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土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性被认为是决定陆地生态系统对全球变暖反馈作用的潜在重要机制,可能显著改变未来的气候变化趋势,然而学术界对于这一机制是否真实存在尚有分歧。阐述了土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性概念,从证据、机理和争议3方面对已有研究进展进行了综述和分析。土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性是微生物在群落尺度上对温度变化的适应性,具有坚实的生物学与生态学理论基础,研究者们运用各类指标已在许多实验中证实土壤微生物物种及群落的呼吸过程能够在高温环境产生适应性变化。土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性机理涉及生物膜结构变化、酶活性变化、微生物碳分配比例变化和微生物群落结构变化等方面。关于土壤微生物呼吸热适应性的争议可能是由研究方法、微生物物种及环境条件的差异引起的。根据对已有研究的分析,认为土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性是真实存在的,未来的研究可进一步探索土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性机理,深入研究环境和全球变化对土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性影响,定量评估土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性对陆地生态系统反馈过程的影响。  相似文献   

在与韧性城市社区相关的研究文献中,适应性是经常使用的术语,它不仅描述了一个社区对于可能导致不良后果的扰动的抵抗或吸收能力,也包括一系列相应的变化能力,这些变化往往为社区带来成长、发展、创新与变革的机会。因此,适应性常被视为社区韧性的必要条件。然而在已有文献中,对于“什么是韧性城市社区适应性的本质”尚且没有清楚的阐述。旨在通过回答以下问题来补充这一理论的不足:韧性城市社区适应性的关键特征是什么?社区韧性应如何通过构建适应性来实现?从城市社区目前面临的挑战出发,基于对韧性城市社区本质及关键特征的分析,构建城市社区韧性与适应性概念模型。该模型以适应性为核心,以环境支撑、空间可变、以人为本作为解读城市社区适应性的3个维度,指出:遵循城市社区独特的地脉文脉特征;满足城市社区中变化的环境需求与空间的偏好;尊重居民的权利与建议的城市社区是体现适应性的韧性社区,并以此作为3个原则指导韧性城市社区的规划设计。  相似文献   

通过果熟率和存活率的统计分析,研究了原产澳大利亚的引种植物在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园的生长适应性。结果表明,原产澳大利亚的引种植物引入西双版纳后总体适应性较差,在557号引种植物中,存活率和果熟率分别仅为5.0%和3.6%。植物区系地区、气候区、植物类群、引种途径和引种年代等因素对引种植物的适应性都有一定的影响,其中气候区和植物区系地区是影响引种植物适应性的主要因素,间接引种植物的适应性高于直接引种植物。因此,从气候相似且在植物区系发生上有亲缘关系的地区进行引种易于成功。  相似文献   

生态适应性研究是剖析传统村落生态理念的重要角度。本文介绍了生态适应性的概念及研究进展,传统村落生态适应性研究包含2个部分:自然生态适应性和人文生态适应性。构建了传统山地村落生态适应性的研究体系。以北京市门头沟区斋堂镇黄岭西村为例,立足于5个研究视角分析其自然及人文生态适应性,引入软件模拟分析的研究方法,对中国传统山地村落的生态适应理念予以总结,以期对中国今后的山地村镇规划与发展提供经验与借鉴。  相似文献   

物种在空间异质性环境中容易受到不同的选择压力;如果本地基因型的适合度高于外来基因型,将导致局部适应性的产生。局部适应性强度是由自然选择、基因流以及其它进化力量的相互平衡决定的。局部适应性对于物种能否在快速变化的环境中长期生存非常关键。因此,在全球气候变化背景下,有关局部适应性的研究已逐渐成为进化生物学领域的研究前沿。本文从概念的提出与发展、成因、相关遗传基础及主要研究方法等方面对植物局部适应性这一生物学问题进行综述,探讨了目前主要的研究进展和存在的问题,展望了未来的研究前景,以加深对植物局部适应性及其遗传基础的全面认识与深刻理解。  相似文献   

无颌类脊椎动物适应性免疫系统的进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘岑杰  黄惠芳  马飞  刘欣  李庆伟 《遗传》2008,30(1):13-19
适应性免疫系统的起源与进化问题一直是人们研究的热点, 以七鳃鳗为代表的无颌类脊椎动物, 被普遍认为处在进化出适应性免疫系统的边缘。因此, 研究无颌类脊椎动物适应性免疫的机制, 对揭示适应性免疫系统的起源与进化具有重要意义。研究表明, 无颌类在一定范围内具有高等脊椎动物特有的适应性免疫特征, 并发现了一些在结构或功能上与高等脊椎动物免疫相关基因同源的免疫因子。文章就近年来对无颌类脊椎动物适应性免疫系统机制的研究进展作一概述, 为进一步深入研究脊椎动物适应性免疫系统的起源与进化提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

