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为获得优良生防木霉菌株,本研究以昆虫肠道为样本,从中分离鉴定木霉菌株,并以芒果炭疽病菌盘长孢状刺盘孢为靶标菌,通过对峙培养、挥发性物质和非挥发性物质筛选拮抗效果最优的木霉菌株,测定其孢子悬浮液对芒果炭疽病的室内防效研究.结果 显示,从105份昆虫肠道中共分离获得10株木霉,通过形态学特征和Tef1-Rpb2双基因联合建...  相似文献   

毒死蜱降解木霉菌对几种重要植物病原真菌的生防活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木霉菌既是广泛应用的防治植物病害的生防菌,又是一类很有应用潜力的环境污染修复菌。针对分离筛选出的6株高效降解毒死蜱的木霉菌株,进行了土传植物真菌病害的生防活性试验。结果表明,在对峙培养条件下,供试木霉菌株对几种病原真菌均具有较为显著的抑制率,发酵滤液对多数病原真菌具有明显的抑菌作用。所有供试木霉菌株能在立枯丝核菌、灰霉、终极腐霉菌落上着生,并逐渐覆盖全部菌落;但不能在茄腐镰孢菌、尖孢镰孢菌、大丽轮枝菌上生长。真菌重寄生现象观察结果表明,供试木霉菌仅对立枯丝核菌具有明显的重寄生现象。研究结果表明,筛选出的高效降解毒死蜱的木霉菌菌株可对多种土传植物病原真菌具有良好的生防潜力。  相似文献   

利用红外光谱,核磁共振光谱结合免疫亲和柱的方法解析梨孢镰孢菌代谢产物成分,为真菌代谢产物的分析提供新的信息.将F.Poae菌株在GYM培养基上25℃条件下培养12 h后转至8℃培养12h,交替进行4周,将其代谢产物分离纯化、结晶,80℃干燥后用红外光谱议分析产物结构,然后利用免疫亲和柱特异性,比较产物经T-2免疫亲和柱纯化前后的1H核磁谱图.由红外谱图可判断目标组分存在与单端孢霉烯族毒素相同的特征官能团,初步判定产物为单端孢霉烯族毒素.通过1H核磁谱图比较T-2免疫亲和柱纯化前后物质结构一致.梨孢镰孢菌代谢产物成分为T-2毒素.红外-核磁共振光谱结合免疫亲和柱的方法解析梨孢镰孢菌代谢产物的方法在国内外尚未见报道.  相似文献   

高耐砷真菌的分离及其耐砷能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从湖南石门县及郴州市重金属矿周边地区采集的6个砷污染土壤样品中,初步分离得到13株具有较强耐砷能力的真菌菌株,其中3株真菌的耐砷能力最强,经形态与分子鉴定分别为微紫青霉(Penicillin janthinellum)、尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)和棘孢木霉(Trichoderma asperellum).培养试验表明:微紫青霉、尖孢镰刀菌和棘孢木霉分别在30000 mg·L-1、30000 mg·L-1和20000 mg·L-1的砷胁迫平板中表现出很好的菌落生长状况;在砷浓度分别为0~50、0~50和0~80 mg·L-1的液态培养基中培养2 d后,尖孢镰刀菌、棘孢木霉和微紫青霉的生物量均随砷浓度增加而增加,且在相应最高浓度(50、50、80 mg·L-1)下的生物量显著高于不加砷的对照.此外,高浓度砷对该3株真菌的产孢能力没有影响.  相似文献   

唾液乳杆菌抑制镰孢霉的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究唾液乳杆菌抑制产毒镰孢霉的生物学性能,初步探索抑菌机制.方法 以禾谷镰孢霉和尖孢镰孢霉2种典型霉菌为指示菌,唾液乳杆菌为测试对象,对霉菌孢子萌芽、孢子生长和菌丝体生长3个生理阶段进行抑制效应观察.结果 10%的唾液乳杆菌耗尽上清就能抑制83%的禾谷镰孢霉孢子和50%尖孢镰孢霉孢子萌芽;耗尽上清24 h内能显著抑制镰孢霉孢子的生长;96 h内孢霉菌丝体的生长.结论 唾液乳杆菌产生的有机酸对禾谷镰孢霉和尖孢镰孢霉生长起主要抑制作用.  相似文献   

