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生物医学证据表明,过量的油脂特别是脂肪酸(fatty acids,FA)在非脂肪组织累积会引起脂代谢障碍,引起细胞功能紊乱或坏死。脂肪酸延长酶家族参与脂肪酸代谢,具有真核生物的高度保守性,且与膜脂的代谢密切相关。但脂肪酸延长酶与细胞脂毒效应的关系并不清楚。该文利用模式生物酿酒酵母在脂类代谢研究中性状易于表征、遗传操作便利的优势,通过对比脂肪酸延长酶缺陷型elo1Δ、elo2Δ和elo3Δ与野生型酵母(wild-type,WT)对不同脂肪酸胁迫的响应,发现极长链脂肪酸延长酶基因ELO2和ELO3缺陷后对油酸(oleic acid,OLA)高度敏感;细胞脂滴及中性脂质的代谢对维持细胞脂类平衡起关键作用。研究结果显示,长链脂肪酸的合成缺陷或油酸处理均促进细胞脂滴的形成,同时显著提高细胞中性油脂(TAG)和甾醇酯(SE)合成;采用气相色谱–质谱联用技术分析脂肪酸组成,结果显示,ELO3缺陷,C_(26)脂肪酸基本检测不到,而C_(20)与C_(22)脂肪酸会累积;ELO2缺失后,C_(26)脂肪酸的含量也明显降低。而油酸的处理会增加BY4741胞内总的极长链脂肪酸的比例;elo2Δ和elo3Δ的不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸的比例增大;相反,过表达脂肪酸延长酶基因,与野生型菌株相比能显著降低细胞油酸的含量。模式生物脂肪酸延长酶对细胞脂质代谢及油酸胁迫响应的研究,为医学脂代谢障碍及细胞脂毒效应研究提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】探讨目前唯一具有有机溶剂耐受性的嗜热细菌新物种Anoxybacillus flavithermus ssp.yunnanesis E13T甲苯胁迫下膜脂肪酸的变化。【方法】在不同条件下培养菌株E13T,收集细胞,提取脂肪酸,采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)对脂肪酸进行定量测定分析。【结果】0.3% (V/V)甲苯胁迫下生长时,菌株E13T是在从延滞期进入初始生长的时刻显著上调饱和直链脂肪酸含量,然后随着菌体的生长,饱和直链脂肪酸的含量持续减少;在100%甲苯幸存实验中,菌株E13T的饱和直链脂肪酸的增加幅度更为显著。【结论】与常温下的有机溶剂耐受菌一样,A.flavithermus ssp.yunnanesis E13T也是通过调节细胞膜上的脂肪酸,促使细胞膜变硬以抵御甲苯毒性。但是它是通过调节饱和直链脂肪酸,而不是像常温下的有机溶剂耐受菌那样调节不饱和脂肪酸。  相似文献   

【目的】研究一种新来源的微生物油脂的主要组成。【方法】对锁掷酵母(Sporidiobolus pararoseus)油中的主要功能性成分用两次硅胶柱层析进行分离纯化,得到9种物质。对这9种物质用薄板层析法、液相色谱洗脱和质谱法进行定量和定性分析。【结果】这9种物质为角鲨烯、β-胡萝卜素、γ-胡萝卜素、麦角固醇酯、红酵母烯、三甘酯、游离脂肪酸、麦角固醇和红酵母红素。其中麦角固醇的总浓度为3.2 g/kg油,16.7%的麦角固醇以麦角固醇酯的形式存在,角鲨烯的含量为1.25 g/kg油,类胡萝卜素含量为0.4 g/kg油。分析了麦角固醇酯和三甘酯中的脂肪酸组成,锁掷酵母油含有约73%的油酸,它可以作为良好的单不饱和脂肪酸来源。【结论】锁掷酵母油可能成为功能性油脂的来源。  相似文献   

