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镉在旱柳中亚细胞分布及存在的化学形态   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以2个旱柳无性系幼苗为材料,通过营养液培养并结合差速离心与化学试剂提取法,分析了不同浓度Cd2+胁迫下旱柳叶和根中Cd的亚细胞分布及其存在的化学形态.结果显示,(1)随着培养介质Cd2+浓度升高,旱柳无性系幼苗叶和根中各亚细胞组分Cd含量随之增加.叶片的Cd主要富集于细胞壁、叶绿体和可溶性部分,它们的含量分别占65%~69%、14%~22%、6.8%~7.7%,仅少量Cd发现于膜部分;而根中Cd主要积累于细胞壁和可溶性部分,其中含量分别占59%~66%和14%~25%,Cd在根亚细胞组分中积累量依次为细胞壁>可溶性部分>质体>膜部分.(2)旱柳体内Cd以不同的化学形态存在,大部分为HCl(FHCl)、NaCl(FNaCl)、醋酸(HAC,FHAC)提取态,极少部分为乙醇(EtOH,FEtOH)和水提取态(Fwater),叶和根中5种Cd提取态含量依次为FHCl>FNaCl>FHAC>Fwater>FEtOH,而叶和根中HCl和NaCl提取态Cd占有比例大于30%以上.研究表明,旱柳无性系中Cd主要与蛋白质和有机酸螯合或以金属磷酸盐沉淀的形态存在,其根、叶的细胞壁和液泡在Cd忍耐与解毒中起到重要作用.  相似文献   

铅污染下芦苇体内铅的分布和铅胁迫相关蛋白   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
用Pb(NO3 ) 2 10mmol/L处理芦苇幼苗 7d后 ,检测铅在其不同器官、细胞不同区隔和不同化学状态之间的分布以及铅胁迫相关蛋白。结果显示 ,受铅污染后芦苇幼苗根、地下茎、茎和叶片的铅含量增加 ,它们的大小顺序为根 >地下茎 >茎 >叶片。细胞不同部分铅含量的大小顺序为细胞间隙 >细胞壁 >液泡 >细胞质。在根部和叶片中 ,均以活性较低的醋酸可提取态铅和盐酸可提取态铅占优势。在铅胁迫下 ,从芦苇根和叶片中检测出一些铅结合蛋白。另外 ,铅除诱导芦苇合成一种新的不结合铅的蛋白质外 ,还导致一种分子量大约为 72 0 0 0的蛋白质消失。芦苇抗铅胁迫有以下几种机制 :根部比地上部分积累较多的铅 ;铅在体内形成难溶性化合物 ;铅沉淀在质外体内 ;形成铅结合蛋白质和诱导蛋白  相似文献   

镉在水花生叶片中的亚细胞分布及其毒理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水花生为试验材料,研究了不同浓度镉(Cd)(0、0.05、0.1、0.2、0.4 mmol·L-1)胁迫下水花生叶中Cd及矿质元素的亚细胞分布、抗氧化能力、叶绿素、可溶性蛋白和植物络合素(PCs)含量的变化.结果表明:随着培养液中Cd浓度的增加,叶片内各亚细胞组分中Cd含量显著增加,但分布不均,主要积累在细胞壁,其次为可溶成分,线粒体和叶绿体中分布最少.Cd处理浓度大于0.2 mmol·L-1时,呈现Cd向水花生叶的可溶成分中分配增加、细胞壁中分配减少的趋势.矿质元素的吸收明显失衡,表现为各亚细胞组分中Ca含量显著增加且主要分布在细胞壁中,细胞壁和可溶成分中P和K含量不断降低,叶绿体中Mg和Fe的含量逐渐减少.叶绿素和可溶性蛋白含量持续下降.谷胱甘肽和抗坏血酸含量先升后降,总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)不断提高,PCs大量累积.水花生对水体中的Cd有一定耐性,且Cd在亚细胞结构中的富集量与其毒性间具有明显的剂量-效应关系;亚细胞中矿质元素的紊乱以及叶绿素和可溶性蛋白含量的显著降低,Cd在亚细胞中的积累对植物体造成了明显的毒害作用;Ca在细胞壁中的累积以及PCs和T-AOC水平的提高说明水花生具有较强的抗性;PCs的合成量与Cd对水花生的毒性变化有一定的相关性,可以作为Cd胁迫的生物标记物.  相似文献   

