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本文以蒙特卡罗模拟方法为基础,结合组织光学的光子传输模型,提出了一种新的图像分割算法,该算法将复杂的图像分割问题简化为大量简单的光子传输随机实验,通过分析传输规律来获取目标区域.在随后的实验中,结合细胞核提取这一问题建立了一个简单的光学传输模型,并依据此模型分别对人造图和实际图进行了分割.人造图的分割结果表明了该算法的可行性,说明了该算法的一些优点;而实际图的分割结果则反映了该算法的不足之处,文章针对其中存在的问题和算法待改进之处进行了分析.  相似文献   

为分割出眼底图像中的视盘,构建基于眼底图像的计算机辅助诊断系统,提出了一种基于视网膜主血管方向的视盘定位及提取方法。首先,利用Otsu阈值分割眼底图像R通道获取视盘候选区域;然后利用彩色眼底图像的HSV空间的H通道提取视网膜主血管并确定主血管方向;在此基础上,通过在方向图内寻找出对加权匹配滤波器响应值最高的点确定视盘中心位置;最后,利用该位置信息从视盘候选区域中"挑选"出真正的视盘。利用该方法对100幅不同颜色、不同亮度的眼底图像进行视盘分割,得到准确率98%,平均每幅图像处理时间1.3 s。结果表明:该方法稳定可靠,能快速、有效分割出眼底图像中的视盘。  相似文献   

【目的】油茶树害虫的种类较多,其中油茶毒蛾Euproctis pseudoconspersa幼虫是危害较大的害虫之一。为完成油茶毒蛾幼虫的自动检测需要对其图像进行分割,油茶毒蛾幼虫图像的分割效果直接影响到图像的自动识别。【方法】本文提出了基于邻域最大差值与区域合并的油茶毒蛾幼虫图像分割算法,该方法主要是对相邻像素RGB的3个分量进行差值运算,最大差值若为0,则进行相邻像素合并得出初始的分割图像,根据合并准则进一步合并,得到最终分割结果。【结果】实验结果表明,该算法可以快速有效地将油茶毒蛾幼虫图像中的背景和虫体分割开来。【结论】使用JSEG分割算法、K均值聚类分割算法、快速几何可变形分割算法和本文算法对油茶毒蛾幼虫图像进行分割,将结果进行对比发现本文方法的分割效果最佳,且处理时间较短。  相似文献   

目的:通过超声图像预处理和对图像分割方法的改进,完成超声心动图中心腔轮廓的提取。方法:首先,运用基于斑点指数的滤波方法对超声图像进行去噪。其次,对超声图像进行分段非线性灰度变换,提高图像对比度。最后,利用改进的基于C-V模型的水平集算法对超声图像进行分割,得到精确的初始轮廓。结果:1基于斑点指数的图像滤波方法可以在不丢失细节的情况下对超声图像进行噪声滤除。2分段非线性灰度变换可以有效提高超声图像的对比度。3改进的C-V模型可以成功的对含有斑点噪声的超声图像进行分割。结论:本文的超声图像预处理方法和分割算法可以有效提取心腔轮廓,降低斑点噪声对图像分割结果的影响。  相似文献   

刘国成  张杨  黄建华  汤文亮 《昆虫学报》2015,58(12):1338-1343
【目的】叶螨(spider mite)是为害多种农作物的主要害虫,叶螨识别传统方法依靠肉眼,比较费时费力,为研究快速自动识别方法,引入计算机图像分析算法。【方法】该方法基于K-means聚类算法对田间作物上的叶螨图像进行分割与识别。【结果】对比传统RGB彩色分割方法,K-means聚类算法能够有效地对叶片上叶螨图像进行分割和识别。K-means聚类算法平均识别时间为3.56 s,平均识别准确率93.95%。识别时间 T 随图像总像素 Pi 的增加而增加。【结论】K-means聚类组合算法能够应用于叶螨图像分割与识别。  相似文献   

鼻咽细胞的双光子显微图像中含有着丰富信息,借助计算机和图像处理算法可进行分析处理。图象分割是双光子显微图象处理中的一项重要技术,至今为止尚未形成一个最佳通用方法,也没有定义出双光子显微图象分割的统一标准。本文首先采用噪声干扰法进行去噪,采用低帽的变换等的数学形态学来增强鼻咽癌细胞图像,使细胞更加容易分辨,接着对几种经典边缘检测算法进行讨论比较,紧接着根据鼻咽双光子显微图像的实际特征,采取腐蚀算法求出鼻咽癌细胞边缘。然后进行区域生长定位细胞,并采用一些改进的判别分析算法和区域面积算法对鼻咽癌细胞进行阈值分割,获得较好结果。  相似文献   

