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袁福香  刘实  胡艳全  张玉书  戴勇  曹蕊 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6711-6721
基于气候资料和日本松干蚧传播资料,根据传播扩散范围及入侵地的气候特征,分析了日本松干蚧主要影响因子的年代变化对日本松干蚧在东北地区扩散的影响。结果表明:东北地区最冷月各旬及月平均最低气温总的呈升高趋势(r=0.86,P0.05),冬季极端最低气温也有缓慢上升趋势(r=0.93,P0.01),其年代间的冷暖变化与日本松干蚧在东北地区扩散有明显的相关性。1月平均最低气温和冬季极端最低气温明显升高的20世纪70年代和90年代,日本松干蚧快速扩散、危害地虫口密度大、危害程度重。日本松干蚧大范围扩散和爆发都发生在1月份最低气温较高的年份。1月最低气温和冬季极端最低气温升高是日本松干蚧在东北地区传播扩散的重要因素。复苏后的降水量、卵孵化期的空气相对湿度和夏季最高气温的年代变化对日本松干蚧扩散的影响不显著。  相似文献   

杨平澜 《昆虫学报》1979,(1):108-114
从1974年起连续两年参加了全国松干蚧防治研究协作会议,看到了各地不少标本,使我们对于我国松干蚧的种类和分布有了大体上的了解。但是,在我国还有一些空白地区,在有的种类的生物学知识还很缺乏。为此,我们写了《中国的松干蚧》报告(杨平澜等1976),希望通过各地进一步调查研究,使这些方面的知识日臻完善。 昆虫学报21卷2期登载了《关于松干蚧的讨论》,其中提出的主要问题是关于日本松干蚧的鉴定问题。对于这个问题在我们过去的报告里已有足够的讨论。本文将着重论述日本松干蚧是鉴定,以澄清对于日本松干蚧还存在的一些错误认识。  相似文献   

松干蚧种群变动和生物防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
松干蚧是松树主要害虫之一,其中以日本松干蚧(Matsucoccus matsumurae Kuwana)为害最严重。1973年南京地区松干蚧猖獗发生。我院校园连片的马尾松(Pinus massonianaLamb.)和千头赤松[Pinus densiflora f.umbraculifera(Mayr) Beissner]等也暴发了此虫,当时曾作为江苏省松干蚧防治会议的现场。但是,直到 1978年 3月,原来这些松干蚧大发生的松树,未发现有因松干蚧为害致死现象;相反,他们长势愈来愈旺,松干蚧数量也降低到稳定水平。整个群落趋于稳定。除我院以外,南京市晓庄林场,溧阳县东方红林场等也有此现象。尤其是后者,松干蚧分布面积千亩以上,部分地区种群密度很大,但是也没有  相似文献   

日本松干蚧Matsucoccus matsumurae(Kuwana.)于2014年在贵州省遵义市汇川区及绥阳县首次发现,目前已导致330 ha的马尾松Pinus massoniana死亡.因该虫隐蔽性强,危害症状极易与真菌病害混淆,防治难度极大.为科学制定防控方法,从2019年4月至2021年4月,开展了日本松干蚧每个虫态的形态特征及其生物学特性研究.结果表明:贵州省发现的松干蚧为日本松干蚧,其一年发生2代,以第2代1龄若虫越冬,并以有性生殖繁衍后代,未见孤雌生殖现象,且春秋两季主要依靠风力进行自然传播,具有传播速度快、致死率高等特点.日本松干蚧系首次传入贵州并进入到北纬27°范围,加之黔中及黔北区域又是马尾松的集中分布区,须加强该区域监测预警工作,特别是加强对针叶枯黄、主梢和枝弯曲的马尾松进行识别和鉴定,适时进行卫生伐,除治濒死木,切断传播途径,做好精准防控.  相似文献   