金校名  李博 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5857-5867
以中国沿海地区海洋渔业产业生态系统为研究对象,采用适应性循环理论将中国海洋渔业产业生态系统划分三个适应性循环圈,一个贫穷陷阱及构成适应性循环圈所需的若干个适应性循环,揭示中国海洋渔业产业生态系统适应性循环问题。结果表明:(1)1949年以来中国海洋渔业产业生态系统依次经历了第一个适应性循环的前环中环阶段(1949-1965年)、贫穷陷阱(1966-1976年)、第二个完整的适应性循环(1977-1985年)以及第三个适应性循环的前环阶段(1986年至今);(2)海洋渔业产业、海洋渔业生态环境、海洋渔业社会环境是触发整个系统由开发到保护到释放再到更新转变的关键要素;(3)市场需求、政策制度响应和资源限制分别是推动中国海洋渔业产业生态系统适应性循环的外部扰沌力和内部驱动力。  相似文献   

郝艳  雷富民 《遗传》2022,(8):635-653
自达尔文时代起,解析适应性演化的机制一直是进化生物学和生态学领域研究最重要的科学问题之一。适应性演化通常指在自然选择驱动下,物种为提高适合度而演化出特定的表型。表型的适应表现在形态、生理生化、组织学、行为学等多个层级。随着分子生物学和测序技术的发展,越来越多的研究揭示了适应性复杂性状的遗传基础。研究适应性演化的分子遗传机制有助于理解塑造生物多样性的进化驱动力以及阐明基因型、表型和环境之间的关联关系。目前已有主效基因、超基因、多基因遗传、非编码区调控、重复序列调控、基因渐渗等多种假说可以解释适应性演化的遗传机制。高海拔极端环境的强选择压力极大地促进了物种表型和遗传适应的发生,对多组学数据的剖析为物种适应性演化提供了新的见解。本文对适应性演化的遗传机制、高海拔极端环境适应研究进展以及目前面临的主要挑战进行了综述,并对未来的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为该领域的科研人员提供参考。  相似文献   

朱林江  李崎 《遗传》2014,36(4):327-335
细胞具有普遍的突变和进化能力, 如病原菌的抗药性、工业菌株的适应性和人体细胞的癌变等, 但是细胞的适应性突变是如何产生的呢?通过非致死性突变分析模型的建立与应用, 产生了新的适应性进化观点, 即环境胁迫诱导细胞适应性突变。这种环境诱导的细胞突变过程涉及多方面的生理调控, 包括细胞内毒性物质(如氧活性物质)积累并造成DNA损伤、DNA错配修复的活性受到抑制、胞内RpoS反应和SOS反应被激活等。这些反应使胞内高保真的DNA复制状态转变为低保真的DNA修复状态, 提高胞内突变率和重组活性。此外, 基因转录影响基因组的不稳定, 容易产生DNA损伤, 并造成局部的高突变率, 即形成了转录偶联的DNA修复与突变为基础的适应性突变观点。文章围绕环境胁迫诱导细胞突变率增加和转录偶联的DNA修复与突变这两种适应性突变分子机制, 阐述其相关的研究进展, 以期更好地理解环境条件诱导细胞发生适应性突变的过程。  相似文献   

