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贵州中三叠世长颈龙属(原龙目:长颈龙科)一幼年个体   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
记述了贵州兴义法郎组竹杆坡段(中三叠世拉丁期)长颈龙属未定种(Tanystropheus sp.)一幼年个体的不完整骨架。这是该属在欧洲和中东以外的首次发现。新材料仅保存部分颈椎、躯干和前肢。根据特殊的颈椎形态将该标本归入长颈龙属,而区别于另一种长颈的海生原龙类———东方恐头龙(Dinocephalosaurus orientalis)。新标本的腕骨形态简单,骨化程度弱,表明长颈龙是终生水生的动物。“长颈、长颈肋”见于多种不同海生爬行动物(如原龙类、初龙类),它们很可能都以“吞吸”的方式捕食。长颈龙化石在我国的发现进一步验证了中国南方三叠纪海生爬行动物群与欧洲西特提斯动物群(western Tethyan fauna)之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

记述了贵州兴义法郎组竹杆坡段(中三叠世拉丁期)长颈龙属未定种(Tanystropheus sp.)一幼年个体的不完整骨架。这是该属在欧洲和中东以外的首次发现。新材料仅保存部分颈椎、躯干和前肢。根据特殊的颈椎形态将该标本归入长颈龙属,而区别于另一种长颈的海生原龙类——东方恐头龙(Dinocephalosaurus orientalis)。新标本的腕骨形态简单,骨化程度弱,表明长颈龙是终生水生的动物。“长颈、长颈肋”见于多种不同海生爬行动物(如原龙类、初龙类),它们很可能都以“吞吸”的方式捕食。长颈龙化石在我国的发现进一步验证了中国南方三叠纪海生爬行动物群与欧洲西特提斯动物群(western Tethyan fauna)之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

中国三叠纪海生爬行类综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
三叠纪海生爬行类化石广泛分布于中国南方的安徽、湖北、贵州、云南、广西和西藏。它们不仅包括有世界性分布的鱼龙类、鳍龙类、海龙类、原龙类等,而且还有仅出现于扬子海区的湖北鳄类。简单回顾了中国三叠纪海生爬行类的研究历史。根据化石的地史分布确认了自早三叠世晚期至晚三叠世早期的7个海生爬行类组合带。它们是奥伦尼克期的 Chaohu- saurus-Keichousaurus-Hupehsuchus 组合带,安尼期的 Chinchenia-Sanchiaosaurus 组合带和 Dino- cephalosaurus-Mixosaurus 组合带,拉丁期的 Dingxiaosaurus 带和 Keichousaurus-Nothosaurus 组合带,卡尼期的 Anshunsaurus-Qianichthyosaurus-Sinocyamodus 组合带和诺利期的 Himalayasaurus 带。对化石的古地理环境分析表明,中国早三叠世晚期的海生爬行类主要分布于扬子海区东部(安徽、湖北)的浅海开阔台地和局限海台地。中三叠世由于东部地区的抬升,鱼龙类和鳍龙类向西扩散,在扬子区西部(贵州、云南)辐射发展,在拉丁期达到个体数量和种类的高峰。晚三叠世卡尼期动物的数量依然很多,个体有增大的趋向,但高级分类阶元的数量减少,它们埋藏于海水相对较深的浊积岩相中。晚三叠世诺利期的化石发现于西藏的定日和聂拉木,这是中国惟一属于冈瓦那特提斯区的三叠纪海生爬行类组合带,仅含大型的鱼龙类。受动物的生存环境和埋藏条件的影响,中国三叠纪海生爬行类化石记录并不完整。目前尚有相当数量的化石未经研究,已记述的化石也需要在研究程度上进一步深化。  相似文献   

贵州普安青山至新店一带发育有与盘县新民羊件地区相似的中三叠统关岭组地层和海生爬行动物组合。基于贵州普安新店关岭组上部一件完整保存的混鱼龙骨架标本的修理和系统研究,识别并描述了一个混鱼龙的新种——新店混鱼龙(Mixosaurus xindianensis sp. nov.)。结合三叠纪已知鱼龙类化石属种性状的支序分析,比较和讨论了新种与其它已知混鱼龙属种的异同,指出新种兼具以往在欧洲圣乔治山和北美内华达地区中三叠世地层中发现的M.cornalianus和M.callawayi的特征。  相似文献   