水生植物被认为能积累和浓缩重金属,本文以不同浓度Cd培养7天的黑藻为材料,研究了Cd的积累,亚细胞分布,亚显微定位,存在形态及对矿质营养吸收,光合速率和呼吸速率的影响,以揭示Cd的植物毒害机理.研究结果表明,随培养液中Cd浓度的增加,植株体内的Cd含量显著上升,富集系数为193-307;不同亚细胞组份中的Cd含量也都呈上升趋势,但分布显著不均,分配顺序依次为细胞壁>可溶性部分>细胞器,其中,积累在细胞壁中的含量所占比例呈下降趋势(61.66%-52.00%),而可溶性部分中则递增,细胞器部分结合的Cd含量所占比例相对恒定;硫化物-银法定位结果直观显示出Cd分布在细胞壁、叶绿体、细胞核和液泡中;逐步提取法分析表明受Cd毒害的黑藻体内Cd以不同化学形态存在,其中NaCl提取态占比例最大(55.05%),其他则较少,依次为FNaCl>FHAc>FWater>FEthanol>FHCl>FResidue;Cd对黑藻的营养元素吸收也产生影响,主要是促进对Ca,Mn,Cu,Fe的吸收,降低对大量元素P,K的吸收;Cd对黑藻的光合速率和呼吸速率都有较强的抑制作用.结果表明Cd毒害与处理浓度间存在显著的剂量-效应关系;亚细胞分布与对细胞超微结构的损伤关系密切;Cd破坏了黑藻正常生理活动的结构基础和离子平衡,并造成功能紊乱.这些都是Cd对植物产生毒害的重要原因.  相似文献   

采用水培幼苗试验研究不同蕹菜品种("台湾308"和"强坤青骨")Cd的积累及其化学形态和分子分布。结果表明,1.0 mg·L-1Cd浓度处理下,"台湾308"和"强坤青骨"叶、茎、根Cd含量分别为3.17、3.55、39.1和2.06、2.35、33.5 mg·kg-1;5.0 mg·L-1Cd浓度处理下,"台湾308"和"强坤青骨"叶、茎、根Cd含量分别为3.75、4.15、55.8和2.68、3.43、83.7 mg·kg-1。2个蕹菜品种Cd化学结合形态研究表明,叶中以乙醇提取态为主,茎、根中以乙醇和氯化钠提取态为主。"台湾308"叶、茎、根中活性较强的水提取态Cd所占比例均明显高于"强坤青骨",而醋酸和盐酸提取态Cd所占比例均明显低于"强坤青骨"。Cd处理水平和蕹菜品种类型对体内Cd化学结合形态均有一定影响,在根中表现尤为明显。分子分布结果表明,蕹菜叶片可溶部分中的Cd大部分与高分子量化合物和小分子量物质相配合,而根中可溶部分的Cd主要与植物螯合肽(PCs)和分子量为10~20 kDa的蛋白质结合。"强坤青骨"根系中Cd与PCs配合的组分(Cd-PCs)含量小于"台湾308",降低了Cd向地上部转运的可能性,进而成为其地上部分Cd含量较低的原因之一。  相似文献   

霞多丽苗木中镉的积累、亚细胞分布及化学存在形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以一年生盆栽葡萄品种霞多丽(Vitis vinifera L.cv.Chardonnay)自根苗及SO4砧嫁接苗为试材,采用CdCl2和CaCl2根部灌入的方法,研究了镉在霞多丽植株内的亚细胞分布和存在形态,以及外源添加氯化钙对植株镉吸收的影响.结果表明:大部分镉积累在霞多丽自根苗及嫁接苗的地下部器官;4 mmol·L-1浓度的CdCl2处理下,镉在自根苗根及根颈部分的积累量占77.1%,在叶片中的积累量占1.4%,而嫁接苗中镉在嫁接口以下部分的积累量高达93.9%,叶片中的积累量仅占0.1%;5 mmol·L-1外源钙缓解了植株对镉的吸收积累,而10mmol ·L-1外源钙则显著增加了植株对镉的吸收积累.镉在根系和叶片中的亚细胞分布规律为细胞壁>可溶性部分>细胞器,且在细胞壁中积累50%以上;镉在根系中主要以氯化钠提取态存在,其次为乙酸提取态,去离子水提取态含量最少.随着镉处理浓度的增加,各提取态含量有所变化.  相似文献   

