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在24℃、27℃、30℃和33℃条件下孵化乌龟(Chinemysreevesii)卵,检测温度对胚胎利用卵内能量和矿物质的影响。孵化温度显著影响乌龟胚胎的能量利用。卵在温和温度下(27℃和30℃)比在高温(33℃)和低温(24℃)孵化有较高的干物质、脂肪和能量转化率。因而,27℃和30℃新生幼体的总能量高于33℃和24℃下孵出的幼体。新生幼体内剩余卵黄随温度升高而增大。27℃下新生幼体的躯干能量显著高于其它温度。此外,孵化温度显著影响乌龟胚胎钙代谢,但对镁和钾代谢影响微弱。24℃下胚胎从卵黄和卵壳吸收的总钙量小于其它温度条件下胚胎,与之相对应,24℃下孵出卵卵壳内残留较多的钙。由此可见,温和温度(27-30℃)可提高胚胎能量转化效率,促进胚胎从卵黄和卵壳吸收较多的矿物质,有利于孵出发育良好的乌龟幼体  相似文献   
作为胚胎发育的屏障,卵壳特征如卵壳厚度和气孔密度具有重要的生态学意义。本文研究了高寒草甸繁殖的7种代表性雀形目鸟类角百灵(Eremophila alpestris)、小云雀(Alauda gulgula)、黄头鹡鸰(Motacilla citreola)、树麻雀(Passer montanus)、粉红胸鹨(Anthus roseatus)、黄嘴朱顶雀(Carduelis flavirostris)、赭红尾鸲(Phoenicurus ochruros)的卵与卵壳特征,以探索在高寒缺氧环境下,不同科鸟类的适应性调节。结果发现,7种鸟类中,除小云雀和角百灵之外,其他鸟类的卵与卵壳特征均有显著的种间差异(除卵壳厚度和气孔直径之外);对7种鸟类卵壳厚度、气孔密度、卵体积、卵重之间的线性拟合显示,卵壳厚度、卵体积与气孔密度均无显著相关性(卵壳厚度:P = 0.11,卵体积:P = 0.09),卵重、卵体积与卵壳厚度呈显著正相关(卵重:r2 = 0.46,P < 0.001;卵体积:r2 = 0.44,P < 0.001);对7种鸟类卵的数据与繁殖期雌鸟平均体重的线性拟合结果显示:平均卵重、卵壳厚度的差异与雌鸟体重成正相关(卵重:r2 = 0.66,P = 0.03;卵壳厚度:r2 = 0.92,P < 0.01);对6种鸟类(缺乏粉红胸鹨窝卵数数据)卵的数据与孵卵相关变量的线性拟合结果显示:卵壳厚度及气孔率与窝卵数成负相关(卵壳厚度:r2 = 0.64,P = 0.056;气孔率:r2 = 0.87,P < 0.01),6种鸟类(缺乏树麻雀巢杯指数数据)气孔率与巢杯指数或巢型无显著相关性(巢杯指数:P = 0.49,巢型:P = 0.435)。卵表面积和总气孔数解释了大部分气孔率差异(87%),卵重和气孔率与孵卵期无显著相关(P = 0.77),气孔率显著低于预期气孔率(P<0.001)。这些结果表明,种间的遗传性(如成鸟的形态、窝卵数等)决定了大部分卵与卵壳特性的差异,但是为适应高寒低氧的气候特征,不同种的鸟都具有相对厚的卵壳和低的气孔率特征,说明环境因素同样影响卵的进化。另外,单纯的卵特性(卵体积和气孔率)并不能决定孵卵期的长短,亲鸟的孵卵行为同样具有重要的影响,角百灵虽然离巢频率相对较高,但是孵卵期却相对较短,这可能与其较高的气孔率有关。  相似文献   
Freshly-laid eggs of the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle (Chinemys reevesii) from captive cohorts in Hunan, Shanghai and Jiangxi were incubated at four constant temperatures of 24, 26, 28 and 30 °C to assess the effects of incubation temperature and cohort origin on incubation duration and hatchling phenotypes. Eggs from the three cohorts differed in size and shape. Egg mass and width were greatest in the Hunan cohort, smallest in the Jiangxi cohort, with the Shanghai cohort in between. Incubation duration decreased with increasing temperature and differed among the cohorts, with longer incubation duration for eggs from the Jiangxi cohort than those from the Hunan or Shanghai cohorts. Incubation temperatures significantly affected hatchling size and hatchlings from 30 °C were smaller than those from the lower temperatures in terms of carapace size and body mass. When incubated at a common temperature, hatchlings from the Hunan and Shanghai cohorts were larger than those from the Jiangxi cohort. The swimming capacity of hatchlings was affected by incubation temperature, but did not differ among the cohorts. The characteristics of eggs and hatchlings were similar among the Hunan and Shanghai cohorts, but they differed significantly from the Jiangxi cohort.  相似文献   
Various exogenous or endogenous factors may induce an emergency response in birds, redirecting current activity towards survival. In fasting, breeding penguins, the achievement of a critical energy depletion was suggested to induce egg abandonment and departure to sea for re-feeding. How such a behavioral shift is hormonally controlled remains unknown. The possible involvement of corticosterone and prolactin was examined by characterizing the nutritional and hormonal states of king penguins at egg abandonment. Further, we tested if these states differ according to whether an egg or a chick is abandoned, and according to the timing of breeding. In every case of abandonment, birds were in phase III fasting characterized by accelerated protein catabolism. However, body condition at egg abandonment was lower in early than in late breeders, suggesting that king penguins are willing to tolerate a larger energy depletion when their potential breeding success is high. At egg and chick abandonment, plasma corticosterone levels were, respectively, increased by 2- and 4-fold, whereas plasma prolactin levels were, respectively, depressed by 3- and 1.4-fold. The increase in plasma corticosterone and the decrease in plasma prolactin could be involved in the control of abandonment by, respectively, stimulating the drive to re-feed and diminishing the drive to incubate or brood. The smaller decrease in prolactin levels and the greater increase in corticosterone levels observed at chick vs egg abandonment suggest that, in addition to nutritionally-related stimuli, tactile or audible stimuli from the egg or chick could intervene in the endocrine control of abandonment.  相似文献   
