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俞龙生  李志琴 《生态科学》2014,33(3):507-512
以缓冲带取样方法和群落边缘效应测度公式为基础, 尝试构建城乡交错带景观边缘效应的定量评价模型。以广州市番禺区4期景观类型图为研究数据, 基于梯度带上景观格局指数计算结果, 分别计算了不同幅度的边缘效应强度和综合边缘效应强度。研究结果表明: 边缘效应强度计算结果反映了城乡交错带在空间和时间上的景观动态特征。基于缓冲带的边缘效应评价方法, 能够从总体上判断城乡交错区的位置, 也能够反映核心区和城乡交错区的景观格局动态特征。景观格局的梯度变化分析可为城乡交错区位置的判定提供数据支持, 景观指数的幅度效应也为交错区宽度的判断提供依据。  相似文献   

森林-草原交错带夏季鸟类群落多样性特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004~2006年夏季利用样线法研究了内蒙古高原东南缘森林-草原交错带鸟类群落多样性特征及变化规律.共记录鸟类73种,隶属于13目28科56属,鸟类区系具有明显的古北界特征.鸟类群落物种数和密度年间差异不显著,α多样性随森林-草原交错带环境梯度变化而发生显著变化:在不同植被地带之间,物种数、密度、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数差异极显著、但科-属多样性差异不显著,鸟类群落α多样性各项指数表现为森林带<交错带森林草甸区>交错带草甸草原区>草原带的特征与变化趋势(DG-F为交错带草甸草原区>森林带);其中,森林草甸区是鸟类物种多样性的显著增长区,具有最高的物种数和密度,明显体现了交错区的边缘效应,草甸草原区是鸟类向草原过渡的显著变化区域、物种多样性开始显著减少.β多样性随不同植被地带逐级发生显著变化,环境差异最大的森林带-森林草甸区和草甸草原区-草原带具有最高的β多样性,物种替代速率最大;鸟类物种替代速率与环境梯度"陡度"有密切关系.鸟类优势种在各植被地带之间存在较大变化.鸟类群落的物种数、密度和物种多样性(H')与森林斑块数呈显著的正相关性,在大尺度空间上森林斑块数是影响鸟类群落多样性的最主要因素.  相似文献   

白永飞  许志信  李德新 《生态学报》2002,22(8):1215-1223
用地统计学的方法,研究比较了内蒙古高原4类地带性针茅草原群落,贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis)群落,大针茅(S.grandis)群落,克氏针茅(S.krylovii)群落和小针茅(S.kelemenzii)群落0-20cm土壤水分和碳,氮的小尺度空间异质性特征,结果表明;4类群落土壤水分,有机碳和全氮均表现出显著的小尺度空间结构特征。自相关尺度为1.91m-10.81m,结构性方差占样本方差的35.31%-99.74%。从贝加尔针茅群落到小针茅群落空间自相关的尺度逐渐增大,纹理有逐渐变粗的趋势,土壤水分,碳和氮的小尺度空间格局共同作用于群落的生态学过程,即土壤水分格局→植物种群格局(基本斑块的大小)→土壤碳空间格局→土壤氮空间格局,同时,由于生态学过程的反馈作用,土壤氮空间格局→种群格局→土壤水分格局,土壤属性空间自相关尺度的改变可能是导致群落演替的驱动力,草原退化可能与土壤异质性尺度的改变相关。  相似文献   

