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中国野生葡萄资源在生产和育种中利用的概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国自古就有采食葡萄野果的习惯。自从2000多年前葡萄的栽培种——欧亚种传入我国,国内原产野生葡萄逐渐失去重视,但其栽培利用在一些地方一直延续至今。刺葡萄是中国野生葡萄中果粒最大的一个种,因其耐湿热和抗病性强,在江西、福建、湖南、贵州等地区一直作为鲜食葡萄栽培利用至今。长期以来,毛葡萄在广西、湖北、陕西、西藏等地被用作生产独具地方特点的野葡萄酒。山葡萄在东北被用作酿酒原料的历史有90年以上。一些野生葡萄被用作抗性砧木育种的亲本材料。新中国成立以来,野生葡萄的栽培利用和遗传改良不断得到重视,实现了山葡萄的人工栽培,选育了大量优良单株,培育了一系列葡萄新品种,在我国葡萄产业发展中发挥了或正在发挥作用。本文对中国野生葡萄资源在遗传改良和栽培利用中的成就进行了总结,旨在引起葡萄育种工作者对中国原产野生葡萄的重视,加强中国野生葡萄在葡萄遗传改良中的利用。  相似文献   
藜麦在张家口地区试种的表现与评价   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本研究对在张家口地区进行试种的4份藜麦材料进行了农艺性状与品质性状评价。试种藜麦株高范围为119.27~180.51 cm,生育期范围为103~118 d。子粒饱满,产量可达3 637.32 kg/hm2,蛋白质含量为14.79±0.72%,脂肪含量为7.57±1.17%,天冬氨酸、赖氨酸和精氨酸含量分别为1.37±0.06%、1.00±0.03%、1.47±0.08%,皂苷含量为2.12±0.50%。以上结果与文献对比结果表明,藜麦富含多种营养成分,且蛋白质含量丰富、氨基酸比例平衡、增产潜力大等特点能够充分表现,适宜在张家口地区以及生态条件类似的地区种植。  相似文献   
培养的嗅鞘细胞的最终纯度受到多种因素的影响,如嗅鞘细胞的取材来源、分离方法等等;对培养的嗅鞘细胞进行纯化可获得高纯度的嗅鞘细胞。纯化嗅鞘细胞的方法有许多种,主要有单纯差速贴壁法、免疫吸附法、化学药物抑制法、无血清饥饿法等,现在的实验研究更趋向于以上2-3种方法联合应用对嗅鞘细胞进行纯化,这些联合纯化方案主要是在采用单纯差速贴壁方法的基础上再次运用其他一种或几种方法进行嗅鞘细胞的纯化。就获取的嗅鞘细胞的最终纯度而言,许多方法取得了可观的效果。但不同的纯化方法各有利弊,除了价格不同外,不同的纯化方法对嗅鞘细胞的生物活性造成不同程度的影响。因此在选择纯化方法时,应综合考虑各方面因素,根据研究目的和实际需要选择合理的方案进行纯化。本文通过查阅各数据库中与嗅鞘细胞的分离培养及纯化有关的文献和其他相关书籍,来探讨纯化嗅鞘细胞的不同方法以及这些纯化方法对嗅鞘细胞最终纯度的影响。  相似文献   
Tomato is an essential crop in terms of economic importance and nutritional quality. In France, the third most important region for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) production is Aquitaine where the major part of production is now grown soilless under greenhouse conditions with harvest from March to November. Tomato fruit quality at harvest is a direct function of its metabolite content at that time. The aim of this work was to use a global approach to characterize changes in the fruit organoleptic quality at harvest under commercial culture conditions during an entire season for two varieties and two different fertilization practices (with or without recycling of the nutrient solution) for one variety. Absolute quantification data of 32 major compounds in fruit without seeds were obtained through untargeted (proton nuclear magnetic resonance, 1H-NMR) quantitative profiling. These data were complemented by colorimetric analysis of ascorbate and total phenolics. They were analyzed with chemometric approaches. Principal component analysis (PCA) or partial least square analyses (PLS) revealed more discriminant metabolites for season than for variety and showed that nutrient solution recycling had very little effect on fruit composition. These tendencies were confirmed with univariate analyses. 1H-NMR profiling complemented with colorimetric analyses therefore provided a diagnostic tool to follow the changes in organoleptic and nutritional quality of tomato. In addition the quantitative information generated will help to increase our knowledge on the mechanisms of plant response to environmental modifications. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
培养基及培养工艺对双歧杆菌产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:对双歧杆菌生产培养基进行筛选,提高双歧杆菌的产量。方法:使用保蒲培养基,采用发酵罐培养工艺。结果:使用保蒲培养基较西红柿原汁培养基可使双歧杆菌的产量提高3.06-5.36倍。用保蒲培养基采用发酵罐培养工艺较立瓶静止培养工艺双歧杆菌的产量可提高4.91-54.8倍;发酵罐培养工艺较用西红柿原汁培养基、立瓶培养工艺产量提高17.33-154.29倍。结论:用保蒲培养基发酵罐培养可大大提高双歧杆菌的产量。  相似文献   
白毒鹅膏菌人工驯化及毒力变异试验   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我们对白毒鹅膏菌 [Amanitaverna (Bull.:Fr.)Pers.exvitt]进行组织分离获得了菌丝体纯培养 ,采用 3种栽培培养基作出菇比较试验 ,以杂木屑、麦皮、干牛粪组成的培养料菌丝生长最好 ,并发现依次为天然 (干品 )→母种→菌丝的减毒变异 ,对出菇生态作了观察 ,可见子实体原基形成 ,可惜未见出菇效应。  相似文献   
The cores from the Albano and Nemi lakes, near Rome, were studied within the European Union funded PALICLAS project and provided high resolution records of the Late-glacial and Holocene. Pollen evidence of increasing human influence on vegetation was recorded in the Holocene parts of both diagrams, and the Cannabis (hemp) curve was one of the major signs. In this paper we present unambiguous pollen evidence from the Cannabaceae records for the cultivation of hemp in central Italy by the Romans. The oldest records of Cannabis and Humulus (hop) date from to the Late-glacial. Hop pollen values rise during the mid Holocene, while hemp pollen becomes more abundant from ca. 3000 cal B.P. onwards. The highest earliest hemp peak (21%) is dated to the 1st century A.D. This ‘Cannabis phase’, with the abrupt rise of hemp pollen soon after the rise of cultivated trees (Castanea, Juglans and Olea) is associated with the increase in cereals and ruderal plants. This unambiguous proof of cultivation by Romans around 2000 B.P. occurs as well as a long lasting pre-Roman presence of hemp in the area, which is natural and possibly also anthropogenic. Subsequent clear episodes of cultivation in the medieval period were found. Received February 4, 2002 / Accepted September 13, 2002 Correspondence to: Anna Maria Mercuri, e-mail: mercuri.annamaria@unimo.it  相似文献   
