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为了探讨成年大鼠坐骨神经去传入后初级体感皮层是否发生快速重组,在氯胺酮麻醉下,利用微电极测定后爪代表区,然后用普鲁卡因阻滞对侧SCI。结果表明,阻滞后1h,4h和8h,隐神经代表区比对照分别增大32.5%,93.05和100%。此上,在原SAR和新生SAR记录的平均多单位诱发反应的峰潜伏期,后者比前者延长4.3ms。作者推测在快速出现的皮层重组机制中,皮层-皮层多突触通路的去抑制可能起重要作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨成年大鼠坐骨神经(SCI)去传入后初级体感皮层是否发生快速重组,在氯胺酮麻醉下,利用微电极测定后爪代表区,然后用普鲁卡因阻滞对侧SCI。结果表明,阻滞后1h、4h和8h,隐神经代表区(SAR)比对照分别增大32.5%(n=7)、93.0%(n=17)和100%(n=4)。此外,在原SAR和新生SAR记录的平均多单位诱发反应的峰潜伏期,后者比前者延长4.3ms。作者推测在快速出现的皮层重组机制中,皮层-皮层多突触通路的去抑制可能起重要作用  相似文献   

为了研究大脑皮层体感Ⅰ区与痛觉以及针刺镇痛作用的关系,以钾离子透入下肢皮肤作为痛刺激,以操作式条件反射作为痛指标,用钨丝微电极记录大脑皮层体感Ⅰ区单个神经元的电活动,在10只清醒、可以活动的猴子上进行了实验观察。在下肢的皮层代表区分离和记录了能对不同传入刺激起反应的神经元215个。28个对皮肤伤害性刺激起反应。其中25个发放增加(兴奋型神经元),3个发放减少(抑制型神经元)。对12个伤害性神经元进行了针刺效应的观察。在针刺过程中有6个神经元(4个兴奋型、2个抑制型)对伤害性刺激的反应受到抑制。其中有些神经元的抑制可伴有痛阈的升高,但两者未呈现严格的平行关系。皮层体感Ⅰ区中亦可记录到会聚性神经元,即同一神经元既可接受皮肤机械刺激,亦可接受皮肤伤害性刺激。其中有些神经元对于不同性质的刺激可以出现不同型式的反应,如对钾离子刺激皮肤出现抑制性反应而对触觉刺激出现兴奋性反应。针刺时,往往只有伤害性刺激引起的反应受到抑制,而机械刺激引起的反应没有明显变化。实验表明,针刺可以使皮层体感Ⅰ区的某些神经元对皮肤伤害性刺激的反应减弱;但是这种效应可能不是发生在皮层本身,而是续发于皮层下结构活动的变化。  相似文献   

为了了解外周神经损伤对体感皮层分域组构的影响,在成年大鼠上观察了切断坐骨神经(SC)前、即刻和切断后数周内后爪皮层代表区的改变。在盐酸氯胺酮麻醉下,用微电极记录后爪皮肤轻触刺激在对侧体感皮层工区诱发的多单位反应,得出后爪的皮层代表区图。在16例中,8例大鼠观察了切断SC的即时效应。结果表明,不但SC代表区丧失皮肤反应性,原隐神经(SA)代表区的皮肤反应性也明显下降或消失,同时神经元自发活动也明显减弱。另8例大鼠在切断后数周内做了1~3次重复测定。在最初几天,原SA代表区范围内多数记录点的皮肤反应性仍未恢复,但在原SC代表区内,一些记录点转而对SA皮肤轻触刺激起反应。在随后数周内SA代表区进行性地扩张,占领了大部分原SC代表区。这一结果说明成年大鼠外周神经损伤可导致体感皮层发生显著的重组改变。  相似文献   

