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针对B型烟粉虱入侵后的暴发性及生态系统的可侵入性,开展了B型烟粉虱的入侵机制、成灾机理和控制基础研究.结果显示,目前我国至少存在6种生物型(B,Q,ZHJ-1,ZHJ-2,ZHJ-3,FJ-1),其中B型烟粉虱在我国大部分地区、Q型烟粉虱在我国长江流域已成为优势种群,给蔬菜、花卉和棉花生产造成严重危害.寄主植物、地理环境及杀虫剂可诱导B型烟粉虱产生遗传分化,使其种群遗传结构发生快速演变;黄瓜和南瓜可诱导羧酸酯酶(CarE)和谷胱甘肽S-移酶(GSTs)活性升高,增强B型烟粉虱抗药性;植物次生物可诱导B型烟粉虱解毒酶活性升高.B型烟粉虱所具有的较强的高温胁迫适应能力和热激蛋白基因的表达与响应密切相关.B型烟粉虱可取代土著烟粉虱,B型烟粉虱与土著烟粉虱间的非对称交配干扰及其与植物双生病毒间的互利共生加剧了B型烟粉虱的入侵;特定条件下B型烟粉虱可取代温室粉虱,较强的逆境适应能力、较快的种群增长力可能是B型烟粉虱取代温室粉虱的主要机制;较强的对寄主转换的适应能力与B型烟粉虱寄主谱扩张有关.土著天敌对B型烟粉虱具有较强的控制潜能;B型烟粉虱3,4龄若虫及蜜露可诱导丽蚜小蜂产生强烈的搜索行为,若虫利它素在丽蚜小蜂寄主搜索和定位中具有重要作用.研究结果为阐明B型烟粉虱入侵种群在我国的遗传分化与快速演变机制和分子生态适应机制、探明种群形成与扩张过程中生态对策的调整及其效应提供了理论依据,为B型烟粉虱的生物生态控制途径和持续治理策略提供了保障。  相似文献   

李萌  栾军波  刘树生 《生命科学》2010,(11):1112-1117
烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)及其传播的双生病毒是全球性重大入侵生物,给农业生产造成了严重损失。媒介昆虫—病毒—植物互作是决定病害流行和昆虫种群动态的重要因子,但其在生物入侵中所起的作用一直未受到关注。入侵烟粉虱与双生病毒通过寄主植物所形成的间接互惠共生关系可能是其广泛入侵并取代土著近缘生物的一个重要生态机制。现已从植物生理变化、昆虫共生细菌生理功能和昆虫生理反应三个方面综合探讨这种互惠共生关系的生理机制及分子机制,以期深入揭示媒介昆虫与病毒互作在生物入侵中的作用,为发展高效的预警和治理技术体系提供理论基础。  相似文献   

褚栋  李显春  张友军 《昆虫学报》2012,55(12):1376-1385
2003年首次在云南昆明发现Q型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)传入中国。随后几年时间内, 它在许多省份逐年取代了B型烟粉虱种群。2008年后,Q型烟粉虱基本上成为了中国多数省份农区的优势生物型。为了进一步揭示Q型烟粉虱在中国快速扩散以及取代B型烟粉虱的遗传学基础, 本研究利用11个微卫星位点分析并比较了2003年中国云南昆明Q型烟粉虱入侵种群及其他地点的11个B型入侵种群, 西班牙2个Q型土著种群, 以色列1个Q型入侵种群, 以色列1个B型土著种群, 以及西班牙、 美国与澳大利亚的5个B型入侵种群的遗传结构。结果表明, 中国Q型烟粉虱早期种群(云南昆明种群)可能来自于西部地中海地区。中国B型烟粉虱种群遗传多样性高于西班牙、 澳大利亚、 美国B型种群, 中国B型可能存在多次传入或某个混合种群的再次传入。相对于原产地种群, 中国Q型烟粉虱早期入侵种群与B型烟粉虱种群遗传多样性并没有明显降低, 表明Q型与B型烟粉虱种群可能经历了较小的瓶颈效应或奠基者效应。中国Q型烟粉虱早期入侵种群遗传多样性高于B型烟粉虱种群, Q型烟粉虱这种较高的遗传多样性可能为其较强的生态适应性提供了遗传基础, 有利于Q型烟粉虱在新的环境下快速扩散并取代B型烟粉虱。  相似文献   

