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With rapidly increasing rates of contemporary extinction, predicting extinction vulnerability and identifying how multiple stressors drive non-random species loss have become key challenges in ecology. These assessments are crucial for avoiding the loss of key functional groups that sustain ecosystem processes and services. We developed a novel predictive framework of species extinction vulnerability and applied it to coral reef fishes. Although relatively few coral reef fishes are at risk of global extinction from climate disturbances, a negative convex relationship between fish species locally vulnerable to climate change vs. fisheries exploitation indicates that the entire community is vulnerable on the many reefs where both stressors co-occur. Fishes involved in maintaining key ecosystem functions are more at risk from fishing than climate disturbances. This finding is encouraging as local and regional commitment to fisheries management action can maintain reef ecosystem functions pending progress towards the more complex global problem of stabilizing the climate.  相似文献   
Most modern population dynamics analyses of time series use simple population indices for ecological inference. These indices, collected for many years for various agricultural pests or game animals, are generally believed not to distort systematically feedback estimates because the assumption of linearity to population size roughly holds. To assess the relative importance of this assumption, we examined the effect of nonlinearity in a burrow index for voles on feedback estimates obtained through autoregressive modeling. We show that the issue of linearity is of less importance to ecological inference because the feedback estimates are routinely obtained on a logarithmic scale. Transforming data to logs has a strong linearization effect, removing most of the nonlinearity observed on the original scale. We conclude that the statistical tools for ecological inference, such as autoregressive log-linear models, are sufficiently robust to the systematic error imposed by index nonlinearity and that indices are valuable sources of ecological information even in situations when the assumed linear functional forms to population size were not exactly validated. We suggest that for time series modelers, the issue of a large sampling variation in small “noisy” populations is by far a more burning one than the systematic error due to index nonlinearity.  相似文献   
刘胜岗  彭毅强 《生物磁学》2011,(8):1502-1504
目的:通过分析我院经行支气管激发试验明确诊断的咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)的临床和肺功能特点,为诊断和治疗CVA提供一些有益的参考。方法:临床资料采用回顾性分析,共收集142例支气管激发试验阳性而经临床诊断明确为咳嗽变异型哮喘的病例,将其按年龄分为5组,分别对不同年龄组在分布例数、症状特点、肺通气功能、激发剂量进行对比分析。结果:在142例CVA患者中,〈30岁组病例42例(29.6%),30~40岁组30例(21.1%),40~50岁组28例(19.7%),50~60岁组26例(18.3%),〉60岁组16例(11.3%)。在症状方面,除均有慢性咳嗽(〉3周)外,随着年龄的增大,各组中出现胸闷、气促等症状的病例比例逐渐增多。在肺通气功能方面,〈30岁组的肺通气功能测定明显好于〉60岁组。而另外3组之间组与组之间无明显差异,但各组与〈30岁组及〉60岁组之间均有明显差异。结论:咳嗽变异型哮喘患者以中青年患者居多,老年患者较少,随着年龄的增长,其临床表现及肺通气功能越来越接近典型支气管哮喘,由此推想,若有条件的医院能广泛开展支气管激发试验,对咳嗽变异型哮喘患者进行早期诊断。  相似文献   
李孝智  郭峰  汪清 《生物磁学》2011,(8):1536-1538
