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河南科技学院植物保护系农业昆虫与害虫防治学科是硕士学位授权学科。  相似文献   

我国农作物有害生物具有种类多、危害重、发生规律复杂、防控难度大等特点,相关理论和技术创新、防控体系构建与应用是保障农业安全生产的迫切需求.新中国成立70年来,我国植物保护领域取得了一系列的科技成就,农作物有害生物防控从单一的人为干预起步,经历化学农药防治为主,再到绿色防控综合治理的发展阶段,其中较为突出的成就包括:掌握了农作物重大病虫流行灾变规律;揭示了重要农业有害生物的致害机理;研发了一批防控产品;建立了作物病虫害监测预警及防控技术体系.随着产业变革与科技进步,我国植保科技领域将迎来新的挑战和发展机遇.未来的植保理论和技术研究应围绕下列3方面展开:新型生产模式及气候变化下的有害生物发生规律,全球化趋势下的有害生物检测预警技术,绿色可持续的有害生物综合治理新模式.建立现代植保技术体系将保障我国的粮食安全、环境安全和农业可持续发展.  相似文献   

本文介绍了中国昆虫学家、杀虫剂毒理学研究者与植物保护专家及害虫防治工作者最近20年来在杀虫剂的毒性,尤其是杀虫剂对靶标害虫及非靶标昆虫的毒性方面的研究进展,并就杀虫剂对害虫的防控效果、杀虫剂对天敌昆虫的影响以及杀虫剂的环境安全性方面的研究内容进行了系统性综述。  相似文献   

丁伟 《昆虫知识》2001,38(1):58
《储藏物昆虫和农业螨类研究》——李隆述论文选,已于2000年由四川科学技术出版社正式出版。 该书主要以李隆术先生的研究论文编辑而成。全书分为仓储昆虫学研究、蜱螨学研究和农业昆虫学研究3个部分,各部分按论文发表时间的先后次序排列,可以反映出李隆术先生学术思想的发展,同时也从一个侧面反映了我国储藏物害虫和农业螨类研究领域的发展历程。 该书较全面地反映了中国仓库害虫生态研究、中国粮堆生态系统研究、以及中国农业螨类生态研究的学术成果。对仓库害虫防治、储藏物昆虫生态、城市害虫防治以及螨类研究工作者有重要的参考价值。同时该书也可供植物保护、农业昆虫及害虫防治专业、方向的教师、研究生和大学生参考。 该书印刷精美,16开精装,共45万字,定价60元,有正规发票。如需要者,请与重庆北碚西南农业大学植保系张永毅老师联系(邮编400716)。电话:023—68251795;E-mail:epcl@swau.edu.cn 丁伟 (西南农业大学植保系)  相似文献   

华南农业大学农业昆虫与害虫防治学科是我国昆虫学和害虫防治学术研究和高级人才培养的重要基地。以张巨伯教授、赵善欢院士、蒲蛰龙院士、庞雄飞院士等为代表的老一辈昆虫学家为本学科的建设作出了卓越贡献。现任学科带头人是国家有突出贡献专家、国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员梁广  相似文献   

王毛  邹振  徐卫华 《昆虫学报》2022,65(12):1565-1570
昆虫发育与免疫作为昆虫学的重要方向,面向国家需求和科学前沿,经过多维度的研究,在解决重大害虫成灾和人类健康等方面取得了重要成就。同时,生物技术的进步极大地推进了昆虫发育与免疫的学科发展,使得我们对昆虫生长发育和免疫防御的认识更加深入和全面。本“昆虫生长发育与免疫”专辑论文较好地反映了我国昆虫发育与免疫的研究现状与研究特色。生长发育方面涵盖了从卵到成虫的所有发育阶段,主要研究信号转导机制;免疫方面则聚焦于生物互作。在大数据背景下,将传统和现代技术并用,加强合作,使本研究方向在害虫防治、昆虫资源利用和粮食安全等方面将发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

