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石油污灌渠底泥生态毒性诊断研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
底泥样品采自沈阳东部石油污水灌渠的上、中、下游.进行了重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、矿物油含量分析和生态毒性试验.结果表明,所有底泥均有污染物积累.矿物油含量为408~118 300 mg·kg-1,Cu为17.83~78.53 mg·kg-1,Zn为35.76~155.16 mg·kg-1,Pb为8.50~31.03 mg·kg-1,Cd为0.1 mg·kg-1~1.0mg·kg-1.底泥对高等植物有不同程度的生长抑制或刺激效应,对蚯蚓有急性致死及慢性亚致死效应.种子发芽根伸长抑制率为-29.81%~93.8%,蚯蚓14d死亡率最大值为100%.蚯蚓14d和28d体重增长抑制率分别为-36.6%~6.08%和-40.4%~6.1%.研究表明,长期石油污水灌溉导致河道底泥中污染物的积累和较强生态毒性.  相似文献   

对安徽铜陵铜尾矿区凤丹种植地的土壤和凤丹中重金属污染状况进行了研究.结果表明,尾矿库区种植地极端贫瘠,有机质含量仅1.1~3.4g·kg-1,而土壤Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn含量皆高于对照土壤,其中Cu含量达587.43~1176.44mg·kg-1,Cd含量达3.08~5.16mg·kg-1,约达国家土壤二级标准的10倍.凤丹各部位的Cu、Cd和Pb含量均超过了药用植物的限量标准,尤其是根皮部位Cu含量达31.50~64.00mg·kg-1,Cd含量达0.98~1.45mg·kg-1,超出标准1.6~3.6倍,表明种植地和凤丹都受到严重污染.凤丹不同部位中的Zn、Cd、Pb和Cu分别以茎、叶、叶和根皮中的含量最高.凤丹对Cd、Zn的富集比Cu和Pb高,但在根皮中的富集系数均较小.  相似文献   

高铜、高锌猪粪对蚯蚓的急性毒性效应研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
测定了高Cu、高Zn猪粪条件下Cu、Zn单一与复合污染对蚯蚓的急性致死及亚致死效应.结果表明,Cu、Zn浓度与蚯蚓死亡率显著正相关(a=0.05,rCu=0.99,rZn=0.99),与体重增长率显著负相关(a=0.05,rCu=-0.99,rZn=-0.96).蚯蚓个体对Cu、Zn的耐受程度不同,其毒性阈值(引起蚯蚓个体死亡浓度)分别为:Cu250mg·kg-1、Zn400mg·kg-1.LD50分别为:Cu646.68mg·kg-1、Zn947.38mg·kg-1.复合污染情况下,Cu浓度为250、500mg·kg-1时,Cu、Zn复合污染表现为协同效应;Cu浓度为750mg·kg-1时,Cu、Zn复合污染表现为拮抗效应,可见,猪粪中Cu、Zn复合污染的毒性效应与各组浓度组合密切相关.  相似文献   

铜尾矿库区土壤与植物中重金属形态分析   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
对铜陵铜尾矿区土壤和植物中重金属形态进行了研究.结果表明,尾矿库区种植地极端贫瘠,有机质含量仅2.6~.8 g·kg-1,而土壤Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn含量皆高于对照土壤,其中Cu含量达809.30~1 39.4 mg·kg-1,Cd含量达3.2~6.3 mg·kg-1,达到对照土壤30~60倍.结缕草和三叶草体内重金属含量与土壤重金属交换态及有机结合态含量成正相关,与碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态成显著或极显著负相关,与矿物态含量相关性不显著.在两种优势植物中,Cu、Zn、Pb均以活性较低的醋酸提取态、盐酸提取态和残渣态为主;Zn在根系和茎叶中,NaCl提取态占有较大比例,而Cd均以NaCl提取态为主.  相似文献   

