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有机碳化合物对湛江等鞭金藻生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨有机碳化合物对湛江等鞭金藻的营养效应,实验设置了在f/2培养基中添加葡萄糖、乙酸钠、半乳糖、甘油、乙醇、柠檬酸钠和甘氨酸等7种有机碳化合物的处理,测定了湛江等鞭金藻(Isochrysis zhanjiangensis)的生长情况。结果表明,参试的7种有机碳化合物中,甘氨酸对湛江等鞭金藻细胞生长的促进作用最明显,而乙醇对藻细胞生长的促进效果不明显,其他5种均有不同程度的促进作用。7种有机碳对湛江等鞭金藻胞内蛋白质含量和总脂的积累量具有一定差异性影响。0.5~10g·L-1的葡萄糖、乙酸钠均可提高胞内蛋白质和总脂的含量。半乳糖对总脂积累量的影响不明显。  相似文献   

Cr3+对盐藻(Dunaliella salina)生长及营养品质的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以盐藻Dunaliella salina为材料,设定0ìg·L-1、3ìg·L-1、12ìg·L-1、50ìg·L-1、200ìg·L-1和800ìg·L-16个添加Cr3+浓度处理,分析测定了不同铬浓度下盐藻的生物量(细胞密度).蛋白质、â胡萝卜素和可溶性糖含量.研究结果表明,中低量添加Cr3+对盐藻的生长有一定的促进作用,在50ìg·L-1和200ìg·L-1Cr3+条件下,盐藻的生物量高于对照,中低量添加Cr3+对盐藻的生长有一定的促进作用,盐藻蛋白质含量比对照分别提高3.06%和6.55%,Cr3+浓度在200ìg·L-1时,盐藻的â胡萝卜素和可溶性糖含量比对照分别提高3.93%和2.38%,适当添加Cr3+可提高盐藻蛋白质、â胡萝卜素和可溶性糖含量,有效改善盐藻的营养品质.  相似文献   

曲丹  王慧梅  任洁 《植物研究》2015,35(4):623-627
以迷迭香悬浮培养细胞为材料,详细研究了基本培养基中添加蔗糖、麦芽糖和葡萄糖对细胞生长及次生代谢产物积累的影响,同时对不同蔗糖浓度处理的悬浮培养细胞抗氧化酶活性进行了研究。研究结果表明:在不同的糖处理中,30 g·L-1的蔗糖、70 g·L-1的麦芽糖及40 g·L-1的葡萄糖最有利于迷迭香悬浮培养细胞生长。30 g·L-1蔗糖和70 g·L-1麦芽糖处理中悬浮培养细胞的生长率分别为74.08%和72.33%,高出40 g·L-1葡萄糖处理接近3倍之多。30 g·L-1蔗糖处理的悬浮培养细胞迷迭香酸含量高出70 g·L-1麦芽糖处理228倍,略低于40 g·L-1葡萄糖处理。在不同蔗糖的处理中,随着蔗糖浓度的增加,迷迭香酸含量均呈现增加趋势,表明高浓度的蔗糖有利于悬浮培养细胞迷迭香酸的积累。在高浓度的蔗糖处理中,悬浮培养细胞H2O2和MDA含量明显增加,同时抗氧化酶SOD、POD及CAT的活性也明显增强,表明高浓度的蔗糖产生了渗透胁迫,这种渗透胁迫虽不利于迷迭香悬浮培养细胞的生长,但有利于次生代谢产物的积累。综合迷迭香悬浮细胞的生长率和迷迭香酸的含量,我们最终得出30 g·L-1的蔗糖最有利于迷迭香悬浮细胞的培养。  相似文献   