【背景】生物防治是“基于自然的解决方案”,有利于生态文明和可持续发展,开展生物防治技术研究的基础是明确菌株的生防作用和抑菌特性。【目的】探究杉木内生菌株T1-3-2的抑菌促生特性,为研制该菌株生防菌剂、防治杉木炭疽病(Cunninghamia lanceolata anthracnose)奠定基础。【方法】通过形态学特征、生理生化特性及16S rRNA基因序列分析,确定菌株T1-3-2的分类地位;通过平板对峙、菌落径向生长抑制率和平板倒扣等方法测定细菌及其挥发性气体和次级代谢产物的抑菌作用;同时,测定其促生作用和室内防效。【结果】菌株T1-3-2与桉生假单胞菌(Pseudomonas eucalypticola)亲缘性较近,属于假单胞菌属。该菌株对分属于6个属的10株靶标菌株具有较强的拮抗作用,尤其对炭疽菌属、拟盘多毛孢属、黑孢霉属和葡萄座腔菌属的6株靶标菌株抑制率高达80%以上。室内盆栽试验显示:菌株T1-3-2用Kings Medium B液体培养基的发酵菌液对杉木炭疽病的防效可达74.20%,同时能有效改善杉木幼苗的生长状况、增加生物量。【结论】菌株T1-3-2隶属于假单胞菌属,对杉木具有良好的抗病促生作用,是一株具有开发潜力的生防菌株。  相似文献   

油桐是我国重要的木本油料植物,其生产的桐油作为天然的优良干性油在工业上具有广泛用途。但由油桐专化型尖孢镰孢菌Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fordiisFof-1)侵染引起的枯萎病给油桐产业造成了毁灭性灾害,目前尚无有效防治手段。众多实践证明,利用生防菌可以有效防治土传枯萎病。本研究发现,在抗病油桐根围土壤中木霉菌的相对丰度较高,并从中分离获得了16株木霉菌;通过形态学鉴定和ITS-TEF1双基因联合构建系统进化树,鉴定出4种木霉菌:拟康宁木霉Trichoderma koningiopsis(TkonT1)、螺旋木霉T. spirale(TspiT2)、深绿木霉T. atroviride(TatrT3)和哈茨木霉T. harzianum(TharT4);通过对峙培养试验,发现木霉菌株TkonT1、TharT4和TspiT2具有较好的抑菌效果;进一步显微观察发现菌株TkonT1和TatrT3可缠绕在尖孢镰孢菌菌丝体上或穿入菌丝体内营寄生生长,吸收病菌菌丝体养分进而导致病菌菌丝体破裂和细胞原生质消解。结果表明,从抗病油桐根围土壤中获得的拮抗木霉菌株可用于油桐枯萎病的生物防治。  相似文献   

【背景】枝孢菌SYC63是一株具有重寄生作用和抗菌活性的潜在生防菌株,目前尚无研究报道该菌株的全基因组序列,因此限制了其开发与利用。对该菌株进行基因组测序与分析,将进一步了解其重寄生的分子机制,为其在生物防治上的应用奠定研究基础。【目的】解析枝孢菌SYC63基因组序列信息,初步探究该菌的重寄生作用机制。【方法】利用二代高通量测序平台对枝孢菌SYC63进行全基因组测序,运用相关软件对其测序数据进行基因组组装、基因功能注释、预测次级代谢产物合成基因簇并分析重寄生相关的碳水化合物酶类基因等。【结果】基因组组装后共得到17个contigs,总长度为31 912 211 bp,GC含量为52.80%,预测到12 327个编码基因。其中,4 029、949和6 595个基因分别能在KEGG、COG和GO数据库中被注释到,同时还预测到25个次级代谢产物合成基因簇。对重寄生机制相关的碳水化合物酶类进行分析并与重寄生菌株(拟盘多毛孢菌、木霉及盾壳霉)比较,发现该菌具有较多的糖苷水解酶和糖脂酶基因,而且细胞壁降解酶类基因经锈菌孢子壁处理后在转录组测序中显著上调表达,初步分析了该菌与重寄生木霉在分子水平上的...  相似文献   

