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2014年7月—2015年5月,对贵州省江口县51个洞穴中蝙蝠的种类、数量及分布进行调查,发现46个洞穴中有蝙蝠栖息痕迹,其中可以确定具体栖息物种的洞穴26个。本次野外调查共观察到蝙蝠2 100余只,经鉴定隶属3科11种;综合文献记录,截至此次调查结束,江口县洞穴型蝙蝠的有效记录为4科15种,其中有7种属本次调查首次发现。该地区许多蝙蝠栖息的洞穴都没有得到较好的保护,人为干扰已严重威胁蝙蝠的生存。建议对翼手目动物栖息的洞穴采取必要的保护措施,并加强大众对蝙蝠保护意识的教育。  相似文献   

2018年7月至2021年2月,采用栖息地调查法和网捕法对贵州洋溪省级自然保护区翼手目动物物种多样性及保护现状进行了调查。共记录到翼手目动物3科6属13种,包括蝙蝠科5种,菊头蝠科5种,蹄蝠科3种。按照中国动物地理区划,以东洋界种类为主,共有11种,另有2种为广布种。列入《中国生物多样性红色名录:哺乳动物》近危级(NT)7种、无危级(LC)物种6种;列入IUCN物种红色名录近危(NT)级1种,无危级(LC)12种。此次在洋溪自然保护区共调查了27个洞穴,其中20个洞穴有蝙蝠栖息。大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)分布最广,在10个洞穴有分布;其次是皮氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pearsonii),在8个洞穴发现;小菊头蝠(R. pusillus)在7个洞穴有分布。对蝙蝠栖息洞穴的干扰情况进行调查发现,超过一半(55%,n = 20)的洞穴存在人类干扰活动,如村民进洞游玩、在洞内饲养家畜、驱赶蝙蝠、进行祭祀活动以及破坏洞口等。建议对村民在洞内养殖家畜、游玩、驱赶蝙蝠等行为加以限制,并通过引导村民文明祭祀、对被封洞口进行疏通、对古老建筑进行修缮等方式,加强对该地区蝙蝠的保护。同时还建议对该保护区的蝙蝠及其栖息地进行长期监测。  相似文献   

贵州省松桃县东部地区翼手目物种多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年7月至2009年2月,对贵州省松桃县东部地区的14个镇(乡)47洞穴翼手目的种类、数量、分布及生境进行调查研究。通过标本的采集、鉴定,确定该地区共有翼手目动物3科14种,其中2种为待定种;爪哇伏翼(Pipistrellus javanicus)、棒茎伏翼(P.paterculus)、单角菊头蝠(Rhinolophusmonoceros)3种在贵州省首次发现,其中单角菊头蝠是在中国大陆首次发现。另外,还对该地区蝙蝠的冬眠行为、对冬眠地的选择以及栖息环境的受胁现状进行了初步调查,发现不同种类蝙蝠的冬眠行为是不一样的;同时发现,洞外捕食生境的不同会造成洞穴内分布翼手目种类的不同。  相似文献   

于2017年至2018年对广东丹霞山国家级自然保护区的翼手目动物进行调查,主要采用日栖息地与夜栖息地、捕食区网捕等调查方法,共调查到翼手目5科13属23种,其中蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae)9属15种,菊头蝠科(Rhinolophidae)1属4种,蹄蝠科(Hipposideridae)1属2种,假吸血蝠科(Megadermatidae)1属1种,犬吻蝠科(Molossidae)1属1种。从区系组成来看,以东洋界为主(19种),其次为广布种(3种),古北界仅1种。从栖息类型上看,分为洞栖型、树栖型及建筑物栖息型,以洞栖型为主(15种),建筑物栖息型其次(12种),树栖型最少(5种),但其中9个物种的栖息地类型同时包含了上述3种栖息类型中的2种。本研究在广东丹霞山发现中国蝙蝠新分布记录1种,为卡氏伏翼(Hypsugo cadornae);而中印鼠耳蝠(Myotis indochinensis)为中国分布的再次确认。  相似文献   

