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环境因子对杭州西湖沉积物各形态磷释放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西湖沉积物的磷形态、粒径组成、化学组成进行了分析, 模拟研究了上覆水磷含量、光照、pH、温度、水动力条件等不同环境因子对西湖沉积物各形态磷释放的影响。结果表明, 上覆水为蒸馏水时的最大释磷量约为底泥-湖水系统的1.15倍, 且释放形态均以IP中的Fe/Al-P为主。在蔽光条件下的最大TP释放量约为光照条件下最大TP释放量的1.35倍。pH 是影响磷释放的重要因素, 在碱性条件下, 促进Fe/Al-P的释放; 在酸性条件下, 促进Ca-P 的释放。在高温条件下沉积物的释磷量会高于低温条件下的释磷量。沉积物各形态磷的释放量在15h后逐渐趋于平衡扰动状态达到平衡时TP释放量是静态释放平衡状态的1.61倍。研究结果旨在探讨不同环境因子对湖泊沉积物磷迁移转化的生态环境效应, 预测西湖内源磷释放的发展趋势, 为控制沉积物内源污染提供理论基础。  相似文献   

富营养化湖泊沉积物磷原位控制技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正湖泊沉积物是指湖泊中沉积的物质,湖泊中大量营养盐富集在沉积物中。水体中各形态的磷通过污水排入、地表径流及水生生物残骸等多种途径输入至湖泊,在温度、上覆水pH、溶解氧及氧化还原电位等环境因素的影响下,经过一系列变化,其中水体中的部分磷在沉积物吸附、化学絮凝、共沉淀等作用下蓄存于湖泊沉积物中,  相似文献   

生物扰动对沉积物中污染物环境行为的影响研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物扰动由于显著改变沉积物结构和性质,进而影响沉积物中污染物的环境行为。综述生物扰动对沉积物中氮、磷、重金属和疏水性有机污染物环境行为的影响。生物扰动促进这些污染物从沉积物向水体释放。生物扰动还对不同的污染物产生其它不同的影响。对于氮,生物扰动还影响其硝化与反硝化作用;对于磷,生物扰动不仅改变其化学形态,还提高有机磷降解。对于重金属,生物扰动还能改变其在沉积物中的分布及化学形态。对于疏水性有机污染物,生物扰动主要增强生物富集和代谢,以及提高生物降解。  相似文献   

岱海表层沉积物中内源磷的释放   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以北方半干旱地区典型内陆封闭湖泊岱海为研究对象,开展了上覆水质及多种环境因子(温度,pH,溶解氧,扰动,光照)对湖泊沉积物内源磷释放的影响研究。结果表明:(1)温度升高有利于内源磷的释放,湖泊水体在温度较高的夏季更易呈现富营养化状态;(2)碱性条件有利于磷的释放,岱海水体属微碱性环境(pH8.8),若水体pH进一步升高,将会造成沉积物内源磷的大量释放;(3)厌氧条件(ρDO0.8mg/L)有利于磷的释放,岱海湖心区水深较深,易形成厌氧环境,因此湖心区内源磷释放强度较浅水区大;(4)强烈扰动有利于磷的释放,这会对浅水区的底质产生较大影响;(5)照度通过底栖藻类的生物作用,间接地限制了沉积物释磷对上覆水中磷浓度的影响。  相似文献   

