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指麦蛾属DactylethrelaFletcher世界上已知10种,分布于古北区、东洋区和非洲区,但中国尚无记载。本文报道指麦蛾属分布中国的3个种:其中刀瓣指麦蛾D.catarinaPonomarenko(分布:陕西杨陵、凤县辛家山、甘肃康县豆坝及俄罗斯远东地区)和青冈指麦蛾D.tegulifera(Meyrick)(分布:陕西杨陵、凤县辛家山、甘肃康县阳坝和朝鲜、日本、俄罗斯远东地区;寄主:栎树、青冈和麻栎)为中国新记录种;新种沈氏指麦蛾D.shenae,sp.nov.分布于江西婺源县珍珠山,它与D.subteguliferaPonomarenko外形相似,但体小,前翅斑纹赭黄色至赭褐色,中部及外缘无明显斑纹;雄性外生殖器抱器小瓣大而直。文中提供了中国种分种检索表和外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

雪麦蛾属ChionodesHübner已知百种以上。其中新北区72种,新热带区12种,古北区28种,估计古北区种类近40种(Huemer&Satler,1995)。我国该属昆虫已知1种(李后魂、郑哲民,1995)。本文记述2新种,分别分布于陕西和青海。模式标本存陕西师大动物所。1.彬县雪麦蛾Chionodesbinxianensis,新种(图1)本种与Chionodespraeclarela(Herrich-Schefer)相似,但雄性外生殖器爪形突宽短,其后缘具明显的中突。正模♂,副模1♂,陕西彬县,1990-V-15,王宣利采。2.大通雪麦蛾Chionodesdatongensis,新种(图2)本种与百脉根雪麦蛾Chionodesfumatela(Douglas)极近似,但雄性外生殖器爪形突和阳茎形状与后者的不同。正模♂,青海大通东峡,1988-Ⅶ-25。  相似文献   

本文记述中国柱麦蛾属Athrips Billberg5种:无突柱麦蛾A;agnathos sp.nov.,双膨柱麦蛾A;bidilatata sp.nov.厚瓣柱麦蛾A.crassivaqlva sp.nov,七点柱麦蛾A.septempunctata sp.nov.和柴达木柱麦蛾A.saidamica Emelyanov et Piskunov,1982。  相似文献   

本文记述竹麦蛾属1新种--秦岭竹麦蛾Caryocolum qinlingensis sp.nov。,模式标本存在西北林学院。  相似文献   

系统研究了中国苔麦蛾属Bryotropha,中国新纪录,记述6新种2中国新纪录种。文中提供了两性外生殖器特征图和分种检索表。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。拟寿苔麦蛾Bryotropha ambisenectella sp.nov.分布于甘肃和陕西,该种与寿苔蛾Bryotropha senectella(Zeller)相似,但雄性外生殖器抱器腹突出平缓;雌性外生殖器前阴片后缘凸起。短瓣苔麦蛾  相似文献   

李后魂  郑哲民 《昆虫学报》1998,41(3):306-309
智麦蛾属SophroniaHübner主要分布于欧洲、亚洲和北美,少数分布至南非[1]。全世界已记载20余种,已知寄主多为菊科Compositae植物。E.Meyrick(1936)报道Sophro-niailustrela(Hübner,1796)...  相似文献   

本文报道中国大陆的蛮麦蛾属Hypatima5个种和拟蛮麦蛾属Homoshelas2个种,其中各有1个新种。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

本文记载了希奇;宁条的麦蛾一新种,即锦鸡儿条麦蛾Anarsia caragana Yang et Li,sp.nov.。该种与Anarsia sibireca Park et Ponomarenko外部特征相似,但雄性外生殖器左抱器腹有一个出血内面的细长突起,盐池县,以幼虫叶丝缀叶危害柠条。一年发生两代,第1代发生在6、7月份,株被害率在40%~60%,第2代出现在8、9月份,以蛹越冬。文中提供了  相似文献   

整理了茄麦蛾属Hedma世界已知种的名录及寄主和分布资料 ,记述了分布中国的一新种 :枸杞茄麦蛾Hedmalyciasp .nov .,危害宁夏枸杞LyciumbarbarumLinn .,模式产地为陕西省西安市。文中给出了新种雌雄外生殖器特征图。该属为中国新记录  相似文献   

李后魂  惠彦文 《昆虫学报》2001,44(2):227-230
整理了茄麦蛾属Hedma世界已知种的名录及寄主和分布资料,记述了分布中国的一新种:枸杞茄麦蛾Hedma lycia sp. Nov., 危害宁夏枸杞Lycium barbarum Linn.,模式产地为陕西省西安市。文中给出了新种雌雄外生殖器特征图。该属为中国新记录。  相似文献   

Abstract The tribe Plectrothripini is redefined with examination of its systematic relationships. Keys are provided to the ten genera and forty-seven species in this tribe; one genus and eighteen species are newly described; one genus and two species are newly synonymized; two genera, Chiridothrips and Eurytrichothrips , are here removed from this tribe. The species of the tribe occur throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world; seventeen species are recorded from the Oriental Region, seventeen species from the Neotropical Region, ten species from the Afrotropical Region, two from Australia and one from the Pacific. They seem to be fungus-feeders, being found mainly under the bark of trees or on dead branches.  相似文献   

Using genetic markers in phycological research   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