【目的】探索假想脂蛋白连接酶(putative lipoate-protein ligase,LPL)对肺炎链球菌毒力的影响。【方法】采用长臂同源多聚酶链式反应(LFH-PCR)的方法失活lpl基因,通过PCR、测序鉴定缺陷菌株,采用细胞实验比较缺陷菌和野生菌对宿主细胞的粘附能力,并通过动物实验观察lpl基因缺陷后菌株毒力的变化。【结果】小鼠毒力实验表明野生菌株和缺陷株半数致死时间均为12h,两者比较无统计学差异;缺陷菌在对宿主细胞的粘附能力明显高于野生菌株(P0.01);体外荚膜染色实验表明,野生菌和缺陷菌均有荚膜。【结论】实验结果提示lpl基因对细菌粘附宿主细胞有抑制作用,但不影响其腹腔感染小鼠的能力。  相似文献   

【背景】丙二酰单酰辅酶A:酰基载体蛋白转酰基酶(malonyl coenzyme A:acyl carrier protein transacylase, MCAT)是Ⅱ型脂肪酸合酶(fatty acid synthase Ⅱ, FASⅡ)的重要亚基,与脂肪酸合成直接相关,然而关于微藻MCAT的信息却很少。【目的】验证三角褐指藻MCAT的功能。【方法】在模式硅藻三角褐指藻的全基因组序列中发现了一个可能的mcat基因序列,对其进行生物信息学分析,构建原核表达载体,并转入MCAT缺陷型大肠杆菌L48菌株中,最后利用GC-MS分析突变株脂肪酸的成分和含量。【结果】三角褐指藻MCAT主要结构为α-螺旋和无规则卷曲,与圆柱脆杆藻的亲缘关系最为接近,为protits型MCAT;三角褐指藻MCAT的表达使MCAT缺陷型大肠杆菌L48菌株恢复了合成脂肪酸的功能;对L48回复突变株的脂肪酸组成进行分析,发现该酶对C14:0具有底物偏好性,从而促进中长链脂肪酸如C16:0和C17:1的合成,这一特点与protits型MCAT的特性基本相符。【结论】三角褐指藻MCAT能促进脂肪酸的合成,这为微藻脂肪酸合成及...  相似文献   

童钰  陆海霞  励建荣 《微生物学报》2012,52(10):1244-1250
【目的】探讨水产品中副溶血性弧菌基于细胞膜损伤和修复的耐超高压胁迫机制。【方法】以80-250MPa超高压多次处理原始敏感菌株,从中筛选分离副溶血弧菌的耐压菌株,通过紫外分光光度法测定超高压处理前后细胞膜通透性的变化;采用SDS-PAGE电泳技术分析原始敏感菌株与耐高压胁迫菌株细胞膜可溶性蛋白的差异,采用超微量Na+K+ATP酶试剂盒分别测定原始菌株与耐压菌株的Na+K+ATP酶活性,用GC-MS法分析耐压菌株与原始菌株细胞膜脂肪酸组成的差异。【结果】分离获得的副溶血弧菌耐压菌株直接经250 MPa压力胁迫处理,存活量可较原始菌株提高103数量级。当处理压力大于400 MPa时,耐压菌株上清液中核酸物质泄露与原始菌株差异显著。耐压菌的可溶性膜蛋白在分子量为36 kDa处浓度明显增加,Na+K+ATPase酶活性比原始菌株提高了83.3%,细胞膜不饱和脂肪酸含量由51.57%变为54.23%。【结论】原始的副溶血性弧菌在250 MPa压力处理后存活率为0.0008%,而耐高压胁迫菌株在250 MPa压力处理后存活率可达到0.28%。经超高压处理分离得到的耐压菌株细胞膜上低分子量可溶性膜蛋白含量高于原始菌株、Na+K+ATPase酶活性显著高于原始菌株、不饱和脂肪酸比例加大,这些细胞膜上的主要成分含量的变化均与菌株耐压性有关。  相似文献   

