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脂蛋白(a)[Lp(a)]是由载脂蛋白(a)(apo(a))与载脂蛋白B100(apoB100)通过共价键连接的脂蛋白。高血浆水平Lp(a)是心血管疾病的独立风险因子,Lp(a)的血浆水平主要受遗传因素调控,主要有LPA[lipoprotein,Lp(a)]基因的三环结构域kringle IV/2拷贝数和单核苷酸多态性(SNP)。欧洲动脉粥样硬化协会(EAS)和美国心脏病协会(AHA)建议对于高Lp(a)的人群应当考虑降高Lp(a)的治疗。目前已有多种降高Lp(a)的药物和方法,如血浆分离置换法、雌激素治疗、反义核苷酸治疗、类法尼醇X核内受体(farnesoid X receptor,FXR)激动治疗等,但应用于临床的降高Lp(a)的药物和方法依然缺乏。本文拟就降Lp(a)的药物和方法进展情况进行综述。  相似文献   

脂蛋白(a) [ LP(a)]是一种与低密度脂蛋白(LDL)结构极其相似的脂蛋白,它由LDL脂质核心、载脂蛋白B100(apoB100)及特异性的成分载脂蛋白(a)[ apo(a)]组成. 大量的研究表明,高LP(a)是动脉粥样硬化独立的危险因素.而LP(a)在血浆中的水平及致病能力取决于其合成的速率及其颗粒的大小. 因此, 如何抑制LP(a)合成,进而从源头减少LP(a) 的血浆水平,对动脉粥样硬化的防治具有重要的意义.本文就当前关于影响LP(a)合成的环节及相关机制进行综述, 从而为降LP(a)药物的研究提供新的视角.  相似文献   

The term “baboon” is the common name used for a subset of terrestrial Cercopithecines with large bodies and protruding snouts. Although the application of the term has changed considerably over the years, we argue that common names, such as “baboon,” should reflect the current state of phylogenetic knowledge. This practice promotes a broader understanding of taxonomic diversity that can impact decisions related to ecotourism, wildlife management, and conservation. Thus, we argue that “baboon” should be used only for members of the genus Papio.  相似文献   

Although the area of Lake Yeniça?a is a potential candidate for RAMSAR convention, several anthropogenic factors compromise its biological diversity. This is mostly due to nutrient-rich water released from both point and nonpoint sources. Thirteen ostracod taxa (Candona neglecta, C. candida, Ilyocypris bradyi, Darwinula stevensoni, Cypridopsis vidua, Physocypria kraepelini, Cypria ophtalmica, Prionocypris zenkeri, Eucypris virens, Herpetocypris reptans, Pseudocandona compressa, Fabaeformiscandona fabaeformis Potamocypris cf. fulva) were found during this study. Potamocypris cf. fulva is a new record for the Turkish freshwater ostracod fauna. The first nine of these species have broad geographic ranges, implying high tolerance levels to different environmental variables. Based on the estimated species optima and tolerance levels, two species exhibited higher effective number of occurrences (C. neglecta, and D. stevensoni, respectively) than the other species. Three species (C. neglecta, D. stevensoni, I. bradyi) did not show significant correlation with any environmental variable we used. Both Canonical correspondence (CCA) and Pearson correlation analyses showed that temperature was the most effective predictor of species occurrence, followed by electrical conductivity and redox potential. In contrast, pH and dissolved oxygen of water were the least effective predictors. Approximately 71% of the correlation between community composition and environmental variables was explained by the first axis of the CCA diagram, which had a relatively low (7.7%) cumulative variance of species. The lower (560 μg/l) and the upper (2030 μg/l) levels of ammonia (NH3) exceeded the limits during winter season. The concentrations of total coliform and Escherichia coli bacteria were measured up to 10 × 107 cfu/ml and 10 × 103 cfu/ml, respectively. Results of physicochemical measurements, microbiological counts, and species data indicate that water quality of Lake Yeniça?a has been rapidly deteriorated by anthropogenic factors that are the main threat for not only the lake’s aquatic diversity but also human health around the lake.  相似文献   


