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目的研究饲料中不同的钙磷含量和钙磷比对生长期实验大鼠体重及骨骼发育的影响。方法采用完全随机化设计方案,取1月龄(100±10)g清洁级Wistar雄性大鼠70只,随机分成7组,每组10只,饲喂7种不同钙磷含量的饲料。自由采食,饮用去离子水,试验期42 d。各组于实验开始和结束时称重。试验结束后,处死动物并分离一侧胫骨和股骨用于实验指标的检测。结果当保持饲料中钙或者磷中的一种含量不变的情况下,调整另一种的含量即改变钙磷比例时,1.2∶1的正常钙磷比例组生长期实验大鼠增重及骨骼发育要明显好于0.4∶1的低钙磷比例组和4∶1的高钙磷比例组(P〈0.05),并且当保持饲料中钙磷比例不变时,即使在低钙低磷和高钙高磷进食水平下,正常钙磷比例组大鼠增重及骨骼发育都较好,但低钙磷比例组和高钙磷比例组大鼠增重及骨骼发育则由于饲料中钙磷含量的变化波动较大(P〈0.05)。结论饲料中钙和磷需按比例添加,如果两者绝对含量相差过大就会影响到动物的增重及骨骼发育,本实验证明饲料钙磷比为1.2∶1时生长期实验大鼠增重及骨骼发育较好。  相似文献   

目的:研究低聚异麦芽糖对模拟失重大鼠肠道益生菌的影响以及与骨钙代谢变化的关系。方法:30只雄性SD大鼠随机分为3组(每组10只)FC组;普通对照组(饲喂普通饲料);SC组,模拟失重对照组(饲喂普通饲料);SS组,模拟失重低聚异麦芽糖组(饲喂普通饲料 低聚异麦芽糖),实验期21d。结果:SC组大鼠肠道益生菌(主要是双歧杆菌和乳杆菌)数量、饲料钙的表观吸收率、股骨骨密度(BMD),骨钙含量以及骨钙素(BGP)的水平显著低于FC组,而血钙水平明显高于FC组;SS组大鼠肠道益生菌数量,饲料钙的表观吸收率,骨密度,骨钙含量以及骨钙素水平较SC组高,血钙水平显著低于SC组。结论:低聚异麦芽糖可以促进模拟失重大鼠肠道益生菌的增殖,减少股骨骨质的丢失,提高股骨BMD,增加骨形成,对骨代谢产生一定的有益影响。  相似文献   

采用低钙鼠粮饲喂Wistar大鼠,造大鼠低钙模型,口服给予模型组大鼠酶解牛骨肽3个月,研究酶解牛骨肽对低钙大鼠促进骨骼生长的作用,测定各实验组大鼠体重指数以及大鼠股骨重量、股骨强度、骨钙含量及血清钙离子含量等多项生理生化指标,同时做体外细胞实验,研究酶解牛骨肽对成骨细胞MC3T3 E1增殖情况的影响。结果表明:酶解牛骨肽对低钙大鼠骨钙含量水平的升高有明显作用(P<0.05),酶解牛骨肽可以在体外促进成骨细胞MC3T3 E1的增长,说明酶解牛骨肽在一定程度上能够促进骨骼生长发育。  相似文献   

为探讨氨基酸螯合钙的增加骨密度作用,实验设低、中、高三个剂量组,另设一个低钙对照组和一个碳酸钙对照组,以200、400、1200mg/kg·bw(相当于人体推荐剂量5、10、30倍)剂量的氨基酸螯合钙给大鼠灌胃13wk,饮用去离子水和摄食低钙饲料,测定大鼠身长、股骨重量、股骨钙含量及骨密度钙表观吸收率等相关指标.结果实...  相似文献   

