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小麦胚乳细胞的分离及其淀粉体的计数   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
IsolationofEndosPermCellsandCalculationofTheirStarchGrainsinWheatPlants小麦胚乳重量占籽粒重的90/以上.胚乳细胞的分裂数目及其淀粉体的发育状况决定着籽粒的重量和品质卜‘。在胚乳细胞增殖期,如能增加胚乳细胞的分裂速度.就能增加产量k‘.因而分离胚乳细胞,观察胚乳细胞的发育技术与方法受到人们的重视)-’‘’。前人对胚乳细胞的计数大致有以下几种方法:()根据胚乳体积与胚乳细胞体积之比推算”‘;(2)用纤维素酶分解胚乳.计数单位酶液中的细胞数)‘’;(3)先用纤维素分解胚乳后再用淀粉酶解离细胞中的淀粉.…  相似文献   

水稻淀粉胚乳程序性细胞死亡中的去核化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对水稻品种中籼8836淀粉胚乳细胞的去核化发育阶段的细胞超微结构变化和同期籽粒灌浆速率及相关酶活性的动态进行了观察和分析。开花受精后约在第3天胚乳完成细胞化,花后第5天少数淀粉胚乳细胞启动去核发育过程。核消亡是淀粉胚乳细胞程序性细胞死亡(PCD)的第一步。同一籽粒淀粉胚乳细胞的去核进程是不同步的。花后第13天所有淀粉胚乳细胞都已完成去核过程。在去核过程中,胚乳核的形态变化特征既有动植物PCD的共性又有其特殊性。伴随核降解过程,一部分线粒体解体,表明去核化与线粒体解体有一定联系。在去核化发育阶段,与PCD有关的酶类,如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性非常高;与淀粉合成有关的酶类,如ADPG焦磷酸化酶、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS酶)、淀粉分支酶(或Q酶)也表现出很高的活性。去核化发育阶段籽粒灌浆速率最高,籽粒增重亦最快。淀粉胚乳细胞去核之后,细胞并未立即死亡,这些无核的细胞仍维持正常有序的代谢活动,继续进行淀粉和贮藏蛋白的合成与积累,但上述酶类的活性明显降低,灌浆速率也明显趋缓。淀粉胚乳细胞最终被贮藏物质充满时成为死细胞,完成其程序性死亡过程。Evan‘s blue染色鉴定表明淀粉胚乳细胞死亡不同步,细胞死亡在淀粉胚乳组织中是随机发生的。  相似文献   

作物籽粒淀粉结构的形成与相关酶关系的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文综述了前人关于作物籽粒淀粉结构形成以及相关酶的分子生物学研究进展,分析讨论了淀粉结构的形成与酶活性之间的关系,酶对淀粉结构形成的调控机理,为进一步开展作物籽粒淀粉品质改良研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

水稻淀粉胚乳程序性细胞死亡中的去核化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对水稻品种中籼8836淀粉胚乳细胞的去核化发育阶段的细胞超微结构变化和同期籽粒灌浆速率及相关酶活性的动态进行了观察和分析。开花受精后约在第3天胚乳完成细胞化,花后第5天少数淀粉胚乳细胞启动去核发育过程。核消亡是淀粉胚乳细胞程序性细胞死亡(PCD)的第一步。同一籽粒淀粉胚乳细胞的去核进程是不同步的。花后第13天所有淀粉胚乳细胞都已完成去核过程。在去核过程中,胚乳核的形态变化特征既有动植物PCD的共性又有其特殊性。伴随核降解过程,一部分线粒体解体,表明去核化与线粒体解体有一定联系。在去核化发育阶段,与PCD有关的酶类,如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性非常高;与淀粉合成有关的酶类,如ADPG焦磷酸化酶、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS酶)、淀粉分支酶(或Q酶)也表现出很高的活性。去核化发育阶段籽粒灌浆速率最高,籽粒增重亦最快。淀粉胚乳细胞去核之后,细胞并未立即死亡,这些无核的细胞仍维持正常有序的代谢活动,继续进行淀粉和贮藏蛋白的合成与积累,但上述酶类的活性明显降低,灌浆速率也明显趋缓。淀粉胚乳细胞最终被贮藏物质充满时成为死细胞,完成其程序性死亡过程。Evan’s blue染色鉴定表明淀粉胚乳细胞死亡不同步,细胞死亡在淀粉胚乳组织中是随机发生的。  相似文献   