The structure and interactions of the 1–24 fragment of the adrenocorticotropin hormone, ACTH (1–24), with membrane have been studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in an NPT ensembles in two explicit membrane mimics, a dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelle and a dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer. The starting configuration of the peptide/lipid systems had the 1–10 segment of the peptide lying on the surface of the model membrane, the same as the equilibrated structure (by MD) of ACTH (1–10) in a DPC micelle. The simulations showed that the peptide adopts the surface-binding mode and essentially the same structure in both systems. Thus the results of this work lend support to the assumption that micelles are reasonable mimics for biological membranes for the study of peptide binding. The 1–10 segment is slightly tilted from the parallel orientation to the interface and interacts strongly with the membrane surface while the more polar 11–24 segment shows little tendency to interact with the membrane surface, preferring to reside primarily in the aqueous phase. Furthermore, the 1–10 segment of the peptide binds to the DPC micelle in essentially the same way as ACTH (1–10). Thus the MD results are in excellent agreement with the model of interaction of ACTH (1–24) with membrane derived from NMR experiments. The secondary structure and the hydration of the peptide and the interactions of specific residues with the lipid head groups have also been analyzed.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a): still an enigma?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Lipoprotein(a) belongs to the class of the most atherogenic lipoproteins. Despite intensive research - in the last year more than 80 papers have been published on this topic - information is still lacking on the physiological function of lipoprotein(a) and the site of its catabolism. Important advances have been made in the knowledge of these points, which may have some therapeutic implications. RECENT FINDINGS: The association of high lipoprotein(a) values with an increase in risk for coronary events has been documented in further prospective studies. This increased risk may relate to recent findings that apolipoprotein(a) is produced in situ within the vessel wall. In addition, lipoprotein(a) binds and inactivates the tissue factor pathway inhibitor and induces plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 expression in monocytes. A new antisense oligonucleotide strategy has been proposed which efficiently inhibits apolipoprotein(a) expression in vitro and in vivo. Apolipoprotein(a), however, suppresses angiogenesis and thus may interfere with the infiltration of tumor cells. Finally, the enzymatic activity leading to the formation of apolipoprotein(a) fragments in plasma and their catabolism have been further elucidated. SUMMARY: We are still far away from understanding the pathways involved in lipoprotein(a) catabolism, and the physiological function of this lipoprotein. Recent findings, however, provide new insight into pathomechanisms in patients with increased lipoprotein(a) related to hemostasis, which may serve as a basis for designing new treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Summary Bombus inexspectatus (Tkalc) is now known from 50 males, 36 females and two individuals which have been described as workers; the species has been found in the mountains of Austria, France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland at altitudes between 1,181 m. (N.W. Spain) and 2,100 m. (N.E. Italy). More than 10,000 bumblebees have been captured in localities whereB.inexspectatus is known to occur yet no further worker individuals have been discovered. The capture of some very undersized females in spring long before workers of any other species were flying puts the status of the two so-called workers in considerable doubt and examination of these two specimens points very strongly to their being females and not workers. The possibility that the femaleB. inexspectatus behaves like aPsithyrus and lives in the nest of another bee seems a not improbable explanation of the situation though proof may come only by chance discovery. Certain peculiarities of the female, notably absence of any indication, in pinned specimens, of either wax secretion or pollen collecting and at least the suggestion that the pollen collecting equipment may be degenerate if not entirely non-functional are added pointers to the necessity of a parasitic mode of living.Bombus ruderarius Müller is suggested as a likely host.
Zusammenfassung Bombus inexspectatus (Tkalc), ist jetzt nach 50 Männchen, 36 Weibchen und 2 als Arbeiter beschriebenen Exemplaren bekannt; die Art ist in den Gebirgen Österreichs, Frankreichs, Italiens, Spaniens und der Schweiz in Höhen zwischen 1181 m. (N.W. Spanien) und 2100 m. (N.O. Italien) gefunden worden. Mehr als 10000 Hummeln sind an den Fundorten gefangen worden, wo das Vorkommen vonB. inexspectatus bekannt ist, doch hat man keine weiteren Arbeiter entdeckt. Das Sammeln einiger sehr kleinen Weibchen am Anfang des Frühlings — lange vor der Flugzeit der Arbeiter anderer Arten — lässt den Status der zwei Arbeiter bezweifeln, und eine Untersuchung zeigt, dass sie wahrscheinlich Weibchen und keine Arbeiter sind. Es ist durchaus möglich, dass das Weibchen vonB. inexspectatus sich wie einPsithyrus verhält und im Nest einer anderen Hummel lebt, doch vielleicht könnte eine zufällige Entdeckung diese Hypothese bestätigen. Gewisse Eigentümlichkeiten des Weibchens sind weitere Anzeiger der Notwendigkeit einer parasitischen Lebensweise: besonders die Abwesenheit jeder Andeutung entweder von Waschsabscheidung oder von Pollensammeln und die Möglichkeit, dass der Pollensammelapparat wenigstens degeneriert, wenn nicht ganz funktionlos geworden, ist.Bombus ruderarius Müller wird als wahrscheinlicher Wirt vorgeschlagen.

