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象山港大型底栖动物生物多样性现状   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
2006年7月至2008年8月对象山港13个站位进行了8个航次的大型底栖动物采样调查.研究了该海域大型底栖动物群落的优势种组成, 大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量、次级生产力和P/B值,并采用物种丰富度指数、物种均匀度指数和物种多样性指数分析大型底栖动物物种的多样性.调查共获得大型底栖动物123种,其中软体动物48种,甲壳类33种,鱼类和环节动物多毛类各12种,棘皮动物8种,还包括一些腔肠动物、线虫等.群落中优势种较为集中,且优势度指数较高.该海域大型底栖生物年次级生产力平均值为16.70 ·m-2·a-1,平均P/B值为0.60.对物种丰富度指数(d)、均匀度指数( J )、辛普森多样性指数(D)和香农多样性指数(H)进行双因素方差分析表明,不同站位之间4种指数的差异均高度显著(P<0.01),周年之间4种指数的差异除均匀度指数不显著外(P>0.05),均高度显著(P<0.01).  相似文献   

为了解互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵红树林的生态影响, 作者对位于北海市西村港的红树林湿地以及周边互花米草盐沼的大型底栖动物群落多样性和群落结构进行了研究。2012年10月至2013年9月连续4次取样, 按照取样时间研究大型底栖动物的种类、物种组成、生物量和生物多样性等群落特征的差异, 探讨互花米草入侵红树林湿地对大型底栖动物的影响。本研究共采集底栖动物16种, 隶属于5门7纲15科, 其中互花米草群落10种, 红树林湿地12种。研究发现互花米草入侵后中国绿螂(Glauconome chinensis)个体数量剧增, 导致不同采样时间互花米草盐沼的大型底栖动物生物量均显著高于红树林湿地; 除个别月份外, 红树林湿地大型底栖动物的Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均显著高于互花米草群落。基于生境-采样时间的双因素方差分析结果表明, Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson指数在两种生境间差异显著; 两种生境的Margalef丰富度和Pielou均匀度指数在不同采样时间差异显著; 大型底栖动物生物量和物种数量在两种生境间和不同采样时间差异均显著。基于多元回归分析的研究结果表明, 互花米草密度是影响大型底栖动物生物量的关键因子, 而互花米草株高可以解释物种个体数量、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson指数在两种生境的变化。对不同采样时间大型底栖动物群落结构的非度量多维度(non-metric multidimensional scaling, NMDS)分析结果表明, 红树林与互花米草群落的大型底栖动物群落相似性很低。总而言之, 在西村港地区, 互花米草入侵虽然增加了大型底栖动物的生物量, 但由于优势物种的凸显, 显著降低了大型底栖动物群落的多样性, 且种类组成与群落结构与红树林群落相比已有差异。由此可见, 互花米草入侵红树林对当地的大型底栖动物群落多样性造成影响。  相似文献   

珠海鹤洲水道沿岸红树林湿地大型底栖动物群落特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王卉  钟山  方展强 《生态学报》2013,33(21):6913-6924
对珠海鹤洲水道沿岸的4个红树人工林(包括老鼠簕Acanthus ilicifolius、木榄Bruguiera gymnorrhiza、秋茄Kandelia candel和无瓣海桑Sonneratia apetala)样地和2个挺水植被(短叶茳芏Cyperus malaccensis和芦苇Phragmites australis)样地的大型底栖动物群落进行为期一年(2010年12月、2011年3、6、9月共4次野外采样)的生物调查。研究与分析了大型底栖动物的种类、生活型及功能群、栖息密度、平均生物量、多样性指数等群落特征,并结合等级聚类和非参数多变量标序(MDS)方法对大型底栖动物的群落结构进行深入探讨。本调查共采集大型底栖动物35种,包括环节动物(7种)、软体动物(10种)、甲壳动物(10种)、鱼类(1种)和其他无脊椎动物(7种)。优势种包括谭氏泥蟹(Ilyrplax deschampsi)(占总个体数的34%)、麦克碟尾虫(Discapseudes mackiei)(占总个体数的25%)、羽须鳃沙蚕(Dendronereis prinnaticirris)(占总个体数的12%)。在6种生境类型中,老鼠簕站位大型底栖动物物种数量最多,为19种,均匀度和多样性指数均较高;短叶茳芏样地大型底栖动物栖息密度最高,为254.7 ind/m2,但是多样性指数(H"=1.25)最低;无瓣海桑站位平均生物量最高,为32.0613 g/m2。研究结果表明:(1)不同生境下大型底栖动物群落结构存在显著差异,尤其是无瓣海桑站位,无论群落结构、优势种还是生活型等都与其它站位有明显不同;(2)围垦区人工湿地与自然滩涂大型底栖动物群落结构差异显著;(3)潮汐作用对大型底栖动物群落结构影响显著。  相似文献   