齐艳利  刘晖  周配  高聪  刘立明 《微生物学报》2021,61(5):1359-1369
[目的] 研究中介体亚基Med15B(ORF CAGL0H06215g)介导的脂肪酸代谢影响光滑球拟酵母(Candida glabrata)耐受低pH胁迫的生理机制。[方法] 在菌株Δmed15B中过量表达脂肪酸延伸酶基因elo1(ORF CAGL0L08184g)和Δ9去饱和酶基因ole1(ORF CAGL0I00418g),构建过表达菌株Δmed15B/elo1-ole1,然后与菌株Δmed15B和亲本菌株ATCC55对比分析基因elo1ole1的表达水平、脂肪酸组分比例、细胞膜完整性和耐受能力在pH 2.0和pH 6.0条件下的差异。[结果] 发现,在pH 2.0条件下过表达菌株Δmed15B/elo1-ole1:(1)基因elo1ole1表达水平比菌株Δmed15B分别上调了4.1倍和3.3倍,与亲本菌株ATCC55相比分别上调了2.5倍和2.2倍;(2)脂肪酸平均链长延长至17.4,高于菌株Δmed15B的16.8和亲本菌株ATCC55的17.1;不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸的比值比菌株Δmed15B和亲本菌株ATCC55分别提高了53.1%和41.5%;(3)碘化丙啶(PI)染色细胞数占总检测细胞数的比例,与菌株Δmed15B和亲本菌株ATCC55比较分别下降了60.8%和37.7%;(4)细胞半抑制pH(胁迫)(IC50)值达到pH 2.3,比菌株Δmed15B的pH 3.7和亲本菌株ATCC55的pH 3.1具有更强的耐受能力。[结论] 在菌株Δmed15B中过表达基因elo1ole1能通过提高长链脂肪酸和不饱和脂肪酸含量,增强细胞对低pH胁迫的耐受能力。  相似文献   

【目的】研究Acetobacter pasteurianus CICIM B7003对醋酸发酵形成的酸胁迫环境在细胞形态、生理、代谢方面的响应,初步提出巴氏醋杆菌的动态耐酸机制模型,为高酸度高强度液态深层醋酸发酵提供理论帮助。【方法】在9 L自吸式发酵罐中用A.pasteurianus CICIM B7003发酵醋酸,选取不同生长阶段细胞检测其荚膜多糖含量、膜不饱和脂肪酸含量、耐酸基因转录水平、乙醇呼吸链酶和ATP酶活性,研究醋酸菌形态、生理和代谢随醋酸积累的变化。【结果】醋酸的存在能减少细胞分泌荚膜多糖,发酵中多糖占细胞干重百分比由最初2.5%下降到0.89%;随发酵进行细胞膜不饱和脂肪酸占膜总脂肪酸含量显著提高,致使细胞膜流动性增加;耐酸基因相对转录水平显著提高而提升了细胞对酸性环境的抗性;乙醇呼吸链酶和ATP酶活性随醋酸积累也显著提高,为细胞提供足够的能量以满足耐酸机制对能量的需求。【结论】初步确定A.pasteurianus CICIM B7003主要依靠改变细胞膜脂肪酸组分、激活耐酸基因转录、增强乙醇呼吸链活力及快速产能等机制的协同作用,实现对酸胁迫的制衡。  相似文献   