众所周知,苯并(a)芘(BaP)是一种强致癌性多环芳烃,它的生成是多源的,且在环境中有广泛分布。近年来,国内外对苯并(a)芘污染环境及其生物氧化已有越来越多的报导。对它进入植物体及在植物体内进行再分配  相似文献   

目的:雌激素和孕激素在子宫肌瘤发病中起重要作用。但miRNA在子宫肌瘤发病中的作用还知之甚少,我们前期已证实mir-26a在子宫肌瘤中低表达,本实验进一步探讨mir-26a在体外对子宫肌瘤中孕激素受体a(PRa)、雌激素受体α(ERα)表达的调控。方法:利用TargetScan软件预测mir-26a的潜在靶基因,找出靶基因3'UTR区片段,插入PmirGLO绿色荧光蛋白编码区下游,构建报告基因载体,同时原代培养子宫肌瘤平滑肌细胞。将报告基因载体与mir-26a共转染入原代培养的子宫肌瘤平滑肌细胞,引入双荧光素酶报告基因系统对mir-26a的靶基因进行验证。转染mir-26amimics于子宫肌瘤平滑肌细胞,westernblotting检测子宫肌瘤平滑肌细胞中mir-26a靶蛋白表达水平。结果:用TargetScan软件和双荧光素酶报告基因系统证实ERα、PRa为mir-26a的靶基因。蛋白水平进一步验证,mir-26amimics的转染量不同,ERα、PRa的蛋白表达水平下调不同。结论:Mir-26a通过结合靶基因的3'-UTR区调控靶基因的mRNA水平。Mir-26a抑制雌激素受体α(ERα)、孕激素受体a(PRa)在子宫肌瘤中的表达。Mir-26a可能通过调控雌激素受体α(ERα)、孕激素受体a(PRa)影响子宫肌瘤的发展。本实验通过确定mir-26a对子宫肌瘤的作用机制,有望进一步提高子宫肌瘤的治疗技术,减少手术治疗的创伤。  相似文献   

A derivative of N(ε)-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine with a photo-reactive diazirinyl group, N(ε)-[((4-(3-(trifluoromethyl)-3H-diazirin-3-yl)benzyl)oxy)carbonyl]-L-lysine, was site-specifically incorporated into target proteins in mammalian cells. The incorporated photo-crosslinker is able to react not only with residues as distant as about 15 ? but also with those in closer proximity, thus enabling "wide-range" photo-crosslinking of proteins.  相似文献   

Two abnormalities of the tail have been observed in Reeves muntjac. A male was born acaudate and an adult doe had a tail less than a third of the normal length. The range and mean of lengths of body and tail are given for animals over 2 years old.  相似文献   

