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雪麦蛾属ChionodesHübner已知百种以上。其中新北区72种,新热带区12种,古北区28种,估计古北区种类近40种(Huemer&Satler,1995)。我国该属昆虫已知1种(李后魂、郑哲民,1995)。本文记述2新种,分别分布于陕西和青海。模式标本存陕西师大动物所。1.彬县雪麦蛾Chionodesbinxianensis,新种(图1)本种与Chionodespraeclarela(Herrich-Schefer)相似,但雄性外生殖器爪形突宽短,其后缘具明显的中突。正模♂,副模1♂,陕西彬县,1990-V-15,王宣利采。2.大通雪麦蛾Chionodesdatongensis,新种(图2)本种与百脉根雪麦蛾Chionodesfumatela(Douglas)极近似,但雄性外生殖器爪形突和阳茎形状与后者的不同。正模♂,青海大通东峡,1988-Ⅶ-25。  相似文献   

指麦蛾属DactylethrelaFletcher世界上已知10种,分布于古北区、东洋区和非洲区,但中国尚无记载。本文报道指麦蛾属分布中国的3个种:其中刀瓣指麦蛾D.catarinaPonomarenko(分布:陕西杨陵、凤县辛家山、甘肃康县豆坝及俄罗斯远东地区)和青冈指麦蛾D.tegulifera(Meyrick)(分布:陕西杨陵、凤县辛家山、甘肃康县阳坝和朝鲜、日本、俄罗斯远东地区;寄主:栎树、青冈和麻栎)为中国新记录种;新种沈氏指麦蛾D.shenae,sp.nov.分布于江西婺源县珍珠山,它与D.subteguliferaPonomarenko外形相似,但体小,前翅斑纹赭黄色至赭褐色,中部及外缘无明显斑纹;雄性外生殖器抱器小瓣大而直。文中提供了中国种分种检索表和外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

系统研究了中国苔麦蛾属Bryotropha,中国新纪录,记述6新种2中国新纪录种。文中提供了两性外生殖器特征图和分种检索表。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。拟寿苔麦蛾Bryotropha ambisenectella sp.nov.分布于甘肃和陕西,该种与寿苔蛾Bryotropha senectella(Zeller)相似,但雄性外生殖器抱器腹突出平缓;雌性外生殖器前阴片后缘凸起。短瓣苔麦蛾  相似文献   

角麦蛾属Deltophora Janse昆虫广布全世界,已知有21种,但过去在中国没有记录,本文报道2新种和中国1新纪录种:指角麦蛾D.digitiformis sp.nov。分布河南(登封、济源);方瓣角麦蛾D.quadrativalvata sp.nov。分布河北(涞源、井陉、内丘)和河南(登封);中国新纪录种远东角麦蛾D.korbi(Caradja),分布河北(蔚县),国外分布朝鲜和日本,文中给出了中国角麦蛾属分种检索表和雌雄外生殖器特征图。  相似文献   

中国发麦蛾属分类学研究(鳞翅目:麦蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发麦蛾属Faristenia Ponomarenko最近由蛮麦蛾属Hypatima Huner分出,已记载15种。其中的10种分布于俄罗斯远东地区和朝鲜半岛,在我国已知1种,其余分布于南非。本文记述我国发麦蛾属15种,包括9个新种和5个中国新种,其名录及分布发如下:1.圆属发麦蛾Faristenia circulicaudata sp.nov.新种,分布:陕西。2.窄瓣发麦蛾Faristenia  相似文献   

本文记述中国柱麦蛾属Athrips Billberg5种:无突柱麦蛾A;agnathos sp.nov.,双膨柱麦蛾A;bidilatata sp.nov.厚瓣柱麦蛾A.crassivaqlva sp.nov,七点柱麦蛾A.septempunctata sp.nov.和柴达木柱麦蛾A.saidamica Emelyanov et Piskunov,1982。  相似文献   

本文记述竹麦蛾属1新种--秦岭竹麦蛾Caryocolum qinlingensis sp.nov。,模式标本存在西北林学院。  相似文献   

本文记载了希奇;宁条的麦蛾一新种,即锦鸡儿条麦蛾Anarsia caragana Yang et Li,sp.nov.。该种与Anarsia sibireca Park et Ponomarenko外部特征相似,但雄性外生殖器左抱器腹有一个出血内面的细长突起,盐池县,以幼虫叶丝缀叶危害柠条。一年发生两代,第1代发生在6、7月份,株被害率在40%~60%,第2代出现在8、9月份,以蛹越冬。文中提供了  相似文献   

本文报道中国大陆的蛮麦蛾属Hypatima5个种和拟蛮麦蛾属Homoshelas2个种,其中各有1个新种。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

中国柽麦蛾属研究(鳞翅目:麦蛾科)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
柽麦蛾属(Ornativalva Gozmany,1955)隶属于麦蛾科(Gelechiidae)、麦蛾亚科(Gelechiinae)、麦蛾族(Gelechiini)。全世界已记录45种和亚种,其中已知寄主的12个种,除一种可取食柽柳属(Tamarix)和瓣鳞花属(Frankenia)植物外,其余的只取食柽柳属植物。该属的分布与柽柳属植物的分布几乎完全一致,分布在非洲、南欧、印度和蒙古。我国北方柽柳属植物分布广泛,但过去仅有一种该属昆虫的分布记录。  相似文献   