以秋华柳为试验材料,采用水培试验方式,设置CK(0 mg·L-1 Cd2+)、T1(2 mg·L-1 Cd2+)、T2(10 mg·L-1Cd2+)、T3(20 mg·L-1Cd2+)、T4(50 mg·L-1Cd2+)5种镉处理浓度,通过对秋华柳根系活力,叶、韧皮部、木质部和根部的镉含量,以及Ca、Mg、Mn、Zn、Fe 5种常规金属元素含量的测定,研究了不同浓度镉胁迫下秋华柳根系活力及Ca、Mg、Mn、Zn、Fe 等金属元素含量的变化.结果表明:1)秋华柳根系活力随着镉处理浓度的增加而逐渐下降,当镉浓度≥10 mg·L-1时,根系活力与对照相比显著下降.2)随着镉处理浓度的增加,秋华柳叶中Fe的积累受到显著抑制;韧皮部Mg、Mn、Fe的积累受到显著抑制;木质部Ca、Mg、Mn、Zn、Fe 等5种常规金属元素的积累无显著性差异;根部5种常规金属元素的吸收和积累受到显著抑制,表现出镉对其他金属元素积累的拮抗作用.其中,50 mg·L-1的镉胁迫下,根部Zn的积累量降幅最大,受Cd的抑制最明显.3)各处理组Fe的转移系数与对照相比均无显著性差异;Ca、Mg、Mn、Zn的转移系数均高于对照,且在一定的镉处理水平上差异显著.4)镉胁迫下,秋华柳根部镉的积累量与Ca的积累量呈显著负相关,与其他4种常规金属元素的积累量呈极显著负相关,说明根部常规金属元素的变化可作为秋华柳受镉毒害程度的指示之一.  相似文献   

本文利用油松年轮研究了承德市自1800年以来大气污染的历史过程,结果表明:避暑山庄油松年轮内S含量自本世纪初开始升高,比19世纪初增加1—2倍,至70—80年代达3—5倍,而在最近8—10年则达到10倍以上。 其中碧峰门古松木质部年轮内S含量由40—50μg·g-1达到目前的572.9μg·g-1,从而指示出承德市大气SO2浓度由城市化初期的<0.1 mg·m-3增加到目前的30mg·m-3,这一历史过程主要与城市化过程尤其是近50年来工业化的出现并加剧有密切的关系。随着1927—1945年大庙铁矿的开采,年轮内Fe明显增高。Mn在整个历史时期表现为增加趋势,由1840—1850年的4.1μg·g-1增加到1980—1990年的10.4μg·g-1。Pb在1980年前的含量增加不明显,但在最近10年内形成的木质部中,Pb含量明显增加,超过1920—1930年的560%。Cu、Zn、Ni含量的变化不表现线性增加,除个别点的某些时期变化较大外,基本上很平缓。19世纪初油松年轮内S及重金属含量最低,可视为油松内元素自然背景值,与该值比较,1980—1990年这10年内年轮S含量增加了10倍,Fe,2.4倍;Pb,1.8倍;Mn,1.5倍;Ni,1.0倍;Zn,0.8倍。 日益加剧的大气污染尤其是SO2的污染,造成承德市大气质量严重下降,同时危及古松的生存,造成古松大量死亡,必须引起高度重视。  相似文献   

庄伟伟  王明明 《植物研究》2022,42(5):896-909
为深入了解荒漠植物营养元素计量特征,认识元素间的交互作用,揭示不同生长期、不同沙丘部位植物元素含量差异。以古尔班通古特沙漠8种优势草本植物(4种1年生植物,4种短命植物)为研究对象,采集不同生长期(旺盛期、枯萎期)、不同沙丘部位(坡上、腹地)的植株,测定全株植物的10种营养元素(C、N、P、K、Na、Mg、Al、Mn、Cu、Zn)。结果表明:(1)8种植物元素含量存在显著差异,体现了植物因遗传特性不同而对元素选择吸收的特点,含量为:C(230.19~401.82 mg·g-1)、N(11.31~18.85 mg·g-1)、P(0.95~2.08 mg·g-1)、K(16.12~29.79 mg·g-1)、Na(0.88~3.31 mg·g-1)、Mg(3.38~5.31 mg·g-1)、Al(0.33~1.99 mg·g-1)、Mn(51.35~105.32 mg·kg-1)、Cu(4.14~6.38 mg·kg-1)、Zn(11.64~21.43 mg·kg-1)。不同种的元素含量分布格局基本相似,大小排序为:C>N>K> Mg>Na>P>Al>Mn>Zn>Cu,典型特征为富K,贫Cu、Zn,属于N制约性植物,表明环境对各类植物元素含量的一致影响。(2)元素含量受物种、生长期和沙丘部位的影响显著。4种黎科植物(Chenopodiaceae)Na含量显著比4种短命植物高。与生长旺盛期相比,8种植物在枯萎期的C、N、P、Mg、Mn、Cu、Zn含量普遍降低,而Na、K含量有不同幅度的升高,并且碱蓬、沙蓬的K含量显著升高。受土壤水分和养分丰富程度的影响,沙丘腹地植物元素含量普遍比坡上同种植物高。(3)相关性分析表明:C与P,N与Na、Mg、Cu、Zn,K与P、Al,Na与Mg,Mn与Na、Mg、Cu,Zn与Cu之间具有极显著正相关关系(P≤0.001),P与Cu,C与Cu、Zn,K与Mn、Cu、Zn之间具有极显著负相关关系(P≤0.001)。综上所述,荒漠植物元素含量的这些特征体现了其对干旱半干旱地区气候和土壤等生存环境的适应性。  相似文献   

