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滇西北大理地区位于茶马古道上,处于白、汉、藏文化交汇区域,集市作为三民族生计互补与文化传播的中心,从古至今都有茶马交易与药材交易.现今受中国经济高速发展与西医药文化的强烈影响,该地区的传统药材集市是否仍是白、汉、藏民族药材交易及相关医药文化交流的重要场所?传统药材集市呈现出怎样的特点?本研究选取大理地区三个重要传统药材集市,从集市的药材经营和交易情况角度进行民族植物学调查.调查发现,现今传统集市上的药材交易仍为三民族交流的重要部分,各民族在其中表现的相关民族植物学知识不同.三民族在药材经营者人员分配的习惯制度上有差异,在所出售药材的种类与处理方式上不同.传统药材集市上呈现出的多民族交流,白、汉、藏民族间的差异而非趋同化特点,说明各民族间的相互需求关系,体现大理地区传统药材集市存在对白、汉、藏民族交流的重要性.本文最后讨论了该地区传统药材集市现今仍然存在的自然性和必然性,并提出不需要刻意对集市进行保护的观点.  相似文献   
绿洲-荒漠过渡带是荒漠与绿洲之间的生态缓冲区,在维持绿洲能量流动、物质循环和景观稳定方面具有重要作用。过渡带宽度和属性直接影响到了其在整个绿洲系统中的功能发挥。以河西走廊中部张掖绿洲的Landsat(OLI)NDVI(归一化植被指数,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)数据为基础,结合野外调查将过渡带类型划分为绿洲与石质裸山、砾质荒漠、沙质荒漠和人工固沙区4类。采用缓冲分析、分段线性趋势分析和尺度分别为30 m、90 m、210 m、330 m焦点分析等方法研究了不同类型过渡带宽度和尺度依赖特征。结果表明,在不同尺度上绿洲外缘NDVI变化存在二种线性回归趋势,趋势线交点至绿洲边界距离可确定为过渡带宽度。不同尺度分析表明,绿洲-石质裸山过渡带宽度为165—220 m,在其内NDVI线性变化趋势显著(P0.05)。绿洲-砾质荒漠过渡带宽度保持在330 m,在其内NDVI变化趋势极显著(P0.001)。绿洲-沙质荒漠过渡带宽度变化在230—290 m,NDVI变化趋势也为极显著(P0.001)。绿洲-人工固沙区过渡带宽度变化在570—580 m,与其它类型不同地是在过渡带内存在二种变化趋势,在210—240 m范围内变化趋势极显著(P0.001),超出此范围线性回归趋势不显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   
The prevalence of SFGR in ixodid ticks in the Mt. Arashima-dake area in the northern part of Fukui Prefecture was surveyed, because of strong suspicions that the first case identified in this Prefecture had become infected with R. helvetica in this region. The ticks identified consisted of three genera and six species; I.ovatus, I. persulcatus, I. monospinosus, H. flava, H. japonica and D. taiwanensis. Of all 222 ticks collected, only I. monospinosus ticks (8 of 32 examined) were positive for SFGR isolates, which were genetically identified as R. helvetica. Ticks (157 of all 222) positive for SFGR-DNA fragments consisted of I. monospinosus (14 of 32), I. persulcatus (11 of 55), I. ovatus (3 of 38), H. flava (5 of 21) and H. japonica (2 of 9). Of these, thirteen I. monospinosus, eight I. persulcatus, three I. ovatus, two H. flava and one H. japonica were identified by nucleotide sequences as positive for R. helvetica. DNA fragments from three H. flava and one H. japonica showed greater homology to R. japonica than to R. helvetica or R. asiatica. The present results indicate that it is most likely that the vector tick of R. helvetica infection in Fukui Prefecture is I. monospinosus.  相似文献   
基于SSR标记的黔南茶树种质资源DNA指纹图谱构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黔南60个野生茶树种质资源为材料,使用15对引物,通过SSR技术进行了DNA指纹数据库的构建。结果显示,所采用的15对引物共扩增出147个等位基因,有较好的多态性。位点的期望杂合度和多态性信息含量的变化范围分别为0.128~0.939和0.124~0.927,平均值分别为0.602和0.572。综合各项指标筛选出6对引物QNSSR01、QNSSR02、QNSSR04、QNSSR06、QNSSR18、QNSSR23上的23个等位基因用于黔南茶树种质资源DNA指纹图谱构建,60个茶树种质资源的SSR指纹图谱互不相同,可以作为各材料特定的图谱。研究结果为黔南茶树种质资源保护和品种创新利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
基于景观敏感度的森林公园景点评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周锐  李月辉  胡远满  刘淼 《应用生态学报》2008,19(11):2460-2466
采用GIS空间分析技术,结合地形特征,选择相对坡度、相对距离、互视性、视觉几率和醒目程度5个分量,基于景观敏感度的测定原理和方法,对猴石国家森林公园内的主要景点进行了景观敏感度定量评价.结果表明:在猴石公园现有的23个景点中,景观敏感度综合评价为Ⅰ级的景点0个;景观敏感度综合评价为Ⅱ级的景点10个,占景点总数的43.5%,这类景点及其周围景观均需受到严格保护,以维持景观的自然特征;景观敏感度综合评价为Ⅲ级的景点有8个,占景点总数的34.8%,这类景点周围可结合自然景观发展人文景观,建设较宽的游览道,也可开发小规模的人工建筑,但建筑风格应与周围的自然景观协调统一,即在保护好自然景观的同时,实施开发建设;景观敏感度综合评价为Ⅳ和Ⅴ级的景点共计5个,占景点总数的21.7%,这两类景点周围可开展更大规模的综合性旅游设施和游道建设,为自然景观增色生辉.通过多角度定量化的景观敏感度评价,丰富了景观视觉评价和景观感知研究的理论,同时,为旅游区及森林公园总体开发建设和景观规划提供了重要依据和科学指导.  相似文献   