植物群落中物种小尺度空间结构研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
植物群落中, 物种小尺度空间结构影响着种群或群落的动态及有关的生态学过程。植物主要是和它同种或异种的邻近个体相互作用,植物个体周围的局部环境和大空间尺度下群落的平均水平是完全不同的。群落中的许多过程都影响小尺度空间结构的形成和动态,同样,局部空间结构反过来影响着植物的生长、更新和凋亡等重要过程。鉴于目前对小尺度空间结构进行的大量研究以及其重要性,有必要对其研究进展进行适当的总结,以期明确将来进一步的研究方向。该文以此为出发点,首先介绍了植物群落中物种小尺度空间结构产生的6个原因:1)生境的空间异质性;2)植物繁殖体的传播;3)植物之间的相互作用;4)生物环境(动物和微生物)的作用;5)外界干扰的作用;6)多因子综合作用。然后阐述了小尺度空间结构意义及对生物多样性、植物种群遗传学和恢复生态学研究的影响。最后对目前物种小尺度空间结构研究存在的几点问题及将来的研究方向作以下归纳:1)大尺度植被动态的研究应该整合小尺度空间结构的信息;2)不论从生物学还是生态学上来讲, 植被小尺度空间结构的研究应该把植物作为中心,确定适当的尺度和采取合理的空间统计方法;3)充分重视小尺度空间结构在退化生态系统恢复中的应用意义;4)注重从小尺度的局部格局研究入手对群落总体特征进行整合;5)植物群落动态研究中,物种小尺度空间结构与平均场假说相结合的必要性。  相似文献   

群落谱系结构是了解群落聚群过程的一个基础研究内容。但是现有大部分研究内容集中在群落组成和结构的时空差异,对谱系结构的动态变化研究较少。以浙江省清凉峰国家级自然保护区的国家二级保护植物台湾水青冈(Fagus hayatae)林为研究对象,利用2006年、2011年、2016年3次群落动态调查数据,从10、20、50m的3个空间尺度上研究该群落在10a间的谱系结构动态变化,分析时空尺度对台湾水青冈群落谱系结构的影响,探究调控台湾水青冈群落动态变化的主要因子,为后期台湾水青冈林的保护提供理论基础。研究发现(1)在10a森林动态变化过程中,群落的MPD指数下降,MNTD指数增加。NRI和NTI指数在大尺度上随时间显著增加,但在小尺度上无显著变化。(2)随着空间尺度的增加,上述指数的动态变化趋势均不断增强。以上结果表明,2006—2016年间台湾水青冈群落总体谱系结构表现出不断聚集的趋势,而近缘种的谱系关系则不断疏远;群落谱系结构的聚集趋势随空间尺度的增加而增强。大尺度上的环境过滤和小尺度上的随机过程和种间竞争作用可能是导致该地区台湾水青冈群落谱系结构动态变化的主要生态学过程。  相似文献   

干旱地区山地荒漠草原阴坡植物群落空间异质性   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
在样线调查基础上 ,以 Shannon- Wiener指数 ,群落盖度 ,DCA排序轴为区域化随机变量 ,应用半方差、分形分析等方法 ,对干旱地区山坡植物群落空间异质性进行了研究。结果表明 ,在整个山坡尺度上植被格局的空间异质性不大 ,小尺度上植被格局的空间异质性较大 ,尺度依赖性较强 ,不同群落类型的空间格局不同 ,随尺度变化的规律也不一样。严重放牧干扰强烈影响干旱山地植物群落的空间格局 ,生境中的牧道格局 ,斑块格局使山坡植物群落多样性空间异质性更加复杂 ,牧道效应是导致群落空间格局周期性振荡的重要因子。去势对应分析 (DCA)排序第一轴特征值体现了综合生态因子对群落格局作用的结果 ,DCA第二轴半方差变化包含了大量信息 ,其变化具有周期性。群落多样性空间格局强烈影响着干旱山地生态系统的各种生态学过程 ,这些作用机制有待进一步研究  相似文献   