沈媛  金桂华  任顺祥  杜予州  邱宝利 《昆虫学报》2009,52(10):1132-1138
烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci是一个复合种,它具有的生物型分化、较强的传播病毒的能力和抗药性、较快的繁殖速率等特征使其成为我国农业生产中重要害虫之一。本研究利用细胞色素线粒体氧化酶Ⅰ基因,对采集自江苏、广东和云南三省的烟粉虱样本进行了生物型鉴定,并对烟粉虱生物型与寄主植物之间的关联性开展了调查。结果表明,在广东和云南省,都存在未鉴定的土著种群与入侵的B型、Q型共存的现象;同时,在本研究中广东省尚未采集到Q型烟粉虱,而在江苏采集到的粉虱样本全部为入侵型。研究结果还表明,相对于入侵种而言,土著种群显示出更强的寄主植物趋同性;丰富的寄主植物以及本身具有的多食性特性有助于B型、Q型等生物型在世界各地的广泛入侵。  相似文献   

世界性重要害虫B型烟粉虱的入侵机制   总被引:47,自引:8,他引:39  
B型烟粉虱是近二十年来入侵世界各国并暴发成灾的一种世界性重要害虫。近年来, B型烟粉虱的入侵机制研究表明,其成功定殖、扩散、暴发与其对入侵地区的土著烟粉虱种群和其它昆虫种群的竞争取代有关;竞争取代包括生态位竞争,生殖干涉,其危害寄主对其它昆虫的影响等方面。B型烟粉虱抗药性的形成也是这种生物成功入侵的重要影响因素。同时,生态环境(包括寄主植物、气候因子、越冬场所等)的影响也不容忽视。最后本文还探讨了B型烟粉虱入侵机制研究动态及其意义。  相似文献   

烟粉虱传播双生病毒研究进展   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
纠敏  周雪平  刘树生 《昆虫学报》2006,49(3):513-520
综述了烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci对双生病毒的获取、传播及存留等方面的特性。烟粉虱最短的获毒和接种时间为15~30 min;双生病毒在烟粉虱体内可存留1至数周,有的终身存在。烟粉虱对双生病毒的传毒效率除了随其获毒及传毒时间的延长、传毒烟粉虱个体数量的增加以及病毒体浓度的增加而提高外,还与烟粉虱的龄期及性别有关。双生病毒除了在植物与粉虱之间直接传播外,还可通过烟粉虱交配及经卵携带的途径在烟粉虱个体和代别间进行传播。寄主植物、双生病毒的一些特殊蛋白以及烟粉虱内共生菌产生的GroEL蛋白,都可影响烟粉虱携带的双生病毒种类及传毒的可能性。双生病毒可对烟粉虱的发育、存活和生殖产生不利或有利的影响。雌成虫携带番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)后,存活力和生殖力均下降; 而携带番茄斑驳病毒(tomato mottle virus, ToMoV)后,生殖力提高。此外,植物感染双生病毒后,其对烟粉虱的适合性可能提高。  相似文献   

【目的】烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)是一种世界性的入侵性害虫,其传播的番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)给我国番茄生产造成巨大经济损失。为了阐明烟粉虱传播双生病毒的机理,本文拟研究明确B和Q烟粉虱体内传毒相关蛋白Gro EL基因及其表达量。【方法】采用特异性引物克隆了B和Q烟粉虱内共生菌编码的传毒相关蛋白Gro EL基因,并进行序列分析;并利用荧光定量PCR技术检测两种生物型及其获取双生病毒前后该基因的相对表达量。【结果】烟粉虱内共生菌Hamiltonella编码的Gro EL基因全长为1 668 bp,编码555个氨基酸;B、Q烟粉虱该基因的核苷酸序列相似性为99.94%,氨基酸同源性为99.82%;带毒烟粉虱中Gro EL基因的表达量显著高于未带毒的对应生物型烟粉虱;无论带毒与否,Q烟粉虱该基因的表达量均显著高于B(P<0.05)。【结论】烟粉虱携带TYLCV后可诱导Gro EL的表达量升高,B和Q烟粉虱中Gro EL基因及其表达量均存在差异,这可能是B和Q烟粉虱传毒效率存在显著差异的原因之一。  相似文献   