河口区大型底栖动物具有的重要群落特征往往可以反映群落所经历的环境污染。为更好地了解珠江河口区大型底栖动物群落结构, 作者于2014年11月至2015年8月进行了4个季度的大型底栖动物调查, 并利用PRIMER 6.0软件进行群落生物多样性指数计算、群落等级聚类(Cluster)和非度量多维标度排序(nMDS)分析。研究结果显示: 珠江河口区共获得大型底栖动物52种, 优势种包括光滑河篮蛤(Potamocorbula laevis)、中国绿螂(Glaucomya chinensis)、焦河篮蛤(Potamocorbula ustulata)和羽须鳃沙蚕(Dendroneris pinnaticirrus)。大型底栖动物年平均密度为269.3 ind./m 2, 年平均生物量为129.61 g/m 2。12个站次的丰富度指数(D)、均匀度指数(J')和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')平均值分别为1.81 ± 1.38、0.50 ± 0.27和1.60 ± 1.13。该结果显示除P01断面的秋季和冬季环境质量为优良外, 其他站位在不同季度都显示出轻度到重度的污染。Cluster聚类分析和nMDS标序结果表明, P01断面与P02和P03断面群落相似度较低, 与断面地理分布情况一致; P02断面和P03断面存在交叉聚集, 群落相似度较高。结合环境因子结果可知, 沉积物理化因子与群落分布特征相关性较大, 其中最能解释珠江河口区群落多样性分布特征的环境因子为盐度和pH值。  相似文献   

广州南沙十四涌潮间带三种生境的大型底栖动物群落比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解广州南沙十四涌潮间带大型底栖动物的群落结构,于2007和2008年在十四涌潮间带选择光滩、海桑(Sonneratia)和茳芏(Cyperus malaccensis)3种生境进行大型底栖动物调查。对4个季度定量取样获得的大型底栖动物群落结构和差异进行比较分析,结果表明:从种数、平均生物量和丰度指数上看,茳芏生境最多,光滩第二,海桑生境最少;从大型底栖动物平均密度、种类多样性指数和均匀性指数上看,光滩最高,茳芏第二,海桑生境最低。ANOVA分析表明,3种生境间大型底栖动物的物种数、密度均呈显著差异,但生物量无显著差异。非度量多维标序(MDS)和聚类分析表明,冬季光滩和茳芏生境的大型底栖动物群落比较相似;3种生境的春季和夏季大型底栖动物群落比较相似。同时对3种生境间群落组成和数量差异的原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

