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郝树广  罗跃进 《昆虫学报》1998,41(4):343-353
该项研究通过系统调查,把稻田节肢动物群落按营养和取食关系划分为三个营养层(基位物种,中位物种,顶位物种)和不同的功能集团,在物种、功能集团和营养层三个组织层次水平上探讨了稻田节肢动物群落的结构和多样性,较全面地考察了整个群落中物种和功能集团在时间上的结构动态、功能关系和数量消长规律。结果表明:功能集团多样性与种多样性的变化趋势较一致,在群落研究中似乎可以用对功能集团的研究代替对种的研究,从而简化物种间复杂的网络关系,认为这是研究群落物种间功能关系的途径之一。营养层多样性在时间序列过程中波动性较小,所以可用于群落相似性和稳定性的分析。研究分析了中性昆虫对害虫调控的意义,认为对于天敌作用的评价应以整个群落为基础,全面考虑天敌、害虫、以及中性昆虫的数量、丰盛度、空间时间生态位等信息。  相似文献   

作物多样性对害虫及其天敌多样性的级联效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物物种丰富度对植食性、寄生性和捕食性节肢动物多样性的影响是群落生态学的一个重要研究内容.探讨了作物物种丰富度对害虫及其天敌多样性的影响.通过连续4年5个作物物种丰富度水平的野外实验,发现作物物种丰富度显著性影响害虫物种丰富度,但对天敌物种丰富度的影响甚微.然而,害虫物种丰富度却显著影响天敌物种丰富度.这些发现表明,相邻营养层之间的级联效应较强,而不相邻营养层之间的作用关系被中间营养层所弱化.此外,本研究还发现,混栽田中节肢动物群落稳定性高于单一种植田中节肢动物群落稳定性.本研究结果突出了不同营养层之间复杂的作用关系以及作物多样性在农业生态系统食物网中的关键性角色.  相似文献   

茶园间作不同绿肥对节肢动物群落结构和多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究在茶园中合理间作绿肥对茶园节肢动物群落结构和多样性的影响。【方法】本文在茶园中分别设间作铺地木兰+罗顿豆、圆叶决明+白三叶、白三叶+平托花生3种不同绿肥组合处理,并设不间作绿肥、常规除草的茶园为对照。【结果】间作不同绿肥均能提高茶园节肢动物群落的物种丰富度和群落多样性,提高茶园捕食性天敌昆虫、蜘蛛和寄生性天敌在茶园冠层群落的比率;不同处理茶园冠层节肢动物Shannon-wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson指数(D)和均匀度指数变化趋势基本一致;茶冠层的节肢动物群落多样性指数在4类不同处理茶园间差异显著;间作绿肥增加了茶园的生物多样性,4类不同处理茶园茶冠层群落相似性系数在0.741~0.892之间,表明4类不同处理茶园冠层群落在物种组成上有较高的相似性。4类不同处理茶园害虫与天敌两类群功能团的丰盛度之间成显著的正相关,表明天敌对害虫的空间数量跟随效应强,主要表现为二者数量间的相互作用。灰色关联度分析表明在4类不同处理茶园中的群落节肢动物物种数/个体数、天敌物种数/害虫物种数、害虫丰富度与多样性指数和均匀度指数的关联系数较高,反应了群落的多样性和稳定性。【结论】间作增强了茶园群落的生物多样性,提高害虫天敌的种类和个体数,有利有效发挥天敌对有害生物的生态控制。  相似文献   

在将稻田节肢动物群落按营养关系分为植食类、寄生类、捕食类、腐食类和其他类等5个功能团的基础上,从功能团优势度、群落结构参数及群落相异性等方面,经2年3点的调查就2个转cry1Ab基因粳稻(Bt粳稻)品系KMD1和KMD2对稻田节肢动物群落结构的影响做了评价。结果表明:在大多数情况下,Bt粳稻与对照间各功能团优势度、群落结构参数[物种丰富度(S)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、均匀性指数(J)、优势集中性指数(C)]及其时间动态无明显差异;Bt粳稻与对照间植食类、寄生类、捕食类亚群落,及整个节肢动物群落的相似性也较高。综合分析认为,Bt粳稻对稻田节肢动物群落结构无明显的负面影响。  相似文献   