东北地区木耳"白毛菌病"的病原菌   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
"白毛菌病"是近年来东北地区木耳栽培中一种常见病害.其病原菌在盛夏伏天侵染木耳子实体,在木耳耳片腹面生长一层白色网状霉层,对木耳生长及商品形态造成严重危害.从黑龙江省尚志地区染病耳片上分离得到两株病原菌,经对它们进行形态学特征观察、rDNA ITS序列分析和致病性测定,证明这两株病菌为尖孢镰孢和厚垣镰孢,二者均对栽培木...  相似文献   

【背景】由病原菌Sclerotium denigrans侵染引起的平贝母菌核病是其主要的鳞茎病害之一,给平贝母种植产业带来了巨大的损失。【目的】筛选出对平贝母菌核病具有拮抗效果的木霉菌株。【方法】以平贝母菌核病作为靶标菌,采用平板对峙试验、平板对扣法、圆盘滤膜法与发酵液抑菌试验筛选对平贝母菌核病具有拮抗效果的木霉菌株。采用顶空固相微萃取的方法检测拮抗效果较好的木霉菌挥发性成分;二硝基水杨酸(dinitrosalicylic acid, DNS)比色法测定木霉菌的β-1,3葡聚糖酶的活性;室内防效试验验证其对平贝母菌核病的防治效果。【结果】平板对峙试验发现木霉菌F1、F2和D6对平贝母菌核病菌的生长具有较强的抑制作用,其抑菌率分别为91.06%、87.00%和86.12%;平板对扣法发现木霉菌E17和A26对菌核病菌的抑制效果最为明显,抑菌率分别为74.96%和75.86%;圆盘滤膜法发现菌核病菌在F2、C6、D3、F4、A26、B30、D4和D6的琼脂培养基上均不生长,抑菌率达100%;发酵液抑菌试验表明木霉菌D3抑制效果最强,可完全抑制菌核病菌的生长,抑菌率为100%;对A26、D4、E8、E17和D3这5株木霉进行GC/MS挥发性产物分析,在E17发现了具有抗真菌活性的6-戊基-2H-吡喃-2-酮等活性物质;DNS比色法发现β-1,3葡聚糖酶活性最高的木霉菌为F1;室内防效试验测定发现D3能明显抑制平贝母鳞茎菌核病的病变,对平贝母菌核病具有潜在的生防活性。【结论】木霉菌D3在防治平贝母菌核病中是极具开发价值的菌种。  相似文献   

Suppression of soilborne diseases by biocontrol agents involves complex interactions among biocontrol agents and the pathogen and between these microorganisms and the plant. In general, these interactions are not well characterized. In this work, we studied (i) the diversity among strains of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus spp., and Paenibacillus sp. for their sensitivity to fusaric acid (FAc) and phytoanticipins from different host plants, (ii) the diversity of pathogenic and nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum isolates for their sensitivity to phytoanticipins, and (iii) the influence of FAc on the production of pyoverdine by fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. tolerant to this compound. There was a great diversity in the response of the bacterial strains to FAc; however, as a group, Bacillus spp. and Paenibacillus macerans were much more sensitive to FAc than Pseudomonas spp. FAc also affected production of pyoverdine by FAc-tolerant Pseudomonas spp. strains. Phytoanticipins differed in their effects on microbial growth, and sensitivity to a phytoanticipin varied among bacterial and fungal strains. Biochanin A did not affect growth of bacteria, but coumarin inhibited growth of Pseudomonas spp. strains and had no effect on Bacillus circulans and P. macerans. Conversely, tomatine inhibited growth of B. circulans and P. macerans. Biochanin A and tomatine inhibited growth of three pathogenic isolates of F. oxysporum but increased growth of three nonpathogenic F. oxysporum isolates. Coumarin inhibited growth of all pathogenic and nonpathogenic F. oxysporum isolates. These results are indicative of the complex interactions that can occur among plants, pathogens, and biological control agents in the rhizosphere and on the root surface. Also, these results may help to explain the low efficacy of some combinations of biocontrol agents, as well as the inconsistency in achieving disease suppression under field conditions.  相似文献   