日本松干蚧的重要天敌——隐斑瓢虫的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐斑瓢虫是近年来在杭州地区发现的日本松干蚧的一种重要捕食性天敌。该虫在杭州一年发生四代,其年发生规律基本上和日本松干蚧的生活周期相吻合,而且能在松林中形成比较稳定的群落。根据测定,隐斑瓢虫对日本松干蚧各虫态的捕食能力较强,一头成虫的日平均捕食量为:显露若虫13.33头,雌成虫4.27头,卵囊3.67个(每个卵囊内平均有卵265.5粒),雄蛹28.27只;一头幼虫全期(或2—4龄和3—4龄)分别能捕食显露若虫39.20—105.56头,雌成虫40.80—47.79头,卵囊39.38—41.79个,雄蛹220.50只。它在引进辽宁省沈阳和旅大地区后,不仅仍能正常的捕食日本松干蚧(显露若虫),其成虫和幼虫喂以各种蚜虫均能正常生殖和发育,并且一年可以繁殖三代:冬季,只要在0℃以上的温度条件下,给予少量的糖水等作补充营养,亦能安全的越冬。据此,作者认为隐斑瓢虫在浙江杭州和辽宁,均具有作为控制日本松干蚧的发生来加以饲养繁殖与利用的价值。  相似文献   

中国的松干蚧   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
松干蚧是在松树枝干上为害的珠蚧科(Margarodidae)、松蚧属(Matsucoccus)的蚧虫。关于我国松干蚧的种类和经济意义,在解放前一无所知。解放后,首先在山东崂山地区发现松干蚧为害严重,才开始进行防治研究。文化大革命以后,群众性的科学实验运动蓬勃发展,对于松干蚧的防治研究通过各地协作,进展很快。我们得到全国松干蚧防治研究协作组的帮助,研究了各地的标本,使我们对于我国松干蚧的种类有了一些了解。现将  相似文献   

日本松干蚧性信息素光学异构体的引诱活性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
祁云台  林国强 《昆虫学报》1994,37(4):393-398
对合成的日本松干蚧Matscoccus matsumurse(kuwana)性信息素4、6、10、12-四甲基-反2、反4-十三碳二烯-7-酮1所有四个光学活性异构体,进行了诱虫活性测定和林间诱捕试验。结果表明,只有6R、10R-4、6、10、12-四甲基-反2 反4-十三碳二烯-7-酮对日本松干蚧雄成虫具有强烈引诱活性,被确定为该虫天然性信息素的绝对构型。  相似文献   

<正> 中国晋盾蚧Shansiaspis sinensis Tang属同翅目、蚧亚目,盾蚧科、雪盾蚧亚科,晋盾蚧属。目前,该属在我国已知有3个种。中国晋盾蚧在西北五省区均有分布,尤其对西北风沙沿线的主要造林树种——旱柳Saliz cheilophila,已造成严重危害,而且,正继续向外蔓延,对旱柳的大面积种植带来了很大的威胁。鉴于生产中的急需,笔者对该虫的分布、寄主、形态、为害、生活史习性及防治试验作了4年的观察,现就为害和生活史习性的研究结果报告如下。  相似文献   

警惕检疫性害虫南洋臀纹粉蚧在中国大陆扩散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南洋臀纹粉蚧,又称咖啡粉蚧、可可粉蚧、紫粉蚧,主要危害饮料作物、果树、蔬菜和园林树木,是新近入侵中国大陆的一种危险性检疫性害虫,2012年以来在中国大陆的云南、海南等地陆续被发现。本文介绍了南洋臀纹粉蚧的识别特征、危害特性、寄主植物种类、生物生态学特点、地理分布范围、传播扩散途径和防治措施等,为预防该虫在我国的进一步蔓延提供依据。  相似文献   

【背景】蚧虫是半翅目胸喙亚目蚧总科下的一类昆虫的总称。蚧虫个体小、食性广,极易随货物扩散传播。【方法】分别从疫情概况、截获种类、产地、截获载体、截获年份等方面对10年来我国各口岸截获蚧虫的信息数据进行了比对和统计,并对之前容易被忽视的非检疫性蚧虫疫情进行了统计和分析。【结果】2005年以来,我国从进口植物和植物产品中截获蚧虫共计171978批次,其中,检疫性蚧虫12种共7071批次;南洋臀纹粉蚧截获量最大,达2848批次,大洋臀纹粉蚧次之,为2442批次,第3是新菠萝灰粉蚧,为1714批次。东南亚是蚧虫的主要来源地,截获量居前3位的蚧类几乎都来自该地区;水果是截获蚧虫的主要载体,占所有植物及植物产品总截获量的99.0%;总体来看,蚧虫截获量从2006年开始逐年下降,到2010年后又呈暴发性上升趋势。比较3种截获量较大的蚧虫发现,2005~2008年,截获主要以南洋臀纹粉蚧为主;自2009年起,大洋臀纹粉蚧截获量逐年上升,成为截获量最多的蚧虫;2011年以来,新菠萝灰粉蚧截获量激增。2005年至今,我国口岸共截获其他非检疫性蚧类68797批次,鉴定到种的有46个属105种共68712批次,其中,在我国内陆地区尚未报道的有23个种,入侵风险高,需要引起重视。【结论与意义】了解我国口岸蚧类害虫截获情况,有利于针对性地开展疫情检疫与监测,有效防范蚧类害虫的传入与扩散。  相似文献   