伊曲康唑(斯皮仁诺,西安杨森制药有限公司)属于三唑类抗真菌药物,其作用机制和其他唑类药物一样,主要干扰真菌细胞膜麦角固醇的生物合成。但伊曲康唑对真菌细胞色素P450酶系统亲和力强,选择性强,而对人类细胞色素P450酶系统亲和力差,故毒性较低,且没有对内分泌的影响。伊曲康唑目前有3种制剂可供临床使用,如胶囊、口服液和静脉注射液,多数临床研究显示对浅部和深部真菌感染有良好效果,  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】研究Acetobacter pasteurianus CICIM B7003 对醋酸发酵形成的酸胁迫环境在细胞形态、生理、代谢方面的响应,初步提出巴氏醋杆菌的动态耐酸机制模型,为高酸度高强度液态深层醋酸发酵提供理论帮助。【方法】在9 L自吸式发酵罐中用A.pasteurianus CICIM B7003发酵醋酸,选取不同生长阶段细胞检测其荚膜多糖含量、膜不饱和脂肪酸含量、耐酸基因转录水平、乙醇呼吸链酶和ATP酶活性,研究醋酸菌形态、生理和代谢随醋酸积累的变化。【结果】醋酸的存在能减少细胞分泌荚膜多糖,发酵中多糖占细胞干重百分比由最初2.5%下降到0.89%;随发酵进行细胞膜不饱和脂肪酸占膜总脂肪酸含量显著提高,致使细胞膜流动性增加;耐酸基因相对转录水平显著提高而提升了细胞对酸性环境的抗性;乙醇呼吸链酶和ATP 酶活性随醋酸积累也显著提高,为细胞提供足够的能量以满足耐酸机制对能量的需求。【结论】初步确定A.pasteurianus CICIM B7003主要依靠改变细胞膜脂肪酸组分、激活耐酸基因转录、增强乙醇呼吸链活力及快速产能等机制的协同作用,实现对酸胁迫的制衡。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the roles of very long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) synthesis by fatty acid elongase 3 (ELO3) in the regulation of telomere length and life span in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Loss of VLCFA synthesis via deletion of ELO3 reduced telomere length, and reconstitution of the expression of wild type ELO3, and not by its mutant with decreased catalytic activity, rescued telomere attrition. Further experiments revealed that alterations of phytoceramide seem to be dispensable for telomere shortening in response to loss of ELO3. Interestingly, telomere shortening in elo3Delta cells was almost completely prevented by deletion of IPK2 or KCS1, which are involved in the generation of inositol phosphates (IP4, IP5, and inositol pyrophosphates). Deletion of IPK1, which generates IP6, however, did not affect regulation of telomere length. Further data also suggested that elo3Delta cells exhibit accelerated chronologic aging, and reduced replicative life span compared with wild type cells, and deletion of KCS1 helped recover these biological defects. Importantly, to determine downstream mechanisms, epistasis experiments were performed, and data indicated that ELO3 and YKU70/80 share a common pathway for the regulation of telomere length. More specifically, chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that the telomere binding and protective function of YKu80p in vivo was reduced in elo3Delta cells, whereas its non-homologues end-joining function was not altered. Deletion of KCS1 in elo3Delta cells recovered the telomere binding and protective function of Ku, consistent with the role of KCS1 mutation in the rescue of telomere length attrition. Thus, these findings provide initial evidence of a possible link between Elo3-dependent VLCFA synthesis, and IP metabolism by KCS1 and IPK2 in the regulation of telomeres, which play important physiological roles in the control of senescence and aging, via a mechanism involving alterations of the telomere-binding/protection function of Ku.  相似文献   

AmB is an antifungal drug of polyene. Although it is prone to nephrotoxicity, it is still the gold standard in the clinical treatment of fungal infection. Sterol plays a decisive role in the drug activity of AmB. The antifungal activity of AmB depends on ergosterol in fungal membranes, and its toxicity is related to cholesterol in mammalian membranes. At the same time, AmB interacts with biofilms, leading to a significant loss of potassium ions and affecting the transport of potassium ions across membranes. Meanwhile, metal cation may also affect AmB molecules’ aggregation on the membrane. This paper mainly studied the effects of different concentrations of potassium ions on the interactions between AmB and lipid monolayers containing cholesterol or ergosterol and explored the differences in the impact of varying potassium ions on the drug activity of AmB on monolayers rich in these two kinds of sterols. The results show that potassium ions caused the collapse of lipid monolayer and lipid-AmB monolayer to disappear. The limiting molecular area of these monolayers also increased due to potassium ions. The limiting molecular area of the monolayer in the presence of ergosterol has a great difference in the different concentration of potassium ions, which is different from that in the presence of cholesterol. The presence of potassium ions, regardless of the intensity of K+ ions, increased the maximum elastic modulus of the lipid/sterol monolayer with and without AmB. The presence of potassium ions reduced the influence of AmB on the stability of the lipid monolayer containing cholesterol. The impact of AmB on the stability of the lipid monolayer containing ergosterol was related to the concentration of potassium ions. The potassium ions increased the area of the ordered “island” region on the lipid-AmB monolayer containing cholesterol, and the boundary of the microregion produced different degrees of curvature. However, on the lipid/ergosterol monolayer, 5 mM and 10 mM potassium ions made the holes caused by AmB more denser, and the diameter of holes become larger. These results can help to improve the effect of potassium ions on the transmembrane transport of substances affected by AmB. The results will provide a basis for further exploration of the effect mechanism of metal ions on the antifungal activity of polyene drugs.  相似文献   

