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The purpose of this article was to study the trade-offs among vegetative growth, clonal, and sexual reproduction in an aquatic invasive weed Spartina alterniflora that experienced different inundation depths and clonal integration. Here, the rhizome connections between mother and daughter ramets were either severed or left intact. Subsequently, these clones were flooded with water levels of 0, 9, and 18 cm above the soil surface. Severing rhizomes decreased growth and clonal reproduction of daughter ramets, and increased those of mother ramets grown in shallow and deep water. The daughter ramets disconnected from mother ramets did not flower, while sexual reproduction of mother ramets was not affected by severing. Clonal integration only benefited the total rhizome length, rhizome biomass, and number of rhizomes of the whole clones in non-inundation conditions. Furthermore, growth and clonal reproduction of mother, daughter ramets, and the whole clone decreased with inundation depth, whereas sexual reproduction of mother ramets and the whole clones increased. We concluded that the trade-offs among growth, clonal, and sexual reproduction of S. alterniflora would be affected by inundation depth, but not by clonal integration.  相似文献   

We studied water trnaslocation between interconnected mother and daughter ramets in two rhizomatous Carex species, using a newly developed quantitative method based on deuterium tracing. Under homogeneous conditions, in which both ramets were subjected either to wet or dry soil, little water was exchanged between the ramets. When the ramet pair was exposed to a heterogeneous water supply, water translocation became unidirectional and strongly increased to a level at which 30–60% of the water acquired by the wet ramet was exported towards the dry ramet. The quantity of water translocated was unrelated to the difference in water potential between the ramets, but highly correlated to the difference in leaf area. In both species, the transpiration of the entire plant was similar under heterogeneous and homogeneous wet conditions. This was a direct result of an increase in water uptake by the wet ramet in response to the dry conditions experienced by the interconnected ramet. In C. hirta, the costs and benefits of integration in terms of ramet biomass paralleled the responses of water consumption. This species achieved a similar whole-plant biomass in heterogeneous and homogeneous wet treatments, and water translocation was equally effective in the acropetal and basipetal directions. In C. flacca, responses of biomass and water consumption did not match and, under some conditions, water translocation imposed costs rather than benefits to the plants of this species. It is concluded that enhanced resource acquisition by donor ramets may be of critical importance for the net benefits of physiological integration in clonal plants.  相似文献   

Summary In clonal plants exposed to pollution, ramets which are physiologically integrated may be less fit than ramets which are independent, if (a) translocation of toxins from contaminated ramets produced toxicity, or (b) toxicity in parent ramets reduced the degree of nutritional support to otherwise non-exposed daughters. These hypotheses were tested in the aquatic fern Salvinia molesta exposed to cadmium. Pre-treatment of parent ramets with cadmium decreased the number and biomass of daughters subsequently produced in a cadmiumfree medium, because of reduced parental support of the first daughter generation. Second generation and later daughters were unaffected. Pre-treatment did not affect the pattern of integration (which, in terms of apical daughters' biomass, was bimodal with increasing colony size), or concentrations of essential elements in new growth. However, a diversion of resources from lateral to apical daughters occurred as a result of pre-treatment, especially in colonies with 3 attached parents. Loss/gain analysis showed that the diversion was almost reciprocal in terms of biomass, ramet numbers and phosphorus content. Integration between contaminated and uncontaminated ramets was not disadvantageous to the clone as a whole. However, integration was disadvantageous for Ca, Mg and Zn concentrations in daughters, which declined 15–22%. Because of enhanced apical growth, an indirect benefit of integration may be a more rapid fragmentation and dispersal of daughters from the site of contamination than if the parents were independent.  相似文献   

We studied fitness consequences of clonal integration in 27 genotypes of the stoloniferous herb Ranunculus reptans in a spatially heterogeneous light environment. We grew 216 pairs of connected ramets (eight per genotype) with mother ramets in light and daughter ramets in shade. In half of the pairs we severed the stolon connection between the two ramets at the beginning of the experiment. During the experiment, 52.7% of the ramet pairs with originally intact connection physically disintegrated. We detected significant variation among genotypes in this regard. Survival of planted ramets was 13.3% higher for originally connected pairs. Moreover, there was significant variation among genotypes in survival, in the difference in survival between plant parts developing from mother and daughter ramets, and in the effect of integration on this difference. In surviving plants connection between ramets decreased size differences between mother and daughter parts. Variation among genotypes was significant in growth and reproduction and marginally significant in the effect of physiological integration on growth and reproduction. Connected daughter ramets had longer leaves and internodes than daughters in severed pairs indicating that integration stimulated plant foraging in both the vertical and the horizontal plane. Observed effects of integration on fitness components in combination with genetic variation in maintenance and effects of connection indicate that clonal integration in R. reptans has the capability to evolve, and therefore suggest that clonal integration is adaptive. If genetic variation in integration is common, future studies on clonal integration should always use defined genetic material and many clones to allow extrapolation of results to population and wider levels.  相似文献   

