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紫苏叶上有两种腺毛:盾状腺毛和头状腺毛。两者都具1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和头部。前者的头部可由1、2、4或8个分泌细胞组成,扩展成盾状;后者的头部由1、2或4个分泌细胞组成,聚成圆球状。两种腺毛的原始细胞都来源于原表皮细胞,经两次平周分裂产生基细胞、柄细胞和顶细胞。在腺毛后期的形态发生中,柄细胞的分化状态决定腺毛的类型。若柄细胞保持扁平状且处于分生状态时,其顶细胞将发育成盾状腺毛的头部;若柄细胞纵向引长并迅速液泡化时,其顶细胞将发育成头状腺毛的头部。  相似文献   

野薄荷叶腺毛的发育形态学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了分布于我国东北部的野薄荷叶表面腺毛的结构和发育。主要腺毛有两种:多细胞盾状腺毛和弯曲单细胞头状腺毛。多细胞盾状腺毛由1个基细胞,1个柄细胞和一个由8-12个分泌细胞构成的头部组成。单细胞头状腺毛由1个基细胞,1个柄细胞和一个分泌细胞头部构成。  相似文献   

为进行中药溪黄草基原植物的品种鉴定,采用光镜和电镜对线纹香茶菜(原变种)[Isodon lophanthoides var.lophanthoides]叶上腺毛的发育进行细胞学研究。结果表明,线纹香茶菜具有头状腺毛和盾状腺毛2种类型。头状腺毛无色透明,由1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和1或2个头部分泌细胞构成;盾状腺毛为红色,由1或2个基细胞、1个柄细胞和4~8个分泌细胞构成头部。2种腺毛均由原表皮细胞经两次平周分裂形成,后因柄细胞和头部细胞所处的分化状态不同而形成两类腺毛。2种腺毛超微结构表明,质体、高尔基体和粗面内质网为主要分泌物产生和运输的细胞器。当盾状腺毛成熟时,角质层下间隙充满了分泌物,其分泌物的性质很可能决定了线纹香茶菜腺毛的颜色。  相似文献   

羽叶薰衣草表皮毛的发育解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对羽叶薰衣草(LavandulapinnataL.)茎和叶上两种表皮毛(腺毛和非腺毛)发育的解剖学观察表明,两者的发生都源于茎或叶的原表皮细胞,但外部形态、发育过程及功能明显不同。腺毛有头状腺毛和盾状腺毛两种类型,均由1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和头部细胞构成。头状腺毛的头部只有1个或2个分泌细胞,盾状腺毛由8个分泌细胞构成头部。非腺毛由3-20个细胞组成,可分为三种类型:单列不分枝、二叉分枝和三叉及三叉以上多分枝的树状分枝。非腺毛的顶部细胞由基部到顶部逐渐变细,先端成尖形。腺毛发育由原表皮细胞经两次平周分裂形成,由于柄细胞和头部细胞所处的分化状态不同而发育成两类腺毛。非腺毛由非腺毛原始细胞经二次或多次平周分裂和不均等分裂,再发育成数个至二十多个子细胞。  相似文献   

紫苏腺毛的形态结构和发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
紫苏(Perillafrutescens(L.)Britton)叶上腺毛的研究表明:叶上腺毛主要有两种类型,一是头状腺毛,二是后状腺毛。两类腺毛都是由1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和由分泌细胞组成的头部构成。头状腺毛的头部由1个、2个或4个分泌细胞构成,其头部呈圆球形或半圆球形。盾状腺毛的头部也由1个、2个、4个或8个分泌细胞构成,其分泌细胞横向扩展使头部呈盾状。分泌盛期,大量分泌物充满角质层下间隙。两类腺毛的原始细胞均起源于叶原基或幼叶的原表皮层细胞,它通过两次平周分裂形成1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和1个头细胞,头细胞不分裂或依次进行1—3次垂周分裂,分别形成单细胞、2细胞、4细胞或8细胞的头部。  相似文献   

木香薷腺毛形态结构发生发育规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规石蜡切片法及扫描电镜技术对木香薷(Elsholtzia stauntoni Benth)腺毛发生发育及其规律进行了研究。结果表明:木香薷表皮上主要有两种表皮毛:无分泌细胞的表皮毛与有分泌细胞的腺毛。前者包括单细胞乳头状毛、2~3细胞管状毛、分枝状毛及多细胞管状毛;后者包括头状腺毛与盾状腺毛。成熟头状腺毛头部由1、2或4个分泌细胞构成,头部呈圆球形或半圆球形;成熟盾状腺毛头部由8~12个分泌细胞构成,分泌细胞横向扩展形成盾状头部。木香薷腺毛主要在茎端幼叶处大量发生,从茎端第一对幼叶处开始产生;从幼叶期到成熟期均有腺毛发生,大部分腺毛在幼叶期发生发育,只有极少部分在叶的成熟期进行发生发育。  相似文献   