贵州盘县中三叠统混鱼龙类化石的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
记述贵州省盘县新民乡羊圈村中三叠统关岭组上段的混鱼龙3种,其中有一新种:Mixosaurus mao-taiensis Young,1965,emend.nov.,Mixosaurus cornalianus(Bassani),1886和Mixosaurus yangjuanensis sp.nov.。与混鱼龙类化石同层产出的有真颌鱼类和龙鱼类化石,真颌鱼类的特征比意大利和瑞士边界地区安尼-拉丁期和拉丁期早期普罗山头组(Prosanto Formation)所产的始真颌鱼Eoeugnathus进步,混鱼龙新种也比意-瑞边界地区安尼-拉丁期过渡期的混鱼龙进步。因此,我们推测当前混鱼龙类化石的层位可能包括从下安尼阶上部到拉丁阶下部的一段地层,不是简单的一个化石层,此问题尚待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

贵州关岭上三叠统的楯齿龙类化石   总被引:29,自引:8,他引:21  
记述的新铺中国豆齿龙(Sinocyamodus xinpuensis gen. et sp. nov.)代表了齿龙目的一新属。这是齿龙类化石在我国的首次发现,也是这类特殊的海生爬行动物在欧洲、北非和中东以外地区的首次记录。标本产自贵州关岭晚三叠世瓦窑组一段的泥晶灰岩中,与鱼龙类、幻龙类及海龙类等多种海生爬行类同时产出。这一化石组合表明,贵州关岭三叠纪海生爬行动物群的性质与西特提斯动物群(wstern-Tethyan fauna)的性质极为相似,这两个地区在晚三叠世早期有广泛的动物交流。  相似文献   

广西武鸣产出广西地区迄今唯一一件三叠纪海生爬行动物化石——东方广西龙(Kwangsisaurus orientalis)。受限于20世纪50年代研究条件,有关该化石产出地点、地层层位和时代信息一直比较模糊,对后人阐述中国三叠纪海生爬行动物演化过程及探究鳍龙类在华南的古地理迁移历史造成了一定阻碍。本文从岩石地层学和生物地层学入手,结合高精度同位素年代学定年结果,对武鸣地区早、中三叠世地层进行了综合分析,着重研究了含东方广西龙地层的岩性组合、生物群面貌及地层时代。东方广西龙产于板纳组薄层泥晶灰岩中,伴生有丰富的菊石化石,所属地层时代为中三叠世安尼期。对含东方广西龙地层上部层状凝灰岩中具有岩浆韵律的锆石进行了SIMS原位U-Pb年代学测试,获得了(244.2±0.7)Ma的绝对年龄值,时代相当于安尼期中晚期。东方广西龙时代的厘定排除了鳍龙类早三叠纪世晚期在下扬子区和右江盆地同时出现的原有结论,同时同位素年代学新证据证实广西武鸣海生爬行动物化石与贵州盘县海生爬行动物群基本同期,表明了鳍龙类在华南东部起源后在三叠纪中期向西南地区辐射扩散范围的广阔性和适应环境的多样性。  相似文献   