Physiological integration and foraging behavior have both been proposed as advantages for clonal growth in heterogeneous environments. We tested three predictions concerning their short- and long-term effects on the growth of the clonal perennial sedge Schoenoplectus pungens (Pers.) Volk. ex Schinz and R. Keller: (1) growth would be greatest for clones with connected rhizomes and on heterogeneous soil, (2) clones would preferentially place biomass in the nutrient-rich patches of a spatially heterogeneous environment, and (3) physiological integration would decrease a clone’s ability to forage. We tested our predictions by growing S. pungens clones for 2 years in an experimental garden with two severing treatments (connected and severed rhizomes) crossed with two soil treatments (homogeneous and heterogeneous nutrient distribution). Severing treatments were only carried out in the first year. As predicted, severing significantly decreased total biomass and per capita growth rate in year one and individual ramet biomass both in year one and the year after severing stopped. This reduction in growth was most likely caused by severing damage, because the total biomass and growth rate in severed treatments did not vary with soil heterogeneity. Contrary to our prediction, total biomass and number of ramets were highest on homogeneous soil at the end of year two, regardless of severing treatment, possibly because ramets in heterogeneous treatments were initially planted in a nutrient-poor patch. Finally, as predicted, S. pungens concentrated ramets in the nutrient-rich patches of the heterogeneous soil treatment. This foraging behavior seemed enhanced by physiological integration in the first year, but any possible enhancement disappeared the year after severing stopped. It seems that over time, individual ramets become independent, and parent ramets respond independently to the conditions of their local microsite when producing offspring, a life-history pattern that may be the rule for clonal species with the spreading “guerrilla” growth form.  相似文献   

Many clonal plants live in symbiosis with ubiquitous arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, however, little is known about their interaction with respect to clonal reproduction and resource acquisition. The effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza on the growth and intraclonal integration between ramets of two stoloniferous species were studied experimentally in a nutritionally homogenous soil environment. Two species coexisting at the same field site, Potentilla reptans and Fragaria moschata, were selected as model plants for the study. Pairs of their ramets were grown in neighbouring pots with each ramet rooted separately. Four inoculation treatments were established: (1) both mother and daughter ramets remained non-inoculated, (2) both ramets were inoculated with a mixture of three native AM fungi from the site of plant origin, (3) only mother or (4) daughter ramet was inoculated. The stolons connecting the ramets were either left intact or were disrupted. Despite the consistent increase in phosphorus concentrations in inoculated plants, a negative growth response of both plant species to inoculation with AM fungi was observed and inoculated ramets produced fewer stolons and fewer offspring ramets and had lower total shoot dry weights as compared to non-inoculated ones. A difference in the extent of the negative mycorrhizal growth response was recorded between mother and daughter ramets of P. reptans, with daughter ramets being more susceptible. Due to AM effect on ramet performance, and thereby on the source-sink relationship, inoculation also significantly influenced biomass allocation within clonal fragments. Physiological integration between mother and daughter ramets was observed when their root systems were heterogeneous in terms of AM colonization. These results hence indicate the potential of mycorrhizal fungi to impact clonal growth traits of stoloniferous plant species, with possible consequences for their population dynamics.  相似文献   

We studied the field response of Robinia pseudoacacia L. to light, total soil nitrogen, available soil phosphorus and soil pH. Results indicated that there was very strong clonal integration between mother and daughter ramets. Mother ramets can provide nitrogen and phosphorus to daughter ramets sufficient for their continued growth through strong clonal integration, but cannot provide enough photosynthate. With clonal integration, soil nitrogen and phosphorus availability had no effect on biomass allocation to roots, number of ramets and length of connection roots. Biomass allocation to roots increased markedly and responded to nitrogen and phosphorus availability, when the connections were severed. Light had a significant effect on the percent of biomass allocation to leaves and number of ramets, but no effect on the length of connection roots. Daughter ramets allocated more resources to leaves, and clones placed more daughter ramets in high light patches than in low light patches. Soil pH had a significant effect on ramet number and connection root length. Clones concentrated in alkaline patches and escaped from acid patches through selective placement of daughter ramets and changing the length of connection roots. We suggest that the clonal integration may be very strong and provide sufficient soil resources to daughter ramets, then affect the daughter ramets’ morphology and placement, if the size of a specific ramet is significantly larger than the other ramets in an arbor clone.  相似文献   

Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. is a perennial species of Gramineae, usually subject to defoliation from grazing and mowing. We examined whether shoot defoliation and rhizome severing affected rhizome and ramet growth, and vegetative bud outgrowth of Lchinensis ramet populations. We also tested the hypothesis that clonal growth of the ramets subject to defoliation would benefit from clonal integration between interconnected ramets besides from possible compensatory growth. To 48 experimental plots, we applied six treatments resulting from interactions between two rhizome connection states (unsevered/severed) and three defoliation regimes (non-defoliated, mildly-defoliated and heavily-defoliated). Defoliation affected rhizome growth and bud outgrowth, but had little effect on shoot growth. Mild and heavy defoliation exerted similar effects on rhizome growth. Only heavy defoliation significantly reduced bud outgrowth while mild defoliation did not. The fact that shoot growth did not change after defoliation and that the bud numbers remained unchanged after mild defoliation suggest that the compensatory response enable the species to tolerate grazing to some extent. Neither rhizome severing nor the interaction of rhizome severing and defoliation had effect on any tested variables. Lack of the effect of rhizome severing falsified the first half of our hypothesis, that is, clonal integration was unimportant in our experiment. The probable reasons were suspected to be the short duration of the experiment and/or the buffer effect of carbohydrate reserves in rhizomes for shoot growth and bud production in time of defoliation.  相似文献   

以中国荒漠区优良的防风固沙克隆灌木沙拐枣为对象,研究了长期风蚀、沙埋环境下沙拐枣母株和克隆分株的同化枝对环境异质性的响应。结果发现:(1)风蚀母株、风蚀分株的叶绿素含量、净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2浓度和水分利用效率只有沙埋分株的一半左右,导致同化枝的长度、数量、簇数也仅是沙埋分株的一半,而且风蚀母株的果实宽和果实长也都最小,但浅沙埋有利于沙拐枣的生长和繁殖,表明严峻的风蚀对母株和分株的生长与繁殖都产生了胁迫,但浅沙埋有利于沙拐枣的生长和繁殖。(2)风蚀母株倒伏后同化枝的形态特征是基部优于中部优于顶部,表明严峻风蚀下母株的死亡是从顶部-中部-底部逐渐舍弃的过程。(3)母株的全部根系以及风蚀水平根全部裸露在外但依然能够存活,间接证明沙拐枣克隆整合的方向性——不仅可在分株间进行传递,分株-母株间也可进行传递,否则遭受严峻风蚀胁迫的母株和克隆分株会直接死亡。本研究结果为沙拐枣克隆生长对风沙环境的生态适应机制提供了基础,也是对植物克隆生态学在自然异质环境中研究缺乏的有效补充。  相似文献   

Michael L. Cain 《Oecologia》1990,82(2):201-209
Summary For the rhizomatous perennial, Solidago altissima, I identified clonal fragments in the field, mapped ramet spatial locations, and documented patterns of ramet recruitment, growth, and mortality. Parent ramet size influenced the size and number of daughter ramets produced, and small ramets had lower survivorship and fecundity than large ramets. Similarly, small rhizomes tended to develop into small ramets, and ramets that survived to produce daughter ramets had longer parent-daughter rhizome connections than ramets that did not survive. In addition, most ramets that died during the growing season were connected to (genetically identical) ramets that persisted. There were large size inequalities among rhizomes, ramets, and clonal fragments. Inequalities in the size of ramets increased during the early part of the growing season, then decreased at the end of the season; similar patterns were observed for the growth of clonal fragments. In both instances, the decrease in size inequality could be attributed to the mortality of small individuals (ramets or clonal fragments). I found little evidence that ramet size hierarchies were structured by intraspecific competition. For example, path analyses and randomization tests indicated that size variation among S. altissima ramets was influenced little by the size of their near neighbors (but was influenced by parent size and rhizome size). In addition, within-season variation for the relative size and growth rate of individual ramets led to poor correlations between early and final ramet size; this result suggests that there was no stable hierarchy of dominant and suppressed ramets. I discuss implications of my results for contrasting interpretations of clonal plant population dynamics.  相似文献   