为了比较不同食物密度下污染物浓度对受试生物的慢性毒性,筛选出以轮虫为受试生物对水环境中Cd污染进行监测的敏感指标,研究了在不同斜生栅藻密度(1.0×106、3.0×106和5.0 ×106 cells·ml-1)下不同浓度(2.5、5.0、10.0、20.0和40.0 μg·L-1)Cd2+对萼花臂尾轮虫生命表统计学参数的影响.结果表明:(25±1) ℃下Cd2+对轮虫的24 h LC50为37.7 μg·L-1.与各藻密度下的对照组相比,当藻密度为1.0×106 cells·ml-1时,20.0和40.0 μg·L-1的Cd2+显著延长了轮虫的世代时间,5.0 μg·L-1的Cd2+显著提高了轮虫的后代混交率;当藻密度为3.0×106 cells·ml-1时,除了5.0 μg·L-1外,其他浓度的Cd2+显著降低了轮虫的后代混交率;而当藻密度为5.0×106 cells·ml-1时,Cd2+浓度对轮虫的所有生命表统计学参数均无显著影(P>0.05).藻密度对轮虫的世代时间、生命期望、净生殖率和后代混交率均有显著影响(P<0.05),Cd2+浓度对轮虫的世代时间和后代混交率有显著影响(P<0.05),两者交互作用对后代混交率有极显著影响(P<0.01).轮虫的世代时间和后代混交率是在1.0×10.6和3.0×10.6 cells·ml-1食物密度下对Cd2+污染比较敏感的参数,其中后代混交率最敏感.  相似文献   

为了比较不同食物密度下污染物浓度对受试生物的慢性毒性,筛选出以轮虫为受试生物对水环境中Cd污染进行监测的敏感指标,研究了在不同斜生栅藻密度(1.0×106、3.0×106和5.0 ×106 cells·ml-1)下不同浓度(2.5、5.0、10.0、20.0和40.0 μg·L-1)Cd2+对萼花臂尾轮虫生命表统计学参数的影响.结果表明:(25±1) ℃下Cd2+对轮虫的24 h LC50为37.7 μg·L-1.与各藻密度下的对照组相比,当藻密度为1.0×106 cells·ml-1时,20.0和40.0 μg·L-1的Cd2+显著延长了轮虫的世代时间,5.0 μg·L-1的Cd2+显著提高了轮虫的后代混交率;当藻密度为3.0×106 cells·ml-1时,除了5.0 μg·L-1外,其他浓度的Cd2+显著降低了轮虫的后代混交率;而当藻密度为5.0×106 cells·ml-1时,Cd2+浓度对轮虫的所有生命表统计学参数均无显著影(P>0.05).藻密度对轮虫的世代时间、生命期望、净生殖率和后代混交率均有显著影响(P<0.05),Cd2+浓度对轮虫的世代时间和后代混交率有显著影响(P<0.05),两者交互作用对后代混交率有极显著影响(P<0.01).轮虫的世代时间和后代混交率是在1.0×10.6和3.0×10.6 cells·ml-1食物密度下对Cd2+污染比较敏感的参数,其中后代混交率最敏感.  相似文献   

绿狐尾藻(Myriophyllum aquaticum)对高浓度铵(NH+4)具有较高的耐受性, 是处理养殖废水的优选植物。探究外源铵对绿狐尾藻光合色素组成及氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量学特征的影响, 对提高绿狐尾藻人工湿地系统的处理效率具有重要意义。该研究设置0、0.1、1、5、15、30 mmol·L-1 6个NH4+浓度, 室内培养21天, 测定分析不同铵浓度下绿狐尾藻叶绿素含量、N含量、P含量和N:P的变化特征。结果表明, 随外源铵浓度增加, 绿狐尾藻的相对茎高和相对生物量先升高后降低, 且通过拟合曲线方程发现, 外源铵在16.22和12.58 mmol·L-1时, 其相对茎高和相对生物量达到最大值。随外源铵浓度的增加, 绿狐尾藻叶片叶绿素含量显著降低, 而茎中叶绿素含量增加, 且叶绿素a含量变化的幅度比叶绿素b大, 但对叶绿素a/b影响不显著, 仅在5 mmol·L-1处理时茎叶绿素a/b显著下降。随外源铵浓度增加, 与CK相比, 叶片和茎的N含量分别显著增加了85%-235%和127%-373%, 叶片P含量增幅为49%-51%。当外源铵浓度不大于15 mmol·L-1时, 叶片和茎的N含量、N:P增加速度较快, 且相对茎高和相对生物量增长较快。相关分析表明, 叶片N、P含量和N:P与总叶绿素含量呈极显著负相关关系, 而在茎中呈显著或极显著正相关关系。综上所述, 外源铵浓度在12-16 mmol·L-1范围内时, 绿狐尾藻生长良好, 生物量更大, N和P的吸收量更高, 从而利用其构建的人工湿地可以有效去除污染废水的N、P, 达到高效净化水体的目的。  相似文献   