李俊敏 《昆虫知识》2010,(4):613-614
入侵烟粉虱是当今全球严重关切的一类重大农业害虫,国际权威学术期刊Nature、Science近年来多次报道了其严重危害,并对其冠以“超级害虫”的称谓。外来烟粉虱从20世纪90年代中后期开始入侵我国,近10年已在十多个省份陆续暴发,并传播危害性极大的植物双生病毒,排斥和取代土著近缘物种,成为我国目前农业生产中危害性最大的一类有害生物。  相似文献   

双生病毒可通过调控寄主植物促进媒介昆虫烟粉虱种群增长,然而病毒侵染植物后是否通过调控植物挥发物来影响烟粉虱及其天敌的嗅觉反应还未见报道。【目的】本文旨在研究烟草植株感染中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus,TYLCCNV)后对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)及其重要寄生性天敌海氏桨角蚜小蜂Eretmocerus hayati(Zolnerowich and Rose)嗅觉反应行为的影响。【方法】利用Y形嗅觉仪方法,我们测试了烟粉虱及海氏桨角蚜小蜂对带毒植株、健康植株及烟粉虱危害植株的选择偏好性。【结果】烟粉虱及海氏桨角蚜小蜂选择携带TYLCCNV病毒的烟草显著多于健康烟草植株,但烟草被病毒与烟粉虱共同侵染时,烟粉虱对带毒烟草的选择仍显著多于无毒植株,而寄生蜂虽然仍较多选择带毒植株,但无显著差异。【结论】这些结果表明烟粉虱及海氏桨角蚜小蜂偏好选择携带TYLCCNV病毒的烟草,但这种偏好作用在烟粉虱取食共同危害时有一定程度的减弱。本研究首次报道了双生病毒侵染植物可增加烟粉虱及其天敌对植物的选择作用,并就其功能及机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)是世界范围内最重要的入侵生物之一,准确地鉴别烟粉虱入侵生物型和土著生物型具有十分重要的现实意义。mtCOI PCR-RFLP技术具有快速、高效的特点,是当前应用最广泛的烟粉虱生物型鉴定技术,但是,不同限制性内切酶为基础的mtCOI PCR-RFLP技术在鉴定我国烟粉虱种群中的有效性仍不明了。本文比较了已报导的5种mtCOI PCR-RFLP技术在鉴别中国烟粉虱种群入侵生物型和土著生物型(B型、Q型,ZHJ1型、ZHJ2型、ZHJ3型)的有效性。结果表明,内切酶AluI不能区分B型和ZHJ2型烟粉虱;内切酶TaqI不能准确区分ZHJ3型和Q型烟粉虱个体;而内切酶VspI不仅不能准确区分ZHJ1型和Q型烟粉虱个体,也不能准确区分B型和ZHJ2型烟粉虱;内切酶MseI和Tru9I则不能有效鉴别上述5种烟粉虱生物型,因此不适宜推广使用。  相似文献   

Jiu M  Zhou XP  Tong L  Xu J  Yang X  Wan FH  Liu SS 《PloS one》2007,2(1):e182
The relationships between plant viruses, their herbivore vectors and host plants can be beneficial, neutral, or antagonistic, depending on the species involved. This variation in relationships may affect the process of biological invasion and the displacement of indigenous species by invaders when the invasive and indigenous organisms occur with niche overlap but differ in the interactions. The notorious invasive B biotype of the whitefly complex Bemisia tabaci entered China in the late 1990s and is now the predominant or only biotype in many regions of the country. Tobacco curly shoot virus (TbCSV) and Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus (TYLCCNV) are two whitefly-transmitted begomoviruses that have become widespread recently in south China. We compared the performance of the invasive B and indigenous ZHJ1 whitefly biotypes on healthy, TbCSV-infected and TYLCCNV-infected tobacco plants. Compared to its performance on healthy plants, the invasive B biotype increased its fecundity and longevity by 12 and 6 fold when feeding on TbCSV-infected plants, and by 18 and 7 fold when feeding on TYLCCNV-infected plants. Population density of the B biotype on TbCSV- and TYLCCNV-infected plants reached 2 and 13 times that on healthy plants respectively in 56 days. In contrast, the indigenous ZHJ1 performed similarly on healthy and virus-infected plants. Virus-infection status of the whiteflies per se of both biotypes showed limited effects on performance of vectors on cotton, a nonhost plant of the viruses. The indirect mutualism between the B biotype whitefly and these viruses via their host plants, and the apparent lack of such mutualism for the indigenous whitefly, may contribute to the ability of the B whitefly biotype to invade, the displacement of indigenous whiteflies, and the disease pandemics of the viruses associated with this vector.  相似文献   

