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水稻长穗颈基因eui紧密连锁SSR标记获得   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张所兵  朱镇  赵凌  张亚东  陈涛  林静  王才林 《遗传》2007,29(3):365-370
02428h是从半矮秆材料02428体细胞培养后代中发现的隐性高秆突变体, 其株高性状由1对长穗颈基因eui和1对半矮秆基因sd-1共同控制。以02428h与半矮秆材料南京11杂交的F2为作图群体, 利用Gramene公布的SSR标记和根据NCBI中的BAC序列自己新开发的SSR标记, 将eui基因定位在第5染色体上的RM3673和RM0012之间, 两侧遗传距离分别为0.3 cM和1.0 cM, 为该基因的分子标记辅助选择奠定了基础。  相似文献   

两个大麦新矮秆基因的SSR标记   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用SSR技术对沪95-2639和91冬27携带的两个新的矮秆基因进行了分子标记.在大麦4H染色体的长臂上,发现SSR标记位点HVM67同时与这两个新的矮秆基因连锁,距91冬27的较近,约10.0cM,离沪95-2639的较远,为23.3cM.初步绘制出大麦4H染色体上矮秆基因与SSR标记位点的遗传连锁图谱.  相似文献   

从水稻(Oryza sativa L.)的两个半矮秆籼稻品种6442S-7和蜀恢881杂交F2代群体中发现一个高秆突变体D111,其株高和秆长分别比亲本蜀恢881增加63.0%和87.0%.用205个微卫星标记分析D¨1及其原始亲本6442S-7和蜀恢881之间的基因组DNA多态性,结果未发现D111具有2个原始亲本都没有的新带型,证明D1¨的确是6442S-7和蜀恢881的杂交后代发生基因突变产生的.将D111分别与蜀恢881、蜀恢527、明恢63、9311、IR68、G46B等6个半矮秆品种和高秆对照品种南京6号杂交,分析F1和F2代株高的遗传行为,结果表明D1¨的高秆性状由一对显性基因控制,且该基因与南京6号的高秆基因紧密连锁或等位.以蜀恢527/D111 F2群体为定位群体,运用微卫星标记将D111显性高秆突变基因定位于水稻第一染色体长臂,与RM212、RM302和RM472的遗传距离分别是27.7 cM、25.5 cM和6.0 cM,该基因暂命名为LC(t).认为D111是首例从半矮秆品种自然突变产生的水稻显性高秆突变体,LC(t)为首次定位的水稻显性高秆突变基因.此外,将上述基因定位结果与Causse等(1994)和Temnykh等(2000,2001)发表的水稻分子连锁图谱进行比较,发现LC(t)基因恰巧位于与水稻"绿色革命基因"sd1相同或十分相近的染色体区域,因此,还就LC(t)基因与sd1基因之间的可能关系进行了讨论.  相似文献   

水稻耐亚铁毒QTLs的定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
万建林  翟虎渠  万建民 《遗传学报》2005,32(11):1156-1166
亚铁毒是潜育性水稻土中限制水稻产量的主要因子。利用龙杂8503/IR64的F2和等价的F3群体,在营养液中培养来定位耐亚铁毒的QTLs。通过构建101SSR标记的遗传连锁图谱来确定耐亚铁毒QTLs的位置和特性。借助叶片棕色斑点指数、株高和最大根长3个性状,利用营养液在水稻苗期来评价F2单株、F3群体和亲本龙杂8503、IR64,共检测到叶片棕色斑点指数、株高和最大根长的QTLs20个,分布在水稻的10条染色体上,表明这些性状受多基因控制。控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTLs分别定位在第1染色体的RM315-RM212、第2染色体的RM6-RM240和第4染色体的RM252-RM451之间。与前人的研究结果比较发现:1)位于第4染色体RM252-RM451之间的控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTL与水稻功能图谱上控制叶绿素含量减少的QTL的位置一致。另一个位于第1染色体的RM315-RM212之间的控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTL与水稻功能图谱上位于C178-R2635之间控制叶绿素含量的QTL连锁。2)位于第2染色体RM6-RM240之间的第3个控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTL与位于RZ58-CD0686的控制钾吸收的QTL连锁。  相似文献   

