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从土壤中分离的1株产碱杆菌Alcaligenes sp.ECU0401具有扁桃酸脱氢酶活性,可以以扁桃酸、苯甲酰甲酸或苯甲酸为唯一C源生长,并且具有较高的脱氢酶活力。以外消旋扁桃酸为C源,采用分批补料策略培养(或反应)99h,扁桃酸累计投入量为30.4g/L,(S)-(+)-扁桃酸被完全降解,(R)-(-)-扁桃酸回收产率为32.8%,对映体过量值(e.e.)〉99.9%。利用静息细胞作为催化剂不对称降解外消旋扁桃酸的氯代衍生物,制备获得光学活性的(R)-(-)-邻氯扁桃酸、(S)-(+)-间氯扁桃酸和(S)-(+)-对氯扁桃酸,光学纯度均超过99.9%e.e.。  相似文献   

研究了葡萄酒酵母不对称还原制备(R)-扁桃酸的转化,并将其放大至反应罐进行小试研究。通过转化条件的优化,在密闭条件下,当底物质量浓度为10g/L时,苯甲酰甲酸的产率达到72%,扁桃酸的对应过量值(e.e)值达到99%以上。实验发现,该微生物具有很好的催化稳定性,全细胞经过10批次反应,产率无明显降低,产物对映体过量值均高于98%。转化反应放大至7L反应罐体系后,S.ellipsoideus,仍然具有良好的催化性能,产率提高到81%,e.e值保持在99%。  相似文献   

利用溴麝香草酚蓝作为反应指示剂,快速地筛选到产对映选择性脂肪酶菌株GXU33(Geotrichum sp.),此酶能够拆分外消旋扁桃酸甲酯产生(S)-扁桃酸.此菌株最适生长、产酶条件为橄榄油 10 g/L, 酵母粉 5 g/L, Na2HPO4·12H2O 3.5 g/L, KH2PO4 1.0 g/L, MgSO4·7H2O 0.2 g/L, pH 7.0,28℃,200 r/min.PMSF和蛋白酶K对菌株生长没有影响,PMSF显著抑制酶活,蛋白酶K具有保护酶活力的作用.该脂肪酶最适作用pH 为7.5,最适作用温度为30 ℃; Ca2 ,Mg2 ,Zn2 不同程度提高酶活性,Cu2 , Co2 ,Mn2 ,Fe2 ,Fe3 严重抑制酶活性.当以5% DMSO为助剂,消旋扁桃酸甲酯20 mg,GXU33 脂肪酶1500 U,25 mmol/L磷酸钠缓冲液(pH 7.5)加至总体积2 mL,32 ℃,100 r/min, 反应8h,得到最佳拆分效果:转化率为44.8%,(S)-扁桃酸对映过量值为83.5%.  相似文献   

消旋酶是实现手性化合物去消旋化制备光学纯化学品的重要工具,来源于恶臭假单胞菌的扁桃酸消旋酶(MR),是目前唯一可以催化两种构型扁桃酸互相转换的消旋酶。通过基因组数据挖掘获得了9个新的扁桃酸消旋酶基因及活性蛋白,其中来源于放射性土壤杆菌Agrobacterium radiobacter的Ar MR酶对扁桃酸和邻氯扁桃酸具有较高的催化活力,而且该酶的异源表达水平也较理想。ArMR催化扁桃酸消旋反应的最适温度为50℃,最适pH为7.8。该酶在30℃、40℃和50℃下的半衰期分别为70.7、7.2、0.17 h。ArMR对(R)-和(S)-扁桃酸的K_M值分别为1.44 mmol/L和0.81 mmol/L,k_(cat)值分别为410 s~(–1)和218 s~(–1);对(R)-和(S)-邻氯扁桃酸的KM值分别为6.48 mmol/L和6.37 mmol/L,而k_(cat)值为0.22 s~(–1)和0.23 s~(–1)。Mg~(2+)和Mn~(2+)对该酶的活力有促进作用,而Zn~(2+)使其完全失活。新型扁桃酸消旋酶的发现和表征为今后此类酶的深入研究和开发提供了更多资源和数据参考。  相似文献   