黄亚  汪玲  穆维平  任彤彤  潘玲  席贻龙 《生态学杂志》2015,26(12):3858-3864
为了比较不同食物密度下污染物浓度对受试生物的慢性毒性,以多刺裸腹溞作为受试生物,研究了斜生栅藻密度较低(0.5×106 cells·mL-1)、中等(1.0×106 cells·mL-1)和较高(2.0×106 cells·mL-1)条件下,不同Hg2+浓度(0、0.4、1.1、1.8、2.5、3.2和3.9 μg·L-1)对多刺裸腹溞生命表统计学参数的影响.结果表明: 在较低和较高的食物密度下,一定浓度的Hg2+对多刺裸腹溞的存活、生殖乃至种群增长具有不利的影响;但中等食物密度下其不利影响消失.与对照相比,较低食物密度下,0.4~2.5和3.9 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著缩短了多刺裸腹溞的生命期望,0.4、1.1、2.5和3.9 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著缩短了世代时间,1.1、2.5和3.9 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著降低了净生殖率,3.9 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著降低了总生殖率.在较高的食物密度下,1.1 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著降低了多刺裸腹溞的种群内禀增长率;3.9 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著降低了多刺裸腹溞的生命期望和净生殖率.但在中等食物密度下,3.2 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著延长了多刺裸腹溞的生命期望.在较低的食物密度下,Hg2+浓度与多刺裸腹溞的生命期望、世代时间和总生殖率之间均具有显著的剂量-效应关系;但在中等和较高的食物密度下,Hg2+浓度与多刺裸腹溞的生命表统计学参数间均无显著的剂量-效应关系.  相似文献   

以淡水经济微藻雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis CH-1)为试验藻种,分别添加维生素B1(VB1)、B12(VB12)和维生素H(VH),每种维生素各分6个浓度梯度,测定了雨生红球藻的细胞密度、生物量、叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素含量等指标。结果表明,分别添加维生素B1、B12和H均显著促进了雨生红球藻细胞的生长。维生素B1、B12和H对雨生红球藻的最佳添加浓度分别为10mg·L-1、50μg·L-1和500μg·L-1。在维生素B1、B12和H各自的最佳浓度处理下,雨生红球藻的细胞密度、生物量、叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素含量等4项指标均比对照有显著提高:维生素B1处理分别提高了20.1%、14.6%、23.2%和21.3%;维生素B12处理分别提高了29.5%、30.0%、28.0%和24.4%;维生素H处理分别提高了17.1%、29.2%、21.8%和10.1%。在雨生红球藻规模化生产的游动细胞培养阶段,适当地添加维生素B1、B12和H均能够有效地提高藻细胞密度、生物量、叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素含量。  相似文献   

为了比较不同食物密度下污染物浓度对受试生物的慢性毒性,以多刺裸腹溞作为受试生物,研究了斜生栅藻密度较低(0.5×106 cells·mL-1)、中等(1.0×106 cells·mL-1)和较高(2.0×106 cells·mL-1)条件下,不同Hg2+浓度(0、0.4、1.1、1.8、2.5、3.2和3.9 μg·L-1)对多刺裸腹溞生命表统计学参数的影响.结果表明: 在较低和较高的食物密度下,一定浓度的Hg2+对多刺裸腹溞的存活、生殖乃至种群增长具有不利的影响;但中等食物密度下其不利影响消失.与对照相比,较低食物密度下,0.4~2.5和3.9 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著缩短了多刺裸腹溞的生命期望,0.4、1.1、2.5和3.9 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著缩短了世代时间,1.1、2.5和3.9 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著降低了净生殖率,3.9 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著降低了总生殖率.在较高的食物密度下,1.1 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著降低了多刺裸腹溞的种群内禀增长率;3.9 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著降低了多刺裸腹溞的生命期望和净生殖率.但在中等食物密度下,3.2 μg·L-1的Hg2+显著延长了多刺裸腹溞的生命期望.在较低的食物密度下,Hg2+浓度与多刺裸腹溞的生命期望、世代时间和总生殖率之间均具有显著的剂量-效应关系;但在中等和较高的食物密度下,Hg2+浓度与多刺裸腹溞的生命表统计学参数间均无显著的剂量-效应关系.  相似文献   

