Brussels sprouts parasitizing the aphids for 48 h also on Brussels sprouts, the offspring subsequently emerging from pupae excised from the mummies show no preference for Brussels sprout odour. Thus, although the Brussels sprout cue had been experienced early in the development of the parasitoids, they only become conditioned to it when emerging from the mummy. Both male and female parasitoids respond very similarly in all experiments. It is proposed that the chemical cue (probably glucosinolates in these experiments) is most likely in the silk surrounding the parasitoid pupa, and that the mother may leave the chemical in or around the egg at oviposition, inducing chemical defences in her offspring to the secondary plant compounds that the offspring are likely to encounter.  相似文献   
烟粉虱B生物型的若虫、皮蜕及其成虫的提取物作为一种利它素信息源,在室内对其在双斑蚜小蜂寻找寄主取食、寄生行为的影响进行了生物测定。烟粉虱的若虫、皮蜕及其成虫分别用正己烷、乙醇和无菌水进行粗提。研究结果发现,双斑蚜小蜂在处理区寻找寄主停留的时间高于对照区。在处理区,双斑蚜小蜂行动活泼,对利它素源表现出高的正趋向性和选择性。对于同一利它素源、同一提取介质的两种不同浓度,双斑蚜小蜂在若虫 水提取物的高浓度区停留的时间(111.23s)最长,与在低浓度区的停留时间差异显著;而在烟粉虱皮蜕及其成虫的水、正己烷和乙醇提取物处理区,不同浓度的提取物对蚜小蜂停留的时间影响差异不显著。本研究的结果表明,利它素可以增加蚜小蜂寻找寄主的效率,有利于蚜小蜂寻找到适宜的寄主。  相似文献   
Abstract:  Experiments were conducted in the laboratory and in greenhouses. Of three neem preparations sprayed upon eggs, only neem oil (NO) exerted a negative impact on the hatching rate of Coccinella septempunctata and Chrysoperla carnea . First instar larvae of Episyrphus balteatus proved to be highly susceptible, when feeding 24 h on aphids sprayed with neem kernel water extract (NKWE). First instar larvae of C. septempunctata showed a very high mortality when feeding on aphids sprayed with different neem preparations. Aphid feeding and live span was reduced. When NKWE had been applied to the soil, the mortality of larvae of E. balteatus and C. septempunctata were lower, when feeding on aphids. Second instar larvae of C. septempunctata were far less susceptible when feeding 48 h on neem-sprayed aphids than first instars; the time of their development was prolonged, and aphid consumption reduced. Larvae of C. carnea proved to be less susceptible, when feeding on neem-sprayed aphids, than E. balteatus and C. septempunctata . In C. carnea , however, significant influences were also observed in aphid consumption, time of development, mortality, longevity, and rate of deformity. NO, containing a very low concentration of azadirachtin A, had stronger negative effects than NeemAzal-T/S®, in all observations. In the parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae , NKWE application to the soil induced negative reactions, when aphids on these plants were parasitized: low percentage parasitization, lowered mummy weight, low emergence rate of adults of F1 and even of F2. Foliar sprays of NKWE had less severe effects in this parasitoid species. The results are discussed with regard to their theoretical and practical significance.  相似文献   
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