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国产木兰科6属植物柱头表面形态比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用扫描电镜对中国产木兰科单性木兰属、木兰属、木莲属、含笑属、拟单性木兰属和观光木属的42种植物柱头表面形态进行观察.结果表明,42种木兰科植物的柱头均为干柱头,包含单细胞乳突型和多细胞乳突型两类.单性木兰属和观光木属植物是单细胞乳突型;木莲属、含笑属和拟单性木兰属植物是多细胞乳突型;木兰属中木兰亚属植物两型均有,而玉兰亚属则均为多细胞乳突型.结合其他证据,本文支持单性木兰属、木莲属、含笑属、拟单性木兰属和观光木属的建立,并认为在系统学问题较复杂的木兰属中,玉兰亚属是一个相对独立的单系类群,将其独立成属也不无道理,而木兰亚属可能不是一个单系类群,还需要进一步的深入研究,积累更多的性状数据.  相似文献   

中国木兰属和含笑属导管分子的比较解剖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对我国木兰科的39种木兰属和含笑属植物次生木质部的导管分子进行了初步分析。两属导管分子的长度和宽度略有差异。木兰属中多数种的导管分于有单穿孔板,但有的可见到梯状穿孔板。含笑属植物的导管分子大多具有梯状穿孔板,仅有一种可看到单穿孔板。在具有梯状穿孔板的木兰属植物中,穿孔板的横隔数目较含笑属的多。木兰属的导管壁上一般无螺纹加厚;含笑属则相反。此外,在两属之间,导管尚存在一些其它差异。  相似文献   

木兰属(Magnolia)的地理分布及起源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张冰 《生态科学》2000,19(3):33-36
分析了现代木兰属(Magnolia)植物的地理分布及其散布途径,认为华夏植物区系区域不仅是现代木兰属的分布中心,同时也是木兰属的分化中心及原始类群保存中心,并结合地史资料,推断全球木兰属植物应共同起源于华夏植物区系。  相似文献   

木兰属叶片的比较解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对木兰属(Magnolia)12种、1亚种植物的叶片进行了比较解剖学研究。结果表明:(1)Nootboom系统的云南木兰(M.yunnanensis)和乐东木兰(M.lotungensis)的叶肉中含有大量的单宁,与木兰属其他植物叶片的解剖结构有较大区别,支持刘玉壶系统^[2]拟单性木兰属(Parakmeria)的建立;(2)凹叶厚朴(M.officinalis ssp.biloba)为厚朴(M.officinalis)的亚种,二者下表皮均被表皮毛,但表皮毛的细胞个数明显不同,因而很易区分;(3)木兰属植物的叶片在叶片厚度、栅栏组织和海绵组织厚度的比例、表皮毛、油细胞大小及其分布密度密度等方面在种间具有一定差别。  相似文献   

单性木兰属(木兰科)植物的分类学订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对单性木兰属Kmeria(Pierre)Dandy植物标本的研究和野外调查,补充描述了该属的一些形态特征,纠正了前人对该属描述中的一些错误,阐述了保留单性木兰属的理由,列出了分种检索表,将焕镛木属Woon-youngiaLaw和单性木兰组MagnoliaLinn.sect.Kmeria(Pierre)Figlar&Noot.作为单性木兰属的新异名,将焕镛木Woonyoungiaseptentrionalis(Dandy)Law和广西木兰MagnoliakwangsiensisFiglar&Noot.作为单性木兰KmeriaseptentrionalisDandy的新异名。  相似文献   

中国木兰科11属40种植物的核形态研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为了探讨木兰科属间系统学关系和一些种的分类学地位,对中国木兰科11属40种进行了核形态研究。所研究的20种木莲属植物都为二倍体,表明木莲属植物主要是在二倍体水平上进化的,不同的种类具有各自的遗传组成,细微的染色体结构变异可能导致种间形态发生了明显的变化。木兰属的染色体数目具多样性,表明属内存在着不同倍性水平上的进化,说明木兰属分布广泛、形态复杂多样有其细胞学基础。细胞学证据支持木莲属应为独立的属,不宜于归并到木兰属。已观察的含笑属都为二倍体,而木兰属玉兰亚属的大多数种类为多倍体。我们认为维持现有的含笑属的分类地位和范围是恰当的,不支持将含笑属和玉兰亚属合并为一属。拟单性木兰属都是多倍体。木兰科植物形态特征重叠,性状呈网状进化,细胞学证据在探讨一些大属属下种的分类地位时具有一定价值,但论及整个科的分类系统和属间亲缘关系时,作用比较微弱。本文在细胞学基础上,结合形态和地理分布,重点对木莲属一些种类的分类地位进行了讨论。  相似文献   

