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西双版纳勐宋轮歇演替区鸟类多样性及食果鸟研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
结合退耕还林、生态保护和山区经济持续发展的需要,在西双版纳勐宋轮歇休闲自然演替林地、传统保护使林地和原始自然林地等3类8种生境中,采用样方法并辅以挂网捕鸟法,研究了鸟类的多样性、食果鸟类及其与森林动态的关系。结果表明:①随着轮歇休闲时间递增和植被层次增加,鸟类多样性增加,鸟类群落逐渐复杂化;②鸟类多样性H、Hmax和J等参数变化情况在干季和雨季类似;③食果传播植物种子的鸟类沟通了各林地之间的联系,它们的活动对植被的演替和扩展至关重要。讨论分析认为,鸟类多样性与生境植被结构相互作用,协同发展;在退耕还林工作中要重视食果类及其生态功能的作用,注意保护原始森林和鸟类物种,利用和促进食果鸟类的自然生态功能。  相似文献   

西双版纳山黄麻林鸟类群落结构及功能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山黄麻 (Tremaorientalis)林是西双版纳热带森林次生演替的初级阶段 ,鸟类与山黄麻林的相互关系对森林更新和生物多样性保护有重要意义。我们采用样带观测法 ,在山黄麻林内设 10条观测带 (各带 10 0m长 ,10m宽 ,合计面积 1hm2 )观测记录鸟类 ,网捕鸟类了解摄食情况。观测到的鸟类隶属 7个营养生态位集团 ,涉及 11科、2 4属、4 5种 ;这些鸟类除 5种主要以虫为食 ,4种主要吃草籽外 ,绝大多数都摄食山黄麻果实 ,因而山黄麻果实大量成熟期鸟类较多。山黄麻林鸟类群落的季节动态与山黄麻物候关系密切 ,随山黄麻林的花果量而变动 ,鸟类集中在果熟的山黄麻树上摄食 ,在山黄麻果熟的高峰期 ,鸟类群落呈现出种群数量丰富 ,多样性高而均匀度低的分布格局。 36种食果鸟类的种群数量直接与山黄麻果实丰盛度有关 ,食虫、食草籽的鸟类与山黄麻林结构和食用山黄麻花果的昆虫数量均相关 ,山黄麻林维持了相应的鸟类群落 ,同时鸟类也控制了林内害虫 ,帮助山黄麻传授花粉、散播种子。在植被演替的过程中 ,山黄麻林与鸟类群落相互作用 ,协同发展 ,鸟类多样性联系着森林更新  相似文献   

鸟类栖木在森林植被恢复中的生态意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李新华 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4448-4454
鸟类传播种子对于植物种群自然更新及群落演替具有重要的生态意义,鸟类栖息的树木具有富集种子雨功能,在山体滑坡区及废弃矿区等干扰生境中人工设置鸟类栖木,可以增加鸟类传播的种子雨输入,丰富土壤种子库,尤其食果鸟类可以传播那些处于群落演替中期至后期的乔、灌木树种,能够促进受干扰地区森林植被的演替进程.5·12汶川大地震对地震灾区造成了大面积的山体滑坡和严重的植被破坏,在地震灾区森林植被的生态恢复工作中,一些地区可以采用人工设置鸟类栖木方法,充分利用山体滑坡区周围残余森林的丰富种子源及众多食果鸟类,促进灾区森林植被的自然恢复.  相似文献   

我国地域广大,许多鸟类生活在各种不同的森林里,以捕捉害虫为食。这些有益鸟类,在抑制森林害虫的发生和发展方面起着不可忽视的作用。毛主席说:“人的正确思想,只能从社会实践中来,只能从社会的生产斗争、阶级斗争和科学实验这三项实践中来。”在伟大领袖毛主席光辉哲学思想指导下,我场从1965年开始,使用人工鸟巢,招引益鸟防治松毛虫,取得了一  相似文献   

亚洲热带雨林两种鸟类媒介互利系统的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
了解植物形态学性状如何影响鸟类传粉者和种子散布者的拜访,有助于阐明植物-鸟类相互关系的进化.本研究选取云南省西双版纳4类不同人类干扰程度的热带森林,比较植物-鸟类在种子散布和传粉基础上所构建的网络系统.结果表明:植物-食果鸟网络系统高度不对称,而植物-鸟类传粉者网络系统未出现类似的不对称现象.两类网络系统的差异主要表现在鸟类丰富度、鸟类活动能力以及适合鸟类拜访的一系列植物性状上.对这两个互利共生系统差异的了解有助于深入理解植物-鸟类互利关系的进化.  相似文献   