The small spruce bark beetle Ips amitinus is a widespread species in many European countries that has been actively spreading into Northern Europe in the recent decades. In Russia, I. amitinus is present in the western, northwestern, and northern regions of the European part, with a tendency for range expansion. The species was first recognized in West Siberia in 2019 by characteristic morphological features and molecular genetic analysis. This bark beetle is abundant on Pinus sibirica in Siberian pine forests located near settlements within Tomsk and Kemerovo provinces, and is also sporadically found on the Siberian spruce Picea obovata. It colonizes the upper trunk and branches of standing and windfall trees. In the outbreak foci this bark beetle causes catastrophic drying of Siberian pines, starting from the crown top. This pattern of tree drying was noted for the first time near settlements in Yashkinsky District of Kemerovo Province in 2014, and now outbreak foci of I. amitinus exist in all the Siberian pine forests in this district. The population growth of I. amitinus was probably facilitated by dry and hot summer weather in the southeast of West Siberia during the last decade, in 2011 and 2012, and also by heavy winter snowfalls leaving numerous snapped tree branches which are easily colonized by the pest. In Tomsk Province, the most active outbreak focus of I. amitinus appeared in 2018 in the Siberian pine forest near Luchanovo and Ipatovo, following an outbreak of the Siberian moth Dendrolimus sibiricus. The invasion of I. amitinus in Siberia may increase the degradation rates not only of the gene-reserve Siberian pine forests but also of other dark coniferous stands.


Species distribution modelling is a useful technique that provides data on factors that can influence a species range, identify high suitability areas and model future scenarios. The pine marten (Martes martes) has undergone major historical declines in abundance and distribution in Northern Ireland, similar to that which has occurred throughout its range. Currently, the species is in a phase of range expansion in Northern Ireland, in what is the least forested landscape in Europe. To assess the suitability of this environment for pine marten re-establishment, presence only distribution data combined with landcover data at a 10-km scale were used in a species distribution modelling study using Maxent. The results indicated that approximately 32% (4500 km2) of the land area of Northern Ireland had a high probability of pine marten occurrence. Pine marten distribution was positively associated with the extent of conifer forest landcover types, which also had the highest single attribute contribution to the model. Landcover types that were negatively associated with pine marten distribution included the extent of open, dwarf and urban areas.  相似文献   

黄顶菊在中国的潜在适生区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
菊科黄菊属植物黄顶菊近年出现在我国华北地区天津市和河北省的衡水、廊坊等地,其入侵范围有不断扩大的趋势.黄顶菊是一种入侵性极高的一年生杂草,对农牧业生态系统有极大的破坏性.为指导黄顶菊的防除和制定相关的控制政策,本研究根据黄顶菊在其原产地南美洲及扩散入侵地的分布资料,采用CLIMEX生态位模型对其在中国的潜在适生分布区域进行预测.结果表明,黄顶菊在中国的潜在适生区域集中分布于东南部的广东、广西、云南、海南、福建、台湾、江西、湖南、贵州、四川、重庆、湖北、安徽、江苏、上海15个省(市、自治区),其中高风险区域包括广东、广西、台湾、海南、福建、云南、四川、贵州、重庆和西藏局部地区.  相似文献   

Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel) R. King & H. Robinson (=Eupatorium adenophorum Sprengel) is one of the worst invasive alien species in China. Since A. adenophora was first noticed in Yunnan Province of China in the 1940s, its rapid spread has caused an ecological problem in south‐western China. Understanding its historical invasion pattern and its potential for further spread is needed to plan the management of the species. We reconstructed the historical process of its invasion and analysed its ecological preferences in the invaded region. After a lag phase of 20 years (1940–60), A. adenophora spread rapidly throughout the south and middle subtropical zones in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Guangxi, China, with an average expansion rate of 20 km per year. It spread relatively slowly in north subtropical areas, with an average expansion rate of 6.8 km per year. It has not established in warm temperate areas within the invaded regions. Although range expansion in Yunnan stopped after 1990, the expansion of its range into neighbouring provinces indicates that A. adenophora has not reached the full potential of its distribution and its range is still rapidly expanding within China. We applied ecological niche modelling (GARP — Genetic Algorithm for Rule‐set Prediction) to predict potential invasion areas in mainland China on the basis of occurrence points within colonized areas where A. adenophora has reached equilibrium. The predictions, confirmed by the range of values of four key environmental parameters, generally match the parameters of the geography and ecology in the invaded region. Southern and south‐central China have climatic conditions suggestive of a high potential for invasion by A. adenophora. Climatic conditions in northern and western China appear unsuitable for A. adenophora. Urgent measures should be taken to prevent this species from further spreading into the vast areas of potential habitat in southern and south‐central China.  相似文献   

This study combines ethnological, historical, and dendroecological data from areas north of the Arctic Circle to analyze cultural aspects of Sami use of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) inner bark as regular food. Bark was peeled in June when trees were at the peak of sapping, leaving a strip of undamaged cambium so the tree survived. As a result, it is possible to date bark-peeling episodes using dendrochronology. The paper argues that the use of Scots pine inner bark reflects Sami religious beliefs, ethical concerns, and concepts of time, all expressed in the process of peeling the bark. A well-developed terminology and a set of specially designed tools reveal the technology involved in bark peeling. Consistent patterns with respect to the direction and size of peeling scars found across the region demonstrate common values and standards. Peeling direction patterns and ceremonial meals relating to bark probably reflect ritual practices connected to the sun deity, Biejvve.  相似文献   

In China, Zou Zhe (Memorials to the Throne, or Palace Memorials), an official communication to the emperors of China by local officials, offers an opportunity to reconstruct the spatial-temporal distributions of droughts at a high-resolution. A 223-year, 1689–1911, time series of drought events was reconstructed in this study based on 2494 pieces of Zou Zhe. The results show that: 1) on the temporal scale, the drought affected areas, i.e., number of affected counties, showed three peak periods during the last 223 years and nine extreme drought years with more than 300 counties affected have been identified; 2) on the spatial scale, there existed three drought-prone areas in China, i.e., Gansu province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in Northwest China, Shandong, Hebei, and Henan provinces and Tianjin in the North China, and Anhui and Jiangsu provinces in Jianghuai area, respectively; 3) the drought-prone areas have been expanding from North China to South China since the second half of 19th century; 4) on the seasonal scale, summer witnessed the largest number of drought events. Meanwhile, the uncertainties of the results were also discussed, i.e. what caused the spatial-temporal distribution of drought. The results of this study can be used to mitigate the adverse effects of extreme weather events on food increasing and stable production.  相似文献   

Habitat segregation is considered to favour the coexistence of sympatric pine martens Martes martes and stone martens M. foina, the latter being displaced to agricultural and urbanised areas. Subsequent to the report of pine martens in cultivated areas of the western River Po plain (NW Italy), we reviewed all available information on the presence of this species in plain areas of northern Italy and, for two study areas, applied a non-invasive PCR-RFLP method for the identification of Martes species from faecal mtDNA.A total of 24 pine marten records were collected, grouped in the western part of the River Po plain. The number of records showed an exponential increase from 1988 to 2007, the percentage of woods in a 10 km2 wide circular plot surrounding the location of records being inversely correlated to its distance from the 300 m a.s.l. contour line. In the two study areas, 36 out of 119 “marten-like” faeces were assigned to the pine marten, whilst none belonged to the stone marten. In the best monitored area, the pine marten was present almost constantly.Our results suggest that the pine marten is expanding its range to include cultivated areas which were previously considered a prerogative of the more synanthropic stone marten.  相似文献   