为了揭示池塘内循环流水养殖模式(Inner-circulation Pond Aquaculture, IPA)上覆水-沉积物-间隙水不同磷形态时空分布特征, 探讨沉积物-水界面磷的释放通量及其主要影响因素, 在IPA一条水槽前后端设置6个采样点, 共设置4条, 同时对常规传统池塘(Usual Pond Aquaculture, UPA)设置5个采样点, 采用SMT(磷形态标准测试程序)法测量沉积物中磷的形态组成, 对上覆水-沉积物-间隙水磷时空分布特征进行了分析, 统计了磷释放通量及主要影响环境因子的关系。结果表明: (1)从整体上, IPA上覆水及间隙水中不同形态磷含量低于UPA, 且IPA水体磷空间分布差异较大, 水槽后端沉积物向上覆水释放, 水槽前端则表现为上覆水向沉积物汇集; (2)在养殖中后期, 空间上, IPA水槽后端沉积物不同磷形态随着距离增加逐渐降低, 且均低于UPA; 时间上, 2种模式TP、IP、OP和Fe/Al-P随着养殖的进行而显著增加, Ca-P呈先降低后增加的趋势; (3)UPA基本表现为沉积物对磷的吸收, 而IPA磷释放通量时空差异较大, 养殖初期, 水槽前端表现对磷的吸收, 水槽后端10 m内则少量释放; 至养殖中后期, 槽后端10 m内表现对磷的大量释放; 而后端20和30 m在养殖初期磷通量较小, 至养殖中期均转变为对磷的吸收, 至养殖末期则转变为对磷的释放; (4)2种模式磷通量和环境因子的关系基本一致, TP、IP释放通量和pH呈显著正相关, 各形态磷释放通量和沉积物Eh呈显著负相关, 其中温度的升高对各沉积物不同形态磷的释放有显著的促进作用。综上所述, IPA沉积物磷组分时空差异较大, 主要集中分布在水槽后端10 m内, 且在养殖中后期向上覆水大量集中释放。研究旨在为IPA改进固体颗粒物拦截方法、提高残饵和粪便的收集效率及养殖水环境调控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

太湖春季沉积物间隙水中磷的分布特征及界面释放的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对太湖春季不同湖区水体和沉积物间隙水中磷的分布特征研究,探讨了间隙水中磷的释放对上覆水环境的影响。结果表明,颗粒态磷(PP)和溶解态有机磷(DOP)是太湖水体中主要的磷形态,占总磷的58%~95%。不同湖区沉积物间隙水磷的剖面变化可能与生态特征及水动力引起的沉积物-水界面的扰动强度密切相关。湖心和西部沿岸沉积物扰动强烈,致使间隙水中磷含量向上逐渐降底,而梅梁湾和贡湖间隙水磷的垂向变化不大。东太湖和竺山湖沉积物界面间隙水中磷含量偏高,可能是由于表层沉积物的有氧环境使Fe2+被氧化固定下来,并促进了总磷(TP)和溶解态活性磷(DRP)的扩散释放。总体而言,间隙水中各形态磷具有向上覆水体释放的趋势,其中DRP的扩散潜力最大,竺山湖沉积物-水界面DRP扩散通量高达11.42mg.m-2.d-1,表明春季浮游植物的复苏生长对DRP的迫切需求。  相似文献   

沉积物中磷的形态是影响沉积物-水界面磷交换过程重要的因素。本文采用连续提取法对密云水库白河库区沉积物基本特性和磷形态特征进行了分析。结果表明:密云水库白河库区总磷含量为505.11~829.56 mg·kg~(-1),各形态磷含量从高到低排序为HCl-PBD-PNaOH-PNH_4Cl-P;HCl-P和BD-P是密云水库沉积物磷的主要形态,两者在沉积物磷中所占比例为53%~80%;在空间分布上,总体表现为深水区及白河与潮河之间的过渡区域总磷含量较高,可能与该区域沉积物粒径较小有关;根据上覆水与间隙水之间的总磷浓度梯度,可判断出,入库(套里)及过渡区(库北)沉积物表现为源,释放总磷到水体中,而其他地方则表现为汇,这是由沉积物磷形态组成和上覆水溶解氧和温度共同作用的结果;2013年沉积物各形态磷形态含量比2002年均有所下降,表明密云水库上游综合整治措施初显成效。  相似文献   