铯对印度芥菜幼苗生长的影响及其亚细胞分布和化学形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以印度芥菜为材料,用含铯(Cs+)[8.24(CK),25,50,100,200mg·L~(-1)]的Hoagland营养液培养印度芥菜种子和幼苗,采用IMAGE-J软件测定根、茎长度,通过差速离心法、化学试剂提取法分别提取幼苗根、茎、叶各亚细胞组分及不同化学形态的Cs+,并用火焰原子分光光度计测定Cs+含量,分析Cs+对幼苗生长的影响及其亚细胞分布和化学形态,进而探讨Cs+对植物的伤害机理。结果显示:(1)Cs+对印度芥菜幼苗生长具有明显的抑制作用,根、茎的EC50(相对抑制率达到50%的Cs+浓度)分别为112.09和118.42mg·L~(-1);(2)各器官中Cs+的积累量总体表现为叶根茎;Cs+在印度芥菜中的亚细胞分布呈现为可溶性组分细胞壁组分细胞器组分,三者所占比例分别为52.86%~79.19%、20.81%~45.05%和1.43%~9.00%;(3)Cs+在印度芥菜各器官中主要以无机盐和水溶态赋存,两种形态根、茎、叶占比分别达到88.02%~92.20%、97.33%~100%和95.06%~100%。研究表明:印度芥菜积累过量的Cs+可抑制其根、茎生长,导致叶片枯萎,主要是因为Cs+在印度芥菜体内大部分以无机盐态和水溶态形式存在,使Cs+在植物体内具有较强迁移能力和毒理生物有效性,更易分布到重金属的毒性敏感区(如细胞器),导致细胞器受到功能性损伤,从而使植物表现出明显中毒症状。  相似文献   

研究了添加外源褪黑素对水稻幼苗中Cd积累以及水稻体内Cd化学形态分布的影响.结果表明: Cd胁迫显著降低水稻幼苗地上部和根部的生物量,并且显著降低水稻叶片的叶绿素含量.适宜的外源褪黑素添加能明显提高Cd胁迫下水稻的地上部和根部生物量,降低水稻地上部和根部Cd含量.当Cd胁迫浓度为5 μmol·L-1时,添加20 μmol·L-1褪黑素使水稻地上部和根部Cd含量分别比对照处理降低48.4%和16.9%,添加100 μmol·L-1褪黑素水稻地上部和根部Cd含量分别降低67.5%和47.9%.添加外源褪黑素也显著降低了水稻体内Cd的转运效率.当Cd胁迫浓度为20 μmol·L-1时,添加20 和100 μmol·L-1褪黑素使水稻Cd的转运效率分别比对照降低24.4%和46.8%.通过逐步提取法对水稻幼苗Cd的化学结合形态进行分析发现,添加外源褪黑素使水稻体内氯化钠提取态Cd的比例提高,而水溶态Cd、乙醇提取态Cd的比例明显降低,说明添加褪黑素可促进水稻体内移动性较强的Cd形态向移动性较弱的Cd形态转移,从而降低水稻对Cd的吸收和转运.  相似文献   