为了了解渭河陕西段河道沉积物重金属空间分布特征,本研究对渭河陕西段干流及其支流17个采样点沉积物中的10种重金属元素(Cd、Sb、As、Co、Cu、Pb、Ni、Cr、Zn、Mn)含量进行测定及来源辨析。结果表明: 重金属元素Cd、Sb、As、Co、Cu、Pb、Ni、Cr、Zn、Mn的平均含量分别为0.10、1.24、11.73、11.95、24.90、24.91、29.31、54.18、72.74、626.85 mg·kg-1, 除Cd的变异系数大于1以外,其他元素的变异系数均低于0.5。其中,Cd、Pb、Cr含量于灞河入渭处达到峰值,Co和Mn在黑河入渭处达到峰值,Cu和Zn在清姜河入渭处达到峰值, Sb、As和Ni分别于沙王渡、咸阳铁桥和林家村处达到峰值。相关性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析表明,Cd、Co、Cu、Pb、Ni、Cr、Zn、Mn主要来源于以工业源和生活源为主的污染源;Sb、As主要来源于农业和地球化学污染源。  相似文献   

安徽长江滩地杨树人工林生物量和养分积累   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
安徽长江外滩Ⅰ-69杨树无性系人工林11年林分生物量达到90.2t·hm-2,平均生产量为8.2t·hm-2·a-1,平均单株生产量为21.9kg·a-1,与相同纬度带一般立地条件林分相比单株生产量高0.7%;另外林分叶面积指数为3.32m2·m-2,造林后第3年叶面积指数的净增值达到最高,同时林分生产力开始进入最高水平该林分每生产1t干物质需要N 3.369kg、P 0.327kg、K 2.424kg、Ca 7.465kg、Mg 0.2kg、Cu 0.0073kg、Mn0.01868kg、Fe 0.1115kg和Zn 0.00268kg,同时吸收S 0.72kg、Cr 0.000252kg、Cd 0.0O039kg和Pb0.00043kg.年轮中元素含量逐年有波动,N和K呈负相关,而N与P则表现为正相关;滩地的淹水时间对年轮中P含量影响较大,其次是N,与K含量呈负相关,但不显著.  相似文献   

为探索刺楸对受污染土壤重金属的富集和修复效应, 以南京栖霞山的乡土树种刺楸及其根际周边土壤为研究对象, 截取其根基部年轮盘及根际土壤样本, 采用ICP-AES法测定年轮及土壤样本中重金属(Cu、Cd、Cr、Mn、Ni、Pb、Zn)元素含量。结果表明: 栖霞山样地中的土壤受Mn、Pb和Zn污染最为严重, 存在Cu、Cd、Mn、Pb、Zn元素的高度复合污染, Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn在土壤和年轮中存在相关性, Mn和Pb则没有表现出明显的相关性; 刺楸修复受Cd、Mn、Pb、Zn污染的土壤效果并不显著, 更适用于Cr、Cu、Ni污染的土壤修复; 鉴于Cu元素含量变化特征, 刺楸也可以作为反映当地污染历史的记录载体; 刺楸年轮中的重金属元素之间存在交互作用, 其中Cd与Zn元素含量高度相关(r=0.984, p<0.01), 在刺楸年轮吸收重金属元素的过程中, Cu与Cd、Cr、Mn、Zn元素具有协同作用, Mn元素对其他元素有一定的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

The concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn were determined in meat, inner organs, blood and residual carcass in a total of 24 barrows and gilts of 60 kg and 100 kg of live weight, respectively. The finisher diet contained 192 ppm Fe, 113 ppm Zn, 18 ppm Cu and 65 ppm Mn with, as calculated, a great proportion originating from the mineral supplement. During growth, the contents of Fe, Cu and Mn were significantly reduced. No sex differences occurred. In the lean meat of the 100 kg pigs, common values accounting for 1.1 mg Fe, 2.8 mg Zn and 0.05 mg Cu per 100 g were analyzed. The manganese concentration of 0.01 mg per 100 g, however, was considerably lower as the corresponding figure from nutrient tables. In the finishing period, the animals retained per animal and day about 18 mg Fe, 15 mg Zn and 0.2 mg Cu. Mn retention was not significantly different from zero. The low utilization rates calculated from these data can be partly explained by the moderately excessive supply in this fattening period. In order to reduce the trace element load of the soils, a considerably lower tolerance of excessive trace element contents in finisher diets has to be developed.  相似文献   

The aim of this trial was to study the concentration of zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), cobalt (Co) and iodine (I) in milk and blood serum of lactating donkeys, taking into account the effects of lactation stage and dietary supplementation with trace elements. During a 3-month period, 16 clinically healthy lactating donkeys (Martina-Franca-derived population), randomly divided into two homogeneous groups (control (CTL) and trace elements (TE)), were used to provide milk and blood samples at 2-week intervals. Donkeys in both groups had continuous access to meadow hay and were fed 2.5 kg of mixed feed daily, divided into two meals. The mixed feed for the TE group had the same ingredients as the CTL, but was supplemented with a commercial premix providing 163 mg Zn, 185 mg Fe, 36 mg Cu, 216 mg Mn, 0.67 mg Se, 2.78 mg Co and 3.20 mg I/kg mixed feed. The concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Se, Co and I were measured in feeds, milk and blood serum by inductively coupled plasma-MS. Data were processed by ANOVA for repeated measures. The milk concentrations of all the investigated elements were not significantly affected by the dietary supplementation with TE. Serum concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cu Mn and Se were not affected by dietary treatment, but TE-supplemented donkeys showed significantly higher concentrations of serum Co (1.34 v. 0.69 μg/l) and I (24.42 v. 21.43 μg/l) than unsupplemented donkeys. The effect of lactation stage was significant for all the investigated elements in milk and blood serum, except for serum manganese. A clear negative trend during lactation was observed for milk Cu and Se concentrations (−38%), whereas that of Mn tended to increase. The serum Cu concentration was generally constant and that of Co tended to increase. If compared with data reported in the literature for human milk, donkey milk showed similarities for Zn, Mn, Co and I. Furthermore, this study indicated that, in the current experimental conditions, the mineral profile of donkey milk was not dependent on dietary TE supply.  相似文献   

A site in central Taiwan with an area of 1.3 ha and contaminated with Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn was selected to examine the feasibility of phytoextraction. Based on the results of a preexperiment at this site, a total of approximately 20,000 plants of 12 species were selected from plants of 33 tested species to be used in a large-area phytoextraction experiment at this site. A comparison with the initial metal concentration of 12 plant species before planting demonstrated that most species accumulated significant amounts of Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn in their shoots after growing in this contaminated site for 31 d. Among the 12 plant species, the following accumulated higher concentrations of metals in their shoots; Garden canna and Garden verbena (45-60 mg Cr kg(-1)), Chinese ixora and Kalanchoe (30 mg Cu kg(-1)), Rainbow pink and Sunflower (30 mg Ni kg(-1)), French marigold and Sunflower (300-470 mg Zn kg(-1)). The roots of the plants of most of the 12 plant species can accumulate higher concentrations of metals than the shoots and extending the growth period promotes accumulation in the shoots. Large-area experiments demonstrated that phytoextraction is a feasible method to enable metal-contaminated soil in central Taiwan to be reused.  相似文献   

Compost application to turfgrasses can increase plant-available nutrient concentrations in soil and improve growth, but may alter micronutrient dynamics and increase leaching and runoff losses. The objectives of this study were to investigate the influence of compost on the seasonal dynamics of plant-available Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn in soil after a single application to bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] turf. Extractable Mn increased from 270 to 670 mg kg(-1) and Cu from 0.36 to 9.89 mg kg(-1) from 0 to 29 months. In contrast, extractable Fe and Zn decreased by 52% and 57% during the same time period. Seasonal trends in extractable Mn and Cu were closely related to dissolved organic C (DOC), and appeared influenced by bermudagrass growth and dormancy patterns and subsequent impacts on DOC. Losses of Mn and Cu from the soil surface occurred after high levels of precipitation during winter dormancy but not during the growing season, while Fe and Zn exhibited an opposite pattern. Thus, seasonal variation of soil micronutrients was likely related to seasonal patterns of bermudagrass growth and dormancy and their effects on DOC, and precipitation events which probably leached DOC and complexed nutrients from surface soil. Composts only influenced the magnitude of changes in micronutrient concentrations, as similar seasonal trends occurred for both compost-amended and unamended soils.  相似文献   

