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为了扩大朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)种群的数量和分布区,于2018年7月从洋县引进20只朱鹮在北戴河建立了朱鹮野化种群。2020年繁殖期,北戴河共有22只朱鹮,其中成年朱鹮17只,雌雄性比为1.1;实际繁殖密度为37.8只/hm2;人工巢的密度为40.0巢/hm2,人工巢筐内径为50 cm。2020年繁殖期,北戴河朱鹮共配对8对,其中6对繁殖成功,营巢成功率为75%;共产卵33枚,平均窝卵数为(4.1±1.8)枚;出壳18只,孵化率54.5%;出飞13只,出飞率72.2%,繁殖成功率为39.4%,繁殖生产力为2.2±1.2。与洋县饲养种群相比,北戴河种群首枚卵的产卵时间晚17 d,与两地温差相吻合。北戴河朱鹮的窝卵数显著高于洋县种群,这可能是由种内巢寄生所致。监控录像表明,北戴河1巢朱鹮的窝卵数高达6枚,超过野生种群平均窝卵数(2或3枚)的2倍,推测发生了种内巢寄生行为。此外,还观察到8号巢朱鹮同时发生了婚外配和种内巢寄生行为,婚外配雌鸟将卵产在该雄鸟的巢中,使得窝卵数高达7枚。此后在该巢中发现3只朱鹮轮流孵卵,以及2只雌性朱鹮并排孵于同一巢中的异常情况。北戴河朱鹮的种内巢寄生行为可能是因网笼内人工巢址密度较高但隐蔽性较低所致,而婚外配行为可能与种群密度和繁殖密度过高有关。本文有关朱鹮异常繁殖行为的研究结果可为野化网笼内人工巢筐的设置和野化种源的选择提供参考,并提示我们进一步关注朱鹮在环境压力下的表型可塑性和生态适应能力。  相似文献   

人工巢箱条件下的大山雀巢捕食   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张克勤  王海涛  赵虹  邓秋香  姜云垒  周彤  高玮 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5391-5395
于2004—2008年在次生阔叶林中,采用悬挂巢箱的方法对大山雀的巢捕食作了研究。结果表明:不同年龄巢箱的被捕食率显著不同,新巢箱被捕食率最低,第2年被捕食率最高,第3年下降很大,第4年又略有上升。被捕食巢的窝卵数极显著的低于未被捕食巢的窝卵数。影响巢捕食的主要生境因子为巢箱高度和巢上盖度,其次为灌木的密度和高度。  相似文献   

2011年3—6月,通过悬挂巢箱人工招引丝光椋鸟(Sturnus sericeus)及同域分布下的灰椋鸟(Sturnus cineraceus),并对其繁殖生态进行了初步研究。共设置椋鸟式巢箱40个,其中椋鸟的入住率是84.6%,营巢成功率是51.5%,利用摄像机对其中3巢丝光椋鸟与3巢灰椋鸟进行了系统的繁殖行为观察。结果显示:丝光椋鸟窝卵数为6~7枚,灰椋鸟窝卵数5~7枚,后者的卵显著大于前者;丝光椋鸟的育雏期(20d)较灰椋鸟(16d)长,且亲鸟的递食率明显较高;育雏期丝光椋鸟亲鸟的警戒频次也明显高于灰椋鸟。因此,相比于灰椋鸟,丝光椋鸟具有更完善的育雏行为机制。另外,本文还首次报道了丝光椋鸟的种内巢寄生现象。  相似文献   

巢寄生现象一直是鸟类学专家探讨的热点问题,对于协同进化的问题又有许多不同理论。从宿主的2种对待寄生卵的行为出发,对于巢寄生协同进化的各种理论做了简单的归纳。其中宿主的拒卵行为被认为是一种适应性的表现,这导致和寄生鸟的进化竞争。而对宿主接受卵的行为却有2种不同的观点,即进化滞后说和进化平衡说,这2种学说从不同的方面都能解释宿主接受卵的行为。关于巢寄生的协同进化问题还需要进一步的研究和更多的实例证明.  相似文献   