中国木兰科植物的叶结构及其油细胞的比较解剖学研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用组织透明法、石蜡切片法及薄切片法对木兰科10属82种1亚种植物叶片的结构和油细胞的 分布密度、结构及其在叶肉中的分布进行了比较研究。鹅掌楸亚科和木兰亚科在叶结构上的主要区别是:鹅掌楸亚科两种植物叶的部分下表皮细胞乳突状,且整个细胞外壁只形成一个乳突,而在木兰亚科植物中有单列多细胞或单细胞的表皮毛,却未发现乳突;鹅掌楸亚科植物叶主脉维管组织环分隔呈束状,且其外包被的纤维也排列成束状,而木兰亚科的80种1亚种植物中,叶主脉维管组织连成轮状,其外面也由一圈连续的纤维环所包围。从而支持木兰科中木兰亚科和鹅掌楸亚科两个亚科的划分。并且,从叶主脉的演化趋势来看,鹅掌楸亚科较木兰亚科进化。另外,木莲属植物叶片的结构与木兰属具有明显差异,因而进一步证明木莲属是不同于木兰属的一个独立的属。油细胞是木兰科植物叶片解剖的显著特征,在叶肉中的分布可划分为3种类型:(A)主要分布于栅栏组织;(B)主要分布于海绵组织;(c)均匀散布于整个叶肉中。油细胞的大小及其在叶中的分布与叶厚、栅栏组织层数、栅栏组织与海绵组织厚度间的比值以及下皮层的有无、表皮毛的类型、叶脉的结构等特征相结合,可作为属、甚至种的鉴别特征。  相似文献   

云南部分木兰科植物染色体数目报道   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
木兰科是有花植物中最原始的科之一,有15属约250种。其中,我国有11属90多种。研究木兰科的染色体对植物的系统分类、植物进化及开花植物的起源有很重要的作用。但由于木兰科的染色体较小,细胞去壁较困难,所以对木兰科染色体的研究进行较缓慢。Whitaker (1933)首次对木兰属(Magnolia)进行细胞学研究发现,木兰科染色体基数为x=19。Janaki Ammal (1952)报道,在木兰科中,除木兰属外,  相似文献   

木兰科植物的杂交亲和性   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
采用常规杂交育种的方法,在木兰科属内和属间进行了62杂交试验,结果表明,除木兰属的木兰亚属和玉兰亚属之间没有杂交亲和性外,木兰科其他属内都有杂交亲和性,这表明属内不存在生殖隔离,除拟单性木兰属与木兰属的木兰亚属之间有杂交亲和性外,其它属间都没有杂交亲和性,这表明这些属间存在着生殖隔离,因此,木兰科植物的杂交亲和性基本上支持根据形态特征所建立的木兰科科下分类系统,同时,建议将拟单性木兰属与木兰属的木兰亚属合并为木兰属,并将玉兰亚属从木兰属中分出作为玉兰属。  相似文献   

八属木兰科植物木材导管分子的比较解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较描述了我国木兰科木莲属、华盖木属,长蕊木兰属,拟单性木兰属,合果木属,观光木属,香木兰属和鹅掌楸属等8属22种植物次生质部的导管分子,这些导管分子的长度和宽度都有差异,木莲属的所有种中都有具梯状穿孔板的导管分子,但在少数种中偶然可见到单穿孔,在其它属中,也都有具梯状穿孔板的导管分子,仅在观光木属中偶见的单穿孔,木莲属大多数种均无螺纹加厚,仅桂南木莲一种除外,另外,除了合果木属和鹅掌楸无螺纹加厚外,其余均有此种加厚,各属的导管分子还存在其它一些差异。  相似文献   