目的:探讨胰岛素对2型糖尿病骨质疏松大鼠血清及骨OPG(osteoprotegerin)、RANKL(OPG receptor activator nuclear factork B)表达水平的影响。方法:以高脂高糖饲料喂养4周同时饮用3%果糖水导致胰岛素抵抗小鼠,再以小剂量链脲佐菌素(30mg/kg)腹腔注射1次,2周后诱导建立2型糖尿病小鼠模型。对照组动物则给予正常饲料及饮用水进行喂养。模型建立成功后,对模型2组大鼠进行胰岛素治疗,分别采用OPG和RANKLelisa试剂盒对正常动物模型和糖尿病动物模型血清和骨组织中OPG,RANKL含量进行比较分析,采用血糖分析仪对不同组动物的血糖进行比较分析,采用骨密度分析仪对动物的骨密度进行分析,了解高血糖对于骨密度及血清,骨组织中OPG,RANKL含量的影响以及胰岛素对高血糖骨质疏松造成的结果的影响。结果:相较于正常组大鼠,模型组大鼠血清及髂骨中OPG、血糖、糖化血红蛋白、髂骨密度表达显著下调(P0.05),而RANKL表达显著上调(P0.05),胰岛素处理的模型大鼠血清及骨中OPG含量较模型组大鼠显著升高,血清及骨组织中RANKL表达显著下调(P0.05)。结论:胰岛素能够显著降低2型糖尿病骨质疏松大鼠血清及骨组织中RANKL的表达,显著上调OPG的表达。  相似文献   

目的:观察葛根异黄酮对去卵巢大鼠骨骼生物力学的影响。方法:选用健康3月龄SD雌性大鼠50只,随机分为5组:假手术组、模型对照组、低、中、高剂量葛根异黄酮组;假手术组切除卵巢旁脂肪组织,其余各组均切除双侧卵巢,建立去卵巢大鼠动物模型。按25、50、100 mg/kg 3个剂量葛根异黄酮分别给去卵巢大鼠灌胃6个月,并于实验结束后处死大鼠,检测腰椎骨骼生物力学功能、骨矿含量和股骨骨钙含量及子宫重量。结果:高剂量葛根异黄酮治疗组6个月后腰椎最大负荷、结构强度和骨矿含量均较模型对照组明显改善,股骨骨钙含量也明显增高;各个葛根异黄酮治疗组子宫重量均较模型对照组明显增加。结论:葛根异黄酮可改善去卵巢大鼠骨骼生物力学功能,具有雌激素样的抗骨质疏松作用。  相似文献   

高氟低碘对Wistar大鼠大脑组织病理学及DNA损伤的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究高氟与低碘对子代大鼠大脑组织病理学及脑细胞DNA损伤的影响。方法断乳Wistar大鼠(雌∶雄=3∶1)32只,随机分为四组:对照组,饲喂大鼠标准饲料,去离子水;高氟组,饲喂大鼠标准饲料,饮100mg/L氟化钠(NaF)去离子水;低碘组,饲喂低碘饲料(定做),去离子水;高氟低碘组,饲喂低碘饲料,饮100mg/L氟化钠(NaF)去离子水。雌雄大鼠自然交配,待子代大鼠出生后,观察其在10、20天时脑皮质、海马组织病理学变化,及30、60和90天时脑DNA的损伤。结果与对照组相比,高氟组和低碘组大鼠大脑皮质及海马内有较多神经元核固缩、核溶解及细胞轮廓不清晰。高氟低碘组,有大量神经元出现核固缩、核溶解、锥体突明显拉长等现象,并且在大鼠发育期内尤其明显。随着日龄的增加,各实验组子代大鼠脑细胞DNA损伤程度显著增加,以高氟低碘组90日龄大鼠DNA损伤最严重。结论高氟与低碘影响了大鼠大脑皮质及海马组织形态结构与引起了脑细胞的DNA损伤。  相似文献   

慢性氟暴露是世界范围内的公共卫生问题之一.为研究燃煤污染型氟中毒患者中氟暴露、骨相损伤程度与骨形成标志物血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、骨钙素(BGP)之间的相关关系,以贵州省织金县荷花村(燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒病区)和安顺市张官村(非氟暴露村)为调查点,采集环境样品,采用氟离子选择电极法测定环境介质及食物中的氟含量.在知情同意的原则下,对295例氟暴露和85例非氟暴露调查对象进行氟斑牙、氟骨症诊断;收集其尿液及外周血,测定尿氟(UF)浓度、ALP活性和BGP含量.结果表明: 病区环境中大米、辣椒、玉米、饮水、黏土、菜土、煤以及室内外空气氟含量均明显高于对照区,但较以往报道数据降低;随着尿氟浓度的升高,ALP活性、BGP含量显著升高,氟骨症病情差异有统计学意义,氟斑牙病情差异无统计学意义;氟骨症病情与ALP活性、BGP含量呈正相关.表明燃煤污染型低氟暴露可引起人群的骨相损害,且ALP、BGP可用于评估氟骨症患者骨转换情况,在氟骨症的辅助诊断、疗效评估中有着一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