Fungal sphingolipids contain ceramide with a very-long-chain fatty acid (C26). To investigate the physiological significance of the C26-substitution on this lipid, we performed a screen for mutants that are synthetically lethal with ELO3. Elo3p is a component of the ER-associated fatty acid elongase and is required for the final elongation cycle to produce C26 from C22/C24 fatty acids. elo3delta mutant cells thus contain C22/C24- instead of the natural C26-substituted ceramide. We now report that under these conditions, an otherwise nonessential, but also fungal-specific, structural modification of the major sterol of yeast, ergosterol, becomes essential, because mutations in ELO3 are synthetically lethal with mutations in ERG6. Erg6p catalyzes the methylation of carbon atom 24 in the aliphatic side chain of sterol. The lethality of an elo3delta erg6delta double mutant is rescued by supplementation with ergosterol but not with cholesterol, indicating a vital structural requirement for the ergosterol-specific methyl group. To characterize this structural requirement in more detail, we generated a strain that is temperature sensitive for the function of Erg6p in an elo3delta mutant background. Examination of raft association of the GPI-anchored Gas1p and plasma membrane ATPase, Pma1p, in the conditional elo3delta erg6(ts) double mutant, revealed a specific defect of the mutant to maintain raft association of preexisting Pma1p. Interestingly, in an elo3delta mutant at 37 degrees C, newly synthesized Pma1p failed to enter raft domains early in the biosynthetic pathway, and upon arrival at the plasma membrane was rerouted to the vacuole for degradation. These observations indicate that the C26 fatty acid substitution on lipids is important for establishing raft association of Pma1p and stabilizing the protein at the cell surface. Analysis of raft lipids in the conditional mutant strain revealed a selective enrichment of ergosterol in detergent-resistant membrane domains, indicating that specific structural determinants on both sterols and sphingolipids are required for their association into raft domains.  相似文献   

The TSC13/YDL015c gene was identified in a screen for suppressors of the calcium sensitivity of csg2Delta mutants that are defective in sphingolipid synthesis. The fatty acid moiety of sphingolipids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) that is synthesized by a microsomal enzyme system that lengthens the palmitate produced by cytosolic fatty acid synthase by two carbon units in each cycle of elongation. The TSC13 gene encodes a protein required for elongation, possibly the enoyl reductase that catalyzes the last step in each cycle of elongation. The tsc13 mutant accumulates high levels of long-chain bases as well as ceramides that harbor fatty acids with chain lengths shorter than 26 carbons. These phenotypes are exacerbated by the deletion of either the ELO2 or ELO3 gene, both of which have previously been shown to be required for VLCFA synthesis. Compromising the synthesis of malonyl coenzyme A (malonyl-CoA) by inactivating acetyl-CoA carboxylase in a tsc13 mutant is lethal, further supporting a role of Tsc13p in VLCFA synthesis. Tsc13p coimmunoprecipitates with Elo2p and Elo3p, suggesting that the elongating proteins are organized in a complex. Tsc13p localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum and is highly enriched in a novel structure marking nuclear-vacuolar junctions.  相似文献   