Romania hosts a relatively high species diversity, including 3,829 vascular and 979 non-vascular spontaneous plant taxa. Multiple national red lists exist, with the number of taxa assessed as threatened varying greatly between them, from 548 to 1,438, and with number of taxa assigned to a given threat category also varying between the different sources. A composite list including all taxa mentioned in at least one of the selected red listings from Romania is required in order to compensate for this lack of consensus and to assess their ex situ conservation status. In this study, we synthesized data from the national red lists and counted 1,220 spontaneous vascular plant species and 201 subspecies, of which 77 are endemic and 76 subendemic for Romania. In addition, 18 non-red-listed endemics and 14 subendemics have been added, bringing the total to 1,453 threatened and (sub)endemic plant taxa, representing almost 38% of the total native vascular flora of Romania. Despite the large network of protected areas in Romania, many taxa are still being threatened with extinction in the region mainly due to anthropogenic pressure. Several ex situ conservation measures have been employed to assure a more substantial buffer against plant extinction in the wild, supported by thorough and adequate conservation strategies and multiple means to reintroduce taxa back to their natural habitats. Consequently, our second aim was to evaluate the ex situ conservation status of these threatened and (sub)endemic plants from Romania, focussing on both conventional methods (cultivation in botanic gardens, seed banking) and biotechnological approaches (in vitro tissue culture, medium-term storage and cryostorage). Of the 1,453 taxa included in our list, 642 (44.2%) are conserved by ex situ approaches. Of these, 524 are harboured in the most important botanic gardens throughout Romania, while 156 are currently held in long-term seed banks locally or in the Millennium Seed Bank of the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew (UK). Conversely, only 64 taxa from the list are preserved at the national level through in vitro cultures, and cryopreservation protocols have been developed for only 8 taxa. Overall, more than half of the threatened and (sub)endemic vascular flora from Romania remains unprotected outside the classical in situ conservation measures. For red-listed bryophytes, only 0.6% are preserved in national ex situ collections. Moreover, some aspects related to population genetic studies and the genetic stability of ex situ conserved plants are also briefly discussed, as essential prerequisites for applied biodiversity conservation programs. Finally, considering the distribution range of targeted taxa, we included a synthesis of biotechnological approaches at both national and international level. Our study presents not only a first assessment of the ex situ conservation status of national red listed flora, but also, to our knowledge, the most comprehensive and updated overview of the rare, threatened and (sub)endemic taxa from Romania. This evaluation will provide a supporting tool for national decision- and policy-making actions for biodiversity conservation, using both in situ and ex situ approaches. We also highlight the need for an updated red list for the Romanian flora that accurately follows the IUCN assessment criteria and protocols.  相似文献   

濒危植物的区系性质与迁地保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对昆明植物园迁地保护的濒危植物的适应性进行了观察总结,并讨论了濒危植物的区系性质与其对迁地保护区适应性的关系。原产云南中部和东南部的濒危植物对迁地保护区的环境有较强的适应性。大部分种类都能正常生长、开花和结果。广布种一般比分布区狭窄种有更强的适应能力。冬季低温制约着一些濒危植物在迁地保护区的生存。而冬春季节干旱制约高山种类的生存。一些种类虽生长、开花正常,但因其传粉媒介的缺乏而不结实。因物种的生理生态特性的差异,即使具有相同区系性质的不同种类也具有不同的适应性。  相似文献   

The Balkan Botanic Garden of Kroussia (BBGK) is dedicated to the ex situ conservation of native plants of Greece and the Balkans. The BBGK has formulated a conservation strategy for the collection of wild plant material for propagation, prioritizing mainly the endemic, rare, endangered, threatened and vulnerable plants of Europe found in different regions of Greece. Its aim is to contribute to the implementation of Target 8 of the Global and European Strategies for Plant Conservation at local, regional and international scales. In order to (i) define the ecological profile of the in situ requirements preferred and/or tolerated by each selected species, (ii) develop rapid and effective species-specific propagation protocols, and (iii) improve the cultivation of species of conservation concern in BBGK’s nurseries and ex situ conservation sections, geographical coordinates and in situ collection data obtained for each taxon were imported into a Geographic Information System environment (GIS). This information was then linked with several digital GIS thematic layers, including topographic, geological, edaphic, climatic, precipitation and temperature data derived from digital databases. Based on this approach, sexual and asexual propagation of plants from the Ionian Islands were conducted and rapid and effective baseline protocols were developed for 29 taxa (species and subspecies); four are presented here in detail and species-specific ex situ propagation and cultivation guidelines are given. Most of the taxa originating from the Ionian Islands were propagated by cuttings (55.2%) or seeds (34.5%), while the rest were propagated by root division at a rate from 1.7 to 2. The first round of propagation achieved a success rate ranging from 15 to 50% for 3 taxa, from 60 to 80% for 8 taxa and from more than 80 to 100% for 16 taxa, while the ex situ cultivation of the wild and propagated plant material has, so far, been successful. The application of GIS exemplified here presents a sensible and invaluable tool with a broad-scale potential in enhancing the prospects of the ex situ conservation of priority species collected from diverse environmental conditions in man-made habitats such as botanic gardens.  相似文献   