以7种水生植物(长苞香蒲、水生美人蕉、黑藻、粉绿狐尾藻、花叶芦竹、香根鸢尾、水葫芦)为研究材料,构建生物塘系统,通过差速离心法和五步提取法,提取植物各亚细胞组分和不同化学形态的镉,并用原子吸收分光光度法测定镉含量,分析镉在水生植物体中富集特征,揭示植物对镉的耐性机制。结果表明:(1)水生植物根中镉富集量大于茎和叶;3种类型水生植物富集镉能力表现为沉水植物(粉绿狐尾藻、黑藻)浮水植物(水葫芦)挺水植物(长苞香蒲、水生美人蕉、花叶芦竹、香根鸢尾)。(2)镉在黑藻、水葫芦和花叶芦竹中的亚细胞分布量均呈现为细胞壁可溶组分原生质体线粒体,所占比例分别为37.16%~50.86%、20.69%~31.21%、10.81%~23.83%、8.15%~19.83%。(3)赋存化学形态表现为以氯化钠提取态、醋酸提取态为主,所占比例分别为29.37%~56.27%和15.06%~36.19%。研究发现,粉绿狐尾藻、水葫芦、水生美人蕉和花叶芦竹4种植物为富集镉较好的植物,而黑藻、香根鸢尾和长苞香蒲3种植物的镉富集能力相对较弱;镉主要以果胶酸盐、蛋白质结合态或吸附态存在于植物根的细胞壁和液泡中,以减弱镉对根细胞器和植物地上部分的毒害。  相似文献   

蒌蒿对镉的富集特征及亚细胞分布特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以镉(Cd)富集植物蒌蒿(Artemisia selengensis)为试材, 采用超声波细胞破碎处理和超速离心的方法, 对蒌蒿根和叶中亚细胞水平的Cd分布状况进行研究, 同时测定Cd在蒌蒿不同器官中的富集效果。结果表明, 在30 mg·kg–1Cd胁迫下, 蒌蒿叶片中Cd的富集浓度是根和茎中的2–3倍, 但因叶片所占植株的生物量比例较小, 其对Cd的积累量远小于茎和根; Cd在蒌蒿叶片细胞壁、胞液和细胞器中含量比为16:5:1。细胞壁固定是叶片对Cd的主要防御机制。随着Cd处理浓度的增加, 细胞壁和胞液中的Cd含量大幅上升, 但细胞器中Cd含量仍维持在较低水平。长时间和高浓度的Cd胁迫可使细胞壁解毒机制失活并诱导细胞器中的Cd含量增加, 导致植株死亡。根中液泡的Cd贮存量较大, 解毒效果显著。  相似文献   

The influence of zinc (Zn) on physiological and biochemical parameters was studied to elucidate the mechanism of Zn resistance in Phragmites australis. Zn concentrations in roots, stems and leaves increased with exogenous Zn concentration, while Zn content in roots was much higher than in shoots. X-ray microanalysis was used to reveal compartments in which Zn accumulated in root cortex. Zinc concentrations followed a gradient with the sequence: intercellular space>cell wall >vacuole >cytoplasm, indicating that most Zn was immobilized in the apoplast or sequestered into the vacuolar lumen. Sequential extraction of various Zn chelates revealed that the ratio of Zn extracted with different extraction media was markedly different. Ethanol, HAc (acetic acid) and NaCl-extractable Zn were dominant in both roots and leaves of P. australis. Zn-binding protein fractions were found in the roots and leaves after gel filtration chromatography, among which a polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of 14kDa bound Zn most effectively. Two newly synthesized polypeptides of 58 and 45kDa appeared under Zn pollution, whereas a prominent fraction of 72kDa disappeared. The involvement of Zn distribution in plant tissues, subcellular compartments and chelates and Zn-inducing proteins in the acclimation mechanism of P. australis to Zn pollution is discussed.  相似文献   

In response to Cd stress, higher plants utilise a number of defence systems, such as retention in cell walls, binding by organic molecules in the cytosol and sequestration in the vacuole. White lupin is a Cd-resistant legume that is of interest for phytoremediation of acidified and Cd-contaminated soils. The aim of this research was to evaluate the contributions of various mechanisms of Cd detoxification used by this species, focusing on cell-wall retention and binding by thiol-rich compounds. Retention of Cd by the cell wall of white lupin was well described by a Langmuir isotherm model. The percentage of total Cd adsorbed by the cell wall ranged from 29 to 47% in leaves, from 38 to 51% in stems and from 26 to 42% in roots depending on the Cd supply. Cadmium induced the synthesis of high levels of phytochelatins (PCs) in lupin plants, mainly in roots, with PC3 being the major PC. The amount of Cd complexed by thiols accounted for approximately 20% of the total Cd in leaves, 40% in stems and 20% in roots. Therefore, cell-wall retention could account for more than twice the amount of Cd complexed by PCs in leaves and roots. In stems, both mechanisms contributed equally to Cd detoxification. These studies indicate that white lupin plants use cell-wall binding and, secondarily, the production of PCs, as effective mechanisms of Cd detoxification.  相似文献   

