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南海南部表层海水古温度估算与次表层海水特征变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
南海南部~2 MaBP以来的表层海水古温度估算表明,表层海水温度变化在更新世冰期旋回中波动比南海北部为小、保持比较温暖,但在长时间尺度上转换函数古水温仍然存在一定的变化趋势。转换函数古温度计算的低温时期并不与冰期相对应,表明南海南部具有独特的表层海洋演化特征,可能与次表层水体性质、上部水体结构等密切相关。过去2 MaBP以来的浮游有孔虫组合演化表明,南海南部海水温跃层呈现由氧同位素MIS79期向~53期相对变浅,自MIS 53期向布容/松山(B/M)古地磁界线附近变深,然后,自布容/松山界线以来又相对变浅的演化过程。  相似文献   

福建南日群岛秋季海洋生态环境诊断与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Luo DL 《应用生态学报》2011,22(2):495-502
根据2007年9月和10月福建南日岛生态调查资料,从海水水质、海水营养结构与营养水平、生物多样性等3个方面诊断与评价了南日群岛海域环境现状,利用综合质量指数法对海洋生态环境质量进行综合评价,并探讨了不同评价指数的关系及合理性.结果表明:海域的pH、溶解氧(DO)、化学需氧量(COD)、Pb、Cd、Hg、As含量均符合第二类海水水质标准.71%站位的磷酸盐、14%站位的无机氮和7%站位的石油类污染物超第二类海水水质标准.海水水质总体属于较好等级,营养结构表现为氮限制,大部分海域处于富营养化状态,依据浮游生物的多样性指数评价结果为轻污染-清洁水平.生态环境综合质量指数评价结果表明南日群岛海域生态环境总体处于良好水平.利用不同的评价指数对海域环境健康状况进行诊断的结果存在一定差异.在实际评价中应综合运用化学指标和生物指标,才能得到相对客观的结论.  相似文献   

【目的】海洋古菌MG I (marine group I archaea)是海洋中主要微生物类群,拥有利用氨氮进行氨氧化自养的能力,是海洋环境中氨氧化过程的重要参与者。研究MG I古菌的昼夜变化规律,对揭示海洋中氨氧化过程以及碳氮循环有着重要的意义。【方法】此次研究的样品来自于珠江口东澳岛附近海域,使用无人机采样技术获取了以2 h为间隔的22 h连续时间序列海水样品。本研究重点关注以下科学问题:(1)昼夜尺度下珠江口MG I古菌与藻类的群落和丰度变化特征;(2)昼夜尺度下珠江口MG I古菌受温度和藻类的影响。本研究通过样品DNA,以qPCR、二代基因测序等手段,结合环境参数(温度、盐度、营养盐浓度等),以探究海水藻类与MG I古菌之间可能存在的关系。【结果】研究发现,MG I古菌丰度为(9.1±3.2)×107 copies/L,藻类的丰度为(3.7±0.7)×108 copies/L。通过古菌的高通量测序发现MG I古菌是该区域最主要的古菌类群(36.2%–50.0%)。在昼夜变化尺度下,MG I古菌与藻类的丰度表现出一定的负相关关系,且环境因子中,温度与MG I古菌之间表现出显著的...  相似文献   

有关钙质超微化石 Florisphaera profunda的古海洋学意义综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Florisphaera profunda是古海洋学研究中应用最广的一种钙质超微化石。利用F.profunda百分含量可以研究海水上层结构变化、海水初级生产力的演变并进而推断古气候变化及其机制。这一方法在世界诸大洋第四纪古海洋、古气候研究中都已有成功的先例。本文综述了利用F.profunda百分含量研究古海洋、古气候的基本原理和方法,并对其主要应用实例进行了介绍。  相似文献   

通过对在南海北部陆坡采取的191PC柱状样进行氧碳同位素测试、碳酸钙含量分析以及浮游有孔虫丰度和组合分析,初步划分了191PC柱状样的地层,并据此讨论了末次冰期以来浮游有孔虫丰度和组合的变化,并利用两种浮游有孔虫古生态转换函数再造了末次冰期以来的表层海水古温度和上层水体结构的变化,且由此反映出南海北部末次冰期以来季风演化的趋势。研究表明,该柱状样底部达到氧同位素III期;末次盛冰期到冰后期,南海北部冬季表层海水温度上升5.7—5.8℃,夏季温度上升1.4℃,温跃层总体呈变深的趋势,冬季混合层深度变浅,而夏季混合层深度变深,同时,表层海水垂直温差的变化也可能反映了由末次冰期到冰后期,南海北部具有冬季风减弱而夏季风加强的趋势。  相似文献   