冯鉴强  陈培熹 《生理学报》1990,42(2):129-134
电刺激猫大脑皮层前外侧回联合区(ALA)能使隐神经 C 类纤维传入引起的体感皮层(S(?)区)诱发电位(C-CEP)的幅值明显变小,并有后作用,表明 ALA 对 C-CEP 有抑制作用;切断ALA 与 SI 区之间的皮层内纤维联系后,ALA 对 C-CEP 的抑制作用明显减弱,抑制时程缩短;侧脑室微量注射阿片受体拮抗剂纳洛酮后,电刺激 ALA 对 C-CEP 的抑制作用明显减弱,表明 ALA 对 C-CEP 的抑制作用的作用途径之—可能是通过 ALA 与 SI 区之间的皮层内神经径路;可能与内源性阿片样物质的释放有关。提示大脑皮层联合区可能对体感皮层 C-CEP 有调制作用。  相似文献   

刺激一侧体表的感受器或周边神经可在对侧大脑半球皮层第一感觉区和两侧第二感觉区引出诱发电位;在这方面已有许多研究者采用各种动物进行过广泛深入的研究,得到一致的证实。但是关于在大脑皮层第一感觉区是否有同侧传入投射的问题则有分岐意见。Woolsey和Fairmant等人曾经指出只有来自面部皮肤的传入冲动可以到达同侧皮层第一感觉区。但是Mickle和Ades,Gardner和Haddadt以及Nakahama等用  相似文献   

胞内记录猫体感皮层内脏伤害性感受神经元的电生理特性   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Chen JH  Teng GX 《生理学报》1999,51(1):31-37
为了从细胞水平探讨皮层内脏伤害感受的特性及机制,本文应用细胞内电位记录技术,观察了猫体感皮层内脏大神经皮层代表区的851个神经元对电刺激内脏大神经的诱发反应及电生理特性。其中412个单位为内脏伤害性感受神经元,其自发放电有多种形式,根据诱发反应现象分为特异性和非特异性伤害感受神经元,内脏伤害性诱发反应分为兴奋性反应(517%)、抑制性反应(3131%)及混合性反应(17%)三类。在形式上具有潜伏期长、反应形式复杂等特点。实验发现85个神经元为内脏及肋间神经的会聚反应细胞。部分神经元用神经生物素进行细胞内电泳标记以显示功能细胞所在层次及形态。结果说明皮层体感神经元具有内脏伤害性感受的作用,并从细胞及突触后电反应特点上探讨了内脏痛的感受机制。  相似文献   

记录了麻痹猫的体感皮层(SI)神经元的自发和隐神经的A类和C类纤维传入诱发放电(A-ED和C-ED)。用NCCVF分析神经元放电。结果表明,SI区神经元对同时刺激隐神经的A类和C类纤维的反应呈多种型式:(1)A-ED和C-ED共存,包括Ⅰ.A-ED和C-ED始终相互伴随出现;Ⅱ.在刺激之初,只出现A-ED,但是,当阻断A类纤维传入并由C类纤维传入诱发神经元放电后,再同时刺激A类和C类纤维时,A-ED和C-ED便同时出现。(2)A-ED制约C-ED,特点是,只要A-ED存在,C/ED就不出现。只有阻断A类纤维传入后,C-ED才产生。(3)单一A-ED,不管在什么刺激条件下,这类神经元都只有A-ED,而不产生C-ED 结论:根据反应型式的不同,可将SI区的神经元分为Ⅰ.A类和C类纤维传入同时驱动的神经元;Ⅱ.A-ED制约C-ED的神经元;Ⅲ.只由A类纤维传入驱动的神经元。  相似文献   