小兴安岭带岭林区的鸟类初步调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林中的鸟类是森林综合体的一个组成部分,它与森林有着密切的联系。猛禽消灭着为害森林的鼠类,食虫鸟消灭有害的昆虫,而食种子的鸟类则同时散布着天然更新所需要的种子。此外尚有许多鸟类本身具有工业价值,肉可供食用,羽毛可作为生活资料的一部分,是森林副产品中的重要产品之一。所以要了解森林,  相似文献   

大山雀雏期对越冬后马尾松毛虫幼虫的捕食作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大山雀(Parus major)是国内分布较广,比较常见的林栖鸟类,是捕食松毛虫的主要鸟类之一(李桂垣等,1982)。如何定量估计不同害虫密度条件下,大山雀不同季节,不同发育阶段对害虫的捕食作用,是森林害虫综合管理(IPM)中十分重要的问题。1985年4月,我们在浙江安吉县龙山林场(30°55′N,19°54′E)调查食虫鸟对马尾松毛虫(Dendrolimus punctatus)  相似文献   

甘肃兴隆山自然保护区森林演替对鸟类群落结构的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
运用固定面积法调查了青林三个主要演替阶段森林(阔叶林、混交林和针叶林)的鸟类群落结构。结果表明,混交林中鸟类物种数、鸟类物种多样性和种团多样性最高,阔叶林最低。方差分析和聚类分析均表明,三种演替阶段森林的鸟类群落组成差异显著。所记录到的35种鸟类中有11种差异显著。其中,山雀科和科在阔叶林中占优势,而柳莺亚科在混交林和针叶林中占优势。食性种团中,阔叶林以食虫鸟和食果食虫鸟为主;混交林和针叶林均以食虫鸟、食果食虫鸟、食谷鸟和食果鸟为主。鉴于阔叶林和混交林有向顶级群落(针叶林)演替的趋势,建议采取人为干扰来维持三种演替阶段森林的面积,以便从景观水平上保护鸟类物种多样性。  相似文献   

利用益鸟防治落叶松林害虫的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
“以鸟治虫”是生物防治森林害虫的一环。森林鸟类,在繁雏期间能消灭大量的害虫。所以,在人工林内招引和保护益鸟,为鸟类创造繁殖和定居条件,增加林中益鸟数量,消灭害虫很有必要。 我们于1968年在落叶松人工林内悬挂了  相似文献   

松毛虫(Dendrolimns punctatus)是森林主要害虫,它给林业生产带来很大损失。因此,寻求合理的、有效的及没有副作用的防治方法,是林业植保工作急待解决的问题。 鸟类中有不少种是以昆虫为食,但在发生  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林植物种类多样性的一种研究方法   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
郭玲  许再富 《生态学杂志》1990,9(5):61-62,60
一、方法1.样地的选择样地分别选取热带干性季节雨林的典型代表——以箭毒木(Antiaris toxicaria)、龙果(Pouteria grandifolia)为标志的群落,以千果榄仁(Terminalia myriocarpa)、番龙眼  相似文献   

西双版纳茶林及橡胶林区鸟类调查   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
1983年5—7月,作者对云南省西双版纳的勐海、勐养和勐腊三个地区的茶林和橡胶林区的鸟类区系组成情况进行了调查,其结果若与开发前(郑作新、郑宝赉,1961,1962;A.И.伊万诺夫,1961)的记录对照,在季节时间上有所不同,但该地区的热带雨林和季雨林被开垦种植为茶林、橡胶林及其它经济作物之后,反映出各林区现在的繁殖鸟种类减少很多,鸟类区系组成情况有显著的变化。  相似文献   

大型森林动态监测样地是研究物种共存、群落演替等生态学核心问题的重要平台。纳板河流域国家级自然保护区管理局与中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园合作, 于2016-2017年参照美国史密森热带森林科学中心的技术标准, 在纳板河流域国家级自然保护区内建立了一块热带季节雨林20 ha动态监测样地。本研究分析了该样地的树种组成特征, 并进行了群落数量分类。结果表明: 该样地中DBH ≥ 1 cm的木本植物个体共有59,498株, 分属63科197属296种; 个体数超过1,000株的常见物种有15个, 个体数小于20株的稀有物种有126个。科的区系分布型以热带成分为主, 占总科数的65.08%, 温带成分占17.46%。属的区系分布型以热带成分为主, 占总属数的88.32%, 温带成分占10.66%。该样地群落类型的形成主要受海拔和凹凸度这两个地形因子的影响, 500个20 m × 20 m的样方可以分为4个群丛, 分别为: (1)灰毛浆果楝 + 粗糠柴 - 假山萝 + 番龙眼群丛(Cipadessa baccifera + Mallotus philippensis - Harpullia cupanioides + Pometia pinnata Association); (2)长梗三宝木 + 腋球苎麻 - 顶果木 + 番龙眼群丛(Trigonostemon thyrsoideus + Boehmeria glomerulifera - Acrocarpus fraxinifolius + Pometia pinnata Association); (3)云南银柴 + 大果山香圆 - 湄公锥 + 普文楠群丛(Aporusa yunnanensis + Turpinia pomifera - Castanopsis mekongensis + Phoebe puwenensis Association); (4)歪叶榕 + 密花火筒树 - 毒药树 + 番龙眼群丛(Ficus cyrtophylla + Leea compactiflora - Sladenia celastrifolia + Pometia pinnata Association)。  相似文献   