李嘉艺  孙璁  郑曦 《生态学报》2021,41(7):2609-2621
在城市扩张和气候变化背景下,三角洲社会与生态系统正遭受多方面风险威胁,适应性视角下的区域生态风险评估有助于理解复杂系统与风险影响之间的相互作用,为长江三角洲城市群适应性规划策略提供空间定量参考。以长江三角洲城市群社会-生态系统为研究对象,耦合适应性循环与区域生态风险评估理论,构建"潜力-连通度-韧性"适应性生态风险评估框架,从整体和动态的角度评估区域在当前与未来适应性生态风险的时空分布与各城市所处的适应性循环阶段。结果表明,适应性生态风险由沿海区-城市群-生态区域呈现由较高到高再到低的趋势,大城市外围现已出现较高风险。至2030年,风险整体呈上升趋势,高风险向中小城市和生态区域蔓延。从适应性循环阶段来看,杭州、宁波等14个城市处于生态风险较低的重组阶段。常州、南通等8个城市处于风险升高的开发阶段。上海、南京、无锡和苏州处于城市发展成熟风险开始降低的保护阶段。本研究通过评估长三角城市群适应性生态风险,得到高风险区分布与各个城市的适应性风险趋势,为长三角城市群动态变化下的适应性规划策略制定提供了科学的指导,以实现区域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The Cuban species of Calisto are reviewed based on the morphology of adult and immature stages, as well as DNA sequences of six genes (COI, EF1α, wingless, GAPDH, RpS5, CAD). A new species, Calisto occultasp. n., is described from the northeastern Cuban mountains. Calisto smintheus Bates, 1935 and Calisto bruneri, Michener 1949 are revised and revalidated. A new status, the species level, is proposed for Calisto brochei, Torre 1973, Calisto muripetens, Bates 1939 and Calisto bradleyi, Munroe 1950. The immature stages of Calisto smintheus, Calisto brochei,and Calisto occulta are described for the first time, and those of Calisto herophile, Hübner 1823 are redescribed. Useful morphological characters for adults are the shape and conspicuousness of androconial patch, the number and relative size of white dots on underside of hindwing, the shape of aedeagus, the shape of digitiform projection of genitalia valve, the shape and relative size of tegumen and uncus, the relative size of female genitalia, the height of sterigmal ring dorsal crown of the latter, and the relative size of corpus bursae and ductus bursae. For the immature stages, the most important characters are the color pattern of head capsule, the number and width of longitudinal lines of body, in the larvae; and the color pattern and the absence or presence of dorsal ridges on the abdomen of pupae. The phylogenetic relationships between the Cuban Calisto species are quite robust and well-supported; however, conflict between mitochondrial and nuclear datasets was detected in Calisto brochei, Calisto muripetens and to a lesser degree in Calisto bradleyi.  相似文献   

林有润 《植物研究》2002,22(3):341-365
棕榈科原省藤亚科因其子房壁及外果皮被倒生、螺旋状排列的鳞片所覆盖,而区别于其他亚科,因而独立分出成一新科--省藤科。作者讨论了棕榈科的祖先种可能在石炭纪时,自原始裸子植物开以顿目在分化、衍生出苏铁目祖先种的进化干上,于白垩纪时分化出的一个分支。在棕榈科的祖先种出现不久后,在其进化的分支上,于白垩纪后期又分化出一旁支,成为棕榈科的姊妹科--省藤科的祖先种。从两祖先种分别再分化、衍生出现今分布地球上该二科的属与种。两科、尤其前者是被子植物、尤其是单子叶植物中最原始的类群之一。作者还提出棕榈科象牙椰亚科与贝叶棕亚科是该科最原始或较原始的两类群;槟榔亚科和腊材榈亚科是较进化的两类群;而水椰亚科祖先种可能源于象牙椰亚科的祖先种,但又演化为该科最进化与特化的类群。省藤科省藤亚科略比鳞果榈亚科原始。作者讨论了两科为泛热带分布的科,指出两科的"现代分布区"在南北两半球热带地区,少数种还延伸分布到两半球暖亚热带、甚至达中亚热带地区,分布区边缘最北达日本中部、中国长江流域及黄河下游的南部,美国加利佛尼亚州与佛罗里达州和地中海北部;最南达智利中部和新西兰南部;而"现代分布中心"在热带与暖亚热带的亚洲,中、南美洲,大洋洲及非洲的东、南、西部;但分布区的"密集中心"则在热带亚洲、热带中及南美洲、南太平洋群岛及非洲东南部。作者还介绍了近50年我国南方引种驯化成功的两科植物近400种(见*图谱),其中少数为耐寒的种类,有的种已引种到长江流域或更北的地区。引种的大部分种都有其重要的经济用途,包括:1. 食用,如淀粉和树液可制"西米"或制糖,酿酒、醋或作饮料;果或种子榨油,供食用或工业用;某些种的嫩芽作蔬菜,甚至种子代咖啡饮用;2. 药用,有消炎、止血、活血、驱虫、抗癌等用;3. 建筑、工艺与日用品,包括不少种的树干供建普通房子、桥梁、小船;少数种可提制工业用蜡;许多种的纤维制高级缆绳和编织品;还制工艺品与日用品等;4. 代表热带景观的园林工程、绿化及美化环境的观赏树和人行道树及建造园林景观生态类型的树种等。  相似文献   