基于Snake模型的图像分割技术是近年来图像处理领域的研究热点之一。Snake模型承载上层先验知识并融合了图像的底层特征,针对医学图像的特殊性,能有效地应用于医学图像的分割中。本文对各种基于Snake模型的改进算法和进化模型进行了研究,并重点梳理了最新的研究成果,以利于把握基于Snake模型的医学图像分割方法的脉络和发展方向。  相似文献   

目的:采用MR脑肿瘤图像分割与矩方法进行结合,以获取特定器官及组织的轮廓。方法:对MR脑肿瘤图像进行分割,并对分割的结果进行矩描述。通过分析当前常用的医学图像分割方法,采用了一种基于形变模型的医学图像分割方法,并按照相应的理论算法模型和实现步骤对医学图像进行了处理,最后用Visual C 6.0编程,并对MR脑肿瘤图像进行分割实验。结果:从切割的图形中可以看出,本分割方法分割边界清晰,总体不确定性较小,利用矩技术所提取的图像特征在基于内容的图像检索中是有效的。结论:本分割方法切实可行,分割效果较好,为进一步的MR脑肿瘤图像分析和研究提供了一种有效工具。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在探索使用计算机视觉技术实现对鳞翅目标本图像的前背景分割方法。【方法】首先对用于训练和测试的昆虫标本图像去除背景,获得昆虫图像的前背景分割参考标准,对过大的昆虫图像进行缩小处理;其次对训练集图像采用旋转、平移、缩放等方法进行数据增强,剪切出中心区域作为有效图像。求取所有训练样本的均值图像,并从所有输入中减去该均值图像。测试用图像只做归一化但不进行数据增强。微调全卷积神经网络,重点调整结构产生变化的卷积层和反卷积层的参数,用前述训练数据集训练直至收敛。对于待分割图像,只要将图像归一化后输入到训练好的全卷积网络,网络将输出前背景分割结果。【结果】该方法在包含823个样本的测试集中进行了测试,取得的m Io U(mean Intersection over Union)达94.96%,而且分割的视觉效果已经非常接近于人工分割的结果。【结论】实验结果证明通过训练全卷积神经网络可以有效实现鳞翅目标本图像的前背景自动分割。  相似文献   

白血病图像分割方法的适应性分析与改进算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统介绍了几种对白血病骨髓图像进行分割的算法,比较各类算法的优缺点,分析各自的适用范围,并在此基础上根据所处理图像的实际情况对传统算法做出一些改进,综合应用上述技术实现对图片更准确地分割。  相似文献   

植物的入侵性与DNA C-值之间存在统计学上的负相关关系。在这种关系中,细胞和细胞核大小可能起关键作用,因此我们推测分生组织细胞核大小在评估植物或至少某些分类群的入侵性方面有潜在的应用价值。本研究以豌豆属(Vicia)5种入侵能力不同的植物为材料,观察了它们的分生组织染色体、细胞核和细胞大小以及有丝分裂速率,同时测定了种子产量、单位种子干重产生的幼苗生物量(近似于幼苗相对生长速率)和生活史的长短。结果显示根尖分生区细胞核较小的植物细胞较小,细胞分裂速率快,单位种子干重产生的幼苗生物量高,种子小而数量多,生活史短。这些结果表明5种豌豆属植物中分生组织细胞核较小的倾向于具有较高的入侵性,其原因主要是:(1)能够产生小而多的种子;(2)具有较高的有丝分裂速率、相对较快的幼苗生长速率和短的生活史。分生组织细胞核大小影响植物入侵性与DNA C-值的作用是一致的,在植物入侵性评估模型中,分生组织细胞核大小在评估植物入侵性方面可能具有潜在的应用价值,而且其测定方便、费用低廉。但是,这一指标的应用范围和条件需要进一步筛选。  相似文献   