对产青霉素G酰化酶的重组枯草芽胞杆菌发酵产酶条件进行优化,确定优化后的发酵条件:可溶性淀粉10g/L、蛋白胨12g/L、酵母粉3g/L、NaCl10g,/L;pH7.5、培养温度37℃、装液量80mL(500mL三角瓶)、培养28h,青霉素G酰化酶的表达水平由最初的7.34U/mL提高至18.23U/mL。以表达青霉素G酰化酶的枯草芽胞杆菌发酵液为酶源,在水相中对映选择性催化N-苯乙酰-(R,S)-邻氯苯甘氨酸制备(S)-邻氯苯甘氨酸,当底物浓度为100mol/L时转化4h,转化率达44.2%。对底物浓度为80mmoL/L反应液中的(S)-邻氯苯甘氨酸进行分离,达到理论收率的94.29%(以N-苯乙酰-(R,S)-邻氯苯甘氨酸的0.5倍摩尔量为理论产率),e.e.值大于99.9%。170℃条件下,N-苯乙酰-(R)-邻氯苯甘氨酸与苯乙酸共熔消旋为N-苯乙酰-(R,S)-邻氯苯甘氨酸可用于循环拆分。  相似文献   

响应面分析法优化(R)-扁桃酸发酵培养基   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用响应面分析法对Bacillussp.HB20菌株合成(R)-扁桃酸的培养基成分进行优化。首先利用Plackett-Burman试验设计筛选出影响(R)-扁桃酸产率的三个主要因素:麦芽糖、蛋白胨和牛肉膏。在此基础上用最陡爬坡路径逼近最大响应区域,再利用Box-Behnken试验设计及响应面分析法进行回归分析。结果表明,麦芽糖、蛋白胨和牛肉膏浓度与(R)-扁桃酸产率存在显著的相关性,通过求解回归方程得到最佳质量浓度:蛋白胨11.507g/L,牛肉膏6.708g/L,麦芽糖10.907g/L,(R)-扁桃酸产率理论最大值达到66.87%。经模型验证,预测值与验证试验平均值接近,在优化条件下(R)-扁桃酸产率提高了25.87%。  相似文献   

固定化细胞有机相催化不对称还原β-羰基酯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将酵母细胞用海藻酸钙包埋后用于有机相催化不对称还原4-氯乙酰乙酸乙酯制备光学活性的4-氯-3-羟基丁酸乙酯,从中筛选得到具有较高立体选择性和还原能力的菌株假丝酵母SW0401,将此菌株的细胞固定化细胞作为研究对象,系统考察了固定化条件、固定化细胞大小、反应溶剂、初始底物浓度、辅助底物、固定化细胞热处理和抑制剂对还原反应的影响。结果表明,上述因素对反应的摩尔转化率和产物(S)-CHBE光学纯度有显著影响。固定化时所用缓冲液的pH值为7.0时和固定化细胞颗粒平均直径为2.5mm较合适,以正己烷为反应介质时反应的摩尔转化率和产物光学纯度最优,初始底物浓度以54.7mmol/L为宜,辅助底物以1-己醇为佳。对固定化细胞的热处理和添加抑制剂烯丙醇均能够明显改善产物的光学纯度,但对提高摩尔转化率有负面影响。  相似文献   

以微水溶剂热法快速制备的稳定锆基金属有机框架为载体,戊二醛为交联剂,采用交联法对酰胺酶进行固定化,考察了不同条件对酰胺酶固定化效率的影响。结果表明,戊二醛浓度为1.0%、交联时间为180 min、载体与酶的质量比为8︰1,固定化效率最佳,固定化酶活力回收率达86.4%,蛋白负载量达115.3 mg/g。固定化酶最适温度为40 ℃,最适pH值为9.0,在40 ℃下半衰期为72.2 d,该固定化酶的Km为58.32 mmol/L,Vmax为16.23 μmol/(min·mg),kcat为1 670 s–1。此外,考察了固定化酶催化合成 (S)-4-氟苯甘氨酸的工艺:最适底物浓度300 mmol/L,固定化酶用量10 g/L,反应时间180 min,在最佳反应条件下转化率达49.9%,对映体过量 (Enantiomeric excess,e.e.) 为99.9%。进一步考察了该固定化酶分批催化反应性能,重复使用20批次后,固定化酶活力仍保留95.8%。  相似文献   

