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多疣壁虎的体温调节及运动能力热依赖性   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
胡凌君  杜卫国 《动物学报》2007,53(2):227-232
本文测定了多疣壁虎(Gekko japonicus)的野外活动体温、喜好体温以及运动能力热依赖性,探讨夜行性蜥蜴的体温调节及其对动物功能表达的作用。在自然条件下,多疣壁虎的活动体温存在明显的月份间差异,但无性别和年龄间的差异。在实验室条件下,怀卵雌体(29.8℃)和幼体(29.9℃)的喜好体温显著高于非怀卵雌体(28.5℃)和雄体(28.2℃)。体温能显著影响多疣壁虎的运动能力,在15℃-34℃范围内,其平均跑速随体温上升而加快,超过34℃后则随体温升高而减慢。多疣壁虎的平均跑速及其热敏感性无显著的年龄组间差异。在夜间活动期,雄体、非怀卵雌体和幼体的体温调节有效度低,而怀卵雌体的体温调节有效度则较高。结果显示怀卵雌体的体温调节较非怀卵雌体和雄体更精确  相似文献   

脊尾白虾生理性体温调节的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
爬行类动物在升温和降温时不同的心率变化(心率滞后)是其进行生理性体温调节的重要机制.在与爬行类系统进化关系较远的甲壳类动物脊尾白虾 Exopalaemon carinicauda 的研究中发现,在升温和降温时也出现心率滞后现象,这对温度敏感的甲壳类动物的体温调节十分有利,同时对其体温调节的可能生理机制进行了讨论.  相似文献   

本文介绍了无脊椎动物,外热脊椎动物(鱼类、两栖类和爬行类)、内热脊椎动物(哺乳类和鸟类)体温调节的昼夜节律表现,列举了许多动物体温变化的资料,对教师拓宽知识面和教学参考皆有益。  相似文献   

Liu Y  Fang JD  Wen T 《中国应用生理学杂志》2002,18(2):113-113,114,178
丁香酚是中药丁香油中的主要作用成份,它具有多种复杂的药理作用,尤其在解热降温方面有显著作用.本研究室以往的电生理实验观察到,丁香酚可反转致热原作用下的PO/AH(视前区-下丘脑前部)温度敏感神经元的放电活动,说明丁香酚的解热作用是通过直接或间接地影响PO/AH神经元的放电活动而实现的.近年来,弓状核在体温调节方面的作用倍受观注.本研究室多年的研究表明,弓状核积极地参与了体温调节活动,因为毁损弓状核后大鼠体温发生明显紊乱.本实验对PO/AH与弓状核在体温调节中的作用进行比较性研究,同时观察家兔发热以及丁香酚解热时在家兔弓状核及PO/AH中PGE2和cAMP含量的变化.  相似文献   

急性热暴露大白鼠肝线粒体氧化磷酸化的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体温调节与能量代谢有密切关系。本文讨论了能量代谢中氧化磷酸化的变化与体温升高的关系。 实验方法是将体重180~230克重大白鼠随机分成六组。其中五个组在环境温度40℃、相对湿度60%的条件下进行热暴露,另一个组为常温对照组。热暴露的动物在体温分别达到预定的39、40、41、42、43℃时,剪头杀死,迅速取出肝组织,立即分离提取肝线粒体,并测定其呼吸活性、ATP酶活性、白发膨胀速度等指标。随体温的增加,呼吸控制率下降。正常体温是6.85±0.16,41℃时是6.37±0.09,42℃是5.98±0.27,43℃是5.44±0.22。呼吸态2氧耗量随体温的增加而增加。ATP酶活力也随体温的升高而增加。在正常体温时是0.104±0.008微克分子Pi/毫克蛋自/30分钟,在40、41、42、43℃时分别为0.141±0.019、0.160±0.027、0.149±0.010、0.264±0.068微克分子Pi/毫克蛋白/30分钟。 结果说明,体温升高的大白鼠肝线粒体发生了氧化磷酸化解偶联,发生解偶联显著变化的动物体温是41~42℃。发生解偶联的原因可能是由于线粒体功能发生障碍或膜损伤所致。  相似文献   