用 6种温湿度条件孵化安徽宿州乾山山地麻蜥 (Eremiasbrenchleyi)卵 ,观测孵化卵质量变化、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量以及孵出幼体特征。卵在产出后 1h内收集 ,共设置 3× 2种温湿度处理 (温度分别为2 7、 30和 33℃ ;湿度分别为 - 2 2 0、 0kPa)。每隔 5d称卵重 ,直至幼体孵出。幼体经测量、称重后 ,解剖、分离为躯干、剩余卵黄和脂肪体三组分 ,用于成分测试。卵从环境中吸水导致质量增加 ,孵化温、湿度及其相互作用显著影响孵化卵的质量变化 :同一温度下 ,高湿度 (0kPa)孵化卵的终末质量大于低湿度 (- 2 2 0kPa)孵化卵 ;同一湿度下 ,低温 (2 7和 30℃ )孵化卵的终末质量大于高温 (33℃ )孵化卵。温度显著影响孵化期 ,随温度的升高孵化期缩短 ;湿度及其与温度的相互作用对孵化期无显著影响。孵化温湿度对孵化成功率无显著影响。温度显著影响胚胎对卵内物质的动用、幼体大小、质量以及剩余卵黄质量 ;除剩余卵黄外 ,湿度及其与温度的相互作用不影响山地麻蜥孵出幼体几乎所有的被检测特征。 33℃孵出幼体的大小和质量均显著小于 2 7和 30℃ ,并特征性地具有较大的剩余卵黄。因此 ,33℃不适宜孵化山地麻蜥卵。 2 7℃和 30℃中孵出幼体躯干发育良好 ,各项被测定的特征指标极其相似。  相似文献   
Nitrogen addition may alter the decomposition rate for different organic-matter pools in contrasting ways. Using a paired-plot design, we sought to determine the effects of long-term elevated N on the stability of five organic-matter pools: organic horizons (Oe+a), whole mineral soil (WS), mineral soil fractions including the light fraction (LF), heavy fraction (HF), and a physically recombined fraction (RF). These substrates were incubated for 300 days, and respiration, mineralized N, and active microbial biomass were measured. Samples with elevated N gave 15% lower cumulative respiration for all five substrates. Over the 300-day incubation, the Oe+a gave twice the cumulative respiration (gCkg–1 initial C) as the LF, which gave slightly higher respiration than the HF. Respiration was 35% higher for the WS than for the RF. Mineralized N was similar between N treatments and between the LF and HF. Net N mineralized by the LF over the course of the 300-day incubation decreased with higher C:N ratio, due presumably to N immobilization to meet metabolic demands. The pattern was opposite for HF, however, which could be explained by a release of N in excess of metabolic demands due to recalcitrance of the HF organic matter. Mineralized N increased with respiration for the HF but showed no pattern, or perhaps even decreased, for the LF. WS and RF showed decreasing active microbial biomass near the end of the incubation, which corresponded with decreasing respiration and increasing nitrate. Our results show that long-term elevated N stabilized organic matter in whole soil and soil fractions.  相似文献   
To explore whether selection for testosterone-mediated traits in males might be constrained by costs of higher testosterone to females, we examined the effects of experimental elevation of plasma testosterone on physiological, reproductive, and behavioral parameters in a female songbird, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). We used subcutaneous implants to elevate testosterone (T) in captive and free-living female juncos. In captive birds, we measured the effects of high T on body mass, feather molt, and brood patch formation. In the field, we monitored its effects on the timing of egg laying, clutch size, egg size, egg steroid levels, incubation, and nest-defense behavior. Females implanted with testosterone (T-females) had significantly higher circulating levels of testosterone than did control females (C-females). Captive T-females had lower body mass, were less likely to develop brood patches, and delayed feather molt relative to C-females. Among free-living females, the interval between nest completion and appearance of the first egg was longer for T-females than for C-females and egg yolk concentrations of testosterone were higher, but there were no significant differences in estradiol levels, clutch size, or egg size. Incubation and nest defense behavior were also similar between T- and C-females. Our results suggest that selection on males for higher testosterone might initially lead to a correlated response in females producing changes in body mass and feather molt, both of which could be detrimental. Other possible female responses would be delayed onset of reproduction, which might reduce reproductive success, and higher yolk testosterone, which might have either positive or negative effects on offspring development. We found no reason to expect reduced parental behavior by females as a negative fitness consequence of selection for higher testosterone in males.  相似文献   