The niche theory predicts that environmental heterogeneity and species diversity are positively correlated in tropical forests, whereas the neutral theory suggests that stochastic processes are more important in determining species diversity. This study sought to investigate the effects of soil nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) heterogeneity on tree species diversity in the Xishuangbanna tropical seasonal rainforest in southwestern China. Thirty‐nine plots of 400 m2 (20 × 20 m) were randomly located in the Xishuangbanna tropical seasonal rainforest. Within each plot, soil nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) availability and heterogeneity, tree species diversity, and community phylogenetic structure were measured. Soil phosphorus heterogeneity and tree species diversity in each plot were positively correlated, while phosphorus availability and tree species diversity were not. The trees in plots with low soil phosphorus heterogeneity were phylogenetically overdispersed, while the phylogenetic structure of trees within the plots became clustered as heterogeneity increased. Neither nitrogen availability nor its heterogeneity was correlated to tree species diversity or the phylogenetic structure of trees within the plots. The interspecific competition in the forest plots with low soil phosphorus heterogeneity could lead to an overdispersed community. However, as heterogeneity increase, more closely related species may be able to coexist together and lead to a clustered community. Our results indicate that soil phosphorus heterogeneity significantly affects tree diversity in the Xishuangbanna tropical seasonal rainforest, suggesting that deterministic processes are dominant in this tropical forest assembly.  相似文献   

 砂仁(Amomum villosum)为耐荫多年生草本,喜生于雨林林窗中,果实药用。在西双版纳热带季节雨林下广泛种植。为了通过提高林下光照水平来促进砂仁生长、增加产量,种植地雨林下的灌木及草本被清除,约60%~70%的乔木遭到疏伐,林冠盖度由85%~95%降低到55%~60%,雨林受到严重干扰。对3块原始热带季节雨林和3块受种植砂仁干扰雨林样地的净初级生产力(NPP)进行了测定和比较,原始雨林NPP(平均值±SE)为23.47±2.12 t·hm-2·a-1,其中各层次的NPP分别为:乔木层22.04±2  相似文献   

Although some conservationists accept that not all species can be saved, we illustrate the difficulty in deciding which species are dispensable. In this article, we examine the possibility that the integrity of a forest relies on its entire faunal assemblage. In Madagascar, one faunal group, the lemurs, accounts for the greatest biomass and species richness among frugivores. For example, 7 of the 13 sympatric lemur species in Madagascar's eastern rainforests consume primarily fruit. Because of this, we suggest that some tree species may rely heavily on particular lemur taxa for both seed dispersal and germination. In Ranomafana National Park, the diets for four of the day-active lemur frugivores have been documented during annual cycles over a 5-year period. We predicted that, although the fruit of some plant taxa would be exploited by multiple lemur species, the fruit of others would be eaten by one lemur species alone. Analyses reveal that while lemurs overlap in a number of fruit taxa exploited, 46% (16/35) of families and 56% (29/52) of genera are eaten exclusively by one lemur species. We, therefore, predict local changes in forest composition and structure if certain of these lemur species are eliminated from a forest owing to hunting, disease, or habitat disturbance. We also suggest that this result may be of global significance because carbon sequestration by the tropical forests in Madagascar may be reduced as a result of this predicted change in forest composition.  相似文献   

西双版纳青梅林的群落学研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
朱华   《广西植物》1993,13(1):48-60
本文对分布在西双版纳勐腊县南部以龙脑香科植物版纳青梅为标志树种的热带森林作了群落学分析,认为它具有热带雨林的结构和基本特征,在性质上属于热带季节雨林。由于分布海拔偏高和生境特殊,它的上层乔木几乎常绿,在外貌上与望天树林和本地区典型的季节雨林有一定差异,在区系组成上向山地雨林过渡,它表现为一种季节雨林向山地雨林过渡的类型,同时也是一种热带北缘地区季节雨林的海拔极限类型。  相似文献   

