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种子重量与海拔的相关性分析:   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种子重量与海拔的关系是植物生态学中重要而尚存争议的问题。本文对中国123科853种2879份野生植物种子的重量在海拔上的变化特点以及二者之间的相互关系进行了深入研究,结果显示:种子重量总体上与海拔呈负相关,种子重量级别多样性和生活型多样性随海拔上升呈阶梯状下降。但7级种子中,只有10。级种子的重量与海拔呈负相关;7种生活型中,只有灌木和匍匐草本的种子重量与海拔呈负相关;在种水平上,只有8.2%的物种种子重量与海拔存在相关性。本研究揭示了我国种子重量与海拔之间的复杂关系,以及遗传和环境对种子重量的影响,对植物育种、森林管理以及入侵植物的防治具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

基因组大小在被子植物物种之间存在着巨大的变异, 但目前对不同生活型被子植物功能性状与基因组大小的关系缺乏统一的认识。本研究基于被子植物245科2,226属11,215个物种的基因组大小数据, 探讨了不同生活型物种种子重量、最大植株高度和叶片氮、磷含量4个功能性状与基因组大小之间的关系。结果表明, 被子植物最大植株高度和种子重量与基因组大小间的关系在草本和木本植物中存在显著差异。草本植物最大植株高度与基因组大小的关系不显著, 但种子重量与其呈极显著的正相关关系。木本植物最大植株高度与基因组大小显著负相关, 但种子重量与其关系不显著。木本植物叶片氮含量与基因组大小呈显著正相关, 但其他生活型植物的叶片氮、磷含量与基因组大小均无显著相关性。本研究表明被子植物功能性状与基因组大小的相关性在不同生活型间存在差异, 这为深入研究植物多种功能性状和植物生活型与基因组大小的权衡关系在植物演化和生态适应中的作用提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

种子重量的生态学研究进展   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
作为植物生活史中的一个关键性特征,种子重量与其它许多植物性状和生态因子有关,种子重量的分异与其它一些植物性状及环境的变化关系在进化生物学上已经成为一个非常有意义的研究内容,且具有一定的实践意义。种子重量被发现与下列的一些植物学和群落学性状有关:植物的生活型、种子的散布能力、种子的散布方式、植物的高度、植物的冠幅、植物的比叶面积、植物的寿命、动物的捕食、植被中植物的数量或多度、土壤中种子的数量或多度、种子的休眠、种子在土壤中的持久性和植物的净初级生产力等,另外生态因子如降雨、温度、坡向、海拔、经度、纬度、光强和干扰等都影响种子的重量。种子的重量被认为是在大量小种子和少量大种子之间的进化折衷,在一定的能量限度内,较大重量的种子一般具有较少的数量,而较小重量的种子一般数量较多,这是种子重量和数量方面具有的一种反向关系。与其它性状相比,很多研究都表明种子重量和植物的生活型的关系密切。没有散布结构或风散布的种子比以动物和水作为散布媒介的种子重量要小。种子重量与捕食的关系现发现有3种格局。种子重量和形状与种子在土壤中的持久性的关系有4种格局。在干旱和阴暗的环境条件下,种子有变大的趋势。大重量种子比小种子赋予幼苗较优势的竞争地位,其原理尚有争论,尚不清楚是否是幼苗阶段的竞争决定了世界上大部分植被类型的物种组成。未来的研究方向主要有以下几个方面:1) 种子重量与植物系统学相结合,探索种子重量的变化规律;2)调查群落三向(纬度、经度和海拔)性的种子重量谱变化规律;3) 群落演替与群落种子重量谱的变化;4) 种子重量与群落中植物个体和种子的数量的关系及机理研究;5) 微生境、微地形如坡向、坡位和林间隙等对种子重量的影响;6) 全球气候变化和种子重量变化的关系。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘地区常见植物种子大小变异研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨霞  梁艳  陈学林 《生态科学》2007,26(6):483-489
以青藏高原东部地区常见10科植物作为研究材料,从种子鲜、干重与海拔、生活型、植物丰富度等方面的相关性研究了其种子大小变异。结果表明:①禾本科和菊科植物是高寒草甸上的优势科,分别占到17.49%和22.76%。常见植物种子重量集中于0.1~10.0mg之间。②从种子大小与植物丰富度来讲,小种子的种类和数量多,大种子种类和数量则少。③不同的科之间、不同的生活型,其种子鲜重与干重之间均存在极显著的相关性。④在典型的高寒草甸上,是以多年生草本为主,占总数的61.61%。从草本、灌木到乔木,其种子重量逐渐增大。⑤从整体上说,种子大小与海拔存在极显著的线性负相关性,植物种子重量与生活型的相关性比种子大小与系统分类学的相关性高。  相似文献   