Very little has been published on the life-history significance of clonal plants inhabiting southern African savanna environments. This study investigated the fitness implications of clonal integration, resprouting behaviour and growth phenology in a stoloniferous herb, Nelsonia canescens (blue pussyleaf) at a savanna site in Zambia, central Africa. Census data on growth and survival were obtained regularly on permanently marked ramets over a 4-year period, from 2001 to 2005, and analyzed to assess how physiological integration and module demography contribute to fitness in Nelsonia. Above ground and below ground growth occurred during the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Dry season growth was characterized by resprouting and production of stolons that bore small pubescent leaves with high mortality (30–80% month−1). Deep roots and high leaf turnover appear to contribute to sustained growth during the dry season when topsoil moisture and nutrient availability are low. The interaction between maximum temperature and precipitation explained a significant proportion (59%, p<0.01) of the monthly variation in leaf size and increasing evapo-transpiration levels appeared to trigger the shift in leaf size from a large wet season type to a small dry season one. During the dry season Nelsonia resprouted from dormant buds buried at the time of root development in daughter ramets in the rainy season. Temporal integration significantly (p<0.05) enhanced survival of daughter ramets. However, daughter ramets with severed mother–daughter ramet inter-connectors experienced high initial mortality that was caused by both early stolon severing and drought stress during the root development phase. The majority of ramets lived for 5–10 months and 25% were still alive at the age of 3.5 years. The study showed that although the growth phenology of Nelsonia has serious ecological implications for accessing scarce resources during the dry season, the species utilizes a number of strategies to overcome resource limitations in a seasonally heterogenous environment. Co-ordinating editor: G. P. Cheplick  相似文献   

The evolution of clonal growth is a widespread phenomenon among plant species, characterized by the production of genetically identical clonal fragments (ramets) via rhizomes or stolons that form an interconnected clonal organism (genet). Clonal plant species are known to differ in their investment into ramet production, and exhibit considerable variation in ramet morphology both within and among species. While patterns of resource allocation are thought to be linked to a number of plant characteristics, many analyses are limited by uncertainty in how clonal plants determine the morphology and resources allocated to new ramets. In this study, we attempted to discern what aspects of parent ramets best predicted resource allocation to new daughter ramets, and the relationship between resource allocation and daughter ramet rhizome morphology. We grew two sedge species, Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani and Eleocharis elliptica, in a greenhouse under two levels of fertilizer addition. By harvesting daughter ramets that had initiated stem production, yet remained aphotosynthetic, we were able to isolate parental investment into non-independent daughter ramets at a point where daughter ramet spacer length became fixed. Our results indicate that parent ramets allocated a non-linear proportion of parent rhizome biomass to the production of daughter ramets. Moreover, this relationship was unaffected by environmental nutrient availability. Daughter ramet biomass, in turn, was strongly correlated with daughter ramet spacer length. These observations shed light on key processes governing clonal growth in plants, and their potential application in unifying allocational and morphological perspectives to explore the fitness implications of variability in clonal growth.  相似文献   

We established two independent experiments to estimate the ecological consequences of artificial severing on ramets of the competitively strong perennial grass Calamagrostis epigejos. We compared the responses of mature ramets of different size growing in different environments. Finally, we tested whether the response of young ramets to the severing depends on the density of surrounding vegetation.Severing decreased biomass and number of rhizomes of young ramets but did not affect their competitive tolerance. It decreased survival of mature ramets (probably due to traumata caused by cutting attached rhizomes) but did not influence total biomass of survived ramets. The response of total biomass of mature ramets to severing changed with size of the ramets. Further, biomass allocation to rhizomes changed differently after ramet severing in the two environments.The results suggest that field grown young ramets of Calamagrostis benefit from physiological integration. In contrast, mature ramets seem to be independent units according to the resource economy. Ecological benefits of integration depended on size of ramet clumps: ramets in clump had larger survival probability than control ramets. They also depended on environmental conditions: severing increased formation of new rhizomes at a sand dune subsrate, but it had a negative effect on plants in the forest experimental site. This intra-specific variation should be taken into account when trying to explain ecological patterns of integration benefits of clonal plants.  相似文献   

