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目的:利用λ噬菌体的Red重组系统敲除肠出血性大肠杆菌O157∶H7的Ⅲ型分泌系统ATP水解酶Esc N,构建大肠杆菌esc N基因缺失突变株。方法:以O157∶H7为模板,PCR扩增目的基因两侧的同源臂序列,分别酶切连接于p UC19-kan质粒上,PCR获得中间嵌合卡那霉素抗性基因(带有FRT位点)的同源线性片段,利用质粒p KD46和p CP20介导的重组技术敲除esc N基因,并去除抗性标记;PCR及测序验证目的基因缺失后,测定缺失株及野生菌株的生长曲线。结果:敲除了肠出血性大肠杆菌O157∶H7的esc N基因,突变株与野生株的生长曲线相近。结论:构建了Ⅲ型分泌系统缺陷菌株,为进一步研究Ⅲ型分泌系统因子在肠出血性大肠杆菌致病过程中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:利用Red重组系统敲除肠出血性大肠杆菌(EHEC)O157∶H7的z1445基因,构建大肠杆菌z1445基因缺失突变株。方法:以O157∶H7为模板,PCR扩增目的基因两侧的同源臂序列,分别经酶切后连接到p UC19-kan质粒的卡那霉素抗性基因kan两侧,PCR获得中间嵌合kan基因(带有FRT位点)的同源线性片段,利用质粒p KD46敲除z1445基因,利用质粒p CP20去除抗性标记基因;PCR鉴定及测序验证目的基因缺失后,测定缺失株及野生株的生长曲线。结果:敲除了z1445基因,突变株与野生株的生长曲线接近。结论:构建了z1445基因缺陷型菌株,为进一步分析z1445基因在O157∶H7与宿主的相互作用中发挥的作用提供了材料。  相似文献   

目的:利用Red重组系统敲除肠出血性大肠杆菌O157∶H7前噬菌体片段CP-933Y,进而构建CP-933Y缺失突变株。方法:以肠出血性大肠杆菌O157∶H7菌株为模板,加入酶切位点PCR扩增前噬菌体CP-933Y上、下游各600 bp的同源臂序列;酶切后分别连接到p UC19-kan质粒的卡那霉素(包含FRT位点)抗性基因两侧,构建中间是卡那霉素抗性基因标记含有目的基因上、下游同源序列的线性片段;导入含有p KD46质粒的O157∶H7菌株中,利用Red编码的同源重组酶使该片段与目的基因上、下游发生同源重组,卡那霉素抗性基因置换菌株中CP-933Y前噬菌体片段,最后导入p CP20质粒去除卡那霉素抗性标记基因。结果:经PCR及测序验证,O157∶H7菌株中前噬菌体片段CP-933Y被敲除,敲除株与野生株具有相似的生长曲线。结论:构建了大肠杆菌O157∶H7前噬菌体CP-933Y缺失株,为进一步研究前噬菌体CP-933Y的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:利用Red系统构建肠出血性大肠杆菌O157:H7的sRNA基因E40缺失突变株。方法:选取本实验室预测并经过实验验证的sRNA基因,根据NCBI上相应的序列,设计2对引物分别扩增该sRNA基因的上下游分别长464和455bp的同源臂,经PCR扩增,构建到相应的载体,最后以构建好的含上下游同源臂和卡那霉素抗性基因的长约2500bp的线性片段作为打靶片段,在Red重组系统的作用下与sRNA基因E40的上下游同源区域发生同组,从而把sRNA基因从基因组上置换下来,之后利用质粒pCP20将FRT位点间的卡那霉素抗性基因消除。结果与结论:构建了出血性大肠杆菌O157:H7的sRNA基因E40的缺失突变株,为进一步研究sRNA基因在出血性大肠杆菌O157:H7生长及致病过程中所起的功能奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

目的:敲除2型猪链球菌(SS2)强毒株05ZYH33中的Fbps基因,研究该基因敲除对菌株生物活性及毒力的影响,为深入探讨猪链球菌致病机制提供实验基础。方法:从05ZYH33基因组中扩增Fbps基因上、下游同源臂,从pSET1质粒中扩增氯霉素抗性基因Cm,通过重叠PCR的方法将3个片段整合后连接到温敏自杀载体pSET4s上,电转入05ZYH33感受态细胞,通过改变培养温度实现双交换和质粒丢失,最后经抗性筛选获得敲除株05ZYH33ΔFBPS,分析敲除株的生物学性状,以CD1小鼠作为体外感染模型对突变株和野生株进行毒力比较。结果:PCR分析和测序结果均显示Fbps基因敲除成功,动物实验结果显示Fbps基因敲除后05ZYH33的毒力有所下降。结论:与野生株相比,突变株对小鼠的毒力有所降低。  相似文献   

