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视觉研究对于揭示大脑的奥秘有着极其重要的意义.功能性磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)用于研究人脑的功能结构,主要是基于静脉毛细血管内血氧浓度的变化.fMRI可以无损伤地在几毫米级的空间分辨率和少于1 s的时间分辨率上观察清醒状态下人脑的活动,因此自90年代以来fMRI已经成为研究人脑的重要方法.fMRI在视觉研究中的应用已经使人们对视觉系统的功能性组织有了更好的理解,并取得了很多成果.今后的研究方向是进一步探讨人脑的意识、注意、记忆等高级功能的神经机制.  相似文献   

基于fMRI的屈光参差性弱视静息视觉网络的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用静息功能磁共振成像技术,对屈光参差性弱视(anisometropic amblyopia)患者静息态视觉网络进行研究,分析此类患者大脑视觉皮层功能受到的影响。采用独立成分分析(independent component analysis, ICA)这一数据驱动方法对8名屈光参差性弱视患者和11名正常对照的静息数据进行分离,并采用拟合度值(goodness-of-fit scores)分析挑选出静息视觉网络,将结果进行组内分析和组间分析。结果表明,屈光参差性弱视的静息视觉网络中,多级视觉皮层均发生了明显的功能损害,其功能连接度的范围与强度显著低于正常组,而且,高级别纹外皮层比低级别纹状皮层损害更加明显。静息fMRI为深入研究弱视初、高级视觉皮层功能损害的发病机制提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

跨通道迁移是指将在一种感觉通道获得的知识应用于另一感觉通道的能力。跨通道迁移的相关研究探索了大脑表征不同感觉通道信息的方式,为减少重复学习、提高认知加工效率提供了新的见解。为较好地概括跨通道迁移的特点和机制,本文首先介绍了在物体识别、类别学习和时间知觉等不同领域对跨通道迁移效应的实验研究,之后介绍了支持跨通道迁移的表征类型和相关理论,梳理了跨通道迁移产生的理论及采用事件相关电位(ERP)和功能磁共振成像(fMRI)等技术探讨跨通道迁移神经机制的研究进展,并指出了影响跨通道迁移的因素。最后,对目前跨通道迁移研究成果及其潜在应用进行了总结,并对这一领域未来的研究问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

目的:利用血氧水平依赖性功能性磁共振成像(BOLD-fMRI)技术及非金属MRI专用眼镜,分析探索屈光不正对儿童大脑皮层视觉功能区神经元活动的影响。方法:以1.5T磁共振成像系统采集8例屈光不正眼儿童屈光矫正前后枕叶视皮层兴趣区BOLD—fMRI数据,及8例正常眼凸透镜离焦前后枕叶视皮层兴趣区BOLD—fMRI数据,进行对比分析,比较屈光不正眼及其矫正后、正常眼及其离焦后皮层视觉功能区神经元活动的不同,分析其改变特点及原因。结果:屈光不正眼儿童矫正屈光后皮层视觉功能区神经元活动范围明显增加(P〈0.05);正常眼离焦后皮层视觉功能区神经元活动范围明显减小(P〈0.05)。结论:屈光不正会明显降低儿童皮层视觉功能区的神经元活动。屈光不正患儿应尽早配镜矫正,以免影响视觉皮层功能发育。  相似文献   

多方式认知功能成像研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对大脑结构和功能的深入研究要求认知功能成像技术同时具有高时间分辨率和高空间分辨率.多方式认知功能成像通过不同成像技术fMRI/PET和EEG/MEG的结合,能够同时在空间定位和时间过程上研究大脑认知活动的动态过程.多方式认知功能成像已经被成功地应用于选择性注意、视觉通路、随意运动和语义加工等的研究,并揭示了相关大脑活动的空间和时间特征.今后的研究将进一步提高多方式认知功能成像的时空分辨率和准确性,以更深入地探索认知功能的神经机制.  相似文献   

空间独立成分分析实现fMRI信号的盲分离   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
独立成分分析(ICA)在功能核磁共振成像(fMRI)技术中的应用是近年来人们关注的一个热点。简要介绍了空间独立成分分析(SICA)的模型和方法,将fMRI信号分析看作是一种盲源分离问题,用快速算法实现fMRI信号的盲源分离。对fMRI信号的研究大多是在假定已知事件相关时间过程曲线的情况下,利用相关性分析得到脑的激活区域。在不清楚有哪几种因素对fMRI信号有贡献、也不清楚其时间过程曲线的情况下,用SICA可以对fMRI信号进行盲源分离,提取不同独立成分得到任务相关成分、头动成分、瞬时任务相关成分、噪声干扰、以及其它产生fMRI信号的多种源信号。  相似文献   