澳门翼手类物种多样性调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009 ~2012 年,对澳门翼手目(蝙蝠)物种多样性进行了调查。结果共捕捉到10 个物种,属5 科8 属,其中包括澳门原来记载的2 个物种,即蹄蝠科的大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)和蝙蝠科的东亚伏翼(Pipistrellus abramus);本研究新增加8 个物种,即狐蝠科的犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx) 和棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaulti),鞘尾蝠科的黑髯墓蝠(Taphozous melanopogon),菊头蝠科的菲菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pusillus),以及蝙蝠科的大足鼠耳蝠(Myotis ricketti)、普通伏翼(P. pipistrellus)、普通长翼蝠(Miniopterus schreibersi) 和南长翼蝠(M. pusillus)。另外,通过野外录音和分析,并与已发表物种声音特征比较核对,发现菊头蝠科和蹄蝠科各一种,前者可能是泰国菊头蝠(R. siamensis)或者中菊头蝠(R. affinis),后者可能是果树蹄蝠(H. pomona) 或者三叶蹄蝠(Aselliscus stoliczkanus)。本文对已捕捉10 种蝙蝠的分布、形态特征和回声定位叫声特征进行报道,同时对其种群数量和保护现状进行了讨论。保护蝙蝠栖息生境(洞穴、古老建筑和蒲葵树等) 对保护澳门蝙蝠物种多样性至关重要。  相似文献   

周毅  杨天友  冉景丞  张旭 《生物多样性》2019,27(12):1345-944
了解荔波世界自然遗产地动物模式标本分类学研究历史, 可为遗产地履行联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心的要求以及生物多样性保护工作提供参考。本文采用内容分析法, 对采自该遗产地并确立为模式种的物种, 收集相关文献并进行整理和分析, 编制了中国荔波世界自然遗产地动物模式标本名录。结果表明: (1)荔波世界自然遗产地动物模式标本共有204种, 隶属于3门6纲22目60科; (2)动物模式标本物种采集最早可追溯到1955年, 最近为2013年, 两者相隔58年, 而采集高峰期为1995-2004年; (3)以国内学者3人合力发表的物种最多(93种, 占总种数的45.59%); (4)模式物种的橱柜时间严重滞后, 从采集到发表滞后最长的达47年; (5)模式标本涉及66位采集人(或团队), 以国内学者居多(63位, 占总人数的95.45%); (6)遗产地动物模式标本被保存于27家国内外研究机构或私人收藏, 国内收藏1,504号标本, 国外收藏7号; (7)遗产地动物模式标本物种发表于169篇文献, 中文文献有155篇, 外文文献有14篇。随着研究的深入, 荔波世界自然遗产地有更多的新种不断被发现, 说明遗产地物种资源丰富, 生物多样性存在被低估的可能性, 暗示遗产地的物种分类研究工作仍需要投入大量的精力。  相似文献   

本研究于2017至2019年对广东石门台国家级自然保护区的翼手目动物资源进行调查,调查方法主要为日栖息地与夜栖息地调查、网捕调查,共调查到翼手目动物4科9属31种。其中,菊头蝠科1属7种,占比22.6%,蹄蝠科1属4种,占比12.9%,假吸血蝠科1属1种,占比3.2%,蝙蝠科6属19种,占比61.3%。31种蝙蝠的区系组成以东洋型为主,共有19种,而南中国型和季风型较少,南中国型为7种,季风型为5种。以栖息类型划分,石门台保护区的翼手目动物可以分成3类,其中,洞栖型有12种,建筑物栖型有4种,树栖型有4种,另有8种蝙蝠的栖息地可包括洞穴和建筑物,3种的栖息地可包括建筑物和树洞。石门台保护区作为面积较大的国家级自然保护区,调查到蝙蝠种类31种,属于物种多样性较为丰富的保护区。本研究调查了石门台保护区的蝙蝠多样性数据,为以后深入探究该保护区的野生动物资源提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

三峡工程重庆库区民翼手类研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1996年至1997年,通过对三峡工程重庆库区13个县(区)68个洞穴的考察和标本采集,结合历史资料记述,确认重庆库区共有翼手目动物4科26种。其中8种为重庆市新记录,分别是绒菊头蝠、皮菊头蝠、西南鼠耳蝠、水鼠耳蝠、尖耳鼠耳蝠、大足鼠耳蝠、长折翼蝠和皱唇蝠。研究发现冀手类更喜欢潮湿、低海拔、人类干扰少、洞深在50m以上、周围是农田-草灌的洞穴。  相似文献   