目的:探讨后腹腔镜保留肾单位手术(LNSS)术式对术肾肾功能的影响。方法:2009年1月-2010年12月行经后腹膜途径腹腔镜保留肾单位手术例26。男16例,女10例。随访时间〉1年的有18例。年龄40-70岁。肾细胞癌23例,肾嫌色细胞癌2例,肾平滑肌瘤1例。肿瘤直径2.6-3.2cm,平均2.9cm。所有患者术中阻断肾动脉,剪刀切除肿瘤。术中肾动脉阻断时间20-30min,平均26.4分钟。分别于术前、术后2周、术后3月、术后1年测定双肾显像、血清肌酐、血清胱抑素。结果:18例患者术肾术前GFR及占总GFR的比例分别为53.2±7.8 ml/min和50.7±3.6%,术后两周GFR及占总GFR的比例分别为31.2±8.9 ml/min和35.8±5.8%,术后3月GFR及占总GFR的比例分别为34.7±8.6 ml/min和38.4±5.3%,术后1年GFR及占总GFR的比例分别为41.1±9.7 ml/min和43.2±6.2%。血清肌酐及血清胱抑素术前术后对比因为受对侧肾功能的影响不能反映对分肾功能的影响。结论:LNSS术式对于直径小于4cm的肾早期肿瘤是切实可行的。  相似文献   
目的:观察北京市60岁以上不同年龄段健康老年人肝肾功能检验项目水平的差异,建立各自的参考值范围。方法:随机挑选600例60岁以上的北京市健康老人,按照不同年龄段分为三组,空腹采血,采用Modular仪器及原装试剂测定血清ALT(丙氨酸氨基转移酶)、AST(天冬氨酸氨基转移酶)、TP(总蛋白)、ALB(白蛋白)、Bun(尿素氮)、Crea(肌酐)、UA(尿酸)水平,结果利用SPSS11.0进行统计分析,根据统计学结果,判断参考值范围,并比较不同组间水平的差异。同时随机选择371例健康青年,与老年组进行这些项目水平的比较。结果:统计学结果显示,AST、TP、UA组间无显著差异;ALT、ALB随年龄增加而下降;Bun、Crea随年龄增加而升高。结论:通过上述实验,对老年人群的ALT、AST、TP、ALB、Bun、Crea、UA等项目的参考区间进行初步分析,对现行参考区间的设定提供建议与参考。各实验室应建立自己的参考值范围。  相似文献   
张国妍  杨帆  李红艳  钟朝华  刘困 《生物磁学》2011,(23):4512-4514
目的:探讨小青龙汤治疗慢性支气管哮喘的临床疗效。方法:选取2009年1月至2011年1月我院收治入院的哮喘患者84例,随机分为对照组和治疗纽,对照组采用西药对症治疗,治疗组在对照纽的基础上联合应用小青龙汤,治疗结束后对两组患者的临床疗效和肺功能进行分析。结果:临床疗效比较:治疗组总有效率显著高于对照组(95.42%VS80.95%,P〈0.05);治疗结束后,两组患者肺功能FEV1占预计值%和PEF占预计值%均显著升高,肺功能明显好转(P〈0.05),且治疗组肺功能改善更为明显(P〈0.05)。结论:小青龙汤作为中医经典方剂治疗慢性支气管哮喘,可显著改善肺功能,提高临床疗效。  相似文献   
张建  王玉挺  刘小义  郭友立  莫桂强 《生物磁学》2011,(23):4496-4498,4514
目的:探讨医学干预对南方某武警部队战士训练伤发生情况的影响。方法:随机将南方某武警部队的一大队,按照干预措施施训,作为干预组;另一大队按照以往常规方法进行训练,不加任何干预措施,作为对照组。观察6个月内的两大队(干预组和对照组)的训练伤发生情况。结果:骨关节和软组织损伤为常见。实施医疗干预可有效降低军事训练伤的发生率(17.95%〈29.18%),其主要效果在于大幅度降低了骨关节损伤的发生率(6.53%〈10.31%)和软组织损伤的发生率(5.59%〈9.92%)。结论:实施医学干预可有效降低我武警部队军事训练伤的发生率。  相似文献   
目的:探讨咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)患者小气道功能检查对其诊断,治疗的意义。方法:对254例以慢性咳嗽为主的患者行肺功能检查并行支气管激发试验,回顾性分析小气道病变及气道高反应性检查结果与咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)的相关性。结果:有小气道功能障碍者接受吸入乙酰甲胆碱激发试验,气道反应性明显增高。有小气道功能障碍确诊咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)组起始阻力、反应阈值及阻力上升度与非哮喘组相比差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:检查小气道功能障碍有助于哮喘的诊断,治疗及预后随访。  相似文献   
新形势下,做好部队野营训练的卫勤保障工作,深入研究训练伤及其相关疾病的防治,是新时期军事斗争准备卫勤保障的重要内容,也是时代赋予医务人员的崇高责任。随着信息化进程的不断加快,部队完成军事斗争准备各项任务日趋繁重。对广大官兵的身心健康提出了更高标准,发挥健康教育优势,促进官兵健康,必须与时俱进,不断创新。我部采取多种方式、提高官兵自我防护及保健能力,从而促进部队整体全面建设稳步发展。  相似文献   
For both scientific and animal welfare reasons, training in basic surgical concepts and techniques should be undertaken before ever seeking to perform surgery on a rodent. Students, post-doctoral scholars, and others interested in performing surgery on rodents as part of a research protocol may not have had formal surgical training as part of their required coursework. Surgery itself is a technical skill, and one that will improve with practice. The principles of aseptic technique, however, often remain unexplained or untaught. For most new surgeons, this vital information is presented in piecemeal fashion or learned on the job, neither of which is ideal. It may also make learning how to perform a particular surgery difficult, as the new surgeon is learning both a surgical technique and the principles of asepsis at the same time. This article summarizes and makes recommendations for basic surgical skills and techniques necessary for successful rodent surgery. This article is designed to supplement hands-on training by the user''s institution.  相似文献   
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