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绯鼠耳蝠Myotis formosus又称丽鼠耳蝠、红黑鼠耳蝠等,隶属于翼手目Chiroptera蝙,蝠科Vespertilionidae蝙蝠亚科Vespertilioninae鼠耳蝠属Myotis.2006年12月20日于河南省南阳市桐柏山熊洞(2°62′N,113°68′E,海拔301 m)发现一冬眠群共31只色彩鲜艳的蝙蝠,仅采集5只,外形测量后分离头骨,毛皮做成剥制标本保存于河南师范大学生命科学学院标本馆.经进一步鉴定,确定为绯鼠耳蝠华南亚种Myotis formous rufoniger,为河南省蝙蝠新纪录.  相似文献   

2018年7月至2021年2月,采用栖息地调查法和网捕法对贵州洋溪省级自然保护区翼手目动物物种多样性及保护现状进行了调查。共记录到翼手目动物3科6属13种,包括蝙蝠科5种,菊头蝠科5种,蹄蝠科3种。按照中国动物地理区划,以东洋界种类为主,共有11种,另有2种为广布种。列入《中国生物多样性红色名录:哺乳动物》近危级(NT)7种、无危级(LC)物种6种;列入IUCN物种红色名录近危(NT)级1种,无危级(LC)12种。此次在洋溪自然保护区共调查了27个洞穴,其中20个洞穴有蝙蝠栖息。大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)分布最广,在10个洞穴有分布;其次是皮氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pearsonii),在8个洞穴发现;小菊头蝠(R. pusillus)在7个洞穴有分布。对蝙蝠栖息洞穴的干扰情况进行调查发现,超过一半(55%,n = 20)的洞穴存在人类干扰活动,如村民进洞游玩、在洞内饲养家畜、驱赶蝙蝠、进行祭祀活动以及破坏洞口等。建议对村民在洞内养殖家畜、游玩、驱赶蝙蝠等行为加以限制,并通过引导村民文明祭祀、对被封洞口进行疏通、对古老建筑进行修缮等方式,加强对该地区蝙蝠的保护。同时还建议对该保护区的蝙蝠及其栖息地进行长期监测。  相似文献   

大足鼠耳蝠的翼型和回声定位声波特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大足鼠耳蝠(Myotis ricketti Thomas,1894)属翼手目(Chiroptera),蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae),鼠耳蝠属(Myotis).  相似文献   

西南鼠耳蝠广东新纪录及其核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>西南鼠耳蝠(Myotis altarium Thomas,1911),因峨眉山为其模式产地,又称峨眉鼠耳蝠或者四川鼠耳蝠。隶属于翼手目(Chiroptera)蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae)鼠耳蝠属(Myotis),主要分布  相似文献   

大卫鼠耳蝠(Myotis davidii)为中国特有蝙蝠物种。选用8个微卫星位点,研究并评价了大卫鼠耳蝠种群数量、遗传多样性与其栖息洞穴干扰的关系。结果表明,各微卫星位点遵循HW平衡。在124个个体的8个微卫星位点中共检测到130个等位基因。平均NA、He和Ho分别为16.25、0.71和0.62。单位洞穴长度内大卫鼠耳蝠个体数量和等位基因丰富度随干扰强度增加呈现降低趋势。洞穴单位长度内个体数量则受湿度、干扰强度的显著影响。等位基因丰富度不受个体数量的影响,而受洞穴大小和干扰强度的显著影响。通过对大卫鼠耳蝠栖息洞穴的综合评价,82.35%的栖息洞穴已受到人类活动的影响。此外,种群瓶颈效应事件的出现和洞穴微环境的改变,将进一步影响大卫鼠耳蝠种群及其遗传多样性。因此,建议政府部门及当地群众要尽量缩减对其栖息洞穴的开发规划,减少人为干扰,加强就地保护以有效维持其种群良性发展。  相似文献   

食鱼蝙蝠——大足鼠耳蝠初报   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
大足鼠耳蝠属蝙蝠科,为中国特有种类。食性分析和野外观察证实大足鼠耳蝠为食鱼蝙蝠。室内放养条件下发现大足鼠耳蝠一次进食能连续消耗5.0—10.0g麦穗鱼。本研究首次报道北京房山亦有大足鼠耳蝠分布,并介绍了其地理分布和保护现状。  相似文献   