达乌尔黄鼠冬眠期间体温的变化和冬眠模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用植入式半导体温度记录元件iButton 记录了达乌尔黄鼠冬眠季节及其前后的体温,分析了其冬眠模式和体温调节特点。结果显示:1)实验室条件下,达乌尔黄鼠冬眠季节长短的个体差异较大,可以分成深冬眠型、
少冬眠型和不冬眠型三种类型;2)达乌尔黄鼠在冬季表现出深冬眠阵(最低体温Tbm in <20℃ ,冬眠阵的持续时间BD >24 h)、短冬眠阵(Tbmin < 20℃ , BD≤24h)和日眠阵(Tbmin ≥20℃ , BD≤24 h)3 种类型,最低体温分别
为2.54℃ ± 0.35℃ 、10.05℃ ± 1.97℃ 和23.09℃ ± 0.40℃ ,彼此之间差异显著。日眠阵阵间产热阶段的最高体温为38.09℃ ±0.17℃ ,高于深冬眠阵(37.31℃ ±0.15℃ )和短冬眠阵(37.22℃ ±0.31℃ ); 3)深冬眠阵和日
眠阵中最低体温均与环境温度显著相关,冬眠过程中的最低体温为-2.43℃ ;4)深冬眠过程中,多数个体可以短时(≤3 h)耐受- 2℃ ~ 0℃ 的低温,激醒或继续维持深冬眠,无致死效应,但长时间(15 h)或过度低温
(- 5℃ 以下)的条件下,深冬眠的达乌尔黄鼠被激醒(70% )或死亡(30% ),不能持续冬眠; 5)入眠前10 d体温日波动幅度显著增加,高于出眠后的日体温波动,且多数个体入眠前出现体温的“试降”。表明,冬眠前
入眠的准备阶段,动物的体温调节已开始发生变化;冬季日眠的调节机制可能与冬眠不同;短时- 2℃ ~ 0℃ 的体温对深冬眠的达乌尔黄鼠无致死效应。  相似文献   

探讨鳄蜥(Shinisaurus crocodilurus)的体温调节和静止代谢率及其热依赖性特征,测定了在自然和实验室条件下的环境温度、鳄蜥体温以及静止代谢率(RMR)等热生物学指标。结果显示:在自然条件下,鳄蜥的野外活动体温(Th)稍高于基质温度(Tc)和空气温度(Td)并与后二者呈正相关关系(Tb=11.65+0.47Tc,r^2=0.34,F1.75=39.11,P〈0.0001;Tb=11.61+0.46Td,r^2=0.56,F1.75=96.56,P〈0.0001)。鳄蜥在野外的活动体温存在明显的月份间差异,但无性别及年龄上的差异。环境温度为15℃-30℃的实验条件下,鳄蜥的静止体温(Tb)与环境温度(Ta)呈正相关关系:Tb=12.450+0.5641Ta(F1.110=11.34,r^2=0.997,P〈0.001);在缺乏温度梯度的环境中,尽管鳄蜥的体温、空气温度和基质温度都有显著的昼夜差异,但体温、空气温度和基质温度的日平均温度之间无显著差异。鳄蜥的RMR不存在雌雄个体间的差异,并与环境温度呈正相关关系。分析显示鳄蜥的体温既有行为调节也有生理调节,其体温调节及RMR符合变温动物的热生物学特征,但是相对于其他活动较多的蜥蜴而言,鳄蜥的生理调节能力较强,这可能与其活动时间分配中静栖占绝大部分的行为特点是相适应的[动物学报54(6):964-971,2008]。  相似文献   

环境温度对爪鲵体温及能量代谢的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用封闭式小动物能量代谢仪测定了爪鲵在6℃、10℃、15℃、20℃和25℃环境条件下的体温和能量代谢以及在极端环境中的耐受性,探讨环境温度对爪鲵体温及能量代谢的影响.结果表明:爪鲵体温与环境温度呈正相关,其直线回归方程为:Tb=0.6966 0.9518Ta,相关非常显著.爪鲵对极端环境温度的耐受力较弱,在32℃-35℃高温和-2℃到-6℃低温 环境中的致死体温(TbL50)分别为27.7℃±0.9165℃和2.85℃±0.1539℃.在环 境温度为6℃-25℃的范围内,爪鲵的能量代谢与环境温度呈指数回归相关,指数方程为MR=0 .7495e0.0408x,相关显著.其代谢水平随环境温度的升高而升高,不同于内热源动物的代谢特征,爪鲵的体温调节和能量代谢显示出外热源动物的特点  相似文献   