The epidermal structure of the five species of ferns, Arthromeriswallichiana (Spr.) Ching., Drymoglossum piloselloides (Prest.),Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Smith, Lepisorus nudus (Hook.)Ching. and Pyrrosia nuda (Gies.) Ching., has been investigated.Fifteen types of stomatal structures have been identified ofwhich copolo-desmocytic and coperi-desmocytic are new types.Four more possible stomatal structures: ccpolo-peri-, codesmo-polo-,codesmo-peri- and duplodesmocytic, are suggested. Localizationof starch, insoluble polysaccharides, protein and lipids hasbeen examined histochemically in the guard cells, subsidiarycells and epidermal cells. In Drynaria starch plastids and plastidscontaining both starch and protein are present in guard cells.Starch plastids are present in the subsidiary cells of all speciesexcept in Arthromeris, whereas, they are present in epidermalcells of only Drymoglossum and Lepisorus. Granular or amorphousinsoluble polysaccharides (other than starch) are present inguard cells of all the species, in the subsidiary cells of Arthromeris,Drynaria and Pyrrosia, and in the epidermal cells of Pyrrosia.Except in Pyrrosia lipids are present in the guard cells. Subsidiarycells of Drynaria and the epidermal cells of Arthromeris andDrynaria show lipid bodies. The presence of plasmodesmata andectodesmata is demonstrated in the epidermal cells of Drymoglossum.  相似文献   

彩万志  王运兵 《昆虫学报》1998,41(-1):163-179
文中对国产的7种菱猎蝽作了比较详细的再描述与图示;短刺菱猎蝽Isyndus bre vispinus Breddin、毛翅菱猎蝽I .Lativentris Distant、毛足菱猎蝽I.Pilosipes Reuter被视为 有效种或独立种;I.Sinicus Hsiao et Ren 和I.Yunnananus Ren分别被认为是毛足菱猎蝽 I.Pilosipes Reuter和毛翅菱猎蝽I.Lativentris Distant的同物异名;短刺菱猎蝽为中国新纪录;所有种的阳茎构造均为首次报道;此外,还编制了该属中国已知种类分种检索表。  相似文献   

This is essentially a preliminary report on the revision ofsubgenus Lissachatina of the African land snail family Achatinidae.It extends the conchological revisionary work of J.C. Bequaert(1950) along the complementary line of comparative anatomicalstudies of the reproductive tracts. This is directed towardthe goal of a better understanding of phylo-geny in this family.Species emphasized are Achatina albopicta E.A. Smith,1878; A.allisa Reeve, 1849; A. fulica Bowdich, 1822; A. loveridgei Clench& Archer, 1930; A. zanzibarica Bourguignat, 1879, and thenew species A. eleanorae. Relegated tosynonymy are A. albicansPfeiffer, 1851; A. delorioli Bonnet, 1864; and A. iredalei Preston,1910. Tangible anatomical characters separate subgenera Lissachatinaand Achatina. A. capelloi Furtado, 1886; A. craveni E.A. Smith,1881; and A. connollyi Preston, 1912 are transferred from Lissachatinato Achatina s.s. Other transfers are in progress. (Received 26 September 1994; accepted 25 November 1994)  相似文献   

对中国草螟亚科3个近缘属:带草螟属 Metaeuchromius Bleszynski、丽草螟属Euchromius Guenée和双带草螟属 Miyakea Marumo进行了研究。该3属在中国已记录12个种,包括带草螟属Metaeuchromius两新种:黄色带草螟 M. fulvusalis sp. Nov.,模式产地广西,与褐带草螟 M. circe Bleszynski近缘;灰色带草螟 M. grisalis sp. Nov.,模式产地浙江,与云南带草螟 M. yuennanensis (Caradja)近缘。对新种给出了描述、外生殖器特征图和与近缘种的比较。并提供了带草螟属中国已知种检索表。  相似文献   

漠甲亚科八种幼虫记述(鞘翊目:拟步甲科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于有志  任国栋 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):347-354
漠甲亚科Pimcliinae是一类广布于古北区的耐旱沙漠昆虫,幼虫在沙土内发育,危害 植物嫩芽和根部,经济意义较大。本文记述了采自宁夏、甘肃、内蒙古和新疆的8个种,即多毛扁漠甲、谢氏宽漠甲、泥脊漠甲[1]、洛氏脊漠甲[1]、光滑胖漠甲[1]、蒙古漠王、谢氏宽漠王和大宽漠王的幼虫,并给出它们的检索表。幼虫标本保存于宁夏农学院。  相似文献   