利用光学显微技术和扫描电镜技术,研究了香薷营养生长期和生殖生长期的枝条上部、中部、下部叶片的腺毛种类、分布及数量;采用组织化学染色和荧光显微技术,观察香薷腺毛分泌黄酮类物质的过程,探讨香薷叶表皮腺毛的泌香机理,为生产中确定提取香薷黄酮类物质的最佳取材时期提供依据。结果表明:(1)香薷叶表皮有头状腺毛和盾状腺毛,成熟的头状腺毛包括基细胞、柄细胞和头部,头部较小,呈半圆球型,直径为(20±2)μm;发育近成熟的盾状腺毛头部较大,呈盾状,直径为(60±5)μm。(2)香薷叶片远轴面和近轴面均有腺毛的分布,远轴面分布较多,近轴面分布较少;盾状腺毛主要分布在叶的远轴面,头状腺毛在叶的两面均有分布;腺毛密度随节位的降低而减少,节位相同时,营养生长期叶片上的腺毛密度(283.9个/mm2)高于生殖生长期(194.4个/mm2)。(3)香薷头状腺毛和盾状腺毛均能分泌黄酮类物质,且随着腺毛的发育成熟,黄酮类物质逐渐积累于腺毛的头部。  相似文献   

电镜观察表明:兰花鼠尾草(Salvia farinacea Benth.)的头状腺毛(capitate trichomes)和盾状腺毛(peltate trichomes)在超微结构方面存在明显不同,盾状腺毛的分泌细胞中占优势的细胞器是质体,而头状腺毛中是内质网和质体;成熟的盾状腺毛角质层下间隙明显,而头状腺毛不明显;盾状腺毛的柄细胞的侧壁出现完全的角质化现象,而头状腺毛则无;头状腺毛的基细胞液化程度比盾状腺毛的高。  相似文献   

甘草腺毛的形态发生和组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜及薄切片技术对甘草的腺毛形态发生和发育过程进行了观察,并对腺毛发育过程中黄酮类成分积累进行了组织化学定位研究。结果表明:甘草腺毛为多细胞构成的盾状腺毛,有长柄和短柄2种类型;前者主要分布在花萼片上,而后者主要分布于叶片上。组化鉴定结果显示:腺毛中存在着黄酮类成分、其他亲脂类和非纤维素多糖类成分;在腺毛的发育过程中,黄酮类物质是随腺毛的发育成熟,在头部盘状结构的分泌细胞及角质层下腔中积累。研究结果对进一步探讨甘草叶中黄酮类成分的合成及其作用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

紫苏腺毛的形态发生研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
紫苏叶上有两种腺毛:质状腺毛和头状腺毛。两者都具1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和头部。前者的头部可由1、2、4或8个分泌细胞组成,扩展成质状;后者的头部由1、2或4个分泌细胞组成,聚成圆球状。两种腺毛的原始细胞都来源于原表皮细胞,经两次平周分裂产生基细胞、柄细胞和顶细胞。在腺毛后期的形态发生中,柄细胞的分化状态决定腺毛的类型。若柄细胞保持扁平关且处于分生状态时,其顶细胞将发育成质状腺毛的头部;若柄细胞纵向  相似文献   

The morphology and distribution of leaf trichomes of Tetradenia riparia were studied using light and scanning microscopy. Three morphologically distinct types of trichomes were observed on T. riparia leaf surfaces: glandular capitate (short and long stalked), peltate and non-glandular. The glandular and non-glandular trichomes were present in abundance on both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces. Young leaves were densely covered with trichomes; however, the density of trichomes decreases progressively with leaf maturity. This suggests that the trichomes are established early in leaf differentiation and their density decreases with leaf development and age.  相似文献   

The micromorphology of foliar trichomes of Hypoestes aristata var. aristata was studied using stereo, light and scanning microscopy (SEM). This genus belongs to the advanced angiosperm family Acanthaceae, for which few micromorphological leaf studies exist. Results revealed both glandular and non-glandular trichomes, the latter being more abundant on leaf veins, particularly on the abaxial surface of very young leaves. With leaf maturity, the density of non-glandular trichomes decreased. Glandular trichomes were rare and of two types: long-stalked capitate and globose-like peltate trichomes. Capitate trichomes were observed only on the abaxial leaf surface, while peltate trichomes were distributed on both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Salvia divinorum produces several closely related neoclerodane diterpenes. The most abundant of these, salvinorin A, is responsible for the psychoactive properties of the plant. To determine where these compounds occur in the plant, various organs, tissues and glandular secretions were chemically analysed. A microscopic survey of the S. divinorum plant was performed to examine the various types of trichomes present and to determine their distribution. METHODS: Chemical analyses were performed using thin layer chromatographic and histochemical techniques. Trichomes were examined using conventional light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. KEY RESULTS: It was found that neoclerodane diterpenes are secreted as components of a resin that accumulates in peltate glandular trichomes, specifically in the subcuticular space that exists between the trichome head cells and the cuticle that encloses them. Four main types of trichomes were observed: peltate glandular trichomes, short-stalked capitate glandular trichomes, long-stalked capitate glandular trichomes and non-glandular trichomes. Their morphology and distribution is described. Peltate glandular trichomes were only found on the abaxial surfaces of the leaves, stems, rachises, bracts, pedicles and calyces. This was consistent with chemical analyses, which showed the presence of neoclerodane diterpenes in these organs, but not in parts of the plant where peltate glandular trichomes are absent. CONCLUSIONS: Salvinorin A and related compounds are secreted as components of a complex resin that accumulates in the subcuticular space of peltate glandular trichomes.  相似文献   