关岭及相关生物群沉积与生态环境的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据近年来对黔东南至滇东关岭、兴义、贞丰和罗平等地中一晚三叠世含海生爬行动物骨架和(或)深水海百合黑色岩系(通常所称黑色页岩)化石库的研究,现将该区岩石地层单位划分.以及这些黑色岩系化石库生物组合特征、时代、分布、沉积和古地理环境概括如下:1)在关岭-兴义地区中-晚三叠世(安尼期、拉丁期和早卡尼期)地层中,至少夹有3层、甚至4层含海生爬行动物的黑色岩系化石库(或黑色"页岩"化石库),自下而上产盘县生物群、兴义生物群和关岭生物群.云南罗平地区中三叠统关岭组中新发现的"罗平生物群"与盘县生物群层位大致相当.贞丰龙场赖石科组上部新挖掘出的30m厚产创口海百合、双壳类及菊石的黑色岩系,应该是研究地区最高层位的海相三叠纪黑色岩系,时代似属晚三叠世早卡尼期晚期;2)推测这些含海生爬行动物骨架的黑色岩系化石库是在印支造山运动影响下,伴随南盘江前陆盆地隆升和闭合,在扬子克拉通台地边缘所形成的一个或几个边缘凹陷、或边缘盆地之中形成的,这些凹陷或盆地形成之初,表层水充氧,且具有很好的食物链结构,有利于各类海生生物生活;后来的海平面上升至最大海泛期,以及由此引起缺氧和含硫化氢水位的上升,导致这些凹陷逐渐变成安静、滞流的死亡之海和黑色岩系化石库;3)关岭生物群产于晚三叠世卡尼期早期小凹组下段上部黑色岩系之中,是一个典型的在滞流、缺氧且海底没有食腐动物边缘局限盆地中所形成的黑色页岩化石库,以产大量海生爬行动物和深水假浮游海百合为特征,此外还有个别的两栖类和原始龟类发现;4)产于竹杆坡组近底部黑色岩系中的兴义生物群,以产大量肿肋龙类为特点,尤以个体较小的贵州龙最为常见,共生的还有多种鱼类化石,在生物组合和产出层位上,可与阿尔卑斯南部Meride灰岩所夹黑色含沥青页岩化石库对比,时代似应归属拉丁期早或中期;大量米虾在竹杆坡组近底部含贵州龙层的发现.推测兴义生物群可能形成于台地边缘早期并不缺氧,且具有理想食物链结构的浅水、超盐的凹陷或盆地之中.由于存在浮游生物-虾-贵州龙-欧龙-虾-浮游生物所组成的生态组合和食物链结构,从而为解释以肿肋龙类为代表的兴义生物群的繁衍和多生提供了依据;接踵而来的沉积速率下降和缺氧水位的上升,以及间歇性火山作用,导致该特有生态体系的崩溃和化石库的形成.根据对贞丰挽澜竹杆坡组底部首次发现的棘皮动物的化石库的研究,指出该化石库系由海星、细小蛇尾、底栖海百合茎、海胆和海参等5类棘皮动物化石和含贵州龙骨架碎片组成,其下为8m厚夹有薄层的骨层的凝缩层沉积,后者位于硬底之上.此种沉积和埋藏模式与德国上壳灰岩早拉丁期的棘皮动物化石库类似,是在近岸海水不太浅的内陆棚的环境下,由于风暴潮作用所形成的化石库,他们与在滞流、缺氧海底、通过化石聚集所形成的化石库是不同的;5)产盘县生物群的黑色岩系化石库主要见于盘县羊件和普安青山中三叠世(安尼期)关岭组中,与云南罗平地区的"罗平生物群"在层位及生物组合上大致相当,均以含大量混鱼龙、幻龙和欧龙.以及鱼类为特点,共生的还有大量节肢动物.所不同的是后者由于靠近滨岸,故而出现大量幼年期的鱼类以及虾类和鲎类化石,推测他们形成于靠近古陆或滨岸的台缘浅水表层充氧的正常、且有时超盐的凹陷之中,时代上早于阿尔卑斯南部安尼期/拉丁期比塞娄组;其集群死亡除因后期盆地滞流、缺氧外,可能还与风暴和火山作用有关.  相似文献   

中国三叠纪海生爬行动物化石研究的回顾与进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国三叠纪海生爬行动物化石研究始于20世纪50年代,近10年来取得了重要的进展。此类化石在华南分布广泛,已见于多个省区的十余处地点,涉及自下三叠统奥伦尼克阶至上三叠统诺利阶的至少7个层位,并显示出由东向西产出层位逐渐升高的趋势。我国的三叠纪海生爬行动物化石门类齐全,属种丰富,已知类群包括鱼龙类、海龙类、檐齿龙类、始鳍龙类、原龙类、初龙类和湖北鳄类,显示出典型的西特提斯动物群特征,同时也体现了与东太平洋动物群的某些联系,以及一定的地方色彩。这些化石为研究三叠纪海生爬行动物各个类群的起源、演化和绝灭以及海洋环境的变迁提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

盘县新民乡羊圈村及其邻区关岭组上段产出两种混鱼龙:Mixosaurus panxianensis Jiang et al.,2006和Phalarodon cf.P.fraasi Merriam,1910.含混鱼龙类化石层时代应为中三叠世安尼期Pelsonian亚期."Mixosaurus yangjuanensis Liu and Yin,2008"命名所依据的正模标本无关键的头骨特征,选取的头后骨骼做鉴定特征对混鱼龙类种一级分类无意义,鉴定特征所依据的基本骨块存在鉴定错误;"Mixosaurus maotaiensis"的厘定应无效;盘县动物群中无Mixosaurus cornalianus出现.  相似文献   

