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海洋环境中难培养微生物的寡营养培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋中存在着丰富的微生物资源, 但迄今为止能够在实验室培养的微生物却不到1%, 而且能够通过培养得到的环境优势种更少, 这成为当代环境微生物学研究和海洋资源开发的最大障碍。过去十多年来, 通过不断改进培养方法和检测手段, 发明了许多新颖独特的技术, 提高了培养效率。特别是通过海洋微生物的寡营养培养技术, 分离并命名了一些难培养微生物, 给予人们极大的启发。海洋微生物资源的可持续性开发和利用, 是21世纪人类发展的重要方向, 是我们研究海洋微观世界的基础, 值得微生物学界同仁的共同关注。  相似文献   

微生物学是各类高校生命科学学院及医、药、农、林、食品等有关专业本科生的必修专业基础课,地位十分重要。对微生物多样性的研究是各相关领域中的重要研究热点,且不断取得丰硕的研究成果。然而,目前大多数高等教育规划教材《微生物学》缺乏对微生物多样性知识点、研究方法及相关领域研究进展的系统介绍,在一定程度上局限了学生对该知识点的学习和掌握,不利于拓展学习视野。在分析了相关概念、研究方法并对比国内外主流《微生物学》相关教材的基础上,结合教材的专业倾向,我们建议在《微生物学》教材中适当增加微生物多样性知识点内容及该领域研究进展,让学生与时俱进,进一步接轨专业研究前沿。  相似文献   

最近研究表明,即便是处于同一种群中的微生物细胞,在基因转录和翻译、蛋白活性、以及代谢物丰度等多个水平都可能存在显著差异,说明微生物细胞间存在着多个层次上的异质性;同时,传统微生物学研究方法需要将所研究的微生物对象在实验室实现再次培养,然后对纯培养的微生物种群进行研究,这样往往造成实验室的研究结果无法真实地反映微生物细胞在自然界中的原始状态,急需发展新的原位研究手段;此外,自然界中的微生物目前只有极少部分可以在实验室中进行培养,仍有大量微生物无法通过传统方法进行发掘和研究。单细胞尺度微生物学为解决这些微生物学研究中的重要挑战提供了一种新的策略和技术思路,有望帮助我们更为直观、深入地了解每个细胞内部的状态,以及其在自然界的生理生态功能。本文对单细胞尺度微生物学研究的意义以及当前单细胞尺度微生物学的研究方法,特别是新兴的微生物单细胞组学方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

2023年是《伯杰氏鉴定细菌学手册》出版一百周年。《伯杰氏鉴定细菌学手册》的诞生,旨在建立起原核微生物分类的明确标准,开启对原核微生物分类学探索的使命。随着生物学、物理学、化学、分子生物学、生物信息学及其相关研究技术的发展及学科交叉,微生物分类学逐渐发展为以系统发育和多相分类为基础、研究微生物物种进化与生物学特性和物种间相关性的学科,因此新发现的微生物物种及其生物学特征信息增加迅猛,该手册在2015年改名为《伯杰氏古菌与细菌系统学手册》,并采用了电子版,使得更新快捷,为原核微生物系统分类学领域注入新的生机和活力。《伯杰氏鉴定细菌学手册》是微生物系统分类学的经典之作,为微生物学者提供微生物物种分类信息的同时,也在引领该领域的学者探索更为广阔的微生物世界。“伯杰氏国际系统微生物学学会”于2009年成立,旨在促进国际微生物领域的学术交流,推动原核微生物系统分类学的发展。本综述全面回顾了《伯杰氏鉴定细菌学手册》和“伯杰氏国际系统微生物学学会”的发展历史及最新进展,并对其未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

正出版:高等教育出版社出版时间:2018年7月ISBN:978-7-04-049873-8定价:180元内容简介本书原版是国际上最具声誉的微生物学教科书之一,2017年最新版次为第10版。本书秉承《Prescott微生物学》一直以来博大精深、新颖、系统的特点,几乎涵盖了微生物学领域的所有概念,具有一定的深度和广度。全书共9篇43章,既包含学习微生物学的目的、微生物学的化学原理、研究微生物的技术方法、微生物的特  相似文献   

《微生物学杂志》属中国微生物学会主办的系列学术期刊之一,是包括工业微生物学、农业微生物学、医学微生物学、兽医微生物学、食用菌学、生物工程学及各相关领域的综合性刊物,创刊早、刊龄长。为国内从事微生物的科研人员、大专院校师生、企业、厂家及微  相似文献   