染料木黄酮对去势大鼠骨骼矿化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的: 研究染料木黄酮对去势大鼠骨骼矿化的影响.方法: 雌性Wistar大鼠47只随机分为假手术组,去势对照组、去势 雌激素组(己烯雌酚20 μg.kg bw-1.d-1)、去势 染料木黄酮组(剂量分别为25、50、100 mg.kg bw-1.d-1).饲养三个月后处死,测定骨密度、骨矿化相关参数、骨钙、磷、锌、镁、锰、血清甲状旁腺激素、降钙素和雌激素含量.结果: 大鼠去势后,股骨骨密度降低,平均类骨质宽度增大,骨矿化延迟时间和类骨质成熟时间延长,骨中钙、磷、锌、镁和血清雌激素含量降低,与假手术组相比均有显著性差异(P<0.05);补充染料木黄酮后,股骨骨密度有改善的趋势,平均类骨质宽度变窄,骨矿化延迟时间和类骨质成熟时间缩短,骨中钙、磷、镁含量升高.结论: 染料木黄酮通过促进类骨质矿化,减少骨中钙、磷、镁丢失,预防骨质疏松的发生.  相似文献   

饮用加银水对模拟失重大鼠肠道微生态及骨钙代谢的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :研究饮用加银水对模拟失重大鼠肠道微生态及骨钙代谢的影响。方法 :30只 SD雄性大鼠随机分为地面对照组 ( GC)、模拟失重对照组 ( SC)和模拟失重饮用 0 .2 0 mg/ L 加银水组 ( SS) ,实验期 2 1d。第 7、14和 2 1天用选择性培养基分别对肠球菌、肠杆菌、双歧杆菌、乳杆菌及类杆菌定量测定 ,并测定饲料钙表观吸收率 ;第 2 1天取右侧股骨测骨密度和骨钙含量。结果 :骨密度和骨钙含量 SC组显著低于 GC组 ,SS组也低于 SC组 ;SC组和 GC组比较 ,SC组出现厌氧菌群的减少和需氧菌群的增加及饲料钙表观吸收率的下降 ,且这种变化出现较早 ,SS组和 SC组比较 ,SS组出现以厌氧菌群中 G 菌的减少和需氧菌群G-菌的增加为主的菌群失调及饲料钙表观吸收率的下降 ,且这种变化出现较晚。结论 :饮用 0 .2 0 mg/ L 加银水可以加重模拟失重大鼠肠道微生态的失调和骨钙代谢的紊乱 ,但需要较长的作用时间 ,且其微生态的失调以 G 细菌减少为主的厌氧菌群减少型  相似文献   

In the first experiment, weanling rats were fed a grain ration or one of three semipurified diets high in fat, sucrose, or cornstarch. Rats in each dietary group were divided into two subgroups, one of which drank distilled deionized water whereas the other group drank 2% NaCl solution. Blood pressure and sodium intake were individually measured for each rat at weekly intervals for a 10-week period. Rats receiving the salt solution had higher mean blood pressures (127-178 mmHg) than rats offered distilled water (108-127 mmHg). When drinking solutions were the same, more severe rises in blood pressure occurred in rats fed the semipurified diets than in those rats fed grain. In a second experiment, rats were fed one of the four diets used in the first experiment; however, they received a 1% NaCl drinking solution for 9 weeks followed by a 1.5% NaCl solution for an additional 9 weeks. At Week 18, pressures among these groups of rats ranged from 136-140 mmHg, regardless of diet.  相似文献   

Pike-naive fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were fed ad libitum or deprived of food for 12, 24, or 48 h and then exposed to either conspecific alarm pheromone or distilled water and the odour of a predatory northern pike (Esox lucius). Minnows fed ad libitum or deprived for 12 h showed a stereotypic alarm response to the alarm pheromone (increased time under cover objects and increased occurrence of dashing and freezing behaviour); those deprived of food for 24 h showed a significantly reduced alarm response, while those deprived of food for 48 h did not differ significantly from the minnows exposed to a distilled water control. Upon subsequent testing in an Opto-Varimex activity meter, all groups initially exposed to alarm pheromone and pike odour exhibited an alarm response when exposed to pike odour alone. Those initially conditioned with distilled water and pike odour did nor show an alarm response to pike odour alone. These results demonstrate that there exists a significant trade-off between hunger level and predator-avoidance behaviour in fathead minnows and that minnows can learn the chemical cues of a predatory northern pike through association with alarm pheromone even in the absence of an observable alarm response.  相似文献   