The late Ladinian (Middle Triassic) Xingyi Fauna from the Zhuganpo Member of the Falang Formation yields abundant and well-preserved marine reptiles. Bed-by-bed excavation at Wusha in Xingyi of Guizhou Province reveals two marine vertebrate assemblages in a fossiliferous horizons that span 5.1 m in total thickness. The lower assemblage is marked by the near-shore sauropterygians, including the pachypleurosaur Keichousaurus, the nothosaurians Nothosaurus and Lariosaurus, with a strong paleobiogeographic affinity to western Tethys. The upper assemblage consists of oceanic ichthyosaurs and pistosaurs, including the large shastasaurid ichthyosaur Guizhouichthyosaurus, the euichthyosaur Qianichthyosaurus, pistosaurs Yunguisaurus and Wangosaurus, and the thalattosaur Xinpusaurus, with a closer paleobiogeographic affinity to North America. The coastal pachypleurosaur and nothosaurid sauropterygians disappeared in the upper assemblage, suggesting that they were replaced by an oceanic marine reptile community that emerged. The reptilian composition of the upper assemblage is similar to that of the Guanling Biota, which is of the Early Carnian (Late Triassic) in age and thus somewhat younger than the Xingyi Fauna. The ecological turnover of marine reptiles from near-shore to the open ocean community corresponds to the paleoenvironmental changes indicated by lithofacies analysis, δ13C and the global sea level changes.  相似文献   

Eriksson, M.E., Lindgren, J., Chin, K. & Månsby, U. 2011: Coprolite morphotypes from the Upper Cretaceous of Sweden: novel views on an ancient ecosystem and implications for coprolite taphonomy. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 455–468. Coprolites (fossilized faeces) are common, yet previously unreported, elements in the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) shallow‐marine strata of Åsen, southern Sweden. They are associated with a diverse vertebrate fauna and comprise at least seven different morphotypes that suggest a variety of source animals. Their faecal origin is corroborated by several lines of evidence, including chemical composition (primarily calcium phosphate), external morphology and nature of the inclusions. Preservation in a fossil coquina, interpreted as a taphocoenosis, suggests early lithification promoted by rapid entombment. This would have prevented disintegration of the faecal matter and facilitated transportation and introduction to the host sediment. The coprofabrics can generally be correlated to specific gross morphologies, supporting a morphology‐determined coprolite classification. Moreover, having been deposited under presumably comparable taphonomic conditions, variations in coprofabrics infer differences in diet and/or digestive efficiency of the host animal. Size and morphology of the coprolites imply that most, if not all, were produced by vertebrates and the largest specimens infer a host animal of considerable size. Two spiralled coprolite morphotypes yield bone fragments and scales of bony fish, suggesting that the producers were piscivorous sharks. Other coprolites contain inclusions interpreted as the remains of shelled invertebrates, thus indicating that they may have derived from durophagous predators and/or scavengers. The occurrence of small scrapes, tracks and traces on several specimens suggest manipulation of the faeces by other (presumably coprophagous) organisms after deposition. The collective data from the Åsen coprolites provide new insights into a shallow‐water Late Cretaceous marine ecosystem hitherto known solely from body fossils. □ Coprolites, vertebrates, coprofabrics, taphonomy, trophic levels, Upper Cretaceous, Sweden.  相似文献   

Multiple, small, cylindrical scroll coprolites having rounded and tapering ends and pertaining to a new ichnotaxon have been recovered from the Upper Triassic Tiki Formation of India. This is the first record of scroll coprolites from the Mesozoic. Based on cross‐sectional geometry, external surface textures, and internal morphology, these coprolites are subdivided into three morphotypes. The coprolites contain several kinds of undigested food material in the form of ganoid fish scales, teeth, lower jaw and skeletal remains of various osteichthyans, chondrichthyans, archosauriforms and indeterminate reptiles. These inclusions are embedded in the groundmass separated by thin mucosal layers. The groundmass contains abundant gas vesicles, and secondarily‐filled shrinkage cracks. EDS analysis shows that the overall composition of the coprolites reflects Ca, P, C and O, suggesting calcium phosphate mineralogy, though other elements such as Fe, Mn, Al, Si are present in lesser proportions. Based on their similarity with the scrolled faeces of extant euryhaline hammerhead sharks, it is deduced that these coprolites were produced by euryhaline hybodontid sharks. At least two hybodontid taxa, Lonchidion and Pristrisodus, show high prevalence in the Tiki vertebrate fauna, suggesting that these were the possible producers. As the coprolite inclusions contain remains of other aquatic animals, these carnivorous hybodonts constituted the dominant predators of the Tiki aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