Motion analysis of the lower extremities usually requires determination of the location of the hip joint center. The results of several recent studies have suggested that kinematic and kinetic variables calculated from motion analysis data are highly sensitive to errors in hip joint center location. "Functional" methods in which the location of the hip joint center is determined from the relative motion of the thigh and pelvis, rather than from the locations of bony landmarks, are promising but may be ineffective when motion is limited. The aims of the present study were to determine whether the accuracy of the functional method is compromised in young and elderly subjects when limitations on hip motion are imposed and to investigate the possibility of locating the hip joint center using data collected during commonly studied motions (walking, sit-to-stand, stair ascent, stair descent) rather than using data from an ad hoc trial in which varied hip motions are performed. The results of the study suggested that functional methods would result in worst-case hip joint center location errors of 26mm (comparable to the average errors previously reported for joint center location based on bony landmarks) when available hip motion is substantially limited. Much larger errors ( approximately 70mm worst-case), however, resulted when hip joint centers were located from data collected during commonly performed motions, perhaps because these motions are, for the most part, restricted to the sagittal plane. It appears that the functional method can be successfully implemented when range of motion is limited but still requires collection of a special motion trial in which hip motion in both the sagittal and frontal planes is recorded.  相似文献   

Inverse dynamic optimization is a popular method for predicting muscle and joint reaction forces within human musculoskeletal joints. However, the traditional formulation of the optimization method does not include the joint reaction moment in the moment equilibrium equation, potentially violating the equilibrium conditions of the joint. Consequently, the predicted muscle and joint reaction forces are coordinate system-dependent. This paper presents an improved optimization method for the prediction of muscle forces and joint reaction forces. In this method, the location of the rotation center of the joint is used as an optimization variable, and the moment equilibrium equation is formulated with respect to the joint rotation center to represent an accurate moment constraint condition. The predicted muscle and joint reaction forces are independent of the joint coordinate system. The new optimization method was used to predict muscle forces of an elbow joint. The results demonstrated that the joint rotation center location varied with applied loading conditions. The predicted muscle and joint reaction forces were different from those predicted by using the traditional optimization method. The results further demonstrated that the improved optimization method converged to a minimum for the objective function that is smaller than that reached by using the traditional optimization method. Therefore, the joint rotation center location should be involved as a variable in an inverse dynamic optimization method for predicting muscle and joint reaction forces within human musculoskeletal joints.  相似文献   

Accurate location of the hip joint center is essential for computation of hip kinematics and kinetics as well as for determination of the moment arms of muscles crossing the hip. The functional method of hip joint center location involves fitting a pelvis-fixed sphere to the path traced by a thigh-fixed point while a subject performs hip motions; the center of this sphere is the hip joint center. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential accuracy of the functional method and the dependence of its accuracy on variations in its implementation and the amount of available hip motion. The motions of a mechanical linkage were studied to isolate the factors of interest, removing errors due to skin movement and the palpation of bony landmarks that are always present in human studies. It was found that reducing the range of hip motion from 30 degrees to 15 degrees did significantly increase hip joint center location errors, but that restricting motion to a single plane did not. The magnitudes of these errors, however, even in the least accurate cases, were smaller than those previously reported for either the functional method or other methods based on pelvis measurements of living subjects and cadaver specimens. Neither increasing the number of motion data observations nor analyzing the motion of a single thigh marker (rather than the centroid of multiple markers) was found to significantly increase error. The results of this study (1) imply that the limited range of motion that is often evident in subjects with hip pathology does not preclude accurate determination of the hip joint center when the functional method is used; and (2) provide guidelines for the use of the functional method in human subjects.  相似文献   

Balance changes during pregnancy likely occur because of mass gains and mass distribution changes. However, to date there is no way of tracking balance through center of mass motion because no method is available to identify of the body center of mass throughout pregnancy. We compared methods for determining segment masses and torso center of mass location. The availability of a method for tracking these changes during pregnancy will make determining balance changes through center of mass motion an option for future pregnancy balance research. Thirty pregnant women from eight weeks gestation until birth were recruited for monthly anthropometric measurements, motion capture analysis of body segment locations, and force plate analysis of center of pressure during quiet standing and supine laying. From these measurements, we were able to compare regression, volume measurement, and weighted sum methods to calculate body center of mass throughout pregnancy. We found that mass changes around the trunk were most prevalent as expected, but mass changes throughout the body (especially the thighs) were also seen. Our findings also suggest that a series of anthropometric measurements first suggested by Pavol et al. (2002), in combination with quiet standing on a force plate, can be used to identify the needed components (segment masses and torso center of mass location in three dimensions) to calculate body center of mass changes during pregnancy. The results of this study will make tracking of center of mass motion a possibility for future pregnancy balance research.  相似文献   