Polythioesters (PTEs) represent a novel class of biopolymers, which basically can be synthesized with polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biosynthesis systems. Albeit technical applications of PTEs have not been elucidated yet, biodegradability might be an important property of this new thermoplastic material. In this study, extensive approaches were employed to isolate microorganisms capable of degrading poly(3-mercaptopropionate), poly(3MP), as a model compound of PTEs. Screening of 74 different environmental samples using various enrichment techniques were applied, but neither bacteria nor fungi could be isolated hydrolyzing poly(3MP). Furthermore, microcosms such as soil, compost, or activated sludge were applied to search for poly(3MP) degrading microorganisms, considering microbial communities and/or nonculturable bacteria, and the poly(3MP) material was exposed for more than half a year. However, no poly(3MP) degrading organisms were found, indicating an unexpected persistence of this biologically produced polymer.  相似文献   

猴肝细胞膜脂蛋白(a)受体的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猴肝细胞膜蛋白经 SDS- PAGE和蛋白转移电泳后用免疫印迹法测定 ,硝酸纤维素膜分别与抗牛肾上腺皮质 LDL受体的抗体、LDL、Lp( a)和 PLG温育后见有 3条不同的蛋白条带 ,分子量分别为 370 kd、2 90 kd和 80 kd.用酶标法测定猴肝细胞膜蛋白 ,发现经 Lp( a) + PLG温育后用 Lp( a)抗体反应的结果与 Lp( a)温育后用 Lp( a)抗体反应的结果比较无显著差异 ,而经 Lp( a) + PLG温育后用 PLG抗体反应的结果比单独用 PLG温育后用 PLG抗体反应的作用强 ;同样经 Lp( a) +LDL温育后用 Lp( a)抗体反应的结果与经 Lp( a)温育后用 Lp( a)抗体反应的结果比较无显著差异 ,而经 Lp( a) + LDL温育后用 LDL抗体反应比单独经 LDL温育后用 LDL抗体的反应强 ,排除Lp( a)与 PLG和 LDL的交叉反应 ,实验认为猴肝细胞膜上可能同时存在 LDL受体、PLG受体和Lp( a)受体  相似文献   

John L. Strother 《Brittonia》1968,20(4):343-345
The new genus,Vilobia, is described and its position within the Tageteae is discussed. The type species from Bolivia,V. praetermissa Strother, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Rat liver nuclei were incubated with [14C]benzo(a)pyrene (BP) or [3H](±)-trans-7,8-dihydrodiol of BP (3H-BP-7,8-diol) in the presence of a NADPH-generating system. The nuclei were able to form from BP the 9,10-, 4,5- and 7,8-dihydrodiols, the 3,6- and 1,6-quinones as well as the 3- and 9-phenols. The total nuclear metabolism was stimulated 11-fold by prior administration to the rats of 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC). BP-7,8-dihydrodiol formation, under these circumstances, was enhanced 29-fold. The rat liver nuclei were also able to form from [3H]BP-7,8-diol, (±)-7β,8α-dihydroxy-9β,10β-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro BP (diol epoxide 1), (±)-7β,8α-dihydroxy-9α,10α-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro BP (diol epoxide 2), as well as three unknown metabolites. Diol epoxides 1 and 2 represented 23 and 65% of the total metabolites produced during the control nuclear incubation. Pretreatment of the rats with 3MC resulted in 4-fold increase in nuclear metabolic activity. Under the latter circumstances, the diol epoxides 1 and 2 represented 43 and 38%, respectively, of the total nuclear metabolites. Incubation of liver nuclei with labeled BP or BP-7,8-diol in the presence of NADPH resulted in alkylation of DNA. The alkylated deoxyribonucleosides were separated by Sephadex LH-20 chromatography. Two peaks of radioactivity were noted after incubation with the parent polycyclic hydrocarbon while only one peak was seen after incubation with the diol derivative. These results emphasize the importance of nuclei in the metabolism of BP and in the subsequent alkylation of DNA, reactions which may be related to mutagenesis or carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

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