研究了东北山地灌木沼泽主要植物--细叶沼柳、五蕊柳、丛苔草和修氏苔草中Cu、Zn分布、积累及其季节动态.结果表明:Cu含量变动范围为6~12 mg·kg-1,细叶沼柳和五蕊柳各器官Cu含量为根》枝》叶;丛苔草和修氏苔草为茎》叶》根,Cu主要积累在灌木的根系和苔草的茎叶中,灌木和苔草中Cu含量相差较小.Zn含量变动在30~250 mg·kg-1之间,细叶沼柳和五蕊柳各器官Zn含量为叶》枝》根,尤其是叶和枝中都在150 mg·kg-1以上;丛苔草和修氏苔草各器官Zn含量为根》茎》叶.Zn多积累在灌木的叶和苔草的根中,且灌木各器官Zn含量明显高于苔草.细叶沼柳和五蕊柳各器官对Zn的富集系数均大于1.45,显示出较强的Zn富集能力.4种供试植物在生长初期地上部分Cu、Zn含量较高,且随着季节变化呈波动式降低趋势,而根中则表现出生长初期和末期Cu、Zn含量较高的特点.  相似文献   

A growth experiment with 108 lambs (breed: German Merino Landsheep) was carried out to examine the effect of gender, body weight (BW) and feeding intensity on the deposition of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn in the empty body (whole animal minus contents of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder). The lambs (50% female and 50% male animals) were fed at three feeding levels ('low', 'medium' and 'high' by varying daily amounts of concentrate and hay) and slaughtered at different final BWs (30, 45 or 55 kg). Six male and six female animals were killed at a BW of 18 kg representing the animals' BW at the beginning of the comparative slaughter experiment. There were significant main effects for the treatments growth rate and final weight on the daily rate of accretion of the trace elements examined. Feeding intensity had a marked influence on the accretion rate for Fe (P < 0.001), Zn (P < 0.001), Cu (P < 0.001) and Mn (P = 0.003). With increasing feeding intensity (low, medium, high) the daily deposition of these trace elements increased (4.4, 5.2, 6.6 mg/day for Fe; 4.9, 5.5, 6.9 mg/day for Zn; 0.20, 0.36, 0.44 mg/day for Cu; 0.14, 0.16, 0.21 mg/day for Mn). Heavier final BW led to increased daily retention of Zn (P < 0.001) and Mn (P = 0.002). Gender had a marked influence only on the accretion rate for Zn (P < 0.001). Ram lambs had a higher daily deposition of this element than female lambs. Related to 1000 g empty body gain, the following concentrations were found for the trace elements examined: Fe 26.1 mg, Zn 30.0 mg, Cu 1.41 mg and Mn 1.04 mg. A feeding influence was given for Zn (P < 0.001) and Cu (P = 0.039). Feeding level low had higher Zn and lower Cu concentrations. Male animals showed less Fe (P < 0.001) and Zn (P = 0.034) per kg empty body gain than females.  相似文献   

