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适合于植物花器官的冰冻切片技术   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对4种植物主要花器官冰冻切片技术的各个环节及参数的研究,建立了一种适合于植物花器官的冰冻切片技术,即蔗糖保护-液氮速冻-冰冻切片法。其具体程序是:材料经固定和冷冻保护(蔗糖为冷冻保护剂)后进行速冻包埋(液氮为包埋剂);尔后进行冰冻切片;切片经干燥和染色(或者不染色)后,在显微镜下观察并摄影。此法为植物花器官的细胞生物学和分子生物学研究提供了简便、快速和高效的切片技术。  相似文献   

本文介绍了以环氧树脂为包埋介质的用于光学显微镜的塑料半薄切片的制备技术和部分实验结果。叙述了固定、脱水、渗透、包埋、聚合、切片、染色及封片各程序。作为对石蜡切片技术的补充和发展。塑料半薄切片能充分发挥光学显微镜的分辨能力,能观察到许多在石蜡切片上看不清或看不到的细胞内部结构,如:花粉的外粉壁,萌发孔;细胞的微核,液泡和液泡问的原生质丝等。可用同一包埋材料在半薄切片基础上进行超薄切片,所以半薄切片技术是一种把光学显微镜水平的研究和电子显微镜水平的研究联系在一起的一种过渡性技术。因此,它无论对植物学工作者或其它生物学工作者都是很有用的一项技术。  相似文献   

冰冻切片是植物组织学研究中一项重要的实验技术,冷冻温度和冷冻时间是决定切片质量的关键因素。通过比较15种冰冻切片条件,得出植物组织直接冰冻切片较适宜的冷箱温度、冷台温度和冷冻时间。同时,通过对5种植物的不同组织进行组织化学染色,比较了新鲜材料直接冰冻切片与常规石蜡切片在不同化学成分鉴定上的异同及各自的适用范围。结果表明,对于多糖、蛋白质和角质,两种切片方法的鉴定结果比较一致,但对于脂肪只能采用冰冻切片技术。研究结果对植物组织学实验和研究方法的改进具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

动物组织石蜡切片及染色技术是普通生物学及动物学实验中必需的实验技能.经过多年的积累和摸索,对组织切片中的苏木精-尹红( hematoxylin - eosin,H-E)染色技术进行了改进,取得了良好的教学效果和实验效果.  相似文献   

纪春艳  张国秀  李强 《生物学通报》2005,40(7):M002-M002
徒手切片技术运用在植物学实验教学中的历史较为悠久,在石蜡切片之前,基本上使用徒手切片。它的优点在于可以观察新鲜材料组织和细胞的天然色彩,看到活体细胞结构状态,所以徒手切片运用在植物学实验教学中比较普遍。为了克服传统徒手切片技术中的不足,我们进行了改进,改为皮套加刀片。这种切片方法切片速度快,软硬质材料都可以切,不需要任何夹物,既经济适用,又简单易行。  相似文献   

本文研究东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis(Meyen)雄性生殖系统组织解剖结构及三维可视化数字模型的构建。采用石蜡切片技术对东亚飞蝗进行组织切片,脱水、透明、HE染色和拍照;并应用冰冻切片技术将冰冻包埋剂包埋后的飞蝗雄性个体进行连续切片,进行截面图像信息采集,建立数据集;通过Photoshop、Image-Pro Plus(IPP)软件对雄性生殖器官截面图像进行分割、处理、序列化和三维重建。通过试验观察分析东亚飞蝗雄性生殖器官精巢、附腺、输精管、精球囊和射精囊及交配器的组织构造;并成功构建了飞蝗雄性生殖系统的三维结构可视化数字模型。该模型可以任意旋转,能从不同角度观察,该试验为研究和教学提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

树轮气候学及树轮生态学研究在国内外取得了长足进展,但对树轮与气候的响应机制缺乏深入的了解,迫切需要进行以微树芯石蜡切片为基础的树轮生态学研究。形成层活动监测从生理生态学角度出发,广泛用于树轮对气候变化响应的机制探讨研究中,然而目前还没有对微树芯石蜡切片制作的方法作详细的论述和探讨。该文通过对祁连圆柏(Sabina przewalskii)等5个不同树种微树芯石蜡切片的制作实践,对已有的植物石蜡切片技术进行改进,增加组织软化的步骤,并对其他步骤作了相应的调整,详细介绍了微树芯石蜡切片制作的方法,为树轮生态学、解剖学,以及木材解剖学关于木质化材料石蜡切片的制作方法提供参考。  相似文献   