Nine of 10 genera and 119 of approximately 240 species of the Pinaceae occur in China, including 67 endemic species and two endemic genera. In this paper, the distributional maps of all the genera of the Pinaceae are presented (fig. 1-8). The horizontal and vertical distributions of species in each genus are discussed. The analysis of the distribution patterns of the genera indicates that some genera, such as Keteleeria, Tsuga, Pseudotsuga, Cathaya and Pseudolarix, are restricted to the area south of the Qinling Mountains and the Huaihe River, and the others, i. e. Picea, Abies, Larix and Pinus, extend northward to northeastern China. However, all of the genera except Keteleeria and Pinus are not found in very dry areas and tropical mountainous regions of China. The monotypic genera, Cathaya and Pseudolarix, are distributed in eastern and central China. The genus Keteleeria consists of 10 species, 7 of which are concentrated in southern Guizhou, northern Guangxi, southwestern Hunan and easternmost Yunnan. The distribution of the remaining 6 genera shows the maximum concentration in western Sichuan and northwestern Yunnan. (Figs. 2-8). Furthermore, more than third of species of the Pinaceae (37.8%) are also concentrated in western Sichuan and northwestern Yunnan. where a great variety of habitats and different topographic features occur. It is apparent that to conduct our systematic and evolutionary studies on this family in these region is especially needed. The relations between the areal size and the tolerance of species are discussed. The distributions of macrofossils and microfossils of the genera of the Pinaceae ia China are given, and it has been proved that areas of most genera of the family were considerably larger in the past. than at present.  相似文献   

Numbers of species and genera,endemic genera,extant primitive genera,relationship and distribution patterns of presently living Chenopodiaceae(two subfamilies,12 tribes,and 118 genera)are analyzed and compared for eight distributional areas,namely central Asia,Europe,the Mediterranean region,Africa,North America,South America, Australia and East Asia. The Central Asia,where the number of genera and diversity of taxa are greater than in other areas,appears to be the center of distribution of extant Chenopodiaceae.North America and Australia are two secondary centers of distribution. Eurasia has 11 tribes out of the 12,a total of 70 genera of extant chenopodiaceous plants,and it contains the most primitive genera of every tribe. Archiatriplex of Atripliceae,Hablitzia of Hablitzeae,Corispermum of Corispermeae,Camphorosma of Camphorosmaea,Kalidium of Salicornieae,Polecnemum of Polycnemeae,Alexandra of Suaedeae,and Nanophyton of Salsoleae,are all found in Eurasia,The Beteae is an Eurasian endemic tribe,demonstrating the antiquity of the Chenopodiaceae flora of Eurasia.Hence,Eurasia is likely the place of origin of chenopodiaceous plants. The presence of chenopodiaceous plants is correlated with an arid climate.During the Cretaceous Period,most places of the continent of Eurasia were occupied by the ancient precursor to the Mediterranean,the Tethys Sea.At that time the area of the Tethys Sea had a dry and warm climate.Therefore,primitive Chenopodiaceae were likely present on the beaches of this ancient land.This arid climatic condition resulted in differentiation of the tribes Chenopodieae,Atripliceae,Comphorosmeae,Salicornieae,etc.,the main primitive tribes of the subfamily Cyclolobeae. Then following continental drift and the Laurasian and Gondwanan disintegration, the Chenopodiaceae were brought to every continent to propagate and develop, and experience the vicissitudes of climates, forming the main characteristics and distribution patterns of recent continental floras. The tribes Atripliceae, Chenopodieae, Camphorosmeae, and Salicornieae of recent Chenopodiaceae in Eurasia, North America, South America, southern Africa, and Australia all became strongly differentiated. However, Australia and South America, have no genera of Spirolobeae except for a few maritime Suaeda species. The Salsoleae and Suaedeae have not arrived in Australia and South America, which indicates that the subfamily Spirolobeae developed in Eurasia after Australia separated from the ancient South America-Africa continent, and South America had left Africa. The endemic tribe of North America, the tribe Sarcobateae, has a origin different from the tribes Salsoleae and Suaedeae of the subfamily Spirolobeae. Sarcobateae flowers diverged into unisexuality and absence of bractlets. Clearly they originated in North America after North America had left the Eurasian continent. North America and southern Africa have a few species of Salsola, but none of them have become very much differentiated or developed, so they must have arrived through overland migration across ancient continental connections. India has no southern African Chenopodiaceae floristic components except for a few maritime taxa, which shows that when the Indian subcontinent left Africa in the Triassic period, the Chenopodiaceae had not yet developed in Africa. Therefore, the early Cretaceous Period about 120 million years ago, when the ancient Gondwanan and Laurasian continents disintegrated, could have been the time of origin of Chenopodiaceae plants.The Chinese flora of Chenopodiaceae is a part of Chenopodiaceae flora of central Asia. Cornulaca alaschnica was discovered from Gansu, China, showing that the Chinese Chenopodiaceae flora certainly has contact with the Mediterranean Chenopodiaceae flora. The contact of southeastern China with the Australia Chenopodiaceae flora, however, is very weak.  相似文献   