Universally primed (UP) PCR analysis was used to characterize strains of Trichoderma spp., which constitute the active ingredients of commercial products for biocontrol of phytopathogens. Several UP primers were able to generate distinct and reproducible fingerprints for each strain, allowing them to be differentiated from a collection of other Trichoderma spp. strains. In order to test whether the UP-PCR method in combination with dilution plating could be useful to detect and enumerate propagules of biocontrol strains of Trichoderma spp. when applied on a commercial scale, sampling was carried out in three commercial glasshouse operations. Dilution plating was carried out using a semi-selective medium and a number of the Trichoderma spp. recovered were subjected to UP-PCR analysis with one selected UP primer. The results showed that the method could be used to identify the isolates from the biocontrol products applied in the different glasshouses. Furthermore, it was found that a biocontrol strain also colonized an untreated bench in one of the glasshouses. The combined methods enable verification of the active ingredient concentration, facilitating monitoring establishment and spread of the Trichoderma strains.  相似文献   

植物根际促生菌对3种土传真菌病害病原的抑制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
孙广正  姚拓  刘婷  卢虎 《微生物学通报》2014,41(11):2293-2300
【目的】获取促生同时可防治3种土传真菌病害(Fusarium oxysporum、Sclerotinia sclerotiorum和Rhizoctonia solani)的生防菌,并明确其抑菌效果。【方法】利用前期研究获得的17株促生菌,采用平板对峙法测定其对病原真菌的拮抗作用及对菌丝生长的抑制作用。【结果】可有效拮抗立枯丝核菌的生防菌有6株,其中促生菌株FX2和LM4-3的抑制率达73.82%;拮抗尖孢镰刀菌的生防菌有7株,其中FX2的抑制率达到66.81%;拮抗油菜菌核病菌的生防菌有4株,其中菌株LHS11的抑制率高达85.71%。菌株LHS11和JM170通过次生代谢物抑制病原真菌。所有的生防菌对病原菌的菌丝生长均有一定的抑制作用。【结论】筛选得到对3种真菌病害病原具有较好生防作用的菌株LHS11和FX2。  相似文献   

Aim:  To screen and evaluate the biocontrol potential of Paenibacillus strains against disease complex caused by Meloidogyne incognita and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici interactions.
Methods and Results:  Paenibacillus strains were collected from rotten ginseng roots. The strains were tested under in vitro and pots for their inhibitory activities, and biocontrol potential against disease complex caused by M. incognita and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici on tomato. In in vitro experiments, among 40 tested strains of Paenibacillus spp., 11 strains showed antifungal and nematicidal activities against F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and M. incognita, respectively. Paenibacillus polymyxa GBR-462; GBR-508 and P. lentimorbus GBR-158 showed the strongest antifungal and nematicidal activities. These three strains used in pot experiment reduced the symptom development of the disease complex (wilting and plant death), and increased plant growth. The control effects were estimated to be 90–98%, and also reduced root gall formation by 64–88% compared to the untreated control.
Conclusion:  The protective properties of selected Paenibacillus strains make them as potential tool to reduce deleterious impact of disease complex plants.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The study highlights biocontrol potential of Paenibacillus strains in management of disease complex caused by nematode-fungus interaction.  相似文献   