全胚切片标本是发育生物学教学及其相关研究的基础。本实验采用石蜡包埋和免疫组织化学技术对如何制作完整和连续的不同胚龄之全胚切片进行了探索,并研究了亨廷顿相关蛋白1在孕中期胚鼠的表达。  相似文献   

电子显微镜超薄切片技术的发展开拓了组织学和细胞学的显微和亚显微结构的研究。但由于常规超薄切片术采用强烈化学囿定,有机溶剂脱水和塑料包埋等步骤所带来的结构损伤和分子活性散失等缺点,人们在光学显微冷冻切片和常规超薄切片基础上,近年来发展了冷冻超薄切片制样技术。七十年代初期,商品冷冻超薄切片装置先后问世,进一步促进了这一技术的发展。  相似文献   

三维反卷积显微成像技术浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三维宽场反应卷积显微成像技术是应用光学切片方法获取三维标本的二维图像序列,然后通过反卷积图像处理方法进行图像恢复,进而进行三维重建的一种以光学技术和图像处理技术为核心的显微成像方法。本文讲述了光学切片的基本原理,给出了反卷积处理中点扩展函数的理论模型和实验测试方法,然后对现存的反卷积算法做了对比。最后,文章对这一领域的发展趋势作了预测。  相似文献   

A method that allows capillary electrophoresis to be used as a microconcentrating technique is presented. An 85-fold improvement in the amount of material that can be injected into a capillary column without loss of resolution is shown. The method can be used for negative- and positive-charged species but it cannot be used for both species simultaneously.  相似文献   

马铃薯卷叶病毒( Potato leafroll virus,PLRV)对马铃薯生产的危害极大,是一种极为重要的马铃薯病毒病。 RT-PCR是马铃薯卷叶病毒检测较为常用的方法,该方法检测准确率高、成本低、适用范围广。但在实际生产中其检测对象多为染病植株,对PLRV传播的主要介体桃蚜( Myzus persicae)的检测,则由于蚜虫体积小、RNA提取难度大、成本高、且不能复检,因而在生产中不能被广泛使用。该研究以马铃薯感病植株和带毒蚜虫为材料,利用改进的RNA提取方法从它们中提取到PLRV的RNA,并以CP 基因设计特异性引物,进行PCR检测。结果表明:该方法提取的RNA完整性好,可用于蚜虫中PLRV检测,且同样适用于对马铃薯感病植株的检测。另外,通过对田间有翅蚜和无翅蚜携带 PLRV 情况进行检测发现,无翅蚜 PLRV 检出率为100%,有翅蚜PLRV检出率也高达60%,证明该体系在生产中的实用性。该研究使用改进的RNA提取方法,提取蚜虫中RNA,并利用RT-PCR进行了PLRV检测,与以前的方法相比简单实用,可被应用于生产检测中。该研究结果为马铃薯生产中PLRV的防控提供了一种新的手段。  相似文献   

In model building and model evaluation, cross‐validation is a frequently used resampling method. Unfortunately, this method can be quite time consuming. In this article, we discuss an approximation method that is much faster and can be used in generalized linear models and Cox’ proportional hazards model with a ridge penalty term. Our approximation method is based on a Taylor expansion around the estimate of the full model. In this way, all cross‐validated estimates are approximated without refitting the model. The tuning parameter can now be chosen based on these approximations and can be optimized in less time. The method is most accurate when approximating leave‐one‐out cross‐validation results for large data sets which is originally the most computationally demanding situation. In order to demonstrate the method's performance, it will be applied to several microarray data sets. An R package penalized, which implements the method, is available on CRAN.  相似文献   

pH mapping in transparent gel using color indicator videodensitometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The colored pH indicator method introduced by Weisenseel et al. (1979) is particularly useful for localizing the zones along roots where acidification/alkalinization occurs. It can also be used to assess the direction and intensity of the proton fluxes. Because the method has not been quantitatively evaluated, however, it is nowadays little used or used in conjunction with other such as potentiometry. In the present study we examine the theoretical basis underlying this method of colorimetric visualization and show its similarity to spectrodensitometry. It thus becomes possible to quantify the luminous information and express it in terms of environmental pH. We describe the method used, emphasizing in particular the conditions required to achieve maximum accuracy of measurement, and an appropriate experimental device. pH distribution around roots can be mapped with a relative error of 0.03 pH units. The experimental device is easy to use and incorporates a computer-controlled video camera, thanks to which al acquisition and calculation procedures can be automated.  相似文献   