为研究中华花龟(Ocadia sinensis)幼体的热耐受性和运动表现热依赖性,设计了具有和缺乏温度梯度两种热环境,研究幼龟体温的昼夜变化。高、低温耐受性分别用临界高温和临界低温表示,体温为泄殖腔温度,水温和气温分别是幼龟所处位置的水温和1cm高气温。临界高温和临界低温分别为41.9℃和1.8℃。在有温度梯度的热环境中,体温、水温和气温平均值有显著的昼夜差异,水温和体温的日平均值无显著差异,两者均大于气温的日平均值。在缺乏温度梯度的热环境中,体温、气温和水温平均值亦有显著的昼夜差异,但气温、水温和体温的日平均温度无显著差异。温度梯度是幼龟进行体温调节不可或缺的条件,选择体温有显著的昼夜变化,最大值和最小值分别为29.2℃和25.4℃。在02:00—06:00时间段内,幼龟选择体温明显较低,其它测定时刻的选择体温无显著差异。幼龟各测定时刻的平均体温与平均气温和水温均呈正相关。处于温度梯度中幼龟特定气温的体温比处于缺乏温度梯度中的幼龟高3.7℃,这种差异是前者利用温度梯度进行体温调节的结果;处于不同热环境中幼龟特定水温的体温无显著差异。体温显著影响幼龟的运动表现。18—39℃体温范围内,疾跑速随体温增加而增加,36℃和39℃体温的幼龟疾跑速最大;体温达到41℃时,疾跑速显著下降。体温较高的幼龟的最大持续运动距离大于体温较低的幼龟。偏相关分析显示,疾跑速与最大持续运动距离和停顿次数呈显著的正相关,停顿次数与最大持续运动距离呈负相关。  相似文献   

Laboratory studies suggest that hot flashes are triggered by small elevations in core body temperature acting within a reduced thermoneutral zone, i.e., the temperature range in which a woman neither shivers nor sweats. In the present study, it was hypothesized that women in different populations develop climate-specific thermoneutral zones, and ultimately, population-specific frequencies of hot flashes at menopause. Correlations were predicted between hot flash frequencies and latitude, elevation, and annual temperatures. Data on hot flash frequencies were drawn from 54 studies. Pearson correlation analyses and simple linear regressions were applied, first using all studies, and second using a subset of studies that included participants only to age 60 (n = 36). Regressions were repeated with all studies, controlling for method of hot flash assessment. When analyses were restricted to studies that included women up to age 60, average temperature of the coldest month was a significant predictor of hot flash frequency (P < 0.01), explaining 29.2% of the variation in hot flash frequency. In a separate equation, the difference between hottest and coldest temperatures was also a significant predictor (P < 0.01), explaining 26.4% of the variation in hot flash frequency. When regressions used all studies but controlled for method of hot flash assessment, average temperature of the coldest month, difference between hottest and coldest temperatures, and mean annual temperature were significant predictors of hot flash frequency. Women reported fewer hot flashes in warmer temperatures, and more hot flashes with increasing seasonality. These results suggest that acclimatization to coldest temperatures or sensitivity to seasonality may explain part of the population variation in hot flash frequency.  相似文献   

While most healthy women report that the menopausal transition is nondistressing, a subset of women does report that symptoms significantly interfere in their lives. The most common reason that women seek treatment during this time is for vasomotor symptoms, namely, hot flashes and night sweats. Research has suggested that reports of distress during flashing are only weakly related to more objective measures of the flash, including duration and frequency and that differences in treatment-seeking during the menopausal transition may be better accounted for by differences in symptom awareness mediated by a variety of personality and stress factors. This paper discusses hot flashes and night sweats from a cognitive-behavioral perspective, taking into account individual difference variables that may also affect the experience of menopausal symptoms.Terms such as menopause, menopausal transition, perimenopause and postmenopause have been used interchangeably with determination of reproductive status based primarily on age and symptoms. The Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop (STRAW; Soules et al., 2001) set out to provide a better 7-level staging system to describe midlife reproductive status in healthy women. The new staging system takes into account menstrual cyclicity, endocrine changes, fertility, signs/symptoms in other organs, and uterine/ovarian anatomy. The staging system is anchored around the permanent cessation of menses (final menstrual period; FMP), with stages –5 to –3 characterizing the early, peak, and late reproductive period, –2 and –1 representing the early and late menopausal transition and +1 and +2 indicating postmenopause. Vasomotor symptoms are the most common and tend to increase in intensity in stages –1 and +1.  相似文献   