抗虫转基因水稻和化学杀虫剂对稻田节肢动物群落的影响   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
刘志诚  叶恭银  胡萃 《应用生态学报》2004,15(12):2309-2314
从功能团优势度、功能团内科组成及其优势度、功能团个体数量、群落主要参数及群落结构相异性等方面,就含crylAb/crylAc融合基因的Bt水稻和化学杀虫剂对稻田节肢动物群落影响进行比较研究.结果表明,与对照田相比,Bt稻田的节肢动物功能团组成及其优势度、各功能团内科组成及其优势度分布、功能团内个体数量的时间动态、群落参数(物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀性指数、优势集中性指数)及时间动态在大多情况下均无显著差异,两者间群落结构相似性较高.Bt水稻对稻田节肢动物群落基本无明显的负效应、而化防田的功能团优势度等群落特征指标与对照田相比,有时具有明显甚至显著的差异;群落结构相似性也较低.综合分析表明,Bt水稻对稻田节肢动物群落的影响明显弱于化学杀虫剂。  相似文献   

转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因籼稻对稻田节肢动物群落影响   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
将稻田节肢动物群落按营养关系划分为5个功能团,即植食类、寄生类、捕食类、腐食类和其它类,从功能团优势度、功能团内科组成及其优势度、群落主要参数及群落相异性等方面,经两年四点的调查就2个转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因籼稻(Bt水稻)品系TT9.3和TT9.4对稻田节肢动物群落的影响作了较系统评价。植食类、寄生类和腐食类功能团内某些优势科的优势度在Bt水稻田与对照(IR72)田之间有时呈显著或极显著差异,如Bt水稻田中茧蜂或姬蜂科的优势度有时明显低于对照。但是,在大多情况下Bt水稻田与对照田之间功能团优势度、功能团内科组成及其优势度、群落主要参数(物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀性指数、优势集中性指数)及其时间动态基本无明显差异;Bt水稻田与对照田间植食类、寄生类、捕食类亚群落和整个节肢动物群落的相异性大多较低。可见,Bt水稻对稻田节肢动物群落基本无明显的负面影响。  相似文献   

太行山南段森林群落物种多样性研究   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
分别用多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数对山西太行山南段森林群落的物种多样性及其与环境的关系进行了分析.结果表明:(1)3个植被型的物种多样性指数的顺序为:落叶阔叶林>温性针阔叶混交林>温性针叶林.(2)落叶阔叶林中各群系的物种多样性指数的顺序为:漆树 青麸杨林>鹅耳枥 青榨槭林>青檀林>辽东栎林>栓皮栎林>白桦林>红桦林>山杨 白桦林.(3)温性针叶林中各群系的物种多样性指数的顺序为南方红豆杉林>油松林>白皮松林>侧柏林.(4)物种丰富度指数在群落梯度上的总体趋势表现为草本层>灌木层>乔木层;多样性指数的趋势则为灌木层>乔木层>草本层;各群落灌木层物种均匀度指数大于乔木层和草本层,乔木层均匀度与草本层相差不明显.(5)各群落多样性指数在海拔梯度上表现出明显的规律,呈单峰曲线变化,即中等海拔高度上的群落物种多样性较高,而高海拔和低海拔多样性较低,这主要是由于在中海拔(大约1 500 m)地段水热条件组合较好、人类活动干扰较少所致.  相似文献   