The role of vector–begomovirus–plant interactions in the widespread invasion by some members of the whitefly species complex Bemisia tabaci is poorly understood. The invasive B biotype of B. tabaci entered China in the late 1990s and had become the predominant or only biotype of the whitefly in many regions of the country by 2005–2006. Meanwhile epidemics of begomoviruses have been observed in many crops including tomato for which Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus (TYLCCNV) and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) have been identified as two major disease-causing agents. Here, we conducted laboratory experiments to compare the performance of the invasive B and indigenous ZHJ1 whitefly biotypes on uninfected, TYLCCNV-infected and TYLCV-infected plants of tomato cv. Hezuo903, a cultivar that has been widely cultivated in many regions of China. The infection of tomato plants by either of the viruses had no or only marginal effects on the development, survival and fecundity of the B biotype. In contrast, survival and fecundity of the ZHJ1 biotype were significantly reduced on virus-infected plants compared to those on uninfected plants. Populations of the B biotype on uninfected and TYLCCNV-infected plants increased at similar rates, whereas population increase of the ZHJ1 biotype on TYLCCNV-infected plants was affected adversely. These asymmetric responses to virus infection of tomato plants between the B and ZHJ1 biotypes are likely to offer advantages to the B biotype in its invasion and displacement of the indigenous biotype.  相似文献   

Abstract To better understand the etiology of begomovirus epidemics in regions under invasion we need to know how indigenous and invasive whitefly vectors respond to virus infection. We investigated both direct and indirect effects of infection with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on the performance of the invasive Q biotype and the indigenous Asian ZHJ2 biotype of whitefly Bemisia tabaci. The Q biotype performed better than the ZHJ2 biotype on either uninfected or virus‐infected tomato plants. However, virus‐infection of host plants did not, or only marginally affected, the performance of either biotype of whiteflies in terms of fecundity, longevity, survival, development and population increase. Likewise, association of the vectors with TYLCV did not affect fecundity and longevity of the Q or ZHJ2 biotypes on cotton, a non‐host of TYLCV. These results indicate that the alien Q biotype whitefly, but not the indigenous ZHJ2 biotype, is likely to become the major vector of TYLCV in the field and facilitate virus epidemics.  相似文献   

烟粉虱的分类地位及在中国的分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
烟粉虱广泛分布于全球热带和亚热带地区。近20多年,烟粉虱的一些遗传群入侵世界各地,严重危害作物生产。烟粉虱遗传结构的多样性和复杂性早已被关注,但其分类地位,尤其是烟粉虱到底是一个包含多个生物型的种还是一个包含许多隐种的物种复合体,一直颇受争议。近几年,有关烟粉虱种系发生和系统学的研究取得长足进展,有证据推论其是一个包含至少31个隐种的物种复合体,但生殖隔离证据仍显不足,种系发生分析结果也因仅依据COI一个基因而受到质疑。因此,在大多数从事烟粉虱研究的同行接受其为一个物种复合体的概念的同时,仍有同行沿用生物型的概念。在我国境内已先后报道了包括13个本地种和2个全球入侵种在内的15个烟粉虱隐种。本地种主要分布在我国南部及包括海南岛和台湾岛的东南沿海地区,隐种的多样性由南向北逐渐降低。入侵种“中东一小亚细亚1”隐种(MEAMl)(即“B型”)和“地中海”隐种(MED)(即“Q型”)分别于20世纪90年代中后期和2003年前后入侵我国,并在许多地区迅速取代了本地种而占据优势地位。全国范围内的调查数据显示,这2个入侵种可在大部分区域共同存在,但自2005年以来,MED在许多地区陆续取代MEAMl,这很可能与MED对大量使用的新烟碱类杀虫剂有较强抗性有关。本文还讨论了烟粉虱隐种复合体分类所面临的命名等难题以及大范围抽样调查的数据偏差问题。  相似文献   