Here we report the results of a comprehensive biogeochemical monitoring of Rostherne Mere in 1998, including changes in dissolved oxygen, organic carbon and nitrogen, nitrate/nitrite, ammonia, Al, Na, S, K, Mg, Ca, Si, Fe, Mn, orthophosphate, particulate N & P, suspended solids, temperature, pH, chlorophyll-a and zooplankton. The results demonstrated the major influence of primary producers on the overall geochemical cycling of N, P and Si, and suggested that the significance of zooplankton might have been previously underestimated. For major anions and cations, however, the influence of biota on lake water concentrations appeared to be negligible, reflecting the fact that these chemicals were present far in excess of plankton requirements. Thus changes in concentrations of Ca, K, Na, Mg and S were rather limited and must have reflected changes in hydrological and meteorological parameters. K, however, demonstrated a transitional pattern, reflecting some influence of biological uptake. During the stratification period, the slow processes of bacterial decomposition in the hypolimnion gradually released chemicals contained in the materials accumulated in the bottom layer, remarkably increasing the concentrations of dissolved compounds of those elements present in amounts comparable with the pool stored in the sedimenting detritus (e.g. orthophosphate P, ammonia N, Si and DOC). The decomposition also resulted in a drop in the redox potential, followed by partial denitrification and chemical release from the sediments. The hypolimnion of the Mere was confirmed to remain at the stage of Mn release, characterised by accumulation of DOC, orthophosphates, ammonia and initial stages of denitrification. High levels of P released from the sediments during the stratification period suggest that the lake’s recovery after sewage diversion might be further delayed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The hypostome ciliates have been generally classified into two classes, Phyllopharyngea and Nassophorea. The status of Nassophorea and its relationship with Phyllopharyngea is one of the most controversial issues in ciliate systematics. Here we focus on the phylogenetic interrelationships of Nassophorea and Phyllopharyngea based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences. The three nassophorean subgroups, synhymeniids, microthoracids, and nassulids, each emerged as monophyletic, with synhymeniids as a sister group of Phyllopharyngea, and microthoracids as a sister of the synhymeniids+Phyllopharyngea clade in all phylogenies. The exact placement of the nassulids, however, remains uncertain. Following a detailed analysis of phenotypic characters, we hypothesize that: (1) the Phyllopharyngea could have evolved from synhymeniids, with the further development of their subkinetal microtubules as one of the major events; and (2) the development of monokinetid structures, as well as the reduction and specialization of the cyrtos and cortex, might have occurred during the diversifications of the microthoracids, synhymeniids, and Phyllopharyngea from a common ancestor. Expanding the class Phyllopharyngea to include the synhymeniids as a subclass, and designating a new subclass Subkinetalia n. subcl. for the group comprising cyrtophorians, chonotrichians, rhynchodians, and suctorians, are proposed.  相似文献   