刘洁  高梅香  吴东辉 《生态学杂志》2017,28(12):3965-3975
农田生态系统是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,是全球生态与环境研究的关键区之一.为了研究农田生物群落构建过程,探索其多样性维持机理,本研究于2015年在东北典型黑土区建立了16 hm2的农田生物多样性监测样地,按照作物生长期,于玉米生长大喇叭口期(8月初)、抽穗期(9月初)和成熟期(10月初)对陷阱法获取的地表大型节肢动物进行了统计分析.结果表明: 3次调查共获得地表大型节肢动物5284只,隶属于节肢动物门3纲12目32科47种.调查中优势类群3类,常见类群11类.节肢动物营养功能群中植食性和杂食性节肢动物所占比重较大.地表大型节肢动物物种数量和个体数量随作物生长期有显著变化.9月初节肢动物的Shannon多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数相对较高,8月初Simpson优势度指数较高.从不同物种的变异系数(CV)及群落空间插值可以看出,节肢动物群落在水平方向上存在异质性.在与土壤环境因子关系上,双变量相关分析表明,不同月份地表大型节肢动物总个体数与土壤pH值、有机质、全氮、含水量的相关性均未达到显著性水平;典范对应分析(CCA)进一步表明,优势类群和常见类群对环境因子具有较强的适应能力,在研究区内分布广泛.农田生物多样性监测样地内地表节肢动物物种组成丰富,在作物不同生长时期地表节肢动物群落组成及空间分布格局具有明显的变化过程.农田生物多样性监测样地通过大尺度、长时间对样地内土壤动物空间过程进行监测,可以为解决群落生物多样性形成和维持机制提供重要手段.  相似文献   

四川大巴山巴山水青冈群落的物种多样性特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
巴山水青冈(Fagus pashanica)是川、陕、鄂、渝四省市交界处的特有植物。巴山水青冈林集中分布在四川省东北部的大巴山区。目前关于巴山水青冈群落的资料极其匮乏。作者在大巴山区通过对7个样地39个样方调查数据的分析, 探讨了巴山水青冈群落的物种多样性特征。主要结果有: (1) 巴山水青冈群落物种组成丰富, 共记录到维管束植物77科142属217种。乔木层物种集中于壳斗科、杜鹃花科、蔷薇科、山矾科等科; 灌木层物种集中于蔷薇科、忍冬科、壳斗科、槭树科等科; 草本层植物个体数量以苔草属(Carex)植物和普通鹿蹄草(Pyrola decorata)占绝对优势。(2) 群落乔木层物种多度对数呈倒“J”型分布, 灌木层与草本层的物种多度近似对数正态分布。群落物种丰富度由大到小依次为灌木层>草本层>乔木层; Shannon指数与Simpson指数的顺序为灌木层>乔木层>草本层; 均匀度指数的顺序为乔木层>灌木层>草本层。(3) 东坡、南坡的植物物种多样性高于北坡。乔木层Shannon指数与土壤第二层厚度回归关系显著; 草本层Shannon指数与土壤第一层厚度的回归关系显著; 灌木层的物种数和Shannon指数与土壤第一层有机质回归关系显著。(4) 群落建群种和乔木层主要树种重要值与物种多样性主要表现为负相关关系, 但与灌木层的物种多样性关系不显著(P≥0.05)。结果表明, 灌木层物种多样性主要受到环境因素的影响, 而乔木层和草本层物种多样性受到环境因子和群落自身特征的双重影响。  相似文献   

澳门青洲山翻白叶树群落特征及物种多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据样方调查结果,对澳门青洲山翻白叶树(Pterospermum heterophyllum)群落的种类组成、外貌、结构特征与动态及物种多样性进行分析.结果表明:(1)在1 600 m2样地中,有维管束植物47种,隶属于29科44属;对乔木层和灌木层主要物种的重要值以及频度分析结果显示,该群落是以翻白叶树为主的单优种群落,群落种类组成多样性和水平分布不均匀,其外貌终年常绿;对优势种种群的年龄结构分析显示,该种群处于增长状态;(2)整个群落的物种丰富度Margalef指数为13.72,Shannon-Wiener指数为1.15,Simpson指数为0.875,均匀度指数为0.34,该群落的层次格局为:灌木层>藤本层>乔木层>草本层;(3) 与其他5个不同类型地区森林群的物种多样性比较结果显示,澳门翻白叶树群落的物种多样性明显低于其他5个森林群落.  相似文献   