近年来,随着“预防为主,综合防治”植保方针的贯彻以及人们对农业生态系问题认识的深入,对于发掘害虫天敌资源和搞好天敌保护利用的工作,越来越重视了。自然界里害虫天敌种类很多,其中寄生性天敌昆虫是利用得较多的一类,也是与寄主害虫关系最密切而在调查时最容易发现的一类。为了配合全国各地  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾是仁果类水果的重要检疫害虫,在世界各地造成了巨大的经济损失。目前对其化学防治、化学生态调控、病毒等防治方法研究较多,但仍不能满足防控该害虫的需要,对新型防控技术的需求日益增强。不育昆虫释放技术(SIT)是一种可控制甚至根除靶标害虫的环境友好型防控技术,但传统SIT技术存在一定的局限性,如较难区分性别与筛选雌雄虫、辐射不育昆虫的交配竞争力和适合度降低等问题,这些缺陷随着昆虫遗传修饰技术的发展将得以解决,并将在害虫防控进程中起到积极作用。本文综述了苹果蠹蛾主要防控技术研究现状,介绍了通过遗传修饰技术改善SIT的技术策略,并综合分析了我国开展苹果蠹蛾遗传修饰研究情况和将其应用在苹果蠹蛾防控体系中的可行性及优势。  相似文献   

生物安全是国家安全的重要组成部分,科技是国家生物安全的重要战略支撑。针对我国当前面临的重大生物安全威胁,科技部进行了一系列项目部署,不断加强生物安全科技支撑能力建设。本文重点总结了自"十二五"以来我国生物安全科技工作在重大新发突发传染病防控、外来物种入侵甄别与防控、实验室生物安全、生物安全特种资源库建设、基因合成与编辑技术等方面取得的主要成就,展望了前沿生物技术发展与学科交叉融合所带来的新型生物安全风险与防控机遇,并对我国生物安全科技发展提出建议。  相似文献   

我国农业害虫综合防治研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农业害虫综合防治是昆虫学的一门应用科学,旨在明确农作物害虫的发生危害与暴发成灾规律,提出害虫监测预警和可持续治理的理论与方法。在2012-2016年的5年间,我国提出了基于生态系统服务和多尺度空间管理的害虫生态调控新理论,发展了害虫行为调控技术和化学防治新技术,并在棉铃虫对Bt棉花抗性治理对策、稻飞虱的监测预警和综合防控技术、小菜蛾抗药性诊断及治理技术、青藏高原农牧害虫发生规律和分区治理等防治实践中取得了重要进展。根据国际上害虫综合防治学科发展趋势和我国的研究现状,将来还需要在害虫灾变机制研究、害虫绿色防控技术创新研发以及集成应用等方面进行深入探索,为我国农业害虫可持续治理以及化学农药减量使用提供有力的科技支撑。  相似文献   

To determine the mechanisms prescribing the movement and uptake of chemicals in the soil of the rootzone, controlled experiments were carried out in four lysimeters growing tomatoes. Each lysimeter had a depth-wise array of 9 Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) probes to monitor the soil's water content. Chloride was used as an inert tracer, and was applied with the nutrient solution used for irrigation. Sulphate was used as a reactive tracer, and was applied as a pulse resident in the upper 100 mm of the soil. The measured water contents and the concentrations of the chemicals in the soil profile at the end of the experiment were compared to a deterministic model based on Richards' equation and the convection–dispersion equation linked with various macroscopic sink terms for root water and chemical uptake. The uptake function based on matric pressure head seems to describe the uptake of water and chemicals of our tomato plants best. At high soil solution concentration chloride and sulphate exclusion occurred. Our simple model could be used to describe the major features of coupled water and chemical uptake. However, our approach of inverse modelling to infer the parameters for solute transport and root uptake could not be used to distinguish between soil-based mechanisms and plant uptake mechanisms. The choice of the root water uptake model had only a small effect on the final water content profiles, but led to differences in the final solute profiles of sulphur and chloride. This indicates that tracers might provide improved determination of the uptake mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Hepatopancreas from Acellus intermedius, a small freshwater isopod, was examined by light and electron microscopy. Of particular interest are the two cell types present in the hepatopancreas. Their ultrastructural features indicate that the major role of the large alpha cells is to absorb material from the lumen as well as secrete materials into the lumen while the major role of the small beta cells is to store the absorbed materials as well as break down stored materials before transport.  相似文献   