胶州湾西部海域大型底栖动物多样性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示胶州湾最近几年底栖动物多样性的变化, 作者于2003年9月到2004年9月在胶洲湾西部海域5个测站每2个月1次共进行了7个航次采样, 以种类组成、生物量和栖息密度为基础, 对大型底栖动物多样性进行了分析。使用PRIMER软件计算得到以下变量: 群落的物种数(S)、丰富度(D)、Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数(H')和均匀度指数(J')。结果表明: 位于大沽河口的D站和水道中央的S站的多样性最低; 养殖区内外站位的多样性差异显著; 丰度/生物量曲线表明, 养殖区内的底栖动物群落已经受到了一定程度的扰动。群落物种数(S)和丰富度(D)的季节性变化明显, 春季和秋季较低, 夏季和冬季较高。分析菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)增养殖区的站位(D)发现, 多样性指数和丰富度与次级生产力有着负相关的关系。物种多样性指数和丰度/生物量曲线的分析显示, 该研究海域处于一个轻度人为扰动的状态。  相似文献   

为了研究长江口丰水季邻近海域大型底栖动物群落特征, 我们根据2012年6、8和10月长江口邻近海域大型底栖动物的调查资料, 应用双因素方差分析(Two-Way ANOVA)、聚类分析(Cluster)、非参数多维标度排序(Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling, NMDS)以及丰度生物量比较曲线(Abundance-Biomass Comparison Curves, ABC Curves)对数据资料进行分析。本研究共记录大型底栖动物181种, 其中多毛类动物82种, 甲壳动物46种, 软体动物31种, 棘皮动物11种, 其他类群11种。大型底栖动物丰度、生物量、种类丰富度和多样性指数月份间差异和空间差异均不显著。均匀度指数月份间差异不显著, 而空间上远海显著高于近海。6、8和10月大型底栖动物在20%的相似性水平上划分为3-4个群聚, 不同站位相似性水平较低。ABC曲线表明远海大型底栖动物群落受扰动的程度小于近海。受人类活动的持续影响, 长江口邻近海域大型底栖动物种类变化剧烈, 空间分布不均匀。  相似文献   

2015年5月至2016年4月对长江口东滩湿地芦苇生境的大型底栖无脊椎动物群落结构进行监测,分析了该生境下底栖动物群落物种组成和多样性的月变化.结果表明: 芦苇株高和盖度均在3—8月逐渐增大,9月后逐渐降低;芦苇密度和地上生物量(干质量)均在7月达到最大值.调查期间,共发现大型无脊椎底栖动物20种(包括2种鉴定到属,2种鉴定到科).其中,腹足纲种类最多,有11种(包括1种鉴定到属);软甲纲有5种;昆虫纲和多毛纲均只有2种.以緋拟沼螺、堇拟沼螺和尖锥似蟹守螺等为主要优势种.从生活型来看,底上附着型种类数最多(11种),其次为穴居型(5种)和底内型(4种).大型底栖动物密度和生物量存在明显的季节或月变化,夏季(8月)出现全年最高值.Margalef物种丰富度指数(D)和Shannon指数(H)月份间差异显著,Pielou均匀度指数(J)月份间差异不显著(除11月).大型底栖动物群落在42%相似性水平上划分为3个群聚.从非度量多维标序(nMDS)排序图可知,5月、10—11月与其他月份差异较大.水温、芦苇地下生物量和盐度等环境因子对于底栖动物密度变化具有一定影响,但未达到显著水平(P>0.05).受人类活动的持续影响,长江口东滩湿地芦苇生境底栖动物群落物种多样性有所下降,芦苇生境价值急需重视.  相似文献   