利用脂肪酶YCJ01催化拆分对位取代α-苯乙醇衍生物。以异丙醚为反应介质,采用乙酸乙烯酯作为酰基供体,对180 mmol/L的1-(4-甲基苯基)乙醇进行选择性酯化,脂肪酶粗酶粉添加量为5 g/L,50℃反应21 h后,底物转化率可达49.96%,对映体过量值e.e.s、e.e.p值分别为97.1%和97.2%,对映体选择性E200;同样,对1-(4-甲氧基苯基)乙醇进行选择性酯化,酰基供体为丁酸乙烯酯,底物浓度150 mmol/L,脂肪酶粗酶粉添加量为2.5g/L,30℃反应12 h后,底物转化率为49.8%,e.e.s、e.e.p值分别为97.7%和98.4%,对映体选择性E200,显示了很好的手性拆分效果。  相似文献   

(S)-3-氰基-5-甲基己酸是合成普瑞巴林的关键手性中间体。笔者以表达来源于Brassica rapa subsp.的重组腈水解酶工程菌Br Nit为催化剂,不对称水解外消旋异丁基丁二腈(IBSN)制备(S)-3-氰基-5-甲基己酸。考察反应温度、p H以及不同底物浓度和金属离子对全细胞催化IBSN水解的影响。结果表明:全细胞催化的最适温度为30℃,最适p H为8. 0,最适底物浓度为180 mmol/L。在此条件下,利用10 g/L湿菌体催化水解IBSN,反应6 h转化率可达45. 1%,产物对映体过量值(e.e.值)达到97. 9%。  相似文献   

Zhang JY  Liu HM  Wang XJ  Wang P  Zheng JX 《Chirality》2009,21(8):745-750
Optically pure (S)-betaxolol and (S)-metoprolol were prepared with an extremely facile and practical method using kinetic resolution of beta-amino alcohols employing HCS as chiral auxiliary. High enantiomeric purity (ee > 99%) was achieved and the synthetic strategy is amenable to industrial scale-up.  相似文献   

Yu Ma  Xiong Liu  Wenqi Zhou  Ting Cao 《Chirality》2019,31(3):248-255
In order to expand the application range of chiral diphosphine ligands, (S)‐BINAP, (S)‐SEGPHOS, and (S)‐MeO‐BIPHEP were employed as extractants to recognize DL‐mandelic acid. The results indicated that (S)‐SEGPHOS‐Cu exhibited considerable ability to recognize DL‐mandelic acid with operational enantioselectivity (α) of 2.677. The process of extraction of DL‐mandelic acid using (S)‐SEGPHOS‐Cu as extractant was systematically investigated. Performance factor (pf) was adopted to comprehensively evaluate the extraction. After optimization by response surface methodology (RSM), the optimal extraction condition is temperature of 5.5°C, (S)‐SEGPHOS‐Cu concentration of 3.0 mmol/L, and pH of 8.0. And the predicted and experimental maximum values of pf were 0.26374 and 0.26839, respectively.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of (S)-propranolol were compared after the oral administration of a 40 mg dose of the pure enantiomer and an 80 mg dose of a racemic mixture of (R,S)-propranolol. The results of this study indicate that the bioavailability of (S)-propranolol, as expressed by the mean area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and maximum serum concentration, is lower after 40 mg of the optically pure drug than after the racemic drug.  相似文献   