五种蝙蝠形态与回声定位叫声的性别差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究角菊头蝠(Rhinolophus cornutus)、三叶蹄蝠(Aselliscus uheeleri)、大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)、大鼠耳蝠(Myotis myotis)和大足鼠耳蝠(M.riketti)的形态和回声定位叫声的性别差异性,明确同种蝙蝠雌雄个体对食物、栖息地等资源利用的细微差异,我们利用超声波探测仪、Batsound分析软件及SPSS11.0统计软件对5种95只蝙蝠进行了录音、声波分析和统计分析。5种蝙蝠形态性别差异性不显著,角菊头蝠、三叶蹄蝠、大蹄蝠和大足鼠耳蝠叫声频率性别差异性显著,大鼠耳蝠叫声频率性别差异性不显著。角菊头蝠雌性叫声的基频、分音、主频率高于雄性,声脉冲时间、间隔时间大于雄性,调频(FM)带宽小于雄性;三叶蹄蝠、大蹄蝠叫声的基频、主频率雄性高于雌性,调频带宽雌性小于雄性;大足鼠耳蝠叫声的主频率雄性高于雌性,FM带宽雌性大于雄性[动物学报49(6):742~747,2003]。  相似文献   

对肺、心等进行组织培养,用空气干燥法制作染色体标本,对贵州3种蝙蝠即中华鼠耳蝠(Myotis chinensis)、西南鼠耳蝠(M.altarium)和亚洲长翼蝠(Miniopterus fuliginosus)进行了G-带、C-带带型分析。结果表明,2种鼠耳蝠的G-带基本相同,亚洲长翼蝠的G-带与两种鼠耳蝠有一定同源性;C-带核型中,中华鼠耳蝠和亚洲长翼蝠只有着丝粒带,而西南鼠耳蝠有的染色体有插入C-带和端位C-带。根据带型异同分析讨论了鼠耳蝠和长翼蝠间的进化关系。  相似文献   

记述采自中国吉林南部鼠耳蝠属Myotis 1种:大趾鼠耳蝠Myotis macrodactylus为翼手目中国新纪录.提供了外形、头骨和牙齿的特征描述、照片、分布和生态习性.  相似文献   

2011 年6 月至2013 年7 月,利用雾网和抄网捕捉蝙蝠,采用直接计数、拍照等方法统计蝙蝠的数量,调查了河南省60 个洞穴中蝙蝠的种类、数量及分布,根据蝙蝠的外形及头骨特征鉴定种类,计3 科6 属17 种,其中易危(VU)物种3 种,近危(NT)和无危(LC)物种各7 种。马铁菊头蝠和菲菊头蝠为河南省广布种。依据洞穴的开发情况和人类入洞活动的频度等,评估洞穴的干扰程度,30 个洞穴属严重干扰,10 个洞穴属轻度干扰,20 个洞穴属自然状态。依据洞穴中蝙蝠的种类、数量及濒危程度,将洞穴的相对重要性划分为4 个级别,级别1 和多数级别2 的洞穴具有大的空间和复杂的洞穴系统,这些洞穴既是蝙蝠的繁殖地又是冬眠场所,其中栖息的蝙蝠种类多且数量大。对洞穴的总长度、最大宽度和最大高度进行了测量,比较4 个级别洞穴的测量数据,级别1 洞穴的总长度、最大宽度、最大高度的平均值明显大于其他级别。目前,多数洞穴未得到很好的保护,由于旅游开发等原因,洞栖蝙蝠正面临着严重的生存危机。  相似文献   

为了解荔波世界自然遗产地翼手目动物的物种多样性和生存现状, 作者于2010年10月至2011年10月, 对中国南方喀斯特荔波世界自然遗产地区域内6个镇(乡)69个洞穴的翼手目动物进行了考察, 发现60个洞穴有翼手目动物栖息痕迹, 其中可以确定具体栖息物种的洞穴有37个。本次调查观察记录到翼手目动物10万余只, 隶属5科15种, 结合文献记载及贵州师范大学动物标本室保存的翼手目动物标本, 确认该地区共有翼手目动物7科24种。11种翼手目动物在荔波世界自然遗产地为首次记录, 其中狭耳鼠耳蝠(Myotis blythii)、果树蹄蝠(Hipposideros pomona)2种为贵州省翼手目新记录。该地区一些洞穴已被开发为旅游景点, 严重影响了洞穴内翼手目动物的生存, 翼手目动物保护状况令人担忧, 建议对翼手目动物栖息的洞穴采取必要的保护措施。  相似文献   

