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环颈雉胃的血供   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
用血管铸型法和大体解剖学方法对环颈雉胃动脉的起源、分布及胃静脉的回流情况进行了解剖学研究。结果表明,环颈雉的胃动脉均由腹腔动脉分出;腺胃由腺胃背侧动脉和腺胃腹侧动脉营养,腺胃背侧动脉直接起自腹腔动态的左侧,腺胃腹侧动脉起自腹腔动脉左支。腺胃血液的静脉有腺胃前静脉和腺胃后静脉,分别汇入后腔静脉和左肝门静脉。肌胃由肌胃左动脉、肌胃右动脉和肌胃背侧动脉营养,肌胃左动脉起自腹腔动脉的左支;肌胃右动脉起自腹腔动脉的右支;肌胃背侧动脉从腺胃背动脉分支而来。回流肌胃血液的静脉有胃右静脉、胃左静脉和胃腹侧静脉;胃右静脉汇入右肝门静脉,胃左静脉和胃腹侧静脉汇入左肝门静脉。另外腺胃和肌胃的表面缺乏主干动脉间的吻合。  相似文献   

程会昌  霍军  时菊爱 《四川动物》2006,25(1):125-127
为了研究鹧鸪腺胃和肌胃的动脉分布状况,本实验用血管铸型法对10只鹧鸪胃的动脉分支和分布情况进行了详细的解剖观察。结果表明,鹧鸪的腺胃由腺胃背侧动脉和腺胃腹侧动脉供应营养,肌胃由胃左动脉和胃右动脉供应,肌胃背侧动脉是胃右动脉的一末端分支,肌胃腹侧动脉由胃左动脉分出。  相似文献   

一雄性灰鹤胃的血液供应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用血管铸型法对一只因伤致死的雄性灰鹤胃的血供进行铸型观察,结果显示,灰鹤的胃动脉均由腹腔动脉分出,腺胃由腺胃背侧动脉和腺胃腹侧动脉供应营养,肌胃由胃左动脉、胃右动脉和肌胃背侧动脉供应营养。腺胃的静脉有腺胃腹侧静脉、胃凹腹侧静脉和腺胃背侧静脉,分别经左(腺胃腹侧静脉和胃凹腹侧静脉)、右(腺胃背侧静脉)肝门静脉回流;肌胃的静脉有胃左静脉、胃右静脉和胃背侧静脉,分别经左(胃左静脉)、右(胃右静脉和肌胃背侧静脉)肝门静脉回流。此外本文将灰鹤胃的血供与其它动物的进行了比较。  相似文献   

一雄性丹顶鹤消化系统组织形态学观察   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
常用常规方法制片,H.E染色,观察了一维性丹顶鹤的消化系统组织结构。食道壁厚,内具许多发达的纵行皱襞,粘液腺丰富。嗉囊壁薄,皱襞少而浅,淋巴细胞丰富聚集成团。腺胃由发达的复管状腺和单管状腺组成。肌胃内的单管状腺多9 ̄13个聚成一束,肌层仅为环肌组成。肌胃内的单管状腺多9 ̄13个聚成一束,肌层仅为环肌组成。十二指肠处的小肠腺发达,无十二指肠腺,肠绒毛稀疏、叶状。空肠绒毛长而密集,细长指状。回肠的小肠  相似文献   

川金丝猴胃的观察   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
陈嘉绩  曹福源 《兽类学报》1995,15(3):176-180
本文对川金丝猴的胃进行了观察。其胃呈S形,自胃的左端至第一曲长15cm,第一曲至第二曲长9cm,第二曲以下部长7cm。胃底包括左、右二盲囊,右盲囊可分前、中、后三部。二纵肌带沿胃的大、小弯行,纵肌带间形成两列肠袋样膨大。膨大自胃底向第二曲逐渐变小,第二曲以下为幽门部。胃管由贲门沿小弯伸至第二曲处。贲门周围为无腺区,其余部均有腺体分布。胃小凹明显。此外,对胃的分部、功能、形态成因以及一些结构术语作了  相似文献   