Synthesis The interplay between bottom‐up and top‐down effects is certainly a general manifestation of any changes in both species abundances and diversity. Summary variables, such as species numbers, diversity indices or lumped species abundances provide too limited information about highly complex ecosystems. In contrast, species by species analyses of ecological communities comprising hundreds of species are inevitably only snapshot‐like and lack generality in explaining processes within communities. Our synthesis, based on species matrices of functional groups of all trophic levels, simplifies community complexity to a manageable degree while retaining full species‐specific information. Taking into account plant species richness, plant biomass, soil properties and relevant spatial scales, we decompose variance of abundance in consumer functional groups to determine the direction and the magnitude of community controlling processes. After decades of intensive research, the relative importance of top–down and bottom–up control for structuring ecological communities is still a particularly disputed issue among ecologists. In our study, we determine the relative role of bottom–up and top–down forces in structuring the composition of 13 arthropod functional groups (FG) comprising different trophic consumer levels. Based on species‐specific plant biomass and arthropod abundance data from 50 plots of a grassland biodiversity experiment, we quantified the proportions of bottom–up and top–down forces on consumer FG composition while taking into account direct and indirect effects of plant diversity, functional diversity, community biomass, soil properties and spatial arrangement of these plots. Variance partitioning using partial redundancy analysis explained 21–44% of total variation in arthropod functional group composition. Plant‐mediated bottom–up forces accounted for the major part of the explainable variation within the composition of all FGs. Predator‐mediated top–down forces, however, were much weaker, yet influenced the majority of consumer FGs. Plant functional group composition, notably legume composition, had the most important impact on virtually all consumer FGs. Compared to plant species richness and plant functional group richness, plant community biomass explained a much higher proportion of variation in consumer community composition.  相似文献   

Urban development and species invasion are two major global threats to biodiversity. These threats often co‐occur, as developed areas are more prone to species invasion. However, few empirical studies have tested if both factors affect biodiversity in similar ways. Here we study the individual and combined effects of urban development and plant invasion on the composition of arthropod communities. We assessed 36 paired invaded and non‐invaded sample plots, invaded by the plant Antigonon leptopus, with half of these pairs located in natural and the other half in developed land‐use types on the Caribbean island of St. Eustatius. We used several taxonomic and functional variables to describe community composition and diversity. Our results show that both urban development and A. leptopus invasion affected community composition, albeit in different ways. Development significantly increased species richness and exponential Shannon diversity, while invasion had no effect on these variables. However, invasion significantly increased arthropod abundance and caused biotic homogenization. Specifically, uninvaded arthropod communities were distinctly different in species composition between developed and natural sites, while they became undistinguishable after A. leptopus invasion. Moreover, functional variables were significantly affected by species invasion, but not by urban development. Invaded communities had higher community‐weighted mean body size and the feeding guild composition of invaded arthropod communities was characterized by the exceptional numbers of nectarivores, herbivores, and detritivores. With the exception of species richness and exponential Shannon diversity, invasion influenced four out of six response variables to a greater degree than urban development did. Hence, we can conclude that species invasion is not just a passenger of urban development but also a driver of change.  相似文献   

Temperate steppe is one of the most important natural habitats for the conservation of arthropod and bird biodiversity across the Eurasian Tectonic Plate. Since 1950, fragmentation of the steppe habitat has caused a loss of biodiversity and degradation of the species communities found in natural steppe. Therefore, in this study, both plants and insects were sampled at 56 sites in the steppe biome of northwestern China to explore the effects of plant community on insect community composition and diversity. The insect community structure varied in the four different steppe types (meadow steppe, typical steppe, desert steppe, and steppe desert). Plant cover (diversity) was an important driving force, which could enhance number of families and abundance of an insect community. Aboveground net primary productivity and water content of plants had no significant effects on insect community, although the plant community as a whole did mediate insect composition and community structure. Future research should explore the ecological role of particular functional groups in plant and insect communities. Supplemental sowing to improve plant diversity in steppe habitat may be another strategy to enhance biodiversity and achieve sustainable management.  相似文献   