中国龙脑香科植物受胁状况及迁地群落保护探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
广义的龙脑香科植物是泛热带分布,中国有5属13种,其中1种为引种栽培,仅分布于云南、广西、海南和西藏。许多龙脑香科植物具有很高的经济价值。由于近年来各地森林遭受强度破坏,加之其自身特殊的生物生态学特征和种子生物学特性,大多数种类的生存受到严重威胁。该文主要介绍中国龙脑香科植物目前的受威胁状况、具体保护研究工作及其不足,并提出了进行迁地群落建设的保护策略。  相似文献   

Aims Plants use a variety of hydraulic strategies to adapt to seasonal drought that differ by species and environmental conditions. The early-diverging Magnoliaceae family includes two closely related genera with contrasting leaf habits, Yulania (deciduous) and Michelia (evergreen), which naturally inhabit temperate and tropical regions, respectively. Here, we evaluate the hydraulic strategy of species from both genera that have been ex situ conserved in a subtropical region to determine how they respond to the novel cool–dry season climatic pattern.Methods We measured ecophysiological traits in five Michelia and five Yulania species conserved in the South China Botanical Garden in both wet and dry season conditions and monitored the whole-year sap flow for four of these species.Important findings We found that Magnoliaceae species that have been ex situ conserved in a subtropical climate did not suffer from excessive water stress due to the mild drought conditions of the dry season and the ecophysiological adjustments the species made to avoid this stress, which differed by leaf habit. Specifically, deciduous species completely shed their leaves during the dry season, while evergreen species decreased their turgor loss points, dry mass based photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance and specific leaf areas (SLAs) compared to wet season measurements. In comparing the two distinct leaf habits during the wet season, the leathery-leaved evergreen species had higher leaf hydraulic conductance and leaf to sapwood area ratios than the papery-leaved deciduous species, while the deciduous species had greater hydraulic conductivity calculated on both a stem and leaf area basis, dry mass based photosynthetic rates, leaf nutrients, SLAs and stomatal sizes than the evergreen species. Interestingly, species from both genera maintained similar sap flow in the wet season. Both photosynthetically active radiation and vapour pressure deficit affected the diurnal patterns of sap flow in the wet season, while only vapour pressure deficit played a dominant role in the dry season. This study reveals contrasting hydraulic strategies in Yulania and Michelia species under subtropical seasonal conditions, and suggests that these ecophysiological adjustments might be affected more by leaf habit than seasonality, thus reflecting the divergent evolution of the two closely related genera. Furthermore, we show that Magnoliaceae species that are ex situ conserved in a subtropical climate are hydraulically sound, a finding that will inform future conservation efforts of this ancient family under the threat of climatic change.  相似文献   

我国近30年来植物迁地保护及其研究的综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从20世纪80年代起,中国植物园与世界植物园同步挑起了植物迁地保护的历史重担,使植物园的数量迅速增加至近200个,收集保存了占中国植物区系2/3的20000个物种,并在稀有濒危植物迁地保护原理与方法的科学研究上获得了新的进展。然而,中国植物园的布局与世界的植物园一样,物种越丰富的地区,已建立的植物园越少;在保存的物种中,不仅忽视了遗传多样性的保护,而且有约1/3的国家重点保护种类主要因适应性问题而生长不良、出现生殖障碍,甚至死亡。为了提高我国植物迁地保护的有效性,本文就《中国稀有濒危植物保护名录》的修订与公布、《中国植物保护战略》的制定,以及我国植物园协调机制的建立、植物迁地保护网络系统的完善、稀有濒危植物迁地保护的规范等问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

姜科植物的引种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
华南植物园二十多年来共引种姜科植物23属,135种,3变种,3变型,其中存活18属,103种,2变种,2变型。对长果姜(Siliquamomum tonkinense Baill.)、茴香砂仁「Etlingera yunnanensis(T.L.Wu et Senjen)R.M.Smith」等三级保护植物进行了迁地保护。姜科植物在我园引种有高的成活率,开花结实的种类较多,引种较为成功,特别是原产亚  相似文献   