群落如何构建足群落生态学中的重要问题.群落谱系结构研究将物种间的亲缘进化关系运用到群落生态学研究中,利用物种的系统发育状况推测历史因素对现有群落的影响,为推断影响群落组成的生态学机制提供了有效方法.群落谱系结构的研究方法是首先建立可代表群落物种库的超级系统进化树,然后计算群落内物种间的谱系距离,最后通过统计方法检测其与随机模型下的谱系距离是否有显著差异来获得谱系结构(如谱系聚集、谱系发散),从而揭示群落构建中的关键生态过程(如生境过滤、竞争作用).群落谱系结构与空间尺度、分类群尺度、时间尺度等不同研究尺度有关.在小的空间尺度下,随着分类群尺度降低、树木年龄级增大,群落谱系结构从聚集逐渐转为发散;而随群落空间尺度的增大,谱系趋向于聚集.谱系结构受到环境因素影响,因此分析集合群落下的谱系可以揭示区域生态过程的影响.另外,群落谱系结构研究还有助于探讨中性理论、密度制约假说等生态学理论,并预测干扰作用下的群落演化趋势.在利用谱系结构深入探讨群落构建成因时,需要基于生态特征和环境变量共同分析,同时考虑小尺度局域过程(群落的微环境或群落内种间相互作用等)和大尺度区域过程(地史过程和物种形成等),并可结合生态控制实验,以确认群落构建的关键因素.在研究方法和手段上,今后需要注重通过选择合适的基因片段建立系统树,然后通过生态特征来加以校正,以更准确地反映物种间的亲缘距离.另外,获得谱系树后还需要寻找更加合理的统计模型和指数,增加统计分析和解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

草地生态系统普遍经受着全球气候变化和不可持续的土地利用方式的胁迫,这些环境胁迫往往引起草地生态系统状态在多稳态间 跃变,甚至诱发灾变性跃变,直至荒漠化的发生。研究表明,植被斑块的空间构型可以指示较大空间尺度的生态系统状态跃变。本文展示了小尺度 斑块构型如何指示草地生态系统的状态跃变。在高寒草甸生态系统选取7种草甸群落类型作为研究对象,这7种类型的草甸群落 具有高寒草甸退化过程不同阶段的典型群落特征。在每一种群落类型内,采用样带方法进行植被斑块调查,沿样带采用邻接格子样方法 记录样方内的斑块数量、斑块周长和斑块面积,并测定了每个斑块内的物种多度。研究结果表明,沿着草甸退化阶段七种 类型的草甸群落(即未退化的禾草-嵩草群落、轻度退化的高山嵩草-禾草群落、中度退化的高山嵩草群落、重度退化草皮开裂的高 山嵩草群落、侵蚀期的高山嵩草-杂草群落、严重侵蚀期的杂草-高山嵩草群落、零星杂草的黑土滩裸地),斑块数量和斑块周长随斑块面积的下降呈现先增加的变化趋势,而后,随斑块面积的急剧降低呈下降的趋势。斑块数量、周长与面积关系变化的拐点出现在植被总面积约占68%的状态处。在这一拐点附近,斑块上的植物组成呈现出高山嵩草或杂草占优势两种状态往复波动的不稳定状态,表明草地状态处于向荒漠化裸地跃变的边缘。本研究展示了如何基于小尺度植被斑块空间构型为草地退化、状态跃变提供数量化的早期预警信号,有望为嵩草草甸退化至黑土滩裸地的早期预警提供判定指标。  相似文献   

以南京市为研究区,基于ArcGIS、Erdas、GuidosToolbox和Conefor等软件平台,采用形态学空间格局分析(MSPA)和景观连通性分析方法,通过在MSPA中设置不同的粒度、边缘宽度和在景观连通性分析中设置不同的扩散距离阈值,对2013年南京市绿色基础设施网络格局变化的尺度效应、边缘效应与距离效应进行评价.结果表明: 基于MSPA获取的景观类型构成存在明显的尺度效应和边缘效应,且边缘效应对MSPA景观类型的影响较尺度效应更为明显.不同扩散距离对景观连通性的影响很大,对于南京市来说,2 km或2.5 km是关键的扩散距离阈值.当输入数据选择粒度30 m、边缘宽度30 m时,可以得到南京市城市绿色基础设施(UGI)网络更为详尽的景观信息.基于MSPA与景观连通性方法,分析尺度效应、边缘效应、距离效应对研究区UGI网络景观类型的影响,有助于选择合适的粒度、边缘宽度及扩散距离,并更好地理解UGI网络的空间格局和与生态过程相关的尺度效应和距离效应,从而使得UGI网络时空格局变化分析时的参数设置更为科学合理.研究结果可为中尺度范围内UGI景观网络时空格局分析时的参数设置提供重要的参考和依据,对其他地区UGI景观网络的分析也具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