以盆栽草莓(Fragaria×ananassa)为材料研究了水分胁迫下克隆植物草莓母株和子株间的水分调控机制及其与碳同化、光系统Ⅱ激发能分配的关系.实验材料分为匍匐茎连接和剪断两个大组,进行两步实验.第1步实验,对连接组和剪断组的所有母株控水,子株充分供水;4d后进入第2步实验,把连接组分为两小组,对其中一组充分供水子株开始控水,另一组保持不变.结果表明,土壤干旱引起母株叶片失水,并使其净光合速率和气孔导度显著降低.但是连接组中供水良好的子株能有效缓解缺水母株的水分胁迫.当供水良好的子株也开始受到干旱处理的时候,则会加剧与之相连母株的水分胁迫.受胁迫母株可以通过加强渗透调节能力和降低水势从相连子株获取水分.虽然土壤干旱会造成受胁迫母株叶片脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)含量的大幅度增加,但是与之相连子株的叶片ABA含量并没有增加;并且气孔导度与ABA变化趋势一致.(1)草莓母株和子株间的水分运输是由二者的水势差驱动的;(2)ABA不会通过匍匐茎在母株和子株间传递并影响相邻子株气孔导度;(3)在水分异质性较大情况下,生理整合可明显提高克隆系统的碳同化能力和光系统Ⅱ激发能利用效率.  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid inland deserts, one of the environmental stresses for plants is recurrent sand burial, which can influence the physical and biotic microenvironments of the plants and soil. Previous studies have shown that different levels of sand burial have different effects on plants. Slight sand burial could increase the height increment, leaf biomass and the number of new ramets of the plants while heavy sand burial could impair the growth of the plants and even decrease their chances of survival. In other words, below a certain threshold level of burial, the growth of plants is stimulated probably because of multiple factors. However, as the level of burial increases, the positive response starts to decline until it becomes a negative value. Arid and semi-arid inland deserts are frequently colonized and stabilized by many rhizomatous clonal plants. Clonal physiological integration often helps clonal plants buffer local environmental stress encountered by ramets. A rhizomatous clonal semishrub, Hedysarum laeve (H. laeve), is the dominant plant species and important for vegetation restoration in the Mu Us sandland. To investigate whether clonal integration can increase the threshold of sand burial and help rhizomatous H. laeve tolerate heavy sand burial, we conducted a field experiment. The results showed that slight sand burial could accelerate ramet growth and enhance leaf biomass, stem biomass and shoot biomass, while heavy sand burial reducesed the biomass of the plant and impairs survival and growth of the ramets. Clonal integration increased the threshold of sand burial. Under heavy sand burial, ramets connected to other ramets not buried in sand were more in terms of height increment, stem biomass, leaf biomass and shoot biomass compared to the ramets encountering sand burial but disconnected from other ramets. It suggested that clonal physiological integration could help H. laeve ramets tolerate relatively heavy sand burial. We also discussed that clonal integration plays a role in H. laeve presence in the Mu Us sandland. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology (formerly Acta Phytoecologica Sinica), 2006, 30(2): 278–285 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Recently, considerable attention has been paid to the invasion of the clonal plant Spartina alterniflora into coastal wetlands at lower elevations. In this experiment, we tested whether clonal integration improved flood tolerance in S. alterniflora daughter ramets. Daughter ramets at two growth stages (young and old ramets) were flooded to water levels of 0, 9 and 18 cm above the soil surface, and the rhizomes between mother and daughter ramets were either severed or left intact. Biomasses of connected ramets grown in controls or in shallow and deep water treatments were 119%, 108% and 149% higher in the old ramet group than those of severed ramets, respectively, whereas they were 3.0, 3.3 and 11.2 times higher in the young ramet group, respectively. At the end of the experimental period, the shoot height, connected with young ramets, in shallow and deep water treatments increased by 19% and 26%, respectively, over that in the control treatments, whereas the old ramets increased by 11% and 39%, respectively. In contrast, the shoot height of the severed young ramets was 27% and 26% lower in shallow and deep water treatments than in the control treatment, respectively. However, the shoot height of the severed old ramets remained constant with increasing water depth. We conclude that clonal integration enhances the flood tolerance of S. alterniflora daughter ramets, and the trait of clonal integration plays more important roles in severe flooding stress conditions and at early growth stages.  相似文献   