The high tree diversity of subtropical forests is linked to the biodiversity of other trophic levels. Disentangling the effects of tree species richness and composition, forest age, and stand structure on higher trophic levels in a forest landscape is important for understanding the factors that promote biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Using a plot network spanning gradients of tree diversity and secondary succession in subtropical forest, we tested the effects of tree community characteristics (species richness and composition) and forest succession (stand age) on arthropod community characteristics (morphotype diversity, abundance and composition) of four arthropod functional groups. We posit that these gradients differentially affect the arthropod functional groups, which mediates the diversity, composition, and abundance of arthropods in subtropical forests. We found that herbivore richness was positively related to tree species richness. Furthermore, the composition of herbivore communities was associated with tree species composition. In contrast, detritivore richness and composition was associated with stand age instead of tree diversity. Predator and pollinator richness and abundance were not strongly related to either gradient, although positive trends with tree species richness were found for predators. The weaker effect of tree diversity on predators suggests a cascading diversity effect from trees to herbivores to predators. Our results suggest that arthropod diversity in a subtropical forest reflects the net outcome of complex interactions among variables associated with tree diversity and stand age. Despite this complexity, there are clear linkages between the overall richness and composition of tree and arthropod communities, in particular herbivores, demonstrating that these trophic levels directly impact each other.  相似文献   

Changes to primary producer diversity can cascade up to consumers and affect ecosystem processes. Although the effect of producer diversity on higher trophic groups have been studied, these studies often quantify taxonomy‐based measures of biodiversity, like species richness, which do not necessarily reflect the functioning of these communities. In this study, we assess how plant species richness affects the functional composition and diversity of higher trophic levels and discuss how this might affect ecosystem processes, such as herbivory, predation and decomposition. Based on six different consumer traits, we examined the functional composition of arthropod communities sampled in experimental plots that differed in plant species richness. The two components we focused on were functional variation in the consumer community structure (functional structure) and functional diversity, expressed as functional richness, evenness and divergence. We found a consistent positive effect of plant species richness on the functional richness of herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores, but not decomposers, and contrasting patterns for functional evenness and divergence. Increasing plant species richness shifted the omnivore community to more predatory and less mobile species, and the herbivore community to more specialized and smaller species. This was accompanied by a shift towards more species occurring in the vegetation than in the ground layer. Our study shows that plant species richness strongly affects the functional structure and diversity of aboveground arthropod communities. The observed shifts in body size (herbivores), specialization (herbivores), and feeding mode (omnivores) together with changes in the functional diversity may underlie previously observed increases in herbivory and predation in plant communities of higher diversity.  相似文献   

Quercus rugosa and Q.laurina are species that presents a wide geographical distribution range in temperate forests of Mexico. Oak canopies contain a considerable portion of arthropod diversity and the arthropods fauna fulfill a wide variety of ecological roles. We examined the effect of oak species and seasonal changes on some community structure parameters (diversity, composition, similarity, biomass, rare species, and density of arthropod fauna) of canopy arthropods. In total, 40 oak canopies were fogged during rainy and dry season. A total of 614 identified arthropod morphospecies were recognized belonging to 22 orders associated with tree canopies. A separation of host tree species during both seasons, suggesting a different community structure on host plants species was demonstrated by the principal component analyses (PCA), therefore, differences between oak species results in phenotypes that structure the composition of the arthropod community. Q.laurina registered the highest densities, diversity index and number of rare species in comparison with Q.rugosa. While arthropod biomass showed an inverse pattern. Trees more close to one another (spatial distance) register a more similar canopy arthropod fauna. This study suggests that the trees of Q.laurina could act as a center of biodiversity by the accumulation of arthropod fauna with a considerable number of rare species, which presents wide ecological roles or is involved in critical processes that maintain forest ecosystems[Current Zoology 55(2):132-144,2009].  相似文献   