利用Red重组系统敲除大肠杆菌 O157:H7的waaL 基因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用λ噬菌体Red重组系统敲除大肠杆菌O157:H7的waaL基因。方法:以pKD4为模板扩增出与waaL基因上下游同源的、含有卡那霉素抗性基因的PCR产物。然后电击转化到大肠杆菌 O157:H7 中,利用Red重组系统,通过卡那霉素抗性基因两侧的waaL基因序列在体内与waaL基因发生同源重组,置换了 O157:H7 基因组中的waaL基因。并进一步利用卡那霉素抗性基因两侧的FRT位点,通过FLP位点专一性重组将卡那霉素抗性基因敲除。结果:成功构建了敲除waaL基因且不带卡那霉素抗性基因的菌株。  相似文献   

目的:构建猪链球菌2型强毒株05ZYH33 c AMP结合蛋白(CRP)编码基因敲除突变株及基因回复互补株,并探究CRP基因的缺失对细菌生物学特性及毒力的影响。方法:构建中间为壮观霉素抗性基因(Spcr)、两侧为CRP编码基因上下游同源序列的基因敲除质粒,通过同源重组筛选CRP编码基因敲除突变株ΔCRP;构建CRP编码基因的互补质粒,通过电转化敲除株ΔCRP,筛选CRP的基因回复互补株CΔCRP;比较分析突变株、野生株和回复互补株的基本生物学特征的差异,并以小鼠作为动物感染模型对突变株、互补株及野生株的毒力进行评估分析。结果:应用组合PCR和基因测序分析,证实构建了CRP的突变株ΔCRP,并筛选出CRP的回复互补株CΔCRP;逆转录PCR证实在突变株ΔCRP中CRP在转录水平缺失,而在回复互补株CΔCRP中其转录回复;在丰富营养情况下,突变株ΔCRP与野生株的溶血活性、生长速率及对小鼠的致病力均无显著性差异,但突变株的成链能力减弱。结论:CRP编码基因的缺失并未显著改变野毒株05ZYH33的基本生物学特性和毒力,提示CRP可能不是猪链球菌的关键毒力决定因子,其参与碳源代谢等功能有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的:构建2型猪链球菌强毒株05ZYH33中MocR家族转录调控因子SSU0562基因敲除的突变株,探索SSU0562基因缺失对细菌基本生物学特性和毒力的影响。方法:构建左右两侧为SSU0562基因上下游的同源序列,中间部分为壮观霉素抗性基因(Spcr)的基因敲除质粒,通过同源重组的方法筛选SSU0562基因敲除突变株Δ0562。对突变株与野生株的基本生物学特性进行系统的比较分析,并且将小鼠作为动物感染的模型来研究突变株的毒力。结果:组合PCR的分析及基因测序结果均表明Spcr完全取代了S.suis2中SSU0562基因位点,表明基因敲除突变体Δ0562构建成功,反转录PCR(RT-PCR)证实了突变株Δ0562中SSU0562基因在转录水平的缺失;在溶血活性、生长速率及对小鼠的致病力方面,突变株Δ0562与野生株05ZYH33相比均无显著差别,然而革兰染色实验显示突变株Δ0562的成链能力明显减弱。结论:猪链球菌强毒株05ZYH33的毒力并未因SSU0562基因的缺失而发生显著性改变,表明SSU0562基因并非猪链球菌的毒力决定因子,但很有可能参与猪链球菌成链能力的调控。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌O157:H7的毒力岛与毒力因子的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大肠杆菌O157:H7是肠出血性大肠埃希菌的主要血清型,能引起人的出血性肠炎和溶血性尿路综合征。大肠杆菌O157:H7致病机制与其毒力岛编码的毒力因子有关,这些毒力岛包括染色体上的LEE岛、前噬菌体上的slt基因、大质粒上的hly、ka tP、espP、toxB、stcE基因。大肠杆菌O157:H7致病机理不是由单一毒力因子所决定,而是多种毒力因子共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