人工巢箱条件下白眉姬鹟的繁殖参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005~2006年,在吉林省左家自然保护区的次生林中,对人工巢箱条件下白眉姬鹟(Ficedulazanthopygia)的繁殖参数开展了初步研究.结果表明,人工巢箱中自眉姬鹟的窝卵数为5~7枚,平均6.0枚;卵重平均为1.6 g.卵大小平均为17.0 mm×13.1 mm.孵化期平均为13.1 d,每巢平均出雏5.4只,育雏期平均为12.8 d,每巢平均出飞雏鸟5.3只.白眉姬鹟的营巢成功率为70.0%,繁殖成功率为81.3%.  相似文献   

2017和2018年每年的4至8月在甘肃莲花山国家级自然保护区,对人工巢箱中黑冠山雀(Periparus rubidiventris)的繁殖生态进行了研究。共悬挂100个巢箱,两年共计招引到15巢黑冠山雀。此外,还记录到4个自然巢,分别位于干枯的糙皮桦(Betula utilise)树洞(1巢)、土坡的缝隙(1巢)和路边水泥护坡的出水管中(2巢)。黑冠山雀雌雄亲鸟共同筑巢,巢内壁为兽毛夹杂少量绒羽,外壁为草茎须根和苔藓。5月中下旬为黑冠山雀的产卵高峰期,清晨产卵,日产1枚,产下最后1枚卵后开始孵卵。平均窝卵数为6枚(4 ~ 7 枚,n = 15),平均卵重(1.12 ± 0.02)g,卵长径(15.30 ± 0.10)mm,卵短径(12.09 ± 0.11)mm(n = 86)。孵卵由雌鸟承担,孵卵期为15 d(14 ~ 16 d,n = 5)。产卵期,雌鸟离巢时有用巢材盖卵的行为,开始孵卵后则不再盖卵。双亲共同育雏,育雏期为16 d和17 d(n = 2)。所记录的18巢黑冠山雀的繁殖成功率为83.3%,人工巢箱(15巢)中繁殖成功率为86.7%,巢捕食者主要为鼠类。  相似文献   

两种潜鸭不完全巢寄生行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高继宏  陶宇 《动物学研究》1992,13(4):327-328,332
人们在对美洲潜鸭(Aythya americana)的研究中发现:尽管美洲潜鸭自行筑巢产卵繁殖,但也常常将卵产于其它鸭类的巢中,使之代为孵卵育雏,这种现象被称之为不完全的巢寄生行为。红头潜鸭(Aythya ferina),青头潜鸭(Aythya baeri)和美洲潜鸭同属雁形目鸭科潜鸭属,繁殖于我国的红头潜鸭和青头潜鸭是否和美洲潜鸭一样也具有不完全的巢寄生行为,未见报道。作者于1988年全年及1989年上半年在向海国家级自然保护区进行了观察,发现在向海繁殖的红头潜鸭和青头潜鸭均具有不完全的巢寄生行为。巢寄生分为种间巢寄生和种内巢寄生两类。 种间巢寄生共发现16巢,见表1和表2。  相似文献   

2009年3-7月,在北京小龙门森林公园悬挂人工巢箱,对大山雀(Parus major)和褐头山雀(P.montanus;)的繁殖进行比较研究.野外共悬挂100个巢箱,其中19巢(19.0%)被大山雀、11巢(11.0%)被褐头山雀进驻,总利用率为30.0%.同域繁殖的大山雀和褐头山雀在窝卵数、孵化期上有极显著差异(P<0.01),其中大山雀的窝卵数(8.21枚±0.25枚,n=19)极显著大于褐头山雀(6.18枚±0.23枚,n=11),而褐头山雀的孵化期(14.22d±0.44d,n=10)极显著长于大山雀(13.17 d±O.83 d,n=12).两者在卵重、卵大小、出雏数、雏鸟出飞数上无显著差异(P>0.05).大山雀的繁殖成功率(27.0%)和营巢成效(63.2%)均显著低于褐头山雀(54.5%和100%)(P<0.01).表明大山雀可能采取高产卵数、低存活率的繁殖对策,而褐头山雀的繁殖策略则可能为低产卵数、高存活率.  相似文献   