沉积物磷素释放是造成湖泊水体发生富营养化的主要原因之一,而磷的活性又取决于其在沉积物中的化学赋存形态.磷-31核磁共振(31PNMR)技术因可以增强研究者对环境中磷素组分信息的认识而广受关注.本文主要综述了该技术在沉积物磷素形态表征以及迁移转化规律方面的研究成果,对技术原理和分类、分析流程以及具体应用领域进行了全面阐述.目前,应用核磁共振技术分析沉积物磷素的研究主要集中于不同形态磷化合物表征、微生物对磷素迁移转化的影响和定量研究三方面,而关于提取剂和提取方法的研究也是热点之一.最后,对未来31PNMR技术在环境样品中应用研究的重点和发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

衰亡期沉水植物对水和沉积物磷迁移的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王立志  王国祥 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5426-5437
通过室内模拟的方式,分别研究了秋季黑藻、苦草和春季菹草的衰亡过程,分析了沉水植物在衰亡期间水、沉积物中磷与环境因子[pH、氧化还原电位(Eh)和溶解氧(DO)]的相互作用.结果表明:沉水植物黑藻和菹草在衰亡期间能显著提高水中总磷(TP)、溶解性总磷(DTP)、颗粒磷(PP)、溶解性活性磷(SRP)和溶解性有机磷(DOP)的含量;苦草在衰亡期对水体各形态磷含量影响不显著,且各形态磷含量的变化相对较小(TP,0.04-0.06 mg/L);环境因子的变化对水中磷含量影响显著,黑藻和菹草水体中TP的含量和环境因子pH、DO和Eh均呈负相关,而苦草组水中各形态磷的含量受环境因子影响不显著.实验期间不同植物组沉积物中总磷(TP)、NaOH提取磷(NaOH-P)、HCl提取磷(HCl-P)、无机磷(IP)和有机磷(OP)的含量均呈上升趋势.沉积物IP的含量主要受NaOH-P的影响,OP对TP的影响要大于IP,沉积物OP与OM(有机质)的含量存在显著正相关.  相似文献   