以2.5 g·L-1、5.0 g·L-1、10.0 g·L-1三个浓度复合肥对采穗圃进行施肥试验,研究不同浓度复合肥对松材线虫病抗性马尾松采穗圃的产穗和穗条扦插的影响。结果表明,与空白对照相比,施用复合肥使萌条数量,穗条扦插的生根率、不定根数量、最长不定根、总根长和侧根数增加。不同浓度复合肥对性状的影响不同。复合肥2.5 g·L-1最有利于萌条数量增加,较对照增加106%,差异达显著水平;5.0 g·L-1最有利于提高不定根数、总根长和侧根数,较对照分别提高100.0%、189.1%和186.4%,其中总根长差异达极显著水平,侧根数达显著水平;10.0 g·L-1最有利于提高生根率和最长不定根长度,较对照分别上升23.2%和134.7%,其中最长不定根差异达极显著水平。综合评价10项萌条和生根性状,复合肥10.0 g·L-1综合目标值最高,是三个浓度中最佳施肥浓度。  相似文献   

Summary Glucose and acetate enhanced cell growth and phycocyanin production of S. platensis. The highest specific growth rate, cell concentration and phycocyanin production were respectively 0.62 d-1, 2.66 g/l and 322 mg/l on glucose and 0.52 d-1, 1.81 g/l and 246 mg/l on acetate. The specific growth rate of the alga on 2.5 g glucose/l was markedly increased with increasing light intensity up to 2 klux. Further increasing light intensity to 4 klux only resulted in a very slight increase in specific growth rate. At a light intensity above 4 klux, photoinhibition occurred. Light favoured phycocyanin formation. The highest phycocyanin content was obtained at a light intensity of 4 klux. When the light intensity decreased to 2 klux or less, the optimal glucose concentration for biomass production shifted from 2.5 g/l to 5.0 g/l.  相似文献   

The heterotrophic micro alga Crypthecodinium cohnii was cultivated in media containing glucose, yeast extract and sea salt. Increasing amounts of yeast extract stimulated growth but influenced lipid accumulation negatively. Sea salt concentrations above half the average seawater salinity were required for good growth and lipid accumulation. C. cohnii was able to grow on a glucose concentration as high as 84.3 g l−1, although concentrations above 25 g l−1 decreased the growth rate. Comparison of growth at 27 and 30°C showed that the higher incubation temperature was more favourable for growth. However, lipid accumulation was higher at the lower incubation temperature. In a bioreactor the biomass concentration increased from 1.5 to 27.7 g l−1 in 74 h. In the final 41 h of the process the lipid content of the biomass increased from 7.5 to 13.5%. In this period the percentage of docosahexaenoic acid of the lipid increased from 36.5 to 43.6%. The total amounts of lipid and docosahexaenoic acid after 91 h were 3.7 and 1.6 g l−1, respectively.  相似文献   

The unicellular chlorophyte Ankistrodesmus convolutus Corda was grown in the light using inorganic medium (Bold's Basal Medium, BBM) and BBM enriched with 0.1% w/v of glucose, sodium acetate, sodium citrate or sodium bicarbonate. Glucose supported the highest specific growth rate (μ = 0.93 d-1) and gave the highest biomass (453 mg dry weight L-1) at the time of harvest. Of four glucose concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5% w/v), best growth was attained at 0.1% w/v. At 0.5% w/v glucose, the cells had high carbohydrates but low lipids and proteins. The relative amounts of 16:0, 18:0, 18:1 and 18:2 increased at the expense of 18:3(n-3) in the carbon-supplemented cultures and at glucose concentrations higher than 0.1% w/v. Cultures grown on glucose had less chlorophyll and carotenoid contents than cultures grown on other carbon sources. Chlorophyll and carotenoid contents decreased with increasing glucose concentrations in the medium.  相似文献   