为了确定大山雀对巢箱颜色是否能够识别和对繁殖功效的影响,以利于更好的进行保护,于2007—2010年3—7月,在吉林省左家自然保护区,通过悬挂黑、蓝、绿、白和红色巢箱,对大山雀的入住状况和繁殖参数进行了调查和分析。结果显示:2007、2008、2010年红色巢箱的入住率最高,2009年低于平均值;窝卵数除2010年红色巢箱组略低于其它颜色组平均值外,其它年份略高于其它组,而各年份的出飞数红色组均高于其它组。将其它组的合并均值与红色组进行了方差分析,结果表明,窝卵数之间无显著差异,而出飞数之间则有显著差异(F=17.65,df=1,P=0.04),表明红色组的出飞数高于其他组的平均值。  相似文献   

多重巢寄生是1只或多只寄生性鸟类在1个宿主巢内产2枚或多枚卵的特殊行为方式。对于雏鸟具有排他性的杜鹃而言,多重寄生被认为是种内个体之间或种间的一种竞争,但相关报道较少。通过野外观察和分子生物学检测技术,我们在北京小龙门国家森林公园确定了一个被东方中杜鹃(Cuculus optatus)多重寄生的冕柳莺(Phylloscopus coronatus)巢。  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasites lay eggs in nests of other females of the same species. A variety of methods have been developed and used to detect conspecific brood parasitism (CBP). Traditional methods may be inaccurate in detecting CBP and in revealing its true frequency. On the other hand more accurate molecular methods are expensive and time consuming. Eadie developed a method for revealing CBP based on differences in egg morphology. That method is based on Euclidean distances calculated for pairs of eggs within a clutch using standardized egg measurements (length, width and weight). We tested the applicability of this method in the common pochard Aythya ferina using nests that were identified as parasitized (39 nests) or non‐parasitized (16 nests) based on protein fingerprinting of eggs. We also analyzed whether we can distinguish between parasitic and host eggs in the nest. We found that variation in MED can be explained by parasitism but there was a huge overlap in MED between parasitized and non‐parasitized nests. MED also increased with clutch size. Using discriminant function analysis (DFA) we found that only 76.4% of nests were correctly assigned as parasitized or non‐parasitized and only 68.3% of eggs as parasitic or host eggs. Moreover we found that MED in parasitized nests increased with relatedness of the females that laid eggs in the nest. This finding was supported by positive correlation between MED and estimated relatedness in female–female pairs. Although variation in egg morphology is associated with CBP, it does not provide a reliable clue for distinguishing parasitized nests from non‐parasitized nests in common pochard.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is an alternative reproductive tactic found in many animals with parental care. Parasitizing females lay eggs in the nests of other females (hosts) of the same species, which incubate and raise both their own and the foreign offspring. The causes and consequences of CBP are debated. Using albumen fingerprinting of eggs for accurately detecting parasitism, we here analyse its relation to female condition and clutch size in High Arctic common eiders Somateria mollissima borealis. Among 166 clutches in a Svalbard colony, 31 (19%) contained eggs from more than one female, and 40 of 670 eggs (6%) were parasitic. In 6 cases an active nest with egg(s) was taken over by another female. Many suitable nest sites were unoccupied, indicating that CBP and nest takeover are reproductive tactics, not only consequences of nest site shortage. Similarity in body mass between female categories suggests that condition does not determine whether a nesting female becomes parasitised. There was no evidence of low condition in parasites: egg size was similar in hosts and parasites, and parasitism was equally frequent early and late in the laying season. Meta‐analysis of this and 3 other eider studies shows that there is a cost of being parasitised in this precocial species: host females laid on average 7% fewer eggs than other females.  相似文献   