四醚膜类脂物的古温标——TEX_(86)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
TEX86是一种新的重建古海水和古湖水表层水体温度(SST和LST)的指数。此指数不受表层水体的营养状况和盐度等参数的影响,能广泛应用于缺乏碳酸岩和有孔虫的沉积物的沉积相和早至白垩纪Aptian期地层的古温度重建。文章详细介绍了用于TEX86分析的类异戊二烯GDGTs的结构及其源生物,以及TEX86温标的原理、分析方法、应用和仍存在的问题。  相似文献   

通过对海洋沉积物的调查分析, 探讨地质历史上海洋环流模式和海水物理化学性质的变化是古海洋学研究的重要内容之一。深海底栖有孔虫对环境变化敏感、其壳体稳定同位素和微量元素与海水性质密切相关使得它成为研究古海洋学的有力工具。但同时, 底栖有孔虫的生命效应、分布的区域性以及海水自身等因素在一定程度上制约了其应用。本文总结了底栖有孔虫在古海洋学研究中的应用以及限制因素, 以利于在具体研究中客观分析, 提高古海洋环境重建的可靠性。  相似文献   

林地叶面积指数遥感估算方法适用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶面积指数是与森林冠层能量和CO2交换密切相关的一个重要植被结构参数,为了探讨估算林地叶面积指数LAI的遥感适用方法和提高精度的途径,利用TRAC仪器测定北京城区森林样地的LAI,从Landsat TM遥感图像计算NDVI、SR、RSR、SAVI植被指数,分别建立估算LAI的单植被指数统计模型、多植被指数组合的改进BP神经网络,获取最有效描述LAI与植被指数非线性关系的方法并应用到TM图像估算北京城区LAI。结果表明,单植被指数非线性统计模型估算LAI的精度高于线性统计模型;多植被指数组合神经网络中,以NDVI、RSR、SAVI组合估算LAI的精度最高,估算值与观测值线性回归方程的R2最高,为0.827,而RMSE最低,为0.189,神经网络解决了多植被指数组合统计模型非线性回归方程的系数较多、较难确定的问题,可较为有效的应用于遥感图像林地LAI的估算。  相似文献   

新疆早寒武世Lapworthella一新种及本属有关问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岳昭 《古生物学报》1992,31(1):108-116
西藏海相下第三系,广泛断续地出露于雅鲁藏布江断裂带南北。本文概略论述西藏海相下第三系,列举一些新的地层剖面,划分对比地层,简述沉积岩相古地理,提出双壳类化石组合特征并描述5个双壳类化石新种。它的研究对了解喜马拉雅地质历史的发展,海水退出该区的最后时限,以及探讨古地理、古气候等,都具有一定的理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

海洋生态系统固碳能力估算方法研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
气候变化受到全球关注,大气中CO2含量与气候变化息息相关。海洋是地球上最大的活跃碳库,在气候变化中扮演着举足轻重的作用。定量估算海洋中碳元素的吸收、转移、埋藏速率在全球碳循环及全球气候变化研究中有重要意义。目前,海洋固碳能力估算研究包括:利用海-气界面CO2分压差法估算海洋海-气界面CO2交换通量,根据海水中叶绿素含量建立的生态学数理模型法估算真光层浮游生物的初级生产力,234Th—238U不平衡法估算POC输出通量,210Pb定年法估算有机碳沉积通量。但迄今为止的研究工作尚有一定局限性,碳在大气—海水—沉积物3种介质间交换通量间相互影响的研究较少,海洋中碳垂直传输过程的主要影响因素和关键控制因子尚不明确,在海洋生态系统固碳能力估算方法方面国内外还没有统一的规范和标准。为进一步完善海洋生态系统固碳能力的估算方法,今后的工作应注重海洋固碳整套观测技术、分析和估算方法研究,并建立海洋碳汇估算指标体系、指标标准体系、以及评价标准体系,为我国的碳"减排"、"增汇"国家需求提供技术支持。  相似文献   

研究首次利用南海北部船基观测数据资料建立硝酸盐和海表温度的关系, 然后通过MODIS-SST资料与现场海表温度比较后进行了订正。利用订正后的数据表明南海北部的表层硝酸盐和海表温度之间存在显著的负相关关系(R2=0.7126)。结合海表硝酸盐和海表温度的关系式, 利用遥感海表温度的8 d平均值和月平均值估测了南海北部的表层硝酸盐浓度, 8 d平均海表硝酸盐浓度值范围为0~3.3167 μM, 月平均值为0~2.0590 μM, 该值与现场监测数据及历史资料均一致。  相似文献   