The genus Tricolia(Phasianellidae) in the Eastern Atlantic andMediterranean is reviewed on the bases of radular morphology,shell characters and polychromatism. The taxa included within the T. pullus (L.) group are not clearlyseparable and are treated as geographical subspecies:T. pulluspullus (L.), T. pullus picta (da Costa), T. pullus azorica (Dautzenberg),T. pullus canarica Nordsieck. The case of T. tenuis (Michaud)is problematic since it is clearly separable from sympatricT. pullus pullus in most parts of the Mediterranean but transitionalto T. pullus picta, towards the Atlantic. Other taxa are considered as having specific status since theyare consistently separable when found in sympatric populations.These include T. speciosa (Muhlfeldt), T. miniata (Monterosato),T. tingitana n.sp., T. petiti (Craven), T. nordsiecki (Talavera)and T. algoidea (Pallary). The last two species are stated forthe first time as belonging to the Phasianellidae. The genusEpheriella Pallary, based on T. algoidea, is synonymized withTricolia. (Received 6 April 1981;  相似文献   

COLLINSON  M. E. 《Annals of botany》1980,46(5):603-632
The nine extant genera within the Nymphaeaceae s l (Water Lilies)are shown to be separable from one another on the basis of seedmorphology In particular, epidermal detail, vertical sectionof the testa and relative position of the micropyle and hilumare diagnostic for each genus These features are consideredin connection with current systematic treatments of this familyFossil seeds are reviewed at the generic level and many of theseeds previously assigned to Brasenia ovula (Brong ) Reid andChandler are shown to belong to an extinct genus of Nymphaeaceaeintermediate between the currently accepted families Cabombacaceaeand Nymphaeaceae s s They are redescribed as Sabrenia chandleraegen et sp nov. The British Tertiary fossils Brasenia spinosaChandler, Palaeonymphaea eocenica Chandler emend and ?Nymphaealiminis sp nov are described Fossil material of Carpolithesovulum Brongniart 1822a, Brasenia victoria (Casp ) Weberbauer1893, B teumeri Kirchheimer 1935, B tenuicostata Nikitin 1965and Nymphaea arethusae Grambast 1962 has been studied for comparativepurposes The use of ‘?’ before the extant genericname is advocated when all features of a fossil indicate thatit may be placed in a living genus but when certain additional,critical features of the living genus are lacking on the fossil. Nymphaeaceae, water lilies, seeds, palaeobotany, Tertiary, Sabrenia chandlerae gen et sp nov Nymphaea liminis sp nov, Brasenia ovula  相似文献   

Extensive series of Amphidromus Albers, 1850 were collectedfrom low-altitude areas (30–500 m above sea level)in Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia between1993 and 2004. Data on shell colour, genital and spermatophoremorphology, and radular structure are presented. Five speciesof Amphidromus (Amphidromus) are reviewed, of which four occurin Thailand. Intraspecific variation between populations ofAmphidromus (Amphidromus) atricallosus (Gould, 1843) is considered;three subspecies are accepted and a new subspecies described.Subspecies of A. (A.) inversus (Müller, 1774) and A. (A.)schomburgki (Pfeiffer, 1861) are reconsidered, and a new subspeciesof the latter is described. A dichotomous key to the speciesand subspecies of Amphidromus (Amphidromus) in Thailand is provided. (Received 7 May 2004; accepted 31 March 2005)  相似文献   

KEIGHERY  G. J. 《Annals of botany》1996,77(4):347-356
The Epacridaceae of Western Australia comprise 181 named speciesdistributed in 17 genera. One hundred and seventy seven species(98% of the total) and ten genera are endemic to the region.within Western Australia, all members are confined to the south,with a bimodal pattern of species diversity centred on the sandplainsand uplands around the Stirling Ranges and Mount Lesueur.Leucopogon, the largest genus, reflects this pattern, however, speciesdiversity is greatest on the south coastal sandplains. All species are woody shrubs, mostly found on neutral or acidicsandy soils. Plants of at least 120 species are killed by fire;Astrolomacontainsthe only significant number of resprouting species. Althoughsome species are in flower every month every year, autumn/winterflowering is a common feature of many members of the family.All species are biotically pollinated. Bird pollination is foundin 18 species in six genera. The remaining species are insectpollinated. Bees are the major pollinators inLeucopogon, ConostephiumandColeanthera.Moths and butterflies are important pollinators inAndersonia,Leucopogon,LysinemaandStyphelia. Flies are minor pollinators of some speciesofAndersonia, LeucopogonandMonotoca. All species studied areprotandrous and outbreeding, with onlyCosmeliabeing capableof self pollination. Fruits are fleshy inAstroloma, Brachyloma,Croninia, in certain species ofLeucopogonandStypheliaand areanimal dispersed. Other genera have dry, dehiscent fruit withgravity or wind dispersed seeds. Many species have relatively narrow distribution ranges, 90species having ranges of over 300km, 54 species have rangesof 100–300km and 37 have ranges of less than 100km (andthere are many undescribed species in this group). The conservationstatus of many species is still poorly known. Dieback diseaseis a major threat to the family, and could cause the extinctionof several species in the wild. Western Australia; Epacridaceae; phytogeography; biology; pollination; dispersal; conservation; disease  相似文献   

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