鄂西土家族苗族自治州位于湖北省西南部山区,海拔一般在500~2200米,分布的药用植物已知有186科854属2088种,其中名贵药材有50余种。药用植物的分布,由于本地三个不同的地理位置和垂直气侯带(800米以下,800~1300米,1500米以上),以及植被类型,而有明显的差异。鄂西是湖北和全国中药材主要产地之一,药用植物资源有着广阔的开发前景。  相似文献   
赵雪雁  毛笑文 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5397-5406
农户作为我国最主要的经济活动主体与最基本的决策单位,已成为影响生态环境的最重要单元,当前急需理解农户的环境影响,并依此为依据找寻缓解环境压力的对策.以甘肃省张掖市、甘南藏族自治州、临夏回族自治州为研究区,以生态足迹作为测度环境影响的指标,利用入户调查资料,基于成分法核算了农户的生态足迹,对比分析了汉、藏、回族地区农户的环境影响,并利用STIRPAT模型分解了各因素对农户环境影响的作用.研究发现:(1)甘南州农户的人均生态足迹高于张掖市与临夏州,其中甘南州农户的人均草地足迹远高于张掖市与临夏州,而张掖市农户的人均化石能源地足迹远高于甘南州与临夏州;(2)3个地区农户对耕地影响的差距均较小,但对水域、林地、草地影响的差距都较悬殊;(3)农户的家庭规模、富裕水平、受教育程度、非农化水平是影响生态环境的主要驱动因子,扩大家庭规模、提高富裕水平将加剧对环境的影响,而提高农户的受教育程度及非农化水平将减缓对环境的影响,但它们引起的环境影响变化速度均低于其自身的变化速度;(4)民族属性对农户的环境影响具有显著作用,张掖市、甘南藏族自治州、临夏回族自治州的现有样本数据支持环境Kuznets曲线假说.  相似文献   
Aims The correlation between vein density and water use efficiency (WUE) affects the balance between water supply and demand of plant leaves, which is significant for comprehending the ecological adaptation strategies of plants. The objective of this study was to study how Salix matsudana modulated vein density and WUE along a soil moisture gradient in Zhangye Wetland, China. Methods The study was conducted in floodplain wetland near Heihe River in Zhangye City, Gansu Province, China. Three sample plots, at a spatial interval of 70 m, were set up along a soil moisture gradient ordinally from the area near the water body to the wetland edge, plot I (69.23%), spot II (48.38%) and spot III (35.27%). Community traits were investigated by using diagonal method, and all individuals of S. matsudana were used for measurements of height and canopy. At each plot, 5 individuals of S. matsudana at 4 vertices and diagonal intersection were selected for measurements of vein density, WUE, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), saturated vapor pressure differences (VPD), specific leaf area, stomatal conductance (Gs) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci). We used mathematical methods of correlation analysis and standardized major axis to investigate relationships between vein density and WUE. Important findings With decreasing soil moisture, the height, canopy, specific leaf area, Gs and Ci of S. matsudana decreased gradually, while the vein density, WUE, Pn, Tr, PAR and VPD increased gradually. The correlation between vein density and WUE was positive in all the three plots, but the relationship varied along the soil moisture plots gradient. There was a highly significant positive correlation (p < 0.01) between the vein density and WUE at plot I and III, whereas the correlation only reached a significant level (p < 0.05) at plot II; The correlation coefficient between vein density and WUE is significantly smaller than 1 at plot I (p < 0.05), while the correlation coefficient is significant greater than 1 at plot II and III (p < 0.05). We can conclude that varied relationships between vein density and WUE of S. matsudana along a soil moisture gradient could reflect plant acclimation.  相似文献   