Male androgen responses to social challenges have been predicted to vary with mating system, male-male aggressiveness, and the degree of paternal investment in birds ("challenge hypothesis," Am. Nat. 136 (1990), 829). This study focused on the interspecific predictions of the challenge hypothesis. Comparative methods were used to control for effects of the phylogenetic relatedness among the sampled species. Male androgen data of 84 bird species were collected from literature records on seasonal androgen patterns. From these, the androgen responsiveness (AR) was calculated as described in the original challenge hypothesis (i.e., maximum physiological level/breeding baseline). Scatterplots of AR versus mating strategy, male-male aggressiveness, and the degree of paternal care confirmed the expected interspecific patterns. When phylogenetic analyses were performed among all of the sampled species, the effects of paternal investment disappeared while the AR remained covarying to a high degree with mating system and male-male aggressiveness. Although these mechanisms may be different at the intraspecific level, this suggests that interspecific differences of AR in male birds may have evolved in response to changes of mating strategies, rather than in response to altered paternal duties. However, control for phylogeny among the subsample of 32 passerine species revealed that if any paternal investment contributed to the observed variance in AR, then the change from "no male incubation" to "male shares incubation duties" represented the most effective, whereas the male's contribution to feeding offspring did not explain the observed variation of AR.  相似文献   
Most birds develop brood patches before incubation; epidermis and dermis in the brood patch region thicken, and the dermal connective tissue becomes increasingly vascularized and infiltrated by leukocytes. However, current dogma states that waterfowl incubate without modifications of skin within the brood patch region. The incubation periods of lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens; hereafter called snow geese) and Ross’s geese (C. rossii) are 2–6 days shorter than those of other goose species; only females incubate. Thus, we hypothesized that such short incubation periods would require fully developed brood patches for sufficient heat transfer from incubating parents to eggs. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing the skin histology of abdominal regions of snow and Ross’s geese collected at Karrak Lake, Nunavut, Canada. For female snow geese, we found that epidermis and dermis had thickened and vascularization of dermis was 14 times greater, on average, than that observed in males (n=5 pairs). Our results for Ross’s geese (n=5 pairs) were more variable, wherein only one of five female Ross’s geese fully developed a brood patch. Our results are consistent with three hypotheses about brood patch development and its relationship with different energetic cost–benefit relationships, resulting from differences in embryonic development and body size.  相似文献   
One juvenile and one adult female wolf snake(Colubridae: Lycodon) were sampled at Yixian and Fuxi, Huangshan, Anhui, China in the summer of 2011 and 2012, respectively. The two specimens were identified as Lycodon liuchengchaoi based on external morphology and molecular data. This is a new reptile record in Anhui Province. In our laboratory, four eggs were laid and three neonates were hatched successfully. This is the first record of the laying and incubation of L. liuchengchaoi eggs. The five specimens were deposited at the Museum of Huangshan University(HUM20140001) and Guangdong Entomological Institute(HB-lcfsp12613, HB-lcfsp-ch1~3).  相似文献   
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