一个水稻显性高秆突变体的遗传分析和基因定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从水稻(Oryza sativa L.)的两个半矮秆籼稻品种6442S-7和蜀恢881杂交F2代群体中发现一个高秆突变体D111,其株高和秆长分别比亲本蜀恢881增加63.0%和87.0%。用205个微卫星标记分析D111及其原始亲本6442S-7和蜀恢881之间的基因组DNA多态性,结果未发现D111具有2个原始亲本都没有的新带型,证明D111的确是6442S-7和蜀恢881的杂交后代发生基因突变产生的。将D111分别与蜀恢881、蜀恢527、明恢63、9311、IR68、G46B等6个半矮秆品种和高秆对照品种南京6号杂交,分析F1和F2代株高的遗传行为,结果表明D111的高秆性状由一对显性基因控制,且该基因与南京6号的高秆基因紧密连锁或等位。以蜀恢527/D111 F2群体为定位群体,运用微卫星标记将D111显性高秆突变基因定位于水稻第一染色体长臂,与RM212、RM302和RM472的遗传距离分别是27.7 cM、25.5 cM和6.0 cM,该基因暂命名为LC(t)。认为D111是首例从半矮秆品种自然突变产生的水稻显性高秆突变体,LC(t)为首次定位的水稻显性高秆突变基因。此外,将上述基因定位结果与Causse等(1994)和Temnykh等(2000; 2001)发表的水稻分子连锁图谱进行比较,发现LC(t)基因恰巧位于与水稻“绿色革命基因”sd1相同或十分相近的染色体区域,因此,还就LC(t)基因与sd1基因之间的可能关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用染色体片段置换系定位水稻落粒性主效QTL   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
水稻落粒性是与其生产密切相关的重要性状之一。以7个染色体片段置换系为材料,采用重叠群代换作图法对控制落粒性的2个主效QTL进行定位。结果表明,104个SSR标记在亲本间具有多态性,多态率为68.0%;4个置换系的落粒性与亲本日本晴的落粒性相似,表现难落粒。3个置换系与亲本93-11的落粒性相似,表现易落粒;7个染色体片段置换系在第1和第6染色体上检出7个置换片段,其长度分别为23.6、16.5、6.6、9.9、10.4、20.2和7.1 cM;qSH-1-1被定位在第1染色体RM472-RM1387之间,遗传距离约为6.6 cM。qSH-6-1为新发现的落粒性主效QTL,被定位在第6染色体RM6782-RM3430之间,遗传距离约为4.2 cM。利用染色体片段置换系能准确地定位水稻落粒性QTL,qSH-1-1与qSH-6-1的鉴定和初步定位为其进一步的精细定位、图位克隆及分子标记辅助选择奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻抗褐飞虱基因bph2的SSR定位和标记辅助选择   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用综合性状较好对褐飞虱敏感的粳稻恢复系C418为父本,以含有bph2基因的抗褐飞虱品种ASD7为母本构建了包含134个F23家系的群体,利用苗期鉴定法对F2:3家系进行抗性鉴定:用SSR标记技术,将bph2基因定位在第12染色体长臂上,标记RM7102和RM463之间,其遗传距离分别为7.6cM和7.2cM。在进行表型选择的同时,利用与bph2基因连锁的SSR标记RM7102和RM463对BC1F1和BC2F1进行了标记辅助选择,选择效率分别为89.9%和91.2%,为培育高抗褐飞虱水稻品种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

一个新的水稻小粒矮秆基因的分子标记定位及效应分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从水稻(Oryza safjva L.)半矮秆品种蜀恢I62中发现一份小粒矮秆突变体“I62d”。对I62d与4个半矮秆品种杂交F1和F2代的遗传分析表明,I62d的矮生性由一对隐性基因控制。以II-32B/162d F2代作定位群体,用分子标记将I62d突变基凶定位丁水稻第3染色体短臂,该基因与微卫星标记RM218和RMI57之间的遗传距离分别为3.5cM和10.0cM。同时,利用近等基因系分析了该基因的表型效应,结果表明它可使株高降为正常高度的1/4左右,籽粒降为正常大小的1/4左右,并使叶片显著缩短、加宽,结实率显著降低。我们认为162d突变基因是一个新的水稻小粒矮秆某因,暂命名为dI62(t)。  相似文献   