植物种子大小与幼苗生长策略研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
种子大小和幼苗更新对策是植物生活史策略的重要组成部分.本文从不同侧面综述了当前国内外关于种子大小和幼苗之间关系的生态学研究,包括:种子大小对萌发出土的影响,种子大小与幼苗形态生长特性之间的关系,种子大小与幼苗存活、竞争能力之间关系等,并对今后的相关研究进行了展望.在不同的微环境和植被类型下,种子大小与幼苗生长之间的关系可能有所差异;种子大小对植物幼苗生长的影响导致种子大小不同的植物对植被幼苗更新补充的贡献不同;种子大小与幼苗生活史策略关系在大尺度的群落空间水平上和小尺度的物种间与物种内的研究对于天然植被的更新恢复研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Zhou T  Peng S L 《农业工程》2008,28(7):3322-3333
Classification of spatial scales and measurement of edge effects in ecology were reviewed. The spatial scales can be classified into large scale (biome ecotone), meso-scale (ecological ecotone) and small scale (community ecotone) through the formation and maintenance of edge effects in ecology based on the synthetic analysis of published literatures. The biome ecotone is influenced by climate, regional dominant vegetation and terrain environment. The ecological ecotone is usually distributed in the transitional region with remarkable habitat heterogeneity. It connects adjacent ecosystems and affects the flow of energy and nutrient. Nowadays, study on edge effects in ecology mainly focuses on boundary sensitivity which associates with urban-rural ecotone, forest-grassland ecotone, agro-pastoral ecotone, forest-farmland ecotone, water-land ecotone and forest-swamp ecotone. As to the community ecotone which links with different patches to the interior of the community, previous studies focused on community edge, gap edge and treelines. The borderlines of different biome ecotones and the gradients of species distribution in the biome ecotones have been investigated through the method of quantitative ecology. The dynamic change, location and width of the ecological ecotone have been studied using the Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies and the landscape ecology theory. As important indicators, distance from edge, population, structure and diversity determined for establishing models can be applied to measure the intensity of edge effects and decide the positive or negative impact on communities. Although study on the edge effects in ecology was mostly reported at the meso-scale and small scale, study at large scale should be paid more attention as it is the potential value in ecology and global change fields.  相似文献   

Abstract. Several properties have been suggested to be characteristic of ecotones, but their prevalence has rarely been tested. We sampled five ecotones to seek evidence on seven generalizations that are commonly made about ecotones: vegetational sharpness, physiognomic change, occurrence of a spatial community mosaic, many exotic species, ecotonal species, spatial mass effect, and species richness higher or lower than either side of the ecotone. The ecotones were in a sequence from scattered mangroves, through salt marsh, rush‐marsh, scrub, woodland, to pasture. We developed a method to objectively define, by rapid vegetational change, the position and depth of an ecotone, identifying five ecotones. Their positions were consistent across three sampling schemes and two spatial grain sizes. One ecotone is a switch ecotone, produced by positive feedback between community and environment. Another is anthropogenic, due to clearing for agriculture. Two others are probably environmental in cause, and one may be largely a relict environmental ecotone. Sharp changes in species composition occurred. Three ecotones were associated with a change in plant physiognomy. In two, the ecotone was located just outside a woodland canopy, in the zone influenced by the canopy. Community mosaicity was evident at only one ecotone. There were few strictly ecotonal species; many species occurred more frequently within ecotones than in adjacent vegetation, but there were never significantly more ecotonal species than expected at random. There was little evidence for the spatial mass effect reducing ecotonal sharpness, or leading to higher species richness within ecotones. Species richness was higher than in the adjacent habitat in only one ecotone. It seems that supposedly characteristic ecotone features depend on the particular ecological situation, and the ecology of the species present, rather than being intrinsic properties of ecotones.  相似文献   