Aluminum is a commonly occurring trace element for which no nutritional requirements have been set. Some non-conclusive evidence exists suggesting a need of aluminum for growth, reproduction or health of man and animals. There is concern that exposure or consumption of aluminum may be toxic to humans and animals. The objective of the current study was to compare tissue levels of aluminum of rats fed soft drinks packaged in aluminum cans, glass bottles or distilled water. Thirty male weanling rats (Sprague-Dawley) were divided into three treatment groups of 10 rats each. All rats were fed rodent chow ad libitum throughout the study. Three different fluids, i.e. distilled water, diet soft drinks from aluminum cans and diet soft drinks from glass bottles, were fed for a period of 3 weeks. Aluminum contents of tissues were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Canned soft drink fed rats had significantly higher blood, liver and bone aluminum concentration than rats that were given glass bottled soft drink. There was a 69% higher bone aluminum concentration and 16% lower femur weight in rats fed aluminum canned soft drinks when compared with rats fed with distilled water.  相似文献   

Female mice of hybrid strain B6C3F1, 8-10 weeks old, were fed on powdered food with or without beta-carotene (100 mg/kg food). After 1 week of these diets, some of each group of mice were injected i.p. with either benzo(a)pyrene (150 mg/kg) in dimethyl sulfoxide, or mitomycin C (1 mg/kg) in distilled water. In the course of separate experiments, bone marrow samples were collected at various intervals after injection for analysis in the in vivo bone marrow micronucleus assay. At the time at which the maximum induction was observed, which coincided between experiments, the frequency of micronuclei induced by benzo(a)pyrene was reduced by 41-61% and that induced by mitomycin C was reduced by 44-71% in the presence of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is widely distributed in plant material such as carrots and green leafy vegetables and, as such, is a component of the human diet. Our results suggest that beta-carotene provides significant protection against the genotoxicity of benzo(a)pyrene and mitomycin C.  相似文献   

Animals commonly approach (i.e. 'inspect') potential predators. Glowlight tetras, Hemigrammus erythrozonus, have previously been shown to inspect the combined chemical and visual cues originating from novel predators and to modify their inspection (approach) behaviour depending upon the predator's diet. We conducted two experiments to determine whether tetras would inspect the chemical cues of injured prey or the dietary cues of a novel predator in the absence of any visual cues. Shoals of glowlight tetras were exposed to either distilled water (control) or the skin extract of swordtail (lacking ostariophysan alarm pheromones) or the skin extract of tetra (with alarm pheromones). There was no significant difference in the frequency of predator inspection behaviour towards swordtail or tetra skin extract compared to the distilled water controls. In the second experiment, we exposed shoals of tetras to either distilled water or the odour of Jack Dempsey cichlids, Cichlasoma octofasciatum, which had been food deprived, or fed a diet of swordtails or tetras. There was no significant difference in the frequency of predator inspection behaviour towards the odour of the starved cichlids and the odour of the fed cichlids in either of the two diet treatments. However, when tetras were exposed to the odour of cichlids fed tetras, they took significantly longer to initiate an inspection visit, remained further from the source of the chemical cues and inspected in smaller groups, compared with the odour of a starved cichlid or a cichlid fed swordtails. These data strongly suggest that tetras will inspect chemical cues alone, but only if the cue contains information about the predator. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Young Osborne-Mendel rats were given different diets ad libitum for 6 weeks. Food was either a purified powder with sucrose (15%) or commercial pellets, and drink was either distilled water or a sugar-containing (6%) sport-drink with or without added fluoride (F), magnesium (Mg) or both. Despite differences in the energy density of the diets, daily intakes were the same in terms of metabolisable energy and resulted in equal weight gains for all groups. Interscapular brown fat hypertrophied in response to powdered food, while both sugar-containing food and sport-drink were effective in accumulating white fat. When exposed to cold air at -20 degrees C for 2-4 h, most of the rats were able to maintain normothermia. Only the rats fed pelleted food and given distilled water were less resistant to cold than the others. After exposure to cold, the reserves of muscle glycogen were least in those rats having the poorest performance in the cold. In contrast, the stores of liver glycogen, plasma glucose and adrenal ascorbic acid were associated with pelleted food, rather than with the exposure to cold or type of drink. It is concluded that the presence of purified, simple sugars, either in food or drink, is the most likely explanation of the results obtained. The F and Mg supplements to the sport-drink did not modify the parameters measured.  相似文献   