长时间盐胁迫对苋菜叶片细胞结构的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生长40d的苋菜秧苗用300mmol·L-1的NaCl处理28 d后,生长受抑,叶面积变小,叶绿素含量降低;叶肉增厚、微管束变小,细胞内容物减少、叶绿体收缩、液泡扩大,细胞核染色程度变浅,形状拉长;细胞内淀粉含量增加.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to systematically determine the effect of experimental errors on the work output calculated using two different methods of inverse dynamics during vertical jumping: (a) the conventional (rotational) method and (b) the translational method. A two-dimensional musculoskeletal model was used to generate precisely known kinematics. Next, the location of each joint center (JC) and the location of each segment's center of mass (CM) were manipulated by +/-10% of segment length to simulate errors in the location of joint centers (delta JC) and errors in the location of segment's center of mass (delta CM), respectively. Work output was subsequently calculated by applying the two methods of inverse dynamics to the manipulated kinematic data. The results showed that the translational method of inverse dynamics was less sensitive (up to 13% error in total work output) to delta JC and delta CM than the rotational method (up to 28% error in total work output). The rotational method of inverse dynamics was particularly sensitive to simulated errors in JC.  相似文献   

日本鳗鲡精卵的超微结构以及受精过程观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过扫描电镜和透射电镜对经人工催产获得的日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)精子、卵膜的超微结构以及受精过程进行了观察。实验观察到,除一般硬骨鱼类的精子特性外,日本鳗鲡精子有其独特的结构。精子头部为不规则的梨形,有背腹面之分。一个巨大的球形线粒体位于头部顶端。精子中段向后伸出一支根,支根位于袖套腔外精子的背侧,前端向精子头部线粒体方向延伸,支根的微管结构为"8+2"结构,并在精子入卵过程中起到切断鞭毛的作用。精子的尾部由鞭毛和鞭毛末端的结组成。鞭毛横切面呈圆形,无侧鳍,鞭毛微管结构为"9+0"结构。受精卵的整个表面密布着无规律延伸的脊、脊包围形成的窝和窝中的孔所组成的脊孔复合体,但无典型特征的受精孔。受精卵超薄切片观察发现,日本鳗鲡卵膜分为外层壳膜和内层卵黄膜。壳膜与卵黄膜间为卵周隙。壳膜只观察到放射带,未见透明带。放射带可分为三个亚层:最外层为脊孔复合体的脊,中间层为皱纹层,最内层为致密的平滑层。脊孔复合体的孔横穿整个放射带,在放射带内层形成一个乳突状结构。日本鳗鲡的卵膜不仅具有保护卵子的作用,而且还参与了受精。实验还通过扫描电镜观察了日本鳗鲡精子的入卵过程。观察结果认为:日本鳗鲡精子入卵过程可分为卵膜对精子的吸引、精子对卵膜的锚定、精核的进入和孔封闭等4个阶段。但由于研究只观察到受精过程中日本鳗鲡精子和卵膜的形态变化,因此对精子穿过卵膜的方式和特征等尚需做进一步的研究。整个受精过程为1min30s左右。此外,研究还探讨了日本鳗鲡精子结构的特殊性和受精过程的特殊性,为进一步突破日本鳗鲡人工育苗技术提供了理论依据。    相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 is a membrane-bound enzyme providing oxidation of numerous organic compounds in organisms. The objective of this review is to show the wide possibilities that are provided by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) techniques to the study of the structure and functions of this unique enzyme. High sensitivity of ESR spectra of cytochrome P450 to its functional state and interaction with substrates and inhibitors is illustrated. NMR and proton relaxation make it possible to obtain unique information about the structure of the active center of cytochrome P450 under physiological conditions. ESR and NMR methods allow one to obtain structural data on location of substrates, inhibitors, and their spin-labeled analogs with respect to Fe3+ ions in the enzyme-active center. Of special interest seems to be coupling of ESR with the affinity modification method. For this purpose, the spin-labeled analogs of cytochrome P450 substrates containing alkylating groups were used. As a result, an important datum has been obtained on the structure of active centers of cytochrome P450 in microsomes and in a highly purified state. In conclusion, the problems of the structure and functions of cytochrome P450, which can be most efficiently resolved with the use of magnetic resonance methods, are discussed.  相似文献   

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