为了解魏氏真眼点藻(Eustigmatos vischeri Hibberd)的生物学特性,探究"批量法"、"两步法"、"补料法"和"添加碳酸氢盐"4种不同培养模式对魏氏真眼点藻生长和油脂积累的影响,本文分别采用不同初始浓度的硝酸钠供应、更换培养基、分次少量补加硝酸钠及添加低浓度Na HCO3或NH4HCO3等方法培养魏氏真眼点藻。结果显示,"批量"培养下,硝酸钠浓度为3.0 mmol/L时藻细胞生物量达到8.41 g/L,油脂最高可达到65.16%,油脂产率为0.30 g·L-1·d-1。"两步法"和"补料法"培养对藻细胞油脂积累没有显著影响,而通过"添加碳酸氢盐"培养对该藻细胞生长和油脂积累的效果最显著,其中Na NO3+NH4HCO3组生物量达到11.56 g/L,油脂最高达60.92%,与相同氮浓度"批量"培养相比,生物质浓度提高了1.0 g/L,总脂含量提高了10%,大大提高了该藻的总脂产率(达到0.39 g·L-1·d-1)。因此,魏氏真眼点藻是一株高产油藻株,当添加低浓度碳酸氢铵时最有利于促进该藻生物质浓度和总脂含量的提高,这是一种最佳的培养模式,具有潜在的开发和利用价值。  相似文献   

为促进微拟球藻EPA高效积累,本研究探索了光照强度和氮源种类对微拟球藻生理生化及EPA相对含量的影响;根据光照和氮源实验结果设计两阶段氮源补料策略,并优化了氮源补料时间。结果表明:光强从1 000 lux增加至9 000 lux,微拟球藻比生长速率从0.25 d~(-1)增加至0.54 d-1,油脂含量从11.4%增加至20.2%,而EPA相对含量从25.5%降低至13.1%;培养10 d后乙酸铵组生物量和油脂含量最高,分别为0.41 g·L~(-1)和14.3%,硝酸钠组EPA相对含量最高,为27.1%;两阶段硝酸钠加乙酸铵培养模式,最佳乙酸铵补料时间为第11 d,培养20 d最终生物量及EPA相对含量分别为0.68 g·L~(-1)和24.3%。采用两阶段氮源补料策略能促进微拟球藻高效积累EPA。  相似文献   

Growth and phycocyanin production in batch and fed-batch cultures of the microalga Galdieria sulphuraria 074G, which was grown heterotrophically in darkness on glucose, fructose, sucrose, and sugar beet molasses, was investigated. In batch cultures, specific growth rates and yields of biomass dry weight on the pure sugars were 1.08-1.15 day-1 and 0.48-0.50 g g-1, respectively. They were slightly higher when molasses was the carbon source. Cellular phycocyanin contents during the exponential growth phase were 3-4 mg g-1 in dry weight. G. sulphuraria was able to tolerate concentrations of glucose and fructose of up to 166 g L-1 (0.9 M) and an ammonium sulfate concentration of 22 g L-1 (0.17 M) without negative effects on the specific growth rate. When the total concentration of dissolved substances in the growth medium exceeded 1-2 M, growth was completely inhibited. In carbon-limited fed-batch cultures, biomass dry weight concentrations of 80-120 g L-1 were obtained while phycocyanin accumulated to concentrations between 250 and 400 mg L-1. These results demonstrate that G. sulphuraria is well suited for growth in heterotrophic cultures at very high cell densities, and that such cultures produce significant amounts of phycocyanin. Furthermore, the productivity of phycocyanin in the heterotrophic fed-batch cultures of G. sulphuraria was higher than is attained in outdoor cultures of Spirulina platensis, where phycocyanin is presently obtained.  相似文献   

We have evaluated process optimization and the interactive effects of a number of variables using a Box–Behnken design of response surface methodology (RSM). The process variables nitrate, phosphate, glucose and pH were optimized to enhance the cell growth rate, lipid accumulation and other biochemical parameters of Chlorella spp. The most significant increase in lipid production (dry cell weight basis) occurred at limited concentrations of nitrate and phosphate, 1 % glucose and pH 7.5. The addition of nitrates during the mid-lag and mid-exponential phases produced the maximum inhibitory effect on lipid accumulation and the presence of yeast extract led to a further enhancement of lipid accumulation. Of all the media tested, BG-11 was the best suited medium for algal biomass production and chlorophyll content. A significant increase in algal biomass was observed in BG-11 supplemented with bicarbonate and glucose (1 %). The maximum specific growth rate observed was on 9th day of culturing. Results of optimization of process variables through response surface methodology and optimization of various other conditions reflect cutting edge research directed towards increasing algal biomass and lipid content for biodiesel production using an efficient economical technological approach.  相似文献   