Climate change and the outbreak ranges of two North American bark beetles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 One expected effect of global climate change on insect populations is a shift in geographical distributions toward higher latitudes and higher elevations. Southern pine beetle Dendroctonus frontalis and mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae undergo regional outbreaks that result in large‐scale disturbances to pine forests in the south‐eastern and western United States, respectively.
  • 2 Our objective was to investigate potential range shifts under climate change of outbreak areas for both bark beetle species and the areas of occurrence of the forest types susceptible to them.
  • 3 To project range changes, we used discriminant function models that incorporated climatic variables. Models to project bark beetle ranges employed changed forest distributions as well as changes in climatic variables.
  • 4 Projected outbreak areas for southern pine beetle increased with higher temperatures and generally shifted northward, as did the distributions of the southern pine forests.
  • 5 Projected outbreak areas for mountain pine beetle decreased with increasing temperature and shifted toward higher elevation. That trend was mirrored in the projected distributions of pine forests in the region of the western U.S. encompassed by the study.
  • 6 Projected outbreak areas for the two bark beetle species and the area of occurrence of western pine forests increased with more precipitation and decreased with less precipitation, whereas the area of occurrence of southern pine forests decreased slightly with increasing precipitation.
  • 7 Predicted shifts of outbreak ranges for both bark beetle species followed general expectations for the effects of global climate change and reflected the underlying long‐term distributional shifts of their host forests.

The chestnut phylloxerid, Moritziella castaneivora, has been recently recorded as a forest pest in China. It heavily damaged chestnut trees and has caused serious economic losses in some main chestnut production areas. In order to effectively monitor and manage this pest, it is necessary to investigate its potential geographical distribution worldwide. In this study, we used two ecological niche models, Genetic Algorithm for Rule‐set Production (GARP) and Maximum Entropy (Maxent), along with the geographical distribution of the host plants, Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata) and Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima), to predict the potential geographical distribution of M. castaneivora. The results suggested that the suitable distribution areas based on GARP were general consistent with those based on Maxent, but GARP predicted distribution areas that extended more in size than did Maxent. The results also indicated that the suitable areas for chestnut phylloxerid infestations were mainly restricted to Northeast China (northern Liaoning), East China (southern Shandong, northern Jiangsu and western Anhui), North China (southern Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin), Central China (eastern Hubei and southern Henan), Japan (Kinki, Shikoku and Tohoku) and most parts of the Korean Peninsula. In addition, some provinces of central and western China were predicted to have low suitability or unsuitable areas (e.g. Xinjiang, Qinghai and Tibet). A jackknife test in Maxent showed that the average precipitation in July was the most important environmental variable affecting the distribution of this pest species. Consequently, the study suggests several reasonable regulations and management strategies for avoiding the introduction or invasion of this high‐risk chestnut pest to these potentially suitable areas.  相似文献   

朱耿平  刘晨  李敏  刘强 《昆虫学报》2014,57(5):581-586
【目的】日本双棘长蠹Sinoxylon japonicum是一种重要的林木蛀干害虫。该虫自1981年首次报道于云南昆明以来,先后在中国的10多个省市被发现。近年来该害虫在北京、天津和河北等地对国槐Sophora japonica的危害日趋严重。【方法】在本研究中,作者按时间顺序梳理了日本双棘长蠹在中国的分布记录,根据日本双棘长蠹已有分布记录及其主要寄主植物国槐在我国的种植区域采用了Maxent和GARP两种生态位模型对日本双棘长蠹的潜在地理分布进行分析。【结果】日本双棘长蠹在中国南方地区呈零星分布,而在中国北方地区较为集中。分布记录的报道时间呈现出由南向北和自东向西的局势,推测这种分布格局是由于其寄主植物所导致的:中国北方地区危害严重可能与国槐在中国北方的集中种植有关,寄主树苗在不同地区间的调运是其种群扩散主要原因。基于生态位模拟的结果显示日本双棘长蠹在中国具有较大的适宜生态空间,潜在地理分布范围较广,从北到南其适生区主要有:辽宁西部、北京、天津、宁夏、河北、山西南部、山东、陕西、江苏、安徽、湖北、重庆、浙江、江西、湖南以及四川和贵州西北部。【结论】这些地区间的树苗转运需要做好检验检疫工作,以防止日本双棘长蠹的扩散。  相似文献   

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