记录了麻痹猫的体感皮层(SI)神经元的自发和隐神经的A类和C类纤维传入诱发放电(A-ED和C-ED)。用NCCVF分析神经元放电。结果表明,SI区神经元对同时刺激隐神经的A类和C类纤维的反应呈多种型式:(1)A-ED和C-ED共存,包括Ⅰ.A-ED和C-ED始终相互伴随出现;Ⅱ.在刺激之初,只出现A-ED,但是,当阻断A类纤维传入并由C类纤维传入诱发神经元放电后,再同时刺激A类和C类纤维时,A-ED和C-ED便同时出现。(2)A-ED制约C-ED,特点是,只要A-ED存在,C/ED就不出现。只有阻断A类纤维传入后,C-ED才产生。(3)单一A-ED,不管在什么刺激条件下,这类神经元都只有A-ED,而不产生C-ED 结论:根据反应型式的不同,可将SI区的神经元分为Ⅰ.A类和C类纤维传入同时驱动的神经元;Ⅱ.A-ED制约C-ED的神经元;Ⅲ.只由A类纤维传入驱动的神经元。  相似文献   

刺激家鸽上纹状体对丘脑背中腹前核神经元电活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王彬  胡昌华 《生理学报》1993,45(2):172-177
在氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的55只鸽上,记录和分析了丘脑背中腹前核(nueleus dorsalis inter-medius ventralis anterior thalami,DIVA)对桡神经传入冲动发生反应的88个躯体感觉单位的放电其中一部分单位还对刺激坐骨神经发生反应。电刺激上纹状体的躯体传入投射区,可引致上述DIVA躯体感觉单位的自发放电和对桡神经传入的反应发生明显抑制。对自发放电抑制的程度与上纹状体的刺激频率和刺激强度呈正相关的关系;对桡神经传入反应的抑制则是使反应潜伏期增长和锋电位减少。以上结果提示,DIVA确实隶属于躯体感觉系统,而上纹状体躯体传入投射区对其躯体感觉单位有下行的抑制性影响,这种下行抑制可能使上纹状体得以对感觉输入进行反馈控制。看来中枢神经系统高级部位与丘脑之间的这种功能联系,在鸟类和哺乳类具有相似之处。  相似文献   

刺猬的皮肤,包括皮肤肌和皮下脂肪,是一个质量很大的器官,平均占体重43形,最多可达57%以上。刺猬的皮肌,如果不是动物界中最发达的,也是非常发达的,尤其环状皮肌带约占体重11%(赵以炳等1958)。在功能上,刺猬的皮肌是重要的生理性体温调节器官,背面带针刺的部分有保温御寒作用,腹部有散热机能(赵以炳等1950a)。清醒的刺猬当遇到强敌或其它干扰时,常蜷缩成带剌的球。不活动的冬眠刺猬也取同样姿势,以防侵害。可以说,蜷缩是一种主动的保护性行为,这种强烈的蜷缩主要是由于环状皮肌带持续有力的收缩。尤其令人惊奇的是冬眠时的蜷缩,这是在一般生理活动明显降低的  相似文献   

The pathway of a non-segmental sudomotor reflex was studied in rabbits (New Zealand white). By means of thermic stimulation (45 degrees during 30") at the lateral border of the foot, a sudoral response was evoked in a circumscribed area of the pinna. By sequential sections of different nerves and the nervous network around the saphenous and femoral vessels, it was possible to establish the following afferent pathways to the spinal cord: lateral plantar nerve, tibial nerve up to the tuber calcanei, saphenous perivascular network, femoral perivascular network and femoral nerve. The fibres responsible for the podo-auricular sudomotor reflex penetrate into the spinal cord above L4, because the spinal transection at this level does not alter the auricular response. Since the hemisection of the spinal cord at T6 suppresses this reflex in the pinna of the same side, it must be concluded that the spinal pathway is ipsilateral. The efferent pathway abandons the spinal cord beneath segment C6: in fact, the spinal transection at C6 does not alter the auricular response to plantar stimulation. Finally, the sudomotor impulses reach the pinna sweat glands with the auricular vessels.  相似文献   