N. V. Aladin 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):85-97
Results of five expeditions to the Caspian Sea and 17 expeditions to the Aral Sea from 1976–1993 are presented. In these two large salt lakes, nine species of Podonidae were found, all of which were fairly euryhaline, except Caspievadne maximowitschi. Further, all of them were thermophilic, except Cornigerius bicornis, Caspievadne maximowitschi, and Pleopis polyphemoides. Sexual reproduction of the Podonidae in these two salt lakes appears to be insignificant. The possibility exists that parthenogenetic females of some species can live and reproduce even during the winter in the southern parts of the lakes. The complete disappearance of the Podonidae from the Aral Sea in 1989–1990 and the later reappearance of Podonevadne camptonyx in the north Aral in 1991, demonstrates that today it is possible to rehabilitate and conserve a small part of this lake.This paper is dedicated to the memory of David Frey, who gave the author the idea for this study, and discussed its main conclusions  相似文献   

本文研究无花果蛋白酶(EC.在不同浓度盐酸胍溶液中分子构象与活力变化关系。酶的内源荧光光谱,圆二色光谱与酶活力的变化表明:荧光光谱呈现二个明显的变化区域,低浓度胍(低于2mol/L)中,荧光发射峰基本不变,但荧光强度随胍浓度上升,随胍浓度断续增大(高于2mol/L),酶的最大发射波长明显红移。当胍浓度低于1mol/L时,不仅不会使酶失活,反而使酶激活,当胍浓度高于1mol/L以上时,酶逐渐失活,使酶完全失活的胍浓度为6mol/L酶的圆二色光谱也随着胍浓度的改变而发生复杂的变化。将荧光变化,CD谱变化及活力改变结合起来,表明活力的激活与构象的明显变化似是同步发生的,从另一角度进一步说明酶活性部位柔性是充分表现酶活力所必需。  相似文献   

以重庆市近郊中梁山槽谷为研究区,利用气象站和沉降仪获取2017年5月-2018年4月的大气无机氮、硫沉降数据和降水δ15N-NO3-、δ18O-NO3-和δ34S-SO42-、δ18O-SO42-数据,通过离子浓度比值、同位素值和气团后向轨迹探讨了研究区大气中氮、硫沉降变化特征及其来源。结果表明:(1)大气DIN总沉降量为19.99 kg/hm2,干、湿沉降量分别占11%和89%;大气S总沉降量为32.62 kg/hm2,干、湿沉降量分别占13%和87%。大气氮、硫湿沉降量与降水量均呈正相关(n=12,P < 0.01),氮、硫干湿沉降量具有明显的季节差异。(2)降水NH4+-N/NO3--N比值介于0.45-2.2之间,雨季(5-10月)NH4+-N/NO3--N>1,旱季(11-次年4月)NH4+-N/NO3--N<1,表明雨季氮主要来源于农业源,旱季来源于工业和交通源;降水NO3-/SO42-比值介于0.1-1.25之间,平均值为0.63,表明硫来源以固定污染源(燃煤)为主。(3)大气降水δ15N-NO3-、δ18O-NO3-值分别为-3.8‰-3.9‰(平均值为0.4‰±2.6‰)和58.7‰-98.7‰(平均值为76.1‰±14.3‰),夏季偏负,冬季偏正;降水δ34S-SO42-和δ18O-SO42-变化范围分别为1.3‰-3.2‰(平均值为2.3‰±1‰)和5.3‰-8.5‰(平均值为7.1‰±1.6‰),大气降水中NO3-和SO42-主要来源于当地的化石燃料燃烧,同时受到周边污染物的远距离传输影响。(4)气团后向轨迹表明影响研究区氮、硫干湿沉降来源的主要因素是东亚季风,北东-南西走向的川东平行岭谷大地貌格局加剧了季风的影响。  相似文献   