《谷物品质与食品加工——小麦籽粒品质与食品加工》是魏益民教授及所领导的学者群体以陕西关中及黄淮冬麦区的小麦品种为材料,根据自己近十年来所进行的科学研究实践,对我国小麦磨粉品质、蛋白质及淀粉特性与加工品质、小麦籽粒品质与啤酒酿造、营养强化与小麦食品加工等问题,  相似文献   

赵江红  郭龙彪  钱前 《植物学报》2008,25(2):129-138
淀粉是稻米胚乳的主要组成成分, 而淀粉含量和性质的差异又直接决定稻米的品质。早期关于稻米淀粉的研究局限于其组成成分、品种间含量的差异以及稻米淀粉合成的经典遗传学方面。随着现代分子生物学和转基因技术的发展, 稻米品质、淀粉的生物合成及其分子调控成为研究热点。随着淀粉合成相关基因的克隆、分子特性及其表达调控的研究取得了较大进展, 人们也开始尝试利用现代基因工程技术, 高效地改良稻米品质, 如提高或降低淀粉含量及改变支链淀粉的结构。本文从综述稻米淀粉的组成、结构和淀粉合成相关酶的研究进展入手, 探讨了转基因技术改良稻米品质的研究进展和发展前景。  相似文献   

分析了水稻(Oryza sativa L.)籽粒发育过程淀粉生物合成途径中的关键酶——ADP-葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶、可溶性淀粉合酶、淀粉分支酶以及淀粉脱支酶活性变化,同时研究了淀粉结构形成动态.与野生型晚粳9522相比,转基因晚粳9522中直链淀粉的合成被显著抑制,而总淀粉含量和籽粒终重量没有改变.淀粉生物合成途径中关键酶活性表达时间不一致,存在明显的时段特征,这与淀粉积累动态密切相关.可溶性淀粉合酶活性表达最早,其在灌浆前期驱动淀粉合成起始;而淀粉粒结合态淀粉合酶在胚乳发育的中期活性最大.两水稻实验材料间,除淀粉脱支酶活性变化有所不同外,ADP-葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶和淀粉分支酶活性的变化没有明显差异.并且,支链淀粉的分支模式在水稻籽粒发育过程中变化较大,且与品种有关.以上结果揭示,支链淀粉的合成要先于直链淀粉,并且在控制支链淀粉各分支的形成过程中有不同的酶在起特异的作用.  相似文献   

适于加工面条的小麦品质研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面条是我国北方人重要的主食。亚洲的面条主要分为日本加盐白色面条(WSN)和中国加碱黄色面条(YAN)两大类。与加工面条品质有关的小麦品质性状主要有籽粒制粉品质、面粉蛋白质或面筋的量和质、淀粉特性、色素含量,α-淀粉酶活性、脂类组成等。本文对适于加工面条的小麦品质特性的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

对水稻胚乳淀粉颗粒结合的淀粉分支酶进行了研究.酶活性分析表明水稻胚乳中存在着与淀粉颗粒结合的淀粉分支酶.氨基酸测序分析结果表明结合于水稻胚乳淀粉粒的淀粉分支酶是分子量为84 kD的淀粉分支酶3(rice starch branching enzyme 3; RBE3).从开花后5 d到种子成熟,淀粉颗粒结合的RBE3蛋白都保持较为稳定的含量.Northern 分析表明水稻胚乳发育过程中RBE4最先表达而RBE3和RBE1的表达滞后.综合以上研究结果说明RBE3存在于水稻胚乳的淀粉之中是由于RBE3与淀粉葡聚糖链具有较高亲和性而难以和葡聚糖链解离,进而随着淀粉粒的增长而被其包裹.  相似文献   

面条是我国北方人重要的主食。亚洲的面条主要分为日本加盐白色面条(WSN)和中国加碱黄色面条(YAN)两大类。与加工面条品质有关的小麦品质性状主要有籽粒制粉品质、面粉蛋白质或面筋的量和质、淀粉特性、色素含量,α-淀粉酶活性、脂类组成等。本文对适于加工面条的小麦品质特性的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

Amylose and amylopectin are determinants of the physicochemical properties for starch and grain quality in rice. Their biosynthesis is catalyzed by the interplay of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS), soluble starch synthase (SSS), a starch branching enzyme (SBE), and a starch debranching enzyme (SDE). In this study, the genes for these enzymes were highly expressed 7 to 28 days after flowering during grain development, and their expression closely matched increases in both starch content and grain weight Among all the tested cultivars, amylose contents in the rice grains remained essentially constant throughout their development The AGPase gene was highly expressed in the high-yield cultivars of both glutinous and non-glutinous rice. The SSS gene was actively expressed when mature GBSS mRNA decreased. Genes responsible for amylopectin biosynthesis were simultaneously expressed in the late stage of grain development. We have now demonstrated that the expression patterns of starch biosynthetic genes differ between glutinous and non-glutinous rice, and between Tongil (a Japonica/ Indica hybrid) and Japonica types.  相似文献   