Interest in the beneficial effects of polyphenols, including tannic acid (TA), is increasing, although, these compounds also have adverse effects; for example, on the absorption of iron (Fe), and possibly other trace minerals. We examined the effect of a graded dose of TA on the absorption of Fe and compared with that of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) in rats. We also investigated the effect of TA on cecal fermentation which plays a role in absorption. In Experiment 1, to set the optimum dose of Fe, male Sprague-Dawley rats (weighing 70-90 g) after acclimatization were fed with different levels of dietary Fe (5, 10, 20, 30 and 35 mg/kg). We observed that the hematocrit (Ht), serum Fe concentration and transferrin saturation (%) were each reduced in those rats fed less than 20 mg/kg Fe in a dose-dependent manner. In Experiment 2, the rats were fed with test diets containing the minimum required level of Fe, 30 mg/kg diet, with (5, 10, 15 and 20 g/kg diet) or without TA for a period of three weeks. Feeding a diet containing more than 10 g TA/kg diet, but not 5 g TA/kg diet, reduced the hemoglobin concentration (Hb), Ht and serum Fe concentration due to decreased Fe absorption. In contrast, the Zn, Cu and Mn absorption was not affected by TA feeding. It is also demonstrated that liver Fe, but not the Zn, Cu and Mn contents, were lower in the TA groups than in the TA-free control group. Feeding TA slightly decreased the pH value of the cecal contents with an increase in the major short-chain fatty acid pool. About 15% of the ingested TA were recovered in the feces of each TA-fed group. Our results demonstrate that more than 10 g TA/kg diet induced anemia by reducing the Fe absorption, although there was no effect on the absorption of other important trace minerals. Our findings suggest that the usual intake of polyphenols is relatively safe, but that a high intake by supplementation or by dietary habit of tannin affects only the Fe level.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects on physiological response, trace elements and nutrients accumulation of sunflower plants grown in soil contaminated with: 5 mg kg(-1) of Cd; 5 and 300 mg kg(-1) of Cd and Zn, respectively; 5, 300, and 400 mg kg(-1) of Cd, Zn, and Cu, respectively. Contaminants applied did not produce large effects on growth, except in Cd-Zn-Cu treatment in which leaf area and total dry matter were reduced, by 15%. The contamination with Cd alone did not affect neither growth nor physiological parameters, despite considerable amounts of Cd accumulated in roots and older leaves, with a high bioconcentration factor from soil to plant. By adding Zn and then Cu to Cd in soil, significant were the toxic effects on chlorophyll content and water relations due to greater accumulation of trace elements in tissues, with imbalances in nutrients uptake. Highly significant was the interaction between shoot elements concentration (Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, K, Ca) and treatments. Heavy metals concentrations in roots always exceeded those in stem and leaves, with a lower translocation from roots to shoots, suggesting a strategy of sunflower to compartmentalise the potentially toxic elements in physiologically less active parts in order to preserve younger tissues.  相似文献   

鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林植物和土壤微量元素含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林各层次植物和表层土壤(0~20 cm)四个微量元素(Cu、Fe、Mn和 Zn)的含量和分配格局。结果表明:(1)土壤有效Cu、Fe、Mn和Zn含量(mg/kg)平均值依次为0.72、140.85、 1.42和1.92;(2)所有植物叶片Cu、Fe、Mn和Zn元素含量(mg/kg)分别介于6.1~100.6、6.5~1027.5、46.3 ~1196.7和27.0~338.6,其中乔木层植物叶片微量元素含量(mg/kg)平均值表现为Mn(305.3)>Fe (259.3)>Zn(109.9)>Cu(19.3),而其它植物表现为Fe(586.4)>Mn(336.9)>Zn(141.4)>Cu(36.6);(3) 植物微量元素在各器官的分配格局随元素和植物所在的层次不同而异:乔木层植物Cu含量高低排序为干> 根>枝>叶>皮,Fe为根>皮>叶>枝>干;Mn为叶>皮>枝>根>干;Zn为叶>根>枝>皮>干;(4)在 群落垂直结构上,Fe元素含量表现为自上而下递增的趋势,而Cu、Mn和Zn含量规律不明显;(5)植物和土壤 的微量元素与微量元素间相关性均较差;(6)与亚热带其它森林相比,鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林土壤Cu、Mn和 Zn含量较低,但乔木层植物因具有很强的吸收或富集能力而含量较高。  相似文献   

武婕  李玉环  李增兵  方正  钟豫 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1596-1605
基于地统计学和GIS技术相结合的方法,研究了南四湖区农田土壤有机质和微量元素的空间分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明,土壤有机质和微量元素均属中等变异程度,除硼符合正态分布外,其余土壤属性均符合对数正态分布。结构分析表明,除硼为纯块金效应外,土壤有机质和其它微量元素空间自相关性较强,其中结构性因素起主导作用。克里格插值结果表明,土壤有机质分布总体趋势为由北向南逐渐降低,锰、铜、锌分布总体趋势为中部高,南北两端低。影响因素分析表明,土壤类型、耕层质地、坡度、土地利用类型和地貌类型对土壤有机质均有显著影响。土壤类型主要是由于成土母质的差异影响土壤有机质的高低与分布,随质地由砂变粘、坡度由低变高,土壤有机质含量逐步升高,田间管理水平的差异是造成不同土地利用类型下土壤有机质含量差异的主要原因。微量元素中,除硼不受影响外,铁、锰、铜和锌与土壤类型、耕层质地、坡度、土地利用类型和地貌类型密切相关。  相似文献   

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