Primary presenile dementia slows the major positive component of the visual evoked potential to flash stimulation but does not affect the visual evoked potential to patterned stimulation. The progressive effect of Alzheimer''s disease was followed in a 58 year old woman over three and a half years from the development of the earliest symptoms to complete mental incapacity. The pattern reversal visual evoked potential remained normal, but the flash visual evoked potential gradually slowed from 129 ms in 1981 to 153 ms in 1984. The severity of the abnormality of the flash visual evoked potential thus reflected the severity of the dementia. Electroencephalography, computed tomography, and psychometric tests indicated generalised cortical disease, but the results were not specific to dementia. The combination of a slowed flash and normal pattern visual evoked potential seems to be specific to Alzheimer''s disease and supports the use of flash and pattern visual evoked potentials in routine diagnostic testing for this condition.  相似文献   

Body temperatures during hot flashes were measured in a menopausal woman. Internal temperatures fell after each flash; lowest: rectal, 35.6 degrees C; vaginal, 35.6 degrees C; tympanic, 35.2 degrees C. Where sweating occurred, the skin temperature fell during the flash and rose after it. Finger and toe temperatures always showed a sharp rise at the onset of a flash with a slower fall after the flash. Only the cheeks showed additional temperature rises; maximum, 0.7 degrees C. The heart accelerated 13% at the onset of the flash but slowed immediately thereafter. The flash interval was sharply demarcated by undulations in the ECG baseline. There was never any premonitory sign of the imminence of a flash. A central excitatory state seemed to build up, perhaps by the accumulation of a chemical compound, but not of heat, which was explosively dischargedmthe thermal distress was probably evoked by vascular warming in the cheeks. Dabbing the malar prominences with cold water brought prompt relief.  相似文献   

Under present climate conditions, Ips typographus (L.) is Europe's most critical disturbance agent for mature Norway spruce (Picea abies). With ongoing climate change, the bark beetle will most probably become more prominent as a pest. The aim of this study was to analyse the dispersal performance of I. typographus under various weather conditions, especially hot days with a maximum air temperature above 30°C. In a field study, marked bark beetles were released from breeding logs and could be retraced in traps distributed across the survey area. With daily collections of the trapped beetles, it was possible to analyse the flight activity and the average flight distance of the bark beetles during hot, moderate and cool days. The numbers of daily catches and the average flight distance during the hottest days (air temperature maximum ≥30°C) did not significantly differ from the moderate days (air temperature maximum ≥22°C and <30°C). The numbers of daily catches and the average flight distance during the cool days (air temperature maximum <22°C) were significantly lower than during hot and moderate days. The results give an insight on the dispersal capacity of I. typographus under climate change driven future conditions. Increased air temperatures do not seem to impair the flight performance of I. typographus. A small proportion of cool days during the swarming period even seems to favour dispersal of I. typographus.  相似文献   

Hormonal compounds play an important role in the treatment of breast cancer. Their side effects may lead to suspension of therapy and consequently to the failure of the expected effect. Common and the same way most prevalent side effects of hormonal compounds are the menopausal complaints which can alter quality of life significantly. The early recognition and treatment of menopausal complaints and symptoms help to reach therapeutic success. In general, of menopausal related complaints the role of hot flash, atrophic vaginitis and sexual dysfunction is emphasized. Within the topic, it is possible to mention some musculo-skeletal complaints according to their similar etiology, the failure of estrogen effect. In the treatment of hot flash non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic methods can be distinguished. Based on meta-analyses anti-depressants, some anti-convulsants and clonidine proved to be effective. Musculo-skeletal complaints explained by the lack of estrogen effect do not cause permanent impairment but may indicate greater efficacy of endocrine treatment. In the context of osteoporosis it is important to emphasize prevention. The main goal of endocrine therapies is to ameliorate remission rate or survival, but we should not forget to treat side effects which can influence quality of life.  相似文献   