肖宁  曾祥  周江 《动物学杂志》2020,55(3):339-352
翼手目(Chiroptera)动物已被确认是人畜共患病毒的重要自然宿主。贵州省翼手目物种多样性资源丰富,包括了2亚目7科19属65种,但在其携带病毒方面的研究仍然不全面。本文基于病毒宏基因组学和s RNA病毒检测,对贵州省广泛分布的大蹄蝠(Hipposideriderosarmiger)、三叶蹄蝠(Aselliscus wheeleri)、贵州菊头蝠(Rhinolophus rex)和皮氏菊头蝠(R. pearsoni)携带的病毒进行注释及鉴定。通过分析得到所携带病毒的种类;并比较了贵州省与云南省和广西省3个地区翼手目携带病毒在种类上的差异。结果显示,在4种蝙蝠中检测出脊椎动物病毒、昆虫病毒、植物病毒、细菌病毒4大类,共计53科111属170余种病毒,其中具有公共卫生学意义病毒9科10属46种,如:人疱疹病毒1型病毒(Human herpesvirus 1)、戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus)、人乳头瘤病毒16型(Human papillomavirustype16)等相关的病毒。贵州省与云南省和广西省3个地区的蝙蝠所携带病毒种类比较发现,只有腺病毒科(Adenoviridae)和逆转录病毒科(Retroviridae)均存在于3个省份的蝙蝠体内,说明病毒种类在不同地域分布的蝙蝠种类中存在较大的差异。贵州省分布的大蹄蝠、三叶蹄蝠、贵州菊头蝠和皮氏菊头蝠携带病毒的种类较多,其病毒种类在公共卫生学上具有一定的代表性,对开展贵州省分子流行病学调查具有重要价值。  相似文献   

正管鼻蝠(Murina)隶属于翼手目(Chiroptera)蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae),为森林性小型蝙蝠,遍布整个亚洲大陆,从巴基斯坦东北部到西伯利亚、韩国、日本直至澳大利亚南部(Corbet and Hill,1992)。Simmons(2005)记录世界上管鼻蝠属有17种,之后陆续发表了17个管鼻蝠新种(或亚种提升为种)。其中,我国有16种,主要分布  相似文献   

To understand the distribution and relative abundance of cave-dwelling bats and to identify those sites that would be important for conservation of bat species, 25 underground sites that had not been previously surveyed were investigated in this 3-year study (from December 2003 to April 2006) in Funiu Mountain of Henan province, China. Approximately 80 000 bats were recorded, representing 12 species. The most abundant species were Rhinolophus affini s, Miniopterus schreibersi and Hipposideros pratti . The roosts were evaluated for their conservation importance. The most important sites in the area are Yunhua and Nanzhao caves, which serve as hibernaculums and nursery roosts to c . 13 740 and 11 803 bats, respectively, representing seven species. By means of cluster and correspondence analysis, the distribution of bat species was different between the two sides of the mountain and was highly dependent on the size of the cave. The underground sites in the south region hosted c . 80% of the total bats, representing 11 species. The sites in the north region hosted 20% of the total bats, representing seven species. Presently, none of the caves in the region has adequate protection and some bat populations are under serious threat. Many large caves that contained large bat populations and several species of concern had been developed as tourist sites, and so some advice on protecting the most important local habitats was sought based on the assessment of the conservation status of underground sites. This paper presents basic data concerning the distribution of cave-dwelling bats and the patterns of cave use on Funiu Mountain. The data will help local governments and policy-makers develop suitable strategies to promote local tourisms while protecting important habitats of animal species.  相似文献   