一个水稻卷叶主效QTL的定位及其物理图谱的构建   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
以水稻平展叶品种奇妙香和中度卷叶品种91SP068组合的F2无性系群体为定位群体,利用微卫星标记(SSR)对卷叶基因进行定位。在第5染色体长臂上定位到1个卷叶主效QTLS(rl8),它来自亲本91SP068,两侧标记为RM6954和RM6841,标记间的遗传距离为3.8cM,rl8距RM6954 1.0cM。所估计的加性效应和显性效应两年间均有所不同,2002年和2003年通过复合区间作图法所估计的加性效应分别为9.61和6.23,显性效应分别为-1.19和-4.44,两年间对表型的贡献率变化在20%~33%。同时,构建了覆盖该QTL区间的物理图谱,两标记间的物理距离为542kb,遗传距离和物理距离之比为144kb/cM。  相似文献   

利用SSR标记定位明恢63的2对恢复基因   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
选取珍汕97A和明恢63杂交组合的F2高可育和高不育单株构建基因池,利用302对SSR引物对其进行了多态性分析。结果表明,位于第1染色体上的RM1和位于第10染色体上的RM258,RM304在亲本,基因池间表现多态性,用F2单株验证证明它们与野败型恢复基因连锁,完全不育株分析表明,与恢复基因间的遗传距离分别为1.9,2.9和0.0cM,野败型,红莲型,BT型3种不育胞质恢复基因在第10染色体上可能为同一基因或家族成员。  相似文献   

Genetic analysis established that Aitaiyin3,a dwarf rice variety derived from a semidwarf cultivar Taiyin1,carries two recessive semidwarf genes.By using simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers,we mapped the two semidwarf genes,sd-1 and sd-t2 on chromosomes 1 and 4,respectively.Sd-t2 was thus named because the semidrawf gene sd-t has already been identified from Aitaiyin 2 whose origin could be traced back to Taivin1.The result of the molecular mappingof sd-1 gene revealed it is linked to four SSR markers found on chromosome 1.These markers are:RM297,RM302,RM212,and OSR3 spaced at 4.7 cM,0 cM,0.8cM and 0 cM,respectively.Sd-t2 was found to be located on chromosome 4 using five SSR markers:two markers,SSR332 and RM1305 located proximal to sd-t2 are spaced 11.6 cM,3.8 cM,respectively,while the three distally located primers,RM5633,RM307,and RM401 are separated by distances of 0.4 cM,0.0 cM,and 0.4 cM,respectively.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis established that Aitaiyin3, a dwarf rice variety derived from a semidwarf cultivar Taiyin1, carries two recessive semidwarf genes. By using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, we mapped the two semidwarf genes, sd-1 and sd-t2 on chromosomes 1 and 4, respectively. Sd-t2 was thus named because the semidrawf gene sd-t has already been identified from Aitaiyin 2 whose origin could be traced back to Taiyin1. The result of the molecular mapping of sd-1 gene revealed it is linked to four SSR markers found on chromosome 1. These markers are: RM297, RM302, RM212, and OSR3 spaced at 4.7 cM, 0 cM, 0.8cM and 0 cM, respectively. Sd-t2 was found to be located on chromosome 4 using five SSR markers: two markers, SSR332 and RM1305 located proximal to sd-t2 are spaced 11.6 cM, 3.8 cM, respectively, while the three distally located primers, RM5633, RM307, and RM401 are separated by distances of 0.4 cM, 0.0 cM, and 0.4 cM, respectively. __________ Translated from Acta Genetica Sinica, 2005, 32 (2) [译自: 遗传学报, 2005,32(2)]  相似文献   