A method is described based on high-performance immunoaffinity chromatography for examining the interactions of immobilized antibodies or related binding agents with their targets. It is shown how this method can be used to obtain information on the binding, elution and regeneration kinetics of immobilized binding agents, such as those used with immunoaffinity supports. The theory behind this approach is briefly described and it is demonstrated how both the kinetic and thermodynamic properties of a biointeraction can be determined experimentally through this method. Several applications are used to illustrate this technique, including antibody-antigen interactions and the binding of aptamers with their targets in the presence of silica-based supports. The same approach can be adapted for use with other types of targets, binding agents and support materials.  相似文献   

Rapid allelic discrimination from real-time DNA amplification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A rapid method based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to identify the Factor V genotype or to identify the bacterial species Bartonella qunitana or Bartonella henselae. Allelic discrimination was performed on the post-PCR product. Thermal cyclers other than the 7700 sequence detection system can be used for PCR, after which the products can be transferred to the 7700 sequence detection system for measurement of fluorescence. The Delta R (the change in fluorescence) for each dye can be collected at the final thermal cycle and an xy scatterplot used to identify the specific genotype based on graph location. There are many advantages to this method. A maximum of 96 samples can be genotyped in less than 2 h. The method tolerates a wide range of DNA concentrations and can be determined without prior DNA determination. Fluorescence is very sensitive, with a low failure rate for allelic discrimination.  相似文献   

自1898年Stewart提出利用电化学法检测微生物,电化学法已发展成为一种微生物快速检测的方法。根据检测的参数不同,电化学微生物检测法可以分为阻抗微生物法和介电常数法。阻抗法主要用于食品工业中微生物的快速检测(≤107 cfu/mL),尤其用于易腐食品的微生物快速检测,以期实现在其发生明显腐败之前得到检测结果。而介电常数则用于生物发酵过程中的微生物数量的快速测定,可以实现在线监测微生物数量及生物发酵过程的实时控制。电化学法由于其检测迅速、可以实现自动化检测,在工业化生产中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The Cre-driver system is used to generate conditional knockout mice. Tamoxifen inducible Cre-driver mice can be used for spatiotemporal knockout by administration of the drug. A major tamoxifen administration is performed by intraperitoneal administration or oral administration. However, these forced administrations may be damaging to mice. Herein, we have demonstrated an improved method of administering tamoxifen with powdered food to mice. A mouse line expressing the tamoxifen-inducible Cre gene was used ubiquitously in this experiment to evaluate the efficiency of Cre recombination in the whole body. Our method also achieved efficient recombination without causing injury to mice. The X-gal staining intensity of the feeding method was equivalent to that of the intraperitoneal administration method. Furthermore, this method can be used for recombination before birth, or during the fetal period. We recommend researchers to employ this feeding method to administer tamoxifen to minimize the risk of injury to mice.  相似文献   

Five methods to assess percolation rate from alternative earthen final covers (AEFCs) are described in the context of the precision with which the percolation rate can be estimated: trend analysis, tracer methods, water balance method, Darcy's Law calculations, and lysimetry. Trend evaluation of water content data is the least precise method because it cannot be used alone to assess the percolation rate. The precision of percolation rates estimated using tracer methods depends on the tracer concentration, percolation rate, and the sensitivity of the chemical extraction and analysis methods. Percolation rates determined using the water balance method have a precision of approximately 100 mm/yr in humid climates and 50 mm/yr in semiarid and drier climates, which is too large to demonstrate that an AEFC is meeting typical equivalency criterion (30 mm/yr or less). In most cases, the precision will be much poorer. Percolation rates computed using Darcy's Law with measured profiles of water content and matric suction typically have a precision that is about two orders of magnitude (or more) greater than the computed percolation rate. The Darcy's Law method can only be used for performance assessment if the estimated percolation rate is much smaller than the equivalency criterion and preferential flow is not present. Lysimetry provides the most precise estimates of percolation rate, but the precision depends on the method used to measure the collected water. The lysimeter used in the Alternative Cover Assessment Program (ACAP), which is described in this paper, can be used to estimate percolation rates with a precision between 0.00004 to 0.5 mm/yr, depending on the measurement method and the flow rates.  相似文献   

A new method for the analysis of organic structural groups from absorption spectra is described. The method is based on the integrated intensity of absorption. It requires only micrograms of analyzed compound, which may be fully recovered after analysis from its solution. The method can be used for different kinds of structural and/or kinetic studies. For example, the reaction kinetics and tautomeric equilibria can be easily studied by this method. The method can also be used for the determination of molecular weight and quantitative composition of polymers, nucleotides, and/or peptides. Hydrolysis or derivatization of the studied compounds is not necessary. On the basis of this method, automatic molecular weight, nucleotide, and peptide analyzers can be constructed.  相似文献   

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