综述了磁共振脑功能成像(functional MRI,fMRI)在嗅觉研究中的应用,着重介绍fMRI在小动物嗅觉研究中的优势,以及近10年来fMRI在嗅球(olfactory bulb,OB)信息编码、处理和传输机制研究中所取得的进展.作为人类最古老的感觉方式之一,整个嗅觉系统(除鼻腔中的嗅细胞)都属于边缘系统,这赋予嗅觉系统一般的感觉功能和许多不为人所熟知的对情感、记忆以及生理和心理状态调控的功能.同时,由于缺乏有效手段,其内在性也使得嗅觉系统在大脑中的信息编码、处理、传输和感知等机制的研究极为困难.fMRI由于具有相对高的时间和空间分辨率,并可以无创地、重复地观测大脑任何部位的神经活动而被广泛应用于神经科学的研究.fMRI在嗅觉系统的应用使我们对人的嗅觉高级中枢感知机制方面的研究取得了一定的进展,而嗅球为嗅觉信息编码和处理中心,由于其尺寸和人体MRI空间分辨率的限制,对人OB中编码机制的研究一直无法进行.  相似文献   

功能磁共振成像(fMRI)作为一种无创伤,可反复实验的成像技术,已被广泛地应用于各项脑功能的研究。用fMRI进行脑功能研究的主要依据是血流敏感性和BOLD对比增强原理。记忆是人脑的高级功能,其过程分为编码加工、固化、存储和提取几个阶段。大脑皮质、海马、乳头体、丘脑是参与记忆的主要解剖结构。记忆的刺激方式对各个脑区的激活是具有差异性的,记忆功能的测量和分析方法也在不断的改进。年龄和性别的不同都会对记忆能力产生影响,同时激活的脑区也会有相应的改变。此外,情感和记忆的关系正越来越受到人们的关注。本文阐述利用功能磁共振成像研究记忆功能的最新进展。  相似文献   

通过结合具有高空间分辨率的功能磁共振成像(fMRI)和具有高时间分辨率的128导脑电事件相关电位(ERP)两项技术,测量了视皮层腹侧区域对图形形状识别任务反应的空间定位和时间过程。fMRI的实验结果表明,图形的形状和觉引起了腹测GTi/GF皮层区域的兴奋。进一步,基于fMRI兴奋区域的种子偶极子模型拟合的的ERP动态定位分析的结果和自由运动的偶极子模型拟合的ERP定位分析结果表明:GTi/GF区域活动的时间发生在刺激呈现之后132-176ms时间段,峰值150ms左右,相应于ERP的N1成分。这些结果在人类大脑皮层上同时确定了视觉通路中涉及图形形状识别的兴奋区域和兴奋的时间过程。  相似文献   

目的:探讨未服药精神分裂症患者和健康对照视觉刺激的脑区激活的差异.方法:对10例未服药精神分裂症患者(患者组)和10名年龄、教育程度和性别匹配的健康人(对照组)进行视觉信息处理过程的检查,应用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术,采用组块设计,以翻转棋盘格为视觉信息输入,以"十"型为对照,比较两组脑区激活区域的差异.结果:两组在中枢视觉区都有激活.但与对照组相比,患者组在视觉刺激时左侧顶下小叶激活增高.结论:精神分裂症患者视觉刺激后,左侧顶下小叶的异常激活,可能反映精神分裂症患者的代偿性,是其视觉信息加工受损的影像学证据.  相似文献   

Linking visual perception with human brain activity.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The past year has seen great advances in the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the functional organization of the human visual cortex, to measure the neuronal correlates of visual perception, and to test computational theories of vision. Activity in particular visual brain areas, as measured with fMRI, has been found to correlate with psychophysical performance, with visual attention, and with subjective perceptual experience.  相似文献   

Visual processing is not determined solely by retinal inputs. Attentional modulation can arise when the internal attentional state (current task) of the observer alters visual processing of the same stimuli. This can influence visual cortex, boosting neural responses to an attended stimulus. Emotional modulation can also arise, when affective properties (emotional significance) of stimuli, rather than their strictly visual properties, influence processing. This too can boost responses in visual cortex, as for fear-associated stimuli. Both attentional and emotional modulation of visual processing may reflect distant influences upon visual cortex, exerted by brain structures outside the visual system per se. Hence, these modulations may provide windows onto causal interactions between distant but interconnected brain regions. We review recent evidence, noting both similarities and differences between attentional and emotional modulation. Both can affect visual cortex, but can reflect influences from different regions, such as fronto-parietal circuits versus the amygdala. Recent work on this has developed new approaches for studying causal influences between human brain regions that may be useful in other cognitive domains. The new methods include application of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) measures in brain-damaged patients to study distant functional impacts of their focal lesions, and use of transcranial magnetic stimulation concurrently with fMRI or EEG in the normal brain. Cognitive neuroscience is now moving beyond considering the putative functions of particular brain regions, as if each operated in isolation, to consider, instead, how distinct brain regions (such as visual cortex, parietal or frontal regions, or amygdala) may mutually influence each other in a causal manner.  相似文献   