四川绵阳洞栖蝙蝠多样性及受胁现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石红艳  刘昊  吴毅  刘志刚 《四川动物》2006,25(1):128-131
1999~2005年,对四川省绵阳市洞栖性蝙蝠进行了凋杳。共采集到4科,5属,14种,约占四川蝙蝠种类31.8%,中国蝙蝠种类11.7%。其中,大足鼠耳蝠(Myotis ricketti)为中国特有种,中华鼠耳蝠(Myotis chinensis)已被列入《中国物种红色名录》中的易危(VU)种,南蝠(Iu io)等5种被列入近危(NT)种。调查中发现不少洞穴已被开发或正在被开发成旅游景点,人为干扰已严重威胁洞穴内蝙蝠的生存。建议对蝙蝠栖息地采取一定的保护措施,并加强保护蝙蝠的宣传教育。  相似文献   

同一山洞中五种蝙蝠的回声定位比较及生态位的分化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对同一山洞中5种蝙蝠的回声定位叫声和外部形态作了比较分析,根据蝙蝠回声定位叫声,形态特征与捕食策略之间的联系,并结合部分的野外观察研究,推断其捕食生境及捕食策略,并对洞中5种共栖蝙蝠的生态位分化进行了分析;研究结果如下:(1)南蝠(Ia io)在地面或树冠中间的开阔空间捕食个体较大的昆虫;(2)大鼠耳蝠(Myotis myotis)主要以掠食性方式(gleaning) 捕食森林或草地地表面的昆虫;(3)黄大蹄幅(Hipposideros pratti)主要在树冠周围或树冠上方进行捕蝇器式(Fly-catching)(即倒挂于一固定枝条或地点,探索周围飞行或接近的昆虫,探索到后捕捉回原倒挂地点再进食)或飞行捕食,它主要捕食个体较大的甲虫;(4)角菊头蝠(Rhinolophus cornutus)主要在较密集树木中(枝叶间),农田及树木周围捕食型较小的翼拍动昆虫;(5)三叶蹄幅(Aselliscus wheeleri)是在树木,灌丛或在其周围空间内捕食较小的翼拍动昆虫,但其食性可能菊头蝠不同,根据以上研究结果,认为这5种蝙蝠的取食生态位存在着明显的分化。  相似文献   

四川溪洛渡水库库区雷波至金阳段翼手类调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘少英  刘洋  孙治宇 《四川动物》2005,24(4):602-603
1999年5~7月,对溪洛渡水库库区(雷波至金阳一线河谷地带〈包括永善〉,海拔2000 m以下)翼手类进行了调查.共计调查了20个洞穴和沿线房屋.调查结合历史资料确认溪洛渡水库库区有翼手类动物4科6属15种.优势种是大蹄蝠、小菊头蝠、双色蹄蝠;新发现的稀有种类是印度假吸血蝠.  相似文献   

周江  杨天友 《四川动物》2012,31(1):120-122,177
2010年10月在贵州省荔波县进行翼手目动物调查过程中,于荔波县洞塘乡捕获14只鼠耳蝠,经鉴定为狭耳鼠耳蝠Myotisblythii。主要鉴别特征:体型中等,前臂长64.60(60.78~67.72)mm(n=14,SD=1.71);耳狭长;耳屏直而细长,顶端尖锐;第三指最长、第五指最短;后足长约为胫长之半;无距缘膜;尾长67.99(60.56~73.82)mm(n=14,SD=3.7);雄性个体无阴茎骨,阴茎长12.58(8.42~15.72)mm(n=5,SD=2.86);颅全长24.09(23.48~24.72)mm(n=6,SD=0.55);头骨窄长;听泡发达;矢状脊较低;上颌内门齿有1个主尖和1个小附尖,外门齿小,与上犬齿分离;第2上前臼齿(P3)稍位于齿列内侧。此种鼠耳蝠为贵州省翼手目新纪录。  相似文献   

Although the land mammals of Madagascar have been the subject of many studies, the island’s bats have yet to feature prominently on the research or conservation agenda. In this study we used mist nets, acoustic sampling and cave surveys to assess habitat use, seasonality and roost selection. Four microchiropteran species (Triaenops rufus, T. furculus, Miniopterus manavi and Myotis goudoti) appeared to be strongly associated with the forest interior based on trapping, but analysis of time-expanded echolocation recordings revealed that T. rufus and M.␣manavi were frequently recorded in forest edges and clearings. Bat activity was significantly lower inside the forest than at the interface between agricultural land and forest. The caves visited most often by tourists were low in bat abundance and species richness. Anjohikinakina Cave, which was visited infrequently by people, was used by five species and contained between 54% (winter) and 99% (summer) of bats counted in 16 caves and is a site of national importance for bat conservation. Hipposideros commersoni was only netted in our study area during October and may be a migrant to the site or present but inactive during the austral winter. The forest surrounding the caves is therefore important because it provides cover for emerging bats and a potential source of invertebrate prey whilst the forest edge is important to foraging bats.  相似文献   