水稻落粒性是与其生产密切相关的重要性状之一。以7个染色体片段置换系为材料, 采用重叠群代换作图法对控制落粒性的2个主效QTL进行定位。结果表明, 104个SSR标记在亲本间具有多态性, 多态率为68.0%; 4个置换系的落粒性与亲本日本晴的落粒性相似, 表现难落粒。3个置换系与亲本93-11的落粒性相似, 表现易落粒; 7个染色体片段置换系在第1和第6染色体上检出7个置换片段, 其长度分别为23.6、16.5、 6.6、 9.9、 10.4、 20.2和7.1 cM; qSH-1-1被定位在第1染色体RM472-RM1387之间, 遗传距离约为6.6 cM。qSH-6-1为新发现的落粒性主效QTL, 被定位在第6染色体RM6782-RM3430之间,遗传距离约为4.2 cM。利用染色体片段置换系能准确地定位水稻落粒性QTL, qSH-1-1与qSH-6-1的鉴定和初步定位为其进一步的精细定位、图位克隆及分子标记辅助选择奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In our previous studies, a single segment substitution line (SSSL) W23-03-8-9-1 with substituted interval of PSM301-PSM306-PSM305-PSM304-RM3894-RM3372-RM569-RM231-RM545 on chromosome 3 has been found to comprise a gene for extremely early heading date. To map this gene, the SSSL W23-03-8-9-1 was crossed with the recipient Huajingxian (HJX74) to develop an F2 segregating population. The distribution of early and late heading plants in this population fitted a segregation ratio of 3: 1, indicating that early heading was controlled by a dominant gene. Using a random sample of 520 individuals from the F2 segregation population, the qHD3-1 locus was mapped between two SSR markers, RM3894 and RM3372, with genetic distances of 1.2 and 1.1 cM, respectively. For fine mapping of qHD3-1, a large F2: 3 segregating population was developed, with 6000 individuals from the F2 plants heterozygous in the RM3894 and RM3372 regions. The analysis of recombinants in the qHD3-1 region put the gene locus into an interval of 29.5 kb flanked by the left marker 3HD8 and the right marker 3HD9. Sequence analysis of this fragment predicted eight open reading frames. One of them, ORF8, with its molecular function predicted to encode ribonuclease III activity and RNA binding, is considered the most interesting candidate gene.  相似文献   

Q H Chen  Y C Wang  X B Zheng 《Génome》2006,49(8):873-881
We analyzed host-species specificity of Magnaporthe grisea on rice using 110 F1 progeny derived from a cross between the Oryza isolate CH87 (pathogenic to rice) and the Digitaria isolate 6023 (pathogenic to crabgrass). To elucidate the genetic mechanisms controlling species specificity in M. grisea, we performed a genetic analysis of species-specific avirulence on this rice population. Avirulent and virulent progeny segregated in a 1:1 ratio on the 2 rice cultivars 'Lijiangxintuanheigu' (LTH) and 'Shin2', suggesting that a single locus, designated PRE1, was involved in the specificity. In a combination between 'Kusabue' and 'Tsuyuake', the segregation of the 4 possible phenotypes of F1 progeny was significantly different from the expected 3:1:3:1 and instead fit a ratio of 2:0:1:1. This indicated that 2 loci, PRE1 and AVR2, were involved in specific parasitism on rice. These results suggest that the species specificity of M. grisea on rice is governed by species-dependent genetic mechanisms that are similar to the gene-for-gene interactions controlling cultivar specificity. Pathogenicity tests with various plant species revealed that the Digitaria isolate 6023 was exclusively parasitic on crabgrass. Genetic linkage analysis showed that PRE1 was mapped on chromosome 3 with respect to RAPD and SSR markers. RAPD marker S361 was linked to the avirulence gene at a distance of ~6.4 cM. Two SSR markers, m677-678 and m77-78, were linked to the PRE1 gene on M. grisea chromosome 3 at distances of 5.9 and 7.1 cM, respectively. Our results will facilitate positional cloning and functional studies of this gene.  相似文献   