To understand the distribution and relative abundance of cave-dwelling bats and to identify those sites that would be important for conservation of bat species, 25 underground sites that had not been previously surveyed were investigated in this 3-year study (from December 2003 to April 2006) in Funiu Mountain of Henan province, China. Approximately 80 000 bats were recorded, representing 12 species. The most abundant species were Rhinolophus affini s, Miniopterus schreibersi and Hipposideros pratti . The roosts were evaluated for their conservation importance. The most important sites in the area are Yunhua and Nanzhao caves, which serve as hibernaculums and nursery roosts to c . 13 740 and 11 803 bats, respectively, representing seven species. By means of cluster and correspondence analysis, the distribution of bat species was different between the two sides of the mountain and was highly dependent on the size of the cave. The underground sites in the south region hosted c . 80% of the total bats, representing 11 species. The sites in the north region hosted 20% of the total bats, representing seven species. Presently, none of the caves in the region has adequate protection and some bat populations are under serious threat. Many large caves that contained large bat populations and several species of concern had been developed as tourist sites, and so some advice on protecting the most important local habitats was sought based on the assessment of the conservation status of underground sites. This paper presents basic data concerning the distribution of cave-dwelling bats and the patterns of cave use on Funiu Mountain. The data will help local governments and policy-makers develop suitable strategies to promote local tourisms while protecting important habitats of animal species.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring programs are necessary to assess populations for conservation planning and management decisions. Hibernating bats in North America have declined because of numerous natural and human-induced disturbances. White-nose syndrome (WNS) has become the most serious threat to North American cave-dwelling bats, leading to significant population declines in several species. We examined trends in hibernating bat populations at 11 hibernacula in northern Georgia and Alabama, USA, from 2013–2022, beginning when WNS was first detected in the region. Although we observed interannual variation in numbers of the federally endangered gray bat (Myotis grisescens), mean counts remained stable over time. In contrast, the tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) and the federally endangered northern long-eared bat (M. septentrionalis) declined by >90% in the first 5 years after WNS detection in the region. Although no northern long-eared bats have been reported since 2019, tricolored bat counts stabilized following initial declines. Understanding changes in bat populations as WNS continues to spread, and determining the extent of population declines, is necessary for making appropriate management decisions. Our findings elucidate the status of cave-dwelling bat species along the periphery of the white-nose syndrome endemic region and highlight the importance of monitoring bat communities on a regional scale to develop effective conservation strategies.  相似文献   

中华菊头蝠(Rhinolophus sinicus)主要分布于我国境内,属于典型的洞栖食虫性蝙蝠,具有重要的研究意义与保护价值。近年,在湘西州境内的16个溶洞中对其栖息生态特征进行了观察,共记录到其个体12942只次,数据分析结果显示:该蝠是该区域溶洞中的居留型优势蝠种,具有集群冬眠的习性。每年的9月中下旬开始逐步聚群冬眠,翌年的3月底开始苏醒,其夏季的繁育场所非常隐蔽,通常位于人无法进入的洞段或人迹罕至的洞穴。总体上,其栖点主要集中于距洞口150—200 m(91.60%)的洞段,离地高度6—10 m(91.75%),多以“双足悬挂”的栖姿将身体悬空倒挂于洞道的顶壁。其体温与栖点温度之间不存在显著性差异(P>0.05),但具有明显的线性正相关关系(R~2=0.8886)。其栖点安全性春夏季高,秋冬季中等偏低。中华菊头蝠作为该区域洞栖性蝙蝠的优势种,在维持洞穴生态系统的稳定中发挥着至关重要的作用,加强对洞穴生态系统中蝙蝠伞护性的研究有助于洞穴生态保护教育及对蝙蝠种群的保护实践。  相似文献   

同一山洞中五种蝙蝠的回声定位比较及生态位的分化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对同一山洞中5种蝙蝠的回声定位叫声和外部形态作了比较分析,根据蝙蝠回声定位叫声,形态特征与捕食策略之间的联系,并结合部分的野外观察研究,推断其捕食生境及捕食策略,并对洞中5种共栖蝙蝠的生态位分化进行了分析;研究结果如下:(1)南蝠(Ia io)在地面或树冠中间的开阔空间捕食个体较大的昆虫;(2)大鼠耳蝠(Myotis myotis)主要以掠食性方式(gleaning) 捕食森林或草地地表面的昆虫;(3)黄大蹄幅(Hipposideros pratti)主要在树冠周围或树冠上方进行捕蝇器式(Fly-catching)(即倒挂于一固定枝条或地点,探索周围飞行或接近的昆虫,探索到后捕捉回原倒挂地点再进食)或飞行捕食,它主要捕食个体较大的甲虫;(4)角菊头蝠(Rhinolophus cornutus)主要在较密集树木中(枝叶间),农田及树木周围捕食型较小的翼拍动昆虫;(5)三叶蹄幅(Aselliscus wheeleri)是在树木,灌丛或在其周围空间内捕食较小的翼拍动昆虫,但其食性可能菊头蝠不同,根据以上研究结果,认为这5种蝙蝠的取食生态位存在着明显的分化。  相似文献   