Neural controlling mechanisms between the digastric (jaw-opening) and masseter (jaw-closing) muscles were studied in the cat. High threshold afferent impulses from the anterior belly of the digastric muscle to masseteric montoneurons in the trigeminal motor nucleus induced an EPSP-IPSP sequence of potentials with long latency, and high threshold afferent impulses from the masseter muscle also exerted a similar effect on digastric motoneurons in the same nucleus innervating the anterior belly of the digastric muscle. These results suggest that reciprocal inhibition via Ia interneurons as observed between the flexor and extensor muscles in the spinal cord does not exist between the digastric and masseter muscles in the cat. However, the respective motoneurons innervating the masseter and digastric muscles receive inputs of early excitation-late inhibition via high threshold afferent nerve fibers from each antagonistic muscle. As such, since EPSPs preceding IPSPs are recognized, these high threshold afferent impulses may exert not only a reciprocal inhibitory effect, but also a synchronous excitatory or inhibitory effect on the antagonistic motoneurons.  相似文献   

A possibility of efferent innervation of gustatory and mechanosensitive afferent fiber endings was studied in frog fungiform papillae with a suction electrode. The amplitude of antidromic impulses in a papillary afferent fiber induced by antidromically stimulating an afferent fiber of glossopharyngeal nerve (GPN) with low voltage pulses was inhibited for 40 s after the parasympathetic efferent fibers of GPN were stimulated orthodromically with high voltage pulses at 30 Hz for 10 s. This implies that electrical positivity of the outer surface of papillary afferent membrane was reduced by the efferent fiber-induced excitatory postsynaptic potential. The inhibition of afferent responses in the papillae was blocked by substance P receptor blocker, L-703,606, indicating that substance P is probably released from the efferent fiber terminals. Slow negative synaptic potential, which corresponded to a slow depolarizing synaptic potential, was extracellularly induced in papillary afferent terminals for 45 s by stimulating the parasympathetic efferent fibers of GPN with high voltage pulses at 30 Hz for 10 s. This synaptic potential was also blocked by L-703,606. These data indicate that papillary afferent fiber endings are innervated by parasympathetic efferent fibers.  相似文献   

Previous comparative and developmental studies have suggested that the cholinergic inner ear efferent system derives from developmentally redirected facial branchial motor neurons that innervate the vertebrate ear hair cells instead of striated muscle fibers. Transplantation of Xenopus laevis ears into the path of spinal motor neuron axons could show whether spinal motor neurons could reroute to innervate the hair cells as efferent fibers. Such transplantations could also reveal whether ear development could occur in a novel location including afferent and efferent connections with the spinal cord. Ears from stage 24-26 embryos were transplanted from the head to the trunk and allowed to mature to stage 46. Of 109 transplanted ears, 73 developed with otoconia. The presence of hair cells was confirmed by specific markers and by general histology of the ear, including TEM. Injections of dyes ventral to the spinal cord revealed motor innervation of hair cells. This was confirmed by immunohistochemistry and by electron microscopy structural analysis, suggesting that some motor neurons rerouted to innervate the ear. Also, injection of dyes into the spinal cord labeled vestibular ganglion cells in transplanted ears indicating that these ganglion cells connected to the spinal cord. These nerves ran together with spinal nerves innervating the muscles, suggesting that fasciculation with existing fibers is necessary. Furthermore, ear removal had little effect on development of cranial and lateral line nerves. These results indicate that the ear can develop normally, in terms of histology, in a new location, complete with efferent and afferent innervations to and from the spinal cord.  相似文献   

1. The anterior segments of Nereis are oriented reflexly by passive unilateral tension of the posterior musculature. 2. The afferent impulses of the homostrophic reflex rise from any part of the worm and are conducted forward by way of the ventral nerve cord. 3. The efferent impulses flow out from the brain and anterior two or three ventral ganglia. 4. The homostrophic reflex may be partially or wholly masked by stereotropism.  相似文献   