高黎贡山种子植物物种丰富度沿海拔梯度的变化   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23  
物种丰富度沿海拔梯度的分布格局成为生物多样性研究的热点。为探讨中尺度区域物种丰富度沿海拔梯度的分布,本文以高黎贡山为研究对象,利用该地区的地方植物志资料,结合通过GIS生成的区域数字高程模型(DEM)数据,分析了该区域全部种子植物和乔木、灌木、草本三种生活型种子植物物种丰富度的垂直分布格局以及物种密度沿海拔梯度的变化特征。结果表明:(1)全部种子植物和不同生活型植物物种丰富度随着海拔的升高呈现先增加后减小的趋势,最大值出现在海拔1500—2000m的范围;(2)物种密度与海拔也呈现单峰曲线关系;(3)物种丰富度和物种密度分布格局的形成主要受海拔所反映的水、热状况组合以及物种分布的边界影响。  相似文献   

该研究通过对甘肃省兴隆山自然保护区进行野外实地调查和相关文献资料收集,依据海拔梯度将保护区划分为6个植被垂直带[草原带(1800~2000 m)、山地灌丛带(2000~2200 m)、亚高山针叶林带(2200~2900 m)、亚高山矮林带(2900~3000 m)、高山灌丛带(3000~3500 m)、高山草甸带(>3500 m)],在整理6个植被垂直带植物名录的基础上,以种子植物为研究对象,对各植被垂直带的种子植物丰富度、生活型、区系成分和系统发育结构进行分析,探讨植物多样性沿植被垂直带海拔升高的垂直变化规律,以揭示植物对环境的生态适应性,为山地植物多样性保护与开发利用提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)按最新的分类系统划分,兴隆山自然保护区种子植物隶属于87科387属889种,植物科、属、种丰富度随植被垂直带海拔升高呈单峰分布格局,在亚高山针叶林带达到峰值(81科304属661种);各植被垂直带间的Jaccard相似性系数呈中等不相似和极不相似水平,海拔越靠近的植被垂直带间相似性系数越高。(2)保护区内种子植物不同生活型的垂直变化格局存在差异,木本植物所占比例沿植被垂直带海拔升高呈先升后降的变化趋势,而草本植物呈相反的变化格局,且各植被垂直带中草本植物所占比例始终高于木本植物。(3)保护区植物在属水平上,热带成分所占比例随植被带海拔升高呈下降的变化趋势,而温带成分占比呈上升的变化趋势。(4)系统发育结构在中低海拔区域的亚高山针叶林带呈发散型,在高海拔区域(>2900 m)的3个植被带中呈聚集型,说明兴隆山自然保护区非随机分布格局在群落构建机制中发挥主要作用。  相似文献   