Abstract. Four contrasting ecotones were sampled to address three questions: (1) Are there ‘ecotonal’ species, (2) Do ecotones possess higher (or lower) species richness than the adjacent communities? and (3) Are exotic species more likely to occur in ecotones? One ecotone was edaphic, one was apparently caused by a positive‐feedback switch, one was environmental/anthropogenic and one was entirely anthropogenic. The exact position of each ecotone was established from the spatial change in ordination scores. Ecotonal species, in the sense of species mainly restricted to the ecotone at the site, were present in all four ecotones. All but one of the ecotonal species were native. The switch ecotone and the purely anthropogenic ecotone also contained native species that were significantly more frequent in the ecotone than in either adjacent community. Species richness was intermediate between that of the two adjacent communities in three of the ecotones. In the environmental/anthropogenic ecotone, species richness was higher than in adjacent communities, but not significantly so. There were appreciable numbers of exotic species in the two ecotones with anthropogenic influence, one of which had a proportion of exotic species intermediate between the two adjacent communities. Contrary to theory, the proportion of exotic species in the second ecotone was significantly lower than in either adjacent community. We conclude that all three features we examined depend on the particular ecological conditions and the ecology of the species present; they are not intrinsic properties of ecotones.  相似文献   

生态交错带及其研究进展   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
生态交错带研究对探索自然生态规律和保护环境有重要意义。近30a来,有关生态交错带的论文数平均年增57%,显示其得到了愈来愈广泛的关注。回顾了生态交错带概念的产生与发展,区分了它与边缘、生态边界层与生态过渡带等概念的异同;简述了其7个基本属性,即高生物多样性、丰富的特有种、大量外来种、频繁的物质流动、敏感的时空动态性、结构的异质性和脆弱性;总结提炼了生态交错带的基本原理和假说;综述了生态交错带的生物多样性产生机制、对全球变化的响应与反馈、生态设计与管理以及生态交错带模型发展和整合的研究进展。提出今后需要大力发展理论研究、多尺度模型转化和多因子综合分析,以完善生态交错带理论并支持生态学机理的探索。  相似文献   

长白山林区森林/沼泽交错群落的植物多样性   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本研究应用样带网格调查方法,对森林/沼泽交错区上6种群落的植物多样性状况、优势种类与分布以及交错区环境梯度进行了研究。结果表明:森林/沼泽交错区植物多样性具有沿着交错区环境梯度逐渐增高的趋势;发育成熟的交错群落具有最高的植物多样性,且高于相对应的典型森林群落。由于交错区群落存在着沼泽植物类群、森林类群以及交错区群落的优势种类群,故发育成熟的交错区群落种类较丰富,一些优势种种群数量为森林中的5倍。因为交错区的生境对于满足这些种类的生活史具有重要作用。森林/沼泽交错群落的特征与交错区环境梯度以及两个植被类型的特征密切相关。  相似文献   

Cities can be regionalized in intra-urban and peri-urban areas. The space between urban areas and adjacent systems represents an ecological transition that often acts as a semi-permeable biological filter. In this study, we assessed changes in avian community species richness, density, and composition at different peri-urban ecotones (i.e., urban-croplands, urban-grasslands, urban-shrublands) of northeastern Mexico City. Species richness was lower in the urban component of urban-grassland and urban-shrubland ecotones, while bird densities were higher in the urban components of the urban-grassland and urban-shrubland peri-urban ecotones, mainly due to the high number of urban exploiter species. However, the urban-cropland peri-urban ecotone exhibited a different pattern, with similar low bird species richness and density values between both components (urban and non-urban). A species composition analysis revealed that urban bird communities were not influenced by adjacent non-urban habitats, since the urban components of peri-urban ecotones were more similar among them than in relation to the rest of non-urban components. In summary, results of this study show that urbanization can represent an important biological filter for birds, often reducing species richness and homogenizing avian communities at local scales. As the environmental variables determining ecological processes related to the semi-permeable filter effect that urban areas pose to biodiversity might depend on urban habitats, regions, and spatial scales, further studies are needed to fully understand this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Notes on ecotone attributes and functions   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
We attempt to identify general properties of ecotones. Earlier attempts to do so encountered difficulties resulting from contradictory conceptions of ecotones. Thus, we begin with and center our discussion on a definition of ecotone. The definition is complex. It includes scaling, structural, and functional aspects. Based on this complex definition, we offer a brief review of what is an ecotone, what attributes it has, and how it influences other habitats of interest. We identify feedback as a possibly important but ignored function of ecotones. This discussion is presented in general terms which apply to a variety of ecological situations. We point out that results of an evaluation of ecotone attributes largely depends on the spatial and temporal scale at which ecotone is conceptualized and data are collected. We suggest that some of ecotone determinants scale naturally in a repeatable fashion among various aquatic systems. Finally, we point to the concentration of dynamic properties of ecotones as applied to land/water interface.  相似文献   