A bacterial arylmalonate decarboxylase (AMDase) catalyzes asymmetric decarboxylation of unnatural arylmalonates to produce optically pure (R)-arylcarboxylates without the addition of cofactors. Previously, we designed an AMDase variant G74C/C188S that displays totally inverted enantioselectivity. However, the variant showed a 20,000-fold reduction in activity compared with the wild-type AMDase. Further studies have demonstrated that iterative saturation mutagenesis targeting the active site residues in a hydrophobic pocket of G74C/C188S leads to considerable improvement in activity where all positive variants harbor only hydrophobic substitutions. In this study, simultaneous saturation mutagenesis with a restricted set of amino acids at each position was applied to further heighten the activity of the (S)-selective AMDase variant toward α-methyl-α-phenylmalonate. The best variant (V43I/G74C/A125P/V156L/M159L/C188G) showed 9,500-fold greater catalytic efficiency kcat/Km than that of G74C/C188S. Notably, a high level of decarboxylation of α-(4-isobutylphenyl)-α-methylmalonate by the sextuple variant produced optically pure (S)-ibuprofen, an analgesic compound which showed 2.5-fold greater activity than the (R)-selective wild-type AMDase.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of (R)- and (S)-amlodipine were measured after single oral administrations to 18 healthy volunteers of 20 mg amlodipine racemate. The contribution of the pharmacologically active (S)-enantiomer to the concentrations of total amlodipine (sum of enantiomers) was significantly higher than that of the inactive (R)-enantiomer, with mean values of 47% R to 53% S for the Cmax and 41% R to 59% S for the AUC (range between 24% R:76% S and 50% R:50% S). The oral clearance of the active (S)-form was subject to much less intersubject variation (25% CV) than that of the inactive (R)-form (52% CV). (R)-Amlodipine was more rapidly eliminated from plasma than (S)-amlodipine, with mean terminal half-lives of 34.9 h (R) and 49.6 h (S). The terminal half-lives of total amlodipine (mean 44.2 h) were strongly correlated with—and thus highly predictive for—the half-lives of the (S)-enantiomer. It is proposed that the observed enantioselectivity of oral amlodipine is due to differences in the systemic blood clearance of the enantiomers. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ribosomal S6 kinase 2 (S6K2) is one of the kinases regulated by the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway. Although it has been identified as a kinase homologous to S6K1, evidence suggests that the two kinases have non-overlapping functions, and the biological function of S6K2 still remains unknown. In order to identify the cell cycle stage(s) during which S6K2 plays a role, we assessed changes in the catalytic activity of S6K2 throughout the cell cycle. Our data show that S6K2 is active throughout the cell cycle with higher activity in G2 and M phases. We also show that S6K1 activity peaks sharply during M phase. Our data suggest that S6K1 and S6K2 likely play yet-unknown roles in G2 and M phases.  相似文献   

The enantioselective hydrogenation of several α-keto acid derivatives with rhodium diphosphine catalysts has been investigated using a random screening approach. The neutral rhodium catalyst prepared in situ from bis(2,5-norbornadiene rhodium chloride) and NORPHOS has been found to be an excellent catalyst for preparing aliphatic α-hydroxy esters in high optical purities. The reaction parameters for the hydrogenation of ethyl 2-oxo-4-phenyl-butyrate, an intermediate for the ACE inhibitor Benazepril, were optimized and the best optical yields obtained were 96%.  相似文献   

Methods of stereoselective synthesis of oxysterols are considered by the examples of (25R)-26-hydroxycholesterol, (24S)-24,25-epoxycholesterol, and (24S)-24-hydroxycholesterol containing functional groups in the terminal fragments of their side chain. Special attention is paid to the problems of construction of chiral centers C24 and C25.  相似文献   

Specific leukotriene C4 (LTC4) binding sites were identified in membrane preparations from human fetal lung. Specific binding of [3H]-LTC4 represented 95 percent of total binding, reached steadystate within 10 minutes and was rapidly reversible upon addition of excess unlabeled LTC4. Binding assays were performed at 4°C under conditions which prevented metabolism of [3H]-LTC4 (80 mM serineborate, 10 mM cysteine, 10 mM glycine). Under these conditions, greater than 95 percent of the membrane bound radioactivity, as analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography, co-eluted with the LTC4 standard. Computer-assisted analyses of saturation binding data showed a single class of binding sites with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 26 + 6 nM and a density (Bmax) of 84 ± 18 pmol/mg protein. Pharmacological specificity was demonstrated by competition studies in which specific binding of [3H]-LTC4 was displaced by LTC4 and its structural analogs with inhibition constants (Kj) of 10 to 30 nM, whereas LTD4, diastereoisomers of LTD1, LTE4 and the end organ antagonist FPL 55712 were 150 to 700 fold less potent competitors than LTC4. These results provide evidence for specific, reversible, saturable, high affinity binding sites for [3H]-LTC4 in human fetal lung membranes.  相似文献   

Two neutrophil chemotactic factors were isolated from the culture filtrates of Streptococcus sanguis ATCC 10556 and were chemically characterized as N-terminal blocked peptides of low molecular weight. One of the factors consisted of proline, valine, methionine, isoleucine and leucine and the other of methionine, isoleucine, leucine and phenylalanine. In both factors, methionine was detected as the sole N-terminal amino acid, but the amino group was blocked. The removal of N-terminal methionine yielded several N-terminal amino acids, suggesting that S. sanguis produced several N-terminal blocked methionyl peptides, all of which could be chemotactically active.  相似文献   

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