萌生更新是植物进行自我更新的重要方式之一。为了阐明喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶林植物的萌生特征,基于木论25 hm2动态监测样地的调查数据,分析了木本植物萌生更新数量特征、不同生活型植物萌生能力的差异、萌生能力与地形因子和萌生能力与物种多样性的关系。研究结果表明:样地具有萌生现象的木本植物共有197种,隶属59个科137个属,分别占样地植物科属种的86.8%、93.7%、91.3%。萌生现象在样地内各物种中普遍存在,滇丁香、长管越南茜、火棘、香叶树等物种的萌生能力较强。不同生活型的植物的萌生能力存在显著差异,常绿树种的萌生能力显著高于落叶树种(P<0.001)。萌生物种丰富度比例及萌生物种个体比例都与群落物种多样性呈显著正相关。萌生能力与土层厚度呈显著负相关,与凹凸度呈显著正相关,此外萌生物种丰富度比例还与海拔呈正相关关系,而萌生物种个体比例与岩石出露率和土壤坡度呈正相关关系。由此可见,作为喀斯特森林群落更新中一种占优势的更新方式,萌生更新在一定程度上能够增加群落物种多样性,萌生能力与地形因子存在一定关联。  相似文献   

功能多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分, 是连接生物多样性和生态系统功能的桥梁。以山西太岳山脱皮榆(Ulmuslamellosa)群落为研究对象, 选取生境类型、种子扩散方式、传粉方式、固氮类型、生活史、生活型、叶型、植物高度、盖度、开花期和花期时长11个功能性状, 采用FAD指数、Rao’s指数、SL指数以及CL指数比较了7个群丛的功能多样性差异, 并分析了脱皮榆群落的功能多样性海拔梯度格局。结果表明: (1) 从群丛I到群丛VII, FAD指数、SL指数以及CL指数减小, Rao’s指数增大, 均表明功能多样性呈下降趋势; (2) 脱皮榆群落的功能多样性海拔梯度格局明显, 海拔升高, 功能多样性降低。  相似文献   

太行山区位于黄土高原与华北平原之间,是我国生物多样性保护的重要优先区之一.本文以广义太行山涉及的108个行政县域为研究区域,基于太行山山地森林群落植物清查数据,系统分析了太行山山地森林群落的科属特征、区系组成、植物多样性地理格局及其丰富度热点地区.结果表明: 调查的778个样地得到太行山山地森林群落种子植物共计100科447属963种,其中,裸子植物3科7属12种,被子植物97科440属951种,生活型以草本植物占优势(71.1%);科的分布区类型以热带分布(38%)和温带分布(24%)为主,属的分布区类型以温带成分占主导(68.7%);太行山山地森林群落植物多样性的水平分布格局呈由西南向东北逐渐递增的趋势,群落物种多样性与经纬度均呈正相关关系,但不同生活型植物的多样性格局不相一致,草本植物多样性与经纬度呈正相关,而木本植物多样性与经纬度则无明显相关性;在垂直梯度上,太行山山地森林群落植物丰富度呈单峰分布,集中分布在400~1800 m的低中海拔地带,在1000~1200 m丰富度最高;基于群落清查数据绘制太行山山地森林群落植物丰富度分布图,鉴别出小五台山、云台山、太岳山、王屋山、中条山等山地为植物丰富度热点地区,应列入太行山优先保护的重点规划区域.  相似文献   

马紫荆  张云玲  刘彬 《广西植物》2022,42(7):1116-1125
为探讨天山中段南坡巴伦台植物群落物种多样性随海拔梯度的分布特征及其与土壤环境因子的关系,该研究采用野外调查的方法,在和静县巴伦台地区海拔范围内设置34个样地进行了植物多样性和土壤因子的调查及室内指标的统计分析。结果表明:(1)研究区共调查到30科75属134种植物,草本层为主要优势层。不同海拔高度上土壤理化指标具有异质性,土壤含水量、全盐、有机质、全氮、全钾、有效氮和有效钾差异性显著(P<0.05),其中除全钾以外,其他土壤因子的含量均表现为中海拔大于低、高海拔区域。随海拔的升高,植物群落在低、高海拔段Pielou均匀度指数较高; 灌木层物种Patrick丰富度指数较低; 草本层物种Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数随海拔升高先增加后减小。(2)RDA分析表明,影响植物群落物种多样性的主要环境因子是海拔、土壤含水量、全盐、有机质、全氮和有效氮。海拔作为主导因子,与草本层各物种多样性指数呈正相关,与灌木层各物种多样性指数呈负相关关系; 全盐是抑制植物群落总体物种Simpson指数的主要土壤因子; 氮元素一定程度上限制灌木、半灌木物种的生长。该研究结果表明土壤因子对不同生活型物种多样性的形成具有一定的筛选作用及不同物种对环境变化的适应策略不同。  相似文献   

