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极耐盐碱固氮菌的分离鉴定及固氮特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国盐碱土面积约9913万hm2,其中pH值高于9、盐含量大于0.6%的重度盐碱地每年以1.4%的速率增长。利用固氮微生物改善植物根际环境,提高作物产量,是盐碱地改良的重要方法。[目的] 从来自海南省三沙市热带珊瑚岛礁的土壤中,分离鉴定自生固氮菌,为极端盐碱地改良提供候选菌株。[方法] 通过形态学观察、生理生化特征分析和16S rRNA序列测定等方法进行菌种鉴定,分析其固氮、耐盐碱和促生长特性,盆栽试验验证其对玉米主要农艺性状的影响。[结果] 获得1株极端耐盐碱的固氮细菌DJ-1,其菌落呈圆形,菌体杆状,大小(0.5-1.3)μm×(0.3-0.5)μm,革兰氏染色阴性,与根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)的16S rRNA序列高度同源,确定其为根癌土壤杆菌。DJ-1在pH 9、NaCl含量为1%-4%的培养基上可正常生长,能耐受pH 12、NaCl含量8%的环境。从中克隆到固氮酶基因nifH。盆栽试验结果表明,DJ-1可显著促进玉米生长。[结论] 菌株DJ-1能耐受极端盐碱条件,且具有较强的固氮和促生长能力,有可能作为贫瘠盐碱耕地改良功能菌剂的候选菌株。  相似文献   
张洪海  王明  陈磊  刘松涛  窦华山  高东泉 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3233-3240
2010年和2011年3月-6月,对内蒙古达赉湖国家级保护区达赉湖西岸地区大鵟(Buteo hemilasius)的巢穴结构和巢址选择因子进行了调查研究.采用野外观察和样方法定位了13个大鵟巢址,并对巢址样方的20个生态因子进行测量,运用主成分分析法对影响大鵟巢址选择的主要因子进行了分析.测量显示,大鵟巢穴的基本结构特征为:外径(94.7+4.2) cm;巢高度(46.1±2.7) cm;内径(24.8±1.5)cm;巢深(14.0±+0.9)cm.生境因子分析结果表明,达赉湖西岸地区大鵟的巢集中分布在湖岸或水塘附近的悬崖,营巢点坡度为15°-45°之间的阳坡或半阳坡;隐蔽度高于20%;草本密度大于5株/m2;植被均高大于30cm;巢距悬崖上部距离2-5m;距水源l00m以内;距居民点距离大于lkm;距草原道路的距离大于0.5km;而对于物种丰富度没有特殊要求.主成分分析显示,影响大鵟巢址选择的主要因子有3个,依次为:隐蔽性因子(主要包括巢址区域的植物特征和地形特征)、干扰因子和食物因子.各主成分中,相对系数绝对值最高的变量依次是:植被盖度、距居民点距离、巢的高度和距草原道路距离.  相似文献   
啮齿动物群落结构可以反映生态环境特征。本研究对处于阿拉善荒漠区呈“孤岛”状态的内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区内啮齿动物的种类、分布型及群落多样性进行系统研究。将内蒙古贺兰山划分为五种生境类型,于2013年春、夏、秋3季共布设有效铗日18748个,捕获啮齿动物235只,分属2目5科11属13种。在整体研究区域,阿拉善黄鼠(Spermophilus alashanicus)为优势种。明确了喜湿型是本研究区域的主要分布型,占捕获啮齿动物的54%,并且在中低海拔区域,随着海拔的升高,喜湿型所占比例增加。受“边缘效应”的影响,山地荒漠和荒漠草原生境以及山地草原灌丛生境的啮齿动物群落多样性指数高于其他生境,除环境因素外,啮齿动物群落的多样性受两种因素的影响,既可随群落内物种数量的增加而增大,同时又受制于群落内部物种分布的均匀程度。冗余分析结果表明,植被高度、植被盖度、灌木(乔木)高度和海拔4个环境因子是决定啮齿动物群落结构最主要的环境因子,其中植被盖度与群落多样性呈负相关,随着植被盖度的增加,多样性指数随之减低。  相似文献   
近年来由多种致病链霉菌引起的马铃薯疮痂病在我国普遍流行,且危害程度逐年加重,严重影响块茎的品质和商品价值。病原菌土传和种传,难以防控。利用拮抗微生物抑制病菌生长是目前防控疮痂病的重要措施。【目的】从病薯田土样中定向筛选对马铃薯疮痂病具有显著防效的菌种,研究其拮抗机制,评价其环境适应性,为开发可产业化应用的高效复合功能菌剂提供理论依据。【方法】通过平板对峙及盆栽试验研究目标菌株对主要病原菌疮痂链霉菌Streptomyces scabies的抑制效果;采用形态学、生理生化实验及分子生物学方法,确定其分类地位;结合高效液相色谱质谱联用方法分析相关抑菌活性物质。【结果】获得3株对致病链霉菌S. scabies具有显著拮抗功能的菌株HZ11-4、HS-12、HZ13-1,抑菌圈直径分别为34、29、30 mm,对马铃薯微型薯疮痂病的防效分别为68.57%、57.15%和65.96%。菌体革兰氏染色呈阳性,经鉴定均为解淀粉芽孢杆菌Bacillus amylolique-faciens;3株菌皆可扩增出surfactin、iturin和fengycin等脂肽类物质合成酶相关基因片段,检测到上述脂肽类...  相似文献   
北京地区黑鹳越冬期的取食行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2004年12月至2005年3月在北京十渡地区的二渡和涞水县野三坡两地采用目标取样法对越冬期黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)的取食行为进行了观察。每星期观察一次,累计观察246 h。黑鹳觅食处水深5~40 cm左右,以鱼类和螺类为食,其中鱼类占90%以上;平均每小时进食20次左右,黑鹳在两个研究地点取食的食物没有差别(P=0.439>0.05)。黑鹳取食长度小于4 cm的鱼类最多,占取食总次数的65.0%。成体和亚成体对不同大小鱼类的取食比例无差异(小于4 cm的鱼类,P=0.513>0.05;5~8 cm,P=0.979>0.05;≥9 cm,P=0.657>0.05)。在成体与亚成体对不同体型鱼类的搜寻时间中,成体搜寻较小食物的时间短于亚成体(P=0.008<0.05)。对食物的处理时间随着鱼类大小递增而延长,亚成体在处理较小食物上花费的时间相对较长(小于4 cm的鱼P=0.002<0.05;5~8cm的鱼P=0.001<0.05),表明亚成体的取食经验不足。保护越冬期黑鹳的最佳对策是减少对其取食活动和取食地的人为干扰。  相似文献   