Rosaceae. consisting of about 126 genera and 3200 species, is widely distributed in warm temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, while more than half of the genera are Asiatic and more then 80% of the total number of Asiatic occur in China (Table 1). In this paper, the origin and evolution of Chinese genera is discussed mainly. The principal tendency of the whole family is also described from the point of view of evolution. First of all, the systematic position of Rosaceae in Angiospermae is reviewed. According to the records of paleobotany, rosaceous plants occurred first in the Tertiary, from the early period of Eocene (genera such as Spiraea and Prunus) to the late period of Miocene (e.g. Crataegus, Malus amd Rosa). They have quite a long history in geological data. Where has this big and old family originated and what steps does it stand in the long course of evolution of flowering plants? There are several opinions and explanations by different authors. In this paper, a general survey of the six prevailing classical systems (Table 2) is made to give a brief idea of the position of this family in the Angiospermae and of the relationships between the subfamilies and also the relationships between different genera in each subfamily. At the end of this paper, an attempt is made to analyse and sum up the major evolutionary tendency of the whole family. As generally condidered, Rosaceae originated from Magnoliales, and woody plants of the family still hold a dominant position. For instance, subfamily Spiraeoideae consists of only one herbaceous genus (i.e., Aruncus) and subfamily Rosoideae only a few herbaceous genera. All of these herbaceous genera are derived from the closely related woody genera of the same subfamily. In the course of evolution of Angiospermae, Rosaceae stands at the initial to the middle stages of development. All parts of plant body in this family are at the chang ing and developing stages, with carpels, fruits and inflorescences being the most active. The primitive types in this family, such as the members of subfamily Spiraeoideae, usually have 5 and free carpels, the number of which are either reduced to 2-1 or increased to 10-numerous. They have different levels of union and are either completely free from each other or coherent at base. The carpels usually occur on the upper part of the receptacle, because the shapes of receptacle are variable, sometimes disk-shaped, cupshaped, tube-shaped or even bottle-shaped. In the last case carpels grow inside the receptacle. Thus the position of carpels has changed from superior to inferior through halfsuperior. In accordance with the development of the carpels, various kinds of fruits are produced. The primitive types of fruit are follicles, with dry, dehiscent carpels opened along different sutures. The next step, the carpels have developed into an indehiscent, I-celled and l-seeded fruit, the so-caned achene. In different genera, the achenes have different coat types and appendages to facilitate dispersing the seeds. Some of the achenes grow upon the fleshy receptacle (like strawberry) and some of them inside the fleshy receptacle (like rose). Sometimes a few carpels are united with the receptacle and develop into a pome (like apple and pear). Another direction of the fruit development is the single carpel with fleshy exocarp and mesocarp, and a bony endocarp, then becoming a drupe (like peach and plum). In addition to fleshy receptacle of thickened fruit coats, they usually have showy colour, fragrant smell and also plenty of sugars, acids, vitamins, etc. which are edible and attract animals and human beings to assist the dispersion of seeds. In this family, there are various types of flower arrangements, both indefinite inflorescences including raceme, umbel, corymb and panicle, and the definite inflorescence, such as solitary flower, cyme and compound cyme. In the evolution course, they tend to change mostly from multiflowered compound inflorescence towards few-flowered simple inflorescence, and finally becoming a solitary flower: simultaneously with the decreasing of number of flowers on the inflorescence, the increasing of size of petals, which become very showy for attraction of insects so as to guarantee pollination and fertilization of the plants concerned. Another tendency, if the bisexual flowers change to unisexual, either monoecious- or dioecious-polygamous, then they form a dense spike which is beneficial to cross pollination. The abundance, diversity, and wide range of distribution of the species and genera of Rosaceae are considered mainly resulted from their highly developed reproductive organs.  相似文献   

We review current knowledge of the most abundant sugars, sucrose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in the world's major crop plants. The sucrose‐accumulating crops, sugar beet and sugar cane, are included, but the main focus of the review is potato and the major cereal crops. The production of sucrose in photosynthesis and the inter‐relationships of sucrose, glucose, fructose and other metabolites in primary carbon metabolism are described, as well as the synthesis of starch, fructan and cell wall polysaccharides and the breakdown of starch to produce maltose. The importance of sugars as hormone‐like signalling molecules is discussed, including the role of another sugar, trehalose, and the trehalose biosynthetic pathway. The Maillard reaction, which occurs between reducing sugars and amino acids during thermal processing, is described because of its importance for colour and flavour in cooked foods. This reaction also leads to the formation of potentially harmful compounds, such as acrylamide, and is attracting increasing attention as food producers and regulators seek to reduce the levels of acrylamide in cooked food. Genetic and environmental factors affecting sugar concentrations are described.  相似文献   

云南复叶耳蕨属的分类修订   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了云南产复叶耳蕨属植物,提出了新的分类处理。云南共有本属植物20种2变种,其中包括1新组,3个改级新组合,7个云南分布新记录,并清理出了54个云南及其他省区种类的新异名。  相似文献   

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