研究生教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,是国家创新发展的重要力量,现代分子生物学技术已广泛应用到各类医学研究生专业学科,并且成为了医学研究的基本技能,基础医学微生物学专业研究生是为微生物领域的科学研究提供高级后备人才,学习和掌握现代分子生物学技术势在必行。本文将对现代分子生物学技术在基础医学微生物学专业研究生教育中的应用及其意义,获得的实践效果进行阐述,为培养微生物学研究生的科研思路、学习基本的研究手段,从事生命科学研究提供一定的基础。  相似文献   

《微生物学杂志》属中国微生物学会主办的系列学术期刊之一,是包括工业微生物学、农业微生物学、医学微生物学、兽医微生物学、食用菌学、生物工程学及各相关领域的综合性刊物,创刊早、刊龄长。为国内从事微生物的科研人员、大专院校师生、企业、厂家及微  相似文献   

《微生物学杂志》属中国微生物学会主办的系列学术期刊之一,是包括工业微生物学、农业微生物学、医学微生物学、兽医微生物学、食用菌学、生物工程学及各相关领域的综合性刊物,创刊早、刊龄长。为国内从事微生物的科研人员、大专院校师生、企业、厂家及微  相似文献   

从环境中分离培养微生物:培养基营养水平至关重要   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
根据目前的微生物学知识体系,利用现有的微生物培养技术仅仅能够分离和培养部分微生物,自然环境中绝大多数微生物暂不能培养。本文总结归纳了部分微生物培养技术和培养策略,包括采取生境隔离、延长培养时间以及模拟自然环境条件等方法,尤其是培养基的营养水平对可培养微生物数量及种类产生重要影响。简要总结了寡营养微生物及其生态意义,以及营养物浓度影响微生物生长的机理。提出可根据微生物的生态环境条件及细胞生理特性,设计合理的培养条件和培养方法,以及采用多种分离培养方法联合,以期最终提高环境微生物的可培养性。  相似文献   

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Conventional microbial cell cultivation techniques are typically labor intensive, low throughput, and poorlyparallelized, rendering them inefficient. The development of automated, modular microbial cell micro-cultivation systems, particularly those employing droplet microfluidics, have gained attention for their high-throughput, highly paralellized and efficient cultivation capabilities. Here, we report the development of a microbial microdroplet culture system (MMC), which is an integrated platform for automated, high-throughput cultivation and adaptive evolution of microorganisms. We demonstrated that the MMC yielded both accurate and reproducible results for the manipulation and detection of droplets. The superior performance of MMC for microbial cell cultivation was validated by comparing the growth curves of six microbial strains grown in MMC, conventional shake flasks or well plates. The highest incipient growth rate for all six microbial strains was achieved by using MMC. We also conducted an 18-day process of adaptive evolution of methanol-essential Escherichia coli strain in MMC and obtained two strains exhibiting higher growth rates compared with the parent strain. Our study demonstrates the power of MMC to provide an efficient and reliable approach for automated, high-throughput microbial cultivation and adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

离子注入微生物诱变育种的研究与应用进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
离子束作为一种新的诱变源虽然在微生物上的应用起步较晚,但成果显著。这项技术适用于多种微生物,也可以和其它方法结合对菌种进行复合诱变,同样离子束介导转基因技术不仅适于植物细胞,对微生物细胞也是可行的。这一技术在对微生物诱变育种的研究中,表现出比传统诱变方法高的诱变效率,利用离子注入进行微生物菌种改良已在生产实践中得到广泛的应用,并取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。对离子注入微生物诱变育种的理论研究进展和实际应用情况进行了综述。  相似文献   

As a technique allowing simultaneous visualization, identification, enumeration and localization of individual microbial cells, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is useful for many applications in all fields of microbiology. FISH not only allows the detection of culturable microorganisms, but also of yet-to-be cultured (so-called unculturable) organisms, and can therefore help in understanding complex microbial communities. In this review, methodological aspects, as well as problems and pitfalls of FISH are discussed in an examination of past, present and future applications.  相似文献   