Stolon is an elongated, two-node, vegetative, axillary shoot, which supports the ramet (rooted rosette) until it is completely independent on its own roots. The reciprocal capacity of the ramets, in a single runner chain, to sustain the growth and share locally abundant resources or to tolerate a local stress, is still in debate. This capacity may play an important role for improving nursery plant production and for better understanding the natural clonal multiplication. To describe strawberry stolon action, in plant-to-plant relationship, bare-rooted Camarosa ramets, joint in couples by their own stolons (generally, second and third ramet in a runner chain) were transplanted in two pots. The couples of ramets were treated in a factorial experiment with decortication (peeling a 2-mm ring of bark from the stolon), removal of root system or glyphosate application to one of the two ramets. In the studied system, the older ramet was referred as mother and the other as daughter. The two ramets were very similar in age and seem to act with a very limited hierarchic prevalence of the mother. When the root system of one ramet was eliminated, leaf number and chlorophyll content had a very slight decrease, independently in the mother ramet or in the daughter. The decortication did not reduce water integration, in any group of plants, but limited assimilate allocation towards the daughter ramet when the mother ramet had a severe root cut (not vice versa). The glyphosate action resulted localized in the sprayed ramet, which reduced chlorophyll content within 2 days and expired after 4 days.  相似文献   

A clonal plant in heterogeneous environments is usually expected to profit from resource exchange via a clonal network where ramets placed in contrasting environments can specialise so to acquire the most abundant resources. An experiment was designed using the three member clonal system of Eriophorum angustifolium, which consisted of one parent ramet growing in a resource poor environment and two offspring: one was limited in growth by nutrients while the other was light limited; the contrast in availability of limited resources between the offspring ramets was high, medium or none, with the system either connected or severed. The total resource availability was the same in all treatments. We proposed four possible scenarios for the system: offspring ramets will share resources via the deficient parent ramet, and the whole clone will profit from the contrasting environment (scenario 1); offspring ramets will support exclusively the parent ramet, and the whole clone will profit from a homogeneous environment (scenario 2); offspring ramets will stop the export of the limiting resource to the parent ramet, with split and connected treatments not differing (scenario 3); and offspring ramets will exhaust the carbon stored in the biomass of the parental ramet; offspring ramet will profit from connection (scenario 4). In the experiment, the limiting resources were sent to the strongest sink (scenario 2). The parent ramet growing in a deficient environment received the highest support in the treatment where both offspring ramets were growing in the same conditions (no-contrast treatment). Production of new shoots, but not biomass of whole clone, was supported in a homogenous environment. The experiment revealed that multiple stresses might prohibit free exchange of limiting resources via the clonal network and supports the idea that experimental studies on more complex clones are essential for understanding the costs and benefits of clonal growth.  相似文献   

To test whether sharing of resources occurs among connected ramets of the tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima, we examined the extent of clonal integration for nutrients. In a greenhouse experiment, two-ramet clones were grown in a triad of connected pots so that nutrients could be supplied to either sister ramet or to their old rhizome (mother rhizome). Mother rhizomes and their associated roots shared nutrients with daughter ramets; however, any nutrient sharing that occurred between sister ramets was too little to significantly affect their growth. In addition, sister ramets not only competed for nutrients through parental connections, but larger ramets inhibited the growth of smaller ramets. We suggest that, for tall goldenrod, a clonal growth strategy in which nutrients are not shared among sister ramets may increase genet fitness by reducing the rhizome production of ramets in poor-nutrient microsites. Consequently, the genet would produce relatively fewer ramets in unfertile areas and make better use of heterogeneous nutrient resources.  相似文献   

Physiological integration may help clonal macrophytes invade or escape from existing communities. No studies have tested the above hypothesis in aquatic plants. In an outdoor pond experiment, we subjected clonal fragments of the submerged macrophyte Vallisneria spiralis L. to heterogeneous environments in which V. spiralis spread from bare habitats towards vegetated habitats occupied by Myriophyllum spicatum L. or V. spiralis spread from vegetated habitats towards bare habitats. V. spiralis stolons between ramets in bare habitats and in vegetated habitats were either intact or severed. We investigated the habitat selection of V. spiralis by examining the allocation of biomass and ramets to heterogeneous habitats during its vegetative spread phase. Results showed that the stolon connection had different effects on the habitat selection of V. spiralis with regard to invasion and escape. When V. spiralis spread from bare to vegetated habitats, in comparison to severing the stolon, the stolon connection eventually facilitated a 49% increase in biomass and a 27% increase in number of ramets allocated to vegetated habitats. However, when V. spiralis spread from vegetated to bare habitats, biomass and ramets allocated to bare habitats were not significantly changed by the stolon connection (only a 5% increase in biomass and a 6% increase in number of ramets). These results indicate that clonal integration facilitated V. spiralis not to escape from but invade into vegetated habitats. The study provides evidence that physiological integration is important for survival and tolerance of ramets in competitively stressful environments and can help clonal macrophytes coexist with other species.  相似文献   

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