嵊泗海岛不同底质潮间带春秋季大型底栖动物的群落格局   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
于2006年9月(秋季)和2007年4月(春季)对嵊泗海岛的不同底质潮间带断面设立的8个取样站采集的调查资料,采用ABC曲线方法和大型多元统计分析软件PRIMER5对嵊泗海岛大型底栖动物进行Bray-Curtis相似性聚类分析和非度量MDS标序,研究群落结构格局以及用物种多样性指数、物种均匀度和物种丰富度指数分析潮间带大型底栖动物物种多样性和群落种类组成,并对大型底栖动物的群落结构进行了初步研究。调查获得嵊泗海岛的不同底质潮间带大型底栖动物130种,其中多毛类31种,软体动物57种,节肢动物32种,棘皮动物4种,其它类6种。春、秋季嵊泗潮间带大型底栖动物多样性指数(H′)(F1,13=0.10,P=0.75)、物种丰富度(D)(F1,13=0.66,P=0.43)和均匀度指数(J)(F1,13=0.33,P=0.58)均无显著差异;不同底质嵊泗潮间带大型底栖动物多样性指数(H′)(F1,13=14.28,P<0.01)、物种丰富度(D)(F1,13=14.07,P<0.01)存在显著差异,而均匀度指数(J)(F1,13=1.62,P=0.23)无显著差异。群落结构聚类分析和MDS标序表明,8个取样站的群落可分为3组(Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ组)。根据所调查嵊泗海岛潮间带的丰度和生物量资料做的ABC曲线分析表明,底栖动物群落受到了中等程度的污染或者扰动。  相似文献   

长江口潮下带春季大型底栖动物的群落结构   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2005年4月对长江口全区域潮下带共10个采样站位的大型底栖动物进行了调查。调查采获大型底栖动物38种,分属5个生态类型,种类数较少,河口外缘站位种类数多于口内站位。各站位大型底栖动物的平均丰度为32.9个/m2、平均生物量为5.035g/m2(湿重);与20世纪七八十年代相比,平均生物量显著降低;口外缘站位的总丰度和总生物量均高于口内站位。环境因子相关分析表明,盐度是决定长江口大型底栖动物种类分布最重要的环境因子。群落聚类、标序分析显示,春季长江口潮下带大型底栖动物群落结构空间分异明显,完全符合目前长江口支、港、槽“三级分汊”的空间格局。其中,北支的大型底栖动物以混合高盐水种类为主,而南支则以淡水和半咸水种类为主。南支的南北槽分界处内外站位的群落差异也由盐度决定,因为靠近口内的群落均受长江冲淡水影响较大;而口外站位群落则受咸淡水影响。南支的南北港分界点内外的群落差异则主要受长江来水的影响,原因在于处在港分界点以内的群落所在区域,直接受长江来水的冲刷,底质环境极不稳定;而港、槽分界点之间的群落所在区域由于河口上段的诸多明暗沙体的阻挡,水势较为稳定,所以底质环境较稳定,从而使得港、槽分界点之间的群落出现了更多的沙蚕等底质环境类型种类。  相似文献   

长山列岛南部三岛岩相潮间带群落多样性格局   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对长山列岛南部南长山、北长山和大黑山岛屿岩相潮间带群落种类组成的调查表明,3岛屿岩礁潮间带的群落结构差异不大,表现在决定群落结构和外貌的前5位优势种群及其优势度序列基本相同;而砾石潮间带的群落结构存在一定差异,表现在北长山群落中优势种群及其优势度序列显著地区别于南长山和大黑山,但后二者趋同-3岛屿岩礁潮间带的景观和群落外貌与结构由东方小藤壶(Chthamalus chal-lengeri)、牡蛎(Ostrea spp.)、大型藻类和短滨螺(Littorina breuicula)控制,砾石潮间带则由东方小藤壶、大型藻类和平背蜞(Gaetice depressus)决定.群落多样性由物种丰富度(R)、均匀度(J)和多样性(HB、Hlv、DR、DIv)衡量,3岛屿岩礁潮间带群落的各种多样性指数呈现一致性,群落多样性以北长山最高,大黑山最低;而砾石潮间带群落的各种多样性指数存在一定差异,南长山高于北长山和大黑山,北长山潮间带群落中物种分布的均匀度最高,南长山和大黑山趋同.比较3岛屿两种基质潮间带的群落多样性发现,砾石潮间带高于岩礁潮间带。  相似文献   