Thermal gradients along changes in elevation in mountainous environments are reflected by different biotas. Although there have been studies of elevation variation in bat assemblages in summer, winter changes in the same gradients remain unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The objective of this study was to document changes in the species composition of bats hibernating in caves along a temperate elevational gradient. We studied 70 caves between from 300 m to 1,930 m altitude along a slope of the Carpathian Mountains in southern Poland. We recorded changes in bats, including species richness, abundance, altitudinal distribution and dominance during consecutive winters between 2003 and 2009. Similarity of dominance of faunal structure was assessed by using the Bray-Curtis similarity index. We used the generalised additive model and rarefaction to study the variation in species richness, and generalized additive mixed models to examine the effect of abiotic factors on the qualitative and quantitative structure of bat assemblages. During 351 surveys we recorded 13,856 hibernating bats from 15 species. Species richness peaked around mid-elevation (1,100–1,400 m a.s.l.) with richness declining at both higher and lower elevations. Based on the results of a cluster analysis, we could distinguish among four altitudinal zones that differed in species richness and dominance structure.


This is the first study documenting changes in species richness and variation of structure of bats hibernating in caves along an elevational gradient. The most surprising and key finding is the fact that changes in the structure of assemblages of hibernating bats along the altitudinal gradient occurred in jumps, forming zones similar to those observed in the vegetation zones. Moreover, species richness and dominance structure of assemblages of hibernating bats in the mountains depended not only on location above sea level, but also on local geomorphologic conditions which strongly affected the microclimate of the caves.  相似文献   

Bats frequently use caves as roosts due to higher environmental stability and protection. However, species-specific ecological and physiological requirements and conditions of roosts and their surroundings can influence species presence. Little is known on cave choice by bats in the Neotropics, a species- and cave-rich region. Understanding how bats, cave characteristics and the surrounding landscape are related with each other helps the management and conservation of bats and caves. Based on sampling 19 caves using both diurnal observations and captures, we tested (1) whether bat richness was positively related to cave temperature, humidity, size, stability, and heterogeneity of microhabitats, and the preservation and heterogeneity of the surrounding landscape in central Brazil; (2) whether cave and landscape characteristics influenced on species composition; (3) how species responded to cave and landscape variables; and (4) whether these relationships changed between seasons. Temperature was a limiting factor, whereas environmental stability, humidity, and structural attributes of caves favored the occurrence of more species. Larger caves, rich in microhabitats – but more stable than the external environment – supported more species, especially in the dry season. Landscape context did not influence species richness and composition in the caves, but the percentage of vegetation around caves was important for certain species. Our results highlight the influence of environmental variables in the process of cave selection by Neotropical bat species. Moreover, we emphasize the importance of cave protection for bats and provide useful information for decision-making in processes of environmental licensing.  相似文献   

杨天友  侯秀发  谷晓明  周江 《四川动物》2012,31(4):570-573,508
2008年10月在贵州省荔波县进行翼手目动物多样性调查中,于该县永康乡采集到2号蹄蝠标本,经与国内外记载过的蹄蝠科bicolor族群的标本进行比较,这2号标本的体型较小,前臂长分别为44.26mm、42.48mm,耳大而圆,耳长22.02mm、22.58mm;鼻叶简单,前鼻叶外侧没有小附叶,中鼻叶不发达;后鼻叶稍宽于前鼻叶和中鼻叶,被3纵隔分为4个部分,P2弱小,但未消失,位于齿列线外侧,这些特征与中国和泰国记载的果树蹄蝠Hipposideros pomona一致。另对贵州早期文献中记载的双色蹄蝠H.bicolor标本进行了查阅,认为其应归为果树蹄蝠。  相似文献   

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