A double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study on the effects of 40~mg/d isoflavone supplements was carried out by 58 climacteric Japanese women. A questionnaire and an interview concerning climacteric symptoms, health status, dietary and exercise habit, and medical history were carried out, and the physical check-up and biochemical tests including sex-hormone analysis were made at baseline and after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment. Urinary isoflavones were separately measured from the frozen samples. Isoflavone treatment did not cause any adverse effects on anthropometric measures or blood chemistry. Urinary deoxypyridinoline, a marker of bone resorption decreased significantly with isoflavone treatment. This tendency was remarkable among equol producers. Plasma osteocalcin and bone mineral density did not change by the four-weeks treatment. As for climacteric symptoms, hot flash decreased significantly. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure of hypertensive participants decreased significantly after isoflavone treatment compared with baseline and the placebo treatment. Isoflavone supplementation offers benefits to reduce effectively on bone resorption enhanced by menopause. The treatment also showed an improvement of climacteric hot flash and hypertension. Equol producers showed better results.  相似文献   

A camera unit suitable for most medical photographic purposes is described. The unit comprises a single-lens reflex camera, an electronic flash unit and supplementary lenses. Simple instructions for use of th''s basic unit are presented. The unit is entirely suitable for taking fine-quality photographs of most medical subjects by persons who have had little photographic training.  相似文献   



Central administration of γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) induces lower body temperature in animals in hot ambient air. However, it is still unknown whether oral GABA administration affects temperature regulation at rest in a hot environment in humans. Therefore, in the present study, we specifically hypothesized that systemic administration of GABA in humans would induce hypothermia in a hot environment and that this response would be observed in association with decreased heat production.


Eight male participants drank a 200-ml sports drink with 1 g of GABA (trial G) or without GABA (trial C), then rested for 30 minutes in a sitting position in a hot environment (ambient air temperature 33°C, relative humidity 50%).


We found that changes in esophageal temperature from before drinking the sports drink were lower in trial G than in trial C (-0.046 ± 0.079°C vs 0.001 ± 0.063°C; P < 0.05), with lower heat production calculated by oxygen consumption (41 ± 5 W/m2 vs 47 ± 8 W/m2; P < 0.05).


In this study, we have demonstrated that a single oral administration of GABA induced a larger decrease in body core temperature compared to a control condition during rest in a hot environment and that this response was concomitant with a decrease in total heat production.  相似文献   

Monitoring an individual's thermic state in the workplace requires reliable feedback of their core temperature. However, core temperature measurement technology is expensive, invasive and often impractical in operational environments, warranting investigation of surrogate measures which could be used to predict core temperature. This study examines an alternative measure of an individual's thermic state, thermal sensation, which presents a more manageable and practical solution for Australian firefighters operating on the fireground. Across three environmental conditions (cold, warm, hot & humid), 49 Australian volunteer firefighters performed a 20-min fire suppression activity, immediately followed by 20 min of active cooling using hand and forearm immersion techniques. Core temperature (Tc) and thermal sensation (TS) were measured across the rehabilitation period at five minute intervals. Despite the decline in Tc and TS throughout the rehabilitation period, there was little similarity in the magnitude or rate of decline between each measure in any of the ambient conditions. Moderate to strong correlations existed between Tc and TS in the cool (0.41, p<0.05) and hot & humid (0.57, p<0.05) conditions, however this was resultant in strong correlation during the earlier stages of rehabilitation (first five minutes), which were not evident in the latter stages. Linear regression revealed TS to be a poor predictor of Tc in all conditions (SEE=0.45–0.54 °C) with a strong trend for TS to over-predict Tc (77–80% of the time). There is minimal evidence to suggest that ratings of thermal sensation, which represent a psychophysical assessment of an individual's thermal comfort, are an accurate reflection of the response of an individual's core temperature. Ratings of thermal sensation can be highly variable amongst individuals, likely moderated by local skin temperature. In account of these findings, fire managers require a more reliable source of information to guide decisions of heat stress management.  相似文献   

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