Cao L  Qiu Z  You J  Tan H  Zhou S 《FEMS microbiology letters》2005,248(2):147-152
A total of 131 endophytic actinomycete strains were successfully isolated from surface-sterilized banana roots. These isolates belonged to Streptomyces (n=99), Streptoverticillium (n=28), and Streptosporangium (n=2) spp. The remaining 2 isolates were not identified. About 18.3% of the isolates inhibited the growth of pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense on banana tissue extract medium. The most frequently isolated Streptomyces sp. strain S96 was similar to Streptomyces griseorubiginosus. About 37.5% of the S. griseorubiginosus strains were antagonistic to F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense. The antagonism of strain S96 was lost when FeCl(3) was introduced into the inhibition zone. In vivo biocontrol assays showed that the disease severity index (DSI) was significantly (P=0.05) reduced and mean fresh weight increased (P=0.001) in plantlets treated with strain S96 compared to those grown in the absence of the biocontrol strain. These findings indicate the potential of developing siderophore-producing Streptomyces endophytes for the biological control of fusarium wilt disease of banana.  相似文献   

A collection of 905 bacterial isolates from the rhizospheres of healthy avocado trees was obtained and screened for antagonistic activity against Dematophora necatrix, the cause of avocado Dematophora root rot (also called white root rot). A set of eight strains was selected on the basis of growth inhibitory activity against D. necatrix and several other important soilborne phytopathogenic fungi. After typing of these strains, they were classified as belonging to Pseudomonas chlororaphis, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Pseudomonas putida. The eight antagonistic Pseudomonas spp. were analyzed for their secretion of hydrogen cyanide, hydrolytic enzymes, and antifungal metabolites. P. chlororaphis strains produced the antibiotic phenazine-1-carboxylic acid and phenazine-1-carboxamide. Upon testing the biocontrol ability of these strains in a newly developed avocado-D. necatrix test system and in a tomato-F oxysporum test system, it became apparent that P. fluorescens PCL1606 exhibited the highest biocontrol ability. The major antifungal activity produced by strain P. fluorescens PCL1606 did not correspond to any of the major classes of antifungal antibiotics produced by Pseudomonas biocontrol strains. This compound was purified and subsequently identified as 2-hexyl 5-propyl resorcinol (HPR). To study the role of HPR in biocontrol activity, two Tn5 mutants of P. fluorescens PCL1606 impaired in antagonistic activity were selected. These mutants were shown to impair HRP production and showed a decrease in biocontrol activity. As far as we know, this is the first report of a Pseudomonas biocontrol strain that produces HPR in which the production of this compound correlates with its biocontrol activity.  相似文献   

Culture filtrates of Trichoderma viride and Trichoderma harzianum were inhibitory of Fusarium moniliforme and, to a lesser extent, Aspergillus flavus. The degree of inhibition was, however, dependent on the carbon or nitrogen source incorporated into the medium. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the development of abnormal fruiting structures on exposure to some Trichoderma culture filtrate, while macroscopically, growth restriction and, in the case of A. flavus, altered colony colouration were observed. Based on the results of inverted colony culture, it would appear that some isolates of Trichoderma produce inhibitory volatile compounds. The production of possible antibiotics was also demonstrated. The aggressive behaviour (towards A. flavus and F. moniliforme) demonstrated by Trichoderma spp. may be partly explained by the liberation of extracellular enzymes by these fungi. An isolate of T. viride exhibited amylolytic, pectinolytic, proteolytic and cellulolytic activity. Based on the results of the present investigation, Trichoderma spp. are potential candidates for biocontrol of some mycotoxin-producing fungi, but there exists some doubt as to their osmotolerance within the air-dry seed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A set of primers was developed for the detection, identification and quantification of common Trichoderma species in soil samples. Based on a broad range master alignment primers were derived to amplify an approximate 540 bp fragment comprising the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS 1), 5.8S rDNA and internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS 2) from all taxonomic Clades of the genus Trichoderma. The primer set was applied to test strains as well as community DNA isolated from arable and forest soil. For all tested isolates the corresponding internal transcribed spacer regions of Trichoderma spp. strains were amplified, but none of non-Trichoderma origin. PCR with community DNA from soil yielded products of the expected size. Analysis of a clone library established for an arable site showed that all amplified sequences originated exclusively from Trichoderma species mainly being representatives of the Clades Hamatum, Harzianum and Pachybasioides and comprising most of the species known for biocontrol ability. In a realtime PCR approach the primer set uTf/uTr also proved to be a suitable system to quantify DNA of Trichoderma spp. in soils.  相似文献   

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