川金丝猴冠状动脉的解剖   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
俞诗源  高慧霞 《动物学报》2001,47(3):333-337
为了阐明金丝猴心脏冠状动脉的分支分布特征与血供情况,用血管铸型和组织透明方法观察了川金丝猴心脏左、右冠状动脉的分支分布情况。结果表明:川金丝猴心脏左冠状动脉分为前隆支和旋支。左缘支较粗,是前降支的主要分支,分支分布于左室侧壁和后壁的大部分。川金丝猴有单独的室间隔支,起于左冠状动脉前降支,供应室间隔的大部分。右冠状动脉分为动脉圆锥支、右室前支、右缘支及右室后支,其主干延续为后室间支。川金丝猴的前室间支由动脉圆锥支延续而来。冠状动脉在隔面的分布类型属均衡型。川金丝猴左心由左冠状动脉及其分支前降支和旋支提供营养,右心由右冠状动脉及其分支提供营养。  相似文献   

米志平  杨智 《四川动物》2001,20(4):214-216
小熊猫的胃属单室腺型胃,它以角切迹为界,可分为胃底部和幽门部两部分。胃壁由粘膜、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜四层组成。四上皮为单层柱状上皮,具有分泌粘液的功能。胃腺有贲门腺、胃底腺、幽门腺三种,但贲门腺不发达。主细胞、壁细胞和粘液细胞的数量与分布呈现规律性变化。肌层发达,特别是内环行肌发达。并与大熊猫胃的结构作了比较。  相似文献   

对凹耳臭蛙Odorrana tormota消化系统进行了解剖学及组织学观察。消化道可以分为口腔、咽、食道、胃、十二指肠、回肠和直肠,末端开口于泄殖腔。肝脏和胰腺为消化腺。消化道管壁的组织结构均为4层结构,由管腔向外依次为黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和浆膜。胃黏膜层中含有许多胃腺,可明显分为腺颈部和腺体部。小肠含有十二指肠腺,直肠含有直肠腺。肝脏发达,分为左、中、右3叶,肝小叶界限不明显。胰腺中的腺泡由腺细胞围成。凹耳臭蛙肠全长与头体长之比为0.44~0.91,是迄今为止报道的无尾两栖类中最小的。  相似文献   

环颈雉消化系统组织形态学观察   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22  
1989年4月至1990年4月作者对6只健康成年环颈雉消化系统组织采用常规方法制成显微和超薄切片。研究表明:环颈雉消化管的粘膜层,肌层和管状消化腺发达。食管为角化的覆层扁平上皮,角化层厚0.72-0.80μm,粘液腺丰富,腺细胞内充满粘原颗粒。腺胃内有发达的复管状腺和单管腺二种腺体;单管腺由颈粘液细胞、长柱状细胞和内充泌细胞组成。肌胃内有肌胃腺,无粘膜肌层。十二指肠绒毛长而密集且分支明显;无中央乳  相似文献   

小熊猫胃的解剖和组织结构研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
小熊猫的胃属单室腺型胃,它以角切迹为界,可分为胃底部和幽门部两部分.胃壁由粘膜、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜四层组成.四上皮为单层柱状上皮,具有分泌粘液的功能.胃腺有贲门腺、胃底腺、幽门腺三种,但贲门腺不发达.主细胞、壁细胞和粘液细胞的数量与分布呈现规律性变化.肌层发达,特别是内环行肌发达.并与大熊猫胃的结构作了比较.  相似文献   

Summary The genetics of body asymmetry inLymnaea peregra follows a maternal mode of inheritance involving a single locus with dextrality being dominant to sinistrality. Maternal inheritance implies that all members of a brood have the same phenotype, however, some broods contain a few individuals of opposite coil. One purpose of this paper is to explain the origin of these anomalous individuals. Genetic analyses of sinistral broods with a few dextral individuals have led to the development of a cross-over model, with the anomalous dextrals originating as a consequence of crossing over either during meiosis or mitosis in the female germ line. The crossover either reconstitutes the dextral gene from previously dissociated parts, or creates a dextral gene by means of a position effect. The probability of a crossover event depends upon the appropriate combination of complementary sinistral chromosomes. Each crossover event has the potential of creating a unique dextral gene. Genetic analyses of dextral broods containing a few sinistral individuals have demonstrated that different dextral genes vary in penetrance.The dextral gene produces a product during oogenesis which influences the pattern of cleavage in the embryo; this cleavage pattern is translated into the appropriate body asymmetry. The other purpose of this paper is to provide an assay for this gene product. Cytoplasm from dextral eggs injected into uncleaved sinistral eggs causes these eggs to cleave in a dextral pattern. Cytoplasm from sinistral eggs has no effect on the cleavage pattern of dextral eggs. While the dextral gene product is made during oogenesis, it does not function in controlling cleavage until just before this process begins.  相似文献   