The human visual cortex enables visual perception through a cascade of hierarchical computations in cortical regions with distinct functionalities. Here, we introduce an AI-driven approach to discover the functional mapping of the visual cortex. We related human brain responses to scene images measured with functional MRI (fMRI) systematically to a diverse set of deep neural networks (DNNs) optimized to perform different scene perception tasks. We found a structured mapping between DNN tasks and brain regions along the ventral and dorsal visual streams. Low-level visual tasks mapped onto early brain regions, 3-dimensional scene perception tasks mapped onto the dorsal stream, and semantic tasks mapped onto the ventral stream. This mapping was of high fidelity, with more than 60% of the explainable variance in nine key regions being explained. Together, our results provide a novel functional mapping of the human visual cortex and demonstrate the power of the computational approach.  相似文献   

The way we perceive the world is strongly influenced by our expectations. In line with this, much recent research has revealed that prior expectations strongly modulate sensory processing. However, the neural circuitry through which the brain integrates external sensory inputs with internal expectation signals remains unknown. In order to understand the computational architecture of the cortex, we need to investigate the way these signals flow through the cortical layers. This is crucial because the different cortical layers have distinct intra- and interregional connectivity patterns, and therefore determining which layers are involved in a cortical computation can inform us on the sources and targets of these signals. Here, we used ultra-high field (7T) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to reveal that prior expectations evoke stimulus-specific activity selectively in the deep layers of the primary visual cortex (V1). These findings are in line with predictive processing theories proposing that neurons in the deep cortical layers represent perceptual hypotheses and thereby shed light on the computational architecture of cortex.

The way we perceive the world is strongly influenced by our expectations, but the neural circuitry through which the brain achieves this remains unknown. A study using ultra-high field fMRI reveals that prior expectations evoke stimulus-specific signals in the deep layers of the primary visual cortex.  相似文献   

Quantitative modeling of human brain activity can provide crucial insights about cortical representations [1, 2] and can form the basis for brain decoding devices [3-5]. Recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have modeled brain activity elicited by static visual patterns and have reconstructed these patterns from brain activity [6-8]. However, blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals measured via fMRI are very slow [9], so it has been difficult to model brain activity elicited by dynamic stimuli such as natural movies. Here we present a new motion-energy [10, 11] encoding model that largely overcomes this limitation. The model describes fast visual information and slow hemodynamics by separate components. We recorded BOLD signals in occipitotemporal visual cortex of human subjects who watched natural movies and fit the model separately to individual voxels. Visualization of the fit models reveals how early visual areas represent the information in movies. To demonstrate the power of our approach, we also constructed a Bayesian decoder [8] by combining estimated encoding models with a sampled natural movie prior. The decoder provides remarkable reconstructions of the viewed movies. These results demonstrate that dynamic brain activity measured under naturalistic conditions can be decoded using current fMRI technology.  相似文献   

Traditional split-field studies and patient research indicate a privileged role for the right hemisphere in emotional processing [1-7], but there has been little direct fMRI evidence for this, despite many studies on emotional-face processing [8-10](see Supplemental Background). With fMRI, we addressed differential hemispheric processing of fearful versus neutral faces by presenting subjects with faces bilaterally [11-13]and orthogonally manipulating whether each hemifield showed a fearful or neutral expression prior to presentation of a checkerboard target. Target discrimination in the left visual field was more accurate after a fearful face was presented there. Event-related fMRI showed right-lateralized brain activations for fearful minus neutral left-hemifield faces in right visual areas, as well as more activity in the right than in the left amygdala. These activations occurred regardless of the type of right-hemifield face shown concurrently, concordant with the behavioral effect. No analogous behavioral or fMRI effects were observed for fearful faces in the right visual field (left hemisphere). The amygdala showed enhanced functional coupling with right-middle and anterior-fusiform areas in the context of a left-hemifield fearful face. These data provide behavioral and fMRI evidence for right-lateralized emotional processing during bilateral stimulation involving enhanced coupling of the amygdala and right-hemispheric extrastriate cortex.  相似文献   