Insect seed predators are important agents of mortality for tropical trees, but little is known about the impact of these herbivores in rainforests. During 3 years at Khao Chong (KHC) in southern Thailand we reared 17,555 insects from 343.2 kg or 39,252 seeds/fruits representing 357 liana and tree species. A commented list of the 243 insect species identified is provided, with details about their host plants. We observed the following. (i) Approximately 43% of identified species can be considered pests. Most were seed eaters, particularly on dry fruits. (ii) Approximately 19% of parasitoid species (all Opiinae) for which we could determine whether their primary insect host was a pest or not (all Bactrocera spp. breeding in fruits) can be considered beneficials. (iii) The seeds/fruits of approximately 28% of the plant species in this forest were free of attack. Phyllanthaceae, Rubiaceae and Meliaceae were attacked relatively infrequently; in contrast, Annonaceae, Fabaceae, Sapindaceae and Myristicaceae were more heavily attacked. There was no apparent effect of plant phylogeny on rates of attack but heavily attacked tree species had larger basal area in the KHC plot than rarely attacked tree species. (iv) Insects reared from fleshy fruits were more likely to show relatively stable populations compared to insects reared from dry fruits, but this was not true of insects reared from dipterocarps, which appeared to have relatively stable populations throughout the study period. We tentatively conclude that insects feeding on seeds and fruits have little effect on observed levels of host abundance in this forest.  相似文献   

Caterpillars (Lepidoptera and Symphyta larvae) employ diverse visual defensive tactics, and effectiveness of such tactics may be highly dynamic across time due to seasonal changes in the predator assemblages and their preferences. However, this has rarely been studied especially in tropical regions. Here we assessed temporal changes in the defensive value of caterpillar color and shape, using six types of plasticine dummy caterpillars: three colors (green, black, and white) × two shapes (curled and straight). These dummy caterpillars were deployed five times over different seasons in tropical forests of Xishuangbanna (China) and, as a comparison, twice in a temperate forest of Hirosaki (Japan). The colors and shapes of dummy caterpillars simulate visual traits of black sawfly larvae which take the curled resting posture in tropical rainforests of Xishuangbanna, apparently masquerading excrements commonly found on plants, while in Hirosaki there is no black-curled sawfly larvae and few excrements on plants. We found no significant effects of caterpillar colors or shapes on predation in Hirosaki. In contrast, black and curled caterpillars received significantly lower predation by birds in Xishuangbanna constantly across time. However, we were unable to provide evidence that the black-curled sawfly larvae are masquerading as excrements. Shapes of the dummy caterpillars also affected the predation by ants and parasitoid wasps at certain times. This is the first report on ecological function of the curled posture of sawfly larvae, and we demonstrated the importance to assess the temporal dynamics of predation and effectiveness of defensive tactics in tropical forests.  相似文献   

 研究了西双版纳热带季节雨林6种乔木幼树在林窗中的叶生长与叶虫食动态。6种幼树叶生长主要在雨季(5~10月),在旱季雾凉期(11~2月)叶停止生长。阳性树种旱季干热期(3~4月)开始叶生长,顶极树种至5月雨季初才开始叶生长。表明雾凉期低温抑制两类树种叶生长,干热期水分不足抑制顶极树种叶生长。叶生长同步性(每两个月的叶生长量变异系数C.V.)顺序为:望天树(Shorea chinensis,1.42)>金钩花(Pseuduvaria indochinensis,1.41)>八宝树(Duabanga grandiflora, 1.02)>云南石梓(Gmelina arborea,0.98)>团花树(Anthocephalus chinensis,0.84)和铁刀木(Cassia siamea,0.84)。旱季造成一些种类幼树出现落叶高峰,严重叶虫食也导致云南石梓在7~8月出现落叶高峰。叶虫食主要出现在雨季,团花树和云南石梓在干热期叶生长能减少昆虫取食,但此时铁刀木叶同步生长却不能降低食叶昆虫危害。6种幼树叶生长量年进程与叶虫食量年进程间存在正相关,其中望天树、金钩花、八宝树和团花树分别达到显著(p<0.05)或极显著(p<0.01)水平。望天树和金钩花在雨季初叶同步生长能减轻叶虫食。食叶昆虫偏爱取食幼叶,6种幼树平均幼叶的虫食量占总虫食量的72.9%,幼叶虫食速率平均为成熟叶的4.3倍。  相似文献   

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