Variation in abiotic conditions along altitudinal gradients may sort plant species from regional species pools according to their seed mass. With increasing elevation, seed mass is expected to be either larger for its advantage during seedling establishment in stressful high‐elevation environments (‘stress‐tolerance’ mechanism), or smaller owing to energy constraints. Using a large trait database involving 1355 species from the northeastern verge of the Tibetan Plateau, we found that, overall, these two opposing mechanisms balanced out one another, resulting in non‐significant seed mass–elevation relationship across all species after controlling for phylogeny. At the same time, we found that the influence of energy constraints on seed mass was indirect and mediated by the variation in plant height. Moreover, our results revealed a mass‐dependent seed mass variation along elevation gradients: with increasing elevation small seeds tended to increase ( supporting stress‐tolerance mechanism) but large seeds tended to decrease (supporting energy‐constraints mechanism). Finally, the seed mass–elevation relationships were significantly different among species with different life forms or different dispersal modes, but statistically similar for anemophilous and entomophilous species. This implies that life‐history cycle, resource allocation pattern and availability of dispersals agents, rather than pollination efficiency, can affect the responses of seed mass to elevation. Together our results suggest that a comprehensive perspective is necessary when interpreting geographic distribution of even a single trait. Synthesis With increasing elevation, seed mass may be either larger for its advantage during seedling establishment (‘stress‐tolerance’ force), or smaller owing to energy constraints. Our paper shows some novel and importance results in the seed mass–elevation relationship in a northeastern Tibetan flora. Firstly, these two opposing forces operate simultaneously but overall balance out one another. Secondly, the balance tends to shift toward increased energy‐constraints (stress‐tolerance) with the increase (decreased) in average seed mass. Thirdly, energy constraints on seed mass is indirect and mediated by the variation in plant height. Finally, plant resource allocation pattern, life‐history cycle, and availability of dispersal agents can affect the responses of seed mass to elevation.  相似文献   

Unlike pollen and seed size, the extent and causes of variation in ovule size remain unexplored. Based on 45 angiosperm species, we assessed whether intra- and interspecific variation in ovule size is consistent with cost minimization during ovule production or allows maternal plants to dominate conflict with their seeds concerning resource investment. Despite considerable intraspecific variation in ovule volume (mean CV = 0.356), ovule production by few species was subject to a size-number trade-off. Among the sampled species, ovule volume varied two orders of magnitude, whereas seed volume varied four orders of magnitude. Ovule volume varied positively among species with flower mass and negatively with ovule number. Tenuinucellate ovules were generally larger that crassinucellate ovules, and species with apical placentation (which mostly have uniovulate ovaries) had smaller ovules than those with other placentation types. Seed volume varied positively among species with fruit mass and seed development time, but negatively with seed number. Seeds grew a median 93-fold larger than the ovules from which they originated. Our results provide equivocal evidence that selection minimizes ovule size to allow efficient resource allocation after fertilization, but stronger evidence that ovule size affords maternal plants an advantage in parent-offspring conflict.  相似文献   

We implemented cross‐species and independent‐contrasts multiple regression models to compare life‐history correlates of invasion success between regional and continental spatial scales among non‐native plants of eastern Australia. We focussed on three life‐history traits that represent major axes of variation in plant life history: specific leaf area (SLA), plant height and seed mass. After controlling for residence time and cross‐correlation with other life‐history traits, small seed mass was significantly and uniquely correlated with invasion success at continental and regional scales. High SLA was significantly and uniquely correlated with invasion success at the continental scale only. Plant height could not explain unique variation in invasion success at either spatial scale. Variation among spatial scales in the significance and strength of life‐history relationships with invasion success suggests that the search for predictive tools of invasion need not be fruitless, as long as predictive investigations are targeted at appropriate spatial scales.  相似文献   