K. L. Tuen 《Hydrobiologia》1994,285(1-3):1-5
Since the early 1980s, the Malaysian Meteorological Service (MMS) has made concerted efforts to build up adequate meteorological data base for the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca. Close rapport with local oil companies and universities has enabled MMS to widen its sources of such data.This data base has been used to carry out a study on the influence of the sea surface temperature (SST) variations in the South China Sea on the atmosphere during the northern hemisphere winter. Encouraging results of the study has prompted MMS to initiate real-time monitoring of the SST in the South China Sea. These data are available to local scientists who are interested in studying the effects of such variation on marine life in the Malaysian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).  相似文献   

This study of 24 surface sediment samples along longitude 175°E between latitudes 48°N and 14°S in the western Pacific Ocean documents the relationship between the modern distribution of radiolarian assemblages and present oceanographic conditions. Ninety-two species were classified into eight clusters by using R-mode cluster analysis. Q-mode cluster analysis was used to distinguish five geographical zones, which were interpreted to represent the Tropical, Southern Subtropical, Northern Subtropical, Transitional, and Subarctic climatic zones. Species richness, diversity, and equitability are highest in the Tropical and Transitional Zones. We attempted to formulate new regression equations considering ecological information on the vertical distribution of radiolarian species. Transfer functions were derived from regression analysis of radiolarian assemblages to observed Sea Surface Temperature (SST) values. The transfer functions have a standard error of 1.16 °C in the estimate of winter SST, 0.81 °C in that of summer SST.  相似文献   

The Red Sea is an extreme marine environment, with conditions limiting the application of standard geochemical proxies for the reconstruction of paleoclimate. In order to develop paleoenvironmental reconstruction methods which are not dependent on chemical signals, we investigated the distribution of planktonic foraminifera in the surface sediments and assessed the viability of constructing foraminiferal transfer functions in this basin. We find a distinct gradient in the faunal assemblage along the basin's axis, which is reflected in a high correlation between faunal composition and all considered environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a concentration, stratification, and oxycline depth). As a result, transfer functions constructed by different methods (ANN, MAT, IKM, WA-PLS) appear to be able to estimate all of these parameters with a high average accuracy (15% of the parameter's range in the Red Sea). However, redundancy analysis of the distribution of foraminiferal assemblages in surface sediments alone did not yield unambiguous results in terms of which of the considered factors exerts a primary control on the foraminifera distribution and which of the observed relationships are the result of the mutual correlation among the environmental factors. To disentangle the effect of individual environmental parameters, we applied the obtained transfer functions on a newly generated Holocene record from the central Red Sea. The integration of published paleoclimate reconstructions with our data allowed us to identify productivity as the most likely primary control of the planktonic foraminifera distribution in the Red Sea. The generated transfer functions can estimate paleoproductivity with acceptable accuracy (RMSEP chlorophyll a = 0.1 mg/m3; ~ 8% of recent range), but only under such conditions in the past when circulation patterns and salinity levels in the basin were fundamentally comparable to the present day. Since productivity in the central and southern Red Sea is closely linked with the Monsoon-driven water exchange across the Strait of Bab al Mandab, the resulting reconstructions can provide indirect information on the mode and intensity of the monsoonal system in the past.  相似文献   

环境因子对东海区帆式张网主要渔获物渔获量影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
帆式张网渔业是东海区重要的渔业捕捞方式之一.利用广义加性模型(GAMs)定量研究了海表水温、渔场水深、渔场位置和潮汐(农历日期)等环境因子对东海区帆式张网主要渔获物渔获量变动的影响.结果表明,海表水温和渔场水深是影响带鱼、小黄鱼和鲳鱼单位努力渔获量(CPUE)的主要因子,且各因子的影响程度不尽相同,多呈非线性相关关系.从模型的拟合结果来看,海表水温对带鱼的影响最大,其次是水深,渔场位置和潮汐的影响很小.渔场水深对小黄鱼的影响最大,海表水温、渔场位置和潮汐的影响比较接近.渔场水深和海表水温是影响鲳鱼单位努力渔获量的主要环境因子,影响程度比较接近.  相似文献   