Although Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A.DC. is a renowned medicine food homology plant, reports of excessive cadmium (Cd) levels are common, which affects its safety for clinical use and food consumption. To enable its Cd levels to be regulated or reduced, it is necessary to first elucidate the mechanism of Cd uptake and accumulation in the plant, in addition to its detoxification mechanisms. This present study used inductively couple plasma-mass-spectrometry to analyze the subcellular distribution and chemical forms of Cd in different tissues of P. grandiflorum. The experimental results showed that Cd was mainly accumulated in the roots [predominantly in the cell wall (50.96%–61.42%)], and it was found primarily in hypomobile and hypotoxic forms. The proportion of Cd in the soluble fraction increased after Cd exposure, and the proportion of insoluble phosphate Cd and oxalate Cd increased in roots and leaves, with a higher increase in oxalate Cd. Therefore, it is likely that root retention mechanisms, cell wall deposition, vacuole sequestration, and the formation of low mobility and low toxicity forms are tolerance strategies for Cd detoxification used by P. grandiflorum. The results of this study provide a theoretical grounding for the study of Cd accumulation and detoxification mechanisms in P. grandiflorum, and they can be used as a reference for developing Cd limits and standards for other medicine food homology plants.  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium in Morus alba L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Morus alba L. (mulberry) is a perennial woody tree and a species with great potential for Cd phyremediation owing to its large biomass and extensive root system. The mechanisms involved in Cd detoxification were investigated by analyzing the subcellular distribution and chemical forms of Cd in mulberry in the present study. These results indicated that 53.27–70.17% of Cd mulberry accumulated was stored in the root and only about 10% were in the leaves. Lots of the Cd was located in the cell wall of the mulberry root and in soluble fraction of the mulberry leaf. Moreover, in roots, the largest amount of Cd was in the form of undissolved Cd-phosphate. While in mulberry leaves and stems, most of the Cd was extracted by 2% Acetic acid and 0.6 M HCl, representing Cd-phosphate and Cd-oxalate. It could be concluded that the Cd combination with peptides and organo-ligands in vacuole of leaf or complexed with proteins or cellulose in the cell wall of root might be contributed to the tolerance of mulberry to Cd stress. The mulberry could be used to remediate the Cd polluted farmland soils.  相似文献   

Cd-binding protein was extracted from tomato roots and purified on QAE-Sephadex A-25 and on Sephadex G-75 in 1 molar KCl buffer. The protein preparation was light brown and contained predominantly Cd and small amounts of Zn and Cu. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 6.9 removed the brown material from protein which now bound mostly Cd and some Cu. The apparent molecular weight was 3,100 daltons in high ionic strength medium (1 molar KCl buffer) and 21,500 daltons at low ionic strength. Ionic strength also affected the apparent molecular weight of the Cd-binding protein in crude root extracts. The protein contained 26% cysteine, 53% glutamic acid/glutamine, and 2.8 gram atoms (Cd+Zn+Cu)/mole. The (Cd+Zn+Cu):cysteine ratio was 1:2.3. Circular dichroism measurements indicated Cd-thiolate coordination. The tomato Cd-binding protein was more similar to phytochelatins than to animal metallothioneins.  相似文献   