胶州湾潮间带大型底栖动物的群落生态   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
潮间带是沿岸带位于最大高潮水面到最小低潮水面之间的区域,处于陆海过渡带,生物资源非常丰富,也是受各种理化环境因子以及人类活动影响最大的区域。我国近年来对各地不同类型的潮间带进行了一些生态调查研究,包括对胶州湾也进行了数次生态调查,如劭晓阳等(2001)研究了浙江省岛  相似文献   

The intertidal and subtidal soft bottom macro- and meiofauna of a glacier fjord on Spitsbergen was studied after complete ice melt in June 2003. The abundances of the benthic fauna were within the range reported from estuaries and similar intertidal areas of boreal regions. The high proportion of juveniles in the eulittoral zone indicated larval recruitment from subtidal areas. The macrobenthic fauna can be divided into an intertidal and a subtidal community, both being numerically dominated by annelids. Deposit feeders were numerically predominant in intertidal sites, whereas suspension feeders were most abundant in the subtidal area. Among the meiofauna, only the benthic copepods were identified to species, revealing ecological adaptations typical for intertidal species elsewhere.  相似文献   

Tang Y J  Yu S X 《农业工程》2007,27(5):1703-1714
The spatial zonation of macrobenthic fauna in the core region of Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserve was studied with two transects vertical to the shoreline. The first transect was near Deyao Village where three faunal zones of the mangrove swamp could be divided into the following types from the high tide part to the low tide part: the Assiminea lutea-Uca arcuata-Paracleistostoma crassipilum zone, the Cleistostoma dilatatum-Macrophthalmus erato-Littoraria melanostoma zone, and the Paracleistostoma depressum-Cerithidae cingulata zone. Mollusck and crustacean exhibited the highest individual density in this transect. Mollusck mainly influenced the dynamics of community biomass as well as the species diversity index. In the second transect near Hongzhai Village, the following four faunal zones could be determined: the Littoraria melanostoma-Pseudoringicula sinensis-Ceratonereis burmensis zone, the Assiminea lutea-Cleistostoma dilatatum zone with a dominant species belonging to the Ellobiidae, Upogebia sp.-Paracleistostoma depressum zone, and the Metaplax sheni-Cerithidae cingulata zone. The crustacean showed the highest individual density in this transect. Similar to the Deyao transect, dynamics of community biomass and the species diversity index of the Hongzhai transect were mainly influenced by mollusck. By hierarchical clustering and nonmetric multidimensional scaling, the macrobenthic fauna communities could be divided into three and four groups in the Deyao and Hongzhai transects, respectively. These groups corresponded to different types of vegetation of the mangrove swamp. Taken together, our observations indicated that the spatial zonation of the macrobenthic fauna was mainly affected by the characteristics of the mangrove community, sediment characteristics and the tidal line.  相似文献   

The spatial zonation of macrobenthic fauna in the core region of Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserve was studied with two transects vertical to the shoreline. The first transect was near Deyao Village where three faunal zones of the mangrove swamp could be divided into the following types from the high tide part to the low tide part: the Assiminea lutea-Uca arcuata-Paracleistostoma crassipilum zone, the Cleistostoma dilatatum-Macrophthalmus erato-Littoraria melanostoma zone, and the Paracleistostoma depressum-Cerithidae cingulata zone. Mollusck and crustacean exhibited the highest individual density in this transect. Mollusck mainly influenced the dynamics of community biomass as well as the species diversity index. In the second transect near Hongzhai Village, the following four faunal zones could be determined: the Littoraria melanostoma-Pseudoringicula sinensis-Ceratonereis burmensis zone, the Assiminea lutea-Cleistostoma dilatatum zone with a dominant species belonging to the Ellobiidae, Upogebia sp.-Paracleistostoma depressum zone, and the Metaplax sheni-Cerithidae cingulata zone. The crustacean showed the highest individual density in this transect. Similar to the Deyao transect, dynamics of community biomass and the species diversity index of the Hongzhai transect were mainly influenced by mollusck. By hierarchical clustering and nonmetric multidimensional scaling, the macrobenthic fauna communities could be divided into three and four groups in the Deyao and Hongzhai transects, respectively. These groups corresponded to different types of vegetation of the mangrove swamp. Taken together, our observations indicated that the spatial zonation of the macrobenthic fauna was mainly affected by the characteristics of the mangrove community, sediment characteristics and the tidal line.  相似文献   