Metagenomics (also Environmental Genomics, Ecogenomics or Community Genomics) is an emerging approach to studying microbial communities in the environment. This relatively new technique enables studies of organisms that are not easily cultured in a laboratory, thus differing from traditional microbiology that relies almost entirely on cultured organisms. Metagenomics technology thus holds the premise of new depths of understanding of microbes and, importantly, is a new tool for addressing biotechnological problems, without tedious cultivation efforts. DNA sequencing technology has already made a significant breakthrough, and generation of gigabase-pairs of microbial DNA sequences is not posing a challenge any longer. However, conceptual advances in microbial science will not only rely on the availability of innovative sequencing platforms, but also on sequence-independent tools for getting an insight into the functioning of microbial communities. This is an important issue, as we know that even the best annotations of genomes and metagenomes only create hypotheses of the functionality and substrate spectra of encoded proteins which require experimental testing by classical disciplines such as physiology and biochemistry. In this review, we address the following question, how to take advantage of, and how can we improve the, metagenomic technology for accommodating the needs of microbial biologists and enzymologists?  相似文献   

未培养环境微生物培养方法的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自然界中微生物种类繁多、功能多样、分布广泛,对人类健康安全、生态稳定和物种进化等发挥不可替代的作用。尽管微生物培养技术至今已有一百多年,然而由于各种限制因素的制约,目前成功分离培养的微生物仅占0.1%-1.0%,自然界中仍有十分丰富的微生物资源有待挖掘和开发利用。如何理解难培养微生物的制约因素并探索作用机制,同时借此开发新型微生物培养方法则尤为必要。本文首先分析了典型环境微生物生长的限制因素,然后介绍了目前利用传统培养改进措施进行分离筛选的研究成果,进一步综述了原位培养、共培养、微流控培养技术、细胞分选技术等新型培养技术在难培养微生物分离培养中的应用,最后对目前培养法存在的瓶颈问题进行深入分析,提出今后可在多技术联合使用、难培养微生物复苏机制、微生物互作机制、代谢途径与调控机制等方面进行研究,以期为今后微生物资源开发利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Variability is a hallmark of microbial systems. On the one hand, microbes are subject to environmental heterogeneity and undergo changeable conditions in their immediate surroundings. On the other hand, microbial populations exhibit high cellular diversity. The relation between microbial diversity and variability of population dynamics is difficult to assess. This connection can be quantitatively studied from a perspective that combines in silico models and thermodynamic methods and interpretations. The infection process of Plasmodium falciparum parasitizing human red blood cells under laboratory cultivation conditions is used to illustrate the potential of Individual-based models in the context of predictive microbiology and parasitology. Experimental data from several in vitro cultures are compared to the outcome of an individual-based model and analysed from a thermodynamic perspective. This approach allows distinguishing between intrinsic and external constraints that give rise to the diversity in the infection forms, and it provides a criterion to quantitatively define transient and stationary regimes in the culture. Increasing the ability of models to discriminate between different states of microbial populations enhances their predictive capability which finally leads to a better the control over culture systems. The strategy here presented is of general application and it can substantially improve modelling of other types of microbial communities.  相似文献   

In order to identify and quantify the microorganisms present in a certain ecosystem, it has become necessary to develop molecular methods avoiding cultivation, which allows to characterize only the countable part of the microorganisms in the sample, therefore losing the information related to the microbial component which presents a vitality condition, although it cannot duplicate in culture medium. In this context, one of the most used techniques is fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with ribosomal RNA targeted oligonucleotide probes. Owing to its speed and sensitivity, this technique is considered a powerful tool for phylogenetic, ecological, diagnostic and environmental studies in microbiology. Through the use of species-specific probes, it is possible to identify different microorganisms in complex microbial communities, thus providing a solid support to the understanding of inter-species interaction. The knowledge of the composition and distribution of microorganisms in natural habitats can be interesting for ecological reasons in microbial ecology, and for safety and technological aspects in food microbiology. Methodological aspects, use of different probes and applications of FISH to microbial ecosystems are presented in this review.  相似文献   

Global phenotypic characterization of bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The measure of the quality of a systems biology model is how well it can reproduce and predict the behaviors of a biological system such as a microbial cell. In recent years, these models have been built up in layers, and each layer has been growing in sophistication and accuracy in parallel with a global data set to challenge and validate the models in predicting the content or activities of genes (genomics), proteins (proteomics), metabolites (metabolomics), and ultimately cell phenotypes (phenomics). This review focuses on the latter, the phenotypes of microbial cells. The development of Phenotype MicroArrays, which attempt to give a global view of cellular phenotypes, is described. In addition to their use in fleshing out and validating systems biology models, there are many other uses of this global phenotyping technology in basic and applied microbiology research, which are also described.  相似文献   

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