While de novo fatty acid synthesis uses acetyl-CoA, fatty acid elongation uses longer-chain acyl-CoAs as primers. Several mutations that interfere with fatty acid elongation in yeast have already been described, suggesting that there may be different elongases for medium- and long-chain acyl-CoA primers. In the present study, an experimental approach is described that allows differential characterization of the various yeast elongases in vitro. Based on their characteristic primer specificities and product patterns, at least three different yeast elongases are defined. Elongase I extends C12-C16 fatty acyl-CoAs to C16-C18 fatty acids. Elongase II elongates palmitoyl-CoA and stearoyl-CoA up to C22 fatty acids, and elongase III synthesizes 20-26-carbon fatty acids from C18-CoA primers. Elongases I, II and III are specifically inactivated in, respectively, elo1, elo2 and elo3 mutants. Elongases II and III share the same 3-ketoacyl reductase, which is encoded by the YBR159w gene. Inactivation of YBR159w inhibits in vitro fatty acid elongation after the first condensation reaction. Although in vitro elongase activity is absent, the mutant nevertheless contains 10-30% of normal VLCFA levels. On the basis of this finding, an additional elongating activity is inferred to be present in vivo. ybr159Delta cells show synthetic lethality in the presence of cerulenin, which inactivates fatty acid synthase. An involvement of FAS in VLCFA synthesis may account for these findings, but remains to be demonstrated directly. Alternatively, a vital role for C18 and C20 hydroxyacids, which are dramatically overproduced in ybr159Delta cells, may be postulated.  相似文献   

Amphotericin B (AmB) is a very effective anti-fungal polyene macrolide antibiotic whose usage is limited by its toxicity. Lack of a complete understanding of AmB's molecular mechanism has impeded attempts to design less toxic AmB derivatives. The antibiotic is known to interact with sterols present in the cell membrane to form ion channels that disrupt membrane function. The slightly higher affinity of AmB toward ergosterol (dominant sterol in fungal cells) than cholesterol (mammalian sterol) is regarded as the most essential factor on which antifungal chemotherapy is based. To study these differences at the molecular level, two realistic model membrane channels containing molecules of AmB, sterol (cholesterol or ergosterol), phospholipid, and water were studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Comparative analysis of the simulation data revealed that the sterol type has noticeable effect on the properties of AmB membrane channels. In addition to having a larger size, the AmB channel in the ergosterol-containing membrane has a more pronounced pattern of intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The interaction between the antibiotic and ergosterol is more specific than between the antibiotic and cholesterol. These observed differences suggest that the channel in the ergosterol-containing membrane is more stable and, due to its larger size, would have a higher ion conductance. These observations are in agreement with experiments.  相似文献   

The polyene antibiotics amphotericin B (AmB) and N-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)amphotericin (N-Fru-AmB) have different activity towards murine thymocytes (N-Fru-AmB is less toxic but is a potent immunomodulator). The interactions of the drugs with these cells have been studied by fluorescence methods. Fluorescence energy transfer from 1-[4-(trimethylammonio) phenyl]-6-phenylhexa-1,3,5-triene, p-toluenesulfonate (TMA-DPH) to polyenes was used to follow the binding of the two drugs to the plasma membrane. The results, confirmed by circular dichroism measurements, indicate that at saturation the ratio AmB bound/plasma membrane lipid is low (less than 1 molecule of polyene for 170 lipids). The slightly higher binding of AmB as compared to N-Fru-AmB demonstrates that affinity of the antibiotic for plasma membrane does not account for the activity of the polyenes towards lymphocytes. The effect of the two polyenes on membrane fluidity was studied by steady-state fluorescence anisotropy. The results suggest that AmB strongly perturbs the structure of the membrane whereas only a slight decrease of the anisotropy is observed with N-Fru-AmB in the range of concentration where the biological activity has been demonstrated. Polyene location was further investigated by comparing the energy transfer efficiency obtained with TMA-DPH and with the parental compound 1,6-diphenylhexa-1,3,5-triene, p-toluene sulfonate (DPH). While AmB binds to plasma membrane, as well as to intracellular structures, N-Fru-AmB seems to accumulate into the cell and bind to intracellular membrane structures.  相似文献   