A total of 462 coprolites from three localities exposing Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Münster Basin, northwestern Germany, have been subjected to an array of analytical techniques, with the aim of elucidating ancient trophic structures and predator–prey interactions. The phosphatic composition, frequent bone inclusions, size and morphology collectively suggest that most, if not all, coprolites were produced by carnivorous (predatory or scavenging) vertebrates. The bone inclusions further indicate that the coprolite producers preyed principally upon fish. Putative host animals include bony fish, sharks and marine reptiles – all of which have been previously recorded from the Münster Basin. The presence of borings and other traces on several coprolites implies handling by coprophagous organisms. Remains of epibionts are also common, most of which have been identified as the encrusting bivalve Atreta. Palynological analyses of both the coprolites and host rocks reveal a sparse assemblage dominated by typical Late Cretaceous dinoflagellates, and with sub‐ordinate fern spores, conifer pollen grains and angiosperm pollen grains. The dinoflagellate key taxon Exochosphaeridium cenomaniense corroborates a Cenomanian age for the Plenus Marl, from which most studied coprolites derive. The findings of this study highlight the potential of a multi‐proxy approach when it comes to unravelling the origin, composition and importance of coprolites in palaeoecosystem analyses.  相似文献   

The Eocene Nanjemoy Formation crops out on the Maryland and Virginia Coastal Plain, along the eastern coast of the United States. This formation is composed of sands, silts and clays and is divided into the Potapaco and Woodstock members. Remains of fishes, reptiles, birds, mammals, molluscs, fruits and seeds are common in the Potapaco Member, in addition to vertebrate coprolites. Here, we present an analysis of more than 2000 coprolites from the Fisher/Sullivan Site in Virginia. The chemical composition (phosphatic) and the type of inclusions (fish bones) indicate that only scats of carnivorous animals were preserved. The analysed specimens were grouped into six morphotypes: (1) the cylindrical morphotype is a cylinder with rounded ends; (2) the segmented morphotype is a cylinder segmented with rounded ends, and occasionally one end is concave; (3) the oval morphotype represents a bean‐shaped coprolite; (4) the scroll morphotype is cylindrical to conical in lateral view and has coils seen only at the ends; (5) the folded morphotype is a spiral that is concentrically folded; and (6) the sinuous morphotype is serpentine, with rounded ends. Coprophagy‐related scrape traces occur in different morphotypes and represent both invertebrate burrows and bite traces made by fishes. The mineralogical and chemical analyses indicate an early precipitation of phosphate and pyrite minerals, probably induced by the microbial community. All coprolites at the Fisher/Sullivan Site were produced by fishes: carcharhiniform sharks for the scroll morphotype and lamniform sharks, probably the genus Carcharias, for the folded morphotype; the oval, cylindrical and segmented morphotypes were likely produced by actinopterygian fishes.  相似文献   