This paper analyses relationships between relative growth rate ( rgr ), seed mass, biomass allocation, photosynthetic rate and other plant traits as well as habitat factors (rainfall and altitude) in 20 wild species of Aegilops L. and one closely related species of Amblyopyrum (Jaub. & Spach) Eig., which differ in ploidy level (diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid). The plants were grown hydroponically for 20 d in a growth chamber. The relationships between parameters were calculated either using the phylogenetic information (phylogenetically independent contrasts, PIC) or without using the phylogenetic information (trait values of taxa, TIP). The results using the two approaches were very similar, but there were a few exceptions in which the results were different (e.g. rgr vs. seed mass). Specific leaf area ( sla ) was positively correlated with leaf area ratio ( lar ) and negatively correlated with net assimilation rate ( nar ), which together resulted in the absence of a correlation between sla and rgr . Leaf photosynthetic rates (expressed on a mass or area basis) showed no correlation with rgr . rgr was positively correlated with the stem mass ratio and negatively with root mass ratio. Species with a lower d. wt percentage have a higher rgr . Aegilops species from locations with higher annual rainfall invested less biomass in roots and more in shoots (leaves and stems) and had a higher rgr . Diploid species had a lower seed mass and initial mass than the hybrids (tetraploid and hexaploid species), but there was no correlation of rgr with ploidy level. Polyploid species, which have higher seed mass, occur at a higher altitude than diploid species. Our results show that variation in rgr in Aegilops and Amblyopyrum spp. is associated mainly with variation in biomass allocation (proportion of biomass in stems and roots) and d. wt percentage, and not with variation in sla , leaf photosynthetic rates or seed mass.  相似文献   

Ecological correlates of seed size in the British flora   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. The association between seed size and habitat shade within the British flora was investigated using a data set of seed masses, life histories and quantitative measures of habitat shade for 504 species; the association between seed size and seed longevity was investigated using a data set of seed masses, life histories and seed longevities for 301 species.
2. The data were analysed using the method of phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) calculated using the software package CAIC (Comparative Analysis by Independent Contrasts).
3. Seed mass was found to be positively correlated with habitat shade and negatively correlated with seed longevity, after variation owing to life history had been accounted for.  相似文献   

Poorter L  Rose SA 《Oecologia》2005,142(3):378-387
Seed mass is considered to be an important attribute for the establishment success of plant species being linked with their seed production, establishment, and survival. This meta-analysis shows that seed mass is also closely correlated to growth-related species attributes of the established phase of rain forest tree species, and that the strength of this relationship varies with light conditions. Seed mass is an especially good predictor of species traits under high-light conditions, when the species attain their full growth potential. At high irradiance (>20% of full light) seed mass is negatively correlated with RGR, NAR, LAR, SLA and LMF. At low irradiance (<5% of full light), seed mass is only negatively correlated with LAR and SLA. Correlations between seed mass and morphological traits are therefore strongest at low irradiance where light interception is important. Conversely, correlations between seed mass and a physiological trait are strongest at high irradiance, where maximisation of photosynthetic rates is important. The strength of the correlation between growth parameters and seed mass declines over time, and disappears after 1–4 years. Seed mass appears to be a good proxy for the shade tolerance of tropical tree species, especially at the younger stages of the life cycle.  相似文献   