Yu H Y  Li B Q  Wang J B  Wang H F 《农业工程》2006,26(2):416-422
The current situation of the animal species biodiversity of macrobenthic fauna in the Jiaozhou Bay (South Shandong Peninsula, Yellow Sea) is reported in the present paper, based on the data from 15 investigation cruises carried out from February 1998 to November 2001. In analyzing the data, the Shannon-Wiener index, and species evenness and richness indices were used to study the trends of variation of the community structure, the species assemblages in the macrobenthic community, the dominant species, and the abundance of macrobenthic fauna in Jiaozhou Bay. A total of 322 species of macrobenthic animals were found in the bay, of which 133 species belong to 44 families of Polychaeta, while 92 species belong to 42 families of Crustacea. The average number of species per sample station ranged from 8 to 26. The Shannon-Wiener indices were very different among the samples, with the highest being recorded from Station 8 in November 2001, and the lowest from Station 9 in August 2001. The number of species, the Shannon-Wiener indices, and the species richness indices from Stations 7 and 9 were generally lower than those from other stations. This is because both the stations are situated at areas with a strong current and where the sediment is coarse sand. Although the richness index of species and the Shannon-Wiener index were high in Station 3, the Pielou evenness index was the lowest of all the sampling stations. This is because the station is located near the culture area of Ruditapes philippinarum, where a high abundance of clams caused low evenness. The results also revealed that the number of species and abundance greatly affected the biodiversity, and some environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, and primary productivity were also closely interrelated with biodiversity. Pollution and overexploitation caused by human activities were very important factors affecting macrobenthic biodiversity. In order to find the best way to enhance and protect living marine resources, the relationship between human activities and the biodiversity of macrobenthos in the Jiaozhou Bay should be studied further.  相似文献   

The current situation of the animal species biodiversity of macrobenthic fauna in the Jiaozhou Bay (South Shandong Peninsula, Yellow Sea) is reported in the present paper, based on the data from 15 investigation cruises carried out from February 1998 to November 2001. In analyzing the data, the Shannon-Wiener index, and species evenness and richness indices were used to study the trends of variation of the community structure, the species assemblages in the macrobenthic community, the dominant species, and the abundance of macrobenthic fauna in Jiaozhou Bay. A total of 322 species of macrobenthic animals were found in the bay, of which 133 species belong to 44 families of Polychaeta, while 92 species belong to 42 families of Crustacea. The average number of species per sample station ranged from 8 to 26. The Shannon-Wiener indices were very different among the samples, with the highest being recorded from Station 8 in November 2001, and the lowest from Station 9 in August 2001. The number of species, the Shannon-Wiener indices, and the species richness indices from Stations 7 and 9 were generally lower than those from other stations. This is because both the stations are situated at areas with a strong current and where the sediment is coarse sand. Although the richness index of species and the Shannon-Wiener index were high in Station 3, the Pielou evenness index was the lowest of all the sampling stations. This is because the station is located near the culture area of Ruditapes philippinarum, where a high abundance of clams caused low evenness. The results also revealed that the number of species and abundance greatly affected the biodiversity, and some environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, and primary productivity were also closely interrelated with biodiversity. Pollution and overexploitation caused by human activities were very important factors affecting macrobenthic biodiversity. In order to find the best way to enhance and protect living marine resources, the relationship between human activities and the biodiversity of macrobenthos in the Jiaozhou Bay should be studied further.  相似文献   

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