Glandular trichomes in the leaf lamina of Rosmarinus officinalis L. were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The leaves were characterized by an abundance of two types of glandular trichomes—small capitate and large peltate glandular trichomes. In addition to the glandular trichomes, numerous non-glandular trichomes were present on the abaxial surface of the leaf. These trichomes mainly predominated on the midrib, whereas glandular trichomes occurred on non-vein areas. At the initial phase of secretory cavity formation, hyaline areas were abundant in periclinal walls of head cells, while they were not observed in the anticlinal walls. The hyaline areas gradually increased in size, fusing with other areas throughout the wall. Loose wall material adjacent to hyaline areas was released from the head cell walls and migrated into the secretory cavities. As the secretory cavities continued to enlarge, the new vesicles emerging into the secretory cavities from the walls of head cells became surrounded with the surface of a typical membrane. They developed a round shape, but the contours of the vesicle surfaces appeared polygonal when tightly packed inside a cavity. These vesicles varied in size; small vesicles often possessed electron-dense contents, while large vesicles contained electron-light contents.  相似文献   

Muravnik LE 《Tsitologiia》2008,50(7):636-642
Four types of glandular and non-glandular trichomes of pericarp in four Juglans species (J. ailanthifolia, J. cordiformis, J. mandshurica and J. regia) from Juglandaceae were studied by scanning electron microscopy, fluorescent light microscopy and histochemistry. The capitate trichomes on short stalk, the capitate trichomes on long stalk and the peltate trichomes belong to glandular trichomes; the simple hairs concern to non-glandular trichomes. The investigated species differ one from another in dimensions and distribution oftrichomes as well as the chemical content and the mechanism of secretion. The fluorescent markers and histochemical tests show the presence of flavonoids, tannins and polyphenols in trichomes on short and long stalk. In peltate trichomes the flavonoids and tannins were found in lesser quantity and the polyphenols are absent. In simple hairs the phenolic substances have not been recognized. It has been come out with the suggestion about a functional role of each type of trichomes.  相似文献   

The anatomy, palynology, morphology and distribution of the trichomes on the aerial parts of Salvia chrysophylla Stapf, an endemic species in Turkey, were studied in order to understand the usefulness of these characteristics for systematic purposes. Some anatomical characters such as (1–)2–24-rowed pith rays in roots, dorsiventral leaves, obviously larger upper epidermal cells, and two to three large vascular bundles in the center and two to four small subsidiary bundles in the wings of petiole provide information of taxonomical significance. Three main types of trichomes were observed on the stem, inflorescence axis, leaf and calyx surfaces of S. chrysophylla. They are peltate, capitate glandular and non-glandular. Capitate glandular and non-glandular trichomes were further subdivided into several kinds. Glandular trichomes are present in abundance on the inflorescence axis and calyx, but non-glandular ones were mainly situated on the leaf and stem. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies on the pollen grains have revealed that they are oblate-spheroidal and their exine ornamentation is bireticulate-perforate.  相似文献   

This study characterises the micromorphology, ultrastructure and main chemical constituents of the foliar glandular trichomes of Ocimum obovatum using light and electron microscopy and a variety of histochemical tests. Two types of glandular trichomes occur on the leaves: large peltate and small capitate. The head of each peltate trichome is made up of four broad head cells in one layer. The head of each capitate trichome is composed of two broad head cells in one layer (type I) or a single oval head cell (type II, rare). In peltate heads, secretory materials are gradually transported to the subcuticular space via fracture in the four sutures at the connecting walls of the head cells. Release to the head periphery occurs through opposite fracture in the four sutures in the head cuticle. In type I capitate trichomes, release of the secretions to the subcuticular space occurs via a pore between the two head cells, and release to the head periphery occurs through the opposite pore in the head cuticle. In type II capitate trichomes, the secreted material is released from the head cell through a ruptured particular squared area at the central part of the head cuticle. These secretion modes are reported for the first time in the family Lamiaceae. Histochemical tests showed that the secretory materials in the glandular trichomes are mainly essential oils, lipophilic substances and polysaccharides. Large peltate trichomes contain a large quantity of these substances than the small capitate trichomes. Ultrastructural evidence suggests that the plastids produce numerous lipid droplets, and the numerous polysaccharide small vesicles are derived from Golgi bodies.  相似文献   

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