  • 1 Most crop plants are grown far from their region of origin and have been significantly altered by human selection. Given the importance of biodiversity in ecosystem function, surprisingly little is known about the effect of domestication on arthropod diversity and community composition.
  • 2 Arthropod diversity and species abundance were compared with three genotypes of cultivated rice Oryza sativa L. and two genotypes of wild rice O. rufipogon Griff. in southern Luzon, the Philippines.
  • 3 Domestication had a small but positive effect on total arthropod diversity. Arthropod species richness was highest on the cultivar IR64 and lowest on one of the O. rufipogon genotypes, although arthropod community composition was similar across rice genotypes.
  • 4 Total arthropod abundance and the relative abundance of guilds did not differ between wild and cultivated rice. All common herbivores, however, responded to rice domestication. Stem‐boring moths and several sap‐sucking herbivores benefited from domestication, although domestication reduced densities of the wolf spider Pardosa pseudoannulata Boesenberg et Strand.
  • 5 By contrast to previous assumptions, crop domestication may not always decrease arthropod diversity. We did not detect any changes in biodiversity or community composition suggesting that rice domestication has altered the capacity of the arthropod community to regulate herbivores.

While the high species diversity of tropical arthropod communities has often been linked to marked spatial heterogeneity, their temporal dynamics have received little attention. This study addresses this gap by examining spatio‐temporal variation in the arthropod communities of a tropical montane forest in Honduras. By employing DNA barcode analysis and Malaise trap sampling across 4 years and five sites, 51,596 specimens were assigned to 8,193 presumptive species. High beta diversity was linked more strongly to elevation than geographic distance, decreasing by 12% when only the dominant species were considered. When sampling effort was increased by deploying more traps at a site, beta diversity only decreased by 2%, but extending sampling across years decreased beta diversity by 27%. Species inconsistently detected among years, likely transients from other settings, drove the low similarity in species composition among traps only a few metres apart. The dominant, temporally persistent species substantially influenced the cyclic pattern of change in community composition among years. This pattern likely results from divergence–convergence dynamics, suggesting a stable baseline of temporal turnover in each community. The overall results establish that large sample sizes are necessary to reveal species richness, but are not essential for quantifying beta diversity. This study further highlights the need for standardized methods of sampling and species identification to generate the comparative data required to evaluate biodiversity change in space and time.  相似文献   

臧建成  孙涛  洪大伟  杨小林 《生态学报》2018,38(22):8205-8212
调查不同植被恢复措施下拉萨半干旱河谷地表节肢动物类群多样性以及群落结构,为揭示地表节肢动物多样性对植被恢复措施的响应具有重要意义。采用陷阱法对青藏高原半干旱河谷砂生槐灌丛、人工杨树林和藏沙蒿灌丛样地地表节肢动物群落组成、类群多样性以及功能群结构进行调查,计算各处理地表节肢动物类群相对多度、类群丰富度、多样性指数、Cody指数和S9rensen指数。共采集半干旱河谷地表节肢动物个体数738,隶属5纲15目51科。砂生槐灌丛样地收集节肢动物40科,占所有类群78.4%,杨树人工林和藏沙蒿灌丛样地调查到土壤节肢动物类群为30和23科,分别占总科数的58.8%和45.1%。各植被恢复类型在目的分类单元下,双翅目、膜翅目和弹尾目类群相对多度较高,而在科的分类单元下,驼跳科、蚁科和漏斗网蛛科为拉萨半干旱河谷优势地表节肢动物类群。砂生槐灌丛节肢动物类群丰富度和多样性指数最高,人工杨树林最低。砂生槐灌丛和藏沙蒿灌丛地表节肢动物营养功能群均以捕食性为主。不同植被群落间群落相似性也有差异,砂生槐与藏沙蒿灌丛间相似性较高,而人工杨树林与藏沙蒿之间较低。不同植物群落组成和结构影响土壤理化特性、地表凋落物数量、质量和微生境条件,进而影响地表节肢动物群落组成、数量和营养功能群。砂生槐灌丛样地具有较高节肢动物类群丰富度和捕食性动物类群,有利于拉萨半干旱河谷地区地表节肢动物多样性维护。  相似文献   

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