Abundance and distribution of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense species complex resting cyst were investigated in the eastern Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea for the first time. Sediment samples (top 0–3 cm depth) were collected from the continental shelf of the eastern Bering Sea (17 stations) and the Chukchi Sea (13 stations) together with a long core sample (top 0–21 cm depth) from one station in the Chukchi Sea during 2009–2012. The cysts were enumerated using the primuline staining method. Species identification of the cysts was carried out with multiplex PCR assay and the plate morphology of vegetative cells germinated from cysts in the both areas. Alexandrium cysts were widely detected in the both areas, ranging from not detected (<1 cysts cm−3) to 835 cysts cm−3 wet sediment in the eastern Bering Sea and from not detected (<1 cysts cm−3) to 10,600 cysts cm−3 in the Chukchi Sea, and all isolated cysts were genetically and morphologically identified as the North American clade A. tamarense. Their cysts were mainly distributed in the shallow continental shelf where the water depth was less than 100 m in both areas. The cysts were detected from the deep layer (18–21 cm depth of sediment core) of the long core sample. The present study confirmed the abundant existence of A. tamarense with wide range of distribution in these areas. This fact suggests that A. tamarense vegetative cells have appeared in the water column in the both areas. Furthermore, these abundant cyst depositions indicate that this species originally distributed in the Arctic and subarctic regions and well adapted to the environments in the marginal ice zone.  相似文献   

In frame of the International Union of Anthropology and Ethnological Sciences Inter-Congress (Firenze, 1995), the author organized and was the reporter of one of the symposiums, under the same title as of this paper. He sketches some questions of the interrelationship between growth and physical fitness in childhood and young age, gives a short report about the Hungarian National Growth and Physical Fitness Study, and finally, he reports the lectures of the above-mentioned Symposium.  相似文献   

Al Arsh Basheer 《Chirality》2018,30(4):402-406
The chiral pollution is a serious issue for our health and environment due to the enantio‐selective biodegradation of the chiral pollutants. It has adverse impact on our society and science. There is a big loss of our economy due to the use of racemic agrochemicals. The most notorious chiral pollutants are pesticides, polychloro biphenyls, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, brominated flame retardants, drugs, and pharmaceuticals. More than 1500 chiral pollutants are present in the environment. Unfortunately, there is no regulation and control of the chiral pollutants. Therefore, it is an urgent need of the present 21st century to develop a data bank on the chiral pollutants, guidelines for controlling the production, sale and use of the racemic agrochemicals and the other industrial products. The Governments of the different countries should come forward to initiate the regulations. US, FDA, US EPA, and WHO are the most important regulatory authorities and should think about the chiral pollutants. The present article highlights the impact of the chiral pollution on the society and science. Besides, the efforts have also been made to emphasize the need of the regulations to control the chiral pollution.  相似文献   

本文旨在探明夏季不同昼夜温度模式对广聚萤叶甲发育及繁殖的影响。在实验室条件下,模拟了夏季常规的昼夜气温变化模式32℃±4℃、白天均温升高2℃及极端高温升高2℃,以恒温28℃为对照,研究上述温度模式对广聚萤叶甲的生长发育及繁殖动态的影响,并组建了广聚萤叶甲实验种群生命表。随日平均温度的增加,广聚萤叶甲卵的孵化率和幼虫存活率降低,发育历期缩短,成虫寿命及产卵量减少,但是对蛹的羽化率影响不大。白天均温升高2℃时,尽管广聚萤叶甲生殖力最低,但是其内禀增长率最高,种群加倍时间短。广聚萤叶甲能根据昼夜温度变化来改变生长发育特点以适应外环境界,通过缩短种群加倍时间来维持一定的种群数量。  相似文献   

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