Coprolites (fossil faeces) provide direct evidence on the diet of its producer and unique insights on ancient food webs and ecosystems. We describe the contents of seven coprolites, collected from the Late Permian Vyazniki site of the European part of Russia. Two coprolite morphotypes (A, B) contain remains of putative bacteria, cyanobacteria, fungi, protists, invertebrate eggs, arthropod elements, undigested bone and tooth fragments, fish scales and elongated hair‐like structures with hollow interiors. Content, size and shape of the coprolites together with the associated body fossil record suggest that the most probable scat‐producers were carnivorous tetrapods; the bone‐rich morphotype A reveals short food retention time and a fast metabolism and is therefore assigned to therapsid carnivores whereas morphotype B with rarer and degraded bones are assigned to archosauromorphs or other non‐therapsid carnivores. The general coprolite matrix contains abundant micron‐sized spheres and thin‐walled vesicles which are interpreted as oxide and phosphatic pseudomorphs after microbial cells. From analyses of the undigested bones, we infer that they represent remains of actinopterygian fish, a therapsid and unrecognizable parts of amphibians and/or reptiles. Additionally, hair‐like structures found in one coprolite specimen occur as diagenetically altered (oxide‐replaced) structures and moulds (or partly as pseudomorphs) in a microcrystalline carbonate‐fluoride‐bearing calcium phosphate. This suggests that the latest Permian therapsids probably were equipped with hair‐like integument or hairsuit. If true, this is by far the oldest evidence of this mammalian character in the stem group of mammals.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Coprolites from the Arcadia Formation, Queensland, Australia, were studied in conjunction with the vertebrate fossil assemblages from two localities to maximize our understanding of the palaeoecology of these Early Triassic deposits. Criteria used by other researchers to identify the producers of coprolites were found to be of little value in the Arcadia Formation specimens. Using a combination of shape, biostratigraphic distribution, size and included remains some of the coprolites are attributed to basal archosauromorphs and fish whereas others could not be identified. Perhaps the most important attribute of the Arcadia coprolites is that they preserved rare organisms such as cyanobacteria, insects and other arthropods, and a diversity of fish. Estimates of the number of actinopterygians and dipnoans preserved in coprolites significantly increased relative abundance estimates based on skeletal elements alone. Although coprolites are an important source of palaeobiological information, this information is limited by our poor understanding of the taphonomic processes involved in the fossilization of faecal matter and by the near impossibility of assigning coprolites to specific producers.  相似文献   

The Chañares Formation is known worldwide for its diverse and well‐preserved Ladinian non‐marine tetrapod assemblage, including a wide variety of archosauriform reptiles (proterochampsids, early offshoots of the crocodilian line and dinosaurian precursors) and synapsids represented by dicynodonts and cynodonts. This tetrapod record offers an opportunity to evaluate, within a taphonomic context, the palaeoecology of this Middle Triassic fauna. The taphonomic analysis of the Chañares assemblage, under precise stratigraphical control, indicates that it is a good representation of the original faunal composition allowing us to address the palaeoecological interactions between its components. Mass estimations and morphology‐based palaeobiological inferences of Chañares tetrapods are used to reconstruct the trophic structure of the community. Chañares tetrapod fauna was numerically dominated by middle‐sized herbivorous and small faunivorous cynodonts, whereas middle‐sized faunivorous cynodonts and large dicynodonts were less common. In contrast to the therapsids, which show a low species‐richness and high abundance, the archosauriforms are less abundant, but are the most taxonomically diverse group. The large paracrocodylomorphs (estimated body masses between 350 and 500 kg) are identified as the top predators of the community, and the traversodontid cynodonts and dicynodonts (estimated body masses reaching approximately 43 and 360 kg, respectively) are indentified as the base herbivores of the trophic pyramid. We conclude that the worldwide faunal composition in the Ladinian reveals two continental assemblages: an eastern Laurasian assemblage dominated by temnospondyl amphibians; and a western Gondwanan assemblage dominated by therapsids but including a wide diversity of archosauriforms.  相似文献   

The timing and nature of biotic recovery from the devastating end-Permian mass extinction (252 Ma) are much debated. New studies in South China suggest that complex marine ecosystems did not become re-established until the middle–late Anisian (Middle Triassic), much later than had been proposed by some. The recently discovered exceptionally preserved Luoping biota from the Anisian Stage of the Middle Triassic, Yunnan Province and southwest China shows this final stage of community assembly on the continental shelf. The fossil assemblage is a mixture of marine animals, including abundant lightly sclerotized arthropods, associated with fishes, marine reptiles, bivalves, gastropods, belemnoids, ammonoids, echinoderms, brachiopods, conodonts and foraminifers, as well as plants and rare arthropods from nearby land. In some ways, the Luoping biota rebuilt the framework of the pre-extinction latest Permian marine ecosystem, but it differed too in profound ways. New trophic levels were introduced, most notably among top predators in the form of the diverse marine reptiles that had no evident analogues in the Late Permian. The Luoping biota is one of the most diverse Triassic marine fossil Lagerstätten in the world, providing a new and early window on recovery and radiation of Triassic marine ecosystems some 10 Myr after the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

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