Recent studies, which have found evidence for kin-biased egg donation, have sparked interest in re-assessing the parasitic nature of conspecific brood parasitism (CBP). Since host–parasite kinship is essential for mutual benefits to arise from CBP, we explored the role of relatedness in determining the behaviour of conspecific nest parasites and their hosts in nesting female Barrow's goldeneyes ( Bucephala islandica ), a duck in which CBP is common. The results revealed that the amount of parasitism increased with host–parasite relatedness, the effect of which was independent of geographical proximity of host and parasite nests. Proximity per se was also positively associated with the amount of parasitism. Furthermore, while hosts appeared to reduce their clutch size as a response to the presence of parasitic eggs, the magnitude of host clutch reduction also tended to increase with increasing relatedness to the parasite. Hence, our results indicate that both relatedness and spatial proximity are important determinants of CBP, and that host clutch reduction may be an adaptation to nest parasitism, modulated by host–parasite relatedness. Taken together, the results provide a demonstration that relatedness influences host and parasite behaviour in Barrow's goldeneyes, resulting in kin-biased egg donation.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is a reproductive tactic whereby a parasitic female lays its eggs into the nests of other conspecific females. Genetic‐based data on the occurrence of CBP in birds, however, is still relatively scarce. We analysed prevalence of CBP in a ground‐nesting diving duck, the common pochard Aythya ferina, using a set of 17 microsatellites. Compared to related species, our population showed a relatively high level of CBP, with 39% of genotyped pochard eggs laid parasitically and 89% of nests containing ≥ 1 parasitic egg. In addition, we observed relatively high rates of interspecific brood parasitism (13% of eggs), caused predominantly by mallard Anas plathyrhynchos and tufted duck Aythya fuligula. CBP eggs had decreased hatching success compared to host eggs, with 65% of CBP and 95% of non‐CBP genotyped eggs hatching successfully. Our data suggest that this was probably due to improper timing of parasitic egglaying, which compromised synchronised hatching of CBP and host‐eggs. Despite high rates of CBP in our pochard popu lation, fitness costs associated with this reproductive tactic appear to be low for host females since neither clutch size nor host‐egg hatching probability were reduced due to CBP.  相似文献   

Scaly-sided Merganser is a globally endangered species restricted to eastern Asia. Estimating its population is difficult and considerable gap exists between populations at its breeding grounds and wintering sites. In this study, we built a species distribution model (SDM) using Maxent with presence-only data to predict the potential wintering habitat for Scaly-sided Merganser in China. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) method suggests high predictive power of the model (training and testing AUC were 0.97 and 0.96 respectively). The most significant environmental variables included annual mean temperature, mean temperature of coldest quarter, minimum temperature of coldest month and precipitation of driest quarter. Suitable conditions for Scaly-sided Merganser are predicted in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, especially in Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei Provinces. The predicted suitable habitat embraces 6,984 km of river. Based on survey results from three consecutive winters (2010–2012) and previous studies, we estimated that the entire wintering population of Scaly-sided Merganser in China to be 3,561 ± 478 individuals, which is consistent with estimate in its breeding ground.  相似文献   