景观生态学研究的就是某一空间尺度范围内的景观格局与生态过程。因为景观格局与生态过程中存在的尺度多样性 ,导致尺度成为理解景观格局和生态过程相互作用的关键 ,其已经成为景观生态学的一个重要概念 ,但是由于理论和方法的限制 ,对景观生态学的尺度研究还不够 ,特别是景观格局综合性指标在不同幅度上的变化特征和效应。在 GIS与 RS技术支持下 ,采用基准分辨率为 5 m的 SPOT遥感图像作为数据源 ,对不同幅度下的城市景观多样性的空间分布格局进行了分析 ,并进一步利用半变异函数对其空间异质性进行定量描述。结论揭示 :随着空间尺度的增加 ,景观多样性程度也不断增加 ,另外多样性的空间分布格局也具有显著变化 ,由于受城市发展历史和目前城市扩展方向的影响 ,多样性在总体上是不平衡的 ,尺度越大 ,不平衡越明显 ;不同尺度下景观多样性空间格局的变化 ,与城市景观的特点和城市景观的功能息息相关 ,不过其受经济效益和社会文化效益的影响更大 ;随着尺度增加由于掩盖了更小尺度上的变异 ,导致块金效应增强 ,空间自相关部分对系统总的变异则明显下降 ;景观多样性具有尺度依赖性 ,可以说景观多样性也是尺度的函数 ,在不同的尺度上 ,结果差异显著 ,所以在景观生态学的研究中绝对不能忽略尺度对格局的影响  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and the widespread creation of habitat edges have recently stimulated interest in assessing the effects of ecotones on biodiversity. Ecotones, natural or anthropogenic, can greatly affect faunal movement, population dynamics, species interactions, and community structure. Few data exist, however, on insect community response to forest–savanna ecotones, a natural analog to anthropogenically cleared areas adjacent to forest. In this study, the abundance, total biomass, average individual biomass, and distribution of scarabaeine dung beetles were examined at a sharp tropical evergreen forest–savanna ecotone in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The abundance, total biomass, and average individual biomass of dung beetles varied significantly across the forest, edge, and savanna habitats. Species richness (Sobs) also varied significantly across the three habitats, but statistical estimations of true species richness (Sest) did not. Habitat specificity of the dung beetles in this study was extremely high. Of the 50 most common species collected during the study, only 2 species were collected in both the forest and savanna habitats, signaling nearly complete community turnover in just a few meters. Strong edge effects were evidenced by the decline in abundance, total biomass, and species richness at the forest‐savanna boundary.  相似文献   

栖息地破碎化与鸟类生存   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邓文洪 《生态学报》2009,29(6):3181-3187
栖息地破碎化给野生动物带来的不良后果是全球生态学家和保护生物学家共同关心的问题.自从提出栖息地破碎化是导致生物多样性丧失的关键因素之一的论点后,近20年来,栖息地破碎化研究一直是生态学和保护生物学最活跃的前沿研究领域之一.栖息地破碎化是一动态过程,可在多尺度上发生并蕴涵着复杂的空间模式变化.栖息地破碎化对鸟类的生态学效应主要体现在面积效应、隔离效应和边缘效应等.这些效应影响着鸟类的分布、基因交流、种群动态、扩散行为、种间关系和生活史特征等,最终影响着鸟类的生存.介绍和总结了栖息地破碎化过程、研究的理论依据及栖息地破碎化对鸟类生存产生的诸多影响.  相似文献   

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