Starry flounder Platichthys stellatus , a rare polymorphic flatfish exhibiting a large-scale geographic cline in the frequency of right-eyed (dextral) and left-eyed (sinistral) morphs, was studied to investigate whether foraging behaviour (turning angle and prey strike orientation) differed between dextral and sinistral laboratory-raised juveniles. Platichthys stellatus foraging on brine shrimp Artemia sp. nauplii tended to strike dorsally at prey ('left' to an observer for dextral flounder and 'right' to an observer for sinistral flounder), although this effect was stronger for sinistral fish. This dorsal tendency also increased with body size. Non-strike behaviours (movements between strikes) were ventrally biased for both morphs. Maximum turn angles were larger for both morphs towards the dorsal side than the ventral side during prey strikes but were the same during non-strike behaviours. The positioning of the eyes of the juvenile starry flounder was skewed towards the dorsal midline rather than being symmetrically placed between dorsal and ventral margins on the eyed side of each fish. The migrating eyes of dextral fish, however, were significantly closer to the dorsal midline than in sinistral fish. This, in addition to the more dorsally oriented prey strikes in sinistral fish, suggests that the morphs are not simple behavioural mirror images of one another and therefore may differ ecologically.  相似文献   

Phenotypic polymorphisms in natural systems are often maintained by ecological selection, but only if niche segregation between morphs exists. Polymorphism for eyed-side direction is rare among the approximately 700 species of flatfish (Pleuronectiformes), and the evolutionary mechanisms that maintain it are unknown. Platichthys stellatus (starry flounder) is a polymorphic pleuronectid flatfish exhibiting large, clinal variation in proportion of left-eyed (sinistral) morphs, from 50% in California to 100% in Japan. Here I examined multiple traits related to swimming and foraging performance between sinistral and dextral morphs of P. stellatus from 12 sites to investigate if the two morphs differ in ways that may affect function and ecology. Direction of body asymmetry was correlated with several other characters: on an average, dextral morphs had longer, wider caudal peduncles, shorter snouts and fewer gill rakers than sinistral morphs. Although the differences were small in magnitude, they were consistent in direction across samples, implying that dextral and sinistral starry flounder may be targeting different prey types. Morphological differences between morphs were greatest in samples where the chances of competitive interactions between them were the greatest. These results suggest that the two morphs are not ecologically identical, may represent a rare example of divergent selection maintaining polymorphism of asymmetric forms, and that correlational selection between body asymmetry and other characters may be driven by competitive interactions between sinistral and dextral flatfish. This study is one of very few that demonstrates the ecological significance of direction in a species with polymorphic asymmetric forms.  相似文献   

Arterial supply to the stomach of dogs indigenous to Bangladesh was investigated by using latex. The hepatic, left gastric and splenic arteries sent their major branches to the stomach. The cranial and caudal branches of the left gastric artery supplied the lesser curvature of the stomach. The right gastric, and right and left gastroepiploic arteries also sent their branches to both the lesser and greater curvatures. Six or seven short gastric arteries from the splenic artery supplied the greater curvature. Anastomoses between the left and right gastric, between the left and right gastroepiploic, and between short gastric arteries and left gastric arteries were observed.  相似文献   