A rice mutant with rolling leaf, namely γ-rl, was obtained from M2 progenies of a native indica rice stable strain Qinghuazhan (QHZ) from mutagenesis of dry seeds by γ-rays. Genetic analysis using the F2 population from a cross between this mutant and QHZ indicated the mutation was controlled by a single recessive gene. In order to map the locus for this mutation, another F2 population with 601 rolling leaf plants was constructed from a cross between y-rl and a japonica cultivar 02428. After primary mapping with SSR (simple sequence repeats) markers, the mutated locus was located at the short arm of chromosome 3, flanked by RM6829 and RM3126. A number of SSR, InDel (insertion/deletion) and SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers within this region were further developed for fine mapping. Finally, two markers, SNP121679 and InDe1422395, were identified to be flanked to this locus with genetic distances of 0.08 cM and 0.17 cM respectively, and two SNP markers, SNP75346 and SNPl10263, were found to be co-segregated with this locus. These results suggested that this locus was distinguished from all loci for the rolling leaf mutation in rice reported so far, and thus renamed rl10(t). By searching the rice genome database with closely linked markers using BLAST programs, an e-physical map covering rl10(t) locus spanning about a 50 kb region was constructed. Expression analysis of the genes predicted in this region showed that a gene encoding putative flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) was silenced in γ-rl, thus this is the most likely candidate responsible for the rolling leaf mutation.  相似文献   

Y Q Wu  Yinghua Huang 《Génome》2007,50(1):84-89
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench is an important grain and forage crop grown worldwide. We developed a simple sequence repeat (SSR) linkage map for sorghum using 352 publicly available SSR primer pairs and a population of 277 F2 individuals derived from a cross between the Westland A line and PI 550610. A total of 132 SSR loci appeared polymorphic in the mapping population, and 118 SSRs were mapped to 16 linkage groups. These mapped SSR loci were distributed throughout 10 chromosomes of sorghum, and spanned a distance of 997.5 cM. More important, 38 new SSR loci were added to the sorghum genetic map in this study. The mapping result also showed that chromosomes SBI-01, SBI-02, SBI-05, and SBI-06 each had 1 linkage group; the other 6 chromosomes were composed of 2 linkage groups each. Except for 5 closely linked marker flips and 1 locus (Sb6_34), the marker order of this map was collinear to a published sorghum map, and the genetic distances of common marker intervals were similar, with a difference ratio 相似文献   

Studies of phenotypical expression of synaptic mutations in combination with the localization of corresponding genes on a genetic map permit individual stages of the meiotic process to be differentiated. Two rye asynaptic genes, sy1 and sy9, were mapped with the use of microsatellite markers (SSR) in the pericentromeric regions of the long chromosome arms 7R and 2R, respectively. The sy9 gene cosegregated with two SSR markers Xscm43 and Xgwm132. The asynaptic gene sy1 was mapped within the interval between the isozyme locus Aat2 and two cosegregating loci Xrems1188 and Xrems1135 that are located at a distance of 0.4 cM proximally and 0.1 cM distally with respect to the gene lous. Possible evolutionary relationships of the mapped genes with homeological loci of the Triticeae species and more distant cereal species, such as maize and rice, are discussed.  相似文献   

European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) is the only economically important nut crop in the family Betulaceae. Because of its small genome size (~385 Mb / 1C), relatively short life cycle, availability of a dense linkage map, and amenability to transformation by Agrobacterium, the European hazelnut could serve as a model plant for the Betulaceae. Here we report the construction of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for 'Jefferson' hazelnut using the cloning enzyme MboI and the vector pECBAC1 (BamHI site). The library consists of 39,936 clones arrayed in 104,384-well microtitre plates with a mean insert size of 117 kb. The genomic coverage of the library is estimated to be about 12 genome equivalents. This library provides a valuable resource for the map-based cloning of two important genes, the resistance gene from 'Gasaway' that confers resistance to eastern filbert blight caused by the fungus Anisogramma anomala (Peck) E. Müller and the S locus that controls pollen-stigma incompatibility. Fine-resolution mapping near the two loci was carried out using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Fine mapping at the disease resistance locus showed that markers W07-375 and X01-825 flanked the resistance locus at distances of 0.06 and 0.05 cM, respectively. The S locus is flanked by markers 204-950 and KG819-200 at distances of 0.14 and 0.24 cM, respectively. Assuming that 1 cM corresponds to a physical distance of 430 kb, it will take approximately two to three chromosome walks to assemble BAC contigs that span both loci.  相似文献   

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