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松嫩平原两个生态型羊草种群生长机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对松嫩平原两个生态型羊草种群生长机制进行了研究.结果表明,两个生态型羊草种群分株重与密度之间关系呈幂函数变化,方程中b值(-0.098~-0.272)大于-1.两个生态型羊草种群生物量、分株重随着密度、高度的增加而逐渐增加,它们之间的关系符合幂函数或直线变化规律,达到显著或极显著相关水平.两个生态型羊草种群生物量和分株重随密度和高度的变化速率在营养生长期内均最小.灰绿生态型的变化速率b(0.7872、0.0134)在营养生长期小于黄绿生态型(0.8793、0.0222);到果后营养期,灰绿生态型(0.8048、0.0303)逐渐超过黄绿生态型(0.7796、0.0258).两个生态型羊草种群在研究样地环境中未达到环境容纳量,两个生态型羊草种群在整个生育期内不断生长,具有相同的生长规律,且灰绿生态型羊草种群具有更强的生长潜力.  相似文献   
三江平原湿地小叶章生产力模拟模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用气象台站的常规观测资料,依据植物生长模拟理论,以d为步长,建立了湿地小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia)植被生产力动态模拟模型。该模型包括3个子模块:1)光合作用与呼吸作用;2)干物质积累;3)同化物分配,主要考虑了温度和积水因子对植物生长的影响。并利用实测资料对该模型进行了检验,结果表明:小叶章地上活体、枯落物、茎、叶各器官枯落物的模拟值与实测值之间均呈极显著的线性相关(R2分别为0.98、0.99、0.99和0.92)。在相邻区域的检验结果也表明,季节性积水沼泽化草甸小叶章的地上生物量明显高于常年积水沼泽。两类湿地小叶章地上生物量的模拟值与实测值之间均呈极显著线性相关(R2分别为0.66和0.79)。相近区域长期定位观测点连续2年的模拟结果与实测值之间也具有极显著的线性相关(R2分别为0.97和0.76)。  相似文献   
根据2008年5月至2011年1月对松嫩湖群20个主要渔业湖泊的鱼类资源调查,分析了该湖群鱼类区系特征和群落相似性状况。松嫩湖群的鱼类区系由4目9科34属46种和亚种构成,其中土著鱼类3目8科27属39种和亚种,包括中国特有种3种,中国易危种1种,冷水种5种;由5个区系复合体构成,以东部江河平原区系复合体为主体;鲤形目31种,鲤科26种,分别占优势;鱼类区系具有南北方物种相互渗透、古北界与东洋界交汇过渡的混色类群特征。目前松嫩湖群鱼类群落种类组成的相似度总体较低,群落数量结构的相似度总体较高,鱼类群落相似性面临的主要问题是自然与人为因素导致湖泊生态环境的变化和放养、移殖与过度捕捞导致鱼类资源的减少与小型化,二者的叠加效应使鱼类群落长期处于受损状态,群落结构及其相似性处在动态变化中,群落内种间关系的协调性、种群结构的合理性和群落结构的稳定性均在下降。针对这些情况和群落相似性现状,提出未来松嫩湖群湖泊渔业的发展方向是优化调整群落结构,发展多种群湖泊渔业,合理利用土著鱼类资源。  相似文献   
综合三江平原湿地不同层次、不同维度的生物多样性特征,在系统保护规划方法(Systematic Conservation Planning,SCP)框架下,以集水区为规划单元,计算研究区域不可替代性指数,确定高保护价值网络体系,通过保护空缺分析对现有保护网络进行优化,并评估优化体系的有效性。结果表明:三江平原湿地高保护价值区域的分布呈现沿河流分布的特点;现有保护区中湖泊和目标物种的保护状态比较好;保护网络体系优化后,沼泽湿地在保护网络中的比重由22.88%重增加到50%以上;河流湿地由16.20%增加到33.92%;地下水资源在现有保护网络中的比重非常低,仅为2.01%,优化后保护网络中保护比重增加到12.05%,因此在今后的保护区规划中,应该重视对地下水资源的保护和管理。另外本研究结合生态脆弱性对高保护价值的空缺设计3个情景方案,并根据生态威胁的种类和强度提出各优先保护方案的保护建议,为保护管理决策提供依据。  相似文献   
杨屹  张柯 《生态学报》2021,41(16):6339-6350
西部城市群快速发展加剧了城市之间的竞争,自然资源消耗过快导致各市改善生态环境努力的差异加大,生态占用不公平对生态系统的影响给城市群实现联合国17个可持续发展目标(17 SDGs)带来了困难。在描述2007-2018年关中城市群人均生态足迹(ef)、人均碳足迹(cf)、人均水足迹(wf)和城市发展指数(CDI)时空演变特征的基础上,采用基尼系数评价了生态占用公平性对城市群实现17 SDGs的影响。结果显示,①关中城市群各市CDI年均增长率低于efcfwf,城市发展滞后于资源消耗,不利于实现17 SDGs。②碳压力与碳承载的匹配度趋于优化,生态压力同生态承载、水资源压力同水承载的匹配度下降。③生态压力同CDI的空间均衡程度相对公平且稳定,碳压力、水资源压力同CDI的空间均衡程度下降,城市发展同承载力贡献差异性显著。建立监测城市群社会经济活动同生态占用公平程度的分析框架,揭示了生态占用公平在实现SDGs情境中有利于保护森林与耕地、提高城市群内城市改善生态环境的努力水平和平衡好各市在发展与保护之间的取舍的影响。为此,提出改善城市群生态环境治理框架、加强城市大气污染治理和城乡废物管理、建立跨域生态环境共保联治机制等建议。  相似文献   