目的:通过同源重组的方法敲除炭疽芽胞杆菌减毒AP422株的mntA基因,使菌株进一步减毒,用于构建新的疫苗候选株。方法:利用PCR方法扩增mntA基因上下游同源臂后与温敏质粒连接,构建打靶载体,并转化炭疽芽胞杆菌减毒AP422株;利用抗生素和温度2种选择压力实现同源重组,敲除目标基因mntA,然后利用Cre-LoxP系统去除抗性筛选标记,得到无抗性标记的缺失突变株,并利用PCR和Western印迹等方法对重组菌进行系统鉴定,最后分析突变株的生物学性状。结果:敲除了AP422株的mntA基因,获得了无抗性标记的缺失突变株,突变株的生存竞争能力比原始菌株明显减弱。结论:突变株获得了进一步减毒,可用于构建新的疫苗候选株。  相似文献   

The LEE 4 genes sepL, espA, espD, espB, and espF were detected in 50 strains of typical and atypical enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic (EHEC) Escherichia coli by PCR. sepL was amplified in 90%, espA in 94%, espB in 50%, espD in 40%, and espF in 78% of all strains, employing prototype EPEC-based primers. With O26:H-based primers, espB was detected in all O26 strains, and O157:H7-specific primers amplified espD and espB among all O55:H7 and O157:H7 strains. Our results indicated that espA and sepL should be more conserved between different EPEC and EHEC serotypes, while espB, espD, and espF should be more diverse. Apparently this variation is related to serogroup or serotype, but sequencing assays are necessary to confirm such conservation/diversity and their association with serogroup or serotype. Secreted protein analyses of espA, espD, and espB PCR-negative strains demonstrated that their encoded proteins present distinct immunological types, reflecting the genetic variability of those genes.  相似文献   

目的:通过DNA重组技术表达肠出血性大肠杆菌(EHEC)0157:H7的EspA和EspB蛋白,并分析它们的免疫保护性。方法:采用PCR技术从EHEC0157:H7基因组中扩增espA和espB基因,连接至pET-22b(4-)载体上,转化至宿主细胞大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),经IPTG诱导表达,用亲和层析纯化目的蛋白,SDS-PAGE测定其相对分子质量,免疫小鼠分析其免疫保护性。结果:重组espA和espB基因片段的测序结果与GenBank中的相应基因序列完全一致,一致性均为100%;得到了纯度为95%以上的重组EspA和EspB蛋白,免疫小鼠所得到的抗体效价均为10^6。结论:重组EspA和EspB蛋白获得了可溶性表达,表达的蛋白具有良好的免疫保护性,为进一步制备疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The espA, espB and espD genes from enteropathogenic Escherichia coli were previously shown to be essential for triggering the signal transduction in infected host cells. We have cloned and determined the nucleotide sequences of the espA, espB and espD homologues from an E. coli strain (4221) isolated from a dog which manifested the attaching and effacing lesions in the small intestine. This strain is designated as a dog enteropathogenic E. coli. When comparing predicted amino acid sequences to those of the corresponding proteins from enteropathogenic E. coli O127, enterohemorrhagic E. coli serotype O26, enterohemorrhagic E. coli O157 and rabbit enteropathogenic E. coli, the EspADEPEC protein showed the same level of similarity (75% identity) with EspA of enteropathogenic E. coli O127 and rabbit enteropathogenic E. coli. The EspBDEPEC protein showed the highest similarity with the EspB of enteropathogenic E. coli O127 (99% identity). The EspDDEPEC protein showed 88% identity with the EspDEPEC. We constructed and purified a maltose-binding fusion protein containing the product of the entire espBDEPEC gene of the dog enteropathogenic E. coli strain 4221. Purified maltose-binding protein-EspBDEPEC fusion protein was shown to bind efficiently to HEp-2 cells in a localized fashion as shown by immunofluorescence microscopy. In addition, when the dog enteropathogenic E. coli strain 4221 was grown in tissue culture medium (DMEM) supplemented with serum, a secreted 36-kDa protein was identified by immunoblot analysis using a polyclonal antiserum against the maltose-binding protein-EspBDEPEC fusion protein.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases due to enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) are characterized by diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome. The adherence of EHEC on intestinal epithelial cells is a first step for developing these diseases. In the present study, we examined whether EHEC O157:H7 adhere to intestinal epithelial cells of mice and cause F-actin accumulation in the epithelial cells following the intragastric inoculation of the pathogen. Fecal shedding of the EHEC O157:H7 strain was observed in ICR mice up to 3 weeks. Fecal shedding periods of the type III secretion system-related gene (espA and sepL) deletion mutants were clearly shorter than that of the wild-type EHEC O157:H7 strain. The EHEC O157:H7 colonies were found on the epithelial surfaces of the ceca in association with F-actin accumulation beneath the attached bacteria.  相似文献   