于2017年至2018年对广东丹霞山国家级自然保护区的翼手目动物进行调查,主要采用日栖息地与夜栖息地、捕食区网捕等调查方法,共调查到翼手目5科13属23种,其中蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae)9属15种,菊头蝠科(Rhinolophidae)1属4种,蹄蝠科(Hipposideridae)1属2种,假吸血蝠科(Megadermatidae)1属1种,犬吻蝠科(Molossidae)1属1种。从区系组成来看,以东洋界为主(19种),其次为广布种(3种),古北界仅1种。从栖息类型上看,分为洞栖型、树栖型及建筑物栖息型,以洞栖型为主(15种),建筑物栖息型其次(12种),树栖型最少(5种),但其中9个物种的栖息地类型同时包含了上述3种栖息类型中的2种。本研究在广东丹霞山发现中国蝙蝠新分布记录1种,为卡氏伏翼(Hypsugo cadornae);而中印鼠耳蝠(Myotis indochinensis)为中国分布的再次确认。  相似文献   

We undertook a field study to determine patterns of specialisation of ectoparasites in cave-dwelling bats in Sri Lanka. The hypothesis tested was that strict host specificity (monoxeny) could evolve through the development of differential species preferences through association with the different host groups. Three species of cave-dwelling bats were chosen to represent a wide range of host-parasite associations (monoxeny to polyxeny), and both sympatric and allopatric roosting assemblages. Of the eight caves selected, six caves were “allopatric” roosts where two of each housed only one of the three host species examined: Rousettus leschenaulti (Pteropodidae), Rhinolophus rouxi and Hipposideros speoris (Rhinolophidae). The remaining two caves were “sympatric” roosts and housed all three host species. Thirty bats of each species were examined for ectoparasites in each cave, which resulted in a collection of nycteribiid and streblid flies, an ischnopsyllid bat flea, argasid and ixodid ticks, and mites belonging to three families. The host specificity of bat parasites showed a trend to monoxeny in which 70% of the 30 species reported were monoxenous. Odds ratios derived from χ2-tests revealed two levels of host preferences in less-specific parasites (i) the parasite was found on two host species under conditions of both host sympatry and host allopatry, with a preference for a single host in the case of host sympatry and (ii) the preference for a single host was very high, hence under conditions of host sympatry, it was confined to the preferred host only. However, under conditions of host allopatry, it utilized both hosts. There appears to be an increasing prevalence in host preferences of the parasites toward confinement to a single host species. The ecological isolation of the bat hosts and a long history of host-parasite co-existence could have contributed to an overall tendency of bat ectoparasites to become specialists, here reflected in the high percentage of monoxeny.  相似文献   

Although the land mammals of Madagascar have been the subject of many studies, the island’s bats have yet to feature prominently on the research or conservation agenda. In this study we used mist nets, acoustic sampling and cave surveys to assess habitat use, seasonality and roost selection. Four microchiropteran species (Triaenops rufus, T. furculus, Miniopterus manavi and Myotis goudoti) appeared to be strongly associated with the forest interior based on trapping, but analysis of time-expanded echolocation recordings revealed that T. rufus and M.␣manavi were frequently recorded in forest edges and clearings. Bat activity was significantly lower inside the forest than at the interface between agricultural land and forest. The caves visited most often by tourists were low in bat abundance and species richness. Anjohikinakina Cave, which was visited infrequently by people, was used by five species and contained between 54% (winter) and 99% (summer) of bats counted in 16 caves and is a site of national importance for bat conservation. Hipposideros commersoni was only netted in our study area during October and may be a migrant to the site or present but inactive during the austral winter. The forest surrounding the caves is therefore important because it provides cover for emerging bats and a potential source of invertebrate prey whilst the forest edge is important to foraging bats.  相似文献   

四川溪洛渡水库库区雷波至金阳段翼手类调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘少英  刘洋  孙治宇 《四川动物》2005,24(4):602-603
1999年5~7月,对溪洛渡水库库区(雷波至金阳一线河谷地带〈包括永善〉,海拔2000 m以下)翼手类进行了调查.共计调查了20个洞穴和沿线房屋.调查结合历史资料确认溪洛渡水库库区有翼手类动物4科6属15种.优势种是大蹄蝠、小菊头蝠、双色蹄蝠;新发现的稀有种类是印度假吸血蝠.  相似文献   

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