Variation in Cd accumulation between Nicotiana species but not varieties has been observed in seedlings grown in solution culture with moderate-to-low levels of Cd. Nicotiana tabacum has been characterized as a leaf and root accumulator while Nicotiana rustica is shown to be primarily a root accumulator, having about half the leaf Cd per gram dry weight of N. tabacum. This phenotype is retained in the mature N. rustica plant. To characterize these two species which differ in their modes of Cd accumulation, tissue Cd distribution, partitioning of metal in soluble and insoluble fractions and the contribution of soluble Cd-binding proteins (peptides) to total plant Cd was assessed using mature solution cultured plants. Metal accumulation was highest in the most mature leaves and in young roots. The preponderance of young roots in N. rustica may, in part, account for low leaf/high root Cd accumulation in this species. While Cd-binding peptides appear to be a principal form of Cd in leaves and roots of seedlings and these also occur in mature leaves, Cd is equally distributed between soluble (about 80% as Cd-binding peptide) and uncharacterized insoluble forms in mature plant roots.  相似文献   

Cadmium is an important environmental pollutant with high toxicity to plants. We report the effects of high-dose Cd (100 µ M for 21 days) on the root apparatus of Phragmites australis plants, which are characterized by elevated water detoxification capacity and widely used in phytoremediation programmes. The examination of root sections by light and electron microscopy failed to reveal any significant cadmium-induced structural or ultra-structural modifications. However, histochemical localization of Cd disclosed accumulation of the metal in the parenchyma cells below the exodermis. Phytochelatins (PC) are thiol-rich peptides whose synthesis is induced by a range of metals. Our results indicate that total PC production increases after exposure to Cd, which suggests a pivotal role for phytochelatins in the sequestration of metal. Cd treatment also induced lignin deposition and marked stimulation of root antioxidant systems, suggesting that, because of its ability to adopt different strategies against the harmful effects of cadmium, Phragmites australis is a plant with high detoxification potential.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is a widespread heavy metal pollutant and environmental and human health hazard, which may be partially resolved using green and cost-effective phytoremediation techniques. However, the efficiency of phytoremediation is often limited by the small biomass of Cd-hyperaccumulator plants. Although cattail (Typha angustifolia L.) is tolerant of heavy metals and has a high biomass, there is little information available on its detoxification mechanisms for heavy metals, especially Cd. In the present study we investigated the tolerance of cattail to Cd and mechanisms involved in its Cd detoxification. Our results show that: (a) cattail is tolerant of Cd; (b) the root Casparian band, cell wall, vacuole, glutathione (GSH), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) play important roles in Cd detoxification; and (c) mechanisms of Cd detoxification differ in leaf cell cytoplasm (mainly a GSH-related antioxidant defense system) and root cell cytoplasm (mainly a GSH-related chelation system). In summary, cattail possesses multiple detoxification mechanisms for Cd and is a promising species for phytoremediation of Cd-polluted environments.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,86(4):353-360
The influence of cadmium (Cd) on physiological and biochemical parameters was studied to elucidate the mechanism of Cd resistance in Phragmites australis. Cadmium concentrations in roots, stems and leaves increased with exogenous Cd concentration, but Cd content in roots was much higher than in shoots. X-ray microanalysis was used to reveal compartments in which Cd accumulated in root cortex. Cadmium concentrations followed a gradient with the sequence: intercellular space > cell wall > vacuole > cytoplasm, indicating that most Cd was immobilized in the apoplast or sequestered into the vacuolar lumen. Sequential extraction of various Cd chelates revealed that more than half of extractable Cd was bound to proteins, whereas 26% was bound to organic acids. Cd-binding protein fractions were found in the roots after gel filtration chromatography, among which a polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of 14 kDa bound Cd most avidly. One newly synthesized polypeptide of low molecular mass (1 kDa) appeared under Cd pollution, whereas a prominent fraction of 72 kDa disappeared. Four aldehyde oxidase (AO) isoenzyme activities increased significantly in roots under Cd pollution. Cd stress also enhanced xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) activities in roots. Two AO polypeptides of different molecular sizes were detected in the roots by Western blot assay. The abundance of the 160 kDa subunit correlated with Cd stress, but the amount of the 90 kDa polypeptide did not change under Cd treatment. Enhanced abscisic acid (ABA) contents were observed in roots of P. australis exposed to Cd. The involvement of Cd distribution in plant tissues and subcellular compartments and of AO and XDH enzymatic activities in the acclimation mechanism of P. australis to Cd pollution is discussed herein.  相似文献   

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