Chen X  Zhai B P  Gong R J  Yin M H  Zhang Y  Zhao K J 《农业工程》2008,28(4):1521-1535
The meadow moth, Loxostege sticticalis L., is an important outbreak pest in Northeast China. The spring population in Northeast China was considered as immigrants from North China; however, the population dynamics during 1996–2007 was not consistent with this traditional theory. In this study, the source area of the spring population of the meadow moth in Northeast China was identified by trajectory analysis using the wind field simulated by mesoscale numerical forecast model MM5. The results indicated that the population of the meadow moth in North China was able to migrate into Northeast China, but had not made a crucial contribution to the outbreaks there since the weather systems were generally adverse for such a long range migration in most of the years. On the other hand, high density cocoons of L. sticticalis have frequently been found in autumn in Northeast China since 1996. The trajectory analyses indicated that most of L. sticticalis in Northeast China in spring emerged from the cocoons that had overwintered either locally or in neighboring countries, i.e. Mongolia and Russia. The development of overwintering areas at higher latitudes coincides with the increased frequency of second-generation larvae; both phenomena might be attributed to the regional climate change associated with global warming.  相似文献   
2004年7月至2007年1月在内蒙古达赉湖国家级自然保护区,通过跟踪调查搜集到狼(Canis lupus)捕食家畜的数据,共计95起捕食事件,425(头只)家畜遭到捕食,折合人民币186 575.00元.这些数据包括:捕食事件发生的时间,被捕食家畜的数量、类型、年龄,狼痕迹照片和捕食点的GPS数据.运用Mann.Whitney U检验对数据的差异性进行了检验;对捕食点的空间属性进行了量化,用多个生态因子对其进行了描述;运用主成分分析(PCA)分析了多因子中的主要成分.结果表明,在达赉湖狼主要捕食顺序是:羊(绵羊和山羊)、牛、马,骆驼和驴很少捕食,对羊存在偏好,被捕食个体年龄没有偏好.捕食的数目存在偏差,存在明显的机会性,捕食事件多发生在9月至次年2月的冰冻期.影响捕食地的生态变量重要性排序为:人为干扰距离、生境类型、猎物种类、卧息地距离、隐蔽度、水源距离、捕食季节、捕食数量、围栏距离9个生态指标.对这些生态因子的分析表明:前三个特征值的累计贡献率已达到81.544%,可以较好地反映捕食地的生境特征,影响狼捕食家畜的前三位主要因子是隐蔽度、人为干扰距离和水源距离,而与猎物种类相关不大.评价影响狼对家畜捕食的主要因素:人口的剧增使得野生动物的栖息地减少,过度放牧使得草场退化,是导致狼捕食家畜的重要原因;野外有蹄类的匮乏是导致狼捕食家畜的主要原因.建议改变目前的放牧方式,加强对家畜的看护,重新引入当地的一些原生物种,补充狼的自然食物,以缓解狼对家畜的捕食.  相似文献   
Relaxin is a two-chain 6-kDa peptide hormone. It is a member of the insulin family of peptides and is produced mainly during pregnancy to prepare the reproductive tract for birth. In the pig, relaxin is produced mainly by ovarian luteal cells. It is processed via the regulated pathway from a larger (18 kDa) precursor, prorelaxin. Protocols have been described for the purification of mature relaxin from the ovaries of pregnant gilts. Multiple forms of relaxin have been detected during isolation due to exopeptidase trimming of the peptide chains. To date, such trimming events have prevented purification of the larger relaxin precursor. Described here is a method for the isolation of milligram amounts of homogeneous and bioactive prorelaxin from porcine ovaries.  相似文献   