This paper reports observations on the innervation of gill filaments of the lamprey, Lampetra japonica. Nerve fibers run on each side of the afferent filament artery (AFA nerve) and in the connective tissue compartment along the efferent filament artery (EFA nerve). The AFA nerve supplies vasomotor fibers to the afferent filament artery and arteriovenous anastomoses and special visceral motor fibers to branchial muscle fibers (musculus compressor branchialis circularis). Nerve endings of the vasomotor fibers contain large, cored vesicles (60–180 nm in diameter) with a variable number of small, clear vesicles (30–70 μm in diameter), whereas those of the visceral motor fibers have many small, clear vesicles with few large, cored vesicles. The EFA nerve supplies vasomotor fibers to the efferent filament artery. Their endings, containing mixtures of predominantly large, cored vesicles and small, clear vesicles make close synaptic contacts with reticular cells. The latter in turn are connected with each other or with smooth muscle cells in the wall of the efferent filament artery by nexuses. No nerves are found in the axial plate between the afferent and efferent filament arteries nor in the secondary lamellae of individual gill filaments. No afferent nerve supply to the gill filament has been found.  相似文献   

Rostro-caudal ramification of terrapin hindlimb afferent nerves have been studied by cord dorsum potential analyses. Stimulation of muscle and cutaneous nerves evoke different waveforms, related to the difference in fibre diameter spectra. Afferents of small muscles enter the cord through one spinal nerve, while afferents of large muscles are connected to the cord by up to four spinal roots. In their entrance segment muscle afferents bifurcate into branches extending in rostral and caudal direction over at least three segments.  相似文献   

Summary In electric fish of the family Mormyridae some primary afferent fibers conduct impulses not only from electroreceptors to the brain but also from the brain to the receptors. The efferent impulses may be elicited by electrical stimulation which is within the physiological range, i.e., by stimulation which is similar in amplitude and duration to the stimulation that is caused by the fish's own electric organ discharge. Afferent and efferent impulses in the same afferent fiber were identified by: simultaneously recording from a fiber at two different points, at the receptor and at the nerve trunk (Figs. 2C-H; 3B-D); by cutting the afferent fiber between the brain and the recording site as well as between the recording site and the periphery; and by intra-axonal recording from the afferent fiber near its entry into the brain (Fig. 4). The efferent impulses result from the central integration of a corollary discharge of the electric organ motor command with excitatory and inhibitory input from several different receptors near the one from which afferent impulses originate (Fig. 4). The centrally originating impulse may be capable of modifying the effect of signals originating in the periphery.Abbreviations ELLL electrosensory lateral line lobe - EOCD electric organ corollary discharge - EOD electric organ discharge - epsp excitatory postsynaptic potential - NPLL posterior lateral line nerve  相似文献   

In rats, stimulation of renal mechanoreceptors by increasing ureteral pressure results in a contralateral inhibitory renorenal reflex response consisting of increases in ipsilateral afferent renal nerve activity, decreases in contralateral efferent renal nerve activity, and increases in contralateral urine flow rate and urinary sodium excretion. Mean arterial pressure is unchanged. To study possible functional central interaction among the afferent renal nerves and the aortic and carotid sinus nerves, the responses to renal mechanoreceptor stimulation were compared in sinoaortic denervated rats and sham-denervated rats before and after vagotomy. In contrast to sham-denervated rats, there was an increase in mean arterial pressure in response to renal mechanoreceptor stimulation in sinoaortic-denervated rats. However, there were no differences in the renorenal reflex responses among the groups. Thus, our data failed to support a functional central interaction among the renal, carotid sinus, and aortic afferent nerves in the renorenal reflex response to renal mechanoreceptor stimulation. Studies to examine peripheral interaction between efferent and afferent renal nerves showed that marked reduction in efferent renal nerve activity produced by spinal cord section at T6, ganglionic blockade, volume expansion, or stretch of the junction of superior vena cava and right atrium abolished the responses in afferent renal nerve activity and contralateral renal function to renal mechanoreceptor stimulation. Conversely, increases in efferent renal nerve activity caused by thermal cutaneous stimulation increased basal afferent renal nerve activity and its responses to renal mechanoreceptor stimulation. These data suggest a facilitatory role of efferent renal nerves on renal sensory receptors.  相似文献   

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