Amphotericin B (AmB) is an amphipathic polyene antibiotic which permeabilizes ergosterol-containing membranes, supposedly by formation of pores. In water, AmB forms chiral aggregates, modelled as stacks of planar dimers in which the joined polyene chains in each dimer turn round, from one dimer to the following in these stacks, by forming a helical array. Studies of the binding of AmB with L-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (L-DPPC) and L-dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (L-DLPC) bilayers disclose the main following results. (1) An inversion of the helicity of the L-DPPC-bound AmB aggregates, when the L-DPPC bilayers are in the gel phase, is inferred from the evolution of the circular dichroism spectra of AmB+L-DPPC mixtures. (2) An AmB-induced gel-to-subgel transformation of L-DPPC bilayers, in the previous mixtures, is revealed by a differential scanning calorimetry study. (3) The role played by ergosterol in the location of phospholipid-bound AmB aggregates with respect to a phospholipid bilayer is directly demonstrated from atomic force microscopy observations of mica-supported AmB+L-DLPC mixtures, in the presence or absence of ergosterol. While in the absence of ergosterol AmB aggregates remained at the surface of the bilayer, in the presence of ergosterol they appeared embedded within this bilayer and became hollow-centered. As such an embedding in the hydrophobic core of a bilayer requires a rearrangement of the aggregates with respect to their architecture in water, this rearrangement is held responsible for the hollowing of aggregates. The hollow-centered sublayer-embedded AmB aggregates are thought to be the precursors of the formation of AmB pores.  相似文献   

Amphotericin B (AmB) is an amphipathic polyene antibiotic which permeabilizes ergosterol-containing membranes, supposedly by formation of pores. In water, AmB forms chiral aggregates, modelled as stacks of planar dimers in which the joined polyene chains in each dimer turn round, from one dimer to the following in these stacks, by forming a helical array. Studies of the binding of AmB with L-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (L-DPPC) and L-dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (L-DLPC) bilayers disclose the main following results. (1) An inversion of the helicity of the L-DPPC-bound AmB aggregates, when the L-DPPC bilayers are in the gel phase, is inferred from the evolution of the circular dichroism spectra of AmB+L-DPPC mixtures. (2) An AmB-induced gel-to-subgel transformation of L-DPPC bilayers, in the previous mixtures, is revealed by a differential scanning calorimetry study. (3) The role played by ergosterol in the location of phospholipid-bound AmB aggregates with respect to a phospholipid bilayer is directly demonstrated from atomic force microscopy observations of mica-supported AmB+L-DLPC mixtures, in the presence or absence of ergosterol. While in the absence of ergosterol AmB aggregates remained at the surface of the bilayer, in the presence of ergosterol they appeared embedded within this bilayer and became hollow-centered. As such an embedding in the hydrophobic core of a bilayer requires a rearrangement of the aggregates with respect to their architecture in water, this rearrangement is held responsible for the hollowing of aggregates. The hollow-centered sublayer-embedded AmB aggregates are thought to be the precursors of the formation of AmB pores.  相似文献   

Ceramides and sphingolipid intermediates are well-established regulators of the cell cycle. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae, the complex sphingolipid backbone, ceramide, comprises a long chain sphingoid base, a polar head group, and a very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA). While ceramides and long chain bases have been extensively studied as to their roles in regulating cell cycle arrest under multiple conditions, the roles of VLCFAs are not well understood. Here, we used the yeast elo2 and elo3 mutants, which are unable to elongate fatty acids, as tools to explore if maintaining VLCFA elongation is necessary for cell cycle arrest in response to yeast mating. We found that both elo2 and elo3 cells had severely reduced mating efficiencies and were unable to form polarized shmoo projections that are necessary for cell-cell contact during mating. They also lacked functional MAP kinase signaling activity and were defective in initiating a cell cycle arrest in response to pheromone. Additional data suggests that mislocalization of the Ste5 scaffold in elo2 and elo3 mutants upon mating initiation may be responsible for the inability to initiate a cell cycle arrest. Moreover, the lack of proper Ste5 localization may be caused by the inability of mutant cells to mobilize PIP2. We suggest that VLCFAs are required for Ste5 localization, which is a necessary event for initiating MAP kinase signaling and cell cycle arrest during yeast mating initiation.  相似文献   

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