Starch phosphate ester content is known to alter the physicochemical properties of starch, including its susceptibility to degradation. Previous work producing wheat (Triticum aestivum) with down‐regulated glucan, water dikinase, the primary gene responsible for addition of phosphate groups to starch, in a grain‐specific manner found unexpected phenotypic alteration in grain and growth. Here, we report on further characterization of these lines focussing on mature grain and early growth. We find that coleoptile length has been increased in these transgenic lines independently of grain size increases. No changes in starch degradation rates during germination could be identified, or any major alteration in soluble sugar levels that may explain the coleoptile growth modification. We identify some alteration in hormones in the tissues in question. Mature grain size is examined, as is Hardness Index and starch conformation. We find no evidence that the increased growth of coleoptiles in these lines is connected to starch conformation or degradation or soluble sugar content and suggest these findings provide a novel means of increasing coleoptile growth and early seedling establishment in cereal crop species.  相似文献   

During grain filling, starch and other nutrients accumulate in the endosperm; this directly determines grain yield and grain quality in crops such as rice (Oryza sativa), maize (Zea mays), and wheat (Triticum aestivum). Grain filling is a complex trait affected by both intrinsic and environmental factors, making it difficult to explore the underlying genetics, molecular regulation, and the application of these genes for breeding. With the development of powerful genetic and molecular techniques, much has been learned about the genes and molecular networks related to grain filling over the past decades. In this review, we highlight the key factors affecting grain filling, including both biological and abiotic factors. We then summarize the key genes controlling grain filling and their roles in this event, including regulators of sugar translocation and starch biosynthesis, phytohormone-related regulators, and other factors. Finally, we discuss how the current knowledge of valuable grain filling genes could be integrated with strategies for breeding cereal varieties with improved grain yield and quality.  相似文献   

Despite being of vital importance for seed establishment and grain quality, starch degradation remains poorly understood in organs such as cereal or legume seeds. In cereals, starch degradation requires the synergetic action of different isoforms of α-amylases. Ubiquitous overexpression of TaAmy2 resulted in a 2.0–437.6-fold increase of total α-amylase activity in developing leaf and harvested grains. These increases led to dramatic alterations of starch visco-properties and augmentation of soluble carbohydrate levels (mainly sucrose and α-gluco-oligosaccharide) in grain. Interestingly, the overexpression of TaAMY2 led to an absence of dormancy in ripened grain due to abscisic acid (ABA) insensitivity. Using an allosteric α-amylase inhibitor (acarbose), we demonstrated that ABA insensitivity was due to the increased soluble carbohydrate generated by the α-amylase excess. Independent from the TaAMY2 overexpression, inhibition of α-amylase during germination led to the accumulation of soluble α-gluco-oligosaccharides without affecting the first stage of germination. These findings support the hypotheses that (i) endosperm sugar may overcome ABA signalling and promote sprouting, and (ii) α-amylase may not be required for the initial stage of grain germination, an observation that questions the function of the amylolytic enzyme in the starch degradation process during germination.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel means to achieve substantially increased vegetative biomass and oilseed production in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Endogenous isoforms of starch branching enzyme (SBE) were substituted by either one of the endosperm‐expressed maize (Zea mays L.) branching isozymes, ZmSBEI or ZmSBEIIb. Transformants were compared with the starch‐free background and with the wild‐type plants. Each of the maize‐derived SBEs restored starch biosynthesis but both morphology and structure of starch particles were altered. Altered starch metabolism in the transformants is associated with enhanced biomass formation and more‐than‐trebled oilseed production while maintaining seed oil quality. Enhanced oilseed production is primarily due to an increased number of siliques per plant whereas oil content and seed number per silique are essentially unchanged or even modestly decreased. Introduction of cereal starch branching isozymes into oilseed plants represents a potentially useful strategy to increase biomass and oilseed production in related crops and manipulate the structure and properties of leaf starch.  相似文献   