Viewing cognitive functions as mediated by networks has begun to play a central role in interpreting neuroscientific data, and studies evaluating interregional functional and effective connectivity have become staples of the neuroimaging literature. The neurobiological substrates of functional and effective connectivity are, however, uncertain. We have constructed neurobiologically realistic models for visual and auditory object processing with multiple interconnected brain regions that perform delayed match-to-sample (DMS) tasks. We used these models to investigate how neurobiological parameters affect the interregional functional connectivity between functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) time-series. Variability is included in the models as subject-to-subject differences in the strengths of anatomical connections, scan-to-scan changes in the level of attention, and trial-to-trial interactions with non-specific neurons processing noise stimuli. We find that time-series correlations between integrated synaptic activities between the anterior temporal and the prefrontal cortex were larger during the DMS task than during a control task. These results were less clear when the integrated synaptic activity was haemodynamically convolved to generate simulated fMRI activity. As the strength of the model anatomical connectivity between temporal and frontal cortex was weakened, so too was the strength of the corresponding functional connectivity. These results provide a partial validation for using fMRI functional connectivity to assess brain interregional relations.  相似文献   

Complex visuospatial processing relies on distributed neural networks involving occipital, parietal and frontal brain regions. Effects of physiological maturation (during normal brain development) and proficiency on tasks requiring complex visuospatial processing have not yet been studied extensively, as they are almost invariably interrelated. We therefore aimed at dissociating the effects of age and performance on functional MRI (fMRI) activation in a complex visual search task. In our cross-sectional study, healthy children and adolescents (n = 43, 19 females, 7-17 years) performed a complex visual search task during fMRI. Resulting activation was analysed with regard to the differential effects of age and performance. Our results are compatible with an increase in the neural network''s efficacy with age: within occipital and parietal cortex, the core regions of the visual exploration network, activation increased with age, and more so in the right than in the left hemisphere. Further, activation outside the visual search network decreased with age, mainly in left inferior frontal, middle temporal, and inferior parietal cortex. High-performers had stronger activation in right superior parietal cortex, suggesting a more mature visual search network. We could not see effects of age or performance in frontal cortex. Our results show that effects of physiological maturation and effects of performance, while usually intertwined, can be successfully disentangled and investigated using fMRI in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Regions in human frontal cortex may have modulatory top-down influences on retinotopic visual cortex, but to date neuroimaging methods have only been able to provide indirect evidence for such functional interactions between remote but interconnected brain regions. Here we combined transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with concurrent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), plus psychophysics, to show that stimulation of the right human frontal eye-field (FEF) produced a characteristic topographic pattern of activity changes in retinotopic visual areas V1-V4, with functional consequences for visual perception. RESULTS: FEF TMS led to activity increases for retinotopic representations of the peripheral visual field, but to activity decreases for the central field, in areas V1-V4. These frontal influences on visual cortex occurred in a top-down manner, independently of visual input. TMS of a control site (vertex) did not elicit such visual modulations, and saccades, blinks, or pupil dilation could not account for our results. Finally, the effects of FEF TMS on activity in retinotopic visual cortex led to a behavioral prediction that we confirmed psychophysically by showing that TMS of the frontal site (again compared with vertex) enhanced perceived contrast for peripheral relative to central visual stimuli. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide causal evidence that circuits originating in the human FEF can modulate activity in retinotopic visual cortex, in a manner that differentiates the central and peripheral visual field, with functional consequences for perception. More generally, our study illustrates how the new approach of concurrent TMS-fMRI can now reveal causal interactions between remote but interconnected areas of the human brain.  相似文献   

We assessed abnormalities within the principal brain resting state networks (RSNs) in patients with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) to define whether functional abnormalities in this disease are limited to the visual system or, conversely, tend to be more diffuse. We also defined the structural substrates of fMRI changes using a connectivity-based analysis of diffusion tensor (DT) MRI data. Neuro-ophthalmologic assessment, DT MRI and RS fMRI data were acquired from 13 LHON patients and 13 healthy controls. RS fMRI data were analyzed using independent component analysis and SPM5. A DT MRI connectivity-based parcellation analysis was performed using the primary visual and auditory cortices, bilaterally, as seed regions. Compared to controls, LHON patients had a significant increase of RS fluctuations in the primary visual and auditory cortices, bilaterally. They also showed decreased RS fluctuations in the right lateral occipital cortex and right temporal occipital fusiform cortex. Abnormalities of RS fluctuations were correlated significantly with retinal damage and disease duration. The DT MRI connectivity-based parcellation identified a higher number of clusters in the right auditory cortex in LHON vs. controls. Differences of cluster-centroid profiles were found between the two groups for all the four seeds analyzed. For three of these areas, a correspondence was found between abnormalities of functional and structural connectivities. These results suggest that functional and structural abnormalities extend beyond the visual network in LHON patients. Such abnormalities also involve the auditory network, thus corroborating the notion of a cross-modal plasticity between these sensory modalities in patients with severe visual deficits.  相似文献   

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