Gravel bars are characteristic components of river landscapes and are increasingly recognized as key sites for many waterbirds, though detailed studies on the ecological function of gravel bars for waterbirds are rare. In this study, we surveyed the endangered Scaly-sided Merganser Mergus squamatus along a 40 km river section of Yuan River, in Central China, for three consecutive winters. We derived the landscape metrics of river gravel bars from geo-rectified fine resolution (0.6 m) aerial image data. We then built habitat suitability models (Generalized Linear Models—GLMs) to study the effects of landscape metrics and human disturbance on Scaly-sided Merganser presence probability. We found that 1) the Scaly-sided Merganser tended to congregate at river segments with more gravel patches; 2) the Scaly-sided Merganser preferred areas with larger and more contiguous gravel patches; and 3) the number of houses along the river bank (a proxy for anthropogenic disturbance) had significantly negative impacts on the occurrence of the Scaly-sided Merganser. Our results suggest that gravel bars are vital to the Scaly-sided Merganser as shelters from disturbance, as well as sites for feeding and roosting. Therefore, maintaining the exposure of gravel bars in regulated rivers during the low water period in winter might be the key for the conservation of the endangered species. These findings have important implications for understanding behavioral evolution and distribution of the species and for delineating between habitats of different quality for conservation and management.  相似文献   

We studied intraspecific nest parasitism in the grey starling (Sturnus cineraceus) in 1992 and 1993. We used three criteria to detect nest parasitism: (i) the appearance of more than one egg per day while the host was laying; (ii) the appearance of extra eggs after the host completed its clutch; and (iii) the appearance of eggs which were of a different shape, size and color to other eggs in the clutch. There were 290 nests (157 nests in 1992; 133 nests in 1993) in which the clutch was completed early (clutches initiated before May 10). Twenty-nine (1992) and 32 (1993) nests contained at least one parasitic egg. Parasitic eggs hatched if they were laid during the laying period and early in the incubation period of their host, and a few of them fledged. Fledging success of parasitic eggs was not different from that of eggs in non-parasitized nests if parasitic eggs were laid during the host's laying period. However, fledging success of all parasitic eggs was fewer than that of eggs in non-parasitized nests. By comparison, fledging success of parasitized nests was not a great as that of non-parasitized nests.  相似文献   

Costs of conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) are expected to be influenced by a species’ life history traits. Precocial birds lay large clutches, and clutches that have been enlarged by CBP can affect host fitness through a longer incubation period, displaced eggs, and lower hatching success. We examined costs and response to CBP by hosts in a population of colonial red-breasted mergansers (Mergus serrator; n?=?400 nests over 8 years) within which 29% of parasitized clutches were enlarged considerably (≥?15 eggs). Length of the incubation period did not increase with clutch size. The mean number of eggs displaced from a parasitized nest during incubation (2.8) was 2×?greater than at an unparasitized nest (1.4). Hatching success declined by 2% for each additional egg in the nest. Thus, for a nest with?≥?15 eggs, one or more fewer host eggs hatch relative to an unparasitized nest with the same number of host eggs, assuming equal probability of success for all eggs. Hosts were 40% more likely to desert nests receiving 2 or 6 experimental eggs relative to unparasitized control nests, although it is unknown whether hens deserting a nest renested elsewhere. Our study indicates that costs of CBP to hosts during nesting may be limited to those red-breasted mergansers incubating the largest clutches (≥?15 eggs), and it raises questions about the adaptive significance of deserting a parasitized clutch.  相似文献   

Abstract In many egg-laying animals, some females spread their clutch among several nests. The fitness effects of this reproductive tactic are obscure. Using mathematical modeling and field observations, we analyze an unexplored benefit of egg spreading in brood parasitic and other breeding systems: reduced time at risk for offspring. If a clutch takes many days to lay until incubation and embryo development starts after the last egg, by spreading her eggs a parasitic female can reduce offspring time in the vulnerable nest at risk of predation or other destruction. The model suggests that she can achieve much of this benefit by spreading her eggs among a few nests, even if her total clutch is large. Field data from goldeneye ducks Bucephala clangula show that egg spreading enables a fecund female to lay a clutch that is much larger than average without increasing offspring time at risk in a nest. This advantage increases with female condition (fecundity) and can markedly raise female reproductive success. These results help explain the puzzle of nesting parasites in some precocial birds, which lay eggs in the nests of other females before laying eggs in their own nest. Risk reduction by egg spreading may also play a role in the evolution of other breeding systems and taxa-for instance, polyandry with male parental care in some birds and fishes.  相似文献   

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