长江中下游部分湖泊沉积物碱性磷酸酶分布及其作用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沉积物磷负荷在湖泊富营养化的发生与恢复过程中具有关键作用,其释放受物理、化学与生物机制调节,而碱性磷酸酶催化有机磷的矿化,故当为促进沉积物磷循环的重要因素。本文讨论了长江中下游部分湖泊沉积物碱性磷酸酶分布及其在磷释放过程中的作用。五里湖疏浚与未疏浚区以及太湖、巢湖、龙感湖、东湖、月湖、龙阳湖、莲花湖等不同湖泊的不同区域表层沉积物碱性磷酸酶活性(APA)明显不同,这种空间异质性与湖泊富营养化程度相联系。此外,APA随沉积物的深度递减,或在中间与较深层次出现峰值,且具明显的季节性。上述事实以及APA对抑制剂的不同响应方式暗示酶存在形态的多样性(同工酶)。苯丙氨酸(Phe)明显提高月湖与五里湖沉积物APA,沉积物与Phe相互作用并静置一天之后,生物可利用性磷(SRP)的释放量明显增加。再者,Phe可抑制月湖沉积物APA,沉积物与Phe相互作用并静置一天之后,SRP释放量无明显变化,溶解有机磷(DOP)的释放量则明显增加。因此,释放的SRP部分来自某些活跃的有机磷的酶促水解,沉积物碱性磷酸酶在内源磷的释放以及富营养化过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Bacteria can play an important role in the process of anaerobic phosphorus release: they can act as a direct source of orthophosphates, or as a catalyst of iron hydroxyde reduction. We studied their influence on phosphorus release from highly organic sediments of a Canadian shield lake. Phosphorus and iron release were measured under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, with or without sterilization, and at different pH. We measured also the abundance and activity of bacteria in sediments. The increased P release after sterilization can be explained by cell lysis. Compared to sterilization, changing oxygen concentrations or acidification had little or no effect on P release. In these sediments, phosphorus and iron movements were independent. Most of the total dissolved iron seemed to be linked to humic acids, but not phosphorus.A contribution to the GRIL (Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire de Limnologie)  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is a key indicator of the aquatic organism growth and eutrophication in lakes. The distribution and speciation of P and its release characteristics from sediments were investigated by analyzing sediment and water samples collected during high flow and low flow periods. Results showed that the average concentrations (ranges) of total phosphorus (TP) in the surface and deep water were 0.06 mg L-1 (0.03–0.13 mg L-1) and 0.15 mg L-1 (0.06–0.33 mg L-1), respectively, while the average concentration (range) of TP in sediments was 709.17 mg kg-1 (544.76–932.11 mg kg-1). The concentrations of TP and different forms of P varied spatially in the surface sediments, displaying a decreasing trend from south to north. P also varied topographically from estuarine areas to lake areas. The vertical distribution of TP and different forms of P were observed to decrease as depth increased. The P concentrations during the low flow period were higher than those during the high flow period. Inorganic phosphorus (IP) was the dominant form of P, accounting for 61%–82% of TP. The concentration of bioavailable phosphorus in sediments was relatively large, indicating a high risk of release to overlying water. The simulation experiment of P release from sediments showed that the release was relatively fast in the first 0-5 min and then decreased to a plateau after 1 hr. Approximately 84–89% of the maximum amount of P was released during the first hour.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Vertical profiles of pH were measured at nine shallow water (<5m) locations in Esthwaite Water. These indicate strong gradients of pH near the sediment water interface suggesting a marked buffering capacity of the sediments.
2. Thirteen littoral sediment cores were horizontally sectioned and sequentially extracted (0.5 M NaHCO3, 0.1 M NaOH, 1 M HCI) and analysed for soluble reactive phosphorus. The core sections were also analysed for total phosphorus and per cent organic content to determine the vertical and areal variability of phosphorus within the littoral sediments of Esthwaite Water.
3. The rate of release of phosphorus from intact sediment cores was measured in the laboratory as a function of the pH of overlying water, yielding the relationship log K=0.54 pH−3.94, K=mg Pm−2day−1. The maximum release rate measured was 75 mg P m−2 day−2 at pH = 10.5.
4. Experiments on sediment slurries indicate that the release of phosphorus at pH 10 is rapid with approximately 50% of the total NaHCO3+ NaOH extractable phosphorus being released within 3 h.
5. Phosphorus release from the littoral sediments may equal or exceed external sources plus hypolimnetic inputs during periods of high pH associated with times of maximum algal biomass.  相似文献   

Phosphorus release from the Loosdrecht Lakes sediments was studied, using a continuous flow reactor. The summer release maxima were 4 mg P.m–2.d–1 in 1984 and 1.4 mg P.m–2.d–1 in 1985. Temperature and downward seepage controlled release rates to a great extent, the pH of the overlying water being only of minor importance. From these results it could be concluded that release processes might be driven by mineralization of particulate organic phosphorus in the sediment. Pore water studies in the sediments of the release reactor confirmed this hypothesis. From the profiles phosphorus dissolution rates were calculated.  相似文献   

L. Gao  Q. Wei  F. Fu 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):1175-1183
Macroalgal blooms have occurred worldwide frequently in coastal areas in recent decades, which dramatically modify phosphorus (P) cycle in water column and the sediments. Rongcheng Swan Lake Wetland, a coastal wetland in China, is suffering from extensive macroalgal blooms. In order to verify the influence of macroalgal growth on sediment P release, the sediments and filamentous Chaetomorpha spp. were incubated in the laboratory to investigate the changes of water quality parameters, P levels in overlying water, and sediments during the growth period. In addition, algal biomass and tissue P concentration were determined. In general, Chaetomorpha biomasses were much higher in high P treatments than in low P treatments. Compared with algae+low P water treatment, the addition of sediments increased the algal growth rate and P accumulation amount. During the algal growth, water pH increased greatly, which showed significant correlation with algal biomass in treatments with high P (P < 0.05). P fractions in the sediments showed that Fe/Al–P and organic P concentrations declined during the algal growth, and great changes were observed in algae+low P water+sediment treatment for both. As a whole, the sediments can supply P for Chaetomorpha growth when water P level was low, and the probable mechanism was the release of Fe/Al–P at high pH condition induced by intensive Chaetomorpha blooms.  相似文献   