目的:建立和优化大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)的分离培养条件,以获得群体均一、未分化状态保持良好的MSCs.方法:收集不同周龄大鼠骨髓细胞;以不同浓度Percoll密度梯度离心分离骨髓单个核细胞;以60%低糖DMEM40%MCDB201为基础培养基,培养24h去悬浮细胞;以不同接种密度传代培养;碱性磷酸酶染色和油红O染色考察MSCs向骨和脂肪组织分化的潜能.结果:采用57%Percoll液的分离效果优于70%Percoll液.6周龄(体重约180g)大鼠能在细胞分离的质和量上达到最佳效果.24h进行悬浮细胞去除、5×103/cm2接种密度传代培养,光镜和电镜显示MSCs增殖能力强,功能状态活跃,成脂成骨实验显示多向分化潜能保持良好.结论:优化大鼠周龄、分离液的密度、细胞培养条件及改进培养方法有助于获得多向分化潜能保持良好的均一的MSCs.  相似文献   
This study investigated the culturable aerobic phototrophic bacteria present in soil samples collected in the proximity of the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station in the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica. Until recently, only oxygenic phototrophic bacteria (Cyanobacteria) were well known from Antarctic soils. However, more recent non-cultivation-based studies have demonstrated the presence of anoxygenic phototrophs and, particularly, aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in these areas. Approximately 1000 isolates obtained after prolonged incubation under different growth conditions were studied and characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Representative strains were identified by sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes. More than half of the isolates grouped among known aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic taxa, particularly with Sphingomonadaceae, Methylobacterium and Brevundimonas. In addition, a total of 330 isolates were tested for the presence of key phototrophy genes. While rhodopsin genes were not detected, multiple isolates possessed key genes of the bacteriochlorophyll synthesis pathway. The majority of these potential aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic strains grouped with Alphaproteobacteria (Sphingomonas, Methylobacterium, Brevundimonas and Polymorphobacter).  相似文献   
Transient expression systems allow the rapid production of recombinant proteins in plants. Such systems can be scaled up to several hundred kilograms of biomass, making them suitable for the production of pharmaceutical proteins required at short notice, such as emergency vaccines. However, large‐scale transient expression requires the production of recombinant Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains with the capacity for efficient gene transfer to plant cells. The complex media often used for the cultivation of this species typically include animal‐derived ingredients that can contain human pathogens, thus conflicting with the requirements of good manufacturing practice (GMP). We replaced all the animal‐derived components in yeast extract broth (YEB) cultivation medium with soybean peptone, and then used a design‐of‐experiments approach to optimize the medium composition, increasing the biomass yield while maintaining high levels of transient expression in subsequent infiltration experiments. The resulting plant peptone Agrobacterium medium (PAM) achieved a two‐fold increase in OD600 compared to YEB medium during a 4‐L batch fermentation lasting 18 h. Furthermore, the yields of the monoclonal antibody 2G12 and the fluorescent protein DsRed were maintained when the cells were cultivated in PAM rather than YEB. We have thus demonstrated a simple, efficient and scalable method for medium optimization that reduces process time and costs. The final optimized medium for the cultivation of A. tumefaciens completely lacks animal‐derived components, thus facilitating the GMP‐compliant large‐scale transient expression of recombinant proteins in plants.  相似文献   
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