The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a cryptic species complex that contains some of the most damaging pests in tropical and subtropical regions. Recent studies suggested that this complex is composed of at least 24 distinct species. We use the approach from these studies to consider the identity of B. tabaci in Argentina. Previous studies have suggested the presence of a B. tabaci presumably indigenous to the Americas and referred to as the BR biotype in Argentina. We placed the entity referred to as the BR biotype within the B. tabaci cryptic species complex using whiteflies collected in soybean and bean crops in northern and central Argentina. The whiteflies were assigned using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (mtCOI) gene. Four unknown haplotypes plus two Argentina sequences from GenBank formed a cluster that was basal to the rest of the New World sequences. These sequences diverged from the consensus sequence across the range of 3.6 to 4.3%. Applying the species assignment rules of recent studies suggests that the individuals from Argentina form a separate species. A fifth unknown haplotype fell within the New World putative species and formed a distinct cluster with haplotypes from Panama. These results suggest that Argentina has two indigenous species belonging to the B. tabaci cryptic species complex. Rather than using mtCOI sequencing for all B. tabaci collected, a simple random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction diagnostic was used and tested along with previously published primers designed to work specifically with the BR biotype from Brazil. These primers were either unable to distinguish between the two indigenous members of the complex in Argentina or indicated a difference when none was evident on the basis of mtCOI sequence comparison.  相似文献   

The invasive, insecticide-resistant, Q whitefly biotype, has gradually spread to other countries including the US via human-mediated movement of plant materials. We assessed the utility of the VspI -based mtCOI (mitochondrion cytochrome oxidase I) polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique as a rapid, cost-effective, and reliable alternative for differentiating the Q from the dominant B biotype in Arizona. Using the standard mtCOI gene sequencing and mtCOI PCR-RFLP techniques, we biotyped eight whitefly strains of five individuals each collected from poinsettia and cotton at different locations in Arizona. Complete concordance was observed between the two methods, with three strains being identified as the Q biotype and five samples as the B biotype. We also scanned the mtCOI gene sequences for VspI polymorphisms in the B and Q biotype whiteflies currently available in the GenBank database. This global screening revealed the existence of three and four VspI polymorphic types for the Q and B biotypes, respectively. Nevertheless, all three VspI polymorphic Q biotype whiteflies shared a common and unique VspI site that can be used to differentiate Q biotype from the four VspI polymorphic B biotype whiteflies identified. These results demonstrate that the VspI -based mtCOI gene PCR-RFLP provides a reliable diagnostic tool for differentiating the Q and B biotype whiteflies in the US and elsewhere.  相似文献   

The capacity of the Middle East‐Asia Minor 1 putative species of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) species complex, commonly referred to as the ‘B biotype’, to invade has often been linked to its presumed wider host range than the indigenous competitors. To determine whether this alien putative species and the indigenous Asia II 1 whitefly putative species, commonly referred to as the ‘ZHJ2 biotype’, differ in their ability to use different host plants, we compared their development, survival and reproduction on eight crop species/cultivars that are commonly cultivated in Zhejiang, China. Of the eight host plants tested, B performed substantially better than ZHJ2 on squash, tomato and tobacco, B and ZHJ2 preformed equally well on cotton and sweet potato, while ZHJ2 performed better than B on kidney bean and pepper. These results indicate that while B generally has a wider host range than many indigenous B. tabaci, an indigenous B. tabaci can perform as well as or better on some host plants. These results combined with the cropping patterns in Zhejiang suggested that the differential capacity to use various host plants between whitefly species is important in mediating the process of invasion by an alien whitefly species.  相似文献   

烟粉虱传播双生病毒的特性及分子机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫静  王晓伟  刘树生 《昆虫学报》2015,58(4):445-453
烟粉虱以持久性、可循回的方式传播双生病毒。烟粉虱传毒历经获毒、持毒和传毒3个阶段,烟粉虱体内的病毒受体、病毒蛋白以及寄主植物因子都参与了这个过程。本文综述了影响烟粉虱特异性传播双生病毒的因素以及二者的直接和间接互作。烟粉虱传播双生病毒的特异性不仅与烟粉虱隐种和病毒种类有关,还与烟粉虱体内特定的器官或细胞、烟粉虱和病毒的蛋白以及烟粉虱体内的共生细菌有关。在烟粉虱和双生病毒的长期共进化中,病毒可以通过调控烟粉虱和寄主植物的特性而促进其自身的传播。  相似文献   

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