In sheep production systems based on extensive grazing, neonatal mortality often reaches 15% to 20% of lambs born, and the mortality rate can be doubled in the case of multiple births. An important contributing factor is the nutrition of the mother because it affects the amount of colostrum available at birth. Ewes carrying multiple lambs have higher energy requirements than ewes carrying a single lamb and this problem is compounded by limitations to voluntary feed intake as the gravid uterus compresses the rumen. This combination of factors means that the nutritional requirements of the ewe carrying multiple lambs can rarely be met by the supply of pasture alone. This problem can overcome by supplementation with energy during the last week of pregnancy, a treatment that increases colostrum production and also reduces colostrum viscosity, making it easier for the neonatal lamb to suck. In addition, litter size and nutrition both accelerate the decline in concentration of circulating progesterone that, in turn, triggers the onsets of both birth and lactogenesis, and thus ensures the synchrony of these two events. Furthermore, the presence of colostrum in the gut of the lamb increases its ability to recognize its mother, and thus improves mother–young bonding. Most cereal grains that are rich in energy in the form of starch, when used as supplements in late pregnancy will increase colostrum production by 90% to 185% above control (unsupplemented) values. Variation among types of cereal grain in the response they induce may be due to differences in the amount of starch digested post-ruminally. As a percentage of grain dry matter intake, the amount of starch entering the lower digestive tract is 14% for maize, 8.5% for barley and 2% for oats. Supplements of high quality protein from legumes and oleiferous seeds can also increase colostrum production but they are less effective than cereal grains. In conclusion, short-term supplementation before parturition, particularly with energy-rich concentrates, can improve colostrum production, help meet the energy and immunological requirements for new-born lambs, and improve lamb survival.  相似文献   

杨晖  赵心爱  周云泉 《生命科学》2004,16(3):177-181
禾谷类作物胚乳拥有独特的淀粉合成途径,需要多种特异性同工酶的参与,这些酶在禾谷类其他组织或非禾谷类作物中是不存在的。近来明确了单个淀粉同工酶的功能,这有助于我们更深入地了解禾谷类淀粉直链、支链的合成与分布。在对禾谷类淀粉合成进行遗传分析的基础上,提出了脱分支酶作用模型。以水稻全基因组序列草图为背景,本文首次全面分析了禾谷类作物的淀粉合成。  相似文献   

淀粉合酶是禾谷类作物淀粉合成所必需的一类酶.根据淀粉合酶家族成员的氨基酸序列的相似性,分别介绍了一个颗粒性淀粉合酶亚家族和四个可溶淀粉合酶亚家族的组成、基因结构和表达特点,并从转录、转录后和翻译后水平上对这些基因的表达调控做了概述.  相似文献   

Rice ratooning, or the production of a second rice crop from stubble after the harvest of the main crop, is considered to be a green and resource-efficient rice production system. The present study was conducted to examine variance in amylose content (AC), grain morphology, crystal structure, and thermal properties of starch between main- and ratoon-season rice of seven varieties. Ratoon-season rice grains had higher ACs and significantly lower transition gelatinization temperatures (To, Tp, and Tc) than did main-season rice grains. The relative crystallinity and lamellar peak intensity of ratoon-season rice starch were 7.89% and 20.38% lower, respectively, than those of main-season rice starch. In addition, smaller granules with smoother surfaces and lower thermal parameters were observed in the starch of ratoon-season rice. The relative crystallinity and lamellar peak intensity of starch correlated negatively with the AC and positively with transition gelatinization temperatures. These results suggest that the superior cooking quality of ratoon-season rice is attributable to the moderate increase of grain AC, which reduces the relative crystallinity, weakens the crystal structure, and lead to a decrease in the gelatinization temperature.  相似文献   

Pure starches were isolated from white and red sorghum cultivated in Tidikelt, a hyper arid region situated in south Algeria. Amylose content, X-ray pattern and rheological properties of starches were examined. The amylose content in white sorghum starch (27.1%) was slightly higher than that in red sorghum (24.8%). The swelling power and the solubility behavior of both starches were nearly similar below 65 °C. At higher temperatures, starch isolated from the white sorghum cultivar showed higher swelling power and lower solubility index than pigmented sorghum starch. The pasting properties of starches determined by RVA, Rapid Visco Analyser showed different viscosity peaks. Red sorghum starch had a higher value (4731 cP) than white sorghum starch (4093 cP). For both sorghum, X-ray diffractograms exhibit an A-type diffraction pattern, typical of cereal starches and the relative degrees of crystallinity were estimated at 22.72% and 28.91%, respectively, for local white and red sorghum starch. DSC analysis revealed that sorghum starches present higher temperatures at the peak (70.60 and 72.28 °C for white and red sorghum starches, respectively) and lower gelatinization enthalpies (9.087 and 8.270 J/g for white and red sorghum starches, respectively) than other cereal starches.The results showed that physicochemical and functional properties of sorghum cultivar starches were influenced by the genotype and the environment.  相似文献   

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