The anomuran crabs are among the best known crustacean groups from the Pacific coast. However, this group is poorly known from the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. In this compilation based on the literature and the collection at the Zoology Museum, Biology School, University of Costa Rica, we report the presence of 114 species of the Infraorder Anomura for Costa Rica, 20 species from the Caribbean, 96 species from the Pacific (two are present on both coasts). Twenty-nine species are new reports for Costa Rica, 15 from the Caribbean coast (74% of the total of species from that coast) and 14 from the Pacific (15% of the total from the Pacific). The range often species is extended to Costa Rica, siete from the Caribbean and three from the Pacific. Six species are reported for the first time from Cocos Island, where there are also four endemic species.  相似文献   

疆芫菁科的区系组成及药用价值(鞘翅目:芫菁科)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
调查表明,新疆芫菁科(Meloidlc)昆虫有41种,分隶于5属,以斑芫菁属Mylabris F.种类最多,达32种,占78.0%;在41种中,有10种为我国首次纪录。区系组成含中亚细亚,蒙古,欧洲,准噶尔和泛古北种五种成分,其中以中亚细亚种最多,达23种,约占56.0%。芫菁是药用昆虫,对常见的10种芫菁药用有效成分-斑蝥素含量进行了测定,发现其中,种含量较高,药用价值明显。  相似文献   

广西外来入侵植物   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
通过调查和文献整理,初步确认广西有外来入侵植物114种,隶属于36科80属,其中以菊科的种类最多,有26种。外来入侵植物来源于世界各地,以来源于美洲居多,有87种,占76.3%。入侵植物以草本植物为主,有90种,占78.9%。外来入侵植物主要通过有意引入和无意传入等方式入侵广西。它们的入侵,特别是一些恶性杂草的入侵,给广西农业、林业、人类健康以及生态环境带来巨大的负面影响。加强对外来入侵植物的调查和评估,恢复当地植被和物种的多样性,开展有害生物风险分析是防范外来入侵植物的有效途径。  相似文献   

Estimating species trees using multiple-allele DNA sequence data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several techniques, such as concatenation and consensus methods, are available for combining data from multiple loci to produce a single statement of phylogenetic relationships. However, when multiple alleles are sampled from individual species, it becomes more challenging to estimate relationships at the level of species, either because concatenation becomes inappropriate due to conflicts among individual gene trees, or because the species from which multiple alleles have been sampled may not form monophyletic groups in the estimated tree. We propose a Bayesian hierarchical model to reconstruct species trees from multiple-allele, multilocus sequence data, building on a recently proposed method for estimating species trees from single allele multilocus data. A two-step Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm is adopted to estimate the posterior distribution of the species tree. The model is applied to estimate the posterior distribution of species trees for two multiple-allele datasets--yeast (Saccharomyces) and birds (Manacus-manakins). The estimates of the species trees using our method are consistent with those inferred from other methods and genetic markers, but in contrast to other species tree methods, it provides credible regions for the species tree. The Bayesian approach described here provides a powerful framework for statistical testing and integration of population genetics and phylogenetics.  相似文献   

Distributions, endemism and diversity among East African linyphiids are analysed and discussed in relation to other forest organisms and the environmental history of eastern African. A total of 231 species are reported from eastern Africa, of which 14 are confined to the Afroalpine region and 114 species to moist forests. Only 12 of the latter are widely distributed. The rest are only known from one or two localities. Information on habitats and distributions of all species is tabulated. Few species are shared between East African mountains and there are no detectable gradients of species diversity between mountains. There is, however, a gradient of decreasing species diversity from high latitudes to the Equator. Vicariance patterns are demonstrated for Elgonia, Ophrynia and Callitrichia in the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania—areas that also hold the highest degree of endemism (> 80% on individual mountains) among linyphiids. The many endemic species on nearby mountains suggest that intermontane dispersal (ballooning) is rare or non-existent. There is no evidence for a distinction between highland and lowland linyphiid faunas, but altitudinal segregation of single species is demonstrated. The question of the reality of highland and lowland faunas cannot be solved by studying the altitudinal distribution of single species. Phylogenetic relationships must be taken into consideration to determine where sister-groups/species are located (lowland or highland).  相似文献   

The Palaearctic fauna of broad-winged moths (Oecophoridae with the subfamilies Oecophorinae, Pleurotinae, and Deuterogoniinae) comprises 47 genera and 329 species. The number of species rapidly increases from north to south, from 19 species in the Euro-Siberian taiga Region to 149 in the Mediterranean Region, but the Scythian steppe Region (30 species) and Sethian desert Region (49 species) have relatively poor faunas because the majority of oecophorid species are trophically associated with arboreal plants. The proper desert species are very rare among Oecophoridae moths, and the majority of species in the Sethian desert Region occur in the mountains. The number of endemic species is also greater in southern regions; it amounts for more than half of the total number of species in the Hesperian and Orthrian evergreen forest regions and in the Sethian desert Region. The faunas of European (62 species) and Far Eastern (67 species) deciduous forests comprise close numbers of species but are very different, having only 5 species in common. This fact indicates their long isolation. The Oecophoridae are represented in the Palaearctic mainly by the genera with a small number of species, except for 2 genera, Pleurota (100 species) and Promalactis (85 species). The distribution patterns of these genera are opposite: the species of Pleurota are numerous in the south of West Europe and in North Africa, their number quickly decreasing from west to east and only 2 species being present in China (Wang, 2006). The species of Promalactis are numerous in Southeast Asia, their number quickly decreasing from east to west: 3 species occur in Tibet and only 1, P. splendidella (Amsel, 1935), in Israel and Turkey.  相似文献   

木兰科植物及其珍稀濒危种类的迁地保护   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:38  
应用迁地保护的原理和方法,在华南植物园引种保存木兰植物11属125种,其中中国113种,国外12种,属哗啦诉珍稀濒危植物有29种,从而建立了具有相当规模的木兰物种质基因库。  相似文献   

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