The detoxification capacity of the clinoptilolite modification KLS-10-MA used as food additive in small mammals, chronically lead-exposed, was proven for the first time. The modified clinoptilolite was prepared based on natural Bulgarian clinoptilolite deposits. As a powder, it was mechanically mixed at 12.5% concentration with the conventional forage for small rodents. Lead in the form of aqueous solution of Pb(NO(3))(2) was diluted in the drinking water. In the ecotoxicological experiment covering 90 days, imprinting control region laboratory mice were used. They were allocated into four groups: group 1, (control): animals fed with conventional food for small rodents and water; group 2: animals fed with conventional food + clinosorbent KLS-10-MA and water; group 3: animals fed with conventional food and water + Pb(NO(3))(2); and group 4: animals fed with conventional food + KLS-10-MA and water + Pb(NO(3))(2). A group of non-exposed healthy animals was fed with conventional forage mixed with KLS-10-MA to prove eventual toxicity of the sorbent and influence on growth performance. The changes in the chromosome structure, mitotic index, erythrocyte form, erythropoiesis, and body weight gain were recorded. On day 90, the following relations were established: Pb-exposed and clinoptilolite-supplemented mice exhibited 2.3-fold lower chromosome aberrations frequency, 2.5-fold higher mitotic index, and 1.5-fold higher percentage normal erythrocytes 1.3-fold higher body weight compared to Pb-exposed and unsupplemented animals. The obtained data showed that the sorbent is practically non-toxic. The results of the present study encourage a further elaboration of a reliable drug based on the tested substance in the cases of chronic lead intoxication.  相似文献   

目的:探讨细胞粘附分子CHL1缺失对炎症性肠病(IBD)的影响。方法:采用葡聚糖硫酸钠(DSS)建立CHL1(-/-)炎症性肠病小鼠模型,将10只C57/BL6为遗传背景的CHL1(+/+)型小鼠分为对照组、DSS模型组(n=5);将10只C57/BL6为背景的CHL (-/-)型小鼠分为CHL1缺失组、CHL1缺失DSS模型组(n=5)。DSS模型组和CHL1缺失DSS模型组自主饮用7 d含1.5% DSS蒸馏水,随后改用蒸馏水饲喂2 d;对照组和CHL1缺失组连续饮用蒸馏水9 d,观察小鼠体重、血便、生存率及结肠组织长度的变化。结果:CHL1缺失DSS模型组小鼠在炎症性肠病的发生中便血明显,从应激的第7天开始,体重明显减轻,在第9天,CHL1缺失DSS模型组型小鼠死亡率明显增加;结肠长度明显缩短,损伤加重。结论:细胞粘附分子CHL1缺失加重炎症性肠病的发生。  相似文献   

目的研究党参、茯苓、白术、白芍和陈皮五味中药制成的复方合剂对肠道菌群调节作用。方法将小鼠分为正常对照组、低剂量组、中剂量组和高剂量组。对照组灌服蒸馏水14 d,低剂量组、中剂量组和高剂量组灌服不同剂量的复方合剂14 d,检测实验前后肠道菌群数量。结果灌服后小鼠肠道菌群与灌服前比较,乳杆菌、双歧杆菌数量明显增加,肠球菌数量明显减少,肠杆菌数量差异无统计学意义。结论党参、茯苓、白术、白芍和陈皮五味中药制成的复方合剂对小鼠肠道菌群具有一定的调节作用。  相似文献   

In nature, adult parasitoids feed to obtain and use nutrients for supplementing and/or replenishing some of their existing array of nutrient reserves. When adults feed on host or non-host food, they can enhance fitness, typically by increasing egg production or longevity. In the present study, ovigeny index (OI) and impact of female fitness, as well as physiological state on the reproductive strategies, were investigated in the synovigenic parasitoid, Diglyphus isaea, fed on host food (2-3rd instars of Liriomyza sativae larvae), non-host foods (10% honey solution) and starved (distilled water, control). The results showed that D. isaea was a strongly synovigenic parasitoid, of which OI value was 0.002. Both types of food enhanced the fecundity and prolonged the longevity of the females. D. isaea females fed on non-host food showed higher levels of gut sugar, body sugar and glycogen than those fed on host food, but the levels of lipid were higher in the host-fed females. D. isaea females seemed to show lipogenesis, with low rates of lipid catabolism sufficient to satisfy the requirement of egg maturation. Females might absorb lipids directly from the haemolymph of paralyzed hosts.  相似文献   

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