High-resolution sea surface temperatures (SST) derived from Mg/Ca ratios of Globeriginoides sacculifer at ODP Site 1144 were reported to reveal the SST changes during the last 260 ka in the northern South China Sea (SCS). The results indicate an average Holocene SST of about 26.7 °C, about 3.6 °C increase from LGM to the Holocene, and higher temperature during MIS 5.5 than the Holocene. These agree well with other foraminifer Mg/Ca and Uk37 SST records in this region. The Mg/Ca records suggest warmer SSTs during MIS 3 in the northern SCS, compared with those in the eastern Pacific. Strong East Asian summer monsoon during MIS 3 indicated by paleoclimate records from nearby continents may account for it. Step-wise increases during terminations are shown in our SST record, and the beginning of deglacial warming occurs at about 19 ka, which precedes the change of oxygen isotopes, suggesting a tropical driven forcing for the SST change in the northern SCS. This is further supported by a robust semi-precessional cycle centering at  9.1 ka in the spectra of the SST record, which is absent in that of the oxygen isotopes. However, tropical driven forcing seems not to be indicated in another Mg/Ca SST record in the northern SCS [Oppo, D.W. and Sun, Y.B., 2005. Amplitude and timing of sea-surface temperature change in the northern South China Sea: Dynamic link to the East Asian monsoon. Geology, 33 (10): 785–788.]. The discrepancy may be caused by different post-deposition dissolutions of foraminifer tests at these two sites. Details about the modification of foraminifer Mg/Ca ratios after burial, however, are not well known in this region, and further studies are needed.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminifera collected from a sediment trap deployed off Hainan in the northwestern South China Sea (SCS-NW) between July 2012 and April 2013 were studied to evaluate their seasonal variability and ecology as well as to infer the factors controlling their shell fluxes. The total planktonic foraminifera flux, as well as the fluxes of the dominant species (Globigerinoides ruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei), showed three distinct maxima during SW-monsoon in August 2012, the SW-NE intermonsoon in October 2012 and the NE-monsoon in December 2012–February 2013. These periods were characterized by upwelling, aerosol fallout, and intense wind mixing, respectively, from which the foraminiferal assemblages benefitted, as indicated by the close correlation between wind speed, sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll a concentration (Chl-a), δ18O of G. ruber and the shell fluxes. The correlation also suggests that temperature and food availability might have been the primary drivers of the observed changes in foraminiferal abundance. The offset between the SST deduced from flux-weighted of G. ruber δ18O and annual mean SST is only ∼0.3 °C, much lower than ∼5.2 °C between the summer and winter temperature, indicating a balanced seasonality bias in the shell flux. The linear regression between the satellite-derived sea surface temperature and G. ruber δ18O reveals the strong potential of this species, at least in the studied region, as an ecological indicator for past oceanic environments.  相似文献   

In the western Arabian Sea (WAS), the highest seasonal sea surface temperature (SST) difference presently occurs between May and August. In order to gain an understanding on how monsoonal upwelling modulates the SST difference between these two months, we have computed SST for the months of May and August based on census counts of planktonic foraminifers by using the artificial neural network (ANN) technique. The SST difference between May and August exhibits three distinct phases: i) a moderate SST difference in the late Holocene (0–3.5 ka) is attributable to intense upwelling during August, ii) a minimum SST difference from 4 to 12 ka is due to weak upwelling during the month of August, and iii) the highest SST difference during the last glacial interval (19 to 22 ka) with high Globigerina bulloides % could have been caused by the occurrence of a prolonged upwelling season (from May through July) and maximum difference in the incoming solar radiation between May and August. Overall, variations in the SST difference between May and August show that the timing of intense upwelling in the Western Arabian Sea over the last 22 kyr has been variable over the months of June, July and August.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages were analyzed in three piston cores recovered from depths above the recent sedimentary lysocline (3.5 km) in the western Pacific Ocean for the purposes of (1) evaluating the effects of carbonate dissolution on fossil assemblages and (2) the impact of dissolution on paleoceanographic reconstructions for the past 300 kyr. We used the perfect test ratio (PTR) of Globorotalia menardii as an indicator of carbonate dissolution. Down-core variations of the PTR indicate that significant dissolution occurred during reglaciation steps represented by isotope stages 7–6, 5–4, and 3–2. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) based on the relative abundances of dominant species of planktonic foraminifera indicate that down-core changes in factor 1 loadings correlate with variations in PTR and with variations in the percentage of coarse fraction (>63 μm) present in the sediments. These correlations indicate that foraminiferal assemblages were apparently altered by dissolution events despite the fact that they were deposited at water depths shallower than the modern lysocline. We also estimated variations in paleo-sea surface temperature (paleo-SST) using the transfer function FP-12E. A negative correlation was found in communality as calculated from PCA and factor 1 loadings; this trend is distinct for the case of communality lower than 0.9. Thus, we conclude that estimated paleo-SST values based upon analysis of planktonic foraminifera are biased by carbonate dissolution.  相似文献   

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