Aims The coevolution between vein traits has influences on water use strategies of plant and the formation of leaf economic spectrum, and therefore is important for understanding the trade-off between carbon input in leaf vein construction and the functional feedback from leaf veins. Our aim is to study the allometric relationship between vein density and vein diameter of Achnatherum splendens populations at three natural microhabitats (subcanopy, transitional and open areas) in Zhangye wetland. Methods According to the shade condition of the arbor canopy and the distance to arbor, the A. splendens community were divided into three microenvironments: subcanopy, transitional and open areas. We sampled 10 (4 m × 4 m) A. splendens plots from each microenvironment and investigate the biological characteristics of the plots and leaf traits of the plants within the plots. Then the soil physical and chemical properties, and community photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were investigated at three gradients. Six individual of A. splendens were selected in each plot and the leaf length, leaf width, vein density and vein diameter of two or three healthy and complete leaves from four directions of each individual were measured in laboratory. The SMA estimation method and correlation analysis were then used to examine the allometric relationship between vein density and vein diameter. Important findings Along the gradient from subcanopy, transitional zone to open areas, soil moisture displayed a pattern of initial decrease of plant community, and soil electric conductivity displayed increase changing trends. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), vapor pressure deficit (VPD), vein density (1.28-1.59 mm·mm-2), leaf width and water use efficiency (WUE) increase gradually, while the leaf length, vein diameter (0.21-0.16 mm) of A. splendens decrease. The average value of plasticity indexes of leaf characteristics was 0.19. Leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) and bundle density increase first and them decrease. The vein density and vein diameter of A. splendens were negatively correlated with each other in subcanopy environment (p < 0.01), transitional and open areas (p < 0.05). The SMA (0.54-1.50) slope of regression equation in the scaling relationships between vein density and vein diameter decrease gradually from subcanopy to open areas.  相似文献   
李群  赵成章  王继伟  赵连春  徐婷  韩玲 《生态学报》2017,37(15):4956-4962
密度制约下植物比叶面积与水分利用效率的关系,对于认识土壤-植物-大气的物质循环和能量流动机制具有重要意义。采用样方调查法,研究了3种密度(高密度Ⅰ:210—230株/m~2;中密度Ⅱ:130—150株/m~2;低密度Ⅲ:50—70株/m~2)条件下芦苇种群比叶面积(SLA)和水分利用效率(WUE)的关系。结果表明:随着芦苇种群密度的逐渐降低,湿地群落的土壤含水量逐渐减小,芦苇的株高、叶面积、叶干重、SLA和蒸腾速率(Tr)均呈逐渐减小的趋势,净光合速率(Pn)、叶厚度和WUE呈逐渐增加的趋势;不同密度条件下湿地植物芦苇比叶面积(SLA)与水分利用效率(WUE)的关系存在显著差异(P0.05),在高密度(Ⅰ)与低密度(Ⅲ)样地,芦苇SLA与WUE呈极显著负相关关系(P0.01);在中密度(Ⅱ)样地,二者呈显著负相关关系(P0.05)。不同种群密度的湿地生境中,芦苇通过调整叶片形态构造,使比叶面积和水分利用效率形成了相反的变化趋势,反映了植物适应光照条件、土壤含水量等异质性环境因子的资源利用策略和光合产物积累模式。  相似文献   
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