Phosphorus in soil,water and sediment: an overview   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
The geochemistry, availability and abundance of different forms of phosphorus in soil, water and sediments are reviewed. The present knowledge of phosphorus pathways in ecosystems and their regulation is discussed.In a drainage basin, anthropogenic phosphorus is brought into the system mainly as fertilizers and detergents. Sewer systems and outwash processes transfer the phosphorus from the terrestrial environment to the aquatic part of the ecosystem where an accumulation occurs in the sediments of the watercourse.A great part of the phosphates in soil is sorbed to soil particles or incorporated into soil organic matter. The release and export of phosphorus from uncultivated soil is a function of the geology and soil composition, but also of the air temperature, precipitation and the hydrological condition, pH etc.The solubility of phosphates is controlled by either sorption-desorption or precipitation-dissolution reactions depending on the environment in the soil or sediments. In soil and sediments with large amounts of iron and aluminium hydrous oxides, sorption-desorption reactions are largely responsible for determining the level of orthophosphate in the solution at equilibrium.Algal availability of phosphorus associated with soil-derived materials present in aquatic systems deserves more research. In addition, processes responsible for transport of phosphorus from cropland to aquatic systems and chemical and microbial transformations of phosphorus in lakes and streams deserve more attention.  相似文献   

In this study, the fractionation and distribution of phosphorus (P) in the core sediments of the Shanmei reservoir were investigated by using the chemical extraction method in directions for the first time in order to understand its bio-availability, adsorption characteristics, potential release and environmental significance. The results of the study showed that P in the sediments mainly consisted of inorganic phosphorus (IP) and that IP mainly consisted of non-apatite phosphorus (NAIP). The horizontal and temporal distributions of the P fractions were different from each other, but the vertical distribution was similar, which indicated a trend of stabilization after falling. The content of total phosphorus (TP), IP, organic phosphorus (OP), NAIP, apatite phosphorus (AP), and bio-available phosphorus (BAP) in the sediments during the three seasons ranged from 193.85 to 1664.05 mg·kg?1, 126.90 to 1127.70 mg·kg?1, 43.74 to 669.29 mg·kg?1, 57.62 to 937.07 mg·kg?1, 32.58 to 250.71 mg·kg?1, and 41.06 to 871.82 mg·kg?1, respectively. NAIP contents in the sediments accounted for more than 50% of TP. Using an analysis from three aspects, the eutrophication risk index (ERI) could be used to assess the potential release of P in the sediments, and there was a high release risk of P in the sediments in the Shanmei reservoir.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and vertical distribution of phosphorus (P) in poorly oxygenated sediments in a continuum extending from the open Baltic Sea towards an organic-rich inner bay were characterized by sequential extraction to examine the potential for release of sediment P. The chemical composition of P was related to chemical and physical characteristics of the sediments and the chemistry of pore water and near-bottom water to better understand the behaviour of P. Sediment P increased towards the inner bay, and the concentration of organic matter appeared to dictate its composition: the dominance of apatite-P turned to dominance of organic P (OP). Sediment P burial and, thus, release from sediment P reserves varied depending on the chemical composition of P. Dissolved species at the sediment–water interface suggested fluctuating redox conditions that affect P binding at short time scale. Redox-sensitive, iron (Fe)-bound P was usually relatively low because of poor oxygen (O2) conditions, which emphasized the role of OP in P release. The results indicate that, over the long term, the abundant organic P reserve may support a significant continuing P release from hypoxic sediments in the severely eutrophied Gulf of Finland (GoF) because capture of P into Fe oxyhydroxides at the sediment surface is restricted. The average long-term minimum annual rate of P release from poorly oxygenated sediments below about 60 m depth in the GoF was approximated on the basis of the vertical distribution of sedimentary P forms and estimates of sedimentation rate.  相似文献   

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