The diversity of traits associated with plant regeneration is often shaped by functional trade‐offs where plants typically do not excel at every function because resources allocated to one function cannot be allocated to another. By analyzing correlations among seed traits, empirical studies have shown that there is a trade‐off between seedling development and the occupation of new habitats, although only a small range of taxa have been tested; whether such trade‐off exists in a biodiverse and complex landscape remains unclear. Here, we amassed seed trait data of 1,119 species from a biodiversity hotspot of the Mountains of Southwest China and analyzed the relationship between seed mass and the number of seeds and between seed mass and time to germination. Our results showed that seed mass was negatively correlated with seed number but positively correlated with time to germination. The same trend was found regardless of variation in life‐form and phylogenetic conservatism. Furthermore, the relation between seed mass and other seed traits was randomly dispersed across the phylogeny at both the order and family levels. Collectively, results suggest that there is a functional trade‐off between seedling development and new habitat occupation for seed plants in this region. Larger seeds tend to produce fewer seedlings but with greater fitness compared to those produced by smaller seeds, whereas smaller seeds tend to have a larger number of seeds that germinate faster compared to large‐seeded species. Apart from genetic constraints, species that produce large seeds will succeed in sites where resource availability is low, whereas species with high colonization ability (those that produce a high number of seeds per fruit) will succeed in new niches. This study provides a mechanistic explanation for the relatively high levels of plant diversity currently found in a heterogeneous region of the Mountains of Southwest China.  相似文献   

安徽万佛山自然保护区常见植物种子大小变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用样方法收集了安徽万佛山自然保护区常见的206种植物的种子, 通过测量种子千粒重, 研究了种子大小(seed mass, SM)在不同分类水平及生活型间的变异规律。结果表明: 1) SM在植物种间变异较大, 从小到大分为A、B、C、D、E、F、G 7个数量级, SM平均为21.487 g; C级种子(0.1 g ≤ SM < 1.0 g)最多, 共计73种, 占35.4%; D级种子(1.0 g ≤ SM < 10.0g)次之, 共计56种, 占27.2%; 野菰(Aeginetia indica)种子最小, 仅为0.006 g; 木鳖子(Momordica cochinchinensis)种子最大, 重达1775.192 g。2) SM在科间(平均种子大小)存在极显著差异(p < 0.001), 且变异沿系统发育方向呈显著变小趋势(r = -0.079, p = 0.048)。其中, SM较大的5个科分别为葫芦科、柿树科、楝科、安息香科和金缕梅科; SM较小的5个科分别为列当科、兰科、秋海棠科、苦苣苔科和灯心草科。3)该研究中植物的生活型分为8种类型。其中, 多年生草本优势明显, 计83种, 占39.9%, SM变异包括A-E 5个数量级; 一年生草本次之, 计60种, 占28.8%, SM变异包括A-F 6个数量级; 灌木第三, 计34种, 占16.3%, SM变异包括B-F 5个数量级。SM在8种生活型间(平均种子大小)也存在极显著差异(p < 0.001); 从大到小分别为藤本、乔木、灌木、一年生草本、多年生草本、半灌木、一二年生草本、二或多年生草本; 从草本、半灌木、灌木、乔木到藤本, SM与生活型具有极显著的正相关性(r = 0.220, p < 0.001)。4)种类较多的菊科、禾本科、莎草科及蔷薇科, 各科内属间SM也存在极显著差异(p < 0.001)。本研究结果有助于加深对植物生活史对策中的种子大小对策的理解, 提高对森林植被的管理水平, 丰富保育生态学的种子恢复理论。  相似文献   

Seed mass and morphology are plant life history traits that influence seed dispersal ability, seeding establishment success, and population distribution pattern. Southeastern Tibet is a diversity center for Rhododendron species, which are distributed from a few hundred meters to 5500 m above sea level. We examined intra‐ and interspecific variation in seed mass and morphology in relation to altitude, habitat, plant height, and phylogeny. Seed mass decreased significantly with the increasing altitude and increased significantly with increasing plant height among populations of the same species. Seed mass differed significantly among species and subsections, but not among sections and subgenera. Seed length, width, surface area, and wing length were significantly negative correlated with altitude and significantly positive correlated with plant height. Further, these traits differed significantly among habitats and varied among species and subsection, but not among sections and subgenera. Species at low elevation had larger seeds with larger wings, and seeds became smaller and the wings of seeds tended to be smaller with the increasing altitude. Morphology of the seed varied from flat round to long cylindrical with increasing altitude. We suggest that seed mass and morphology have evolved as a result of both long‐term adaptation and constraints of the taxonomic group over their long evolutionary history.  相似文献   

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