We consider a general mamillary model with a central compartment (compartment 1) and n?1 peripheral compartments, each bidirectionally connected to the first. Elimination is allowed from any compartment and effectively occurs from the system. With input introduced into an arbitrary compartment and measurement performed in an arbitrary compartment, explicit equations are given to derive the parameters of the model from the input-output procedure. The calculations include essentially the determination of the roots of a polynomial plus some elementary algebra. If input and measurement are performed in the same compartment, then a set of 2n elementary combinations of the model parameters can be uniquely determined. However, the model parameters themselves can only be localized, each within an interval. These intervals are explicitly calculated and their width discussed.  相似文献   
Zhang H H  Liu X P  Dou H S  Zhang C D  Ren Y 《农业工程》2009,29(6):347-350
The diets of the wolf Canis lupus, red fox Vulpes vulpes and raccoon dog Nyctereutes ussurienusis Matschie were studied in the grassland of eastern Inner Mongolia from August to October in 2007 and from March to July in 2008. Feces were collected from dens and latrines. The frequency of occurrence and the dry weight of the remains of each food item in the feces were calculated. Livestock (50.65% frequency of occurrence) constituted the bulk of the wolf diet, while small rodents (76.31% frequency of occurrence) were most frequently eaten by the foxes. Small rodents (22.69% frequency of occurrence) were important to the raccoon dogs but they also frequently consumed birds (39.81% frequency of occurrence) and insects (26.39% frequency of occurrence). The wolf was the most omnivorous and the red fox was the least omnivorous of these three kinds of canidae according to the diversity index. The food niches of the wolf and the red fox overlapped more than that of the raccoon dog and other species. These three kinds of canidae shared many resources and consequently competition occurred to them. However, their diets also differed to some extent which helped them to avoid competition. Furthermore, raccoon dogs were dormant in winter when food was scarce, which may be the reason why all these species could coexist in a rather unproductive grassland.  相似文献   
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