Attaching and effacing rabbit enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (REPEC) of the O103 serogroup adhere diffusely on HeLa cells and trigger a slow progressive cytopathic effect (CPE) characterized by the recruitment of vinculin and the assembly of actin stress fibres. In contrast to REPEC O103, the reference human EPEC strain E2348/69 is unable to trigger the CPE. In this study, we have shown first that the fimbrial adhesin AF/R2, which mediates the diffuse adhesion of REPEC O103, was not sufficient to induce the CPE capability upon E2348/69. Non-polar mutants of REPEC O103 for espA , espB , espD and eae were then constructed. The four mutants were unable to induce attaching and effacing lesions in the rabbit ileal loop model. The esp mutants were no longer able to induce the CPE, whereas the eae mutant still induced the CPE. Each espA , - B , - D mutant could be fully complemented in trans by the corresponding cloned esp genes from both the parental strain and the CPE-negative E2348/69 strain, indicating that no single esp encodes the information needed to confer the CPE phenotype. In conclusion, the CPE is the first example of an Esp-dependent but Eae (intimin)-independent alteration of the host cell cytoskeleton by certain EPEC strains.  相似文献   

From the Camelidae family members, several serotypes of Escherichia coli (E. coli) have recently been isolated from diarrhoeic and non-diarrhoeic faecal samples. To date Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) strains have never been typed in one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius). In the present study, two E. coli O157:H7 strains isolated from sick dromedaries were investigated. Virulence gene profiles were determined using a custom E. coli virulence DNA microarray, composed of 70-mer oligonucleotide probes targeting 264 virulence or related genes of known E. coli pathotypes. Both strains displayed positive hybridization signals for the Locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) gene probes (ler, eae, espA, espB, tir genes), two Shiga toxin probes (stx1 and stx2), the O157 O-antigen specific probe, various virulence plasmid (pO157) probes like katP in addition to other accessory virulence genes characterized in STEC.  相似文献   

Attaching and effacing Escherichia coli (AEEC) virulence genes include the eae, the tir, the espA and the espB genes. These genes have been sequenced from several AEEC strains. The sequences alignments revealed the presence of constant and variable regions. Multiplex polymerase chain reactions were developed, in order to determine the subtype of each gene present in a particular isolate. AEEC strains isolated from calves dead of diarrhea, from healthy calves and from infected humans were compared. The same pathotypes were found in sick and healthy calves but in inverted proportion. These pathotypes were also found in human AEEC. Although, the human EHEC strains from serotype O157 possessed their own pathotype.  相似文献   

We constructed primers for multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) O157:H7. The multiplex PCR primers were designed from the sequence of the flagellin structural gene of Escherichia coli flagellar type H7 (GenBank under accession number L07388), and from the sequence of the rfbE gene of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (GenBank under accession number S83460). In addition to these primers, we used a primer pair reported by Karch and Meyer (J. Clin, Microbiol. 27: 2751-2757, 1989) to amplify various VT genes from VTEC. All of the examined specimens (18 isolates) of VT-producing E. coli O157:H7 showed a positive result by the multiplex PCR test with the three sets of primers. The sensitivity of detection for VT-producing E. coli O157:H7 was shown to be at least 3,000 cells per PCR tube.  相似文献   

The interaction between Escherichia coli O157:H7 and its specific bacteriophage PP01 was investigated in chemostat continuous culture. Following the addition of bacteriophage PP01, E. coli O157:H7 cell lysis was observed by over 4 orders of magnitude at a dilution rate of 0.876 h(-1) and by 3 orders of magnitude at a lower dilution rate (0.327 h(-1)). However, the appearance of a series of phage-resistant E. coli isolates, which showed a low efficiency of plating against bacteriophage PP01, led to an increase in the cell concentration in the culture. The colony shape, outer membrane protein expression, and lipopolysaccharide production of each escape mutant were compared. Cessation of major outer membrane protein OmpC production and alteration of lipopolysaccharide composition enabled E. coli O157:H7 to escape PP01 infection. One of the escape mutants of E. coli O157:H7 which formed a mucoid colony (Mu) on Luria-Bertani agar appeared 56 h postincubation at a dilution rate of 0.867 h(-1) and persisted until the end of the experiment (approximately 200 h). Mu mutant cells could coexist with bacteriophage PP01 in batch culture. Concentrations of the Mu cells and bacteriophage PP01 increased together. The appearance of mutant phage, which showed a different host range among the O157:H7 escape mutants than wild-type PP01, was also detected in the chemostat culture. Thus, coevolution of phage and E. coli O157:H7 proceeded as a mutual arms race in chemostat continuous culture.  相似文献   

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