Reversed chirality has frequently evolved in snails, although the vast majority coils dextrally. However, there are often sinistral species within a dextral genus or almost exclusively sinistral families, such as the Clausiliidae. Some populations of the predominantly sinistral clausiliid genus Albinaria, in the southern Greek mainland, coil dextrally. The origin, evolution and distribution of the dextral Albinaria are puzzling, and as there is no reliable phylogenetic reconstruction for this speciose genus, it remains unclear how many times a shift in chirality has really occurred. In this study, our aim was to elucidate the evolutionary pathways of dextrality in Albinaria. We undertook a molecular phylogenetic analysis of two mtDNA (16S and COI) and one nDNA marker (ITS1) and included dextral and sinistral representatives found in syntopy or not. Both mtDNA and nDNA tree topologies imply that dextrals did not evolve as a monophyletic lineage. Instead, dextral lineages have evolved from sinistral ancestors multiple times independently. The fragmented population structure in Albinaria facilitates genetic drift and contributes to fixation of the opposite chirality and overcoming of the mating disadvantage of left–right reversal. Stochastic phenomena and biogeographical barriers have trapped those reversals in a limited geographical area.  相似文献   

The paucity of sinistral (left-coiling) relative to dextral (right-coiling) species of gastropods in the marine realm is an enigma. In Conus , one of the most diverse marine animal genera, sinistral shell coiling has evolved as a species-wide character only once. Fossils of this species, Conus adversarius , are found in Upper Pliocene and lowermost Pleistocene deposits in the southeastern USA. Conus adversarius had nonplanktonic larval development; this may have been a critical factor for the early establishment of the species, as well as sinistral marine species in other clades. Notably, most specimens of aberrantly sinistral modern Conus are derived from typically dextral species that have nonplanktonic development. If C. adversarius was reproductively isolated from dextral conspecifics, then this species may provide an example of nearly instantaneous sympatric speciation in the fossil record. Furthermore, the common and widespread – while geologically short-lived – fossil shells of C. adversarius show large amounts of variability in form and this variation may be related, at least in part, to a pleiotropic effect associated with the reversed coiling direction of this species.  相似文献   

The flowers of malvaceae family preserves the symmetry between right and left in a peculiar manner. Plots belonging to this family bear two kinds of flowers, right-handed flowers with anticlockwise twisted petals and left-handed flowers with clockwise twisted petals. The branches of the plant prefers production of one type of flowers in excess of the other. There are two distinct types of branches, dextral branches and sinistral branches. Dextral (sinistral) branches produce more right-handed (left-handed) flowers than left-handed (right-handed) flowers. The average percentage of right-handed flowers in a dextral branch is same as that of left-handed flowers in a sinistral branch.  相似文献   

The overwhelming predominance of dextral coiling in gastropods is an outstanding and puzzling phenomenon. A few sinistral specimens (left coiling individuals) have been found in many dextral species. Only six sinistral shells have ever been found in Cerion; we base this analysis on the five available shells. We ask whether reversed symmetry is a simple either-or switch without further consequences for shell form, or whether sinistrality engenders associated effects, making left-coiling shells unlike their dextral deme-mates in other ways. All five sinistral shells differ in features of size and coiling late in growth, leading to relatively small apertures and a slight twist in the axis of coiling. We detect and measure this effect as follows: in multivariate morphospace, sinistrals occupy peripheral positions among their dextral deme-mates; in univariate analysis, sinistrals are consistently different for a set of characters involving covariance patterns never before seen in a decade of studies on ontogenetic and age-standardized variation in dextrals; a bootstrap procedure does not recover similar patterns in randomly constituted samples of dextrals matching the true sinistral distribution; direct x-ray measures of the coiling axis detect its slight twist in sinistrals. We discuss the implications of these unsuspected associations for the issues of developmental constraint upon the evolution of morphology.  相似文献   

On the basis of data in the literature, the percentages of dextral versus sinistral species of snails have been calculated for western Europe, Turkey, North America (north of Mexico), and Japan. When the family of Clausiliidae is represented, about a quarter of all snail species may be sinistral, whereas less than one per cent of the species may be sinistral where that family does not occur. The number of single-gene speciation events on the basis of chirality, resulting in the origin of mirror image species, is not closely linked to the percentage of sinistral versus dextral species in a particular region. Turkey is nevertheless exceptional by both a high percentage of sinistral species and a high number of speciation events resulting in mirror image species. Shell morphology and genetic background may influence the ease of chirality-linked speciation, whereas sinistrality may additionally be selected against by internal selection. For the Clausiliidae, the fossil record and the recent fauna suggest that successful reversals in coiling direction occurred with a frequency of once every three to four million years.  相似文献   

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