The abundance of greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons frontalis) on the Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) of northern Alaska, USA, has more than tripled since the late 1990s; however, recent rate of annual population growth has declined as population size increased, which may indicate white-fronted geese on the ACP are approaching carrying capacity. We examined rates of gosling growth in greater white-fronted geese at 3 sites on the ACP during 2012–2014 to assist with predictions of future population trends and assess evidence for density-dependent constraints on recruitment. We marked goslings at hatch with individually coded webtags and conducted brood drives during early August to capture, measure, and weigh goslings. Annual estimates of gosling mass at 32 days old (range = 1,190–1,685) indicate that goslings had obtained >60% of asymptotic size. This rate of growth corresponds with that of other goose species and populations with access to high-quality forage and no limitations on forage availability, and is consistent with the overall increase in abundance of white-fronted geese at the ACP scale. Contrary to most previous investigations, age-adjusted mass of goslings did not decline with hatch date. Goslings grew faster in coastal areas than at inland freshwater sites. Taken together, these findings suggest forage was not limiting gosling growth rates in either ecosystem, but forage was of greater quality in coastal areas where goose foraging habitat is expanding because of permafrost subsidence. Spatial patterns of gosling growth corresponded with local-scale patterns of population density and population change; the areas with greatest rates of gosling growth were those with the greatest population density and rates of population increase. We found little evidence to suggest forage during brood rearing was limiting population increase of white-fronted geese on the ACP. Factors responsible for the apparent slowing of ACP-wide population growth are likely those that occur in stages of the annual cycle outside of the breeding grounds. Published 2021. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   
俄有浩  霍治国  赵花荣  马玉平 《生态学报》2020,40(18):6613-6620
旨在了解农田CO2浓度长期动态变化特征、趋势、浓度增量分布模式等,收集了2007—2018年中国气象局固城生态与农业气象试验站开路式涡相关CO2浓度观测数据。研究了华北平原农田CO2浓度的年际、年内、昼夜和CO2通量等动态变化特征,对比分析了华北平原农田CO2浓度与城市站和大气本底站CO2浓度变化趋势及差异。结果表明,近十多年来华北平原农田CO2年平均浓度显著升高31.0 μmol/mol(r=0.263, P<0.01),年均增幅(2.58 μmol/mol)与全球和瓦里关本底站大气CO2浓度增幅接近,但农田CO2浓度年际和年内季节变化波动巨大,日平均浓度和逐时平均浓度标准差分别为33.7和33.5 μmol/mol。夜间CO2平均浓度395.8 μmol/mol,比白天高36.2 μmol/mol(10.1%),8月最高差值达到74.4 μmol/mol(20.6%)。在作物生长季节,5月和8—9月白天CO2浓度出现的两个谷值准确地对应了CO2通量动态变化的两个峰值,表明4—9月昼间CO2浓度和通量动态变化很好地反映了华北平原冬小麦和夏玉米生长过程、农事活动和农田碳交换的关系。农田CO2浓度动态变化与城市、湿地和大气本底站的变化特征不同,表明其动态变化的形成机制有差异。农田CO2浓度昼夜及季节变化特征为研究和评估CO2浓度升高影响作物生长和产量提供指导依据。  相似文献   
利用黑龙江省三江平原地区1959—2007年降水资料和1983—2007年春玉米生育期资料,采用百分位法确定了各站点的极端降水阈值,结合极端降水频次、强度、最长连续(无)降水日数、极端降水贡献率等指标,分析了三江平原地区极端降水的年际间变化特征、不同等级的降水量变化以及春玉米各生育阶段极端降水的分配特征.结果表明:1959—2007年间,研究区域年降水量呈略微减少趋势,且年降水日数的减幅远大于降水量,年内降水量分布更趋于集中;极端降水频次和强度均呈减少趋势,极端降水频次的年际间波动大于极端降水强度;年极端降水量占全年降水量的比例略有减少,减少趋势不显著;年小雨日数极显著减少,而年中雨日数和年内大到暴雨日数的减少趋势不显著.三江平原地区春玉米各生育阶段的极端降水分配比例由高到低依次为生殖生长阶段、营养生长与生殖生长并存阶段、营养生长阶段和出苗前;春玉米生长季内降水量占年降水量的比例显著减少,导致春玉米生长季缺水的风险加大;春玉米生长季内最长连续无降水日数呈极显著增加趋势,增幅达1.1 d·(10 a) -1,而最长连续降水日数却呈极显著下降趋势,减幅为0.5 d·(10 a)-1,说明研究区自然降水条件下春玉米生长季干旱风险有所加大.  相似文献   