宦智群  徐小蓉  耿兴敏  唐明 《广西植物》2022,42(11):1980-1993
我国木兰科(Magnoliaceae)植物栽培历史悠久且种类丰富,具有很高的科研价值、观赏价值、生态价值与经济价值。但是,生境的破坏和自身繁殖能力的限制,使木兰科许多种的生存受到威胁。由于传统繁殖方式繁殖效率低下,而组织培养技术是推进木兰科种质资源保存及开发利用的有效途径,因此组织培养技术可以应用于濒危资源保护、育种和无性系苗木的商业化生产。木兰科植物的组织培养中无菌短枝扦插途径研究较多,体系已相对完善,一些种类的木兰科植物可以通过此途径得到生根苗; 而关于器官发生途径的研究相对较少,愈伤组织诱导困难及不定芽分化困难的问题仍没有得到有效解决,并且体细胞胚发生途径在国内鲜有研究。该文从无菌短枝扦插、器官发生、体细胞胚发生等不同再生途径出发,分析了外植体类型、培养基类型、生长调节剂浓度、培养条件等方面对离体生长的影响,归纳了组培过程中生根困难与褐化等技术问题与解决措施,展望了木兰科植物组织培养技术未来的研究方向,以期为木兰科植物的组培快繁技术研究提供理论依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

In situ conservation is widely considered a primary conservation strategy. Plant translocation, specifically, represents an important tool for reducing the extinction risk of threatened species. However, thus far, few documented translocations have been carried out in the Mediterranean islands. The CareMediflora project, carried out on six Mediterranean islands, tackles both short-and long-term needs for the insular endangered plants through in situ and ex situ conservation actions. The project approach is based on using ex situ activities as a tool to improve in situ conservation of threatened plant species.Fifty island plants(representing 45 taxa) were selected for translocations using common criteria.During the translocations, several approaches were used, which differed in site selection method, origin of genetic material, type of propagative material, planting method, and more. Although only preliminary data are available, some general lessons can be learned from the experience of the CareMediflora project. Among the factors restricting the implementation of translocations, limited financial resources appear to be the most important. Specific preliminary management actions, sometimes to be reiterated after translocation, increase the overall cost, but often are necessary for translocation success. Translocation using juvenile/reproductive plants produces better results over the short term,although seeds may provide good results over the long run(to be assessed in the future). Regardless,plant translocation success can only be detected over long periods; therefore, proper evaluation of plant translocations requires a long-term monitoring protocol. Care-Mediflora project represents the first attempt to combine the existing approaches in a common plant conservation strategy specifically focusing on the Mediterranean islands.  相似文献   

Begonia, one of the most diverse plant taxa and the fifth or sixth largest angiosperm genus, consists of over 1800 accepted species. The number of species recognized within this genus has greatly increased over the past 20 years, rising from 80 to 200 species in China alone. Based on recent field surveys, the number of begonia species in China is predicted to be between 250 and 300. Given the large number of begonia species that still remain to be described, further taxonomical work is urgently required. This is especially true for Chinese Begonia, in which there is a huge diversity of habitat, habit, plant size, leaf type, flower and fruit morphology, and most species are narrowly distributed in isolated habitats that are subject to negative disturbances from climate change, as well as agricultural and industrial activities. Although the conservation status for the majority of species has been evaluated using the standards of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the results don't represent the truth in many species, and also about 11.5% of which are data-absent. In addition, illegal collection and over-harvesting of wild begonias for ornamental or medicinal use has increased due to the rapid development of internet commerce. Far more often than predicted, these species should be categorized as rare and endangered and require immediate protection. Ex situ conservation of Chinese begonias started in 1995 and over 60% of the total species have been so far introduced into cultivation by several major botanical gardens in China. However, only few research institutions, limited funds and human resources have been involved in Begonia conservation; moreover, no project has conducted reintroduction. Therefore, more conservation-based work remains to be done. Improved conservation of Chinese begonias in the future depends on further field survey, an improved understanding of population diversity, and integrative approaches, including in situ and ex situ conservation, seed banking, and plant reintroduction. Speciestargeted conservation zones should be established for endangered species excluded from the existing nature reserves. Additionally, laws pertaining to plant protection should be extended to prevent the illegal collection and transaction of wild plants, particularly for those species with unique habitats and small populations.  相似文献   

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