E. coli HB101[pGEc47], which is able to convert octane to octanoate, but cannot oxidize octanoate further, was grown on defined medium with glucose as carbon source in batch and continuous culture. The biomass yield on glucose decreased from 0.32 +/- 0.02 g g-1 in aqueous cultivations to 0.25 +/- 0.02 g g-1 in the presence of octane. Maximal octanoate productivities of 0.6 g L-1 h-1 were the same as found in cultivations on complex medium. The glucose-based carbon recovery in these experiments was 99 +/- 4% (in extreme, between 90% and 105%). An increase of the octane feed from 1% to 2% (v/v) or more led to washout of cells. This effect was reversible when the octane feed was decreased to its initial value of 1%. Analysis of experimental data by model simulation strongly suggested that washout was due to inhibition by octanoate only. Pulses of octanoate to a continuous culture grown on aqueous media were applied to analyze the inhibition further. Inhibition by acetate was not significant, but its presence in the medium reflected a physiological state that made the cells more sensitive to octanoate inhibition. Model simulation with linear inhibition kinetics could perfectly predict glucose consumption and the resulting glucose concentration. The linear type of inhibition was confirmed by a variety of batch experiments in the presence of different concentrations of octanoate. The glucose-based specific growth rate, mu, decreased linearly with increasing concentrations of octanoate and became zero at a threshold concentration pmax of 5.25 +/- 0.25 g L-1.  相似文献   

考察了8种含氮培养基对湛江等鞭金藻(I. zhanjiangensis)生长、PSⅡ活性、油脂及碳水化合物积累的影响。结果显示,当培养基中氮浓度为1.5 g/L,藻细胞的总脂肪含量和产量分别达到最高值为39.8 %和 0.92 g/L, 碳水化合物的含量为最低11.6 %;而当培养基中氮浓度为 0.016 g/L,藻细胞的总脂肪含量和产量分别达到最低值为21.1 %和0.16 g/L。而此时总碳水化合物含量最高达到44.4 %。同时线性拟合方程的结果表明培养基中NO3-的浓度与藻细胞的总脂含量呈较好的正相关性。因此,通过研究不同含氮水平的培养基实现了脂肪或碳水化合物产量的调控。  相似文献   

起始生物量比对3种海洋微藻种间竞争的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏杰  赵文  杨为东  葛玉 《生态学报》2012,32(4):1124-1132
为深入了解饵料微藻与赤潮微藻间的种间竞争关系,通过微藻共培养的方法,研究了起始生物量比(1:4、1:1和4:1)对3种海洋微藻(塔玛亚历山大藻、蛋白核小球藻和湛江等鞭金藻)两两之间种间竞争的影响,并对其作用机制进行了探讨。结果表明:①3种海洋微藻表现出种间竞争的相互抑制效应;②在与塔玛亚历山大藻(简称A)的种间竞争中,蛋白核小球藻(简称C)和湛江等鞭金藻(简称I)均在竞争中占优势,蛋白核小球藻随自身起始生物量比的提高,其竞争优势越加明显,湛江等鞭金藻在A:I=1:1时竞争优势最为明显;在蛋白核小球藻和湛江等鞭金藻的种间竞争中,当C:I=1:4时,湛江等鞭金藻在竞争中占优势,C:I=1:1时,初期湛江等鞭金藻占竞争优势,随蛋白核小球藻的迅速生长,后期蛋白核小球藻占竞争优势,C:I=4:1时,蛋白核小球藻占绝对竞争优势;③由种间竞争抑制参数比较得出:3种微藻的种间竞争强弱依次为蛋白核小球藻>湛江等鞭金藻>塔玛亚历山大藻。蛋白核小球藻和湛江等鞭金藻在起始比例C:I=1:1时,可共培养利用,在海产经济动物育苗中可对其进行适时采收投喂;两种饵料藻对塔玛亚历山大藻具有明显的抑制作用,可为开发利用饵料藻进行赤潮生物防控提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

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