赵光影  刘景双  王洋 《生态学杂志》2011,22(6):1653-1658
利用开顶箱薰气室,设置正常大气CO2浓度(350 μmol·mol-1)、高CO2浓度(700 μmol·mol-1)2个CO2水平和不施氮(0 g N·m-2)、中氮(5 g N·m-2)和高氮(15 g N·m-2)3个氮素水平,研究CO2浓度升高和氮肥施用对三江平原草甸小叶章生长的影响.结果表明:随着CO2浓度升高,小叶章物候期提前,其中抽穗期提前1~2 d,成熟期提前3 d;不施氮、中氮和高氮水平下, CO2浓度升高使小叶章的分蘖分别增加8.2%(P<0.05)、8.4%(P<0.05)和5.5%(P>0.05);在小叶章生长初期,CO2浓度升高对其生物量的增加有促进作用,拔节期和抽穗期小叶章地上生物量分别增加12.4%和20.9%(P<0.05);生长后期则对小叶章地下生物量的促进作用增大,腊熟期和成熟期的地下生物量分别增加20.5%和20.9% (P<0.05).小叶章生物量对高浓度CO2的响应与供氮水平有关,供氮充足条件下, 高浓度CO2对生物量的促进效应更大.  相似文献   
Sub-glacial meltwater produces a distinctive stratigraphic and sedimentological response on the continental margin. Seismo-stratigraphy of Laurentian Channel reveals thick till deposits at its seaward end that pass laterally into stratified sediment in deeper basins, that may record periods of water build up beneath the ice. Two scales of meltwater discharge are recognised: large scale that caused catastrophic erosion and transported large volumes of coarse sediment to the abyssal plain and smaller scale, yielding principally muddy sediment. Sub-glacial outburst floods from the Laurentian Channel ice stream delivered distinctive red sediment derived from Permian-Carboniferous strata of the Gulf of St. Lawrence directly to Laurentian Fan between ca. 17 and 14 14C ka, separate from North Atlantic Heinrich events. On levees of Laurentian Fan, three major pulses of meltwater plume muds are separated by intervals dominated by hemipelagic sediments. These meltwater intervals are recognised distally as periods of plume sedimentation on the Scotian Slope and ice-rafting of hematite-stained quartz to the North Atlantic Ocean. In channels of Laurentian Fan, at least one major sediment transport event is recognised that eroded the upper slope and the major fan valleys, depositing a bed of gravel at least 3 m thick in the characteristically wide fan valleys and thick sand on the Sohm Abyssal Plain. The same event was probably responsible for giant flute-like scours. The age of the gravel bed is directly constrained only by the presence of local overlying Holocene sediment. Much of the surface of the gravel bed was re-worked by the 1929 “Grand Banks” turbidity current. An erosional event on the upper slope, likely correlative with the flood-generated gravel bed, has been dated at 16.5 14C ka. Such large scale erosional flood events can be recognised back through several glacial cycles and have played an important role in the architectural evolution of Laurentian Fan.  相似文献   
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